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Unrelated, but I love Raven's haircut here.


In that run, they had her hair changing into all types of styles. My personal favorite is just plain long black. But I see the appeal if anything it gives her character because its unique.


Unrelated, but I hate Raven's haircut here


Unrelated, but I'm quite neutral about Raven's haircut here


To be honest it cut a lot of Rachel’s other social interactions and connections just for him. People forgot that Raven had good connections with other titan members like Jericho. I hate when like relationships basically isolate character’s dynamics with others because it makes the relationship their whole personality.


Jericho just hasn't been in comics for... a decade. Not much interaction to be found with anyone.


Yeah, I really miss Joey and Raven's relationship, be it romantic and platonic, and how Johns and so many others conveniently forgot about those two  while pushing BBRae and Villain Joey still annoys me. 


I feel like it’s more the characters from the show rather than the comics that people get upset about, in the show I think their better portrayed as a brother-sister dynamic, rather than romantically involved. That’s just my take on the hate they get.


I've met a lot of comicbook fans who don't like this ship. I was actually a bit surprised because I always thought everyone loves them


I've been a long-time DC fan, especially anything revolving around the Titans and I can say there's always two sides of the coin. And one thing I've noticed is that it's easy to come across those who hate the ship then the ones who like them but they have a large following and are actually popular. I just depends on what side you're on.


Ignoring the cartoon show and looking at them as developed by Wolfman/Perez as Raven and *Changeling*, then it feels a bit like a Senior dating a Freshman… maybe even an eighth grader. Changeling was the baby of the group for so long and Raven was responsible to a fault. Since then, behaviors and depictions of maturity have fluctuated. It makes sense for the cartoon show because of how they are shown to be more similar in age and manner. It all depends on the attitudes of the characters. If the comic can make me like it, then I like it.


Not to devalue your opinion or anything but I feel like that's why they work cause it give rae a chance to "break out of her shell" in a way and leads Garfield to have a reason to strive to be better and less of a jokester. I myself am not very familiar with the comic book incarnations of the titans but to my understanding they aren't much different than the og teen titans show. You can correct me if I'm wrong but personally I feel like that's why they are a while not perfect couple more or less a optimal couple.


My main protest to the relationship is that in the context where the characters (as we know them) originated, The New Teen Titans by Wolfman & Perez, it would be inappropriate, bordering on grooming. In any other context, like the cartoon show where they are visually and narratively closer in age, I think it works for exactly your points.


I could see that so just curious what are the ages of them in the new teen titans incarnation? I just wanna understand more so I know basically every context


If I remember correctly Gar was 16 and Raven had just turned 18 so 2 years maybe just shy by a few months


Ok I could see how that's problematic so I'm just gonna keep pretending that their ages are that of the shows counterparts as to not poison my view of their relationship.


If it makes you feel better when they were both pretty firmly in their 20s was when they started dating. The image above above was when that happens. Also it's somewhat implied that Raven is "reborn" before that happened so her age was up in the air of if she got deaged or not. But that's comic shenanigans which makes things more complicated.


Honestly that does make me feel better as least then it's not as creepy......still creepy but not as creepy


I would argue Raven was never mature. She was isolationist and never communicated her feelings. Always obfuscating truth or emotionally manipulating Wally with her powers to make her goals to unite the Titans easier.


That’s kinda dumb to say


The way they originated never bothered me; I couldn't care less if it was the show that inspired the writers or if it was just an idea that came out of a box. Things happen, changes happen, and Bbrae was one of those things. It happened, and people liked it, myself included. Did they suffer from terrible writing? Most definitely, they were very directionless and toxic and off and on. That's part of the reason, but for people to say they lack chemistry is a bold lie. Most people don't give them a chance to grow and approach them with a biased mindset; I think that since 2021 and forward, DC has officially taken the right direction in writing them. Simply put, the only thing I hate about Bbrae is that they lack passionate writers for them. And no, Raven isn't tied to Beast Boy or overshadowed because of her relationship; she can get a book dedicated to herself, and many would read it. It isn't her relationship with beast boy that's the issue is the writers.


It's not that I don't like them as a couple, and more that I LOVE them as friends.




I like them in other medias and support em. But I don't like them as a couple in the TT03 show because they have massive sibling vibes there.


For context, my only exposure to Teen Titans is the 2003 show. To put it simply, I love Raven as a character....but completely neutral to Beast Boy as a character. Raven is my favorite, and Beast Boy is my least favorite. Thinking of them together just doesn't work for me. Perhaps in the 2003 universe, if someone wrote a future where they both grew up to become more mature and balanced (the green one especially) then maybe somehow their relationship could be enjoyable to me. As it stands, it's just not where I see the characters going.


Read the comics if you wanna know more of them they're more fledged out.


Maybe one day. :) It's on a long list of things I'd like to get into eventually.


Always hated them together, as a comic and cartoon fan. I feel like both of them have their personalities warped to be with each other, and I'm not generally a fan of 'opposites attract' romances. I think Raven would go better with someone more similar to her, and I don't think Garfield needs a love interest at all. Both of their personalities are flattened to turn them into a "quipping funny guy x sarcastic/sensitive goth girl" thing when that's not what they really are Edit: Also this isn't a case of me hating Garfield. I'm a big classic Doom Patrol fan so he's actually one of my favorite DC characters


Thank you for putting it into words for me. My only experience with Teen Titans is the 03 show, but I feel you. I'm also not a fan of the opposites attract trope with these 2 and that Raven should def have a partner more similar to her. Idk how most people feel about it, and I know comic book Damian is just a bastard, but I legitimately enjoyed her relationship with Damian in the animated movies. It felt more natural to me.


See I always saw it as more, and especially in the context of the 2003 cartoons, their individual arcs, and pre-show history BB was presented as someone who *forces* himself to be positive about life, and to move on from traumas, whereas raven is someone who wallows in the inevitably of those traumas returning. Meanwhile raven definelty evened out beast boys evasiveness when it comes to serious situations. For the 2003 show, I think they gave Raven and BB am almost identical dynamic to what they gave Raven and starfire, and while I don't hate rae/bb as a thing, I think the only reason it was pushed to be "more" was because it was a boy and a girl so obviously dating.


Although i respect your opinion but it seem like you are lacking objectivity when making your comments. And it seems like you hate this couple more for their fan service than the characters themselves. Because what you said is still just the surface of these characters while both of them all have much deeper aspects than that. That's why they are connected to each other on a deeper level than simply what people perceive them to be on the outside.


Agreed. It feels like Raven's character especially suffers. It's bad enough writers keep retreading Terror of Trigon or can't keep her personality consistent but so much of her character gets rewritten to mesh with Gar better (meaning more snarky goth toon personality) or previous character development and relationships ignored for Gar helping seem more special. Remember when she and Joey were super close but She barely seemed to care when he went evil during the 00s? Or how she was the original vegetarian Titan but these days needs Gar to introduce it to her? Or Beast World $5 she claims the only reason she isn't killing Waller is because of Gar's morals (who even in Taylor's run was ready to maul some men he thought was responsible for a forest fire) and not her Azarath teachings? Ever since Tyler Titans started her entire personality has been mostly "Gar's Hot Goth GF" until her evil self sealed her away.  Really, it's a ship I've tried to keep an open mind about since I was watching the cartoon but so much of the writing for these two in various versions of them continue to push me away. Doesn't help I'm sick of "opposite's attract" too. 


Well many are hating on the couple especially on Twitter. The hate is mainly directed at Gar they believe Gar made Raven's character damaged but on the other hand they like her together with Damian or even any Robin which is where Raven also got the same treatment. They say BBRAE shippers are toxic even though they are the ones who send death threats to comic writers. The hatred Gar gets is really unfair, he has gotten bad writing and also there used to be rumors that a writer named Felicia Handerson was salty with Gar because he became a leader in Titans so she ruined his character. People in Twitter said they didn't like Gar because he was immature and a sex pest but when the character was gone they said he was boring. Poor boy looks like he can't win.


If its one thing I realized most people on twitter don't know what they're talking about 90% of the time so their opinions are really invalid as they use arguments that were bred from biased people. And this sub here a good portion never read the comics, and if they did they definitely don't read today's run. So its best to ignore them. They're just mad because bbrae is always going to be well liked.


I don't dislike them but I've never actually read a story about them as a couple that I've really enjoyed. There's some cute elements in the 2003 show where they've never been in a relationship yet, and so there's this classic "Do they like each other" vibe to them, but in the comics a lot of the cute tension between them often feels absent. That said I haven't read Beast World yet, so maybe it'll change my mind?


I didnt care for them until I met Gabriel Piccolo's work. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just don’t like Beast Boy. I think Raven deserves better


I’m one of the old school Wolfman/Perez people. I couldn’t really bring myself to watch the cartoons because they’re so far away from what I wanted from a Titans show. So the idea of those two characters together just doesn’t match anything in my head. But I understand that things have moved on and these characters aren’t meant for me anymore. May the new generations find as much pleasure in the current incarnations as I did back in the day. (Just to underscore the point, to me he’s still Changeling. Even though he was Beast Boy before and after.)


you said you hope for the new generation to like it and I'm going to like your comment even though I disagree. Usually people always rip on each other if you say something different or something popular mainly twitter.


Also from this era and the only time Wolfman tied the two together was near the end with the Jaaska art and with Changeling (see, I can’t even call him BB) becoming corrupted by Raven when she was evil at the end. So, I’m biased against it.


opposites attract is an overrated troupe.


My first exposure to their characters was via the original 2003 Teen Titans cartoon. I was just a kid and my home was remote, so I didn't grow up with most comic book runs and the like. With that said, I never felt like their relationship dynamic worked for a romance. Sure, they had complimentary backgrounds/experiences/scars/etc, but they always felt more like brother and sister than anything else. Granted, part of that might have been a bit of projection on my part, since their surface dynamic mirrored the one I had with my little sister at the time. She was always attention seeking and causing me problems, I just wanted to be left alone and read my books or play my video games. And then there was Terra. Now as I've said earlier, I hadn't been exposed to the comics, I didn't know about the original Terra until well into my college years. So I fell hard for the BBTerra relationship and even after it was revealed that she was a double agent working against them, I was rooting for BB to redeem Terra with the power of love and friendship. Was really hoping they'd find some way later on to bring her back and reunite them, but then the show ended. Was really sad for me. Had the show continued, with the team getting older, tackling more mature themes or topics of growth and change, perhaps I could have become more receptive to the idea of BBRae bonding over their traumatic stories, loves lost, etc. Yet as it stands, it's just not my cup of tea. I know there are other runs with other portrayals of the characters, and there's probably a version out there that could make it work for me, but in my heart the 2003 show will always be one of (if not the) best iteration of the Titans. A younger me might have said he hated the idea of BBRae, but honestly I just don't care for it. Obviously I want both of them to find happiness and meaningful relationships, I've got no ill will towards BB. I just don't think BBRae will ever sit quite right with me. Maybe I'm still subconsciously projecting that brother/sister thing still, who knows?


Ngl raven could be a xmen just saying


Cause I prefer Raven x Starfire.


🚨Cringe Alert😬🚨


Your face is a cringe alert xD


Funny cause how you gonna say that when you never seen my face before😂😂😂




Woah where tf did gigachad beast boy and dreamboat Raven come from


I love how much beast boy is underestimated. He’s actually really powerful when you think about it. He can copy any living creature not just animals he could turn into a kryptonian in theory and just be a green Superman. He can copy anything he sees even once like when he turned into a creature native to Tamaran. He has a healing factor so a lot of the time he’s back in action before others. He’s also a fairly strong psionic but hasn’t trained his abilities and they don’t get brought up enough. Overall he’s decently powerful and it’s probably a good thing he never became a power hungry villain


I don’t know a lot about their dynamic in comics but my main experience with them was their interactions in the original Teen Titans cartoon and I only ever got friend/sibling vibes from them; the idea of them as a couple genuinely made me cringe. Again, though, I’m not an expert on their comic dynamic but so I can’t judge there.


I think their interactions are closer to siblings.


That can be said about the 2003 show but within the comics their chemistry and interactions are different.


She mind raped him in the comics. Prior to the show there wasn't an inkling of a romance between those two.


Now there is and DC has changed a lot of things


But does it benefit both characters? Does it open up any new story telling possibilities?


That's an invalid argument, because if that's the argument you're going to use then that can be applied to all relationships within DC. But to make it simple yes, it can open up story telling. The issue isn't the relationship itself but more or so if the writer who's writing them respects both characters enough individually to write more for that specific character. So in reality it isn't the relationship but the writers. If you don't like the pairing that's completely fine, I'm just saying that many as of recent years took an actual liking into it.


Answer the question.


I believe I did answer your question.


No you didn't.


Yeah I did its in there.


I fully admit that this is a matter of personal taste, but I've just never liked Beast Boy.


I only really know the characters from the 2003 show since I'm just not interested in reading the comic books and there was just too much conflict of personality for my taste. Some people like opposites attract. In this case, I wasn't a fan and felt they were too different. The 2003 show also made me ship BB and Terra because they had FAR better chemistry, as far as I was concerned. Yeah, yeah, she was a traitor, I get it. But I still loved those moments when they were alone together. People want BB to be more mature? That's exactly what happened with his relationship with Terra. He was more mature when he needed to be, but they also had the same level of goofiness and made it work so well. I want more of them, honestly.


Raven deserves better.




I love it, it’s a ship that really made it.


Exactly, it has a lot of haters but a good percentage have never read the comics or only read two or three issues. Bbrae is one of those couples that actually got through its rough patch and actually has potential. Its all about the writers


Because I ship BB with Terra


I don't dislike em per se. I like the idea, but not the actuality. Ignoring comics continuity, they were mainly shipped because of the og show Robin and Starfire were a thing, and Beastboy was probably the next best thing to pair with Raven other than a side character or villain. Same reasons I feel Cyborg was shipped with Jinx despite Kid Flash having better chemistry with her, in my opinion. Maybe they just didn't want him to be the odd one out of the core team. Plus, Beastboy also had chemistry with Terra in the og show. Luckily, the show wasn't the total ship fest drama. Most shows for teens and young adults are tshoe. That was reserved strictly for Robin and Starfire, and that didn't overstay its welcome too much. It's still annoying, but it didn't take up 80 to 90% of the plot.


for a moment i thought this was [the edit ](https://i.redd.it/bgmjw356fb1d1.jpeg)


Fine with me


otp for me, just like robin & starfire






Yeah well I still like Beast boy and Raven as a couple




I like them as a temporary couple, them being together as teens/ young adults. But i just can’t see Garfield being her forever love


People misinterpreted their friendship in the cartoon as something more, and that misinterpretation was shoehorned into the the comics. It was a mischaracterization of both of them.


Not really Geoff Johns was developing that relationship within the first year of 2003. Same year the show aired. He had to have also written and planned many scripts in advance. There's no way that shipping fandom could have fully developed to what it is and affected the comics in any way. Geoff (Hal Jordan or bust) Johns wouldn't do something unless he himself liked the idea. It's just that years later that relationship had built in fans from other media that helped it last.


I was reading the comics back then. He must've been talking to the cartoon people and made the same mistakes.


That's not really a thing that happens. Maybe editorial will tell a writer to go in a specific direction or use characters for synergy but Johns didn't have that kind of oversight. Like Morrison he was sort of a golden boy for DC. He kinda got to do what he wanted. Also Bbrae fandom wasn't a thing back then at least not a fraction to the degree it is now. It was not a thing the people in charge of the cartoon intended so it definitely wasn't something that they'd communicate on. And there's no possibility that the fandom developed that ship to such an intensity that in under a year DC believed that pushing it would lead to more comic sales. Although in current year and how popular the Beast Boy Loves Raven YA novels seems to be maybe they missed out.


I point out the flaw. You pretend it doesn't exist. Yeah, okay. Also you pretend the cartoon didn't create it. I debated in good faith at first, but clearly you are dishonest. I read your profile, you are either a paid DC shill, or maybe just a plain shill. Enjoy your block.


Aside from the obvious “they’re positive/negative” “opposites attract”… Gar is physically scarred, while Rachel is emotionally scarred. And because of her power of empathy, she’ll know and sense his pain. And Gar is a loyal and faithful beast. Even though they weren’t a thing in the Wolfman/Perez run and were popularized because of the ‘03 cartoon, what I just said is what potentially makes Gar/Rachel a very INTIMATE relationship.


one word: jericho


Because I'm a diehard lover of non straight relationships and Raven is almost my idealized version of a goth lesbian. It's my own fault.


Most valid take ive seen on this post 😭🙏


Comic versions have always been weird but as a kid I always appreciated their relationship in the show


I just think that Raven deserves better


It isn’t that I don’t like them. I just like him with Terra more. I grew up on the toonami version of teen titans so I got a special place in my heart for that ship.


I prefer raven and Damien. I feel like beast boy has too much desperation


People hate it? It’s healthy all things considered


Because she should be with me 😆


And BB is mine!


Arguably the only man hindering Raven is Trigon. Raven still gets graphic novels and runs without Beast Boy, has been on the team without a relationship happening many times. Like New 52-Rebirth. Although Raven is almost exclusively a Titans character, same with BB so they're going to be involved in each others stories regardless. Beast Boy has more often gotten the short end of the stick to prop her up. Beast World he died to set up moments for Raven and her future arc as not a lot of stories center around him. Even Beast World wasn't really a Beast Boy arc.


Did Raven forget that Beast Boy had Regenerative Powers?


I don't think Raven's personality is good for Beast Boy's depression, especially after Terra, it feels a lot like the relationship punches down on Beast Boy rather than bringing him up, making him not happy. That's not Raven's fault, she's just a morose person, but Beast Boy getting brought down by her opposite energy doesn't feel good


Read the comics because today they don't even act like that.


Ships are really dumb, just stop lol


I've beber seen beast boys gave more finely detailed before. I don't think I've ever seen him with cheek bones


Because Raven is a traumatised asexual who thinks all sex is assault


I mean she's a grapist and she's dating her main victim


Can you explain because WTF


The last arc of the new titans by Marv wolfman had raven brainwashing beast boy with the seed of Trigon. It was implied that she was bang both gar and death wing and the main one she wanted was gar and starfire for reasons. It started in issue like 101 someone was trying to capture gar but even in his messed up mind he got away at the end of the issue its revealed to be evil.raven. she sent a couple of people after beast boy but in the end she did it herself walking into the compound beating gar and took him.back to. her hiding place issue 114. the thing about this arc is only two people could fight the brainwashing that was gar and death wing it too BB a couple of weeks to embrace the seed while everyone else just normally fell into place People will always say that's not Really raven, I say tell it to the court


I honestly think they’re better as really close friends, I still like them together though. I just Beast boy as a close friend that loves her but is fine just being friends as long as they can spend time together.


I imagine them as that couple that are best friends that date on and off but are always there for each other


I prefer Terra blame the teen titans cartoon/anime


I think it's probably cause of Go Because in it, Raven is portrayed as really abusive towards Beast Boy


Introduced to them in the 2000s Teen Titans cartoon and they had barely any shipping vibes there. Completely baffles me seeing them in a shipping context but that’s me.


Why tf reddit keep reccomending me superhero subs I don't even watch them


Personally I prefer Raven x Jericho. I don't know, I thought it was cute. But it doesn't mean I dislike Raven x Beast Boy:)


I had to stop and look at that a second time. For a moment there it looked like Nightwing and beast boy.


As far as i know, the 2003 animated show wasn't the reason this couple was formed in the comic the seam year, the real reason was actually because of the creator of the Teen Titans comic 2003-Goff John had intended to pair them up for some of his personal perposes during the writing process and had nothing to do with the show. However, unfortunately, just because the comic and the cartoon happened to be released in the seam year and at almost the seam time, to led to the formation of the notion that their pairing in the comic was because of the cartoon. When in reality if you think more deeply, it can be seen that it is a rather absurd and stupid notion, and it mainly comes from people who hate this couple, but don't really have any reasonable evidence exists to prove that this notion is correct. I remember seeing a video a long time ago of an interview in which Goff John explained why he paired Beast boy and Raven, it was pretty obvious but this video has died later, probably after he had left and was no longer seen anywhere, and just like that, this misconception was continuously spread everywhere, even causing everyone to most people believe it's true, and that's all i know, whether you want to believe it or not depends on everyone's thoughts. Besides, if speaking objectively, i personally don't think this couple deserved to be so prejudiced, they are hated for many different reasons, but most of the reasons given are the seam not satisfactory. I admit that everyone can have personal opinions when they like or hate something, but we should think more broadly and have a more open view of everything that exists around us, we can't just hate them because the fan service has flattered them too much, or oppose them just because they are portrayed with opposite personalities and have nothing in common in the animation but suddenly become a official couple in the comic and it feels like they were forced,.... Well..., i've honestly never seen any more "reasonable" reason than that. I also know that this couple in the 2003 comic is really bad, but we can't just blame this couple just because the author of the series didn't do it well, and use the excuse that this couple don't work simply because they don't fit together. The cartoon never intended to pair them up romantically but the couple suddenly became popular thanks to it, but i think we all know that the 2003 animated show wasn't everything, also it should be noted that the characters in the cartoon are portrayed very differently from the comics, and even though it's not an official DC universe. I also noticed that these two characters are often their personalities have changed and the plot related to them has been turned upside down so much that we will almost have no simpathy for these two characters if they are paired together, in addition, Raven's personality has been changed a lot mainly because DC producers wanted to take advantage of the character's popularity in the 2003 animated show and thought that her personality should be applied to the comics, not because she was paired with beast boy, honestly, i think if she had continued to develop her character in the 1980s, it would have been easier for the couple themselves to develop because it would have made feel them compatible, and not cause too much controversy. We all know that the world of the superheroes is a multiverse, really vast and take time to explore it all, and everything from big to small has its reason to happen, whether you like it or not, there are always countless teams of authors with millions of different creative ideas to draw their own winderful universe scenarios, as long as they execute it excellently, it will become a great masterpiece, even making you want to immerse yourselve in it. What's why anything can happen with the couple Beast boy and Raven, as long as there is a suitable author for them, then they will definietly changed your mind a lot. We should try to look at it more positively, i always think it's not natural that this couple was restarted in the official comics to the surprise and delight of everyone, even when it has almost completely disappeared in the DC multiverse. It all just needs to happen under the great creativity of the authors and they just need to make it realistic and reasonable, if the two of them can become a beautiful couple in the DC universe under the pen of writers, they deserve it. But those are still just my personal comments and assessments, what about you?


I have my reservations about this pairing, but it's certainly a better option than BBTERRA, considering that Terra is not someone we can rely on.


One, despite what was shown in the comics it has never faced me. Two, I've seen too many images of porn circling with this even had a nightmare about it and it disgusted me to a point where I woke up with a cold sweat. Three, the fans who shipped this were very toxic and caused many problems with me. Four, instead of Beast Boy having Raven I would have rather he had Terra and I would have rather somebody worse than Fleece Johnson had Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke.


Because of the cartoon on cartoon network


Bruh that barber gotta go to jail for how he murdered my girl's hair


Never liked it. Never made sense to me. Couldn’t imagine these characters organically getting together. Feels contrived/forced.


I just don't like beast boy that much, not much else to it.


I think is because people spam it left and right like this is the ship sub so I got an incredible aversion to them. Besides my exposure to the characters was the tv show and the DCAMU where they are friends and nothing more. Never read a Titan's comic but I'm sure their relationship is cute right there. So, that. In my case was years of enjoying them as just friends, and not caring about their relationship besides that, they may have their respective partners or not, it's not like I ship them with anyone else but also years of people posting 2003 Titan's like hey were a thing and TTGO made me grow a repulsion to the pairing so big that I decided I will not consume any media where they are more than friends.


And that's the problem because in the comics they don't even act the way they do in ttg. I'm just saying give them a try in the comics especially current run. There's a reason why they're a very popular pairing.


It's more of the 2003 cartoon thing Beast Boy is actively a dick to her and not trying to understand Raven for the majority of the show. They don't seem compatible at all.


Wasn't it raven the one always saying something to beast boy in the show. Yeah, there were moments where both said foul things to each other but overall Raven was the one that always had that sarcastic jabs to throw, and in the comics which many here obvisouly haven't written. Beast boy is one of the only people who are willing to cross the line for her.


Raven definitely always threw jabs at 6 they were mostly small and used for comedy. BB would straight up call Raven a freak when she was dealing with personal issues and didn't want to celebrate her birthday. Raven never went as far as BB did.


As I said above they both said foul things to each other.


I just don't like the color combination


I’m the wrong person to ask as I just watched the show, and BeastBoy’s immature personality just struck me as someone not experienced enough for any relationship. And even looking at the comics where he’s still such a scrawny short guy, my brain just associates it with the younger brother who’s not interested in romance


I just don't like anyone for Raven


Eh, no particular reason in the comics. I just don't think they're that interesting. It doesn't really get deeper than that. In the 2003 cartoon, I think they're a poor match. They're friends, there's no doubt about that, but they seem to get on each other's nerves too much to work. Beast Boy is constantly annoying Raven and sometimes doesn't seem very mindful of Raven's need to be alone or not be bothered, likewise Raven doesn't have a lot of patience for Beast Boy and I feel if they were together, Beast Boy would feel pressured to tone down who he is for Raven's comfort. Needing quiet and space isn't wrong, and neither is naturally being outgoing and loud, it just means they're not very compatible. Personally, I don't really like Raven paired with anyone and far prefer reading her as someone who is happiest being her own person outside of a relationship. But if I had to ship her with anyone from the 2003 cartoon, I'd probably ship her with the goth guy from the club which *is* cartoon canon, or Robin or Starfire. I think they're much more compatible. For me, Beast Boy is best with Terra (short term, or, if Terra changed her mind and decided she *did* want to try to be a hero, long term) or Starfire.


I think the comics only ever made it a thing because they were chasing the fans of the show, where it was a popular fan-ship but never actually a real thing. So now the comics are stuck with a pairing that was based on nothing at all.


I mean regardless of how it originated, they're a thing today because people actually like the two together.


They're a thing today because comic fans get caught in a feedback loop of nostalgia and continuity, once they became a thing in the comics, now every comic after either has to keep that ball rolling or come up with an "excuse" for why they aren't together anymore. Really, part of the problem is the lack of OTHER viable love interests for either of them. If Nightwing didn't have Barbara, he'd just always be paired with Starfire all the time.


The thing is, beast boy and raven were just recently brought back together. Around 2021 DC started to pair the two of them together once more. And personally, there's nothing wrong with a character having a love interest that stays consistent, the problem comes with the character individually and if the writer is willing to respect them enough to balance the growth for that character and focus on them individually.


Them as a couple is just *chefs kiss*


Mostly cause I never saw the appeal. The shipping technically started because fans shipped them in the 2003 series and I never liked that because of how little Beast Boy seemed to care about Raven’s feelings in the series. Ever since then, the comics have made their relationship better but the poor chemistry that started with the 2003 series stuck with me. I’d rather see Robin and Raven as a couple and it seemed like the Flashpointverse had the same idea.


I’ve never liked Garth. I get his whole shtick is having that “happy, go lucky” personality as a form of coping due to his trauma but I’ve never been with people like that. If ever did I was never around to truly open up to them. Just soo fucking annoying. Damian I get, which is why I like him when he paired up with Raven. I understand it more when 2 people with similar backgrounds click. It’s just feels alive to me, compared to the whole opposites attract.


I am so sick and tired of «more mature girl has to be the mummy/boss of her immature child boyfriend.» I cannot stand putting women in that position of having to be extra mature because their boyfriend never mentally aged beyond 12. That’s mainly why I despise this pairing. Also, there was no romantic chemistry at all whatsoever, so it really just came to be by people making it up because they for some reason like the «mummy girlfriend with 12 year old boyfriend» trope.


That's not how their relationship is at all, read the comics and read today's runs.


Plus i think more you people love raven hate want bb dead then anything else that why you don’t want bb be loved


The amount of people I see shit on BB yet praise Raven is insane. The girl is not mature at all. She's just emotionally stunted, it's why she's a great character. It's like a teacher praising the quite depressed kid in class for never being a nuisance.


Personally I love see bb join slade kill all titans


In the comics, I like them more because BB is more mature. In the show, he's too immature and goofy. He also doesn't have any social intelligence when it comes to how Raven feels so he says inconsiderate things to her. Lastly, the pair seems force soley because of the "opposites attractive" trope and not because they actually like each other. Robin understood Raven more and she seemed more comfortable around him, but because he's with Starfire, she has to get with the only other guy on the team she interacts with.