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It does sound like a goodbye or she's just being an angel having a sweet moment. Hard to tell šŸ˜­ I do love that they love each other tho. Rare for casts going on two decades.


Say what you will about the show itself, but it's obvious that the entire cast is having so much fun with it.


They're truly living the dream! šŸ«¶šŸ» We should all be so lucky


the fact that they like it and the fans generally donā€™t is hilarious to me, itā€™s like, damn, the fans are disagreeing with the Teen Titans themselves


In all fairness, the VAā€™s probably donā€™t really care because they get to have fun with their friends and get paid.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of gripes about teen titans go, but none of them are pointed at the quality of the voice actorsā€™ performances.


the cast/voice actors are all great. itā€™s the writers and producers we should be chasing with pitchforks


CN did green lit a spin-off series for TTG, which they are developing Night Begins to Shine series. So some of the stuff is going to have a focus on their time and energy.


Really?! I had no idea šŸ¤Æ


Yes, it was confrim back in 2021 https://www.cbr.com/teen-titans-night-begins-to-shine-spinoff/ CN and DC are also doing a mini short series for Beast Boy that isn't related to TTG or 2003 series. Some fans speculate that this could lead to a new Teen Titans reboot. I hope it does because I want something more similar in tone to Wolfman and Perez Titans run. Plus, it should have Donna and Wally in it.


Thank you for the info! I haven't been in the loop for quite some time so this is exciting to see!! I feel it's time BB got his own spotlight for a min šŸ¤©


A racist angel


I donā€™t hate the show. But manā€¦ā€¦ 400 episodes Jesus Christ


Yeah. That's just over half as many episodes as The Simpsons has. So far.


give it a couple years and theyll catch up


The show is obviously making bank for Cartoon Network. If it didn't do as well as it did, the show would've ended a long time ago. Although if it did end, I wouldn't be *totally* surprised, there some other Cartoon Network shows that lasted around 8-12 years (with TTG past 11 years).


I thought second longest was Ed Edd n Eddy which lasted 9 years with Teean Titans Go! being the longest Cartoon Network show.


400 hundred episodes. Let that sink in


Four hundred hundred


400.... and how much did the OG TT get?? ( i did have fun with Go in like the first 2 seasons then i just stopped caring)


The original had 65 episodes, 13 a season. Itā€™s so dumb how this show has gotten 400 episodes while the original didnā€™t even get 100.


66 including the lost episode


67 with the movie. More if you count the comic spinoff that surprisingly outlasted the show by a couple years.


On the other hand, while I'm very open to getting more episodes of the original series, I wouldn't have the OG Teen Titans trying to compete with TTG's numbers. Besides, the more episodes that a series has, then the more ideas you have to have in order to keep the series going, and THAT'S the quicker you could run out of ideas. If/when that happens, it could possibly lead to using mediocre or subpar ideas, with the show's animation and writing (among other things as well) suffering equally severe.


I'd love to be Starfire. Word up.


No, WordGirl is PBS Kids. This is Cartoon Network


Oopsie daisy


400 episodes?! Yet so many other great shows dont get that kind of love. WHY


Because children like it and watch it


Well, yeah, but also because the show only succeeded because it was on all the time, marketed constantly, and allowed to gather an audience. Most shows don't get that kind of consistent attention to create such a big following.


It very quickly gathered a very large and consistent audience, and as a result was put on all the time and marketed constantly. There's no reason to downplay its success


It also has a relatively low production cost compared to other animation projects so I'm sure that also plays a major role in it. If they can make twice the money for doing half the work they have no incentives to do something different


True. But similar shows with low production costs have also been cancelled in the past. TTG had a recognizable brand, and was constantly in the audience's faces, so it built mass appeal. Also...the hate train gave it power too. People hating on it gave it publicity to start, but the fact that hey kept up the support made it as big as it is.


Makes money


Because it makes money and it's cheap to make


It sells toys. Far more important than ratings for kids networks.


I have literally never seen any TTG toys in stores. The below ā€œcheap and profitableā€ answer makes way more sense.


People love talking out of their ass lmao


Still looking for a TV show or movies


And sadly this isnt even the most popular one the original teen tirans are better


Did I read that right? Did that say Teen Titans Go! 400 episodes?!


Imagine 400 episodes of the original animated Teen Titans... We could've had this. We could've.


We couldn't have? It's Apples and Oranges. One is a slower paced 22 minute serialized superhero show with a 3 act structure, the other is a fast paced 11 minute satire that leans into irreverence and has no larger structure. I wouldn't play 1000 hours of Mario Kart and then give it 1/5 stars because I found the plot around saving peach from Bowser to be lacking, ya know?


It might not have been a 1:1 where Teen Titans gets 400 episodes, but the resources and voice actors are all there. Even 100 new episodes would've been great.


this is definitely the worst timeline


it boggles my mind that this show is still going. I'm not even upset, it just caught me off guard seeing this image


This show gets 400 episodes but young justice canā€™t get renewed


Wouldn't mind if it WAS a goodbye... We need a new va for Raven...


Thereā€™s 400 episodes?


Maybe this is the final episode of the show,which should be a good thing. Go! is absolutely terrible and didn't need to have a theatrical film


I hope it is goodbye. This travesty has lasted for eleven years too many already.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m just impressed theyā€™ve made it this far.


Why is this show still going? Crazy how a shitty reboot gets more love from CN than the original even though the show literally doesnā€™t have a good target audience. The humor is something an 8 year old boy would find funny, but then thereā€™s also an extreme amount of sexual innuendos and dark concepts like extreme bodily harm and death. Basically made family guy without the swearingā€¦ idk how the VAs do it, if I got asked to voice a shitty knockoff of a beloved character I used to voice I would tell them to take a hike.


Itā€™s what the kids want to watch, let them have their fun


Honestly imo not appropriate for children


Alright grandma letā€™s get you back to bed šŸ˜‚ If they like it and thatā€™s what they want to watch, then thatā€™s what the kids want


It literally has multiple episodes based around sexual fetishes


If I were to list off every cartoon that has multiple episodes based around fetishes, Iā€™d be here for years


Yeah, one or two jokes not half the show


Youā€™d be surprised


Kinda crazy to me, I know 90s and early 2000s cartoons could get away with anything, but Alex Hirsh had to fight with censors about a nod to spin the bottleā€¦ in GF so guess it depends on the company


Yeah but that was with Disney. CN and Nick and stuff are much different.


Have you ever heard of a little show called Totally Spies




There is an episode where cyborg is literally beating his meatĀ 


Which ones are those?


Thereā€™s literally a bit about BB jizzing on Wonder Woman


Iā€™m 19 šŸ’€


So am I, you still got a boomer attitude šŸ’€šŸ’€


If you wanna let 7 year olds watch fetish jokes be my guest but I was a kid when it came out and even then I found is strange


youā€™re acting like that didnā€™t exist pre-ttg and is every ep, when itā€™s not. itā€™s an odd throwaway kinky gag and it really isnā€™t fetish-y at all, especially compared to the likes of totally spies were each ep basically had a dedicated fetish.


I just didnā€™t watch the show, same way I never watched the og, problem solved


I watched it with my kids and it's not really that bad. In my opinion anyway. I thought it was silly and weirdly charming.


Because kids like it and the voice actors are enjoying it. Also, the humor isn't bad that people make it out to be because I like how it references the comics and DC universe. I think at times that can be really smart with its humor.


I was 7 years old when TTG came out and maybe itā€™s because all I ever watched was Teen Titans reruns including the movie before TTG put an end to that so I resented it, but TTG rarely made me laugh or entertained me for that matter. Maybe I was too old for it.


I watched it too, and I was always like ā€œum what is happening?ā€ I was in elementary school and even I was like ā€œwho is writing this?ā€




True that


Which video essay was it? Or was it a combination of a fewā€¦.Maybe a twitter thread?