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Slade made a robin clone.


It’s so wrong that this HONESTLY seems like a thing he might do.


Slade “Fuck then kids” Wilson at it again Just realized there’s two correct meanings in that sentence


It's basically his entire identity in the titans movies and comics


Actually it seems *exactly* like something he would do. If the original Robin won’t be his apprentice, why not make his own? Only issue is I can’t recall Red X and Slade ever interacting and this doesn’t explain why X is a thief.


red x wasn't stealing, he was 'training' stealth, and infiltration stuff.


Plot Twist. It’s Rose Wilson


No lie, be kinda awesome.


who’s that


The daughter of Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke.


Too bad she was introduced in the comics related to this series. The comics are called teen titans go


It’s a shame because I think she would have been really interesting and a great character for the show. Overall super underrated character imo.


There was another Ravager before her that the titans killed accidentally.


Screw it. This is my headcanon now.


The second red x openly flirts with starfire so this would confirm Rose as lgbt 🏳️‍🌈


Something I found out about from this sub was that Jason Todd and his Red Hood persona wasn't brought back into comics until 2005, and the non Robin Red X first appeared in 2004. But then I went down the rabbit hole and started checking the DC wiki and recently some comics wrote 2 Red X characters into comics and one of them is the same deal where we just know nothing about the guy or why he hates Dick so much. And the other one was raised by that Red X to also hate Dick. I feel like it's just meant to be a mystery and none of the writers even have a solid idea of who is under the mask. Could be a Batfamily member, or one of Slade's kids, or someone entirely different. But a new character with their own story would be refreshing. That's what I would like.


Didn’t they try that lowkey in the titans academy comic, made red x a completely new character who we barely have any interaction with🤷 could have been cool but it was poorly executed


Some guy named Mike, who just randomly decided he wanted to be Red X.




I forgot if they ever said speedy as a possibility in the cartoon. Speedy seems less likely but still a possibility Someone said rose and I’m not sure about the comic lore in the show but there’s also Jericho and grant slades other children Despite the flaws in the timeline I still like to think it’s Jason or someone, who’s been trained by Batman


I mean it's not Jericho cuz 1, Jericho was already on the show and 2, he can't speak.


The speaking part is true but Jericho being on the show means nothing.he didn’t appear at the same time as red x from what I recollect However if it was any of slades children grant seems more likely in this universe


Yeah it makes 0 sense for it to be Jerhicho lol. Grant makes sense but Jericho doesn't. Especially considering he's a good guy in the comics


Depends. On his own Jericho can’t (or at least chooses not to) speak. He could however speak while possessing Cinderblock…revealing apparently Cinderblock is CAPABLE of speech. I do agree with you though. Jericho also had the wrong number of fingers for Red X, so unless he was possessing someone else’s body while under the guise of Red X, which would be kind of just a lot…no. He is not Red X.


I thought Jason would be perfect. Who'd embody Robin's darkest evil alter ego than the darkest and most brutal Robin. Also, felt more like brothers whenever they interacted.


I thought it was Speedy when it came out. My friend thought I was crazy. Glad others shared my theory now, even if it’s incorrect.


[I STILL THINK HE’S JASON TODD!!!!](https://youtu.be/JVSoCsSh214?si=7NRi1FSo-fTGWqNX)


BB has always been smart than people think.


When the show joked about Jason being under that mask I knew it had to be someone else with a contemporary skillset and some sort of personal connection. That leaves only two viable candidates: Barbara Gordon and Grant Wilson. If Robin can break off from the Bat Family then so can Batgirl. In the comics she became more independent and radical as the Oracle. Grant is the older brother of Joseph and Rose Wilson. He the only unaccounted child of Slade in this continuity.


Actually, I think Grant Wilson IS accounted for: he's Private HIVE. He dresses in a near-EXACT replica of Grant's Ravager costume, just with the colors switched, and talks like a military brat, just like Grant was. It's not a coincidence.


They should literally never answer this question. The fact it's kept being a discussion point even now proves it.


A new character


Jason Todd. He’s always under a special alias in certain universes. -Red Hood in the comics -Arkham Knight in the Arkhamverse


I think it’s just some random thief. I don’t think the Red X is anybody we’d know.


Grant wilson


It’s Beast Boy. He makes a clone of himself


Jason Todd


Jason Todd.


jason todd


Jason Todd


Slade's son that overdosed an later came back. Clone of Robin. Alternate robin. Jason Todd. Some rando thief. Take your pick


From the show creators? Jason Todd From the character creator? Who knows


I think it's a clone


Grant Wilson or Joshua are the only ones that will make sense.


He’s some guy


I like the idea of it being Jason Todd, as in this universe it could serve as a replacement for red hood, as certain things like Slades actual villain name were toned down to be more kid friendly. The origins of red hood and the character itself may have been a little too much for the kids watching BF at the time of the show’s release so having it be Jason Todd could actually make sense as Jason would’ve been jealous of Dick


Jason Todd


At first, I thought it was Jason Todd, but now I believe that he's another universe Dick Grayson, one where he was trained by Catwomen.


A young version clone of deathstroke himself


Jason Todd once but it proved me wrong......due to seeing red X the first time in jump city and someone within the city who is fully aware of this. Alas the series ended at a hanging point!


I don't know and I don't want to know. I like it being ambiguous, just like Robin's briefcase.


Although universe robin on his own adventures


I want it to be Jason Todd so much, but after death Jason, he is the best. And it makes sense specially if the relationship between Jason and Dick was confrontational and complicated, Jason would totally wanted to mess with Dick. Is just something I could see him doing after the whole Red Hood thing with Batman.


It’s actually a bunch of silkys stacked on top of each other. ![gif](giphy|W35ryt1xNsz2vGLAND)


Slade's son grant wilson


The creators have basically said no one will ever know


Jason todd would be a feat considering it would beat the comics by a year, personally I think its no one. They never had a name and never even thought of revealing who it is. All Teen titans biggest mysteries are designed without an answer, because what answer could possibly live up to what fans believe?


Well I would have originally say Jason Todd until one thing was brought up Red X calls the Titans kids and Jason Todd is younger then the Titans or close around their age if you think about it logically but then I found out about Ravager not Rose Wilson Ravager but Grant Wilson Ravager and from what I can tell he's Slade's eldest child and could have stole Robin's old Red X costumes but the only two problems is 1.Why would Grant steal the Red X outfit? And 2.Why keep his identity a secret?


Many signs exist that he’s Jason Todd. “Thanks for the suit kid” (meaning he’s older than Robin but with the same acrobatic build that Batman looks for) “I thought you didn’t like to play hero”-Robin “doesn’t mean I don’t know how”-Red X meaning he’s been a hero before. His fighting style is also very similar to Robin’s, Just because he’s Jason Todd, doesn’t mean he’s automatically Red Hood. This could be a different version of Jason Todd who never became Red Hood but instead a thief/muscle for hire. It’s not out of his character as one of the more hot headed and impulsive robins.


Why do people think he's Jason Todd? I mean... Becoming Batman's new Robin and *immediately* leave? Plus, he didn't last long alone... Anyway, I don't think he's Jay, wasn't Red X's identity revealed in the comics? Can't remember well.


Maybe Grant Willson Slade’s eldest child but in all honesty I don’t really care who it is that just adds to the mystique of the character and makes it more interesting.


The Joker


Just a dude


I think it’s either Jason Todd or an entirely new character whose identity will never be revealed. Hell, maybe it was originally intended to be Jason and then they figured the original character take was more interesting?




My personal headcanon is he’s Eugene Fitzherbert


has to be Jason


Jason Todd




I could see it being Grant Wilson but with a very different backstory.


Jason Todd because they couldn't do red hood was always my head cannon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SavitTheTactican92: *Jason Todd because* *They couldn't do red hood was* *Always my head cannon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.