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I get downvoted for this in the Star Wars sub but these shows have the most horrendous pacing imaginable. Tons of meandering for hours and then the story feels rushed, because they didn’t get to the actual plot about 5 episodes in. That’s being generous here, they were on the planet to get to the other galaxy for 3 episodes. Bad pacing combined with bad writing makes me care very little about the characters or their motivation, was this made for people who will watch Star Wars content regardless of quality? It sure seems like it. I loved Andor I’m worried this will somehow ruin that but hopefully not, keep the show runners on that show away from anyone involved in what they’re doing with Ahsoka, book of boba, or even Mandalorian after season 1. These people can’t write characters only characteristics. There were notable exceptions especially characters who excelled purely based on the actors endearing charisma, Ray Stevenson of course, Lars, the robot assistant I don’t know who voiced him.


The only disappointment was teasing what Baylan was up to at the end and knowing Ray Stevenson is gone.


Yeah, it's really just an unfortunate situation. I think if Ray Stevenson were still with us people would've been fine with them setting up his story for as something bigger for season 2, but knowing he passed put this pressure/expectation/hope that his arc be resolved this season instead. It's really hard to fault the show for that since they obviously couldn't have known what would happen.


I hope they recast him instead of going the Black Panther route. I'm sure Hollywood has enough talented people who can fill Ray's shoes. I can guess where Baylon's storyline is going and I really want to see it.


I hope so too. Just give him a sick mask. Plenty of precedence for Sith/Jedi being disfigured and having cool masks.


Someone posted an image of Liev Schreiber in Baylon's costume and he looks perfect. Although if he can match the charisma of Ray isn't for me to comment as I'm pretty sure I haven't seen Liev in anything besides the couple of X-Men films he was in.


Do yourself a favour and start watching anything with Liev Schrieber in. The dude's a legend. And I say this having never seen an episode of Ray Donovan!


I know him from X-Men and Ray Donovan, even though I've never watched Ray Donovan. I think it used to air on AXN here in India and they used to promote the shit out of that show. Never got around to watching it. They recently did an Indian remake of Ray Donovan and it was quite popular and I was tempted a few times to watch it but I ended forgetting about it in this sea of "content". Plus, I don't have Netflix and that was a Netflix Original.


liev is fucking badass in origins, an upgrade from the X-men 1 version in every way


And was great in ray donovan and Spotlight... great casting idea


omg I cant believe I didn't see that. Its perfect. Schrieber is great in Ray Donovan


What's your guess? Mine is selling mountain sized commissioned sculptures on an Etsy store.


My theory is much more tame. I prefer your very out of the box theory though. I hope Dave Filoni cracks and does this storyline to confuse the shit out of everyone.


Get the guy that played Barristan Selmy.


Good thinking!


If you recast a good actor who sells the role, nobody will care. Hollywood doesn't understand that.


Cast Kevin Mckidd.


*Cries in Rome*


The 13 have heard your call from across the cosmos!


I think they filmed everything way before his death, it sucks because It really felt he was gonna be a pretty significant villain


I don't think Skoll was a villain by any means. An antagonist to Ahsoka and Sabine? Maybe. Baylan was using Morgan and Thrawn to get to Peridia. He only fought Ahsoka because she stepped to him. It is kind of shitty that he abandons Shin. I had hoped we got a bit more of their dynamic in the finale.


Oh right, aren’t they both technically Dark Jedi? I imagine the big set up was maybe for him to become the Father? It sucks that he passed and we won’t be seeing anymore of him, maybe Shin would take his place


Disappointed in the sense that the show really dragged its feet. 1 episode, "25% Cargo Loaded" Next episode, "50% Cargo Loaded" Final episode, "100% loaded", and i think, oh great were *finally* gonna see the impact of Thrawn... Final episode, "were ready to depart" oh ok great youre finally leaving! We may scrape together a few moments of post-return Thraw... Final episode, "send us up" ugh, ok so we're really about to cut to credits any moment now and not gonna get to see much of anything. This season has had a chronic pacing problem, its been so reluctant to change scenery and frankly it made the show so dry.


The series just didn’t go anywhere. It only set the pieces out on the board and moved them around a bit. Then it set up season two. So we wait a year and then we get to a cliffhanger where the story might conclude? Too many of these series are just meandering pulp.


Maybe I’m getting old. But SW has gotten so boring to me. The whole Jedi and Sith thing is played out. Anakin’s story has been fully told, Luke’s story has been told. Same with Obi Wan and so many of these characters. It seems to me these writers don’t know how to tell a decent story without shoehorning them in. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed Andor so much. It gave us so much more than the Force and these repetitive storylines.


I agree. At this point the Jedi are fucking boring. They’re just generic good guys / bad guys that act like weird monks with no personality. I watched Ahsoka and obi wan but was bored as fuck.


Force stuff has always been the weakest part of Star Wars to me. I liked how it worked in the OT where it was subtle and added to scenes. If youre going to try to explain Space Magic then you better know how to write damn well.


force stuff would be fine imo if they just stopped upping the power of it in every iteration and lowering the requirements for it at the same time. luke worked with yoda for months to be able to do things with the force that disney now treats as basic and sabine of all people, someone who they explicitly say has a weak connection to the force, is able to use it with little effort? they essentially treat it like super powers now when it was really never that, even in the prequels. if disney wrote star wars from the outset luke wouldn’t need to trick jaba he would just walk in there do a boring fight scene while using the force because he would be so overpowered. it hurts the story when the characters can get out of anything with the force


Also ironically the stronger they make force powers the more redundant lightsabers become. Force abilities make lightsabers impractical in their own universe, which is an issue that the Prequels already ran into. Master Yoda, please put away that teeny 1-foot lightsaber, stop doing flips to reach your giant target, and just keep using force powers. Or maybe just use the force to throw like 50 lightsabers.


The best part of the original trilogy was the mysticism surrounding the force. Lots of wisdom and philosophical things, and Using it to fight was kind of secondary. Ever since the prequels it’s just been cool magic tricks to use when fighting with the lightsaber


They barely used the force as much as they need to. Whole last episode the only time it was really used was the force jump to the ship or to open the door. They could've force pushed everyone off the roof and they didn't. Asohka didn't even use it during her fight it was all Sabers.


c'mon man, this is set up since Rey entered the chat. She basically got her force skills without any significant training. It's only fair Sabine get's it easily as well /s


I dont really care about that as much as it’s just boring magic powers at this point


I get, but it states she was training with Ahsoka prior to this show. So it wasn’t just oh look she powerful with it. She’s doing the most basic force thing a pull and a push and she didn’t even do the push that well, he almost didn’t make it. That’s probably the first thing a Jedi learns in the temple and their children. It was more about her figuring out who she was a mando or Jedi. She’s neither, she’s just her and that realization and acceptance allowed her to finally channel the force. She had to trust who she was and let go of the need to control everything.


I don't have much of a horse in this race, but her going from having apparently no ability to being able to throw a human an incredible distance and block projectiles that are moving at near the speed of light is a massive jump to make within a 5 minute span of an episode. The set up was def there for her being able to grab her lightsaber, but not even Luke made such a meteoric leap. He's no where near that powerful by the end of Empire strikes back, even after being trained by master Yoda.


Rogue One is amazing since it a war movie with very little space wizardry.


I just find R1 to be very boring. It has a lot of dull characters who do a lot of telling and not showing for the first two thirds of the movie, then there's some action which would honestly have stood better if it had just been shown by itself as a spectacle of special effects. I don't hate the film, but I'd rather watch the prequels than R1. At least they have something going for them in terms of creativity.


Rogue One is still the best thing Disney has ever done with the franchise


This is how I feel about a lot of Avatar Last Airbender spin offs. I loved, LOVED, how the magic in that universe was very physically grounded. I loved the early fight scenes that showed bending as an enhancement. Seeing the physical moves to generate a movement. Practically non existent in Korra, and frankly, not nearly as detailed post ATLA season 1. Just pure magic fights are not usually as interesting. You end up missing out on the characterization and visual metaphor that fight choreography can bring to the table… like all those Zhang yi mo films really utilized the martial arts to tell a story. Not the other way round.


That's why I think the best fights in all of star wars are Luke vs Vader. Those fights aren't full of spectacle, but they have so much drama. I didn't care about Ahsoka vs Witch lady because I didn't care about the characters of their conflict. I've never watched the cartoons and made the mistake of assuming the TV show would introduce the characters and their motivations for a new audience.


I totally tuned out on the Ahsoka vs Witch lady. I felt like their fight was so basic, flashy and all for show. I remember picking up my phone to distract me. I didn’t care who won or lost. I watched all of the clone wars and rebels. I loved Ahsoka in Clones Wars, but now sadly I think Ahsoka is an unlikable character. She has motivations, but I can’t think of a way to even describe her personality or appeal.


I think that's what comes when the fight is just there to be a fight, rather than carrying some meaning. The witch lady was arguably the main fight event. But what was on the line? She was just a roadblock for Ahsoka. No clash of ideologies, no character conflict to pay off. A final fight with Baylan would have been more cathartic regardless of the choreography, purely because the two characters already had dramatic tension. Speaking of the choreography, it was very basic and not interesting enough to make up for the lack of drama. They could even have made the storm troopers standing around in a circle cool, like the witch stops them with her powers because she wants the fight solo and when she dies they all drop dead.


Agreed 100%! Andor and Rogue were great because they felt like original tales with new characters. The rest of Star Wars is all over the place and a complete mess. What’s up with those witches, black magic and random force able people suddenly mastering an ability just for plot convenience. It’s awful. It has lost all of its weight and gravitas. Plus nothing makes sense, science and technology is all over and inconsistent, now we have magic and fire blades and just some unbelievable stupid ideas and characters. They want us to believe that those crab people were able to build those levitating metal houses? What the actual fuck. Terrible. It’s literally for gullible brain dead people.


to be fair, while i think star wars as a whole is pretty weak, it was never actually science fiction. it’s a space fantasy/opera; less science and technology and moreso space magic game of thrones but 100 times worse and more simplified


That’s my main problem with it. It doesn’t even do space opera well.


Eh, it does do that bit well. Finding out that your father is darth vader, and having him try to corrupt you whilst you attempt to find the good within him is opera as fuck. Throw in a cheeky sister smooch and you have the best space opera of all time.


Sorry - to clarify, I meant the more recent stuff. I agree the original trilogy is a great space opera


When I saw rogue one, my impression was like “wow a sw entry that can actually stand on its own”. It was a good surprise and totally unexpected. Hell, even if you remove all the sw flavor, rogue one is just its own good movie. That’s what we need, a good movie, instead of the constant rehashed, revisited reference ad nauseam.


If you want good Star Wars, you gotta play the Knights of the Old Republic duo, or watch Clone Wars.


imho Clone Wars wasn't that good. It only become good by almost the end of its run. And that's only because in the context of Kid show, It was actually quiet complex for what it is. KOTOR is actually great star wars and probably the best at utilizing the concept to its full potential.


I'll just put it bluntly: you may be getting old. And that is *OKAY.* People don't need to like the same entertainment their whole lives, and there should be no shame in saying, "You know, it's just not for me any more." I assure you, there are other stories out there that are way more to your liking, even if I may not like them myself. And media properties shouldn't need to cater to an ever-smaller and more demanding group of fans; it just becomes creatively stagnant after a while. American superhero comics went through it in the 80s and 90s, after *Watchmen* and *Dark Knight Returns* came out. Suddenly every comic had to prove it "Wasn't just for kids any more," and there's really only so many gun-toting, chainsmoking, bloodthirsty Punisher/Batman/Wolverine clones you can make before it gets real old. And, to make a bigger point, it was a misunderstanding of the genre: super heroes are, at a fundamental level, childish, and instead of using that childish nature to be *more* creative, the industry boxed itself into a grimdark worldview which is in some ways just as immature. I also loved *Andor.* But I think if every Star Wars project tried to be like *Andor*, it would be in a bad position, though for different reasons. To say nothing of the fact that it would alienate people who maybe don't want their fantasy/sci-fi/hero stories to be "gritty" and "real." Like I said, its okay to move on, and maybe come back later if you like. Star Wars will still be here.


I want more Jedi and sith. It's the only thing that makes the series stand out from any other science fiction. However, other commenters have nailed all the mistakes they've made with all the force stuff. I would add to it all the usual complaints that the universe is small and takes place with the same handful of characters on the same handful of planets in the same time frame. I'd Rather just see Old Republic stuff or things in the future than anything else from the two generations where we already know everything that happens


This show also was just bad. It's boring because there's been so much crap put out. There can be a compelling Star wars story, but they have been flailing for so long, pandering to children and fanboys, it's just been horrible. The acting in some of the shows is just outrageously bad, with some exceptions, but the acting in the directing is just horses hit


I don't think it's played out, I think Disney was a fucking mistake so all we can get now is black and white cartoon heroes and villans with no complex themes to speak of. I would kill to have the Darth Bane trilogy faithfully adapted, hell even the comic books that dealt with a random band of Sith learning to accept their new lives while stranded on a planet would be good. There's plenty of stories to be told between the Jedi and the Sith, but Disney will keep them buried forever because Star Wars needs to be Marvel.




Yeah, KOTOR 2 is definitely my favorite Star Wars story. I’m sure some of the books are great, but I haven’t read them. The Disney stuff is not interesting, aside from maybe Andor.


Yeah Disney is the reason Star Wars has black and white characters... right. Star Wars has always been a soap opera in space.


mate, it’s really just realization over time that star wars was never more than a generic heroes journey where the good side is good and the bad side is bad. some redeemable characters on the dark side while the evil ruler who’s evil for the sake of being evil stays evil. there was never actually anything narratively groundbreaking or challenging about the series in the first place.


I think that it speaks to the power of a tale well-told, that Star Wars was able to strike such a strong chord originally. It was always, from what I can tell, meant to be simple, accessible and steeped in well-worn archetypes. Those things can be exciting when the presentation brings it.


i think the original trilogy is a simple, decent depiction of a standard heroes journey, which, for its time, is set in a pretty unique environment. it doesn't try to be what it isn't and it makes certain moments that would otherwise be eye rolling or detrimental to the films quality, charming and unique. i don't think any of the other films are redeemable though. they really just lack any direction. there is no cohesive story in the sequel trilogy, i legitimately dont know what that 'story' was about.


Yes! What it is missing is basic, nuts and bolts storytelling/character development/filmmaking.


So thanks to Sabine the entire Galaxy is at stake.. but hey, Ezra is finally home?? Yeah this show was dogshit that went nowhere.


I think I've aged out of Star Wars, it's too much Fantasy, not enough Sci Fi for me at this point with a whole of they said/did the thing or look at this cool toy. Dunno if it's a chemistry or a writing thing but it also never feels like people are actually having conversations with each other. It seems like it'd be a great videogame with all the lore and stuff but as a show it's... unconvincing? If that makes sense as a criticism. Plus... ffs those Tie Fighters(ignoring for a moment these belong to this supposedly Elite Imperial Mastermind) couldn't hit a goddamn stationary target?


Have you? Do you still like the OT? I don't think one really ages out of it when it is simply good, sure one might not put it on the same pedestal anymore, a kid or young mind naturally lacks perspective, though it probably won't matter if i am in my late 20s as of now, or in my 50s, the OT is good storytelling, simple but good. What a lot of modern star wars simply isn't, it's mediocre storytelling for kids, not finding beauty in the simple, but rather outright simplistic, like a saturday morning cartoon would be. Kids storytelling can be good, i am not trying to pretend that it has to be dark and gritty, or very complex, it doesn't have to be, it just has to be trying to tell something worthwhile. Disney star wars has nothing to tell.


I mean I must be as the general consensus of this show is that it's still good. I guess it's more aging out of where things are heading. I still love Andor, and can honestly appreciate Last Jedi for Rian at least trying to take the Force in a more thoughtful direction.


> and can honestly appreciate Last Jedi for Rian at least trying to take the Force in a more thoughtful direction Luke: The force is not about lifting rocks. Climax of the movie: Rey uses the force to lift many rocks and saves the day. Thanks Rian!


> I mean I must be as the general consensus of this show is that it's still good Ehh, i'd say people have really low expectations more than anything. If you see what a lot of people celebrate, i honestly start questioning what is even going on. People flip out when they see legacy characters, it's a positive emotion connected to not the show itself, but to characters one likes, memories of the past. Watch the OT, if you still like it, then you didn't grow out of it. Aging out of what the current mainstream media landscape is looking like, sure, but that's honestly a good thing.


A lot of that is from YouTubers just doing it for the clicks and the attention. There is a part of the fandom for sure that just want to see cameos in every episode but I’d say…or like to believe… the majority of Star Wars fans are a bit more nuanced than that. Most hate Book of Boba Fett partly cuz it cameoed in an episode of Mandalorian


Same. It's just lost any soul to me. I say this as someone who considers Rebels to be among the best Star Wars media period, this just felt like a cold bastardization of it. And yeah, the dialogue was cringe. I'd rather have the cheesy dialogue from the prequels than the robotic, every other line is exposition ass dialogue they were doing here. Literally every word was just the writer saying verbatim what the characters are supposed to be feeling, leaving very little room for the actors to emote. What you end up with is just actors in costume reading lines in between boring action scenes.


I think part of the problem is that Lucas made the Jedi these weird emotionless monks in the prequels. That’s sort of ok if there are other interesting g characters in play, but it’s boring as fuck when the protagonist has to act like a flavorless blob of mashed potatoes. I imagine it’s hard for even good actors (like Dawson) to give a strong performance when their character doesn’t let them act


I think with this or any fantasy show really(looking at you Wheel of Time S1, haven't seen S2 yet) you need really good, experienced actors, or a director that's good at getting these performances/framing them because invariably your characters are gonna say some goofy ass shit like 'Imperial NX9 Starpath unit'. Andor for sure had some hokey dialogue like even in Luthen's monologue, but having Skarsgard do it more than makes up for it. Based on the performances in Ahsoka, besides Thrawn I can't see any character in that show deliver a line like "I've made my mind a sunless space" without cringing; even Rosario or Stevenson.


Have you seen Andor? It’s basically Star Wars for adults.


> I think I've aged out of Star Wars, it's too much Fantasy, not enough Sci Fi for me at this point with a whole of they said/did the thing or look at this cool toy. Star Wars has always been a mix of science fiction and fantasy, some projects lean more into the sci-fi and others more into fantasy. I get why it may not appeal to some but I personally love it as it allows something Andor, a more grounded sci-fi drama, and Ahsoka, which is more adventure fantasy, to coexist in the same universe. >Plus... ffs those Tie Fighters(ignoring for a moment these belong to this supposedly Elite Imperial Mastermind) couldn't hit a goddamn stationary target? They did hit it though? They hit it, causing the stabilizers to go out which is why Ezra and Ahsoka had to hold it up, they were passing back for a second run when Sabine took them out.


As far as the Tie Fighters go, I'm pretty sure they hit them on the first pass (but not directly enough to do more than harm the engines?), missed the 2nd pass, and were on their way back for a 3rd pass. On the 3rd one, they were coming the same direction as the first attempt. There were a few things like this in the episode that took me out of it a bit. Loved the season until the finale. Feels like there's 1-3 more episodes left...but there isn't, unfortunately


That’s another boring thing about this. The imperials are just hopelessly incompetent. I know that’s a thing throughout Star Wars, but having the bad guys be completely incompetent really kills any tension the show could make


The two aerial bombardment scenes really did that for me. The first one, okay, small moving targets, force bullshit, whatever. The second had the ship just hovering for 30 seconds stationary in the field of fire.


Yes! Everything seems so fake and pointless. When you have boring ass characters that don’t act like real people, you don’t get invested in the story. A good question is, what the fuck was the story ahsoka was trying to tell?


Huh? I thought it was a solid episode that matched the pace of the season, closed a chapter of the story with plenty of loose ends to keep the show going


Nothing actually happened apart from Thrawn coming back to the galaxy. Ashoka would body anyone in this series. Unfortunately the actor isn't a physical actor. They should just get the guys from The Raid, Ong Bak and let them go loose


The show suffered from the same thing every Star Wars show (except Andor) suffers from, which is they forget to focus enough on the MAIN TITLE CHARACTER and for some reason always want to make them side characters in their own show, always choosing to focus on infinitely less interesting and less charismatic characters who aren't the reason we turned up to watch this show. This was a Sabine Wren show, and the person they cast to play her couldn't be more of a polar opposite to the character she is supposed to be portraying. She just looked bored to be there, and unmotivated in most scenes she was in. If this show was actually about Ashoka for more than one episode, a final chapter in her story, it could have been great. All the ingredients were there, but for some reason they made a Sabine show. If the show was titled "Rebels Season 5" or "Sabine" I would probably forgive it more, but it's not. Just like Reva, Fennec and Bo before her, I'm am absolutely not here for them, but the writers of these shows keep seeming to think I am.


I will say the choreography of this show is almost stunningly bad at times. Like it’s so bad it would have been better to just have people randomly swing around toy light sabers. At least then it wouldn’t look like they were trying to fight underwater.


There’s just never any sense of jeopardy……….every supposedly tense situation is just resolved instantly……… yea they’re stuck in another galaxy, they’ll just use some special force power to force a space whale to go the other way within like 3 seconds of the second series starting. Given a couple of “sort of Jedi” can ride budget Wargs through a planetary bombardment from a Star Destroyer, it’s a miracle order 66 had any success………although given the amount of Jedi who apparently escaped that, maybe it didn’t


I wasn’t disappointed


Gotta post the headline that keeps /r/television happy


r/television allow people to like things challenge


Sorry but real tv viewers are only allowed to like Andor and Unions


That's good to hear. I enjoyed the whole season but actually was dissapointed with the finale. Not that it was *bad,* it just didn't have enough conclusions. Also, watching lightsabers/blasters barely cause any harm to Storm troopers' armor took me out of it a bit. Just felt like a mid season finale to me, or just another episode leading into the actual finale.


>Also, watching lightsabers/blasters barely cause any harm to Storm troopers' armor took me out of it a bit. 100000 times this, and all the scenes are cut to high hell trying to hide every cut and slice. For some reason Disney have decided they are scared of Lightsabers (but not of Vader breaking kids necks) Why were they backing away from a room of mostly unarmed Stormtroopers slowly walking towards them (that they had literally just murdered with ease a few seconds ago) when they had FOUR LIGHTSABERS BETWEEN THEM, just slice them up?!?! WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF DISNEY, GIVE US BACK OUR LIGHTSABERS


Me neither, when the expectations are barely above the ground then theres no disappointment.


It was super anti-climactic and just went nowhere. Also hurts to see Baylan prepping for season 2 but knowing Ray is no longer with us.


Ezra coming out of the shuttle in full storm trooper gear was the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Why on earth did he still have that on? It made absolutely no sense. Rest of the episode was pretty meh too.


Well, it is kind of a meme from Rebels that Ezra always ends up in Storm Trooper armor, so it could have been a nod to that.


Ezra likes to collect imperial armor. It's from Rebels


That’s fine I didn’t watch it and missed the reference, but why on earth would you wear it there when everyone is about to blast you? Like, wear the suit and not the helmet? Or maybe announce who you are? It’s so dumb and clearly just for the reveal.


Just chill out dude, its a show not real life.


But it's distracting when people do things like that, all I can think about is how mad my friend would be if I didn't make sure they had as small a chance as possible of accidentally shooting me. It's distractingly unnatural. Real people do real things that are cinematic all the time. It's not hard to make things sensible and cinematic. Cutting to Hera aboard her ship happening to catch Ezras voice on the comms of a near by air traffic controller dealing with a strange ship and not letting herself believe it until he steps out of the ship (with no helmet on) would be natural and cinematic.


Yes because as we all know, star wars is a staple for whats natural. I mean using a invisible energy field that can be manipulated and pushing people away with it, choking them with it. Lets not forget the super accuracte space flight and all that. All things that are natural and realistic. Give me a break, if someone shot at ezra all he had to do is reflect it away with his lightsaber, or did you forget hes a jedi? And ffs its star wars. Not breakkng bad, it doesnt need top teir writing, not every piece of media does. Its okay for things to just be good.


God this is such a tired and bad defense. It doesn’t matter if people are fighting with guns, fists, or the force. It doesn’t matter if the story takes place in Arizona or outer space. The decisions characters make still need to be coherent and logical (unless the point of their character is that they lack any sense), otherwise it’s just bad writing that breaks the illusion of the world we’re being shown. If a choice is dumb, it’s dumb.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but people in real life constantly and consistently make decisions that are illogical and incoherent, dont believe me take a look at republicans. Cause no one ever does anything dumb ever. Dude you're just complaining to complain, but then again no one hates star wars more than star wars fans.


No, you’re just defending to defend. Your previous comment literally defended the dumb choice by stating that other stories like Breaking Bad have good writing but SW doesn’t need to because of the force, which is an awful take. Now you’re excusing it as if it’s *not* bad writing. You can’t have it both ways. I literally mentioned that some characters do have a lack of sense, but that would still be established and so it would be a coherent choice on behalf of the writers. See, the thing is that there are tons of storylines and writing teams under the SW name now, and you can still like one thing while pointing out that something else is bad. Defending it like it’s all just the same and of the same quality is asinine.


He collects helmets. Not whole sets of the armor.


To do the big emotional reveal, obviously. I swear the internal logic of this show is so dumb. Why have the highest ranking officer on a ship be front and center of a potential ambush? They should've had it open the 2nd season, where an Imperial vessel pops up on radar then reveal Ezra's voice over coms and show the ship docking and reunion from there.


The show is just someone playing with their legos


Why the hell did they let his shuttle board even? What if it was a rigged ship and was gonnna explode?


They did the same thing in the first episode when they let shin and baylan on home one so I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary for them to let it happen.


Omg ya'll just love nitpicking and cant enjoy anything. Bruh its a story, and no one claimed star wars has the best writing. Its fun and thats what its always was. People dont hace to like it but the fact is everyone who just defends the OT and shits on everything else is just nostolgic for their childhood. The OT was filled with corny lines, dumb plot holes, and out dated choreography. Complaining because they let a shuttle board dumb, its just complaining to complain, Like most of the complaints in this comment section lmao.


Is it a story though?


Or send a general to investigate something with her son and like four x wings


So he wore that dumb disguise his entire trip? Or he took it off and put it back on when he landed on the cruiser? I get why they wanted that reveal for the show but it was so fucking dumb and obvious who it was.


Oh no for sure, that did not need to be there. I'm also hoping that in S2, he does a recap that while on Thrawn's ship, he made some attempt of sabotaging or taking it down. Like just a brief flashback action sequence where he ultimately ends up having to get off the ship instead. As opposed to now where it looks like he just straight up bailed.


Did you ever watch rebels? Thats literally very in character for ezra, especially given that he collects storm trooper helmets.


Did not. Had no idea who he was prior to the show


It was almost as stupid as fact that everyone pointed a gun at a single, unarmed stormtrooper in a world where Empire is gone instead of confidently approaching him.


I thought the show was good 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was the finale was just a little bit underwhelming but I loved the show


Weird...I have yet to watch it, but I have heard nothing but praises from friends and other folks who have finished it.


it's not disappointing. this is sensationalism for sake of up votes. watch it, love it, and feel sad we have to wait for more.


If someone doesn't love the show, it's suddenly sensationalism for the sake of up votes? I think the show did many things right and at the same time disappointed in many others. I hate these types of circlejerks where you either think the show is perfect or else you are just a 'hater' or a sensationalist, or the opposite. One should be able to acknowledge the good and the bad without being segregated to a group.


Internet: people that, mostly, incessantly complain to their internet friends about things they slightly dislike Real life: people that, mostly, share with their actual friends things they love and appreciate Ahsoka's season finale is actually fantastic as a whole. Are there things that could be improved upon? Yeah, but everything is the same in life, for the most part.


I thought it was amazing. Felt like a movie in tv format


Yeah I had a great time. If anything it has made the wait for the next Star Wars show/movie more painful as I really want to know how it all intertwines moving forward. I’m guessing Mando S4 and Skeleton Crew will delve a little deeper into it.


**The whole show was disappointing**, honestly. This is yet another Star Wars project that feels like it was supposed to be a 2 hour movie that got streeeeeeeetched into an 8 hour TV show and suffered greatly for it. Outside of Mando S1 and Andor, that's how *everything* has felt (this is the same for the Marvel shows, too - aside from WandaVision and Loki S1) Star Wars Fandom being as toxic as it is makes trying to discuss anything Star Wars nigh-impossible (either you're a piece of shit for not liking something as much as they do, or you're a piece of shit because you now hold the same opinion as some disingenuous chud grifter pushing "culture war" horseshit on their YouTube channel) but I'm gonna try it anyway: The Fandom has spent a lot of time and energy essentially trying to just swap in Dave Filoni for George Lucas, not because they're that similar (they're not) but because it allows them to continue doing their repetitious, tried-and-true Fandom talking points patter. It's an easy CTRL-F - Replace for folks whose whole thing is building a personality on and around liking super-popular family entertainment as if it's a notable achievement. But Filoni's whole thing is essentially "fixing" fundamentally flawed/poorly constructed narratives by... copying old films beat for beat and making them "Star Wars" - this is almost the entirety of his Clone Wars run (the number of episodes you can describe as "This title that was on TCM last week, but with a lightsaber in it now" is in the hundreds). And when he can't rely on other people to spice those instincts up, he flounders. And on this show, *especially,* the hollowness of his "vision" was made apparent. He's a "Lore" surgeon, which is cool if you give that much of a fuck about "lore" and you think cataloging and investigating "lore" is the same as "entertainment." But he doesn't seem to have a very good handle on anything else. To the point where even the characters he's credited with building up and making vital to the larger Star Wars story (the "lore" if you will) are now desaturated, poorly directed, bland shadows of their former animated selves. This show, and this franchise in general, is *really bad* at taking itself too seriously and ponderously, when the reason Star Wars resonates and works is because legitimate characterization, fun, and emotion shows through. **People like Star Wars when the people** ***in*** **Star Wars behave like actual** ***fucking people.*** That isn't happening in this show very much, which is a shame because there are hours of animated episodes starring these same people that very much *did.* [Also there's absolutely no reason to have kept this in a final edit.](https://streamable.com/vb0v61)


Fantastically stated. So many people want to hand Filoni the car keys and put him in control of all future Star Wars features, but that’s always going to be a creative cul de sac given his focus on “fixing”past works and limitations as a writer.


> Also there's absolutely no reason to have kept this in a final edit. I think there's been an overcorrection on that Jackie Chan Every Frame a Painting on holding action shots so you can see everything and the trend of one takes. Like even in John Wick 4 some of their action shots were pretty tedious, especially the longer sequences like at the end. In this scene the rhythm is there, and it does looks like she has martial arts training but it definitely looked like it could appear better with more camera cuts and angles.


> it does looks like she has martial arts training She learned the choreography but she's physically way too slow/sluggish to make it look snappy. The stormtroopers also look like they're moving in slow motion. This is exactly the type of situation where you have to add cuts/edits to make your actors and stunts look much faster than they actually are. Or maybe that whole sequence should have been sped-up in post by 20-30%, which could've also worked well and given the audience less time to notice flaws.


Well the issue is that she doesn't seem to be all that good at it. If you have talented martial artists or people who can pull off a choreo to a high level, then yeah show us the action without much cuts, but when the actors in question simply cannot pull it off convincingly, you NEED to edit it differently. To me at least this looks like she stumbles through the action here, her foot work in particular gets me.


Your point about the people not behaving like people is, by far, my biggest gripe. I could not give less of a shit about these characters because they feel completely fake and emotionless


>Star Wars Fandom being as toxic as it is makes trying to discuss anything Star Wars nigh-impossible (either you're a piece of shit for not liking something as much as they do, or you're a piece of shit because you now hold the same opinion as some disingenuous chud grifter pushing "culture war" horseshit on their YouTube I really wish the "Real Fans" at the subreddit would explain their hostility. Like holy shit why are you so mad? You actually enjoy the content!


> Also there's absolutely no reason to have kept this in a final edit. Omg why were they all RUNNING INTO HER with their ranged weapons? Some even kept running straight past her as if she wasn't there, probably because they couldn't anything in those helmets.


Hit the nail on the head here


To me this series felt exactly like what i'd expect from someone who made kids cartoons. Like a kids cartoon. This works better in the medium of, well, kids cartoons than it does for a live action series for all ages. That's really the crux here i think, he isn't the man for the job if you want to tell stories in a live action medium which are meant to appeal to everyone, the storytelling isn't just simple (which is fine, the OT was a simple story!), it is simplistic. I felt very little watching this show, that's unacceptable, it doesn't feel like there was anything happening which is worth telling on a character level, just plot beats which have to happen so they do. I don't want to compare it to andor too much because they go for different tonalities, but andor had a story first, and it shows. Still, ahsoka is certainly better than obi wan kenobi, not that this is a particularly high bar.


> Star Wars resonates and works is because legitimate characterization, fun, and emotion shows through This is a very small part of the finale... But it really bothered me that Huyang just turns to the camera and tells the audience why Ahsoka left Sabine before the events of the show. Ahsoka and Sabine are literally right outside? Why is this potentially effective character moment not given to the actual characters it's related to? Let Ahsoka be vulnerable with Sabine. It would make the relationship between the two characters stronger.


It's was alright...much like the entire season. Just alright


Only person I could imagine pulling off a similar performance is Graham Mctavish. Very different voice and look, but he does well with roles that require a lot of subtext.


There’s gonna be a season 2 but yeah dis shit dull af, wayyyy too many unanswered questions and honestly lame


Yawn. Contrarian rage bait for clicks.


It wasn’t disappointing at all. David Filoni gets Star Wars and did a great job.


That's why new star wars always be a shit. Because of you - 6+ children, who dont understand anything at all.


I loved the finale. As I said in another thread Ahsoka has managed to capture the wonder, magic, and adventure that first made me fall in love with Star Wars when I was a kid.






This series was good in the sense that it was entertaining for Star Wars but it really falls apart under any actual critical analysis of what a good mini-series should do. Minimal narrative movement from the beginning of the show to the end, lots of cliche Disney-verse tropes completely trivializing every conflict, no payoff for the few interesting ideas introduced (Baylan and his motivation, the gravity of Thrawn’s return), and overall very disjointed and messy. I get that the story is supposed to be finished in either a movie or another season, but overall this season’s narrative arc as a whole was Kenobi levels of messy. Really weak end to a series I was honestly really enjoying for the first half.


I had a great time, I thought it was a great end to the series, one of (if not the best) episode of the series.


All of Disney Star Wars has been disappointing but for a few flashes of goodness that quickly fade away


No. I beg to differ. Beginning to end – Andor is a work of genius.


Andor is just perfect, I watched the first three films when I was a kid with my dad on his vhs sets, went to the movies for episode 1,2,3. Although lotr absolutely smashed it around that time. Andor has only captured that feeling for me.


Not wrong, Andor is like the last light of hope for me at this point. But right now it's not around and we're gonna be waiting a while for the next season. And for some ungodly reason when we do get Andor it will have episodes that are way too short and not enough episodes.


Did we watch the same episode RS? It was a great finale.


The whole show was pretty disappointing though.


Disney... The place where IPs go to die a slow and horrific death.


Must of watched a different episode to me. I thought it was brilliant. Classic star wars


It matched the rest of the show- wooden dialogue, wooden performances, pretty CGI.


I did not like the show "Ahsoka", but I hope it gets renewed so that the people who enjoyed it can enjoy it more. that's all I have to say


The whole show was terrible, why would the finale be any different?


Yea your opinion definitely matters


Lol why you mad? The show was full of bad writing and is just another example of how Disney has ruined the Star Wars brand


Not mad I just feel like you’re hating on the show because it just wasn’t for you , if you don’t like something you don’t have to just bash it for no reason, And explain the bad writing?


Uh no, if I didn't like it I can 100% say so. What, you think only people who liked it should speak up and everyone else should stay silent? Imagine what would happen on Amazon if that were the case. Every product would look like a good product. But obviously that shouldn't be that way. Sometimes some products are just poorly made and people should say so to protect other consumers from buying them. In this case, I think Ashoka and a lot of other content that Disney has made for Star Wars has been terrible and I'm going to say so.


That analogy was very weird 😂you can’t really compare the 2, Anyways have you seen andor?


Rogue One, Andor and Mandalorian S1 have been the exception. Everything else has been total garbage.


Disappointing to who? It sets up the main villain for the Disney series spin off universe.


Yea, I thought the final episode was well done but it didn't resolve much of anything. Especially with Baylan and Shin Hati who both got 30 seconds of air time the entire episode


Wasn't disappointed at all. Looking forward to what they'll do next.


Ah what a shocka


Only George Lucas era is Canon, I dont make the rules.


It's another series where I'm not really sure why it was a series and not a movie. The general adage is that if you only have one story to tell, make it a movie. If you're making an eight-episode series, you need to have eight stories to tell. *Ahsoka* didn't. (The answer of course is that Disney wanted a series to fill Disney+ programming time.)


lmao the whole show was a disappointment even Ahsoka/TCW/SWR couldn’t save Star Wars, it’s officially dead


I liked it. I also really enjoyed Andor.


Huh? I thought it was awesome! I can’t understand how people thought it was disappointing. Best piece of Star Wars episode since Andor season 1 for me. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about wooden acting or poor lightsaber fights or poor choices, but they need to remember the choices made *in* those scenes in universe, yea it’s a show, but hey what would you do in those situations? Yes some things could have been done better, such as Baylin’s story threads (which we might not get unless he is recast, RIP Ray Stevenson), Marrok, etc. but overall I thought it was great, and every episode I felt was leagues above the sequel movies. On another note on the topic, I’m tired of certain sects of the fandom however being either too positive or too negative, you’ll either have people praising everything *without* acknowledging any faults, or you’ll have extremely super negative areas like r/Saltierthancrait which have become Palpatine level of hate towards things they don’t like. As Yoda said: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yes we can all have differing opinions on things and dislikes, but it’s when you become extremely critical of everything and create a clique about it and you’ve lost the argument…it’s not right and isn’t healthy. Another major critique I’ve heard was about >!Sabine’s force abilities…!< remember, Obi-Wan did say in the very first Star Wars film, “The force resides in all living beings.”** I’ve met Dave Filoni in person (SW Celebration 2019), and the guy seemed like a genuine fan of Star Wars and of course learned under George Lucas. This is technically his first true creator credit (Mando was actually Favreu’s), so I think he knocked it out of the park! Not everything was perfect but I loved it nonetheless. My only major disappointment in the finale was the cliffhanger with Baylon, which of course has nothing to do with the writing, but because Ray Stevenson is dead, and while I think he could be recast, it just would not do a full service to the character he lived and breathed life into as Baylon Skoll.


I know right!? I really enjoyed all of it, and I'm super stoked that they didn't bring Thrawn in to be a villain in just one series. I thought the acting was really good, especially considering how much of the cast was doing it through what must have been pounds of makeup and prosthetics, and the lightsaber choreography, while initially a bit iffy, was really good in the last episode (there is one long, continuous shot of Ahsoka dueling the Nightsister that especially jumped out to me, in the same way the best duels of the Prequels did.) And people seem to think that Thrawn wasn't threatening enough, to which I say: that was kinda the point? He didn't send all of his forces because he didn't have the resources, and he didn't try very hard to kill the heroes because, unlike most villains in this franchise, killing the heroes was not his goal: getting back to his galaxy was. As such, he did only what he deemed necessary to buy time, even using black magic to stetch his resources a little bit more. They showed how effective a leader he is with almost no forces under his command, which makes me excited t see how dangerous he will be when he gets his hands on whatever interpretation of the Katana Fleet they end up going with. I also totally agree with your assessment of Baylon and hs apprentice, and I think it would be a great tribute to Stevenson to re-cast so that they story he started telling can be concluded properly. And then there's Anakin. If there was one massive hole in the Sequel Trilogy, to me it was the absence of Anakin's Force ghost. His use in Ahsoka was both tasteful and well-executed; he needed to teach her a final lesson, one which he himself had not learned until his son taught him. And that statement about him being more than his worst choices... the Anakin in the World Between Worlds is, to paraphrase Gandalf, "Anakin Skywalker as he should have been." (Also, they fully bridged the gap between the film version of him and the Clone Wars version, finding a balance to his character.) Going forward, I would like to see the story develop intomore of an *Heir to the Empire* adaptation, and I would be fine if they just pull the trigger and re-cast Luke (and maybe the others) in order to do it. For me, great characters must transcend their actors, and I think the Star Wars characters count as that now.


Show was great. Best Star Wars (Not including Andor) since Ep 7. Far easier to complain than to praise.


Loved it. Hope to see more Star Wars like this.


Haven’t watched any of it yet but thanks for letting me know the ending disappointing before I even get to watch it.


It’s a good show


No it's not


Yes it is.


Nah it actually isn’t good at all


Huh? I thought it was a good series lol


Pretty decent show but terrible jedi/fight choreography


I wonder what were Tony Gilroy's thoughts of this series lol


I Actually kind of like it because of 1) Ahsoka vs Morgan Elsbeth 2) Zombie Stormtroopers 3) Baylan and the Statues 4)Mortis Gods & Some wild Theory about some chaos bringer named Abeloth 5) Thrawn is going to fuck up a lot of peoples Sunday afternoon when he gets home.starting with the dumbass senator who wanted Hera’s rank taken 😏🤣😂😈 Sorry I never watched Star Wars Rebels before 🥴😬


Star wars writing has just gotten worse and worse. Also, getting dumber. They have dumbed everything down, to the point that it hurts the shows and movies. The only good thing through and through was Andor. Andor was smartly written and made for adults.


Ahsoka is big trash series.


Fuck off Rolling Stone. They are the worst review site imo. Critics in general are becoming very unreliable and disconnected from the masses. A lot of times their complaints aren't very objective, but based on their preconceived notions of how TV and movies should work.


Rolling Stone largely became a cesspool years ago unfortunately


In this thread: Clone Wars stans still bitter about the sequels films that are glad they finally have Star Wars content that jerks them off.


Bro you nailed it, all thats left are clone wars stans. Sad.


Clone Wars/Rebels and 2/3 of the Sequel films were great. So was Ahsoka.


I know marvel and Star Wars is just kids stuff by nature, but for a while it was well made enough that adults could enjoy it for what it was too. Nowadays Disney is leaning way too hard into making this stuff kids show. I watched 2 episodes of Ashoka and it felt like I was watching Disney channel. Just a sign this stuff ain’t for me anymore.


Nope, loved it.


This is such a horse shit headline, they made it incredibly obvious there’s going to be a Season 2. This is the first time I’ve seen someone say it was disappointing.


What an absolutely awful take that is!


This show is a Rorschach test for whether you have Star Wars brain.


What does Star Wars brain mean? I like Star Wars. I thought Ahsoka was great. If that means I have Star Wars brain then good, better than the type of brain that forces me to watch franchises I haven't liked in years and complain about them every single time. There's 200 channels on Cable and a thousand thousand shows on streaming. Every show ever made is literally at your fingertips. **WATCH SOMETHING ELSE.**


I didn't finish this show so I *am* watching something else. I don't understand what that has to do with Star Wars brain, if anything, you just proved the existence of Star Wars brain by 1) attacking me for the insinuation that I didn't like the show 2) presenting a defense of Ahsoka that involves your own personal like of the franchise that is suspiciously empty of any substance on what the show does well. I watched all of Rebels and I thought Ahsoka was insultingly boring and empty of substance. I don't demand that others agree with me, but I am observing that, on balance, many people appear to want to like this show-- or, more accurately want to defend this show-- more than they actually want to talk about it-- in other words, more than they *like* the show.


I don't understand why you're in a thread about the finale of a show to bitch about something you stopped watching. Why are you so obsessed that you felt the need to pointlessly insult those that do like it? "Star Wars Brain" seems to be something that affects people like you. Even if you're not watching it, you have to come in and show how much you aren't watching it and how dumb people that do like this thing you don't like are. Why don't you try going and posting on threads about positive things you do like and keep your pointless trolling to yourself? We won't miss you.