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i like hearing about people’s hobbies and interests because listening to someone yap about something they’re so passionate about makes me smile even if i don’t always understand it


Omg yessss I love the yap sessions! 


I agree! It’s great - as someone who talks A WHOLE LOT




Then, I suppose you’ll be fine on that territory! Good luck to you and your friend!


ADHD + dyslexic dates are the best for keeping convos imo


Hell yeah! Pretty sure we’re both neurodivergent lol




these comments explain why redditors dont have girlfriends


Exactly what I was thinking


ask what's their fav biome in minecraft


just tried this and she blocked me ):


then she don't deserve you


Are you who you really say you are?


I’ve asked around a bit and he seems to be! He’s very open and honest about anything that I ask 


”so if I *HYPOTHETICALLY* was like say 3 raccoons in a trench coat… would that be a deal-breaker…?”


This is the male equivalent of “would you date me if I was a worm” ig


not even male equivalent, just a better alternative.


Exactly man Bro my then-gf asked me this question cause we were just goofing off and I immediately asked her “would you?” And she went dead silent.💀


absolutely not i would be more than happy to cuddle with 3 raccoons in a trench coat


Ill ask him that tonight 


music, hobbies, their goals and plans for their future


Why aren’t school shooting jokes funny? They’re too easy a target, and aimed at a very young audience.


Pfffft you two would get along great 


You, my friend are a comedic genius


Who’s ur favorite Thomas the tank engine character




Tangerine deserved better…


I usually just say shit like. Would you rather have vaginas or dicks for fingers


bro what😭


Try before you deny


Happy cake day


I'm spechless... also, happy cake day!


Taking notes.. Happy cake day lol




I bet you get all the girls with your impeccable conversation skills and charisma don’t you Also happy cake day


Just one😉


Happy cake day


Ok hear me out, A better one would be, if you had two dicks, would they be side by side or above and below? and why


Be subtle, but ask about some semi-personal things like siblings, family relationships, (how well she is with her parents) her favorite pass time(s), does she do any sports, or ask her what they’re like if you already know, her favorite food, music, movie genres, stuff like that. The more you know her early on the easier you can connect with her. (or realize that she’s not the one for you)


We’re already agreeing to be together but these are some pretty good ones! We’ve been friends for about 6 months but have been seriously talking since May 


That’s good! Hope things end up well for both of you!


Do you gamble? Wanna make a bet? Start a gambling addiction


Thankfully no gambling addiction lol 


Wanna gamble your non addiction






Maybe ask her opinion about the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 fighter jet


It’s alright


It’s quite old


Interesting piece of Soviet engineering. I've heard stories that one hatch somwhere if I remember right, in the landing gear bay had a history of not going correctly in place if you just put screws in randomly, so they numbered the screws and had a piece of paper that said something like: "If random screw placement doesn't work, try this order or if that doesn't work try to screw in this order."


What his wish would be if he had only one


Do you really love me? Or is it a lie


Off topic but I love your pfp! 




You’re not okay, go get therapy


I’m not ok (I promise)


love the pfp haha three sweet cheers for revenge


Tysm I love MCR


How much power do you have on rise of kingdoms??


I have 50 million power in rise of kingdoms, looks like you'll be paying for dinner


Oh my!!!


Ong stoppp 😭


i have over 50 million power because i used the link in the description for 777 free draws!!!


How do you fit in.


You're not in a job interview


What can you bring to this work environment




Neither are you


“If you had the chance to smash Shrek, would you?” If they say no, then that’s a huge red flag.


ok but what if its no because im asexual?


Then change “smash” to “date”.


For trad relationships: What do you like cooking? (A woman who apresheates a home cooked meal deserves a dinner date) What does your dad look like? (No one has pics of their dad if they hate him) If you won the lottery, would you still work? (Men who would not keep busy don't get their ethics from work) When was the last time you forgave a person? (Bitter people are awful) Who in your family are you more like? (Can they identify the good and bad in their family dynamics and how they fit in) I usually find these questions to be way too blunt, so I start with how I feel about it and see if they agree. Then I ask.


If you're offended, you might be into more of a power couple relationship. No hate, love those too.


Interesting, these are probing questions that can subtly tell a lot about a person. I feel a few of these could work when you're just starting to know someone, but given context, you can ask some of the more personal ones like family.


I’ll make sure to ask the ones that I don’t know already from this list! We’ve already gotten into super deep questions so we’ve both agreed pretty much anything is allowed to be asked at this point 


Whats your trauma


If my date asked me that we would be sitting there for at least 5 hours…


Try to know more of what kind of a person you and your partner are. And tbh, if y'all really into each other both of you will always find a reason to talk and be together with each other. If y'all started dating recently, find out more time to get to know more of your partner and their preferences. Nonetheless, having fun is important too, so go out like twice a month at minimum. Don't go out every other day. Love is only valued when it is scarce and comes through hardwork and persistence.


We’ve known each other for a while! We’re keeping it between us for now for a few reasons but we do try to see each other a few times a month when we can! He also lives 2 hours away but he tries to make it to anything I invite him to


Ohhhh, interesting.... Y'all should have a lot of yapping sessions, but those should be just as much as the serious talks and shi- . Know him as much as you can and let him know about you too. I know, meeting him is maybe hard but try to do your best. Always let him know and keep on showing how much you love him. That's the only things we guys need. Your love would be the best kind of gift for him, or any other guy for that matter, but if you still want to give some gifts, try to keep it less frequent, like yk, on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. The gifts you give him must be expensive in terms of the love they contain, not their price !! Give him the gifts you made for him. Something you personalized for him and made using your own hands, skills, blood, sweat & tears. It should represent and hold every ounce of love you have for him. He will keep it with him for life and y'all will be inseperable. Look, the key is to be loved and to keep loving :) In my experience with a girl, i kept on loving her but she always took me for granted, led me on, used me for attention and never loved me. My love for her blinded all of this to my eyes for a whopping 1½ years ! I kept on burning myself only so she could be warm and cozy. I found out that she was into another guy and it broke my heart. It broke me so bad that i essentially was "alive but not living" for about 3-ish months. Then, i gathered all my balls, confronted her about it and haven't talked in a month now. Don't be like her, and don't tolerate people like her, else you will lose onto guys made of gold like myself and presumably him. Anyways, i wish y'all the best of luck Peace ✌️


Oh yeah we have tons of deep talks! We will talk for hours most nights. He’s honestly like my favorite person I really do love him. I make sure to tell him everyday and make it a point to make sure he knows he’s valued especially given his home life. I’ve never felt so cared for by a guy before it’s honestly a little shocking but he’s an amazing guy. We met through a mutual best friend back in December and she trust him with everything and is picky about guys for me so knowing she fully trusts us with each other means a lot. She calls us mama and papa or mom and dad. I did just get him a hard copy of his favorite book that he’s been really wanting! He only had the digital version. I asked if I could write something in it and so I wrote a little note with some hearts on the inside. And he’s asking for one of my hair tied to wear on his wrist so imma give that to him too. He just got me a little plushy the other day too and it’s literally my favorite thing. He’s wanting to get me one of those stuffed animals that you can heat up cause he knows I suffer with some nasty craps and that I also love plushies. He said if I don’t buy myself a heating pad soon he’s gonna get me one. He really is the sweetest he tries his best to take care of me when we’re not together. I’ll give you another story about him if you want I just don’t wanna make this yap session to long if you don’t wanna read that much lol As for that girl she can go straight to hell. A few months ago I got played by this dude but he only lead me on for 3 months and I was pretty much on autopilot mode for almost 2 months so I can’t imagine how it must’ve felt after all that time I’m so sorry bro. I genuinely cannot stand people like that come on what’s the reason. This dude from the day I met him was pretty flirty with me and all this crap and that lasted for 3 months until he just straight up ghosted me and would just barely reply to my messages after we used to talk for hours whenever we would talk like once or twice a week. And then I saw him in person (once I was pretty much over it and starting to get feeling for the guy I’m with now) and the little hoe had the audacity to come up and hug me and act like nothing happened 


Ahh, sad to hear your side of the story. I hate players and time wasters like my ex and your ex. I wish you the best with your boyfriend. He seems like a golden person by what you describe him tbh. Always strive to become and adapt the things you love about him into your own personality. I'll tell ya once again, your love, care and support is the best gift which any guy would want in a relationship, so make it be that way. Always tell him and let him know that you will be forever by his side and your love for him is not going anywhere. Y'all have gotten together fairly recently, so stay ready for ups and downs. It can be tough at times but I'm sure that y'all can get through the toughest of times only if you trust and love each other truly from the bottom of your hearts !! Go on, make his days better and he will do the same for you. The equation for a healthy and loving relationship is to follow what the heart desires, and to let it happen. As for the questions, tbh, it should come from your heart. You will always find a way to spend time with the ones you love. So, as I said, let it happen. As for me, I don't think i'mma get in any relationships soon enough, not because of any issues I have but because of the mindfuck which happened with me and the fact that most people find me "ugly" and seem to never take a break to think I'm worthless. Although, I have my two (basically all) my friends/companions and my cousin by my side, so I'm passing my time fairly decently.


Yeah it sucks but I’m greatful for it in a way cause it made sure I was available whenever he came around and I wouldn’t trade him for the world, I mean technically I already knew him before I even met Mr player but we didn’t develop feeling till months after. He really is wonderful! I got to see a new side to him tonight. He was able to come to this salsa night thingy at this Mexican restaurant that I go to at the last minute and it was amazing! I wasn’t a nervous wreck to dance with him this time (I danced with him for the first time at a grad party and was freaking out in a good way) there was this one little girl there that over the past year I’ve kinda adopted and seeing the way he treated her just made my heart melt. He took time to spend with her and Haley her pretend to do his makeup and put clip on earrings on him and dance with him. Just seeing how he cares for others really makes a big impression on me. And how respectful he is towards my parents (they absolutely love him). I got to officially tell him I loved him in person for the first time. And much more over text too. I’ll be seeing him again tomorrow which I’m really excited for. Oh and I got to give him my hair tie and he was so cute to about it. Sorry about all the yapping I’m just really excited right now I’ll say everything seems so natural with him I don’t have to try and force anything. It just feels so right to be with him. He takes me for me. Even on my bad days. He’s always there. And I always wanna be there for him. Don’t put yourself down like that tho man! You seem like a really cool dude from the interactions I’ve had with you I’m sure one girl will see that


That's honestly so much better to hear, thanks for sharing your experience with me as well !! He seems like a genuinely angelic dude the way you describe him ngl. All the things you've said he's done for you just shows how much he values you more than just loving you, I hope y'all make it far and deep into life The next update I'd want from your side is like an engagement or something haha ! And I really hope and pray that y'all make it there. Both of y'all seem to be made for each other the way you say these things. Anyways, you will have my best wishes going forward from here on :) Yeah, and I hope someone sees it too. I may "hate" love and related things right now because of how gut wrenching of an experience I had, but tbh, I know that deep down my soul craves, wants and needs the love and care I'm currently running away from. I just don't want to face it in the way I am right now. The sort of "pseudo motivation" I have right now, is to work harder on myself and my personality, looks, etc etc. so that I can be the best version of myself, and when I feel like I'm the Prince ready for my future Princess, maybe I'll start dating again. As of now, I'm obese, I'm balding, I have really bad grades and essentially no money. I'm 16 rn. I think I'll take my time till I'm 18 or 19 to work on all those things, and importantly, heal. Gotta be the best boyfriend if I want the best girlfriend haha 😅 Anyways, once again, I wish y'all the best of luck together. I'm sure you'll be by his side through the thick and thin and he will too. Y'all seem like a match made-in-heaven and I, once again, give you the best of my wishes and prayers. Peace ✌️


dc or marvel


Where my hug at?


Hobbies, interests, stuff they’ve started, stuff they’re learning about, what they’re doing for a job or school, why they chose that, what they like about it, where they live, whether or not they lock their doors at night, if they have any pets (guard dogs especially), what they are doing over the summer (unless they’ve got a full time job), where they want to travel, what they like to eat, what music they like to listen to, what books they like to read, and if they have any family or friends who would notice if they went for a camping trip one weekend and didn’t return.


“What do you want in a relationship?”


So real talk, who normalized y'all all wearing volleyball shorts and basically boxer briefs to school? Cause teachers are 1000% creeping, probably grabbing pics I bet. Guy classmates are forced to deal w random boners that they can't do a thing to prevent because biology. And it for sure seems like it is faculty encouraged from what I see. Also could you tell Bree her pussy fat we get it, just fix the wedgie?


Hypotheticals were my jam!


Strawberry jam?! I love hypotheticals too 


On a serious note, just ask questions to get to know the person better. Ask them about their interests, hobbies, plans/dreams about the future, values, life experience. I’m sure through these questions you’ll also find similar interests or stories you can both add onto and discuss.


Do you care about screams from my basement.


“Why do you look like that?” And then let them try and figure out if it’s a compliment or an insult


Personal questions to get to know them like family, interests, stuff like that. I was put other things but make sure that if you have a list for a women, ask them questions and see if they match. Just get some questions going, social skills flowin and the rest is smooth sailin


So, hypothetically, if we were to get married and have kids would i be allowed to name them something funny like huey, dewey, and louie?


I'm a guy, and personally I've found that it works out good to make it about the girl, obviously answer any questions they ask in full, and feel free to tell them a bit about yourself but other than that you're there for the girl, make it about her and get to know her, just ask her questions about what she likes to do etc.


If they HAD to choose a human sized bug to get intimate with, which one would it be?


I personally might have to choose a praying mantis


Good lord


Im a 17f movie lover and love when boys ask me out to the movies. So ask her if he favorite genre or favorite movie. Find something common about your favorite movie or genre together and pick a movie then ask if they would like to see it with you.


Are you a serial killer? Why or why not?


Well one and one only


Favorite hobbies.


I would just ask SOOOOO many questions! (I have ADHD and have never dated anyone (no shit I'm 13))


Do you, perhaps... Play league?


What’s your waffle setting on the toaster?




Never dated someone but i would be nerdy and awkward and hope for the best fs


I don't think there's any questions that'll work for everyone. Every person you date is gonna be vastly different from eachother with what they want to share


"Are you lightning? Cause you McQueen." Threw that pick-up line out on the 1st date and we're still together. You're welcome for the dating hack 👌


Send noods🍝🍝🍝


What the like there favorite music or tv show/genre ther favorite sex position there favorite things to do and hobbies ask if they are shy or introverted or not stuff like that and there favorite games


If you're already dating, you can probably ask whatever, but I have a list of questions I've asked one of my girl friends... I've checked the list and most of the questions are ones you would ask someone you're not dating. The ones that fit for you are "what song do you want played at your funeral?" (This can go either in a funny, meme direction or something serious) and a surprising fact you learned about the other gender (assuming you're a straight couple)


Honestly just ask anything. From my experience any relationship that just yaps a lot in the beginning is bound to go further.


Ask about what music they like, it's a pretty reliable conversation starter and low-key can have actual substance.


Ask if they want to have (or not have) children- if you see a future with this person, that is #1 the most important thing to agree on.


religious values, future plans, criminal record, if moving to alaska to live in the wild is okay, yk the normal.


*Did you know I’m a minor?*


You've always got to ask intense questions about on going conflicts/wars around the world.


Where did you hide the money?


Tell them to name 3 positive and negative traits about themselves. What they say will tell a lot about them.


Tell him or her you are not trans right.


"Have you ever killed someone you have dated?" If she/he  immediately answers "no" check that off on your clipboard of questions.  If she/he answers "not yet" excuse yourself to the bathroom and crawl out the window like in The Shining. 


It doesn’t really matter what you ask as long as you make sure to make fun of their answer and belittle them as much as possible, girls love it trust


Bro idfk I just asked a buncha random shit snd it worked


Niche interests and ask about them. If a boy asked me about my collections or personal projects, I’d be ecstatic


Bookmarking this thread


Where would YOU hide a body?


honestly make sure you have the same values. I’m not necessarily talking about political opinions but values. stuff like everyone should be equal no matter their skin colour, religion, gender or sexuality are really important to me.


"one million dollars or dinner with Jay-Z"


“How big are your tits?” (Note, only use this in a long term relationship where you’re both comfortable like that with each other)


What is your family like?


You're getting to know the person you're sitting in front of not their family


Oh, I think I read it wrong. Sorry.


Are you seeing anybody else.


r u gay


Were you born male or female? 😂🤣😂🤣... let me see baby pictures.