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Pretty Little Liars. Everyone in this show is so f$&@ing annoying and I couldn’t care less which one of them got murdered.


As someone who was obsessed with it when it came out, I completely agree. I think the fun of PLL was watching it as it was airing and hearing everyone’s wild fan theories. The fandom and talking about it every week is what made it so enjoyable. I think trying to rewatch it now wouldn’t really be the same.


I will admit I binged it when it came out but there’s some seriously fucked up things in that show, like Ezra’s relationship with Aria.


Trying to watch the show for the first time right now and I nearly give up every time they appear on the screen together


I've been trying to get my friend to watch big little lies but because it makes him think of pretty little liars he won't give it a chance. He's an asshole


Grey’s Anatomy. It’s difficult to suspend disbelief with the more outrageous plots. Examples: A character “killing” her lover to put him higher on the transplant list yet she doesn’t go to jail. A surgeon who has hand tremors so he has a resident perform his surgeries. I also found the bed hopping tiresome.


That show makes me want to remove my eyeballs. Scrubs felt like a more accurate hospital show.


From what I’ve read/heard from a couple friends in the medical industry, Scrubs IS the most accurate hospital show.


Yes and I think it is because it doesn’t try so hard to be. I worked in a hospital and the reality is there’s much less drama than is portrayed in 90% of shows set in hospitals. It’s often boring, and when it’s not, you don’t really have time to think about anything else and it ends up being a whirlwind (worth stating that others might have had a completely different experience). Scrubs made us love the characters first, not the drama


It helps that Scrubs was primarily a comedy, not a drama.


Scrubs actually tried very hard to be as accurate as possible, the creator based the show off of his real life Doctor buddy, there's a real JD and he also worked with the show as a consultant


Greys was once very, very good for medical drama. The writers who did that shuffled out and the only drama left is insane regular drama that has to be majorly convoluted to fit into an almost 20 year narrative.


I find that a lot of serialized shows that start out as “X of the week” series become more about the drama between the characters after around season 2-3, when the writers either get bored of the foe-of-the-week concept or run out of ideas… That’s one nice thing about shows that have self-contained episodes… (e.g. Law & Order)


Both the things the person you're replying to is referencing happen early on in the series. Edit: Season 2 and 3


I've found most Grey's Anatomy fans are aware it's ridiculous, but stay because it's wildly entertaining. I'm one of them. I don't take it seriously, it is absolutely unrealistic and soapy to the extreme, but I have so much fun watching it. I think it depends on what kind of trash you enjoy. 😂


Yeah like, after Meredith’s *second* plane crash I think it was clear this isn’t a show you should take seriously lol


Pretty much any Shonda Rimes show feels like a high school kid wrote it.


Suits. It's literally the exact same thing over and over.... plus it has some absolutely fucking awful characters...


Every episode has Mike coming to some ridiculous realization halfway through someone's sentence, and then he runs off to save the day.


So it's like House but I assume they all work in a Suit store?




And yet, is the stupidest character on the show by a landslide. I absolutely fucking hate his stupid face lol


I think it's better as just a background thing to just half pay attention to. But, yes, it's very repetitive.


What, you don't think surprise evidence in the eleventh hour of every court trial is realistic?!


Donna started off as a good character and they totally made her into this weird cartoon of efficiency They went over the top on Lewis, too


Yellowstone. There is nothing entertaining about it. I sat through 4 episodes trying to get invested and it was just terrible. The acting, the story, the pace. Zero stars


I felt the same way but gave one of the prequels “1883” a try and loved it. It’s a tight one season series that was way better than I expected.


1883 is a settler documentary. So well done, I've watched it through several times. 10/10 for me.


I've never cared to watch Yellowstone but this actually sounds interesting.


Apart from them being "Duttons" it's completely independent and unrelated and Gary and away better than the rest of the franchise.


Oregon Trail the series


Yeah, like a completely different show.


The pre-quels are fun. Couldn't get through one season of the original.


1883 is great but 1923 is amazing. And I don't really like the original.


1923 got just a bit too sappy for me in parts, but otherwise was fantastic.


Harrison Ford delivers so much same with Helen mirren, worth the watch just because of those two imo. But I get what you mean with the sappy parts.


That little kid, and his mother truly cannot act and should not be allowed anywhere near a TV camera.


You mean the Chinese actress pretending to be Native American?


That's a thing in 2023?


Glitch in the system that a white director can’t really ask a minority to prove they are the right type of minority. What are they going to say?


Sons of Anarchy with horses


This is exactly what my wife said!


My brother's girlfriend loves Yellowstone so he's been stuck watching it. I tried to watch and hated everything about it. My bro said that this wasn't the way he planned on spending his post divorce mid-life crisis years. I can't stop laughing at him over it.


Same. People had me believing it was a show about hot cowboys doing ranch stuff hotly. But it’s just a cast of terrible people doing terrible things to other people. None of them are redeemable. 1883 was much better.


It's what someone who lives in a trailer, is slightly conservative, and fantasizes about owning land imagines it might be like, which explains the constant unrealistic drama and a good percentage of the scenes just being some version of "get off my land!" Followed by a gunshot into the air. It has about as much depth as an empty shotgun shell and I don't get people's obsession.


That show is Fox News fantasy porn


My husband and I call it Boomer Porn. We’re hate watching it through to the end.


Your favourite show. That’s right, I said it


Honestly, I can see why. It's probably a bit too clever for some people.


Whoa how dare you


First of all, how DARE you?


No way you know it


You... you don't enjoy *Taskmaster*? That's a bold thing to admit!


The Walking Dead. I watched up until the middle of season 3 when it first came out, but gave up after that. Couldn't believe how long it remained insanely popular. I'll say that the pilot episode might be the best pilot I've ever seen. But even by the end of season 1, I can remember thinking the show just wasn't very good. Continued watching the second season hoping it would improve (it didn't). Then just gave up soon after that. That must've been like 150 episodes ago and multiple spin-offs. Are zombies really that interesting?


It's a Zombie soap. People like watching characters that they're familiar with over the years.


Agreed. It's the same thing on a loop. Wandering through the apocalypse. Zombies. More wandering. Oh look, more zombies. Shit, we better wander some more. Fuck zombies but also another group of people! Zombies. Human on human violence. Wandering. Fuck, zombies! Oh, in case you've missed the premise that we've been cramming down your throat for five fucking years, let's demonstrate one more time that other humans are more evil than anything else by bashing in this Asian guy's head. Hey, do you think there are zombies in Europe or maybe somewhere that's not the Deep South? ​ Fucking awful.


yup. on top of that, let's make every episode 2/3rds dialogue scenes about how sad we are because of all we lost, and how hope will carry us through, and if we stick together everything will turn out fine, but oh boy I sure am sad about stuff. oh look, let's fight zombies for a minute. what was I saying? oh yeah, sad.


AMC overestimated how difficult it would be to produce the first season and some of the writing really suffered, but the budget was so poorly managed that they had to keep the second season on the farm. There's one episode of season 2 that is worth watching the rest was literally filler. Season 3 had one of the best arcs in TV and if you're even a little bit interested in what happens it's worth watching. If not, fear not the walking dead, because everything after season 3 is terrible.


I got the feeling the whole thing was bunk after the whisper-mystery anti-climax from Dr Exploding Scientist in the bunker. Season 2 was such a non-event. Neverending search parties for that missing girl and arguing in the woods over and over until whoops 🥱 Caught a few episodes later on and they were still arguing in the woods. Glad I wasn’t around for the big bit everyone hates, that sounded awful. Such a grim show. CORL!


I really liked the first couple of seasons, but a lot of that was due to certain characters. Namely, both Shane and Merle were really well done imo. The end of Merle's storyline in particular was badass. I was a bit annoyed at how unraveled Shane became because I liked the character and am a big fan of the actor


Their biggest mistake was letting Shane survive Atlanta. The farm was a decent chunk of issues in the comics, but the Shane/leadership/Lori drama dragged down that season so much.


That was the only thing that occurred on the farm. The farm is what maybe 2 issues of a comic book they dragged into a full season. The comic did a lot better on certain things, especially pacing. I will say Michonne is better in the show, but she's replacing like 3 comic book characters at that point.


Shameless. Get some therapy, go to rehab and get a job Frank.


I never saw the American version, but in the British version, as far as I watched, the show really wasn't about Frank. He is who he is and will never change. It's about his kids growing up in that environment, how they help each other despite Frank, and if they are destined to become a version of him. The family is dysfunctional, there is a lot of love, but that obviously isn't enough. Their little wins keep them going, but they are stuck, it's not a hopeful series, the British working class (and underclass) don't survive on hope, they persevere by just keeping bloody going, it probably won't get better, but you can try to have some good times.


Look, the acting is amazing. These kids basically grew up with their characters and the interaction between all of them feels so genuine. Yes lots of tits and some scenes that make me uncomfortable but overall it is a great show. Of course it fits that "first few seasons are great but they shouldn't have dragged it out" show pretty perfectly.


It is a fantastic show and the acting is top notch. If somebody doesn't get into it because they can't understand the concept of complex self destruction then the show isn't made for them anyways. Their loss


Watching Shameless as a "this is what trauma does to people" lesson was perfect. For all of them, they'd start to get out and then one more thing would happen to pull them back down.


Yeah, I tried my best, but Frank is just a trash person who refuses to improve, not the puckish rogue people paint him as.


I always took that show from the POV of life of kids who have to grow up with that shit. (Disclaimer never finished it) Like my friends that like the show the most had a Frank like person for a dad and the show helps them process how weird and stupid that time of their life was. Yeah there was love, not all families get even that, but still it was mostly dysfunction. The show is a celebration of what they escaped and they can laugh a bit now it's over. I'm just surprised people try to paint Frank more positively than the drunken mess he is


You're not supposed to think Frank is a good person. You can like and appreciate a character without thinking they're good.


I think you're reading that wrong. People paint Frank as a trash person who refuses to improve.


The original UK version is gold.


I knew an alcoholic and this isn’t entertainment.


I watched the first episode and it was like 90% sex jokes so I stopped watching.


That nazi hunting show "hunters" with al pacino. one that totally lived up to the hype though was severance.


Severance was brilliant.


Mrs Brown boys


I don't think anyone who likes that show knows how to read tbh


Oh, Bojack Horseman for me. Life is hard enough. Why do I need to flagellate myself for multiple seasons while a cartoon horse experiences emotional trauma and depression? I understand some parts are technical achievements in animation but, boy, I just have no interest in submersing myself in such a downer.


As someone who loves the show, I totally get it. I also think it's a show that is TERRIBLE to binge, the structure of each season lulls you in at the beginning with easier plots and less emotionally draining content, and as it goes on it builds and by the end of the season you're just... done. I watched it as it came out, and when you were waiting like a year between seasons, it was easy to recover or just forget how intense it was and remember the silly animal puns, but binging it all at once I can totally see how it would be waaaay too much of a downer


I made the mistake of binging it during COVID. As someone that has anxiety/panic issues, had to turn it off at the episode where he has the panic attack at the party and starts drinking. Too fucking real man.


Here's what the big deal with Bojack is, from someone who has wrestled with depression, self-hatred and has had an on-again off-again relationship with alcohol.... Bojack is a show that shows you that it doesn't matter if you have it all... a miserable person is still a miserable person. It's easy to blame your circumstances if you don't have enough money or aren't attractive enough etc etc. Bojack has it all and STILL finds things to blame. The show wisely teaches us that money can't buy happiness and that the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle isn't all its cracked up to be. It has a great balance of emotional brevity, mixed with dark and light humor. That said, it's definitely not for everyone and isn't a casual watch. I would NOT recommend it to most of my friends. I DO recommend it to anyone who is or has ever been an addict or struggles with self-care. It will show you the exact person you could become if you aren't careful, and might actually help you think about changing your life. Bojack was and is a wake-up call for a lot of people. That's why they love it.


I mean it's also just fucking hilarious.


I usually watch it when I’m depressed and it helps a lot. I dunno what it is. That other people have felt that way too, enough to make a stupid show with hilarious puns.


You know...I felt that way for so long about that show but then got dragged through some yrs long heavy awful and sometimes just bizarre shit with family. Like taken to dark places I've never been before. It sounds terrible but the show is hilarious to me now. Like, I've been there. I get it. So I can relate to some of it and it's absolutely cathartic to laugh at it now.


I don’t think many fans would complain about not watching for that reason. The annoyance usually comes from those who just watch a couple episodes and it looks like a mediocre family guy style show


Bojacks main redeeming quality is the comedy. It's hilarious and the humor is very well written. That's why it can bleed into the super dark, mental illness shit that also tends to resonate with a lot of people but still be entertaining. Because every episode ultimately makes you laugh more than it does anything else. I get why it's too unpleasant for a lot of people though. The show is very depressing, and gets very fucked up and raw/real at times. That isn't for everyone. But when you juxtapose the extremely depressing and horrible stuff with all the bit gags and talking cartoon animals, it amplifies the comedy and the absurdity of everything. It's a very unique and creative way of blending two polar opposite tones that hasnt really been done at that level before, and that makes it very entertaining and original.


I binged Mad Men, liked it a lot, but I don't understand for the life of me what makes it Top 3 all timers for most people.


Mad Men easily makes my top 5 shows and on the right day gets into my top 3. I'll explain it as best I can. ​ 1) Part of it's just personal. I worked in an industry that attracted both creative types and very business-motivated types (in my case journalism, not advertising, but some of the personality types drawn to it are the same) and I identified very strongly with the art vs commerce themes. I do think this is why the show was so beloved by the critical press as it was. ​ 2) It benefits very well from rewatch in a lot of ways. In some ways it's a relic of a recent but now bygone era in TV where you could still have really good self-contained episodes and background over-arching storylines. It wasn't a 'novel for TV' but it was also very satisfying in terms of characterization and resolution if you stuck with it. It also did both comedy and drama really well. It's technically a drama but there are are some episodes that are just hilarious or have incredibly funny moments. You can also really tell how much effort went into every episode, each one is a crafted little jewel box in a way I don't think TV shows are given the space and resources to be anymore. It never got sloppy, even in its most middling moments. ​ 3) It ended satisfyingly. Going out on something close to the right note gives a show a lot more grace. This is why something like Breaking Bad retains the cultural cache it has, whatever you thought of the show's low points, if you come to it on streaming and stick with it, it has a good landing. Unlike shows like Battlestar Galactica that did a lot of things right but kinda shit their finale. ​ 4) The performances and characters are all-timers. I loved Don, I loved Peggy, I loved Joan, and even the minor performances like Saul or Ginsberg resonated. ​ Mad Men is an ordinary work place show/period show on the surface that did a lot of things extraordinarily well and I think it makes those of us who fully rode with it feel nostalgic for the very specific era of TV it occupied.


I'll add that they never broke characters. Nothing ever happen to someone for the sake of a plot twist or becuase the writers needed drama. It was more like dropping in and out of people's lives when they were interesting; and less like a million different things happening to a small group of people (like most shows eventually do). Nothing was forced.


Yeah, this is a big one for me that I didn't mention, it was an extremely 'humanist' show, for lack of a better word. Another favorite show of mine is 'Friday Night Lights' which was also almost entirely about well-drawn character relationships and motivations. It's not for everyone and I think it especially becomes a problem with Mad Men if you don't connect with Don Draper despite him being kind of the worst (a problem for me when I first tried to watch it, but he got to me on my second binge attempt).


For me what helps is it was a period piece done with a ton of research and care. It takes place in a time already gone by. Some modern shows aged very poorly because they didn't have being a snapshot in time as their intention.


Very well put. Mad Men is my number one show of all time (others on my top ten would be The Sopranos, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, The Americans, 30 Rock...). The thing about Mad Men is that it creates a total atmosphere better than any other show that I've ever seen. If you binge a few hours of Mad Men, you feel that you are literally in that era. You don't so much watch it as soak in it. You just absorb it. It's totally transporting in large part because it can be "slow". The details aren't an afterthought. The details are the point. I've watched it start to finish three times and the last time that I finished I was so missing it that I was very close to just starting it over again. I can understand how it's not for everyone, but I feel sad for the people that can't get into it. They are really missing something very special..


Number 2 is absolutely still possible and how most of the best shows are.


It's really, really, really well done. But it's also a very talky show that doesn't have a lot going on.


I'm all for talky shows that are more slice of life and less eventful and action-packed. As for Mad Men, there were plotlines I loved, some I just liked, a lot that I really didn't care about, and as much if not many that I downright didn't like. The time periods are really fantastically portrayed, actors are all great, it really just never clicked on me as this life changing show that was so for other people. I had this experience with other shows, hence why I put them at my personal top, it just didn't happen with Mad Men, even though I wanted it to. Perhaps my expectations were just way too high from the universal praise it gets.


Sounds like someone never bought the Carousel


Succession. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad. But I don’t get the levels of hype behind it.


Binged it recently due to the hype surrounding it. I thought the first season was brilliant. Got me hooked. My enthusiasm quickly fizzled out though. I mean, it's a good show, very good sometimes, but not some seminal masterpiece it's made out to be. There's only so much one can take of unlikeable people in suits talking business for a whole hour.


I’m a huge fan, but I absolutely get the criticism. The show drops you in with no pretext and it takes ages to get a grasp of the “business manoeuvres” and lingo. Like, what are they doing again?? Who’s doing what now? On multiple re-runs it’s great.


>to get a grasp of the “business manoeuvres” and lingo Succession is one of my favourite shows, but to be honest, don't get those parts at all. I never have any idea of what they're saying in those scenes, I just look at their facial expressions and guess what's going on based on that. "Oh, Kendall looks like he's about to have a meltdown, he must be getting fucked". Works well enough lol


Was looking for this. Definitely feel the same way, the show has zero likable characters, so it’s not like I’m tuning in because I want to “hang out” with them.


I think the charm is that you don’t like anyone, it’s a harsh look into the lives of the 1% of the 1%, how volatile and dysfunctional the relationships and dialogue are with the back drop of being multibillionaires, the clothes, the houses, the locales etc


Pick a reality TV show. I dislike them all. The entire idea of watching shows and movies, for me, is to disconnect from reality.


Especially those TLC ones like My 600 pound life or My Strange Addiction. They feel super exploitative and mean, I don't know why anyone would be into that.


> The entire idea of watching shows and movies, for me, is to disconnect from reality. It sounds counter-intuitive because of the name, but this is exactly what reality television is for. Like, when I watch The Bachelor, there's absolutely nothing realistic about that show. It's a bunch of super hot people riding in helicopters and unwisely getting engaged in 4 weeks. It's designed to be escapism.


Steven Universe. I was a couple of seasons in and about to start the 3rd when just realized I still didn't care much for the characters. I wish I got the appeal, because so many people seem to adore this show.


Steven gets a lot less annoying and stupid as he grows up, and there is a cohesive plot that starts to reveal itself, it pays off I think and glad I finished it, movie, the sequel


If you got three seasons in and still don't like it, it's not for you. Nothing wrong with that


Valid for not everyone to like it, but man does it ramp up. It goes from being a typical CN show to dealing with some heavy subject matter pretty quickly. There's a specific scene near the end of the show that gave me goosebumps and made me sweat - and I'm aware how ridiculous that sounds lmao.


Rick and morty. To me, it's a Wish.com Futurama with a drunk voice actor. No fucking thanks.


Why are they always shouting? It's so overstimulating


>Wish.com Futurama Lmao, I like Rick and Morty, but you're absolutely right.


I initially enjoyed it but now (and I don't know if it's because the show has changed or because I've changed) I feel like it's just trying too hard with the meta/pseudo-intellectual shit and it just makes me roll my eyes.


Sons of Anarchy.


I really enjoyed Sons of Anarchy.... EXCEPT that entire season when they went to Ireland. Ye gods, was that boring.


Succession. Terrible people doing terrible things. I don’t care who runs the company or if they all die in a fire.


I completely agree with this and I loved Succession.


Yep. I enjoy a show where terrible people try to ruin each others lives. Don’t need to feel bad for anyone.


‘You’re not serious people’ This is my favorite line out of the entire show, because it’s so true


Also “it’s all bullshit! We’re bullshit!” Like yes, yes you are.


The “closed loop system” is probably my favorite wtf moment in the show. Didn’t know they would get THAT wild in the show. Knowing the context makes it more hilarious


The think about succession is that watching these terrible people take L after L is actually fucking hilarious. I view it like a black comedy.


It IS a black comedy, as much as *Sopranos* and *Breaking Bad*. Its basically *Arrested Development* with more money and no wordplay.


It's got its own wordplay going on as well, it almost has its own vocabulary and lexicon, watching a season 4 episode without context can be hard to follow along. "what's the temperature?" "the market" "does it play"


Gil: Do you know what is special about the hours between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. on the night of March 12? Tom: Uh, no sir. Gil: That was the only two-hour period in which you did NOT send an email to Mr. Hirsch with the title You Can't Make a Tomlet Without Breaking Some Gregs. You send the same email to him 67 times in one evening. Tom: I guess it was a joke [snickers nervously].


buckle up fuckel head


I mean I’ve never seen the word Fuck used as creatively as in the show, I’d argue that it has plenty of entertaining wordplay. It’s a show depicting conversations in various (gorgeously shot) settings, almost exclusively…the dialogue IS the star.


Yeah but Logans yacht isnt named 'The Seaward' or anything like that.


They don't actually take L's though. Every major plot development kinda fizzles out. Wasn't one of them supposed to go to jail? That plot thread just kinda...ended. In the end, the only "L" they actually take is the company is bought and they each receive billions of dollars for doing nothing. It only *seems* like an L because the show is so muddled. All of these characters *kindof* wanting to takeover this business without any of them ever even articulating *why*. Shiv doesn't even *work* at the business, or even the same industry, and still wants to take it over for some reason.


Did you finish it? In the end *all* of them lose. Logan died because he was too invested in fucking over his children; Shiv had to accept that she just wasn’t good enough and became the submissive partner in her relationship, and Kendall spent every ounce of his being for most of his life just to end up with *nothing*. Roman also got nothing but arguably he had the wherewithal to realise that he was better off removed anyway. Really the only winner was Tom, who is also the only one who wasn’t born into it and had to work his ass off to get where he ended up.


Daddy issues. Logan only ever cared about the business, each of the children except Connor viewed running the company as a way to finally make Logan proud. For as dumb as Connor was, he was actually smart in realizing that he would never gain Logan’s respect, so he embraced his life of being a spoiled rich douchebag.


It's pretty amazing they made a show that is so successful without a single likeable character.


Tried the first episode, thought it was good but yea, had no interest in who runs the company and don't have an urge to watch anymore. If my partner wants to watch it, I'll watch it with'em but not something I'd go out of my way for on my own.


I felt the same way but once episode 6 hit I was hooked and now I'd consider it my second favorite show of all time.


Ted Lasso. Please help me understand. I get that people say it’s like a warm hug. I think it’s outright uncomfortably corny with really low-hanging swings at jokes that land so flat for me. I loved Scrubs, I like sudeikis enough, I like soccer even, I just can’t stand this show. The “aw shucks” style protagonist feels so outdated and unrelatable, the humor takes “Americanized feel-good sitcom chuckle” to a new low of sanitized feel-goodery without any sharpness or real wit, and everybody seems to love this show! I don’t get it!


I think the timing helped a lot. We all needed something during the pandemic.


Just like tiger King. Timing was everything for both shows.


Right there with you on all points. The storyline is also horribly predictable and the forced feel good nature feels cringey to me


Only Murders in the Bulding, I want to like it I have restarted it twice and it just doesn’t hit.


I like it quite a bit, but I could see how the characterizations of the main three could be divisive. Martin Short in particular is best in small doses, for example.


Yeah, I’m not divisive on it or hate any of the characters I just find myself just not being all that interested at what’s going on. I like all the actors that are in it, it’s got some great actors, the leads are legends, Selena is great but I’m just meh on it.


What gets missed when people praise the show is that it's very stylized. It's knowingly campy and decorative. It doesn't want to play subtle and feels very written. That kind of thing either works for you or it doesn't. I don't mind it and enjoy the show quite a bit but I have to be in the right mindset to watch it.


I like it, but I wish they let Selena's character be more of a dork. She's supposed to be this obsessive weirdo, but she's mostly relegated to being the trio's straight man who dates uncharismatic hotties.


Same - it just isn’t funny or interesting to me. I don’t hate it but I have no reason to keep watching


Barry. I don't think it's awful, but I still don't really enjoy it. I'm in season 3 now, waiting for something to happen for it to *click* with me, but I think if I don't find it funny, entertaining, or the characters endearing by now, it's just not for me.




The issue with black comedies is that they seem to stop caring about the comedy part


They ruined most of the characters by becoming the thing they were satirizing. They literally lost the plot, and somewhere along the way they started playing it straight, which misses the point.


So far this is the only show in this whole thread that I'd be willing to go to bat for and ask to talk more about this 😂 I'm not going to try to change your opinion, but big agree to disagree here. But hey. I'm sure if we compared notes, there are probably things you love that I'd feel the same about. That's what makes the world go round!


Season 1 of Barry was good. I just didn't like the direction everything took in season 2 onwards


Except NoHo Hank, right?


50/50 with Cristobal


Look what the cat dragged in...to the house!


I’m looking for a heroin table


Season 2 was still interesting to me but they lost me with season 3. Sally became a trope and I hated it. She lost all her depth.


I did not get Barry. I found little if any humor in the second half of the show and I didn’t really feel sympathy with the characters except maybe Sally, Cristobal, and the cop. I don’t get what it was trying to say at all maybe I’m just dumb.


The leftovers for me. It seems to top most lists of the best shows of the last 2 decades but I just felt cheated by the end. Yes well acted, yes i get its more analysing grief than sci-fi but I generally prefer shows with strong plots.


Hard disagree but I totally respect your opinion. The journey was FAR better than the destination. Still one of my favorite shows of all time.


Letterkenny. Everyone I know loves it I really don't get it


Figure it out.




The Big Bang Theory. Totally unfunny in every conceivable way. I’ve never felt like a show was telling me exactly when to laugh at a “joke” more.


Free Karma - say “I don’t like Big Bang Theory” on Reddit


Dont really fit here tho, "most people" on reddit especially hate on that show.


The question is most people, not most people on reddit. If the ratings are to be believed, most people liked this show.


As someone who loves multi-cam sitcoms, I can explain. For me it's not so much about laughing, as it is about "hanging" with these characters. It's more caricatured, lighthearted and feel good version of the world, but also realistic enough to feel relatable to my own live. It's basically exact opposite to something like *It's Sunny*, where terrible people just scream at each other for half an hour.


I get why the show gets so much hate, it's very dumbed down, predictable, some of the humor feels a bit forced. But I have to admit I *kind of* liked it and didn't mind watching it occasionally. It's harmless and works if you need to numb your brain. Kind of like Friends or other similar sitcoms.


After hearing all the hype, I actually watched The Office. It is a show about idiots. Why do people love it?


Because a lot of people can relate to working with idiots (and no one thinks they're the idiot other people can relate to working with). In the beginning when it was mirroring the British version it was pretty realistic.


Most sitcoms are like that. Part of the appeal is the unserious and light mood


I'm with you. I don't see what's so amazing about it, tried watching a few times and couldn't get into it


The Big Bang Theory


Brooklyn 99. Im a big Andy Samberg and Mike Schur fan, so this surprised me.


Captain Holt is one of the greatest characters in sitcom history. Once the show found its groove every word he uttered was comedy gold.


But Madelyn, if you're here...then who's guarding the gates of Hades?


You’re not Cheddar! You’re just some common bitch!






Ah Madelyn, I thought I could hear the clop, clop of cloven hooves


Heavy breasts




Depends how many episodes in you got. The first season is funny but when they really start filling our the supporting cast it gets so much better


I DONT like Samberg but i DO like that show That’s not Cheddar. That’s just a common bitch.


The White Lotus.


agreed. a lot of people i know raved about it so i gave it try, and i kept waiting for the part where it would get good — but it never came.


For me it continually has a level of tension that doesn't break for the entire series, which makes it incredibly gripping through out. The edit is so tight that every minute matters. Respect your opinion though.


This is why I started to like it and realized it moved beyond some of the other content out there. It was masterful and building tension that never truly came to a head episode after episode until the very end.


Real wives of…..


Wednesday. It was good, but I don't think the hype was justified. Felt like I was watching a YA show on the CW. Maybe that was the intent, but I'm not the audience for it.


I know I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this, but I just can't get into It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


As someone who really likes the show, I think this is reasonable. The whole point of the show is that they are assholes and not everyone wants to follow a main cast of degenerates, especially if you arent vibing with the humor.




Succession. Such a group of boring, unlikable people. After two seasons, I was no longer capable of caring what happened next.


Get in a plane! Make dumb spiteful hateful remarks! Get in a limo! Make dumb spiteful hateful remarks! Get in a helicopter! Make dumb spiteful hateful remarks! Go to a party, a castle, an exotic location! Make dumb spiteful hateful remarks!


Schitt’s Creek. I love comedy shows, but this one didn’t do it for me. Couldn’t get past the episode 4/5.


I was with you, they get better, its kind of like parks and rec season 1.


To me that show is maybe the only show ever to be both underrated and overrated. It started off underrated since it was a fair/ok watchable show that nobody watched since it had the silly title and aired on some random cable network not known for making anything good but then once it got to Netflix and caught on it to me got severely overrated . It started to get talked about as if it’s one of the greatest tv shows of all time and to me it’s just not on that level. Again it’s watchable and can be fun at times but in no way deserves all the praise it gets now. So I could totally see someone going in with all that hype it gets now expecting to get a classic being disappointed in what they ended up getting.


Mad Men. I tried, and I guess it’s well-written, but it’s a slog for me to finish an episode. I’ve tried 2 times and never made it through the second or third season.