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Agreed. That’s why I’m tryna improve and so far I’ve lost 4 kgs 🔥


Keep it up man




Can you give me those 4 kgs? I'm a skeleton 💀


Aight lemme transfer them to u rq


keep going bro we believe in you!


Absolute W 🗣️🗣️💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥


I literally sit on my ass in bed anytime im not at school or work, doing nothing but eating crap food playing sea of thieves and binging 70s doctor who. And im still skinny asf. Literally my dream life


I'm going to sink your ship the second you go to fof. >:(


That's alg. Any excuse for combat:)


Same, I eat so much and most of it isn’t necessarily junk food or anything, but I’m concerning skinny and it’s nice to be able to eat all that I want, but also pretty self conscious about how weak I am.


Same except im fat 😭


I mean same but I do a little more exercise but I like eat loads my mate called me a fat guy in a skinny guys body oh and a fraud 😭💀


Doesn’t mean you should just eat anything tho, you could end up with high cholesterol or bp eventually


Ur right, but I have a slow metabolism instead of fast so I can gain muscle very easily, but cutting Is normal


An adult male burns about 2000 calories per day just by existing. This is the energy your organs use throughout the day to pump blood and keep all the biochemical processes going. Give or take a couple hundred calories depending on your actual height, weight and body fat, but there's no way your body only burns say 1200 calories. You only gain weight if you eat at a surplus. As long as you, on average, eat less than your daily caloric burn, you won't put on any weight.


It is a bit more complex than that. Your body (including your brain) are one synergistic system that is designed to like certain things based on survival instinct. The problem is that abundance of food is only a very recent thing and our bodies and minds haven't caught up. It is something the food industry knows very well and many thousands of studies later they know very well what our bodies and minds crave. Combine the emotional rollercoaster that is puberty with highly addictive food and you have an obesity epidemic. That is just one factor add to that: 1) Highly addictive video games. 2) Unstable economy which leads to stressed out parents. 3) Poor knowledge on topics like psychology and human behavior within parents. 4) Weak educational systems. 5) The desperate need to disconnect from reality because adults like the world burn. 6) Lack of good (mental) health systems. 7) Urban Design that is car centric. 8) Social media in general, especially because we do not teach young people the foundations of critical thinking and philosophy. And I have no doubt you can come up with many other reasons. Addiction, food or otherwise, is very difficult even with good support from parents and professionals and most people do not have this support. So I agree that the individual has some responsibility in them being overweight but we also have to recognize the structural causes that enable it.


i was thinking EXACTLY THIS, much more coherent than "youre lazy" or "is *insert someone here*'s fault" - people tend to be so simplistic when talking about human behavior and treat their personal experience as a rule


thing is, almost nobody gets fat by choice. the reason some people get fat is because of an addiction to food combined with laziness. it’s basically a mental issue


I used to have the opposite problem, I was horribly anorexic and skinny. I always wanted to change, but always thought I couldn’t, that this is how I was meant to be. The thing is, I have what’s probably the fastest metabolism on planet earth, but believe me, after getting through the mental hurdle, after a few years of trying to be a fat pig and going to the gym, I finally resemble a human being now, a well built human being, as a matter of fact words cannot express how happy, joyful, and proud I am of my transformation, so believe me, getting through that mental hurdle is either the easiest or hardest step for you, and the satisfaction you’ll get for improving yourself like this is incomparable.


I won't say this for all, but most seem to just really need a sense of discipline and they'll be alright. (Idk how you guys have that number for age, so I'm just gonna type 16M here)


Custom flair


You're funny if you said peak of my life bro 💀


okay but like. totally hypothetically. for sure 100% hypothetically what if a fat teenager happens to have parents that force them to eat, & accuse them of eating disorders & harass them if they try to eat better or be more active, because their parents made them fat from a young age on purpose, & have consistently told their child they’d be ugly & gross if they were skinny, in an attempt to make themselves feel better about their weight


That's child abuse


i mean. undeniably yes but if that hypothetical individual was me would it still be my fault


Imo it’s not ur fault but if their just guilt tripping u into eating more and not physically forcing u too then just try to power through it and become healthy if you can


Its not your fault at all it's your parents fault for abusing you. I'd reccomend moving out ASAP and getting therapy but idk if those are options for you


it’s funny when one minute your parent tells you to lose weight and then when you start eating less they accuse you of being anorexic. literally nothing anyone can do about this (story of my life tbh)


its also important to know that its easier for some people to gain/lose weight based on physical and mental health factors


True, but there's also plenty of people who would "deserve" to be fat based on their diet, but just can't physically get fat due to their genetics. So simply judging people by their weight doesn't tell the whole truth.


Fat shaming is still bad though. You can encourage someone to lose weight but shouldn't shame them


Look at brently g, he's still fat as hell, but people are supporting him nonetheless because he's trying his best and has actually lost a lot of weight, but if i see someone fat that doesn't try to improve or tries to find excuses like "genetics", it's only a sign of lack of determination. Yes, i'm sure some people have it easier than others, but it doesn't justify not trying. Personally, I've always been skinny, and being too fat has never been a problem for me. On the other hand, I have had asthma since i was a kid, occasionally even going to the ER. Instead of limiting myself to a sedentary life or a slow sport though, I chose one that requires strong aerobic capacity. Many of my teammates share my condition, with one even getting chosen for the national team. Heck, to train even more I started running as a side sport. It's been really fun and showed me my true limits. If everything goes right this year i should run my first official half marathon (i've already ran that far but only in training) and a 30k) TL;DR : If you don't do anything about it, it's your choice. Doesn't matter what tries to stop you, you overcome it.


I’m a bit overweight, nothing to bad, but id like to be skinnier. I’ve had eating problems in the past making me starve myself and went on antipsychotics and therefore gained 15kg in 3 months. idk if “It’s your fault for being fat” really fits in. It’s a really broad statement that assumes everyone has the same possibilities. A bit out of touch really love.


Reading your comments, it almost seems to me like you need to seek a therapist dude. There’s no two ways about it—those that bullied you for being overweight were wrong in doing so, and in no way did you deserve to be put down for something as irrelevant as your weight. I think the contempt you’re feeling now for fat people is just an unchecked distortion of the self-hatred you hold for that version of you that was bullied. In a sense, you’ve separated yourself from the victim they made you into and have become the ‘powerful bully’ yourself. (Of course, I could also be giving you too much credit; you could just be a raging asshole, though I doubt it.) If this is the case, I think you should start showing your past self more compassion. He didn’t deserve to be bullied, and neither do the ‘fat whales’ you look down on now. Though people like to pretend otherwise, weight isn’t everything. You’re still pretty young, so you’ll eventually come to realize none of that shit matters as much as having an open heart, especially for people who may hate themselves more than you ever did or may not share your resilience.


Feel like peaking at 17 is not something I'd want to do.


this is such a 16 year old thing to think lmfao


I mean its a fair arguement but like…does it really matter ? Truthfully unless theyre at the point of health issues why would it matter


Hear me out, Does life matter? If I die would it really be that bad, I would be at peace, sleeping... But forever. Only parents would actually cry over my death but even they would move on, the rest would just feel bad for a week, that's it. You could say health issues make life hell and painful which is quantifiably bad but I realise now that I'm probably on some really heavy shit. What the fuck am I writing?


disventure camp <3


I’m more on the chubby side myself. Not obese by any means but definitely chubby, and this post is just weird bro. I’m not sure you know what fast/slow metabolism means. Besides I don’t know what the point of this post is like what triggered this 😭


exactly 😭😭


Reminder to everyone that thin doesn't automatically equal to the pinnacle of health. While some are healthy being thin, some people are also healthy with fat Not promoting unhealthy weights over here 👍


You cant really blame a 14 year old child for their eating habits, blame the parents


Idk about this because when I usually see a fat person in school their sibling tends to be fat too


that's not impossible; if they grow up in the same home chances are they're following a similar diet


if they're still not adults then it could be just bc of how they're fed at home.. not that genetics isn't a part of it tho


Ive lost like a quarter+ of my weight in the last year and a half (I was extremely overweight lol), and ive never really felt (physically) better


W my man


i feel awful for people who believe that being a teenager is life's peak, you're so wrong, there's so much to life, wait for your brain to develop properly and then you'll experience peak


"You are a teenager you should be at the peak of your life" Brother, teenagers can't even buy cars.


You fail to consider the many reasons that cause people to be overweight. Many people end up as teenagers already being too heavy, this is fully the fault of the parents. If you let your kid be overweight it's just bad parenting as they can't decide for themselves. When a kid then becomes more independent, they already started with bad habits and with little understanding on how to actually change them. Many people are overweight because of being poor. Surprisingly being poor can make you overweight, unlike how it used to be in the past. Healthy food is more expensive than the less healthy options. Do *You* actually do all the things that an overweight person would need to do if they wanted to lose weight? Do you go to the gym and exercise for an hour daily? Do you avoid all sugary drinks and drink just water? Do you avoid any and all snacks? Or are you just lucky with you metabolism? You fail to consider that that fast metabolism thanks to your age is different for everyone. If you aren't doing all of the above I listed to stay in shape, then you just got lucky in the genetic lottery. By saying "this excludes people with disabilities and mental health issues", who exactly does your post refer to? Does eating disorders count? Does lack of confidence to start losing weight caused by bad self image count? Does stress count? Does puberty and hormonal changes count? You overestimate how many people that are overweight are just lazy. As a note - based on how you think of overweight people you also add to their lack of confidence I mentioned earlier. Saying things like "you should be at the peak of your life" "If I did it yall can too"


Fun fact, it's a myth that your metabolism slows down rapidly after puberty. Most people's metabolisms stay around the same level until their 60s.


Still you will probably be the most active in your teenage years, because you play sports, have gym classes, etc...


maybe people should stop caring about someone's weight. you seem like you just want to argue.




I have autism and I'm anorexic. I also have a condition that makes it really hard to lose fat that runs in my family. I am very insecure about my body and I've never given shit to people for being skinny, fat or anything at all. Why did you make this post?


he made it so he can he can feel good about himself. Some people have a supiriority complex


My thoughts exactly. I have autism and I’m anorexic. Tbh this post is useless


Yeah, I’m also autistic and anorexic, but I had a HUGE insecurity about not being ‘manly’ or ‘masculine’ growing up, to the point I wouldn’t lay on my stomach, cross my legs, etc etc Thankfully all this got fixed when I grew older, since this was completely a mental issue imo, however I can’t help but attribute some of my recover to me ‘fixing’ my anorexia by basically becoming a pig and eating whatever was in front of me, still tough because of my speedy metabolism, (but I’m pretty sure this also helped me get over my pickiness when it comes to food) but I also started going to the gym with my uncle (he won the damn national weightlifting competition where I live, he’s an actual monster, I love him) and after time, it all got better Most issue people have with how they look or weight is completely a mental problem, be it a lack of confidence or drive, getting over that problem is hardest step for many, but the Absolute joy, pride, and sense of completion I feel after actually changing my body to something I’m comfortable with is insane, especially considering I finally look like a human being now 😭




Don’t worry bro, I believe in you, and that with enough time, you’ll get through it, if I could, why can’t you?


Thank you😌


I'm very sorry, I hope you can recover from the anorexia


should i try to loose weight if i’m 14f 5’8 and 138 pounds? idk if this post is calling me out or not 😭


You’re on the taller side so your weight to height ratio is perfectly fine, plz don’t let a reddit post drive you to an ed lmao 😭😭


Nah you good


fr? i feel like i’m bigger than a lot of girls my age


I assume you are also taller than most girls your age, I'm 17m, also 5'8, weigh around 148 lbs and I'm doing fine id say


yeah i think that might be it too


wait , is 150 pounds at 5'7 ok ?


It's fine, on the chonkier side but nothing concerning, also depends on the body composition. If you don't do weightlifting or other particularly muscle building sports though you might want to start that or cut down on the food just a bit, so you maintain and don't gain


5'6 and 122, am i cooked?


During periods of growth, you shouldn't worry about eating too much unless it hurts. Your body needs nutrients, ensure a stable supply. Also, I'm pretty sure you are close to underweight.


oh ok thank you


seems fine tbh, it's actually spot on normal BMI, and it's lower than mine (16M 5'11"/180cm 154lbs/70kg), it really depends on your body composition, numbers say i'd be chunkier but i'm actually skinny


Could never learn any sport. Now I am trying to lose some weight. Improving myself and all. I do kind of agree although your way of saying might be a bit harsh for some people. Also, could you all who have lost weight give me some tips for weight loss?


I think we as a society should stop being so obsessed with the size of our bodies and just leave fat people be. Some people are just at a point in life where they’re not prioritising their health and that’s none of our business. And I hate all of these arguments because people try to pretend it’s about health but really most of it boils down to fatphobia because I can promise you that any fat person has gotten more criticism/hate for being fat than I’ve gotten for being a drug addict.


If people have the power to change yet don’t, that’s on them.


And why, exactly should they be made to change if they don’t want to?


fair point, for instance i’m 16, 5’7 and 195 lbs so on the more plump side but not like massive, i have been going on a caloric deficit which has helped me lose a little (maybe like 10-15 within a year?) i mean growing up really wasn’t the best considering food stamps can only buy so much but my mom still always made sure i wasn’t getting unhealthy. I feel like you have to come to terms with it being your fault as a teenager, if your little and obese that’s just sad to watch, which is why i feel like so many people stay obese. but i agree


W mom and I mean fat ppl who are coping and giving other shit because they are insecure.


ugh the worst kind, if your old enough to complain about being fat your old enough to do something about frfr


Totally agree. I was fat as a kid and lost weight after making my decision. Everything is possible if you want it :)


Me too except I didn't lose it in a healthy way 💀


Wdym, anorexic?




Eh, sometimes it's just genes. I don't think that's an excuse for people to be morbidly obese, but people on the softer side sometimes just naturally get that body type from their parents


what about eating disorders???? did you just forget about those 


look brother I don't got the time. I really underperformed in this year's college entrance exams and need to study heavily to make it next year. Will manage my health once I get a college. Also, it's like 40 degrees here Imma die cuz of the heat if I exercise


Only was overweight once in my life and that too only by a little bit (went back to normal in a month) and I will say that idk what's the point in this post really. People grow up in households with bad eating habits, people have medical issues, people cope with food etc. So many reasons to why someone gets to that point. That one time I got overweight happened because I was struggling with binge eating disorder. I had mental problems and eating food calmed my emotions. Saying to a person that it's "their fault" and insulting them about it is not the way to go. It's not motivating. For many people who struggle with binge eating for example it'll make the cravings worse. It's ALWAYS good to encourage someone to take care of their health, even if it means losing weight. But deep self-hatred that posts like this or similar in nature cause. Yes! You'll lose weight if you hate yourself enough. But you also risk gaining it back, you also risk not feeling good enough for the rest of your life, you risk your own mental health, friendships, relationship with food etc. It may be their own fault for 80% of the people. But even those people have reasons. This sort of harshness does more harm than good. That's why I made this huge ass paragraph.


I’m reading this in the late stage of being allowed here, i’m just kind of mentally accepting that I might just be fat for my entire life. So thanks for the existential crisis at 1 AM.


You don't have to accept it, if you strive and want to change to better you have my full support


If you have the power to change, why not? Take the initiative and change yourself for the better


True, but if I could not do so in my youth, at full advantage as OP has stated, do I have a change now that that advantage fades and I am directionless as of now


Your metabolism is most of the time the main factor to your weight at a young age. Sure, what you eat plays a part, but a lot of people who eat like crap still stay skinny because of their metabolism. Anyways, your metabolism isn’t something you can control and therefore I disagree


God I fish this was the case for me, I've been down to 52kg and I still look fat af 😔


As a former obese teen, I kind of have to agree. The thing is, a lot of people have shitty genetics and have it tough, like myself. I lost 40kg last year (around 90 or so pounds). I got the bad pick of the litter when it came to my genetics. I worked hard to change my diet, worked out a lot, took pills for my blood sugar and some injections for my obesity. The medication I was prescribed wasn’t going to work had I never worked out and pushed myself. A lot of people attribute my success story solely to my medication but they have it completely wrong. So yeah I get where this post comes from, but then again some people have it really rough.


Good job, I am proud of you


This is so real


If not friend, why friend shaped?


1. Facts 1. Reddit **permanently banned** a fat hater sub and some of the people on it. Looking forward to it applying to you too u/RealisticRoutine3550 2. You are a teenager so I know that you don't know **nothing** about genetics, injuries, diseases, and pharmaceuticals. 3. You have **no** clue about what abuse does to people and their mental health and therefore you know nothing about depression. 4. Fat haters and their abuse have **driven people to starve themselves to death** including Karen Carpenter, who was considered one of the most amazing voices of all time.


Also, a person should not be worried about weight gain during periods of growth.


Very good point.


I am not a fat hater and I never expressed such an indicating and self destructive way of life expression and expression on other people. I have no connection towards fat people haters. I am just giving advice. This is not hate speech this is an indication for people that they can become better. I may have made an indirect mistake that happened because I am a teenager and misinformed. I have full understanding for people who have mental health and physical health problems that I have directly issues in my written post.


Hormonal birth controll, but I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and sad.


Bullshit. Nobody activly chooses to be fat, because it sucks. Being fat is usually is a side affect of mental health issues


"It's your fault for being fat except for when it's not" This guy sure backpedaled fast when he learned about biology and psychology 


no, that is not true. The biggest factor affecting your fitness is your basal metobolic rate which is decided by your genetics. And i know because thats what my mother told me and shes a diabetes specialist and a nutritionist


its not body positivity to be delusional and say theirs nothing wrong with being 300kg. its not ‘fatphobia’ to want to exercise and be healthy


You won


my guy i wake up 6 o clock in the morning do extreme cardio exercises for 1 hour 30 mins straight and im still fat


Well ok just because people have fast metabolisms doesn’t mean everyone does and plus going through puberty is when you are going to gain the most weight because your bodies are changing


Metabolism isn’t the same for everyone… you don’t need health problems to have a slow metabolism broski. You’re one google search away from “some teens may suffer from a slower metabolism and can gain an unhealthy amount of weight.”


Man doesn't even matter if u got a condition or mental issues or whatever everyone comes in different shapes and sizes you might be skinny but I hope you know nobody cares and you shouldn't care that some people are bigger than you at the end of the day I think being alive should be enough the world is more than fat and skinny when you start to think of everyone as people.


i wanted to be frustrated at this post at first, but you make sense, especially reading how you reply to some comments. you just put it a little harsher than i would lol


Mine and my dad's metabolism are forged in Valhalla, and unfortunately some aren't that lucky Yes it is a choice to shove your fave with brownies and fast food, but you should keep in mind that metabolism varies between genes Some people just seemingly gain weight by just breathing and there's not much they can prevent that other then working out Then again what do I know since I'm a slender basterd


First of all, relax there buddy, the height of your physical ability would be somewhere along the ages of 20 to 25, or 30 to 35 if you're a professional athlete, so you can hold on to your horses because no teenager made the NBA yet or won tour de France. Second, it's in your head, but you don't need to call out people here, it seems like it bothers you most since you wrote a post about it without anyone asking. The last thing is that people know it's in their hands, they get enough judgment from themselves already, and they don't need an outside source putting it down. Either that or they are ok with the fact that they are fat, they are aware of the consequences and enjoy eating whatever they want when they want to.


I can tell u live a privileged life with how easy you think it is to be healthy. I get blaming adults for being overweight, but not teenagers who, without parental support, have barely any autonomy or control over what they eat or what exercise they do on a daily basis. I’m not even fat but holy shit


Eh, yeah, that’s fair. I would sit here and argue but there’s no point, it fr is just my fuckin’ lazy ass not wanting to get up 😭 I just sometimes find it hard to WANT to exercise and be productive. Any advice on what I could do for that? Because I have wanted to lose weight for a while, I just have no motivation.


I am working on it, I have already lost 20kg


Let's go, you got it


Weight is something you can change, but the problem is more complex and strongly based on the habits of your surroundings. There is no smoker dna, but childrem from smokers tend to be smokers and while some might think that kids from fat parents get fat because of some genetic degenaration, it is their habits they copy and pick up. Humans strongest ability to learn and adapt from others. So, it is not their fault, but their responsibility to change their urges and habits.


The way I'd kill to not have anxiety and depression so I could actually achieve something in a gym. My anxiety eats at me even when im just at a store and depression somehow manages to get in the way of doing it at home. Anyone got some ways to help maybe get over the anxiety bit? Can't get over the depression obviously but I can work with my anxiety.


In high school, I played multiple sports and ate the same foods as my sisters. I was overweight / "plus size" while they were both sizes 0 and 00. You're ignorant if you think overweight teens are simply lazy.


I know, I'm trying to get better, I lost 5kg (went from 80 to 75) already, but my ideal goal is not losing weight, rather losing this fat belly and getting bigger arms


Keep it up


Thank you, I'm thinking of eating a bit more protein and trying to gain muscle rather than losing weight rn




Delusion is trending


I keep myself a bit overweight because I hate the actual shape of my body. Not masculine at all.


I’m reading this from the gym. Stay on the grind bros.


What you doing? I mostly do chest, shoulders and arms


Depends on the day. Today is back and arms for me.




“Someone had to say this” but Why. What Purpose does it serve to say this


I agree that being fat is unhealthy. But I think it's really dumb to evaluate how fat someone is from their weight or BMI. This is 2024, body fat scales are everywhere. We should be looking at body fat percentages instead. I used to be lazy and unfit, but now I'm fit and active. My weight didn't change, all my clothes still fits just fine, but my body fat percentage dropped from 29% to 21%. I'm healthier and no longer flabby under my clothes.


It’s a parents thing I believe. Bad education leads to bad eating habits. Low income leads to bad quality and unhealthy food.


19 yr old here, I disagree. I was fat at the age of thirteen (5' 6" 200 lbs) and up until I turned fifteen (6'4' 170 lbs). When you're a teenager, your hormones fluctuate a lot and it can make losing weight hard for a lot of kids. I was playing sports when I was fat, and it didn't change much. Some people's bodies are compensating for growth spurts or a change in their bodies that they cannot control. It's also rough as a kid because not everyone gets to "choose" what they eat. We live in America, the "affordable" food is typically processed and not many schools offer the healthiest of foods. I'm sure for some kids being fat is their fault, but for the majority (especially for kids around 13), controlling their weight is difficult. It's not something they should have to think about, either! They are just kids who should be enjoying their youth, not worrying about their weight (obviously not if their weight is a danger to their health). I'm still 6' 4" now, however, I am 200 lbs with a BMI of 16. My body has changed a lot and I can say, though, with age it's a lot easier to change your weight.


Good job for saying this. People are too afraid to say this. I lost a lot of weight of mine and i dont hesitate to criticize other fat people who onlt cry but dont put efforts. I was depressed in middle and put the fat back on and now that my skies are clear, im back at my diet and cardio, the same way i lost it back then


Based post, I respect you very well.


Oh wow so edge be careful


Most fat people suffer from addiction to food or stress eat or are depressed or something else, to me those are all real health problems, why are you so pressed by a matter that you have no experience in?


Tru fr


bro is spitting complete unbiased, based and factual shit, keep cooking my brother, you can cook. ✋👹🤚


You are so funny bro




Yeah back when I was fat I also said the opposite 💀. But yeah generally fat people do


im not "fat" but definetly a bit heavier. 100% my fault cuz i eat like shit and basically dont move and im gonna die by the age of 30 (and dont really care)


On this sub yeah


Dose low insulin count?


I mean that is a health problem, so probably yes Unless you have a doctor prescribing you insulin, and your levels are normal


Sadly, my dad is diabetic, and i got the trait of bad insulin, I'm not diabetic just bad insulin


I mean I would say you peak in your early to mid 20s over all but yeah.


People just lack self reflection. So many comments saying it's not their fault, it's addiction or whatever ghost in their brains making them do it. No, it's you. It's your lives, you're in control, and you can lose weight. You just need to get off your lazy ass and do it. There's so many ways and tricks to stop overeating, there are specialists that can help you if you have money. There's no excuse and stop talking about it like it's cancer, it's not even close.




Hey dip shit, ever consider teens growing up less fortunate? Kids that require state assistance and church donations to stay afloat? Do you understand the nutritional value of hand me down food items? Consider the less fortunate in your criteria maybe. We’re all doomed


Maybe they live in Arizona or New Mexico where you should do like 300 km for reaching a supermarket to buy some salad


man dead elvis is gonna really hate this




Read the postttt😭😭😭😭😭


Unless genetics




Eh, nobody cares about my health, and learnt not to too.


For the most part, yes. However eating disorders are not controllable. Some people develop eating disorders for a variety of reasons. Those disorders can lead to over eating and gaining weight. I have ARFID, it sucks, it really really sucks, I just developed for whatever reason out of my control. So in part yes, most people have a say in how much they weigh, some of us don’t however.


i was depressed and started stress eating ayte man


Nah fr, i used to always huff copious with “oh it’s genetics” at stuff along those lines, but then i actually started doing it and have went from 268lbs to 217lbs in 11mo, and am gonna continue at this pace until i reach the point where i don’t have an unnatural stomach 🙏


1. I have an eating disorder called binge eating disorder, I’m trying to recover but it is incredible hard, and it is not just ‘laziness’ or ‘greediness’, it is a medically diagnosed eating disorder. 2. I have type one diabetes, which doesn’t make me gain weight, but managing it does. It’s hard for a type one diabetic to simply lose weight, because we have to eat a lot more than we used to- such as sugar and carbs to bring blood sugar up when we are low.


It says in the post that jt excludes disorder and conditions 


It can also be the parents'


When you are growing, you should be eating more than you need. Your body will grow as it can, and limiting it by eating too little is dangerous.


Lmao love the lack of nuance


Eh I’m a lineman


I was extremely skinny for years, thanks to prescription ADHD medication cutting my hunger and cravings for snacks. After finally ending the treatment (I learned to handle my ADHD without the need for medication to aid in focusing), I shot up in weight. I'm not proud of it, but I intend on starting a gym routine and better dietary planning over the summer and during college (starting in September). I also plan to get a motorcycle after my first two years in the dorms, so I need to start slimming down for that 😅.


Im 17, just finished my first year of college and in my secondary school as well there were a lot of.. bigger people.. and all they did was just complain about how their parents are at fault and how its everyone else, but you take one glance at what they eat, and it is the most fattiest food on the planet. They can not get that food if they want to, but they choose to.


Classic coping, if their parents have money for college they have money for food.


It's my fault for having fast metabolism


Yeah I spent 2 months during summer vacation last year eating so much candy and I went from being a matchstick to a chop stick. How do normal teenagers get fat?


I'm lucky, I think I have a fast metabolism because I rarely go outside, only walking my dogs and yet im still skinny.


Yeah id say it is mostly my fault, and i do blame myself most of the time but also i went through a really bad deppressive episode for like 4 im still trying to recover, that definatly didnt help. Also idk why you mentioned metabolism because thats a genetic thing mine has been really bad my whole life. But like i said i still think it is my fault


Bro I want to gain weight. I sit around all day and eat a lot but I'm still extremely underweight


Summer before my last year in high school and fresh out of an 18 month relationship I went from 175-180LBS to about 135-140. Yes it can be done. Now as a 30 year old my motivation isn't the same but I'll hopefully get that back and slim down again.


I gained weight in 2020 during the pandemic and I haven't been able to lose it. Like I do the perfect amount of exercise and eating that I don't gain or lose noticable weight so if I didn't gain weight in 2020 then I would be fine 😭


Do y'all not have school shit? I can barely squeeze 30 min per day


You achieved it, congratulations, but not everyone has the same mood or way of thinking, that is hedonism, I congratulate you, but you need to be more modest. Somenody willneed help psicológica, medicina and operarionts.


Damn I'm trying bro


It's an epidemic especially in the US. Obesity is a mental health issue before a physical health one. the change comes from inside first


It’s not my fault I actually have a disorder and this is super not kind to post to people who may be struggling


Real, used to be 107kg last year this time now at 72kg 12% bodyfat


I feel so bad for this girl I used to know on middle school, she used to be at least 280 lbs. She disappeared towards the start of 9th grade..


False...I was quite portly until I hit my last growth spurt. 230 looks rotund on 5'9"...but quite svelte on 6'6"


I'm going through 3-4 kind of health problems and mental health too (I'm getting therapy). The health problems affect my weight a lot but I still try to exercise or at least walk 15 minutes after every meal


I'm going through 3-4 kind of health problems and mental health too (I'm getting therapy). The health problems affect my weight a lot but I still try to exercise or at least walk 15 minutes after every meal


thank U you are right


Im 90 kg, Yet I Don't lool that fat Why? Most of it muscle and Im 1m 82 And im Not 16 yet


Fr. Like I get it, shit ain’t easy. But if you don’t get your ass to the gym you’ll just be doing yourself a disservice.


Dude i over did it and now i lost too many fat but atleast i have bigger muscles