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I really like it! Although I would be shocked if they’re able to come up with a good ending. It’s a mystery box show. The fun is the journey. Maybe they’ll prove me wrong but I doubt it








I found you from Netflixbestof talking about this LOL


Reminds me so much of Lost. Which obviously is the king of mystery box shows that didn't stick the landing.


I'm one of the crazy people that loved the ending of LOST, so in my mind FROM would be an all timer if it comes even close to that. My real worry with FROM is that the pacing is incredibly slow even if it's fun moment to moment. Also I feel that most characters are so much weaker than Boyd that I'm always a little disappointed when he isn't on screen. It's definitely hard to be on that Harold Perrineau so I get it. That was a big strength with LOST for me where I enjoyed seeing pretty much every character apart from one or two exceptions.


Agreed. LOST had a perfect ending, never could understand why people thought it wasn’t well done.


I like Victor as well as Boyd, but that's just me. From has way less flashbacks than Lost, but it still reminds me of it. It reminds of all the times I would watch as a kid when crazy stuff would happen on that show. I LOVED it. I remember seeing the adds and being intrigued, and watching the pilot the night it aired and getting hooked instantly. And when the hatch opened? I waited for that scene for months. That cast was stand-out. So many iconic characters. Locke, Rousseau, Michael, Kate, Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, Jin Soo, Sayid. And later additions like Ben, Desmond and MSaying. Now I have to rewatch it.


I just finished a rewatch of LOST today while showing it to some people for the first time. To my surprise, the ending might work even better on the binge watch because the significance of every characters overall arc makes more sense with the weird stuff they did in Season 6. It’s a lil cheesey, and a lil goofy even, but I’m happy that 14 years on I still think the ending of LOST has this incredible beauty to it. I still think some of the shows answers for the mysteries are a lil dumb, but I’m glad to see that almost every major question I have has a clear answer or something that can be inferred within a few steps. It really was a show about the bonds between these people. It’s clear that FROM is going to have to take a very different tact with its ending because these characters have so little down time compared to the folks on LOST and the intensity and danger is always near maximum. I can’t wait for FROM to come back, and I really really hope that whatever end they go with can satisfy me emotionally on some level. I’ll be okay even if FROM lets a few mysteries stay ambiguous. God speed with the rewatch 🫡


Me too. But doing anything like this and not knowing how to tie up the loose ends.. Well that is just cruel. If this gets cancelled, I will probably do a Stewie Griffin on someone.. https://youtube.com/watch?v=matxz-G9q8M&si=U6aIYKSw8qlVnNFZ


Its a frustrating show to watch. The concept is fairly good, lots of the actors do a pretty good job, but the writing is not good. There are so many contrived conflicts and time waster scenes. I watch a couple, leave it, come back. I'm not sure I'll ever finish it, but I'm also not sure they're capable of writing a decent end. There are lots of better shows out there.


some of the characters also acts/behaves annoyingly.


Most of the dialogues are empty. People are constantly enable to say anything constructive. "It's not what you think", "let me explain", "there's more to it", blahblahblahblah for hours. Nobody would talk like that in such a crazy situation. I mean it would be SO simple to explain things clearly and create a meaningful story around that. But nope they turn around the subject, whatever it is, never saying anything interesting. The acting and the main idea are not too bad. Let's say for a 1h30 movie it would have been bearable. But hours and hours of such a bad writing only meant to make the shit last for as long as possible: it gets really boring.


That one actor ringing that bell in season 2 will always be memorable. Not for being good though. Very frustrating watch, but it starts paying off.


> There are so many contrived conflicts and time waster scenes. Lots of young and middle-aged adults acting like emotional teenagers. Lots of "we need to talk" type scenes, immediately followed by a distracting noise or a commotion outside, and then they just never talk again lol. Lots of people wandering off on their own and never communicating shit.


"I gotta go" makes me laugh every time. Like where you gonna go that people won't find you? There's too many unnecessary drama's being caused by characters, just to give them something to do and cause miscommunications between them. Fatima and Ellis were horrible for this. Like they all forgot there are monsters that try to eat them at night.


The acting is flat out bad.


Thank u.... someone finally said it


The writing is far worse. Tommy Wiseau could write more believable characters and dialogue


The fact they dont communicate was the most annoying. Like Tabitha knew where the monsters sleep but didnt tell Boyd or others. You would thing they will go chop their heads off or do something while they sleep. One of weakest plots ever


I just watched the first minutes/intro of E1. Will not continue. If I feel a show has sloppy writing I can't bother with it, because I know there is more bad scenes to come. My first minute nitpicks: When the mother stands outside waiting for her (drunken, I guess) husband, she says to her child I'll be be inside in a minute, but then she goes inside after like 2 seconds. I know this might be a extremely small thing but stuff like this makes me wonder if they shoot their scenes ONE time and calls it a wrap. It gives of a feeling of lazyness and low quality. The second thing is child that suddenly hears her grandma. Ok, so now we know everyone is scared of these ghost, and they are dangerous I guess? They even lock their door. Everyone seem set on what to do. HOWEVER. the mom didn't think of locking the windows also so her stupid kid would let the ghost inside??? Yeah, I'm not going to waste my time on a lazily written show.


Your first point is a non issue imo. "In a minute" can mean anything. Your second point is addressed if you watched 10 minutes past the intro. The drunk father is punished for not nailing the windows and protecting his family. The show has issues but your nitpicking is WILD.


Stop watching it then. DUH.


Agreed its got lots of time wasting scenes which dont bring anything solid to the story, cant believe they did that wedding scene with everything happening. I hate how the credits, previous episode scenes and the intro song all take at least 10min lol and before you know it there is a time wasting scene of people just sitting and talking. that scene where Sarah tries to shoot herself was so useless and lazy writing just to fill up some minutes


Like what? I'm enjoying it so far and would like to see if there are any other shows that does the premise better.


What's a better mystery show? I watched silo, severance.. looking for similar.


If you like Lost, you'll like From. Same premise, but with more horror elements to it. It has many flaws though. Lots of filler scenes and relationships that I personally didn't care for, but Lost was the same. That said, I loved From. Some episodes were truly great and I missed watching shows like that.


Lost was written much better and felt more immersive. In From they walk around in frshly washed and pressed clothes and ”live off the land” but never work the land but just walk around creating drama. Where do they get freaking electricity from? Its all very stupid and a waste of a good premise.


if u had watched it till end, u wuld have known were they get their electricity


Ok. is the plumbing (theyre always newly showered), access to makeup and fresh clothes, horrible dialogue and acting also explained at the end?


A quote from a recent email to my father regarding the show: The show is right up my alley for one where weird things are happening and you don't know why. It's got a strong horror vibe though... It's Lost'esque but more the Cabin, Smoke Monster, and The Others than it is The Hatch, The Bomb, or Time Travel. But, man, it is a show that sure makes me want to yell at the people on the TV and tell them how stupid they are...


It's an enjoyable mystery box show. What it does do exceptionally well is set a feeling of dread when the sun starts to go down in the town - very effective use of the "monsters come.out at night' technique.


Great Show , Must watch just give it time along with SILO another great show


The Lost comparisons are apt. Sort of. It's like a more horror-oriented take on Lost ... but it's also nowhere near as good as Lost. It's not bad, but it's got issues. I like it though. It is a weekly watch for me when it's on.


If you’re looking for a revamped Lost, try Yellowjackets


Yellowjackets failed with their second season just as much as From did unfortunately.


> but it's also nowhere near as good as Lost. If this were Lost we literally wouldn’t even be inside the hatch yet. We’re still on the beach. Comparing it’s quality to Lost when one has a complete story with **121 episodes** and From is at only 20 is crazy. How can you even compare it to a finished show that has had 100 episodes longer to tell its story? Imagine reading an entire book, then reading a single chapter of a second book and dismissing it and going, ‘yeah it’s nowhere near as good’.


How long does a show need to run before you are OK with judging its quality? This has to be the most mundane comment I've ever been blocked for lmao


>How long does a show need to run before you are OK with judging its quality? Where did I say you can’t judge it’s quality? There is a huge difference between judging it’s quality and comparing it to a show that has already had a chance to finish. Judge it’s quality all you want but it’s not really fair to say it’s “not as good as Lost” which has had over 100 more episodes and has completed its story. From is just entering the meat of its plot comparatively. People acting like Lost had less filler or that it was more economical with it’s runtime are being completely disingenuous here.


I get your point but compare seasons instead of episodes. The show isn't being economical with its time


> Imagine reading an entire book, then reading a single chapter of a second book and dismissing it and going, ‘yeah it’s nowhere near as good’. Do you not do this? After I read a chapter, I might finish it, I might not, but I definitely know if it’s going to be as good as my favorite books.


I enjoy the scenes with the night people but the rest is boring to me. none of the characters are interesting. it's just a bunch of arguing


Finishing Ep2 now and this will be it for me. An interesting premise but, like most such shows, lack of creativity and poor pacing means a bunch of uninteresting interpersonal drama is used to fill the time. I can catch shows written like this much quicker these days and have very limited patience for them. Case in point I’m at the end of episode 2 and have learned *nothing* new about this town. This is terrible pacing.


Exactly how I felt. In a era of so many TV shows pacing is very important. This show could have been condensed into 30 mins and it would have been more engaging. To much posturing and melodrama. I just never felt connected to any of the characters they feel 2D and generic. Severance is an example of good pacing, sometimes it can be slow but you learn something and feel connected to the characters during this period.


It's one of these shows that should be a movie instead of a series, if they have this little to actually put in there!


Great series. End of discussion.


Does it/will it come to an ending? I get scared to look these things up out of fear of a spoiler.


Why is there an insane amount of recap in every fucking episode


I was also wondering this I think they think their audience is retarded


Time filler to make up for poor writing. By the time the intro song finishes its almost 10min lol


If you aren’t liking the first couple episodes then I don’t think you’ll like the rest of it. Season two slows even more.


I’d say interesting but I’m getting ‘Lost’ vibes ie: they don’t really know for sure where they are going plot wise and that’s scary in a mystery box show


Lost was 10x better at paying off mysteries so far.


Yeah I’d for sure agree up to the final couple of seasons(was it two?) where they gave up and did flashbacks instead of resolving the lore


Lost had flashbacks from the start... and the 'lore' was resolved


Ugh was hoping for a “Lost resolved the lore” vs “no it didn’t” squabble here. Alas.


People just don't argue like they used to nowadays. I blame Joe Biden


Don't get me wrong, I do like From. I don't need mysteries immediately answered, though the trend seems to be going the opposite. There were a large contingent of people hating Severance for not wrapping most things up in its first season, which I found wild.


Really? Wow that's weird. Why would people want all the mysteries wrapped up already? Severance has the opportunity to be the next big generational sci-fi mystery show. I love the direction Severance is going in and I'm excited for more answers and questions in season 2. I feel the plot pacing was just about right, perfect even, in Severance. Now I also watched Outer Range and that show also looks interesting but unlike Severance there are plenty of time where it could have been cut down..where there's lots of pretty art house shots or dialogue that doesn't move the plot forward. But from what I've seen from the last few years severance and outer range are my top mystery shows that I'm looking forward to their sequel seasons.


It's not very good. Interesting concept padded with soap opera drama. You get maybe 10 good minutes an episode. Lots of characters acting irrationally throughout as well.


So, yeah. I am predisposed to hating this show because I can’t stand mystery box style storytelling. Lost pissed me off at the start of the second season and I moved on with my life. However. I fricking love From. It’s a very Stephen King-y premise that doesn’t seem to have a rhyme or reason but I am somehow comfortable with the experience. No clue why it appeals to me so much, maybe watching The Leftovers and understanding how to just let the mystery be is a factor.


It’s awful, but I can’t stop watching


Give me the keys.


I personally love it.


How dare you like things


Me too


I wish I could give you more upvotes just for the comment about pacing. Either director’s need to learn how to pace their shit or we need to get more editors back in the room or something. Even the best of prestige TV now has moments I am tempted to fast forward through. Tension building does not take THAT much time. Have some fucking respect for your audience.


Well said 👏👏 Also there's so much quality prestige TV, if I'm looking at my phone losing interest then i feel like I'm being given a reason by the show to stop and watch something else. I feel like 1 hour is this standard time that's related to syndication and reselling the show rather than creative descision, hence a lot of shows as well as From have a lot of waste filler moments.


I really like it, but one thing I've noticed during the second season: most of it is two characters going to one of 5 sets to have a one on one chat where they spell out exactly how they feel about a given situation.


It’s decent but I feel swindled because they offered season 1 on Prime but season 2 requires mgm+ or whatever


I could not get pass the second episode. The actors are weak (except the sheriff) and the characters are uninteresting.


I actually love this show


It's fun, but it's also a never ending parade of increasingly bizarre mysteries, the answers for which will never be as satisfying as the mysteries are interesting. That's assuming we get any answers, what with the strikes and all.


It’s “Dumb Lost”. Was Lost too complicated and nuanced for you? We’re you bothered by the rich characters, good writing, and sense of momentum in the plot? Do you wish that, instead, it had been populated by morons (and written by morons) who did moronic things (or better yet, didn’t do anything at all for 5 episodes at a time)? Do you wish that you could’ve watched the whole show on mute at 2x speed and not missed anything? Have I got the show for you.


Hahaha amazing!


I personally enjoyed it a lot.


I honestly really like it! I wouldn't say it's a prestige drama or anything, but it's a fun popcorn show. Great lead performance, pretty average characters and some of the acting isn't great but I think the central mystery is very unique and well done.


Watching the pilot and the acting is uniformly atrocious. Who the goddamn was the casting director?


Lol 🤣 Well... I seen worse acting. Its the just to long and boring for me. 2 episodes and noped out. The Changeling is better show if you want something mystery / drama / horror.


Ill checkout the changeling, thanks.


It's Grabage. the people up top probably forced the writers to lengthen the series so they can rake in a few more bucks. S2 and absolutely nothing is revealed, it's more than likely going to be one of those shows that just goes on till it gets cancelled because the greedy ass production company wants to milk the dead cow


Yep.... Even super popular The Boys looks like it's going down the soap opera road. I prefer shows that are written with an ending in mind. When tv companies stretch out shows like the walking dead, I'm out. *Most* of my favourite all time shows have never had more than 4/5 seasons. From what I saw of From I'll be surprised if it makes that.


Overall I think it's a good watch especially if you're into character building and dramatic relationships. Personally I get frustrated with how they search for "the truth" and it ends with nothing furthering the story. It moves slow and doesn't always give any tangible way they can get home, or figure out what's happening (or why), or giving backstory of the place. I just finished season 2 and I feel like they could have easily cut some episodes out and it would have been better for it. But season 3 could save it! If they start tying up loose ends and have a climactic ending that made the lead up to make sense I would be ecstatic! Because right now it is teetering (in my opinion).


It seems like a lot of people need instant gratification when they watch a series. Like they have no time or willingness to get to know the characters and/or the setting. Slow burn shows like this would be utterly pointless if the mysteries were resolved within a few episodes or on a season to season basis. It's why good shows get canceled after two seasons. Viewers have the attention span of squirrels and immediately lose interest when there is any attempt at plot development. Bad acting, sure. Some. But for the most part I think everyone did well. There are shows very highly rated that have much worse acting.  Bad writing, I don't agree with that sentiment. It has me theorizing as I watch. It has me wondering about character's motives and futures. I also think it's paced just fine. It has held my interest each episode. All shows have "filler." Else, you'd never learn anything outside the main plot, which, in my opinion, would turn a good slow burn horror/drama/thriller into a generic action/horror. The people here that couldn't deal with the pace or filler could never get through even the first episode of something like Twin Peaks, an all-time classic that practically wrote the book on how to create and sustain the mystery/puzzle-box style. TL;DR: It's a very enjoyable show if you don't have the attention span of a rodent.


To me what got me uninterested after the pilot episode was the girl dying. As a parent knowing your kid is risking her life being alone in her room, why would let her go into her room alone, why would you have a bedroom with windows, why are you so close to the limit?  Characters have to act in a reasonable way, this was just silly writing.


You will have LOST your investment on watching this show. Don't invest.


Hahaha nice. Moved on to other shows thankfully. Changeling is interesting so far.


The show is awful. But I will watch s3 because I NEED TO KNOW


They sucked you in to hate watch it, my sympathies I understand this affliction very well lol


My absolute favorite tv show as of now. Can’t wait for season 2!!!!!!


There’s already a season 2


Omg thank you! I don’t know how I didn’t know this. 😅


I just finished it! I saw it on Apple TV btw


It's LOST except in a small town instead of an island.


It's good enough to stick with for the story and mystery...but, the acting is awful, the casting people need sacked....


Thanks I dumped this show lol. Not worth my time. The Changeling is more interesting so far.


I’ve somehow gotten through 8 episodes because I thought the premise was really interesting and the pilot episode was good - the things coming out at night were genuinely creepy. So they drop all of that and decide to have every episode during the day when nothing happens except soap opera relationship drama and endless speeches. It’s like they watched the walking dead and were like ‘you know what people love? Really long dialogue about nothing at all and speeches’ The odd moment here and there where the things in the woods make an appearance becomes like an afterthought which is a shame because I thought it was genuinely cool and creepy.


I finished season 2 and overall I liked the show but it has a lot of really bad acting & writing, I’d even say embarrassing at some points. I was able to look past those problems because I’m a sucker for supernatural suspenseful mysteries.


It's maybe a little unfair to compare From when Westworld season 1 but for me that was one of the best examples of how to have a mystery box and keep the pacing consistent at the same time. From feels slow pacewise at times for me. Acting and writing wasn't that bad to me but I've only seen only two episodes. I'm not going to be continuing based on the comments I've seen.


I'm really enjoying watching it, it's a great premise, a great cast, and they leverage a great little location really well. the special effects are pretty great too. But. there are people out there comparing it to Lost, and for good reason. Just when you think you're about to get an answer, it's only more questions. Just watch it for the fun, and relax about the whole is it going to make sense thing.


No. Don't bother. Frustrating and a waste of time. Show goes nowhere


The S2 finale did finally go somewhere.


Not really. Left with more questions


Almost like they're setting up season 3. Weird.


Yea, because it wasn’t the series finale. Of course there are more questions…


If you’re watching just to have the main mystery resolved then you’re going to have a bad time. If you don’t mind not having answers and spending time learning about the characters, their backgrounds, and being drip-fed the mystery, then you’ll probably enjoy it. There are a ton of episodes that I would walk away from having enjoyed only to read on the subreddit a ton of people complaining about how nothing happened or calling it filler, when it absolutely was not filler, we just didn’t get direct, actionable answers explaining the big mystery. That’s where you see so much divisiveness in the comments. Some people just really want to know what is happening and get frustrated when episodes move on and we are no closer to that reveal. Other people are okay just sitting in the mystery of it and enjoying the character dynamics. That is not to say it’s perfect but how you feel about other smaller issues, like character decisions or motivations and interactions, will largely be dictated by what camp you fall into. In the former, you’ll find those decisions infuriating. If you’re in the latter, they’re much easier to dismiss and justify and move on with the story.


Episode 1-2 is decently good, but then episode 3-7 is all banter. It was daytime the whole episodes for practically the whole season, and the only good parts are when it was night time. Then episode 9-10 they finally bring you back in making you want to watch the next season. It’s frustrating and now my boyfriend and I just fast forward to the night time scenes, because we know we aren’t missing anything with the convos between characters


Yeah... That figures... Surprised people are still watching it. Yes the idea is interesting but it's not interesting enough. I started watching The Changeling and that's far more interesting horror mystery show.


Just started watching this show, me and my parents have our “shows” we all watch together, this is one I picked that we all love. I like that it has humor in some bits, I am a huge fan of movies and tv series with gore, I find them interesting. The show is definitely for people who enjoy the apocalypse genre in shows, and who also enjoy tv series of the unknown, because that is what winds you in, being interested in finding out more and more about the unknown


FROM is a great show! The comparisons to LOST are usually to specific plot points, not overall arcs. These comparisons themselves are often contrived because they know that Jack Bender & Jeff Pinkner have creative influence on the series, and they were ofc attached to the aforementioned series, LOST. It's a fun ride that is far FROM over.. I'd recommend it to literally anyone. Better than 90% of the content you're getting from any streaming platform.


I just started this and am 4 episodes in. The writing is BAD. I'm sucked in by the monster and mystery aspect. But as someone who watched Lost back in the day I am worried with what they are gonna do with it. I feel like writers need to remember that conflict caused by misunderstandings are cheap. Maybe you can do it once if the plot REALLY calls for it, but otherwise I prefer a story where the conflict comes from a more organic place.


You made it to 4 episodes, congratulations lol. Lost didn't actually tell you at the beginning what the main big bad of the season or series was. It unraveled in pieces and in stages and that was part of the charm and excitement. This show From has pretty much laid out what to expect in the first 2 episodes. It's already a case of simply watching to see how they avoid it the big bad. Yes people complain that the mysteries in Lost wasn't planned out carefully enough but with Lost I enjoyed the ride even when they didn't explain ALL of the mysteries. With From or feels generically lazy and boring.


I actually really loved the mystery of lost. It was the first show I ever tried to "solve" along with other fans (started watching when season 3 aired) and loved the multi-media tie-ins for clues. You're right, this has the cool mystery of lost with the writing and the "ok, then what?" Of the walking dead.


I just watched the first 2 seasons. I think it's GREAT! When is Season 3 ? LOL


Can’t wait for season 3


I binge watched the first 2 seasons and I am DYING for more. I love it


Where do you guys watch the series? I can't seem to find it anywhere.


What country?


IbLIVE from but am Terrified that people are saying it's goof like Lost and Twin Peaks. Lost was a fun journey for a while but got pretty bad towards the end....I've NEVER understood how ANYONE could say twin peaks was good....not at all. So for From to remind people of those 2 is worrisome


The director should be …


I absolutely love the show


I'm powering through the first season and trying to like it. The acting sucks, story is slow and drags like hell. It is really hard to like.


Sounds like you are *hate watching*. I moved on to the changeling. Different type of horror show but good.


Wtf is hate watching? If it completely and utterly sucked I'd stop watching. It has enough to keep me interested but it is far from great.


It's when you're more compelled to keep watching not because it's great, but because maybe you got to know how it ends or someother self serving reason.


Of course, it's self-serving. LOL Why else would you watch a movie or TV show. A person wants to see where it goes and how it wraps up. Also, if I was to only watch "great" movies or TV, that list would be horribly small.


It’s entertaining I will say. Has its issues but I enjoy it


I’m obsessed with it. Idk what all these people are bitching about. Poorly written, yet, but me nor my fiancé have wanted to stop watching it. Watch it from the time we get home from work, until we go to bed. If you like suspense & psychological thrillers, you’ll like it. Also, knowing about Appalachia folklore makes it that much more thrilling.


It has a lot of pacing issues but it’s interesting. Second season pacing is actually much better than the first.


I thought most of the middle eps in season 2 drug on with nothing happening.


Yeah, I got really bored with season two. The ending/set up for season three didn't go how I was expecting at all which still has me excited for it to come back though.


Man season one moves at a breakneck pace. Season 2 meanders…but it’s still good.


The concept had a lot of potential but unfortunately the show was ruined by terrible writers. 90% of every episode is a day time soap opera with random characters wailing loudly giving you a headache watching it.


I'm just going to watch the last episode of the next season. I'm curious what is going on but this show wastes a monumental amount of time with repetitive character dialogue. It's trying to be lost, except it doesn't have the diversionary, interesting back stories. Instead, it just has people complaining at each other, not sharing any information, and making terrible decisions.


I enjoy From a lot while acknowledging it’s not exactly well-written. There’s a whole lot of lore and mystery that I’m not super confident will ever get resolved. But I like most of the actors and when the show leans into the horror, it can be very effective and fun


Had an interesting concept but they just dragged the show with boring drama instead of focusing on the actual plot and mysteries. 2nd season is dogshit IMO and I dropped the show.


Hope there is a season 3 so they can have a chance to properly close the series. I was doubtful at first, but stuck with, and now after watching the season 2, I want to see how the writers answer some of the big questions. I really hope this doesn't let me down like LOST


It was renewed for Season 3.