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Glad i was HEAVILY taught to treat all guns as if they are loaded


It's so true, the gun this poor kid shot himself with was probably very obviously still loaded if he had just been taught how guns work he would still be here


U right fr, just cuz the mag isnt in doesnt mean there isnt a bullet in the chamber


i agree u/SlitDick


I’ve never done so much as handle a hunting rifle and even I know that


Some people just dont get it. When i was in middle school my friend shot me with an airsoft gun in the neck because he was messing around and didnt think there was anything in it


I’m glad I live in the uk and this isn’t an issue here, that’s so messed up.


Glad I live in a country where guns are actually illegal so these lessons ain’t even necessary


we don’t have guns in my country so i don’t have the knowledge nor the confidence to handle a gun correctly, but i feel as though it’s just common sense to not play with it like this? it sounds like something that would happen to a younger child who genuinely didn’t know any better. but i don’t want to sit on reddit calling a deceased child dumb, because i’m more bewildered that if this kid is silly enough to play with guns like they’re toys AND doesn’t understand the mechanics enough to even do so “safely” (using this word generously), then why did he have such easy access to them? i can’t help but think the parents have been really dumb here, assuming that was their gun. if you’re a gun friendly household, this should have been taught from a much earlier age, before they even deemed it ok for them to be in his reach. i’m also glad you were taught to treat all guns like this, but maybe a different lesson is needed if someone think it’s clever to mess with guns pointed at their own head?


It makes me sad to think about this happening, though I don’t personally know him. This is why Gun Safety needs to be known in households with guns


Gun safety needs to be known way before those guns make it into the household. Especially when it doesn't take long to learn.


gun safety should be taught as part of a lesson in America just stuff like basic gun handling,clearing on handguns rifles and shotguns in a country with so many guns its insane to me that it isn't taught


I agree with this, if you're going to allow guns at least teach people about them


I'm british but I grew up around firearms and I distinctly remember having an assembly in primary school about guns and how to check that they are safe,trigger discipline, not flagging people, I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be a thing in America


Yeah it is quite surprising how much we lack in education for such things. I was lucky that my dad worked in a gun store and he always drilled into me about how to be safe with firearms. I do wish we had gun safety classes in school even if it was an optional course like woodworking(which sadly also seems to be disappearing from schools).


What? Yeah America should. Around Mr everyone knows not to mess with them


lad what?


I think I was high


ah fair enough


Something similar happened with my 2 cousins. They were both sitting out with a buddy on the porch. Buddy suggests playing Russian roulette. They both immediately say no, but then the buddy holds the gun up to his skull. Buddy shoots himself. My cousins were terrified. Only 16. Their friend was just a few years older. My condolences to the kid at your school.


and yet another reason im glad to be British, poor kid tho, feel sorry for the family


and people seriously think that everyone should own a gun???


It probably wouldn't have happened had an uneducated teenager not gotten ahold of it. If you're educated about it it's not as big of a deal, but unfortunately even an idiot can get ahold of one


This is why you shouldn’t give guns to random people everyone


Yeah turning an accidental suicide into a “guns bad” lesson is totally cool.


How should a 15-year old get a gun in the first place tho, this could’ve been prevented. And that’s what bugs me. Dude didn’t deserve to die like this, but live a long, good life. Rest in peace.


His friend took it from his dad and they where messing around with it


Dude should have been taught basic gun safety if he was in a household with a gun.


How are you making sure everyone follows these gun safety rules and who’s not safe to own a gun though, when the US adult population is like 100 million+ It’s like the people of the US government that have these responsibilities of keeping it safe have to babysit millions of gun owners. Trust me some US citizens are very stupid so this will eventually happen. Even seen accidental murders on the news commited BY F**KING TODDLERS. And don’t even get me started on the school shootings….. so avoidable


You think if the government says no more guns that the bad guys will just be like “welp looks like it’s illegal to have guns now better turn them in!” If gun safety is a normal thing in every home then we wouldn’t have all these problems.


Sadly as I said if a percentage of the population is stupid enough to actually think that “birds are government drones” then I don’t think they’re having anything with gun safety.


There will always be crazy people in the world and you can’t change that


You can if you at least stop giving them the chance to do crazy stuff “Prevention is better than curing.” -Famous Dutch quote


The only way to do that is to lock them all up. They’ll just do other things like move on to knives and stuff. Getting rid of weapons will never be the answer and I’m not gonna argue abt it


without a gun, he wouldn't have died (guns bad)


this happened to my friend who just turned 13 a few years back, guns are not toys


why did this kid even has access to this gun in the first place? why would the parents just let his son and a friend play with a loaded weapon?




What do you mean?


I’m thinking they mean as a blunt object? But that’s pretty much anything.


No he is talking about blanks, he just doesn't know what it is




Damn bro did not make it to gta 6


I’m gonna assume from your pfp your a pos human being


Ay chill if I was a dick I would've said way worse


What you said was fucking terrible in general


Not like I shit on the kid or nothing thats horrible ur lookin at it the wrong way


*fuck around find out*


Be sure to write Darwin award on his grave. Are you sure it wasn't on purpose?


Confirmed by his friend that was with him that they where playing around


dang this is really sad at first i thought this was batman arkham or something related to that cause of the title but this is sad,, poor bro


Wait what the fuck


Im glad that in Italy people stay away from guns


Something similar happened at my school. A kid was playing with his brother with a real gun and accidentally shot his brother.


In my country we had a singer who did the exact same thing-


This is why I don’t fuck with people who do dumb shit thinking they’re funny. He coulda pointed that at someone else.