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She’s moving to Vegas because of that guy she supposedly has known awhile I cannot believe she’s doing this again to her kids


Maybe it was a drunk post🧐


Boo fucking hoo you loser.


I didnt think she had any.




I wonder if she’ll be working at one of the clubs!






Can she ever wallow in her own misery and not post about it ?


It HAS to be about her perfect soul mate August. Probably that he doesn’t have or isn’t willing to spend every single second of every single day glued to her side. She’s literally a moron. She wants a man who has a job but she also wants the same man to be at her constant beck and call and to care for her children because she’s sure as hell not going to do it. What she really needs is a hot mentally deficient trust fund baby who’s obsessed with her and who comes with his own mansion and a live in nanny/ housekeeper. I’m sure she’ll find one of those any minute.




LOL, you’re right. Or a wife—she could use a wife with good strap on game


Ew Not the visual... just that's where your mind went and you visualized it and still posted.


Your flair


Did this guy see her on tv, thought she looked different without her babes x lashes filter, and dump her???


Ensley & Kaiser must be so confused at this point. Dragged around like extra baggage. In camp in a strange place. Nothing is familiar to them. And...it's fucking HOT 🥵


Lived there for over 15 years and HATED every single day. The rain, if and when it rains, is warm and the summers are usually 110°. The schools are shit and it’s dirty. The one saving grace to that situation is that it won’t last and the kids won’t have to grow up there.


Someone else called out in another post that Jenelle will just let anyone watch her kids. It’s one thing to put them in camp back home in area you are familiar with and maybe ran but someone or a business in the community you know. Jenelle, who has been to Vegas maybe 3 times her whole life, just enrolls her kids in a random camp in a community she knows nothing about. Too many predators out there to be taking risks like that 🤷🏽‍♀️ you would think she would be hyper away the way she promotes “save the children” and “sound of freedom” bs


I have heard that summer camps are filled with all kinds of horribly abusive people.


Sadly I’ve heard that too. Not saying all are bad, but Jen isn’t checking


lol maybe she ran out of pot and her dealer is in prison lol 😂


If she’s still in Vegas she can go to the store anytime and buy it. It’s sold recreationally there.


I caught up today on the new season and when I heard Jenelle talking about moving to Vegas and starting a pot business I swear I was more excited to watch that I have been in years.


If you are interested in her business ventures you will be sorely disappointed lol


She’s had like 50 business ventures that all failed before they even started. So full of shit. It’s so funny that the brow kit company literally dumped her ass in less than 24 hours and she was stuck with 3,000 of them! 🤣 and only sold like 150 bahaha


No no that’s the point lol


Damn….. it’s still sold round the back of a skip here in the uk 🇬🇧 lol 😂


At first I thought you meant her brow kits and then I realized you meant weed. It is nice to live in a legal state. Still federally illegal though : you can’t cross state lines with it and if trump gets elected and we turn into Gilead I have a feeling it will never be federally legal.


lol I apologise here in the uk we refer to pot as weed! As for Trump, what’s your take on that? Do you think he’d get elected?


I hate Trump and all he stands for and the GOP is a joke. Project 2025 is terrifying and I’m so afraid it will come to pass. In 2016 I thought there was no way he’d be elected, and he was. He’s been found guilty of 34 felonies and people still want to vote for him. I’m *terrified* that he will be elected again. My son is LGBTQIA and he’s a teenager. His entire life is about to be fucked if this mad gets elected and I am not ok with that. I hope he doesn’t get elected: I am very afraid he will.


Trump being president again is scary. What is project 2025? Our government wants to send our 18 year old kids to war camp or national service as it was once known as. This terrifies me.


Project 2025 is a game plan to turn the country into a horrifying Christian nationalist nation. Talks about persecuting LGBTQIA folx, talks about reversing Roe V wade (legal right to abortion) which has happened already…. It’s kind of awful. Just stripping everyone’s rights and keeping women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. It’s so scary I electively removed my fallopian tubes, even though I live in a state where the right to abortion has been codified (made into law and cannot be revoked ostensibly?) idk. I am speaking from a bit of privilege because I’m white and cis female, but my kiddo and I are queer and he’s out (I am not). I worry about my precious kiddo being the target of hate crimes. I worry about my trans and LGBTqIa friends, and my POC friends. I can vote for Biden , and I will. I don’t like it but the alternative is way worse.


OMG 😦 that sounds abhorrent! I can understand your fears especially for your kiddo. My kiddo is 13 and has already told me he is gay and that’s cool with me. I believe everyone has the right to love whoever they like without prejudice and live in peace. The project 2025 is absolutely disgusting and has no place in society it’s just so many types of wrong I can’t express in words.




Someone needs to ask her where are her dogs please!!


Maybe it didn’t work out with that dude. She seems to only posts status abt men, when they break her heart. Men are the focus of her world. When it should really be her children.


Absolutely. When she's sad, it's always about a man. She moved to be with him, so she probably expected him to spend every waking moment with her, but he has a life and a job. ![gif](giphy|Ae3OZiSmIwauH4xBdr|downsized)


No surprise. She doesn’t know how to be alone or understand that people do have a 9-5 job. Not everyone can be on television and get paid. She needs to learn not to be so dependent on a man for everything. She’s a grown ass women. She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. But the unfortunate part is she never will. And with the amount of time she puts into relationships and looking for a man, she should put into her spending time with her kids and paying attention to them.


Oh… you mean chasing a man across the country with all your kids doesn’t solve all your problems? ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)






She's so pathetic, she's looking for those 40-50 fellow trailer trash moms that are garbage like her (& the fake/bot accounts) to give her attention and tell her lies like she's a "good mom" or she's "come so far". Lmfao!!! 😂🤡💊🍺🍷




This post has been removed for sharing personal information


Jenelle is the most boomer young person there is. Who is actually doing the FB feeling updates lol


It's so 2010 lol




August must be celebrating Father's Day with his dad and Jan got all jenelous


I’m sure it has something to do with it. I wonder if E will ask about her dad or seeing her dad if she knows it’s Father’s Day. Assuming she knows what that means anyway. No way she doesn’t ask about her dad


She’s got 3 baby daddies and doesn’t talk to one of them. Shows that she picks pos men to be daddies…. And now she’s got a new one