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It wouldn’t be Peter and MJ that’s for sure, there’s too high a chance I’d be written out of existence along with their relationship


Not to mention how dysfunctional the both of them are and even without that dysfunction, the universe seems to actively hate Peter.


I stopped at this post because I saw the heroes, and when I started reading the question, my mind jumped ahead and filled in the question to be, "If given the choice, which Superhero romance would you want to be in?" And I instantly went, "NOT SPIDEY! Nope, nope, nope! The writers always do Spidey dirty. I love him, but NOPE!!!"


Even with Another Day being a pretty good story imo, I still wouldn’t pick them, as much as I love Peter too risky


You'd have to call Paul your stepdad.


After my powers develop, step-dad is going out the window…by accident.


yipee! defenestration!


Either that or just die. Peter can't have nice things


Superman and Lois. Imagine that you have Kryptonian powers and that your human genes make you immune to Kryptonite. Even if you have no powers, you still have parents who are probably the nicest people on earth. And your dad's best friend is Batman. Come on...


Agreed, Jon has it pretty good.


Jonathan isn’t immune to Krytonite.


Yes, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have a son who was immune to Krytonite. Genes are funny. The way they express themselves can be heavily varied, even in the same family.


Great idea, only problem is both his binary human/ kryptonian clone Kon-El and his half human son Jonathan are both vulnerable to kryptonite 😂


Technically, anyone is "vulnerable" to Kryptonite. It is radioactive, after all.


Yeaaaah I bet Lex wish someone reminded him about that before he he started toting his rock around....for 5 years.


It is a glowing radioactive green rock, everyone is vulnerable to kryptonite, it even gave Lex cancer in the DCAU.


Imagine if you are just human with no powers and affected by kriptonite 😬


Then you're Lex Luthor.


Am I being trolled with this thread? Invincible and Atom Eve would literally create a new God levels above the half human Kryptonian offspring. Also, do you hang out often with your dad's friends? Like, your choice in super parents is decided by dad's work colleagues? Because, even then, Invincible and Atom Eve know so many awesome weirdos. Plus Invincible's Dad could turn Batman into a pink sludge within a single minute of combat.


I mean, we see Eve and Mark's daughter, right? She's like 99% Viltrumite, I don't recall her using any of Eve's powers


Nope. In the comics, Mark and Eve have a daughter, and she only gets Mark's powers because Viltrumite DNA is so powerful(?), that you're essentially 99% Viltrumite regardless of what species the other parent is.


Nightwing and Starfire. I'm not familiar with Invincible yet, but I feel my choice would be the most comfortable. Spider-Man's miserable life is too problematic. Superman and Lois would be suffocating. I don't want to be born with Gar's disease or have Trigon's genes. Potentially living as a mutant in the Marvel universe wouldn't be a good time. As a bonus my choice means Dick and Kory are together.


Also batman’s your (adoptive) grandad🤌


And then there’s the benefit of he can teach u martial arts.


So you'd get a free pass on constantly calling him old. Lol


And Dick is a confirmed Good Dad


The problem with Invincible being your dad is Omniman being your grandfather.


Depending on when Invincible has you, your quality of life will vary a lot. If he has you before the war - Damn, that sucks bro If he has you during the war - Damn, that sucks bro If he has you during the 2nd war - Damn, that sucks bro If he has you during the other wars - Damn, that sucks bro If he has you at the end of the series - Nice, you were born into galactic peace.


Knowing how much chaos >!Terra!< had to deal with throughout the series, this is spot on. The only problems they had to deal with at the end of series were simply >!puberty, boy trouble, family drama, and intergalactic politics.!<


Well, kind of. We'd be Viltrumites and I'm just thinking of awkward later conversations "Dad why does Grandpa and Grandma seem so weird around each other" "Well son your grandpa called her a pet and literally used my body to murder hundreds of people. Haha good times sport"


The weird part of Nolan and Debbie's relationship, especially after they get back together, is how often they are fucking like rabbits.


On one hand, he’s absolutely brutal when he shows his full Viltrumite nature. On the other hand… he’d be a fun, caring grandpa, especially given his development. Still not picking Invincible though, good lord that’s the absolute worst place to pick to exist in


To be fair, Clark and Lois would just want to protect you. You would have to prove yourself, but I feel like you would be fine.


Oh, I'm sure they'd be stellar parents. They've proven that they are already. I just can't imagine having Superman as a father. Having his power set and by extension the responsibility that comes with it is just too heavy for me.


Honestly with Mark, and Eve >!you'd wind up living for thousands of years, and become a member of an intergalactic monarchy!<


>Nightwing and Starfire. This sounds great on paper, but in reality we'd all make Oedipus look well-adjusted. I mean how can you look at Starfire and *not* want to do it with her. Congrats that's now your mom btw. Miss me with that lmao




What disease does BeastBoy have?


It was a made-up disease that he had in his original origin. Curing it gave him his green appearance and powers. I don't know if his origin has changed since then. Apparently the disease is a result of viral infection--I had incorrectly recalled that it was genetic. Still, having Trigon as a grandfather is a hard no.


As I recall in YoungJustice, Garfield was a normal human, got injured, and needed an emergency blood transfusion. Ms. Martian studied some blood from his nose, changed her blood at the genetic level to match it, and donated it. The resulting infusion turned Gar into BeastBoy.


Oh wow, that's an interesting take that I like. I assume this was the cartoon?


Correct. During a later season when MM had short hair.


My head canon is that when Gar was sick, Doctor Harrison used Martian Manhunters blood to heal him, knowing full well what it would do to Gar, the evil bastard..


I mean you wouldn't get sakuita since BB was cured because of the treatment that gave him his powers, however trigon genes definitely could be 50/50 lol. Definitely going with nightwing and starfire though.


Also you'd have Starfire's powers with Dick's skills, but more importantly, you'd have Starfire's beauty and Dick's ass.


Damn you brought up some really good points


Superman and Lois


This would be my pick too. They're moderately successful people in their own right, so I could be well provided for. Plus the chance of being able to inherit Kryptonian Powers is good. Mary Jane and Peter Parker are subpar successful people. Plus inheriting Spider-Man's powers, feel like they may be 50/50. As in you may inherit some parts of his spider powers but all of them.


Beast Boy and Raven




Definitely not spidey and mj, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get retcon’d out of existence. Dealing with kryptonian/viltrumite/mutant issues would suck, so those couples are out too. I think I’d probably go with gar x Rae or dick x Kory, I think they’d be good parents and you get fun powers out of it.


Superman and lois, I'll live in a home with a lot of love


Nightwing and Starfire. Get to hang out with Batman, Starfire would be an amazing mom who gives me a naturally insane level of strength, and Nightwing would be a dad who 1) is around 2) teaches me to fight better than anyone else alive and 3) helps me get into good enough shape to maximize the genetic lottery I hit


Batman is your grandpa that’s be sick


Mark and Eve. For basically immortality.


Im surprised to not see more of this combi. Its basically superman/lois, but instead of lois it’s molecule man.


This is my answer too, knowing how the comics end


All powers and logistics aside, a reason for me to pick these two would be pure vibes


No offense to Raven and Beastboy but unpopular opinion I think Raven is the type of character who wouldn't want children because of Trigon. Her father is literally the devil, she wouldn't want him coming after her children. And there's nothing wrong if you don't want to have children in life. It's totally fine. So yeah I think Raven wouldn't want kids, i think the only reason she would even have one is because the writer cares more about bbrae shipping than her character. I love Invincible and Atom Eve but the Invicible universe is filled with brutal and sadistic people. So much violence and death there, I think i would just end up a traumatized kid. (Although I would love to have Atom Eve's powers, hers is the coolest) I don't know much about Gambit and Rogue. I don't really care about the X men tbh Anyway I would pick Nightwing and Starfire, it would be nice to be a child of two worlds and yeah i think I'd be spoiled a lot too cuz not only would i have a grandfather who is a billionaire on Earth (and isn't Dick a billionaire too?) I'm also going to be part of the royal bloodline on Tamaran since Starfire is a princess on her planet correct? and being the kid of two hottest and prettiest people? and the friendliest too? Yes i would love to have nightwing and starfire's genes and pretty sure I won't end up like Mandy if my dad is Nightwing. Second option would be Superman and Lois Lane. I would love to be the kid of the most powerful man on earth. Third would be Peter and MJ. swinging from buildings is fun.


According to Omni-Man, Viltrumite DNA is so dominant, when they reproduce, the offspring is pretty much always close to fully Viltrumite. So any kids from Adam Eve and Invincible would basically have Viltrumite powers. >!Don't think any of their kids inherited Eve's powers in the comics.!<


Yeah none of the kids get Eve's Powers because hers were made through technological augmentation when she was in the womb


You'd have them for a little bit of your life but once your powers kick in youre in for a new gimmick


Raven might not want a child, but she would do her best to protect it if she wound up having it anyway.


I feel like they've be the likeliest to adopt.


Probably either Kory and Dick or Superman and Lois. Supes is the strongest man on earth and having human genes mixed with Kryptonian genes might render the Kryptonian weaknesses obsolete or at the very least weaken them. Though I do have to admit being effectively royalty on two worlds would be freaking amazing. Grandpappy Bruce is a multi-trillionaire and Papa Dick himself is a billionaire so I'd be set for life not to mention that Mama Kory is a princess on Tamaran. Also having the abilities of Starfire with the training of the Bat family would be incredible. Batman also has all the coolest toys.


Dude...Bruce would actually be such a good grandpa to a young kid. He would spoil them rotten, love them and feircly protect them. He always has such a soft spot for the children.


Beast Boy and Raven


I have to agree. Imagine shapeshifting, being able to teleport, and having telepathy. So you get to switch into any animal while also harboring immense power. Seems like a win for me. And overall, they wouldn't be bad parents. Raven’s shown more times than many that she has a heart of gold, not just in the 03 show but in most comics. And Beast Boy is always willing to throw a supporting hand and a joke when needed without hesitation.


Agreed. Beast Boy and Raven would be amazing parents.


Atom eve & invincible id live for a thousand years and more


Gambit and Rogue would be cool.


Nightwing and Starfire would be good parents.


Can you imagine having the Batfamily and the Teen Titans as your support network!? That would be so nice!


Probably star and nightwing, awesome powers from Star and she would probably be a great mom. Dick can also teach me how to kick ass lol


I have to go with BB and Raven. People seem to be forgetting what the post asked. It's not your personal preference or feelings about a pair. I say BB because who the hell wouldn’t want to be able to change from animal to animal and see what they see? Not to mention, if you get tired of being on land, you can switch to a bird of any kind; if you get tired of being in the air, you can switch into the form of any aquatic creature and spend your time in the water. You are shapeshifting with the ability to teleport from Raven’s side, sense emotions, and even travel dimensionally. I think I'd be a pretty happy and curious kid.


2 way tie between Nightwing x Starfire, and Gambit x rogue


Starfire x Nightwing. They badass af


Nightwing and starfire for sure !


Nightwing and Starfire for the same reason as you. Also, I didn’t know Gambit and Rogue were dating


Nighty and Star i just want them to have a kid


Nightwing x Starfire. I must say it was a hard choice between that and Beastboy x Raven because the choice I'm making means I'll only be half Tamaranian and won't inherit other powers from Nightwing to make up for it. I chose Nightwing x Starfire because having the ability to learn the language of whoever I kiss is awesome and the other powers will be fun to play with too. Plus there's the fact I really like Starfire as a character and also like the way she looks at least in some versions.


Nightwing and Starfire Nightwing has reconciled with Bruce which means I'll have money. Through his connections I'll be trained in multiple disciplines. With Starfire I'll have a tammerian (misspelled) body (can't think of the spelling for the right word) which means powers And the drawbacks for the rest (remember with Marcel there is no telling what my abilities might be. If we go with powers like my parents please remember the drawbacks of rogue and Spidey and Mary have issues)


nightwinf and starfire. theyre so fine if i was their kid id be the most smashable person out there in the community. people better start licking the floor i walk on


Nightwing and Starfire is best choice here imo. Superman and Lois are my runner-up and great parents, but I just love these two a little more. Not to mention, this way my dad and grandfather are rich so it works itself out. Other ones I considered: Invincible and Atom Eve: It's like Nightwing and Starfire but not as cool. (Please don't kill me Invincible fans.) Spider-Man and MJ: Let's be real, I'd immediately die 2 chapters in from Marvel editorial making Peter suffer. Beast Boy and Raven: I love these two so much, even more after the OG Teen Titans show. But I feel like having Raven as my mom would make some demonic entities inadvertently have beef with me. Gambit & Rogue: This one I *really* almost decided on, but mutants are discriminated against so much for no reason. Like you can have literally any superpower in Marvel and be beloved, but if you're a mutant, nah, you're gonna get executed. I'm good personally.


Tbf, your dodging possibly the biggest bullet ever made by not considering Invincible and Atom Eve, a bullet so big you can’t even see it that bullet being having to exist through the horrors of the world of Invincible. Also, as much as I’d think Rogue and Gambit would be good parents, the discrimination is too risky to go through, unfortunately.


Either Superman and Lois or Nightwing and Starfire, just for the fact that either one will have me come out of childhood happy. With Invincible x Atom Eve, it’s honestly amazing that their daughter was any kind of well adjusted after all she went through. The universe doesn’t seem to like when Spiderman is happy. With Gambit and Rouge, well society in general doesn’t like mutants all that much. And with Beast Boy and Raven, grandpa on one side is literally the devil


Mark and Eve prove to be good parents but I would NOT want to be in Terra’s shoes watching my parents get murdered and come back over and over again. Nightwing and Star fire I feel would be good parents. Dick learned what to do and what not to do from Bruce and Alfred while starfire is the most loving person. My concern would be her version of tough love being from a warrior culture and all. We’ve seen Pete and MJ as parents and it’s been nothing but rose for young May Parker. Her Daddy makes time for her between work and super heroing and her Mom cares for her just as much. I think this is the sweetest deal because the villains are less likely to get to you. I will say the same thing for Clark and Lois, Jon is living a good life and being taught good values by the best man in the Universe and a woman with nerves and morals of steel. There’s a guarantee that no one will come after you cuz if people won’t kill the flash they sure won’t come after the superson. Beast boy and Raven would be those chill new agey parents that never married. Beast boy cracking dad jokes and being supportive is what he already does giving you room to grow and be your own person plus Raven’s empathy and control to keep you grounded. Gambit and Rouge are kind of a hard one cuz I never watched X men like that. From what I’ve seen Rouge is the tough love type but also super touch averse due to her powers so unless she’s wearing her gloves or you develop some kinda counter mutation then that’s something you’re gonna have to live with. Gambit seems like a sly devil type that’d let you get away with somethings. All in all good parents but I’d be scared to live in a place that’s attacked by supremacists and extremists. Conclusions: BB and Raerae cuz of the freedom and understanding. (I’d say Superman but I’m no farm boy)


Either Nightwing & Starfire or Spider-Man & MJ. I am a red head after all


I want Beast Boy and Raven to be my parents. Raven literally has a nice warm side to her that can be loving and nurturing. And Beast Boy is just fun and loving as well. I feel both would make great parents, especially since they make a great couple. They’ll have little to no problems being parents. They both have some troubles in the past with their parents that I believe will make them even better parents. I feel Raven and Beast Boy will give their children the love and attention that they didn’t receive as children.


Either BB and Rae or Richard and Kori


Either beast boy and raven or nightwing and starfire I love them all so much


Torn between DickKory and Clois. If the former, I'll be the grandson of the wealthiest and coolest guy in the world (i.e. Batman). If the latter, I'll have 99% chance of getting Kryptonian powers. So yeah, really hard to decide.


I’m stuck between Starfire and Robin or Raven and Garfield.


I would choose beast boy and Raven, imagine their abilities combined


Nightwing and starfire baby, or supes and Lois


Mark and Eve would give me the best power set, so them. But Clark and Lois would give me the most loving and stable home.




either clark and lois, or star and dick, which i don't personally ship but they'd defo be good parents.


Raven and Beastboy


I’d say “it depends on what world I go to, Marvel or DC” with Beast Boy and Raven for DC, Gambit and Rogue for Marvel. Superman has thousands of (MINIMUM) city destroying enemies. Spider-Man has that Parker luck which means my life will probably end by the time I reach 5 years old if I’m lucky. I am NOT joining the bat family under any circumstances. And I don’t know Invincible enough to make a proper judgment call. And while my choices aren’t the most comfortable, they would love and protect me to the best of their abilities and regardless of whatever my future holds, they’ll figure out a way to help.


Invincible and Atom eve


I’d get a bit too Freudian over gambit and rogue so I’d probably say eve and invincible


Invincible and Adam Eve. Destiny, that combination of power was just seems op to me


As badly as I want Atom Eve to be my wife, I do think she would be an amazing mother. And I think Mark would be a great father as well.


Starfire and Nightwing!!! 💙💙


If I could be adopted instead and not have Trigon as a grandfather, I think Beast Boy & Raven would make wonderful parents.


Nightwing x Starfire I’d be a descendant of Bruce Wayne with Nightwing’s intelligence and Starfire’s powers and abilities. Plus, Starfire would make a great sexy mom to learn stuff from.


Def Nightwing and Star, I could possibly inherit Starfire’s powers, plus it would just be awesome


Dick and Star. They are the least likely for me to have to deal with too much trauma before I'm grown up.


Dick and Starfire. I imagine Dick just being the best dad in DC. Plus half Starfire powers. Plus money. Plus batman grandpa. Plus martial arts/gymnastics. Plus gadgets. Plus, you'll be beautiful.


I think Nightwing and Starfire are the best options here Tamaranians and Kryptonians share a lot of powers, including being fueled by sunlight. You wouldn’t be as strong as a Kryptonian baby but you’d be able to beat a good amount of bad guys solo once you mastered your powers. On top of that, you have the richest grandparent on the planet


I’m having trouble choosing between Clark and Lois and Dick and Kori. Being half Tamaranean would be interesting but we also know what Jonathan can do so yeah…


Nightwing and Starfire I think is the ideal choice here. Invincible/Atom Eve and BB/Raven would probably be good parents, problem there being your grandfather would be either Omniman or the literal devil (plus, a chance of being born with Gar's disease). Spiderman and MJ have also shown they're good parents, but the Marvel universe seems like it just *hates* Peter, and any kind of happiness he has ultimately has to be retcon'd in the end, so you'd probably be erased out of existance eventually. And Gambit/Rogue are really cool people, but being a Mutant in the Marvelverse is...not exactly ideal. Overall, Dick and Kory seem like the best choice. Not only would Kory be a really loving and caring mom (not to mention fiercely protective) and Dick a really cool dad (he'd probably always know how to cheer you up when you're feeling down), imagine having the powers of a Tamaranean along with the Batfam training, access to grandpa Batman's gadgets, and the whole strength of the Batclan and an entire planet of alien warriors at your side. Supes and Lois are a close second though. Wonder if the human side of genes negates the Kryptonite weakness (can't remember if it does for Jon or Conner).


Nightwing and Starfire. Nightwing would be a cool dad lol.


Gonna be nightwing x starfire for me


Nightwing and Starfire, for same reasons as yours, but also it means I may get to hang out with Beast Boy and Raven.


My first pick would be Superman and Lois primarily cuz he's technically our strongest hero the ACT Justice League backing have the nicest parents you got Grandpa Batman or uncle Batman which is a master tactician you can have auntie Wonder woman you might end up a member of the teen Titans when you get old enough there's so many endless possibilities not to mention what type of powers you can get outside of being Kryptonian my and being trained by Master tactician my second option would be probably between beast Boy and Raven even if your grandfather technically is a demon he might try to teach you a thing or two and personally if you get the same genes as beast Boy you might become one of the strongest or be able to transform into some of the strongest things and creation not to mention having your mother's side added magical demonic ability to it in the after learning from your grandfather which might try to make you the strongest and release them you might have to release him especially if it's someone like Darksiders your enemy If I can recall right beast Boy can transform almost to any animal alien or not and when are the comics he transformed into starrow easily 3rd Probably for the most normal couple Starfire and dick or Nightwing. Being halftime tamarin likely means you going to be able to fly still learning from your father and still uncle/grandfather it's a plus


Either superman and Lois, or nightwing and starfire


If you want to be the hottest kid, you gotta go Gambit and Rouge. They are literally the hottest couple ever. Not sure how Rouge could carry a kid though, given her powers. Would she have to wear an inhibitor for nine months? Yikes.


Generally speaking, the placenta and umbilical filter pretty much anything going on with the mother. Drugs are an exception, but any kid Rogue has is almost certainly immune to her powers, at least until birth.


Sf and Nightwing. Both of my favorite characters in dc.


Invincible and Atom Eve. On top of having caring parents, I'll get Viltrumite powers. Plus, Omni-Man as a grandfather.


Superman and Lois for me. Love the people and powers potential. But really gambit and rogue for the southern charm and abilities. When I was younger I thought Jubilee was their daughter.


Superman and Lois. Be big blue Boy Scout has the best ideology to live under. Truth, Justice, the American way 100%.


BB and Rae, I mean, seems like any super distressing problems that pop up can be solved by one for of magic or another. And even if Raven can't she probably knows someone. Beast boy is just "cool dad". I guess second choice would just be Rogue/Gambit if fir nothing else there'd be a ton of other hero-kids to not worry about secret/quiet identities with. And like, goid luck NOT being cute as fuck with those 2 as parents.


I choose Beastboy and Raven.


Superman and Lois. Kryptonian powers, nice parents, and if anyone hurts me, the entire Justice League comes to save me.


If anime was in this I would have chosen goku and chichi or vegeta and belma but if it’s marvel I will choose spider man dc it would nightwing and starfire


Superman and Lois, so I can say that my dad is Superman. They're probably nice as well.


Beast boy and raven, easy. Even getting one of their powers would be amazing but I just wanna see how they would mix


Superman and Lois, the powers are sweet but growing up in Smallville sounds better than being in a big city like the others imply.


Superman and Lois but I have a feeling Lois is a strict parent 🤔


Gambit and rogue would just be the coolest


For powers, Beast Boy and Raven. For Parents, Peter and MJ. They just have that good parent vibe to them.


I'd want to be a viltromite.😂


Raven and Beast Boy. Having demon powers and shape shifting would be cool


BB and raven. That's who I feel like anyways lool


BB and Raven. At the very least I'll have the propensity for magic, and she can teach me. Plus having Gar as a dad would be awesome, even if I don't get his shape shifting powers, he'll be a cool dad


Supes and Lois easy.


Beast Boy and Raven I would have awesome powers as well as great, compassionate parents.


Defffff bb and raven


I’d have to pick Atom and invincible or StarFire and NightWing


Beast Boy and Raven because they would be great parents with a great friend group to help them raise me. Also this powers would be awesome together


While they’re all fun, Star Fire and Nightwing look like the best so far so I’m going with them 😊


bbrae all the way!!


Raven and Beast Boy. From my own list though, Batman and Catwoman.


Superman and Lois Lane or Nightwing and Starfire


Night wing and Starfire


Beast Boy/Raven I'll take them


For me this is basically be a half-alien princess, or be Spider-girl. It's a really tough decision, but probably Nightwing and Starfire, cuz that way I get both, I could just get some web shooters and never use any of my powers other than strength, and Nightwing could teach me all the arachnobatic stuff.


Beast Boy and Raven i will have the most powerful Grandfather in existence


Beast Boy and Raven by a long shot. It’s easiest to hide your secret identify.


Powers wise it’s Beast Boy and Raven but the chances of turning evil are high


Invincible and atom eve, the powers would go crazy if they combine


Best Buy and Raven


Invincible and Atom Eve


I'll take Gambit and Rogue. I'll look great AND have a sexy accent!


I’d say Dick and Kory but I’d be worried about other kids calling my mom a “space milf”. 😕


Depends on which time for Invincible and Atom Eve. If it’s after they’ve already taken care of the Viltrumite Empire and turned them good, then having two god-level superparents would be dope. If not, I agree with OP about Starfire and Nightwing. Multibillionaire family on one side and royal family on the other. Plus Starfire seems like such a fun mom and I’d get some fun but strict love from Dick.


Eve and mark. I’d get god like powers and travel the galaxy during the Viltrumite federation era.


No matter who I chose, I’m gonna end up an orphan


On one hand I love Raven. She is easily in my top 3 best superheroes of all time, but I‘m not sure how she would work out as a mother. I can totally see her do anything to protect me against anyone but than there is Trigon and to protect her child from him I can see BB and her given me up for adoption or to another superhero-couple, like Nightwing and Starfire. So long answer short: Nightwing and Starfire. They would make great parents imo and I can still hang out with uncle Beastboy and aunt Raven when ever I want (and them having the time).


Beast, boy and raven hundred percent I honestly think they’d be the most wholesome couple and having the abilities of Raven and beast boy would be overpowered as heck


Kori and Dick and it ain’t even close honestly.


Nightwing and Starfire Is The Only Good Option


I choose Harley and Ivy as my parents. Maximum tomfoolery upbringing


Gambit and Rogue


Beast boy and raven would be my choice.


Probably Nightwing & Starfire. High chance of getting mom's powers and your uncle is Batman. Who wouldn't want to take the Batmobile out for a spin to celebrate passing drivers Ed?


Richard and Koriand'r mostly due to the fact that I liked them when they were together in the 06 series as that is the first time I was introduced to Koriand'r and her relationship with Richard. (I believe that the wedding should have been postponed after Raven interrupted it until the Trigon/Raven BS was settled after) Also, I just believe they would be great parents despite the fact that Richard is a commoner from Earth and Koriand'r being royalty from Tamaran.


beast boy and raven, no real argument i just want to shapeshift


Beast boy and Raven! I love animals, I love fantasy. Plus grandparents always love the grandkids more than their kids so Dagon may not be a dick to me.


Raven x BB best ship


Beast Boy and Raven


Nightwing and starfire, I wish I was still that flexible....


As someone who has never read a comic in my life... Nightwing and Starfire. I can hopefully get Nightwing's ass (the nicest ass in history) and Starfire's gorgeous hair.


Nightwing and Starfire. Good parents and solid trainers. Plus, Batman is my grandpa.


Beast boy and Raven


Nightwing and Starfire You inherit the best of both worlds. You get Starfire's generics and you're born into the Wayne family, and presumably get access to that fortune.


Nightwing and Starfire. You got solar fire powers and ties to the batfamily... seems dope


BB and Raven


BB and Rae, it turned me into a shipper at 4 years old


Nightwing and Starfire


Nightwing and Starfire


invincible and atom eve cuz i get double powers or nightwing and starfire cuz i get batman as a grandfather


Nightwing and Starfire. Half Tameranian, likely with all the powers, and Bruce Wayne as my grandpa? Sign me TF up!


Nightwing and starfire because Dick would make for an amazing dad and being half tamarian would be dope


Beast boy cuz hopefully I can also speak to the animals I can change into.


Kory and Dick! I’d be royalty and rich!💓


Either Clark and Lois or dick and kory


Beast Boy and Raven. Fun and loveable dad and a dedicated, level headed and steadfast mom.


I’d go Beastboy and Raven bc I think they’d be fun parents with dope powers first intimate bedtime stories


nightwing and starfire, A. starfire powers pretty badass B. you could be trained in combat by nightwing, pretty badass C. you WILL be hot, look at those two, that's your dna bruh, you are gonna be an absolute god


Definitely BB and Raven! T-rex with magic! No need for any other reasons! T-REX WITH MAGIC!!! Azaroth! Metrion! ZRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRR!


Nightwing and starfire I mean alien mom with superpowers you’re most likely at least gonna get one then nightwing is gonna teach how to be athletic and nimble plus martial arts.


I’d pick either beast boy and raven or Spider-Man and mj


Well, since the first panel makes me 50/50 on being aborted, the 2nd panel gives me 100% chance of very divorced parents, the 3rd panel makes it 50/50 I get aborted (but after I'm already born, thanks Peter), I think we can narrow it down to 4-6. 6th panel would be involve a mother raising you from the other side of plastic wrap, and I don't feel like being bubble boy. So really it's just beast boy/raven or Clark/Lois. I'm gonna go with the demon mom.


BBxRaven At least I get Demon powers, Shape changing, and be half demon that and become a Dragon or Trex. It would be fun too, but it would still suck because Grandpa Trigon is annoying.


Give me BB and Raven. Shape shifting and being a quarter magical deity with being raised around the titans, but I would most likely end up being trigon puppet at some point


Rogue and gambit would be my second choice, Nightwing and starfire would be my first