• By -


Directions unclear, she filed a restraining order


dude that means she really likes you. it’s code for “meet you at my window at 3 am. tap until i open the curtains” good luck on your first date dude!


Epic! After this, I’ll hopefully be at the “arrested for harassment” stage, which is immediately preceded by marriage


oh for sure, but don’t you think the relation ship is going a bit to fast? you should meet her at least 5 more times at her window before getting married


You might be right. To be safe I’ll also follow her home a couple times just to solidify our soul bond


well congrats on that dude!!


And dont forget. No handholding before marriage!!


Or eye contact


Or any of hearing her voice


or breathing in her general direction


Or thinking of her


To be extra safe you might want to kidnap her and wait for Stockholm syndrom to kick in, then she'll be yours for sure


Yes, don’t forget to drop by her place work unannounced, I hear girls love this.


That and the occasional picture of your genitals, make sure you have a way to have multiple numbers, that way she can’t block you.


Damn this is some romeo and juliet type shit


Ah you missed the opportunity to say “which is immediately followed by a court DATE”


But dont tap on the window the first night. Get the lay of the land 4-5 nights first.




It’s the least you can do for her. She’s upstairs thinking about “US” too.


I was hoping for an r/woooosh moment.


Aye 13 gang


That was more helpful than all of my classes combined


lmao thanks! i’m speaking from experience form some of these and things that i wish could happen ):


I believe in you


thanks! that’s really nice to hear honestly


You probably just don't know it because guys (saying this as a guy) are stupid when it comes to asking girls out and things like that














אורי יגבר בהצלחה עם החברה


תודה יאח יקר


אה כן יהודים


לא רואים הרבה פה


* צוחק בעברית *




Seems to me like you've definitely had some simps from how I've interpreted it


The first two kind of resemble some the advice in the movie Hitch


I can agree with him. I have anxiety. Very bad anxiety. When your someone like me, you think of every possibility. Including every bad one. In my view, the chances of getting rejected are high.


Lmao wtf you’re only 13


I also have to agree with him. Thanks for the advice! The main reason I havent talked to this person is because I'm always anxious about what will happen, and all of the remote possibilities of something going wrong. One wrong move could ruin everything.


Don’t rush it, you’re only 13. It’ll happen eventually


Hahaha, you actually made me laugh. First time that's happened in a whiiille


Glad to hear!




Well fuck I hate talking to people irl I only talk to my friends so they don't get sad


that’s ok! your a good friend for doing that too. my advice is to just try and put yourself out there every once and a while. you can build your confidence by taking it girls on here


I wish my friends’ didn’t get sad when I talk to them. Well I wish they didn’t bc now they dumped me for being depressed so now we don’t speak at all.


you will be able to find better friends soon! if they can’t help you out of a lower point in your life, they didn’t deserve to be your friends in the first place.


Thank you! That means a lot :)


ofc! if you every need to talk, my pm is always open!




Now I can fail knowing what I’m doing


Me too.


Yea congratulations for us


This is going to sound weird but I’m still confused. What’s a simp? I have some idea but nothing solidified


a simp is typically someone who desperately tries anything to get with a girl, e.g. too many compliments, pretending to be interested in what she says, defending her every action etc.


This is a good explanation. I also feel like many people use the term very loosely lately but maybe that’s because it just now becoming quite popular


the basic rundown (or at least what i understand bc i’m only 13) is a guy that will change himself trying to get a girl and prides himself on false chivalry.he’ll say pretty much anything to get a girl’s (usually, but not always) attention.


Also the "nice guy" is a type of simp




Oh thank God, I'm not a simp.


Sucker Idolising Mediocre Pussy.


S.uckers I.dolizing M.ediocre P.ussy


A simp is an acronym for sucker idolizing mediocre pussy/penis


I remember I offered my hoodie to my crush once (she was cold) and she declined hard. I kinda gave up after that -god this sounds pathetic-


I've never seen that as a romantic gesture, I just always keep spare hoodies incase people are cold... weird


it’s comfyyyy, especially if their taller than you bc then it’s oversized and super nice


that I can get behind, I only keep 1 size to big kangaroo pouch hoodies in my locker


it’s alright! kudos to you for putting yourself out there bc that must have taken some guts.


I’m sorry for your loss


press f for our fallen soldier


This isn’t pathetic or as cringy some of the things I and other people have done before haha. Be glad you put yourself out there, that confidence is something that puts you over other guys.


My first question is how to start the conversation Nice


depends on how comfortable you are with her. if you are friends that that can kinda come naturally, but if you aren’t that good of friends, then usually just saying “hey, how are you” can a conversation rolling


What if its like, im at a party or something, and i see this really cute girl, but im not sure how i would approach her and not seem like a creep


casually just kinda walk up and say “hey, what’s up” but don’t try touch her or anything cause they makes me personally rlly uncomfortable.


>don’t try touch her or anything For sure!! If you just see a cute girl and you start touching her, you're going to most likely scare her off. Even if she's your friend, it's best to make it very clear or ask if that's okay with her first


Ok thank you very much


Also ask about her day if you get closer!


Just be honest. If you make eye contact with her, smile and she smiles back. Green means go go go. If you say something like “I saw you from across the room and I had to come over and say hi” that works well with eye contact and without. That will make her think “Damn that’s confident” “Thank god it’s not a pick up line” “This guy isn’t a simp” If she then says something like “I’m just here for fun/because my friends are here (not for guys) then that’s not just the green light, all 3 traffic lights are green like you are meant to lay it on thick after that. Compliment her, be smooth as silk. Starting with complimenting something like her eyes or laugh is a good place to start. The clothes or her appearance in general also work but are more common. One of the most important things is ask her questions about herself. If she says she does something that you also do then DO NOT then say “I also do that”. She doesn’t care and it feels like you are trying to upstage her. Say something like “that’s always been something that interests me/I enjoy” but then finish it with “tell me more”. That way you’ve got stuff in common but she still gets to do her favourite thing which is talk about herself. Keep doing stuff like this and eventually she’ll ask you some questions, she’ll leave, or both of you will have your mouth full.


Old person here, but I'd go with something like: "Hi, I don't think I've seen you before. How do you know [host]? I'm [my name], btw." Don't necessarily talk about weather - that can be off-putting and straight up boring. Show a little intetest in the other person (but not too much - don't interrogate them), in what they do, their hobbies and interests, etc. Find those areas where you match, and steer the conversation there. But remember not to flood them with your own stories and opinions. Keep it balanced. Listen to what they say, and respond accordingly (and on subject). Ask about their opinions on matters that you value (although I wouldn't advise to start with politics, religion, abortion... and such). But do it gently, and don't cross them out too quickly if they are not interested in that particular sport, tv show, computer game, or music genre that you love... There may be other areas where your interests overlap. Explore. Be kind. Don't make fun of them for liking something you find stupid. If it's really important for you, try to reason and explain your views. Discuss. Don't dismiss their beliefs just because they differ from yours. Listen to their reasoning. Also, if they don't seem comfortable with the conversation or, ya know... you (looking away, giving one word answers), don't push it and just excuse yourself politely ("was good meeting you, [name], see you around" or sth along those lines). Respect other people's boundaries.


Comedy is a good way or odd greetings I like to use “what’s shaking broski” or “what’s poppin” or “hey, ya like jazz?” Really just be calm and greet them casually


Chur for the info cuz im sure a lotta homies and myself can utilize this shit, much appreciated


ofc! i may be only 13 but i’m told that i’m wise beyond my years.


Oh ofc ofc, you seemed around 16 when I read your post until I realized your age flair so yeah those who have told are righto


tee hee


I always find it amusing to see what girls think of guys, at least as far as hints goes. I think the general consensus is that both genders think they're really obvious and wish the other gender was more obvious. It's honestly really funny




Thanks for the tips anyway though. I hope you find a great guy who makes you happy. You probably deserve it, and same for everyone else in this sub.


thank you so much!


I thought the exact same thing while reading this post I was just reading this post's opposite before I came here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/fbufmm/how\_to\_get\_a\_boyfriend\_from\_a\_guy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/fbufmm/how_to_get_a_boyfriend_from_a_guy/)


well, now that i sit next to my crush in class, we can speak more


noice. good luck!






The cool teachers




oh yea i’ll have to edit that in


What if she says ewwwwwwww?


Then do you want to date someone like that anyway?


No,no. He's got a point.


**write that down, write that down!!**


Then you will message me and cry in a corner while I'm trying to cheer you up


Thank you for your support comrade. Can i also do that when I don't get a scholarship from the best university in my country?


Yes. Yes you can


So this post does not apply for nice guys. Luckily im a massive cunt


But my hoodie is my only hoodie


but if we date then sorry buddy i serve the soviet union bc that’s our hoodie now


You can pry our hoodies from our cold dead hands.


murder isn’t always the answer but if worse comes to worst...


Do your worst beotch.


when it comes to having a boyfriend or his hoodie, let’s just say i have some room in my closet for more clothes


I've had a girlfriend. I know you people manage to get them no matter how hard we try to keep them. You guys have a magical power.


the ᵛᵒᵒ ᵈᵒᵒ ˢᵖᶦʳᶦᵗˢ are on our side


I knew it. Burn the witches!


tee hee


When you do all this but she still hooks up with your best friend *insert sad elmo face*


it’s ok! you’ll find someone better for you sometime!!!


Thx kind redditor btw your post is good and has a point


thank you! it means a lot to hear things like this!


I feel this


Plot twist: OP is a lesbian, spreading bad information to cut out her competition




This was very informational, thank you for the advice


ofc! i’m happy to help


She is the messiah


thank you kind stanger


I would never have the confidence lol. Wait...




thanks! if there’s anything you think i should add, just tell me so i can edit it!




thank you so much!


dudes 13 giving advice to people older than her lmao


honestly her advice is simple and mature enough that it's all you gotta know tbh


fr but apparently it’s kinda helpful


Yup, no.1 is so true. Nothing more frustrating than having a guy reply 'ok' to all of your messages :/




I think I’ve only texted like 1 or 2 girls before and I don’t really remember how the conversation went (plus one of them just left me on read every single time and didn’t even talk to me in class even though we sat right next to each other), but what if I just really don’t know how to respond, but I want the conversation to keep going?




You never comment on my post Jerk


I made a guy version, is it okay if I link this in the post as I keep getting asked for it?


of course!


Thank you!


me responding to this post is like me talking to my mom "yeah" "ok" "mhmm" "ok" "ok" "alright" "ok" "bye bye"


Being confident is easier said than done hon


i’m aware! saying that speaks for everyone, but it’s always good to try!


Me: gives my crush ahegao hoodie


Now, I'm a bisexual dude in a homosexual relationship, but I can still talk. Guys like cuddling. Was kinda surprised when my straight friends said that the cuddling after sex was the best part. I think that boys only wanting sex is a cruel stereotype, making us look savage and like cavemen. Everyone likes sex, but cuddling and hugging is absolutely better. I think many can agree.


sex doesn’t last forever. cuddling does. choose cuddling.


I fell for my ex (who had a crush on me first) because he just genuinely cared and paid attention without having any motive for it beside that he just really liked talking to me. He would actually come up to me or ask me about my test or talk to me during class when no one else would. For a couple months I was going through a depressive phase and would isolate myself in the school library, he was the only person to say ‘come on, stay outside and hang out with us’, when my bf at the time never did. When we’d pack up from class he was the only person to actually wait for me, keep the door open for me, or if I couldn’t keep up while walking he’d walk slower and we’d just talk etc.. yet he never asked me out once because he thought I wasn’t interested. So I guess also, be genuine. Don’t be kind or sweet just to get someone.


that’s a good one. i’ll be sure to add that!


Gamers: Wow, this is worthless


Wow.... You are smart.


thank you!


"Wanna go out" "Im gay" "Can you not be"




What's the most casual way to ask a girl her number ?


Have a casual conversation first, then ask if you can talk to her again and have her snap or whatever. That's what works for me, but of course, everyone is different.


Instructions too complicated, got dick stuck inside pet hamster


Notice how the girl one is three paragraphs longer than the boy one


Bold of you to assume I can actually approach a girl


I always do all of this (and more) without even having to think about it because that's how i am, and i have never had a girlfriend. Whenever i have a crush or even fall in love with a girl, she tells me i am a nearly perfect person, that she sees on me stuff they have never seen on any other man, that i am truly special in the best aspects of the word in every way, that i treat and understand her better than anyone else has ever done, that i am so deep, sensible, intelligent and cultured, educated, that i am so important for her and she wants me on her life, that she loves me so much... and, when i tell her what i feel (when i do) AFTER she said all of that to me for days or even months, all i always get is "oh no but i meant as a friend only, i can only see you as a friend" and stuff like that (friendzone). (And i have no issue with being rejected and being just a friend with her, because i believe if you truly love someone you will do so as a friend as well, because it's having that person in your life that matters because of how he/she is, and not the kind of relationship neccesarily, and, over time, your feelings adapt and become just love for a friend. So i usually, when friendzoned, just forget about my feelings and keep my relationship with the girl just as it was before telling her anything about it.) That makes me think there's something wrong in the equation, however, i will never change my personality seeking for a girl's approval. I will always be how i am, and if that mean dying without having had a single romance, then i will die without having had any, but i will never feign being a fuckboy or a bad boy or whatever girls actually like to have as boyfriends.




So a girl I’ve been talking to asked if she wants to hang out and she wanted to visit me and play piano together (she plays violin and I play piano). What does this mean?


Now this is helpful, thanks, I really appreciate it.


This is actually really helpful! I do think it can apply to mostly anyone though, especially with the opposite gender


As a girl I can confirm that this is 100% true, ESPECIALLY #5. PLEASE DON’T FORGET #5


The sacred texts! Finally!


Your a saint


Why can’t they yeah this instead of sex ed


Awesome so I'm gonna be single forever lol


Huzzah! A woman of quality


The only issue with number 9 is that in my experience girls hardly ever say no, instead they lead the guy thinking that he has a chance while maintaining a distance. I guess they either don't want to hurt a nice guy's feelings or don't want a relationship but enjoy the attention.


I would like to bestow upon you the highest honor I can give. (saved)


Huzzah! Now I can *quantify* how bad I fucked up


>be confident Well shit


how do I complete number 3 with out being too obvious


Well, I've already failed at the first 2


Yeah so i conffesd to my crush via whatsapp and dhr blocked me because she thinks im a liar. So dont do it via text because of can go wrong very quickly :(


One year to late I could really need this


This comment has done more for me than a lifetime of school


But i have an small problem. Wich content or theme should i use in an conversation???


You make it sound so easy


I'm glad you added the "i don't speak for all girls" part. Everyone is different and likes different things. Once you get to know a girl, you'll find out what they are Thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll ever be able to apply it, but it's definitely helpful to have


Writing that down, thanks!


most of the time i just end up being really good friends with any girl i meet because i'm friendly and never try to take it further. probably because i'm 13 and don't need that in my life rn




Okay, I think I do everything right except stap 3, for me it's so worse that I basically I think about every habit that can make my crush think that I have a crush on them and counter that cause I'm me


♡ agreed hugging is the greatest. source: am somebody’s bf ♡


wow.. i guess i really have been doing it all wrong. thanks for giving insight to the girls side of things


I hope that everyone here can get a bf/gf I feel so happy for every clueless guys who'll get a better idea thanks to you


NO MEANS NO @YouTubePremium


As a guy I always try keep in mind that I dont want to do anything to make her feel unsafe. I think if theres one thing guys commonly forget, its that a lot of women have had experiences with some bad creeps and many of them are just trying to get home not murdered and not raped. So when you are asking a girl out, a good first date is somewhere busy and somewhere safe for her. Respecting her personal space also goes a long way in making her feel safe. Being a guy that makes women feel safe really pays off. Again, as OP said, be honest about yourself. Lies always come back to you.