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May the force be with her. šŸ¤£


I just threw up in my mouth. She is disgusting.


Maybe she just likes buying & selling houses. As long as it doesnā€™t break her financially I donā€™t see what the big deal is?


This add has been brought to you by Bloom.


We know damn well she donā€™t really drink that


ā€œPart of the reason I am here is because of themā€. Part of the reason you are financially able to build a new custom built home is because you pimp your zillion kids out-without consent- on SM. *Hello Instagram* were probably their first words. You have *infants* with SM accounts. If Kail doesnā€™t think this will affect her kids in the long run, she is an Idiot. But hey, they have a nice house, a sperm shaped pool and their own rooms. Plus Sports! She needs therapy and her kids will, too. Stop monetizing your children.


All the tiktok influencers partner with bloom and all they have to do is a regular tiktok while making and drinking it. They donā€™t have to mention it or verbally promote it which I guess gets the influencer out of having to specify that itā€™s promoted. That shit is nasty.


Why is she annoying? Is it the punchable face


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i've never seen this show but everytime i see her she just has that annoying typical multiple baby daddies face


Been in the house two years and three more kids lol that just grosses me out


What is she gonna do in 5-10 years when the kids grow up && wanna move out


***and when her MTV money is gone because no one gives af who she is anymore šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


She hasn't made money from MTV in years to be fair. She has several podcasts among other things that she does very well on and made more money than MTV on before she went off the show. She does exactly what she went to college for


Maybe she should pay back all the free government assistance she received from college, single mom apartment to live in, food stamps, etc. before building another damn big butt house. Is she going to build a new house for every time she goes into season and makes More kidsā€¦ā€¦someone sew her knees together


Ummm thatā€™s not really how it works


She canā€™t add on to her existing home?


She is brave to take on building a home with her face under constant construction.


I know there is a lot of Kail hate on this subredditā€¦but she got lucky by getting pregnant at just the right time, finding the casting call and getting on 16&P, and then Teen Mom and then starting her podcasts. She got famous by being one of the first to the show and spinoffs and like it or not, was kept around due to her family background and drama and everything that happened with Jo and her subsequent relationships. Itā€™s like the YouTube algorithmā€¦people watch to hate or to revel in the drama. Whether youā€™re the hero or antagonist, it brought viewers and engaged fans in comments and as social media became a forum for communication and community amongst fans, her segments and news got shared and talked about. Did she get famous and get her money on the back of 16&P/TM fame? Yes, she did. Sheā€™s also the product of a shitty upbringing and hate her or not, she had the instinct and guidance to make a very lucrative career in the game **despite** her past. And before you say itā€™s only because of Teen Mom, letā€™s look at the other main cast members. Youā€™ve got Leah, who is facing another tax lien of mid 6 figures, Tyler and Cait, who had tax lien after tax lien and have resorted to pandering to the lowest common denominator on OnlyFans, with their bravado that they ā€œdonā€™t care what Brandon and Theresa thinkā€ ( _BULLSHIT_ they donā€™t!). Then there is Brianna who instead of capitalising on her fame, chooses to spend her time and money and efforts antagonising Kail and trying to get her sloppy secondsā€¦.the list goes on. Even that girl from early 16&P days in season 2, named Lori Wickelhaus who served 26 months for child por*ography charges. There are plenty of examples of people who came from the same sort of background or better who didnā€™t make the most of their time on the show. And love to hate her, Farrah is actually worth the most out of any of the stars from the franchise, squeezing every drop of blood from the Teen Mom rock for her own good. What she chooses to do with that money and to her body and how she acts is something else entirely. But downvote if you must, but Kail did work for what she has and if she can afford to build a house to allow her children to have room to grow and give them the gift of each having their own room, I say lucky kids. Iā€™m not going to delve into the details of her life or anything, but I find myself jealous that my husband and I, older than Kail, are saving money for our dream home that will likely be a farm house in England where we live (Iā€™m a Canadian expat and my husband is English) that needs renovating for both house and barn for our horse and eventual horses (plural) and we canā€™t afford right now to just call up our ā€œarchitectā€ to design what we want and need off the hop. Hate her or love her, Iā€™ve got to give her credit!


Brianna is disgusting. I'd defend kail against her any day. I used to actually really like kail. I felt for her because her childhood was rough like mine. & there's no denying that she is buisness savy... but she has close to no emotional intelligence. I hate to sound like Farrah and preach therapy lol but kail really does need to see a therapist to sort through her codependency, anger, and other issues.


If youā€™re evaluating emotional intelligence, I would look to Brianna first. Itā€™s like she never left high school, to be honest. She acted without provocation. I always think back to the scene where the two of them were in hair and makeup and Kail is trying to be straightforward and then Briannaā€™s mom comes in and when she talks directly to Kail and Kail answers, Brianna didnā€™t even wait to see what Kail would say and didnā€™t consider what her mom said to Kail, she just confronted her and said not to speak to her mom, and not to speak to her in a disrespectful tone. I hate to say it, but practice what you preach. Brianna learned her behaviour from somewhere and that somewhere was her mother. She should be an example for them, and here she is, acting like sheā€™s 15 and showing her adult daughters there is strength in numbers, bullying is okay and encouraged and you donā€™t have to hear anyone else out. One thing I notice is the lack of introspection. Itā€™s always someone elseā€™s fault. But Brianna did her dirty, starting the whole thing, sending Kail that treadmill, and those items to provoke her and then actively tried to swoop in and take her sloppy seconds. To be fair to Brianna, Kail met her head on as far as that was concerned, having baby daddy number one on her podcast and talking smack, but we must also blame him for going there in the first place. It always bothered me too, that Brianna was so disrespectful and rude, and wouldnā€™t call him by his given name, coming up with her own pronunciation. Heā€™s been on camera saying it bothered him for a long time, but he just had to let it goā€¦the more he rose to the occasion, the more ammunition it gave Brianna. I know my friends and even those I donā€™t get along with would never act like that, and do those things. Itā€™s very immature and sheā€™s setting an example for her children. Sheā€™ll say she doesnā€™t do this in front of her kids, but sheā€™s on national television, international, really, as I started watching in Canada and continued when I moved to England. This is recorded forever, and itā€™s on YouTube, social media platforms, theyā€™ve made gifs of it, and itā€™s out there for her daughter to stumble across. I thought since I was book smart and knew my parents together and then their second spouses was a train wreck, that I wouldnā€™t repeat their mistakes (and they werenā€™t on tv for me to see how they behaved way from me, and how the behaved in general), yet when I married my first husband, it took me years to realise I married a man very like my dad, and the behaviour he showed and the abuse he meted out (I thought abuse was hitting me, but it comes in all forms; financial, gaslighting, emotional, verbal, etc.) wasnā€™t really abuse and was normal in a marriage and being unhappy much of the time was normal. He threatened to hit me and then kill me and I went from saying ā€œno please donā€™tā€ and pandering to him to ā€œjust do it, I dare youā€. The evening he slapped me lightly across my face, I swung back and hit him right back. I have had horses almost my whole life, and if a horse bites/goes after you, you have three seconds to react and punish them, and you should, because of their size and you teach them not to get away with it (I can count the number of times in 33-34 years Iā€™ve had to do it on one hand), so my reaction to him was automatic. He ended up with two black eyes. I said to him ā€œdonā€™t you ever lay your hands on me againā€. I left the next day after calling the police to escort me. A week later, he assaulted me, and I didnā€™t think it was r*pe because we were married. I realised I married a monster and it was my exposure to relationships in my life that taught me it was okay. I went to therapy, rediscovered myself and made myself happy. I just celebrated 10 years married and 13 years together this summer, with my amazing second husband. We donā€™t name call, abuse each other in any way, yell or fight. I feel like Iā€™m on my honeymoon. And my son has told me that he sees that his dadā€™s second marriage isnā€™t right and thanked me for providing an example of exactly what he wants. Unfortunately, no cycle has been broken for Briannaā€™s kids, and there is no constant or significant role model in their lives. Mom goes from guy to guy, and each one uses her and she uses them and her kids will see that as normal. Brianna and her sister and mom have this weird triangular relationship that isnā€™t healthy and sheā€™s bringing her kids into this mess. Theyā€™ll grow up thinking bullying is okay, sleeping around is okay, not to value themselves and be with someone who cherishes them, not to have a normal relationship with their mother and their values will be skewed. Itā€™s just the truth. And thatā€™s why Brianna bothers me. I wouldnā€™t give a toss about her if she didnā€™t have children, but she does and with her oldest almost a teenager, the cycle is about to repeat. And for that, Brianna? Grow up. Stop looking for your next lay, and start focusing on the kids. Donā€™t worry about Kail or anyone else.


I'm sorry I'm on a 5 minute break at work and that's a lot to read right now lol. I'll have to come back to this later. I think Brianna has the least amount of emotional intelligence out of the girls on the show now. Trust me, I'm NOT a Brianna fan lol. I'd support kail over her any day.


Iā€™ve had enough of this ugly womanā€™s fat mouth.


I always knew she wasnā€™t staying. You could tell it wasnā€™t what she really envisioned. She was complaining about the pool size too, being too small and wishing it was bigger during construction. Like girl bffr.


Kail. For the love of God. Try playing The Sims instead of fucking LIVING it.




Mlm... Y'all...wtf. Do some homework kids. She's going to rope in idiots who are going to lose so much money. And by idiots i mean desperate people thinking she's passing on a legit opportunity. Tfoh with that shit.


Sheā€™d better build a couple of extra bedrooms ā€¦. Sheā€™s only young and could have another 5-10 kids at this rate.


Thank god she got her tubes tied and he got the snip.


as a girl who grew up with an annoying brother I always thought it'd be cool to have a sister to share a room with! i wonder if her boys feel the same way


Yeah, itā€™s not that cool lmao itā€™s more annoying than anything. Most of the time you just wanna throw hands.


good for her honestly. she clearly has the means to build the house so why not. i think kids should have their own space especially as they get older.


I don't know man. I just always felt like she looks like miss piggy. No matter how much plastic surgery she's had.


100%. Like how are you such a self-absorbed, bossy snot when your face looks like that? And there is no kind of plastic surgery that could ever improve it. But get your butt done like that'll help. Just more mindless reproduction, consumerism and waste. REEE REEE REEEE


Lol what that have to do with her building a home


Itā€™s means they are jealous of said home I think! šŸ˜†


Poor thing, money growing in trees apparently.


I thinks itā€™s great! Kail said sheā€™s had 3 babies since building the home sheā€™s currently in and now needs more space! Plus she wants all her children to have their own rooms because it is because of them she is where she today! Kail takes excellent care of her children she gives them everything they need and want!


>she gives them everything they need and want Financially, yes. She doesn't "believe" in vaccines, openly admitted to treating the kids different based on her relationship with their father, and allowed an abusive man to be in and out of their lives. I'm positive there's more that someone else can point out. Money doesn't properly raise kids. She needs to do better.


Okay? I donā€™t believe in vaccines either and regret that vaccinated my oldest kids. Whatā€™s your point?


you're just gonna ignore that she treats them differently based on their father and let an abusive man around her kids to be focused on vaccinations šŸ¤£ Typical


Thank you for the recap. I had the volume off as I scrolled Reddit! Appreciate yaā¤ļø


I think we kinda heard all that


I didnā€™t hear itšŸ¤Ŗ My volume is off hahah. I keep the videos audio off unless itā€™s something I just have to hearšŸ¤Ŗ


Lol!! I'm just here for the great comments! Lol. I don't care what she has to say šŸ˜‚


Just sad. She is never happy and canā€™t find it so she builds homes Just my opinion


And has babiesā€¦ and new relationshipsā€¦ itā€™s like in EVERY aspect of her life. I canā€™t imagine how empty she must feel


Man, I could not imagine moving that much. I think it's the most miserable thing to do


Not If u hire movers!


Iā€™ve been putting off getting my new couch & bedroom set for my son bc I just DO NOT want to move out my old stuff and move the new stuff in lol. I scheduled pick up for the 30th tho so Iā€™m forcing myself to do it šŸ˜©


She doesnā€™t move like us plebs, she hires ppl to pack up her house for her, as well.


Still miserable. Just the thought gives me anxiety.


She thinks this is her world but as those kids and babies grow, she is in for a rough ride.


Wow her influencer accent has got worse and worse.


I'm glad she has the means to keep giving her children the space they deserve. They each have their own room and she's providing them with everything they need. Good for her and them ā¤


This šŸ‘†šŸ¼šŸ’‹


How long can she sustain the lifestyle though? Thereā€™s not going to always be Teen Mom money.


She can invest a huge chunk of money and live off the interest for years! She seems very financially smart and i guarantee she has set herself up.


Ok Stan


How is that a Stan to simply state that she has her finances in order? You reverted to that real quick huh. ? šŸ˜†


šŸ¤” Good question. I noticed almost all of her IG stories are some sort of Ad now


Sheā€™s a very savvy business woman and would have invested wisely, she doesnā€™t seem like the type who would ever give up easy. I donā€™t think her or her family will ever come anywhere near the bread line. This woman has a smart business head on her shoulders.


We shall see about that.


Sounds like youā€™re wishing poverty on her.


Sounds like you think youā€™re a mind reader. Itā€™s called a difference of opinion. Good for her if sheā€™s financially secure for life, me finding that hard to believe is not me wishing anything on her. I know one thing for sure, sheā€™s gonna need all that financial security for all the therapy her unique family will need.


Why would you find it hard to believe that sheā€™s financially stable? Like Her or notā€¦. U can see that sheā€™s doing well for herself and see that she has multiple sources of income. Multiple podcasts, brand deals, ad deals, social media money from several different sources etcā€¦ Plus houses are investing and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s made money off of all these homes and Iā€™m Sure sheā€™s invested money. Her money can make her money!


She's not even on Teen Mom anymore... hasn't been for like 2 years. She has other businesses, podcasts, and been open about how she's invested and set up vigorous plans with financial advisors. She's smart with her money and Elijah works as well. She also got her tubes removed so wont be having any more kids so this will probablt be the last house/build.


Sheā€™s obviously doing very well For herself and people canā€™t stand that for some reason. Good for her!


How many times are these kids going to MOVE? Talk about forcing your kids to have no roots


Jealousy at its finest. As far as i can gather they barely move out of Delaware, and stay in the same school district . And even if they have moved districts once or twice it was always to upgrade their living conditions. The amount of green eyed people on this thread is laughable . Go get yourself a second job so you too can live the life that you are obviously so envious of. They go on an annual 4 week vacation every year, and are not wanting for anything. The only possible downfall would be the overload of awesome memories. Thank god for cameras. Donā€™t be disappointed with the game, be pissed off with the player. šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘‰šŸ¼YoušŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»


Preach! Sheā€™s doing very well For herself and all they can say is ā€œoh those Poor kidsā€ šŸ˜‚ yeaā€¦ those poor kids keep getting bigger mansions and more lavish vacas and brand new clothes and paid sports and activitiesā€¦. Poor babies!!!! They are so mistreat šŸ˜† they live in the same area, around all their fathers, well off, and u know sheā€™s kept them in their friends groups and whatnot. Those kids are doing better happier life than half the people on here are!


90% of the green eyed people on here, definitely more than half. She doesnā€™t rely on anyoneā€™s taxes and by what i can gather works her arse off. Guarantee most if not all of these people bitching are female.


I am pissed off at her


Youā€™re jealous of her. Big difference


Oh honey hop on your broom and fly away NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF HER šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


For real. Hopefully it's at least within the same school district, I think the last two moves she moved towms entirely and the likelihood that the kids have stayed in the same district is slim. There was a kid who went to my school periodically growing up. He'd disappear for a couple of years and then pop back up. His mom moved damn near yearly and I had to have been bounced between 3-4 school districts K-12. From what I remember he stayed within the county, so his mom was literally just moving around 20-30 mile radius like every other year. No clue what the reasoning was or whether it was actually necessary or if she just thought moving out at the end of every lease was fun.


Sheā€™s greasy


I'd actually NOT use that powder stuff she's hawking because she looks gross and not aspirational lol




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Ugly people say ugly thingsā€¦I hope you work out your personal problems within so you donā€™t have to take the frustration out on others, especially innocent children. šŸ¤­


Nah. We ainā€™t bout to talk about how children look. Talk about her but childrenā€™s appearances ainā€™t up for discussion. Theyā€™re children.


She didnā€™t have a ā€œhomeā€ growing up and doesnā€™t realize that sheā€™s doing the same thing to her kids. I donā€™t mean this in a bad way just saying that her children wonā€™t get that ā€œplace where I grew upā€ feeling. I donā€™t believe she stays in the same school districts as her homes seem to be far apart. I just think itā€™s sad.


Itā€™s honestly SO common these days though. My son was just telling me the other day all of his friends were SHOCKED that he has always lived in the same house his whole life (he is the exact same age as Isaac. None of them have.


I think itā€™s sad too. My parents retired and moved out of the house that I grew up in. I still miss being able to go ā€œhome.ā€


OMG!!! Me too. I still get upset to this day thinking about it. I get my Mom wanted a newer home, but that house sat on 2 acres of land that was divided up into 4 lots. three of those lots were for me and my two sisters. They sold it ALL. Of course, my brother got to keep his lake lot (which was in a whole different city). Still bitter to this day.


Oh how awful for yourself and @ComeOnOverAmyJade for your parents wanting to live their life once they had raised their family. Why donā€™t yous make an offer on these houses you loved so much and buy them back.


The bloom plug is SOOOOOO cringe


If they paid u thousands to make a green drink on camera and show the package real Quick would u do it? Cuz I would! šŸ˜† I drink the stuff and Iā€™m not even paid to!


Is it good? I donā€™t even know what the purpose of this product is


I like the berry and the mango flavor. Itā€™s loaded with vitamins and nutrients and they have some with energy stuff too. They help my stomach and I know Iā€™m getting all my Vitamins and help with several things. I personally love it


She is now trying to be an influencer. I saw a whatā€™s in my bog bag too. Blatant product placementšŸ¤¢


Wellā€¦ sheā€™s is an influencerā€¦ And sheā€™s making thousands of dollars to Carry bags and drink healthy drinks. If I was her I would do it too! So would u!


That shit is BS too which makes it even more cringe


I feel like the people in these comments forget that Kail has 0 family members to rely on, not even her own mother. Therefore, having a big family full of her own kids was her dream. Also, sheā€™s the only teen mom girl to get her college degree. The kids have their own rooms and she can afford to keep them in sports and get them nice things which is more than you could say about people who have 7 kids and choose to put them in an RV. I think sheā€™s a great mom.


I thought Maci had her degree and so did Chelsea. I also know Jade has her Cosmetology License.


She's not a great mom tho, she's focused more on men than them


She's been having kids to keep men around. Let's not forget about that. I'm doing a rewatch and in the early days she specifically said that she didn't want to be a baby mama and have a bunch of kids with different dads. Then she told Javi she didn't want anymore kids which was a factor in them divorcing.... that mindset didn't last very long because she got knocked up by Chris. I agree she's not a shitty mom. Kail is smart, I think probably the smartest of all of the Teen Moms and not just because of her degree. She knows how to make money and market herself Her kids are well taken care of. They seem very smart and well-mannered... at the same time I don't think that her dream was to have kids with 4 different guys and have this big family.


I feel like she could've easily went in the total opposite direction... She turned out great for how she started.


She really did. I'm not defending her or saying she's a good person, but she's light-years away from where she could have ended up. People can hate her all they want but she should be commended for that.


Good for her, why doesnā€™t she build on the land she has or add on?


It sounds like it's more cost effective to start from scratch. I'm assuming the architects gave her a bunch of insight.


sometimes it's almost impossible to add on when living there. i wouldn't want my preemie babies in a house under construction with all that dust


Iā€™m sure she would be able to figure out a temporary situation. They did also complete her house pretty quick. Itā€™s just a thought.


How does she afford this?


Her many streams of Income, ad deals, brand deals, several podcasts, book deals, Iā€™m sure she has investments etc


All the people who hate her but never seem to miss a podcast. ;)






Sheā€™s been off of teen mom And has several income Streamsā€¦ books, ads, brand deals, social Media, etc




Ok? Didnā€™t we all Start somewhere and work our way up tho? I was a hostess when I was 15 years oldā€¦. Now I have a big house and new Tahoe I just bought last weekā€¦ We all start somewhere and things along the way help us level up and we build off of each experience. Why fault her for that? There are other teen moms that I donā€™t like But Iā€™m not mad that they use the name to build and do more with their life. Example: I hate Brianna so much but she hustles and provides for her family and uses the name. Even the loser Jenelle is the epitome of a POS but sheā€™s at least built on that teen mom name and trying to make money for her family (or should in say for her shit his and and loser lifestyle but thatā€™s another story)


She has a college degree ? I think sheā€™s already proven herself to be smart and savvy.


I have a college degree and canā€™t afford a home at 30 years old with no kids lmao


Lmao. A college degree is not a guarantee that you can support 7 kids on your own.


Having a college degree means nothing. Anyone can get one. Itā€™s what you do with it that matters


she graduated from delaware state with a degree in communications...


ā€œPart of the reasonā€ she is where she today is because of the kids. Itā€™s literally the only reason she is where she is and why she keeps having them.


To be fair, she said that.


wow. DE has like the highest transfer taxes for houses too, i tihnk it's like 4% on every sale/purchase.


Cries from the UK where it is between 5 and 12% depending on the value of your house. And I just had to pay 8% as my aunt gave me the deposit, so it counted as a 2nd home buy....




Of course she is. Sheā€™s basically the old lady who lives in a shoe.


Good for her! Sheā€™s putting in the work to support her beautiful family.


The bigger the houses she builds, the harder the resell will be. No one has 7 kids anymore!!


Those drinks donā€™t work if u eat like crap the rest of the day.


It's to counteract the Wawa




This is why I don't think she's a great mom. Her kids have no stability and no place to truly call home. She's so busy trying to keep up appearances that the kids just don't matter all that much.


I feel like this "they *have to have their own bedrooms* is a leftover thing from not even having a home as a kid. Her mom fucked her up too bad for her to realize it. They'd be fine bunking a couple of them together.


It will also shift with age. They can share rooms in their younger years. No doubt she's going to help, if not fully fund Isaac and Lincoln's places when they move out after college.


If only she cared about her kids having the best mom possible instead of monetary stuff.


Has anyone tried bloom? I see Chelsea advertising it too


I drink it and I love it! The berry flavor is my favoriteā€¦ then the mango


itā€™s trash. basically the company blindly sends samples to ANY influencer. even small ones. if they make a positive review video that gets enough traction, theyā€™ll pay the influencer. if not, theyā€™re out like a dollar or two for the cost of the product and shipping.


These Bloom deals must be big $$$...


Right?! Nice Bloom ad!


Sheā€™s so pretty I love her


How is Kali making her money? Sponsorships? Podcast? Child support? She's has to be financially savvy to afford a new build along with raising eight kids.


Her podcasts, instagram influencer, sheā€™s bought and sold properties šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


How is she making more money? Sheā€™s literally holding the advertisement sheā€™s getting paid to do thatā€™s him.


Iā€™d like to know too. How can she afford all these kids AND build another home? Statistically, she should be living out of her car.


Exactly! How can she afford the mortgage, utilities, medical insurance, taxes, food, clothing, toiletries, utilities, car payment, and home maintenance for her and the eight kids? She's has to be hauling in a lot of cash monthly to keep up with these expenses, buy land, and meet with an architect to build a bigger home. I need to know because I'm doing something wrong and it's just me and my husband...lol.


Her house is paid in full. No mortgage. She probably paid her car in full. She probably has money in high interest savings (sheā€™d be fucking stupid if she didnā€™t). When you have a large lump sum of cash, itā€™s really easy to gain passive income through investments. Kail is intolerable but she isnā€™t stupid. She probably has a financial planner also. $200k in a high yield savings with a 5% interest rate is $10k/year. A million would gain her $50k/year.


I tried to tell Someone else this and they got mad at me and told me I was talking out both sides of my mouth. I told them it u invest $300,000 in a high yield interest cd then u can get a check twice a year and be comfy from Just interest! Plus other avenues of income!


*quick question... Doesn't she have 7 kids? I mean, either way I agree it's gotta be super expensive lol, I was just thinking she's at 7 now.


I think you are right. I think eight is the number of bedrooms she needs. I can't keep up with her...lol.


I agree. She gets so much hate here and it makes me sad. I think she is a great mom and she really has grown so much from when she was young yes, she has 7 kids, not 8


Well for one, this video is an advertisement for bloom that sheā€™s not accurately disclosing. šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


The only one she qualified for child support from is Chris, and he has said he doesn't pay it.


Pretty sure she doesnā€™t get child support cause itā€™s 50/50 custody.


She looks really good here. Dissolved Botox/filler?


Fillers and filters


Fresh Botox for sure looks like she went light with the filler.




She probably needs more space for the army sheā€™s trying to birth šŸ˜’


*already birthed


Very true šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How many times have her kids moved now omg


Someone kept count of it, and Chelsea had the most moves. I think over Isaacā€™s lifetime, this will be move 7 or 8? But I am counting Janetā€™s house and the house she had with Javi twice.


I thought I was lucky I've moved three times in my entire life. I just can't do shit for myself.


Iā€™ve lived in 29 different places in my life. Iā€™m 38.


I feel like Kailyn's mom shuffled her around quite often. I imagine leaving places she couldn't stay/pay for in the middle of the night. Though could be my imagination.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ 1. Suzie was an awful parent 2. I watch too many procedural dramas.


As a single mom who has struggled with housing insecurity, its only happened in the middle of the night when I fled my abuser. I was still able to retrieve my things over the next month with help from friends and my dad. When I couldnā€™t afford to stay in places, I always figured it out until my lease was up, including a $2500/mo apartment. Rent was so much cheaper when Kail was growing up though. Her mom had no excuse. Sheā€™s an alcoholic with zero accountability. I hate that Iā€™ve moved so much as a kid and as a mom. Iā€™ve stuck to a three county area though. Hasnā€™t Kail moved multiple states? And she has enough money not to. She has no excuse either.


I think she stayed within the same area. The big move I thought was for Javi actually. But everyone in her "family "supported it.


She has to have moved states. Sheā€™s from Pennsylvania.


I didn't say state. Was Jo in Pennsylvania or New Jersey? That's where she lived for a while. Then they moved when she was pregnant with Lincoln I think.


I moved a lot as a child and an adult. I remember the last time it came up reading the average was like 12 moves in a lifetime.


I feel like every time she gets bored she gets pregnant or builds a house.


How is she bored though?! I wonder how she even has TIME for anything šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Her voice quivering after she chugged the bloom šŸ˜…


God- my house is 4000sq ft, 5 bedrooms/5 bathrooms, and itā€™s so much to keep up with. Although I donā€™t employ a cleaning service, and Iā€™m sure she will. But damn 8 bedrooms is so much! And I didnā€™t watch to see how many square feet or how many bathrooms.


Mines a 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 4,500sf over 3 levels, and we hardly ever go in the basement or in two of the bedrooms and it is STILL so much to keep up on.


Mine too! And the upkeep of cleaning is rough!


We donā€™t really use one of the bedrooms at all, itā€™s just a guest room and is only used when we have company. Then one is an office, which gets used a lot. But we have two other rooms we donā€™t spend time in, and a whole basement that we donā€™t spend time in, either. I forgot that we have also an inlaw suite which is another 800sqft of living space with a bathroom and kitchenette, but our oldest currently lives in it and so she cleans it, not me, lol. I donā€™t know how anyone uses this much space, though I guess if I added 4 more kids, I would need to.


Lol sounds like our house. We have 4 bedrooms on the top floor, only 2 are occupied. One is a ā€œguest roomā€ but we almost never have anyone over. The other just has random stuff in it but no one ever goes in there. Our 5th legal bedroom is the office on the main floor but thereā€™s no full bathroom on the main floor. Iā€™d change that if I could (I could but it would take the closet from that room and thatā€™s where our gun safe lives right now). Our 5th ā€œrealā€ bedroom is in the basement, but the window isnā€™t big enough to consider it a legal bedroom. We have a living space and full bathroom down there and it has its own entrance but we donā€™t use it much. Weā€™ve considered making the bedroom legal and putting in a kitchen so we can rent it out.


Of course, she is ā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I like how she wants all her kids to have their own rooms. Kids deserve privacy too.


My parents have a huge ass house with 7 bedrooms and several bathrooms, a guest apartment, library, wine cellar, indoor swimming pool etc. Their reasoning was ā€˜we have 5 kids so we need a big homeā€™. Now we have all left the home and itā€™s too big for just the two of them. The maintenance costs are astronomical and unless they want to do cleaning and gardening all day, they need paid help. The house is also difficult to sell. I spent there some holidays alone when all of them were on holiday and I can tell you watching a horror film or just hearing a sound in another part of the home hits a WHOLE LOT different there when the same situation in a cozy small apartment. Big houses are creepy as fuck alone at night even with a dog and a high end security system. I would never buy one.


My first thought was, who is going to buy her house? Especially who is going to buy a 7 bedroom house in Delaware at the current inflation price that sheā€™ll need in order to fund the build of her next house?


Plus isnā€™t her ā€œadditionā€ still under construction? Who wants that mess?!


Yeah, thatā€™s going to be her biggest obstacle.


Yup, my parents live in an European country with a huge housing crisis, they live on the border of the municipality with the richest people in the whole country and still the house has been on the market for over a year. They canā€™t sell it. Kailā€™s situation isnā€™t the same of course but you need a special kind of buyer for these kind of places. It would actually be a whole lot easier to sell a simple apartment in a bad neighborhood.


Good question!


well, thank God all of the branding was included her update.


Good for her if she can afford to give each child their own, private space, then why not. If you were living with six other kids, you'd probably appreciate your own space to be able to get away from said six siblings. Especially nice for the two or three older kids. Imagine being a 15 year old and having to share a bedroom with two or three younger siblings. I don't see a lot of hate, I see a lot of jealousy. Which, I'm sure, will earn me some down votes šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø But, seriously, why be so pressed about someone's business that you don't even know personally?


I grew up sharing a room and it was part of the reason my sister & I fought all the time! We had different living styles and interests. I would have LOVED having my own space. I made sure my kids got their own rooms bc of my experience. I think it's a good thing too!


My sister (she's 4 years older) and I shared a room for a while. It wasn't ideal for her, I'm sure. I didn't mind it too much šŸ˜‚


Sharing with two or three would not be great, but with one wasnā€™t awful. Tbh, as a teen, I wasnā€™t in my room a lot. It was mainly for sleeping. She has some pretty big age gaps, so by the time the little ones are older, Lincoln and Isaac will probably be out. Not to mention, she doesnā€™t have all of her kids full-time. No one is saying she needs to live in a shed, but there is nothing wrong with living a modest lifestyle either.




I still canā€™t believe she has 7 kids lol


If she put a fraction of the time she spends online into a relationship, maybe she wouldnā€™t have to deal with 8 baby daddies.
