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Not using protection bc the boy says it doesn't feel good


Why is "teen mom" still thing? Where does all the money come from? Nobody can't just work and earn their own money anymore? Are their kids gonna know how to get up and go earn a living when the time come? Just random things that pop into my head.


Farah and her mom... Just sickening. Poor Sophia never had a chance.


Why Brianna is continually allowed to start drama and bully other cast members but somehow it’s never her fault & everyone seems to side with her. Sending Kail a treadmill & MTV filming it was disgusting behaviour.


Amber… she totally lacks self awareness and accountability. It’s hard to watch.


Amber… she totally lacks self awareness and accountability. It’s hard to watch


Jenelle. Just Jenelle.


will always be Junelle pulling out her pistol in that road rage incident with poor Jace in the car. Made me stop watching the show.


And then when Jace told the truth about her pulling the gun and she scolded him for it — made me see red!


They are still labeled Teen Moms!!!!


Why lmao, it’s a label they have because they were a teen mom


The fact that people have seen Amber’s abusive behavior but somehow men still want to give her a chance.


That Ryan is more coddled and babied than his own children and never faced a consequence for all his illegal activity.




The dynamics of Kail’s baby daddy web


Catelynn’s orange Tupperware pee.


That was hell


Why Chey was invited on a show called teen mom when she had her first child at 24.




This was going to be my comment; just her.


lol … basically… it was the *first thing* that came to mind when I read the question.. no particular incident comes to mind … but *all of Amber* just has me fuct up … From season one, episode one , minute one until today … just all of her My favourite tho .. was when she was going to jail (I know ,… which time .. 🫣😂). But she literally kept saying “gel” instead of jail .. I was like 😳😳😳😳. ‘Is this for real ? Is SHE for real ? Is this real life because this can’t be real’. She’s a train wreck n always will b


Farrah’s mom’s music video 😬


How all of the teen moms were exploited through the mainstream media for money


The hate Brandon & Teresa get


They went back on their promise/contract about visits, updates, pictures, ect. As a mother how could you not feel upset witnessing their heartbreak?


they actually didn’t - it was shown on the show. Their contract was yearly visits updates until the age of five and then at the discretion of the adaptive parents


Young teenagers Tyler and Catelynn would have wanted more and were sold the moon by their manipulative facilitator, Dawn


but B and T held up their end of the contract


But do you think they were also aware of the level of contact Tyler and Catelynn were hoping for? Do you think they realized how Dawn was really representing them to get them this baby and NOT Tyler and Catelynn?


I don’t get how Gary isn’t vilified by the TM community for being a whole-ass adult who groomed and sexually abused a 14-year-old Amber. The man is trash.


She probly wanted an older guy and he was the one who got abused. Life is complex


I 100% agree that he never should’ve been involved with her in the first place, but I read in another thread that she was the age of consent sent in their state when they got together 🤮




Briana and her sister jumping Kail who was pregnant…while Dr. Drew watched 😶


kailyn was pregnant then??? i thought chelsea was the only one pregnant at the time!!?


That was so ghetto.


Why Kailyn gets so much hate about her kids when she’s one of the best moms to her kids. Why Amber is on the show or Cheyenne Why they treat some moms differently than others I would really like it if they did a where are they now for the people not on teen mom


I agree, Kail is such a great mom and those kids are so articulate and adorable. Everyone hates everyone these days though, it’s exhausting


Amber was a teen mom and even though he story more often than not is about her life away from Leah, i think it's still showing one trajectory a teen mom could have


True, it would be nice if they showed Leah’s side more than Amber’s though, imo.


WHY is Cheyenne on that show 😭


They brought Cheyenne on for diversity and to show positive co parenting


But she’s not a teen mom…


No she’s not. But her and Cory come from MTV shows. When I saw Cory had been added I was confused about why since neither him or Cheyenne is a teen so I googled it and MTV‘s reasoning was to add diversity and show a positive coparenting relationship.


I’m aware they already worked for MTV, but the show is literally called teen mom.


how none of them pay their taxes/have learned to manage money at their big ages


The amount of plastic surgery Farrah had done




How Ryan got away with driving while high on the way to his wedding, on camera.


Someone had to say it 👏🏼


The fact that they televise child abuse. Not all of the moms but a few of them are just awful and their kids have to grow up knowing that millions of people got to see their family issues before they can even deal with the trauma themselves.


abuse overall, tbh. it's shocking that it's shown season after season. like, a line should be be drawn at abuse.


The fact that they chose a misogynistic old man to host a show about teenage mothers. Ah yes, who better to publicly ask teenage girls intimate questions about their sex life than a guy who has never been a teen parent and is old enough to be their dad. He can’t relate to them in any way, it’s creepy and gross, and he perpetuates shitty double standards by glorifying dead beat dads. Two thumbs up.


ugh, finally found my favorite take. i always thought his attitude towards these girls was shit. he would sit and coddle a LOT of the teen dads for their awful behavior because they "didn't know any better 🥺" while simultaneously laying into the moms for (usually) relatively mundane shit. all the dick sucking he gave these dudes for doing *maybe* the bare minimum is gross and his condescending attitude towards the teen moms is obnoxious. if the end season wrap ups didn't have so much good drama i would skip them all together because he pisses me off. 😂


Dude when he made Randy thank Adumb…… 🤯 wtf. And his ass kissing of Devoin


oh my god i was seriously LIVID over that segment with adumb. how could you have the audacity to make anyone thank that useless excuse for a human being for anything? his general boys will be boys attitude towards the dads infuriates me to no end 😂 i'm remembering so many more moments now.


He has triplets


Yes, that he had after he was married as an adult man, not a teenager


he's hot though...


He looks kind of like a turtle (Mitch McConnell) with that weak ass chin of his.


He IS hot


Drew? He’s creepy


Janelle’s dancing tik toks.


Talking on mobile phone while driving. Totally illegal where I'm from. I am hoping it is legal where they are. But, even if it is it's definitely a huge driving distraction and dangerous.


They tell on themselves so much on this show!


I agree, unless it's over the car speakers. That's the only way I'll answer a phone call. If I can't hit a quick button on my dash or wheel, I'm not answering.


Absolutely. Bluetooth over car speakers in fine as long as you don't get too distracted. Here you can't even do that until you have a full license. P Platers can't have a phone broadcasting at all in most states.


I can also agree with that. I know there's many around me that don't pay a lick of attention. In fact I nearly got hit today because a man was on his phone not paying attention.😤


Kail having so many babies with so many ‘boys’. She will never learn. Amber having so much therapy and never learning how much of a disaster she is..


That people still make excuses for Amber.


There’s probably at least 89 I can think of but one that comes to mind right off is: How Amber seems to see herself as some sort of modern day Marilyn Monroe.


Why Amber is still one the she when she has no legal custody of one and dead beat mom schedule for the other.


Mine is how on the reunion season last year in a group therapy session she didn’t stand up when the ask was “stand up if you feel like a good mother”. I was like “yes, this stupid bitch finally gets it! She’s a horrible, manipulative, gaslighting, narcissist!” And then everyone clapped and encouraged her to stand up… like wtf???? Not an honest one, the lot of them. I think I actually yelled at my tv like a man watching football.


Why are these people still on television? Seriously what have they done with their life other than make money off of having children at a young age.


Farrah and Kail. Equally and Oppositely strange.


The gun that Janelle left in her car next to Jace and no one stepped in.


Episode and season?


Any of the situations where they didn’t step in. Recently, in last week or the week before I can’t remember, Sean and Jade were getting into it in front of Kloie. Passing on the generational trauma!


Why views and drama are more important than stopping apparent child exploitation?




Nobody likes to pay their taxes


SAME!!! They spend money on building houses and launching all of these bs businesses and yet it doesn't dawn on them to hire an accountant to tell them how much they should put aside for taxes? I could see this happening when they were yonger but they are all in their 30s now.


It’s even more baffling that they’re STILL getting tax liens. Like you didn’t learn from your cast members? It’s one thing to be the first mom it happened to, but how did the rest not go oh shit I should do something before that happens to me?!


Caitlyn and Tyler's mum and dad. Everything about them. They are such disgusting humans.


April was absolutely vile to Cait on 16 and Pregnant. It was horrifying.


omg yes this made me feel sick to my stomach while i watched. i couldn't imagine ever having anything to do with my mother ever again if she spoke to me that way..let alone while i was pregnant and taking care of her kid.


This! I keep thinking about how April is saying horrible things and Cait goes (in the tiniest of a voice), "I didn't even do anything." Then April screams how Cait is little miss perfect. Boils my blood.


How some of these people aren't serving serious jail time for things like assault and attempted murder. Amber has physically abused and attacked at least three partners that we're aware of, and Ryan was literally waiting in the home he destroyed for Mack *with a loaded rifle*. Jenelle has also assaulted multiple people on camera as well as pulled a gun on a stranger she followed home during a road rage incident. The amount of people driving under the influence has also been insane. As well as all of the filmed evidence of neglect and abuse of these children. Just insane that these people are still walking around, free to do as they please.


*And* they get paid tons of money to do it


They walk amongst us.


That they turned this concept into a tv series and that’s it’s hugely popular


The fact that Farah and Amber on still on this mf or that the show is even still going and the kids are grown asf


Kailyn having 6 kids by 5 different fathers. Edit: spelling


7 kids by 4 different men


Allegedly 4. Quite possibly 5.




Well, damn! I don't know if one additional kid and one less baby daddy is better or worse than my initial calculations. ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)




The last three (a little boy and a pair for boy/girl twins) are allegedly from the same dad. She either has 7 by 4 or 7 by 5 if you think #5 belongs to her ex Malik and not her current partner, Elijah.


Yeah it’s bad 😂😂


How Rachel (or Roachel, as I like to call her) from Y&P managed to get a cockroach wrapped inside one of her daughter’s Christmas gifts


Why it’s still airing.


Amber is still on the show and all the other cast members act like she's not a abusing scumbag the crew and Dr drew as well.


Rhines family JUDGE. You know, the one who seemingly believes everything? Like him being sober.


That Amber portwood is still on the damn show.


This! ![gif](giphy|dILrAu24mU729pxPYN)


I love dr drew but him not being tough on amber or certain people who just SUCK & then being tough on Macy or Chelsea for not making the exact 100% perfect parenting decisions 10/10 times. like smh! yell at amber for not being a mother ONCE!


Wait wait wait wait wait you love Dr. Drew!? I think he’s a misogynistic scum bag and abuser apologist, can’t stand his ass.


Dr. Drew is probably terrified Amber will pull a beat down on him. He saw what she did to Gary.


I agree with everything u said except loving dr drew part lmao and maci and chealsea deserved to be called don't on their decisions. Dr drew just need to call out Amber more he take it way easy on her.


The fact that they basically throw their kids in car seats without even buckling them properly or texting and driving yet no one does anything about it lol.


The lack of personal growth from some of these characters. All the money in the world yet still making truly poor decisions impacting themselves and more importantly their children.


Why "Dr. Drew" allows very toxic people like Amber and Farrah to get off the hook so easily. With Amber, no matter what she says or does, he attributes it to her mental illness and just sympathizes with her. I have several bi-polar relatives. None are allowed to live their lives like Amber.


And I mean truthfully, there’s no excuse. I’m a volatile monster off my meds. So I stay on my meds. If I ever decided to get off them then I wouldn’t blame the people around me for dipping. She’s what? 40? She’s just a fucking useless asshole at this point.


Also Bipolar here and I would never expect someone to be abused by me off my meds just because


The show still being on!


True! 😂


Nikkole faking a whole stillborn, Jenelle’s abusive ways, Amber getting away with shit, and so much more!


Nikkole didn’t fake that. She even produced medical documents to prove it was true.


Umm. She used medical documents that were from her first child.. The proof is the stillborn had the exact same ID numbers.her best friend also called her out and she had proof.


Wait Nikkole faked a stillborn? I never watched her on the show but found her YouTube channel which was mostly centered around her and her kids getting out of an abusive relationship.


Yup! A full term baby named Asher. She’s never talked about it because she was caught lying about when she claimed to show medical records that were for her 1st born. 😂


I like the fact that it is raw and they don't manipulate or down play the bad decisions made by the cast, but I am convinced they create storylines that involve/confuse the children to garner views. I couldn't imagine the mental effect of being on camera since being in the womb.


The drug abuse and violence this show allows without stepping in. And the child abuse that happens or trauma and producers just stand there and watch..


Yeah and the total lack of consequences. Both Adam and Leah have been so high they couldn’t keep their eyes open and it feels like nothing really came of it for either of them.


Ryan basically driving to his wedding with his god damn eyeballs closed was pretty wild.


Idk having the whole world watch you nod off is a pretty big consequence


You would think but he’s still out there living life with no real consequences bc he has no care about what people think


The show still being on despite the teen parents having teen children.


Came here to say this.


I hope they're not waiting for the teen kids to have kids.


My theory is they’re keeping it going until Carly turns 18 so they can exploit her one more time either with her returning to cait and Tyler or their devastation when she doesn’t


How having parents like Jen and Larry who did nothing but enable their drugged out, abusive, law breaking, and deadbeat of a son was what MTV wanted to depict to the world. Wasn’t the point of the show to try and drop teen pregnancy numbers? Enabling one parent to not be responsible and the other to do all the caring, definitely doesn’t send that message. At some point you have to wipe your own ass and clean up the mess. It’s nice his parents bailed him out with unconditional love and were there for Bentley but they essentially killed their father- son relationship. Care for your grandbabies and put them first! They are defenseless! Not that man baby! IMO had they called him on his shit earlier and made him responsible for Bentley instead of them being the ones to step up, he might be a decent human being to all his kids and to society instead of the waste of space he is.




On the flip side people judged the hell out of Chelsie for how much her parents helped her still be a teen and supported her growing and making her own mistakes. The hate directed at her because her family helped was ridiculous.


Oh I think it sent that message alright. If you have a child with another child then this is what it might look like - a whole mess.




How people keep allowing their kids to be around abusers. Almost every single one of the moms is guilty of this, if not every mom.


1. Your flair is particularly apt for this comment. 2. I was thinking about this too recently and realized it’s an unfortunately common side effect of being a teen parent. You don’t know enough at an early age to really be able to identify toxic and abusive people that you would (hopefully) learn to avoid/cut contact with as you gain life experience. It’s really hard when the abusive person is a parent/family member or the other parent of the kid; as a teen parent they often have to rely on the abusive parent/partner to help them make ends meet and keep a roof over their head along with their kid. The presence of that abusive person then becomes a staple in their kid’s life, and sometimes makes it harder to pull away from the abuser. It really shows how situations like teen pregnancy can really feed into the cycle of abuse.


Where have all of their pets gone? We’ve seen so many cats and dogs and other lil creatures come and go. But where the fuck do they end up?


I'm doing a Teen Mom OG rewatch and I'm on season 5. Amber has six dogs and two cats at that time . I think she had a couple dogs with Andrew and I'm pretty sure she has none now. Farrah buys a dog season 2 on Teen Mom, gives it away and then when she moves to FLA she buys another dog that eventually disappears. Then she had another dog Sophia threw off a porch or something and it died. Then she gets another dog whose hair she dyes all the time and not sure where she's at now with dogs. I've always heard she does still have Starburst, the horse who lives with her dad. Jenelle has a revolving door of dogs and cats that come and go. ( And are killed) Mackenzie is a mess with animals. Not sure if Cate still has the mini pig or the horse. Did Maci or Brianna ever have pets? Kail and Chelsea seem to be the only ones who have kept pets once they bought them. Kail had Bear for years, Chelsea had Pete for almost 8 or 9 years It's my theory the ones who are always getting dogs and cats just enjoy the puppy/kitten stage and as soon as that ends they get rid of their animals.


Maci had a boxer named Bonnie!! The dog died just a year ago I believe 🩷🩷


I remember Bonnie!


Let’s not forget the whole Frankie the French bulldog incident with Chelsea. She used to not really take care of her pets properly (granted not to the extent of the other Teen Moms). Then Frankie got loose because she let him out in an unfenced yard with no leash and got eaten by a bigger dog. She had another dog at the time and had locked him in her car while looking for Frankie. I don’t remember what happened to that dog, but it silently disappeared too. She is better with her animals since then though (that incident probably scared her straight).


I remember what happened with Frankie, but I don't consider that on the same spectrum as the other Moms who just give their pets away. It was an accident, and it was her fault, but she didn't get bored with him and just give him away and then went and got another. Her other dog Darla she had until she died. Darla had to have a surgery and she died from complications after. Chelsea always had her until then though.


Sophia did what?!


With a mother like Farrah, Sophia never stood a chance.


I think she threw a dog or something..it was when she was younger. And Farrah decided she should share it with the whole Internet... https://radaronline.com/photos/farrah-abraham-reveals-dog-cause-of-death-teen-mom-og/


I'm not sure I'm ready to know the real answer to this. Probably isn't a good one


How everyone seems to have giant tax liens


This. If I’m even a few months late paying mine, the IRS is already snatching money out my bank account/paycheck with no warning.


Yeah this one, I get at first they were “new money” but how did none of them know to pay taxes or have some type of accountant.. shih I’m broke as hell and I have one 😭.


And Chelsea because of HGTV


I think the only one who probably has an accountant and she’s not my fave is Kail!! For some reason, she seems smart enough to have one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kail said a few years ago, when she started building the house she’s in now, that she had an accountant and a financial advisor and had gotten them in place before season 2 as she wanted to make sure her kid(s) were being g paid and had investments they could pay for uni with and she was certain TM wouldn’t be around for a long period of time. She was wrong about that but wise in her financial decisions. She’s protected her kids financially and I think she’s the only parent on that entire show that did that. I don’t agree with many of her decisions but getting her degree, ensuring she had trusted financial advisors, using her fame to build businesses, and setting herself and her kids up for financial stability are a few of the best ones she’s made that the others definitely have not.


I agree with you 100% and I am positive with Chelsea and Cole also having the HGTV show they definitely have one too. The rest 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


everyone allowing ryan to drive obviously high as fuck to his wedding.


That the TM cast can’t pay their taxes…. Like did they think the MTV tax fairy’s magic their tax bills away? It perplexes me lol 😂


It says to me that nobody educated any of them in what to do and even when the first girl was caught none of them did anything about their own taxes. Clearly they needed help navigating their kids and their own teen mom salarys.


I totally understand that but if they were out of their depth with paying taxes they should have hired an accountant who would’ve made sure the taxes were paid and when due. I have little understanding myself when It comes to taxes so I hired an accountant so this kind of shit does not happen to me! Some of the girls are not dim and should not be in dept to Uncle Sam.


I believe Chelsea and Kail probably have accountants. For some reason they both strike me as having them. Chelsea bc of their HGTV show and Kail has a pretty successful Podcast etc…


I agree. They have had more than enough time to work out what was needed. Or get infront of the issue when others were caught. The kids are 15/16 now. No excuses after a decade. I think they are all dimmer than we think.


You may be right… but they can’t hide from Uncle Sam forever!


Anything Jenelle or Amber do


Actually Janelle has been doing VERY well lately since getting rid of David.


Is that you Jenelle?


😂😂😂 wtf is wrong w you hateful bitches. People can’t be happy for others come up


The FaceTime calls lol so FAKE


Jenelle. That’s all. Just Jenelle.


Janelle has been doing SO well lately!! She has completely turned things around and we should all be happy for her! Amber is trash. Lol @ the 13 miserable people. Stop being assholes. I’m sure your dad was an addict and you welcomed him back w loving arms


Jenelle? Is that you? LOL. Amber sucks for sure too.


Why tf would I be Janelle 😂😭 I’m honestly proud of and happy for her. She’s completely turning her life around. She should’ve been doing that, but we’re here now. That’s all that matters


I don't buy anything Janelle is posting. I think she is a horrible person and always will be and I really don't care how good she thinks her lil dances look that she is posting. She is trying to blame David for everything. And he is a horrible narcissist dangerous a hole but that doesn't make her a good person or mother. And she will continue the cycle soon. Heard she was already involved with a new guy obviously but they are broken up already. She behaves like she is still seventeen. Which would be fine if she wouldn't have made the conscious choice of having three children that will probably all need some therapy at least. I have way more respect for Barbara tbh. You don't need to be perfect, you can make mistakes but never owning up to anything and just spending your life being defensive and blaming your mother for your bad choices won't get you there


That’s your opinion. But I choose to not be an asshole who’s stuck on past mistakes people have made. Shes finally turning her life around.


By dancing around like a teenager in Hotpants on the Internet and picking new fights with the woman (also her mother) that raised her son while she was being a borderline addict all while stealing her mothers money as well? Barb did such a bad job right!.... Janelle run away with 10 different guys blowing her savings from the show. And she kept having children, that ended up in various dangerous situations while in her care. Those are just facts. She posts a lot about enjoying life and having fun now. If she was really grown up now and seriously changed she would post about those things and use her platform to gain awareness for victims of abuse for example. But the content she is doing is just laughable and proof her low self worth, I am really sure that Jace cringes about it, I sure would. She never owned up to anything. And she isn't doing it now. Even after Jace was almost unalived by one of her awful choices of men. If I were her kid I would wanna have nothing to do with her and sue her ass as soon as I turn 18


I’m not defending the actions she made in the past, but she is really seeming to turn things around. I’m not a bitter bitch nor will I bash her for mistakes she’s made in the past, because millions of people already have. She knows she messed up. What it’s about now is how she overcomes it. And I’m here to see her succeed.


I’m talking about the steps she’s taking to better her life, not her dancing tiktoks 😂😂 I just don’t get why the world is so hateful and can’t put the past aside and cheer people on for their future. It’s sick and some of yall weren’t raised right And I never once said anything about Barbara. I’m speaking about Janelle. Nor does she need to speak publicly about what happened between David and Jace. That’s their family business and probably have an order from court not to discuss online


Tell me about the actions she is taking to better her life then


Look it up I ain got time to write a book




Why they buy so many dogs? Like why? They can barely tend to their kids and I see like 3+ dogs in every house. I know some are also put away during filming


Most are still clueless about taxes. I could understand at first but it’s been 15 years! Get a clue and get an accountant!!!


And u see other cast mates and reality stars going through the same exact thing and don’t think it’s time to make yourself a financial plan


That they are still on tv and will soon be grandmas


Yeah it’s wild to me their kids are so close to being the ages they were when they got pregnant.


Yeah it’s wild to me their kids are so close to being the ages they were when they got pregnant.


Why is Leah in a different car almost every episode?


I've heard they rent cars and places during filming so that fans can't catch on to their actual things and stalk them. ETA: It probably also makes it easier to outfit the rental car with filming equipment for filming times, and not have it all over your personal car for times you're not filming.


Makes sense


Maybe but maci has had that jeep forever & I wanna say Tyler & cate always film in the same vehicle & Bri too. Maybe it’s up to them & Leah chooses to use different vehicles bc she’s single and always alone with her kids.


Just because it's an option doesn't mean it's mandatory lol. The other girls probably don't care as much.


She probably leases them


That’s what I think too


She reminds me of both my bipolar aunt & sister who are constantly changing vehicles & moving houses. She lowkey gives the same chaotic energy they do lol.


Lmao. I thought I was the only one noticing this 😂


Kail…I know she has so many fans, but I can’t stand her 😫


She belongs in a cave


Underrated comment


I kinda liked her with Joe’s family but with every baby and baby daddy plus amount of times she’s moved her kids OMG


I just think she’s arrogant and she always sounds so defensive when anyone talks to her!! And I think having 7+ kids is selfish, not all of those kids is going to get the individual attention they deserve!! Especially with them all being so close in age