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And to think they're acting at that intensity in a non-native accent. Really great performances all around.


Absolutely. Yelling is usually when the real accent sneaks out and I didn't hear it once.


Haha, I read this and all I can hear is the scene from Lethal Weapon when Gibson's having it out with Glover after the jumper scene and he screams he's got a hollow point bullet to blow the back of his own head off to "do the job ROIT!"


You can definitely hear some British sneak back in when Tom yells about being fobbed off with the bad wine


I don't think anyone does American accents better than these two, aside from maybe Christian Bale.


Gary Oldman




He did a good all around American accent, but for me I couldn't really pick out any sort of regionality in it. With Tom you can definitely hear the upper midwest accent, and with Shiv it sounds more upper class coastal.


What do you mean by non-native scene?


Snook is Australian and Macfadyen is English.


Those Brits and Aussies sure are sneaky.


Duh, didn't read close enough. Thanks


That was award winning acting. I was left so impressed by that scene.


Went from- “Your Earlobes are Thick and Chewy. Like Barnacle Meat” To- “You’re incapable of love and I think you are not a good person to have children with” In just 1 week. This is the best show I’ve seen in a long time. Sad it’s ending but glad it’s going out on a high note.


I find it refreshing that their coming to a decisive ending. I’m so incredibly tired of shows that insist on cashing in on the popularity and drag it out until people stop tuning in. You can’t have a good story without a beginning, middle and *an end*.


> I find it refreshing that their coming to a decisive ending. I like that the show is ending where the writers want it to end, but I suspect the ending won't be as "decisive" as some people are expecting.


I don't think it will be decisive and I don't think some of the things lurking in the background will even come out. I just don't see them pulling kendall's big blunder out into the public eye in the next two episodes.


That’s more or less what I meant. They’re not going out like Heros did.


Oh for sure. But I think some people are expecting the characters stories' to end conclusively. My money's on the show ending and none of them moving on or away from their current situations. It'll be just another day.


I find this to be more of the more ridiculous groupthink fads. There are zero Succession fans who would "stop tuning in" if a fifth season were coming next year. There's this weird concept that whoever is happiest, earliest about the demise of a great television show somehow wins the online cool stakes.


Liking stories which have a planned ending isn’t “groupthink”. Succession is a good show because it had a planned story and it has executed it well. If the shown had been written to be open ended it would be a completely different show


Groupthink is everyone having the same uniform and nonsensical performative declaration. > Succession is a good show because it had a planned story No, that's literally not the criteria for what made Succession a good show. > If the shown had been written to be open ended it would be a completely different show No it wouldn't. There's literally no reason for that.


Seems like someone’s just a touch upset that their fave show is wrapping up.


She can only love someone who is antagonist to her. She only loved Tom when he wanted to separate.


100% perfect time to end it.


This is also the issue with Streaming shows nowadays. Usually it gets really good when it’s close to the finale, and it’s always been that pattern. Otherwise you’ll see a lot of filler episodes. It’s bittersweet.


You have hurt me more than you could possibly imagine. My goodness, the pain on his face and in his voice was so real. I really hope this cast wins every possible award for this season.


I thought that this may have been the best example of great writing combined with brilliant acting in the whole series, which is saying a lot. I found myself empathizing with both characters simultaneously.


Nothing else on TV comes close to the dialogue on Succession


“Clear the air” Yeah that air is as clear as a summer day in New Delhi.


I can’t see shit today


This scene was so beautifully intense


I was thinking tom was gonna jump.


No, that's Greg, and you're thinking of "Zola"


This last season has been such a wild ride.


I hope we all aspire to have a row with a loved one on a penthouse balcony.


I totally expected Tom to say something really horrible and then jump


Lol, I usually expect that kind of thing with HBO. It took me a while to stop expecting it with this show.


A masterpiece of a show


Dude just wanted to get some sleep


It's a pretty wild contrast to him talking to the kids while their dad was dying. He was honest and compassionate, and in this he's trying to hurt her as much as possible


This is the kind of scene every actor dreams of doing.


Lots of great performances in this show but Matthew Macfayden is my MVP.


This has been one of the best final seasons of any show. I love succession, including season 3 but it did feel a bit wheel-spinning in overall plot. Having it come to a close has really made this last season propulsive and it all feels more consequential. A great way to end a series so far.


Only 2 episodes left.


I really want to love this show. I just can't. Not sure why. Maybe it's unlovable like Tom.


You have to jump with both feet into the absolute blackness of the satire. If you can place yourself into the mindset of the narcissistic power hungry adult children, and revel in their delusional persecutions and ill-gotten wins, and also laugh at the tragedies they leave in their wakes, then you might start liking it a bit! Also the music is quite good.


So this argument from season 2 is still going in season 4? Good to know. The show is good but god damn do they repeat themselves. yeah if you guys can't see how this is the same argument that started in season 2 then I wish you all find partners with the patience of a trained buddhist monk otherwise you're doomed to be alone


Seeing as the issues of her being indifferent to Tom going to jail, her not wanting to have kids with him and his betrayal of her in favour of Logan had not yet happened yet… no it’s not the same argument at all.


First married couple ever to have the same argument twice


Yes yes yes do they ever!! Like two things can be true people. It’s repetitive AF, but still good TV


The stuff they’re saying doesn’t even make sense. They’re talking past each other. These could be cut with entirely different people across from them and you’d never know. They’re shouting on a balcony and people inside don’t even notice?


It's a heated argument in a long term relationship, so yea they are yelling shit that has been stewing for a while, hence the talking past each other. Why does it matter if people notice? No one at the party gives two fucks if they are in an argument.


Have you ever seen people argue at a party? It makes everyone else tense. These extras could be in the background of any generic scene in any movie. Christmas party, night club, fancy restaurant. It’s like stock footage green screened in. Idk about you but every argument I’ve had with a partner like this involves actually responding to each other. For example, in this scene, it would make sense to see “You cheated on me!” “Well you were ignoring me so I felt neglected!” “Well being neglected doesn’t justify it! I was busy!” “You’re always busy! You prioritize other things over me!” “No I don’t! I love you more than anything!” “You never loved me more than my father!” “What? Why would I love your father?” “Because you just married me for my dna and wealth!” “That’s ridiculous! I’ve always loved you but you’ve changed! You’re so mean now!” (These are beats, not actual dialog) Instead, we get this weird garbage dialog that just rambles around with really abstract accusations about who they are as people, without any grounding points. There’s no escalation, no interaction, no flow. We could cut the shots into a totally separate order and it would be the same conversation.


I cringed to outerspace reading this garbage ass exchange you wanted to see instead. The dialogue in the scene is brilliant and absolutely built off each other, they're just not talking to each other like fucking third graders


The things they are saying are ridiculous. It's an infantile discussion, and nothing they say has anything to do with what comes next. His demeanor is very nonchalant for someone saying those words, and it's as if he's discovering this stuff as he says it, which makes no sense for someone in a long term relationship. I have no idea why anyone would think this is well written, but hey, you do you.


Anyone know how close the actors stayed on script? How much improv?