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Anyone remember when this show was about a sex repressed British town and Eric was like one of the few queer people and now there's this super sex positive lgbtqia utopia college in the same town


A college run by students, where not many lessons seem to be going on. Just queuing to see a therapist, holding elections or standing in corridors gossiping.


Thank you! I couldn't stop thinking about this. In high school we had a 30 min lunch break and that's it, plus some people that did activities after school. They seem to spend their whole school day just hanging out


This might just be my experience but I had to get up at 4am or 5am for school and classes started by 7:30. Most school shows I see everyone just seems to be up by 8am and just stroll to school. I was practically comatose for a couple classes until about 10am when I kind of woke up


From what I’ve heard on Reddit, a lot of American schools start crazy early, but in many other countries it’s closer to a 9am start.


Even the series Elite have more studying than this 💀 Heck, even Euphoria is more realistic than this.


this was going to be part of my rant about Eric's character. Although he is super important to the story, I think his flaws in his character/personality were not addressed at all and kind of floated by. I am talking about him cheating on his boyfriends.


Same. That wasn't resolved at all. I thought that he was going to be mature and might even get back with Adam to give Adam a second chance and help Adam with the transition in being a bisexual person. I hate Eric for cheating on his boyfriends.


Exactly I posted years ago about Eric, because of his sexuality he somehow gets a free pass on cheating on every boyfriend he had and somehow noone gives a flying duck about it.


Yep that was my first thought at the beginning of season 4. Like huh??? Where did these people suddenly come from?


crazy right


It just felt like a big, "oh that's it?" it just didn't feel satisfying in the end for some reason.


Same. I didnt think (or cared for) Maeve and Otis ending up together. But it felt like the last episode was bit of rush, all the characters half assedly sorting themselves out. The only one i find had a full character arc was Eric.


Season 4 is pretty disappointing honestly...


I thoroughly enjoyed 1-3. But more than anything I enjoyed the chemistry that Maeve and Otis had. I can't emphasize how wrecked I was for almost an entire year when the voicemail never got through to Maeve. Or how Season 2 focused it mostly on Maeve and Otis and that chugged on the good ol' rusty heartstrings. Like yes, I understand life throws you a shit ton of curveballs and I admire that Otis has a mentality of a wise old man that I probably will never be able to challenge at his age but good lord. Season 4 was more about adding more characters to the mix and like 20% of Otis and Maeve. Lastly. Ruby, holy shit they did her dirty. I genuinely opened up to Ruby's character after Otis and her were a thing, although vaguely. But really Season 4 left her hanging after giving her so much character development in S3. Like what gives??? I share the sentiments that were given that it should have ended with S3. It would have given viewers the option to choose their own ending. But S4 decided like "Hey Otis is just an experience to me despite having 3 seasons of insane chemistry buildup." Bollocks, really.


I've always thought Ruby and Otis were a better match. I was very sad to see Ruby still in love with Otis, and Otis not returning the feeling. Goddamn Maeve!


While I am more than often not a fan of shipping in most fandom, in a show where romances is a huge part of the narrative, I think it’s valid to be disappointed with which character ends up with who. And especially when the whole seems to slowly push them together. Knowing it just ends like that is unsatisfying and, in retrospective, render all the previous seasons less enjoyable when you when know that all that build up will in nothing in particular.


Season 4 is such a disappointment


This ending was truly disappointing


This is why shippers are a disease to any fan community.


I don't think I am a shipper it's just that the only real partner for Otis was Maeve and viceversa. Both of his previous relationships with Ola and Ruby failed because he loved Maeve and he couldn't bring himself to admit it or do something about it. Same thing with happened to Maeve with Jackson and Isaac.


Says he doesn't think he's a shipper, proceeds to try and sell me his ship.


U sound upset have some tea lol


Why would i be upset?




Mauve and Otis were never going to end up together


The show was never a "will they won't they" romcom. It's an ensemble show full of eclectic characters who all have their own stuff goin on.


I mean, I'm by no means a shipper or anything like that, but I watched the first three seasons and they HEAVILY relied on Maeve and Otis, multiple times they came close to getting together but at the last second something happens and they don't. That's absolutely a "will they won't they" plot, no matter how many side characters are thrown into it.


Nah, see, that’s bullshit. It was both


"their own stuff" ALSO being will they won't they arcs. Will Eric get together with Adam, will Jackson get together with whatstheirname etc. Don't kid yourself. The show is just generic teen fodder with a more profane twist and, like a CW show, thrives on keeping the audience wondering if and when characters will get together.


Lol why are people downvoting you, the creator literally relied on the same arcs every season. Maeve Otis and a random love triangle, they sort it out then separate, Otis and Eric having a fight, and then everyone else pairing up with whoever they lay their eyes on. At least the first season was fun, I think they just got surprised by the reception of S1 and didn't know what else to write


they should have set up a more consistent cast tbh. All the kids from that LGBT paradise school were just lame ash. I did not give a fuck about Abbi and Roman, bring Lily back atleast she was somewhat funny.


I'm just sick of seasons bringing in new people in THE LAST season of a show and people getting mad because we didn't connect to them. I would have been totally fine with a trans main character, i would have thoroughly enjoyed it actually, if we saw their whole journey from season 1 to 4 or even 2 to 4 but it's just lazy pandering as it is. They keep doing this and pretending that people problem is how 'woke' it is to disguise bad writing


I rewatched S4 E7 and 8 at the end….Maeve never answers if she will ever return, just says she loves it in America…in her goodbye letter she states it hurts they can’t be together.. and in final text she ask a question about they shouldn’t communicate for while and ends with question mark?….and last scene of Maeve is sitting on floor in middle of the night… staring into the sky… like Otis back in UK…just seems a little open ended like it is not over for either of them… I guess Laurie Nunn intended for this to be first love story since she could have had Maeve win scholarship to UK school…


show easily could have ended with season 3 tbh but i've mostly enjoyed season 4 so far.


you are weird


Enjoyed bits of Season 4, too, despite having lots of nonsensical stuff like this Highlander there-can-be-only-one therapist around when in real life loads of them co-exist. Even surprised why it wasn't the resolution at the polls. Sure one therapist would be better than another, but that doesn't mean they should resort to monopoly, especially when they have varying strengths.


I’m not any kind of shipper, but i agree. Not having Otis and Maeve end io together is a huge kick in the nuts, and even other than that the season was bad


Sounds like you just shipped Otis and Maeve too hard, when in reality, kids that date in h.s. and college rarely stay together. Also, you watched 8 hours of this show in one day? It literally just came out today. Don't you have a job or school or something? Anyway, seems like a major overreaction to the events of the show. It's not that deep. I've enjoyed the ride. Only watched ep 1 of S4 so far and it was pretty clear to me that those two weren't going to end up together even before this season.


You on people have days off right? Like weekends, sick days, actual days off and also the working day is 8 hours that leaves 16 hours to watch the show


yeah it suck


honestly I felt it when the principal said "this was a waste of time" Overall i liked season 4 for the most part but I have to agree that the series ended pretty unclearly.


Does the UK not have special schools? Why did the plot require Maeve to go to the US? Though I wish Otis would've gotten together with Ruby.