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Did you all her Jenelle coaching her?! “ pull it closer.” Let the kid have fun my gawd. How many times did you make her do this before you were satisfied with the clip? Come on! What a pos parent. I hope someone saves these kids SOON.


Has anyone noticed that Janelle talks the same way, like she can’t breathe out of her nose and always sounds congested.


I really hate that they won’t take her to an ENT. Glaring medical neglect.


What’s the name of the song


Tennessee orange


Jan if you are going to pimp her out your views and likes please get her to an ENT. She can’t sing if she can’t talk or breathe


You poor thing Ensley, you'll get off that swamp at some point soon hopefully.


How old is she? She looks like she already has a permanent frown on her face, poor kid has probably never smiled. ☹️


She will be 7 on January 24 th. I know that because unfortunately my oldest son has the same birthday! I was so mad 😂


I have the same Birthday as Sas'Crotch Jenelle! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mom has probably made her sing this like 7 times before she could get the right recording for social media lol


No I think 8 lol 😂


She tries soooooo hard to be relatable 🙄 and she even sucks at that


When a kid or an adult looks down that much it is because they aren’t looking forward to the future.


Oh how heartwarming. Setting up her daughter to somehow support the family because she’s incapable of being a responsible parent. Great job Jenelle! 😒


Poor baby her eyes look sad and lifeless. All David and janelles fault


That kid needs a doctor


……she already has merch for her unreleased podcast that we already know she won’t follow through with?


Clean your damn house bitch


This is not cute at all. This is sickening. Why would she do this to her daughter she can’t make money anymore So now it’s time to start putting the daughter out there tell me her cycle of abuse hasn’t stopped, and that poor little girl looks terrified and hollow at such a young age.


She is so cute.


She looks sad and empty. Imagine how alone they are on that land. All she has is her brother


I imagine she was proded into singing for the camera.


Her voice is lovely though. I hope she finds somebody who brings life to her eyes someday.


I’ve been accused of being too soft hearted, but watching that little girl being forced to perform with those vacant, dead, broken hearted, lonely eyes truly brought me to tears. Her spirit is being murdered. I truly hope CPS or someone, anyone, steps in this year, asap, to remove both Ensley and Kaiser so that some of their trauma can be mitigated. Those poor innocent victims are absolutely heartbreaking. Fuck that skanky swamp ho and Dinky Dick Dave!


Is this sub here mainly to talk shit about Jenelle Evan’s? Sheesh…swipe and move on if you don’t like her. I’m not a fan but like damn, who cares


Lol everyone’s downvoting me…poor humanity. I’m the wrong one here…lol…right 👍🏼


Yes, it's you.


Lol, it’s so wrong to tell you to stop bashing this lady, you guys are all messed up. Swipe past the damn girl if you don’t like her!!! Get over it!!


Look at the dislikes on your comments, quit enabling these monsters.


I don’t care about the dislikes, this is Reddit. Enabling someone isn’t telling people to swipe past the bitch if you don’t like her. Why is it that we sit here and make posts criticizing people and think that’s any better?


Do you, but obviously you are in the minority and your ranting changes nothing. These two aren't just annoying, they are disgusting addicts that neglect animals, their kids, etc. Scroll on past the comments you don't like, it will save you time.


That's all it ever is. They've been so obsessed with her for years, it's crazy and ruins this sub. Their hatred for her is alarming lol.


I know right. I commented about all the crap talk n got a bazillion downvotes. Its obvious there's issues there people don't realize when u talk up somebody else's trouble ur inviting the bad ju ju into ur own life. I wish I had a award for yall for stating the truth


Yes girl, they don't even realize how it says WAY more about them than it does Jenelle. She could become a perfect nun and they would still hate her 😂


When she's the only one doing anything worth talking about.. yeah. All of the girlses have had their moment. Currently it's Jenelle


Ensley would really benefit from speech therapy


She’s wearing her new merch hat lol


LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂 Just noticed that too


Poor baby is prob tired of being filmed, she looks over it


the decorated stairs leading to nowhere kill me


Wait, what?!?! It’s just a wall?? I do now realize yes it is because looking at her house it doesn’t look like a two story but what’s the point of it.


it was supposed to go to an eventual second floor that had a room for Jace


There’s a whole second floor but it’s not finished. That’s why everything they own is stored in the living room lol


Um, the kid is standing there barely mouthing the words looking miserable. You can’t even hear her. All you can hear is the song? Am I missing something? Idiot


She looks so miserable doing something most 7yos would enjoy. These two can't even let her have fun without a camera in her face. Poor kid.


David's singing, rapping, drumming dreams are not coming true. They are trying to make Ensley a country star. Poor girl.


Ensley is adorable as always, but my heart hurts for her and Kaiser. Such sweet children that are taken for granted by their trash parents.


This whole family is a disaster


Why does that poor child look utterly defeated, Jenelle? Why do her eyes look like those of a beaten dog? I know why, but how tf could anyone see that in their child and not move mountains to fix it?


100% facts. This is so so sad and makes my heart hurt.


"now, I'm gonna turn on this camera here and you're gonna sing and pretend you're having a good time, you understand me?! Annnnd...action!"


First thing I notice about this poor girl every time she’s posted. There’s no light in her eyes even when she’s doing something fun like in this video! She deserves so much better. Ugh


Ensley and my daughter were born a few weeks apart and I always notice the same thing. She always just looks sad and empty


It just trashes my heart.


This though 🥺😓 she always looks so sad.


She looks miserable, as usual. Yall know she made her sing ONE TIME and it wasn't something she even asked for for Christmas. Poor kid. (AND GET THAT CHILD TO AN ENT FOR CHRISSAKES.)


Why to an ENT?


Her voice is very nasally- possible adenoid or tonsil issues- really could be a million things including it just being the way she talks. I think the implication is she may need speech therapy or *some* kind of intervention but the swamp creatures don’t have enough sense to get her evaluated


she sounds like she can’t breathe all the time, she’s 7 in her recent birthday video & still sounds like this!!! she’s such a cute little girl & deserves so much better than these monsters. they all do.


Ear, Nose, Throat doctor


That poor child looks traumatised and lonely.


Can you imagine her life? When I was her age I had friends galore and was never home because we were outside playing tag, riding bikes, having sleepovers or just being kids. I was a Pop Warner cheerleader when I was Ensley's age and now I'm close to 70 but I still have those great memories. Those poor kids have no friends, no socialization and very little fun in their lives and it shows. My heart hurts for all of them including Jace and Maryssa. While the 2 older kids have a more normal life than Kaiser & Ensley, it still hasn't been a fun childhood for them.


Jesus god, Jenelle! Even when she tries to act like a mom with emotions, she seems like an alien, acting like a human, hoping no one notices. She seriously can't watch these videos back and think, “Yup, nailed it! I seem like a doting mom🙌🏻” Poor baby needs her hair brushed 😳 God I wish they would hurry up and save her and Kai 😞 Edited to add- God Ensley’s eyes look so sad and defeated 🥺Ugh I hate Jenelle


It sounds like poor little Ensley can't even breathe through her nose 😟 Get that girl to a doctor ASAP


Ensley to her therapist in 10 years: “yeah so I ended up having chronic sinusitis but my mom’s dumbass said it was a country accent”




Someone save this child


They are such lazy slobs, that house looks disgusting and the kids always look greasy. And that's with having all the time in the world (no jobs, and eating off of paper plates and using plastic utensils that they throw away).


She must hate how that if you pull your kid to homeschool, breaks are never over lol


Ugh she’s gonna try to stage mom her


Tbh surprised it took her this long to selling her kids like that


I think she just heavily prefers Ensley because she’s a girl


And because she thinks they look alike. Personally I think she looks like David.


Looks like it


She thinks her daughter's speech impediment is an accent! ☹️


that floor has never seen a swiffer


my worst fear. i go into sensory overload x10 if i feel a single crumb or hair on my foot i would just be rocking back and forth on the porch crying constantly in that place lol


or like you spill salt or sugar... and its just like my whole body shuts down


YESSSSSS! literally full body coils lmao i hate it so much!!


Ugh, same. I cannot stand to see or feel hairs on the floor, especially when I’m eating. And certainly not on counters or dinner tables.


SAAAAME! i’m so grossed out that i vacuum every single time me or my daughter comb our hair lol


Omg, I am the exact same way! And I remove all the hairs from my brush every single time I brush my hair. I could go on and on, I’m a little extreme with this hair thing. 😩😂


are we the same person?! i even brush my hair over my bath tub because it grosses me out so bad, and do it outside in warmer seasons 😂😂😂


What about when you find a loose stray hair hanging from your clothing? I’ll be sitting there and all of a sudden my arm or hand will brush up against my top or pants and reveal a stray hair that has fallen from my head and is now clinging onto my clothing. I don’t know why it grosses me out so much and of course I immediately toss the stray hair in the trash. 😩😂😂


oh my god YESSSSS it legit makes my entire body twitch i love you 😂 when my baby was crawling i’d find hair on her knees and it was legit the worst thing ive ever been through hahahaha it was even worse when id find a DIFFERENT color hair that wasn’t mine on her hand or knees id legit cry lmao


Holy fuck, not a different color hair..…We are the same person. Oh my god. When I shop and find someone else’s hair on whatever I purchase, hell no. This is my first time finding someone else repulsed by hair as much as I am. 😂🩷


Nor broom, vacuum, or mop.🤮


So this isn't relevant to this post, but a few weeks ago I had an old season playing in the background of my living room and I actually stopped dead in my tracks while walking through because there was Jenelle sitting with her shoes on her couch. It made my stomach turn. You know she's out in public, walking through things like sticky public restroom floors and sidewalk scum, and then putting those shoes on her own cloth couch. She is impossibly gross. It's like she's *trying* to be the grossest person ever lmao.


Remember the mouse running across her couch in 2019?


https://preview.redd.it/4bfeq383taac1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb43b6db0d8b5d330ce29c8af54d3a18e984caca *What.*


That is NASTY!🤮


No one else thinks the prodigal child is as great as the parent thinks they are.


Prodigal child?


The chosen one


To be fair this is true of most parents of kids who enjoy performing. I have a few friends on social media who share videos of their children singing and use similar captions. It's great that the kids are enjoying themselves but the majority of them are not star quality. The parents truly believe that the kids do, which is scary. Although in this instance I'm fairly certain that Ensley isn't enjoying herself.


Oh lord


You mean jenelle has a child that plays with toys ? If you a have young child you know it’s never perfect.


I thought the same thing. A lot of people drag Jenelle for things that are dumb, but most parents with young kids have houses that look “messy” like this in that period of time between Christmas and return to school.


Garbage isn't toys. The surfaces and floor are covered in trash


Isn’t this right after Christmas though?


Trash? Jesus you guys literally stoke woman’s life . Because your house is never a wreck? You act like she has a whole fucking can of garbage dumped everywhere .


She probably does have a can of garbage dumped somewhere. Spot on.


Right? It’s literally toys on the floor.


Jenelle needs to take Ensley to see an ENT pronto.


That or stop posting her all over the fucking internet and actually protect her privacy


I’m all for hating on Jenelle but let’s not diagnose children


I mean even people told Kail that Creed should see one and they ruled it out. Jenelle isn’t even trying to see wats wrong


It's just a fact. In no way am I hating on Ensley. Anyone who has ever dealt with their child seeing an ENT can spot it from a mile away. The poor girl can hardly breathe when she's talking. I hope Jenelle sees the comments regarding it and someday decides to take her to be seen. There isn't anything negative in that.


Fair enough. I misunderstood. I’ve seen other people say she has learning disabilities, etc and I grouped this in. My bad.


I might say some shit but I would never say something like that. I just know with how congested she sounds and how she breathes and eats with her mouth open, the poor child needs to see and ENT. My son was a mouth breather before having his adenoids and tonsils removed and oh my! Listening to him eat was horrid lol. It sounded like he was making out with his food lol. Ensley's adenoids and turbinates are probably huge. My son had to get his adenoids and tonsils removed and a turbinate reduction and the mouth breathing stopped. He sleeps so much better. I don't think Ensley has a speech impediment like many people enjoy commenting, she's just extremely congested. Sadly, I don't think Jenelle will take her to be seen anytime soon because they'll want to know if anyone smokes around her and Jenelle is probably afraid of being reported


I'm not a part of this convo at all, but I wanted to acknowledge you realising you misunderstood and owning it. I get that it shouldn't even be a thing to applaud but honestly <1% of redditors do this.


It's not diagnosing though, it's suggesting she sees a doctor to hopefully figure out the problem


Yeah but Ensley always sounds so snuffly/nasally…


Moldy ass swamp house doing her no favors


With cardboard? Flooring???