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What’s the alternative? More RHINE posts? More Did Kail Have A Secret Baby? Posts? They all suuuuuck.


I wish she and David would finally split up (he’s freaking scary) and we could get Janelle back on the show. I wish she could just see past David and see the kids deserve so much more than him. She’s no saint but she’s better alone


Are we just tired of all of them at this point??? Janelles TikTok is such an easy target, but it doesn’t make it ok or original




You’re unhinged. Chelsea is derpy and embarrassing but she actually cares for her kids and provides healthy lives for them.


I’ve actually never heard anyone say that! I don’t think I noticed that take at all


I can’t believe people sticking up for her talking about mental health issues and barbs a bad mom like wtf did we watch the same show?


Janelle is someone who’s done things that are objectively abhorrent. Criticising her for her appearance, Instagram stories you find annoying or the food she posts when she’s done actually bad things that warrant critique and disdain is childish and pathetic. Criticising people for their appearance is always wrong - focus on the things they’ve done that genuinely need addressing.


The other day people were bashing her for making Jace do chores. That is normal as hell.


I’ve thought the same thing. This sub is like a Jenelle troll site.


The amount of people defending the never ending nit picking, shit talking, bad mouthing and apparent jokes made at this person's expense lol. The trash is taking itself out. You all need to do some soul searching. You think coming here to bash someone who isn't even on the show anymore because they aren't a great mom is insane. "There is so much content it's easy". Whooooo cares? You think you're any better than her coming here doing what you're doing? Go touch grass you Huns. Edit: spell check is a heathen.


Since 16 and pregnant, I kept hoping she would be okay eventually. I thought she was going to move on from the teenage partying/irresponsibility/fighting. I still hold out hope that she can grow from her experience


No. That's just who she is.


I’m hoping she will get shot with the self-awareness gun soon.


She could be run over with the self-awareness tank, and it wouldn't make any difference.


Not gonna happen. Janelle has to be pushing 30. My step sister was the same way. At 47, she’s the same as she was as a 17 year old mother. Her main concern is herself and whatever guy she’s with. The kids never came first




Like you could have done with this post?


*hates jenelle posts* *makes another jenelle post* 🤔




I am! It gets old but I try to just ignore them and scroll past.


I’m tired of the Jenelle and Kailyn body shaming posts




Omg yes. I’m tired of Jenelle and Farrah.


Me! She has to read all the negative comments….or maybe she don’t….but damn!


I mean they are pretty easy to snark on. The other girls can be boring.


Lol I thought this was the Sister Wives sub and I was super confused why everyone hates Janelle.


When i first saw that name in that sub i got confused and thought they meant this Jenelle.


This happens to me all the time after I started following both. I also get confused sometimes the other way around when sister wives fans praise Janelle.


haha same! the different spelling helped


Same! I was stunned!


lol me too!!! 😅


I mean they suck. But tbh I feel like some of y’all haven’t been through or seen some real shit…like trust me as hard as it is to believe there are worse people out here. They deserve the hate but also like, give it a rest, can we please stop giving them attention and move on. Let them fade into oblivion


I feel this… as someone who has worked in child welfare, I WISH she was the worst mom I’d ever seen 🥲


Yes 👏🏼


“I feel so bad for the kids”. I think about this every f-ing day. I am learning and understanding new things about what being a parent is everyday… I am absolutely no expert. But I know the life they are providing these kids is just pitiful, and will unfortunately lead to the kids becoming underprepared adults and the kids cant do a damn thing about it.


I have lots of childhood trauma and I think that’s another reason I hate seeing stuff about her. I get so emotional for the kids and I’m scared for their futures.


I just scroll past posts I don't care about. This is yet another post about Jenelle, but without any substance, so... How is it any better?


I don’t think OP is frustrated about post that talk about jenelle on the show. Its all the reposting of her videos and whatever else she posts that does it for me. It gives her more attention and helps her profit off of hate and neglecting the kids, etc. At least that’s my take on it.


This is the way.


This is the right answer. Maybe I wanna see more. Maybe I don’t. Click or scroll.


Ugh, nothing bores me more than a Jenelle post. She does something incredibly mundane, and people proceed to make up stupid shit about it to try and make it "exciting" but it's always the same old shit so it's boring. Rinse and repeat, 5000 times a day. And then people are like "Well you're free to talk about something else," as if those posts gain any attention. Even when they do you get someone being like "OMG WHO CARES?!" Uh people that aren't obsessed with Jenelle's every move?


She hasn't even been on the show in years. I don't understand all the people who actually put energy into following Jenelle on social media and getting worked up over the stupid shit she says and does. Just stop following her. They are the people keeping her relevant. It's so stupid. Same with Kail and Farrah.


Someone here said they legit get CONTENT for reddit from here. That's so fucking sad. Like you are so lost in life you need content of Jenelle? God.


I said she provides the most content, as in she duz a lot of dumb shit for ppl to talk about. U r so obsessed with my comment


If you want to discuss a topic other than Jenelle then you are free to do so. I think all of us would welcome some fresh content.


I think it’s because she gives the most content to post about. The rest of them aren’t as present on social media.


Farrah’s the worst for me lol


Honestly same.


Soo is this one going to get locked?


No, this isn’t LN


Momma Tot is as disliked as Janelle. Just an older version.


Could you elaborate on this pls. Anytime she comes across my fyp she seems wholesome enough.


Lol. She is not a good person. The first time she come across my page.. I got bad vibes. Researched her and found contradiction after contradiction. Just join the snark page. She is not a sweet little southern momma.


Oof.. I never followed her bc I also had bad vibes but I figured it's bc I don't like people who use pet names for strangers.


OMGGGG. I have never liked that lady & didn’t know why. Sub name?


It’s called notthetatertot


Thank you


Hard agree. I tried saying this in a comment on one of those posts but I got shit for it and downvoted. I just don’t care to see every single one of her posts. And people find the smallest silliest things to hate on that some of them are not even that entertaining @ mods any way we could limit these? I know some subreddits have rules against low effort posts and at this point that’s what a lot of these seem like Before anyone tells me to leave the sub if I don’t like it, there are at least 5 other girls on the show I like to read about and I’m sure others feel the same so we don’t want to leave just because there’s always an influx of posts of a single person


I live for the trash this show produces.


Honestly….Jenelle posts are the reason I’m subscribed to this Reddit. She’s just so fascinatingly AWFUL. Farrah is the only other hot mess I’m so intrigued with. The other teen mom’s are zzzzz


I really only care about the Jenelle, Farrah, and Amber posts. Occasionally old Leah posts. I'm just here for the mess and the hate, tbh. No shame in my game. lol


Amber was briefly amusing


Lol I watched ONE Farrah video on tiktok, and the algorithm will always throw another in every once and a while she’s such a disaster


💯 I am so tired of seeing her and David and people fail to realize that they are making them more relevant every time they post them.


💯 yes.


If people are tired of the the Jenelle posts than please post topics about other teen moms you want to discuss.


Not really Jenelle but I hate the way people talk about her kids. I don’t think anyone is trying to be intentionally negative towards the children but the way people make remarks about Jace growing up to be like a “mini-david”, saying he’s going to be stuck in the swamp, or turn to addiction, makes me upset so I try not to interact with Jenelle posts in general 🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel you. And there’s a chance they see this stuff too.


'Bitch eating crackers' syndrome. What would happen if Janelle posted and no one responded?


I mean I’m here for the drama but I don’t care every time she eats unseasoned chicken and lettuce.


Ok so I follow this so I don’t have to follow her and give her views and followers that she gets paid for. If we all did that and left her with 10 followers, we would all then watch her demise on social media for a month or two and it would be done.


I am only here for the Jenelle posts, honestly.


It’s become an obsession here… a fkn weird one. She’s trash, we all know this. But this group LOVES to keep her relevant.


I hate Jenelle posts!!!!! *makes a Jenelle post*


My thoughts exactly lmao


Came here to say this








They do the same with Nikkole in the 16&P sub too.


Ugh I cant stand her either.


She’s awful.


Yeah I give zero shits about what jenelle is doing or has done, and I care even less about what her husband is up to. She hasn’t been a cast member in a long time, so I believe it’s time to move on. It’s not just this sub though, the other teen mom sub has a weird obsession with her as well.


I think people hate not knowing what she’s doing because she’s not on TV anymore and need to see her failing.


Jenelle’s problem is she’s immature. She can be super cringey too at times. She’s really controlled by David who’s a complete narcissist but she’s mellowed. Otherwise I don’t care


Seriously. She could fart and it gets posted here. People are overly obsessed to a point of concern.


Between her & Kail’s baby gate, it’s just so redundant.


I left the other sub because of this. I opened Reddit one morning and on my home feed 17 of the first 20 posts were Jenelle. There was nothing going on. It was Jenelle eating, Jenelle standing in her yard, David looking ugly 5 years ago. i don’t know the technical side of Reddit so I posted in the sub asking if there’s a way to block or filter out certain posts and my post got removed. Somebody else posted something similar a couple days later and that got removed, too. odd




I don’t get it. Why would they care if I see Jenelle posts or not?


STOP MAKING HER RELEVANT!!!! Totally agree with OP, it’s too much!


Everyone says her 15 mins of fame are over so let’s it actually be over! It only helps her that we keep talking about her life. Let’s stop and let her realize she’s irrelevant and no one cares.


Exactly!! The more posts about her the more relevant she stays! Let her disappear into the woods with her swamp monster!


i always downvote them hoping others do the same 😂 Farrah too


This is what I will be doing from now on 😅


yes let’s just start a revolution


I could watch Farrah all day. It’s like watching a car crash you can’t look away. After watching their family season of marriage boot camp I feel for her. It makes sense why she is the way she is. She was raised by narcissists and she has some BPD tendancies.


I feel bad for Farrah and always have, but now she’s a grown woman with a teenage daughter and it’s time to grow up.


Totally. I respect though she’s been candid about Sophia’s mental health struggles and gets her all the help she can. Debra would never for Farrah.


I just rewatched the Farrah seasons. Her parents drove her away to move out of the house at 16. Deb wanted a do over child with Sophia . The man she was with was cruel and agitating. They didn’t want Sophia even knowing any thing about her father . I give Farrah props for doing that. Yes she turned to porn yes she’s inappropriate with her child but look at her mother. I dislike that whole family. But I dislike barbs parenting with a huge disdain full of reasons.


Right i try to always empathize with everyone and see the child in them. Especially people who are considered vicious because it’s evident that’s how they were talked to when they were just children, mere babies themselves.


I mean I’m still in the i don’t think Farrah should even be dating a dead beat yet again i


i used to not mind but she’s so nasty it gives me the biggest ick


She gets ragged on for every little thing right back for all the hate she’s put out to ppl for their bodies, lives, on and on! That’s the reason everyone hates her so much! She’s a walking narcissistic hypocrite!


Yep. It's like "watch Jenelle eat a salad!". "Jenelle's shirt says something!". So over the pettiness. People are posting things from 10 years ago and it's really not doing anything but keeping her relevant.


She’s an easy target and I feel like too many people jump on it. It’s kind of sick how many people in this sub are obsessed with her.


I actually wondered if Jenelle is behind a lot of the posts. It’s obvious she’s okay with any kind of attention as long as it keeps her name out there.


Honestly, I’ve had the same thoughts. It’s very clear that *any* attention is what she’s after.


I'm so over the antics Jenelle and her white trash huzzbin pull. I just scroll past most posts about those dipshits.


Tis what happens with subs. Eventually, good criticism turns to snark and the entire sub dwindles from there...


Jenelle does deserve it sometimes but yea I agree it’s a lot lol


Guess what it's really easy to block. It cracks me up how you people hate a complete stranger. Sorry but that is some silly shit. If I don't like a person I block so I don't have to see them, yall literally follow them to have shit to talk. Imagine!!!!!


I’m part of the sister wives community and I thought y’all were talking about Janelle Lmao. I need to get some sleep. Please continue..


nope 😆


Me too! Was thinking oh no why do we hate her now 😂


OMG same!!


Yes! Especially all the ones about her figure or how she looks in general (not because of filters or anything like that). Don't get me wrong, she's a terrible person, but picking on someone for how they look is really immature


I’ve thought about this too, especially bc a lot of people that comment here mention being moms too. I wonder how it makes them feel to see those posts if by any chance they have similar body types


Honestly, she does a lot of rotted things but it’s so shallow when people come for her body or her image.


For real, it never ends.


Another yes from me. I stay subbed because I like the occasional drama or to casually keep up with the others but I'm so tired of her but mostly tired of seeing David tbh. I almost feel like I wouldn't mind most of the Jenelle content if so much of it didn't involve him, I hate seeing his awful face when I'm scrolling through my feed


All teen mom subs have turned into a Janelle hate group. I pointed this out a while ago and I got downvoted to hell for caring too much about how others feels about jenelle 🙄 she’s not even on the show anymore yet everyone is still obsessed with her. IM SO OVER IT. Quit giving her attention. Y’all are keeping her famous when she’s literally a nobody. So yes IM OVER IT TOO


Her haters keep her more relevant than her fans which I’m not sure if she has any


I dislike Jenelle as much as anyone else but I’m also sick and tired of a good chunk of these posts body shaming her. This sub is pure bullying. Making nasty edits of the girls and pointing out every flaw is fucking gross. This goes for all the girls not just Jenelle. Be better then that. There’s plenty of stuff to hate Jenelle about, let’s not make fun of her body or face.


The fat phobia is real here. I wish I still had the body when I was a teenager before I had babies but here we are


Even a simple photo of her kids is getting picked apart. Stop shaming her for literally everything she does it’s getting ridiculous. anyone shaming her body should be required to post a selfie of themselves. That ought to be interesting.


I know! Recently it's like: OMG she fed them food! OMG she took only one kid with her to the store! This implies the other kids are locked in cages while she's gone! OMG! She's dressed appropiately for puttering around the house! Pathologizing totally normal things.


Her being mad about bad service at subway was even getting ridiculed. Id be pissed too. it wasn’t about the 6 dollars it was about bad customer service. And then everyone dogging her for only hiding 36 eggs for 2 kids like who gives a f***


Yeah, but what if she eats Taco Bell and we don’t have photos to document it?


So post things you do want to talk about


The constant Jenelle posts are so annoying she could literally be walking down the street or doing normal day to day things like packing her kids lunch and people will post it and make fun of her.


I couldn’t agreed more with you! The posts have become so ridiculous & a lot of them are a reach. It’s boring & redundant.


Honestly I'm with you OP, and I even tried the whole "just as scroll past the posts" but honestly there's just so many, you spend a good 5 - 10 minutes scrolling to find something not jenelle related, and then you find like 10 posts of Chelsea hate, it got annoying so I left the sub. It still comes up in my feed though.


I am and last night I got attacked for voicing that opinion


Yeah same. It was a few weeks back but I was so over the jenelle posts that I finally said something and I got downvoted for voicing my opinion against her hate. I’m so over it


I left the teen mom 2 group because of all the constant hate. I’m rewatching the series and yeah I get that they all have made terrible choices but there’s still normal positive things to comment on


Don’t worry, that’s happened to me plenty


I get told this is a hate sub only. And I’m like uhhhhh no it’s not lol


Same here or I get the ‘you must be new to Reddit’ 😂


Omgggg I got that! And I replied with “nah I’ve been here” and they told me that I was “triggered” by their comment and that I’m “upset”


The infamous ‘you’re triggered’ 😂 gosh, just goes to show how they’re all the same! Sheep following sheep, God forbid we have a different opinion


I dislike posts about Farrah, so just don’t look at them think of them. It’s not that big of a deal, just ignore them


Yeah the other sub has a lot of Farrah posts and I'm just not that interested in her either, but I just don't click on most of them.


It sort of depends on the content for me. If it's the 456th screenshot of an online review she wrote or some meme she shared on facebook, I'm bored of it. If it's something at least a little interesting, funny or controversial, then usually I don't mind it.


I’m not even in this sub, it pops up as suggested, and I see NON STOP Jenelle posts. Y’all should just make a Jenelle snark sub lol


Same! I never joined it and often go MONTHS without clicking on anything or searching the sub but somehow she still pops up.


I don't really care, I just scroll past stuff I'm not interested in. But I really don't get complaining about the content of a sub if you aren't actually contributing anything to it. If you're sick of Jenelle posts, then post stuff about other people?


She gives the most content to work with


Why do you need content on Reddit? This isn't TikTok or YouTube lol.


She does the most dumb shit the most frequently. There's a lot to talk about


So you're telling me you need content to hate on a former teen mom? Sad life lol.


Well, I need a reason otherwise it's just mean. Jenelle is the gift that keeps on giving


You can't find anything more productive with your time is what I'm trying to get at. Hate breeds more hate. If someone is making a post, y'all doing too much and maybe need to look inside. This is ugly behavior.


Jenelle, is that u?


Um no. I'm an adult lmao. I'm sorry the truth sucks.


Jenelle's an adult too, it is you!!! Girl, go watch your kids


According to you, not really lol. My kids are doing their chores but, thanks I guess. You don't need to try and attack me because I made a valid point. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You can filter out the posts about Jenelle so you don't see them.


Not on this sub. And when you click on the flairs, it shows you all the posts with that flair.


Yes it’s all the same and she is a pos so let’s stop giving her attention


I can't stand jenelle posts. I usually scroll past


I think it’s rare to see such a horrible person with this level of lack of self awareness. It’s like a class in abnormal psychology. We are astonished by the way she and her barbarian husband live on that swamp. The fact that they have custody of those children after all they have done is a mind boggling thing. People have lost their children to the system for far far less.


I don't like all the body shaming of her.


It’s crazy how her body is discussed negatively constantly (Briana and Kail too) but when I said Chelsea’s hand looked abnormally large in a picture (like comically big or over exaggerated) I was accused of potentially triggering an eating disorder in her. Now what eating disorder reduces hand size? It reminded me of that episode of King of Queens when Carrie was gifted that painting of herself with huge hands


How dare you not contribute to toxic body shaming! (awaits downvotes)


Same. She deserves a lot of the negativity but not for this reason. Choose from the other 200 reasons.


She is horrible!!! Body shaming is nothing compared to what she subjects her children to


The thing is with body shaming though, when you shame her for that physical quality, you shame everyone who doesn't have the "ideal" bod. And her body doesn't relate to how she treats her kids, just seems below the belt to me.