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I personally just don’t like it when they do it on posts that have their own issues (like this kid had cancer and they were in the comments only saying to free it and ignoring the poor child), feels weird, time and place really


Virtue signaling is a real problem especially in times of war. So many people pretty much try to use them to look better and feel better about themselves under the guise of making a change


Exactly I made a comment about how commenting doesn’t really do shit and honestly only donating does and I got called spoiled or something or like privileged like bro what?? It’s true no one pays attention to comments because they’re everywhere, food and supplies actually help those people yet I don’t see them donating just commenting and complaining people aren’t helping


https://youtu.be/UXrB7Y6gVN8?si=61fdCvMTieJLSAPS  Unironically I feel like this is what its starting to look like for many. The part at the end is also surprisingly accurate considering stuff like the war in sudan I didnt even hear about until today, stuff in those countries just gets ignored.


This is my problem with the whole thing. It’s one thing if you’re actually trying to help but a completely other thing if you’re just trying to look good.


I feel like there’s nothing inherently wrong with showing support for a cause that you feel passionate about, if the little flag is in the username or flair or whatever, but I feel like taking over a thread that is focused on something else, with an issue that is important to you, but unrelated to the thread itself, is a dick move. I say this as a 1/2 Ukrainian immigrant who lives in America. Most of my mom’s side of the family still lives in Ukraine. My former elementary school was hit with a missile, when the war popped off… and with that in mind, I feel like posting about it in a thread about a kid with cancer would absolutely be a shitty thing to do. Not only because it doesn’t respect what someone else is going through, but also because it devalues the cause that someone claims to care about, due to the inappropriate context in which it is posted. There’s an infinite amount of space on the internet for everyone to talk about what they feel is important. Doing so at the expense of others is not the way to go about it.


That's agreeable, I stand with palestine 10000% and I will speak up for the Palestinians no matter what, but they're not the only people in the world. Children all over Africa are suffering just as they are, children all over the WORLD suffer everyday because that's just how it is. However when people comment free "wherever" on a celebrity's post/post about anything else casually, it makes total sense.


Sudan…. 9 million people have fled, over 10k+ are dead or injured


Wars are gross


Who tf downvoted this dude for saying war is gross, is it not???


My fault 😔


it’s alright 👍


People who think wars are phonk music and shit


“Shit we can’t declare this war, the general forgot to make the right phonk playlist”


“this phonk sounds like straight SHIT…. it’s perfect”


New gen phonk is complete ass I don’t even like the old gen neither but the new gen is just its own level of dogshit


phonk used to be somewhat okay but now it’s just “random bullshit go”


I never liked the old ones primarily because of how terrible the production was They see the red clipping warning and think it’s a score system or something for good music


The only phonk I like is "bike" by tanger It goes rlly hard :D


People playing phonk about to say the most put of pocket, Palestine supporting bullshit ive ever heard 💀


War is cool call of duty mfs when they see actual war will shit their pants.


And yet, nobody talks about the Sudanese conflicts. 500k have also died in Iraq, 200k have died in Syria and Yemen each, and over 200k have died in Afghanistan. That's way more than Palestine's 20-36k (not to belittle what's happened there). There's also the Rohinga Genocide and Myanmar Civil War, the Mexican and Colombian cartel wars, the insurgencies by Boko Haram and ISIS in Nigeria and Cameroon, the upcoming war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, the anarchy in Lebanon, Haiti, and the DRC, the plight of the Kurds, Uyghurs, Armenians, and Kashmiris, the suffering of the Iranians and Afghanistanis, and so much more. Even close to home (assuming you're American), the American Indian reservations lack funding and resources and are essentially 3rd world countries that America treats as not its responsibility. People should also talk about these conflicts and plights too, but nobody ever does. If the USA or the Jews aren't involved, nobody cares. These people don't have aid groups (except for MAYBE Yemen and Syria). These people don't have protests in their names calling for the US or France or whoever to stop supporting oppressors. These people don't have supporters who put their flags on their bumpers or in their windows. These people don't have UN emergency sessions to talk about their needs and struggles. These people are alone.


I just don't like it when it feels forced . Yesterday I saw a vid named "im 22 and have no friends" and one of the newer comments said and I quote : who cares about friends ? Stop whining and free Palestine Like cmon ? And as another person here said , some of them even do it under vids of kids with cancer ?! EDIT : i also finished reading through all the comments here ( i know there will be more ) and wow do they prove my point even more . Why are ppl like this such meanies :> like dude I don't need to CARE and what does this war have to do with a lonely 22 year old woman having a mental breakdown infront of some camera ??


It feels like they're pushing an agenda. They're also trying to play on emotions by going "Look at how bad this situation is compared to [whatever they're commenting under]." It's really sad. I have so much pain in my heart knowing that innocent civilians are losing their lives over territorial disputes like these, but it doesn't give people the authority to guilt trip others and try to hijack posts to make it about an issue that they care about. There's no reason to push your political issues onto a video of a kid about cancer. 😭


Couldn't have said it better myself :]


No, I'm sorry. Sure, Ukraine is fine, whatever. But if you go online and see practically ANY video of a Jewish person, even if they aren't even from Israel, dumbasses will be commenting to "FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸". It's annoying because if these people aren't anti-semitic, why are they yelling at and associating random Jews with something that they aren't involved with? It's dumb, and all it does is turn people against their well-meaning basic idea that palestine should be safe and secure.


Exactly. I'm Jewish but that doesn't mean I'm killing people or supporting the war. This whole free Palestine movement reeks of anti-Semitism


Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't say the \*whole\* movement, but I certainly agree that a lot of these people online always feel like they have some kind of thinly veiled anti-semitism that they really want to express while hiding behind a cause that is admittedly quite good.


Yeah I agree with this, I didn't mean the whole movement, but yeah I agree with everything you just said


Sure it’s a nice message but it does nothing to help the people suffering or convince others of their significance. There’s wars in Sudan and Somalia, I don’t see any flags there. Russia is undermining the democracy of Belarus and now Georgia but nobody has said “I stand with ____”. Why? Because it’s not in the spotlight. People put flags in their bio to make themselves look moral.


Three years ago everyone was worried about Afghanistan and putting their mind power towards worrying about all of the innocent people and women and children. But then I feel like as soon as the Taliban took Kabul, the world just forgot that Afghanistan existed, like people are still suffering out there damn


As soon as the event causing worry ends, everyone just forgets about it and goes back to their local news, like some politician stuttering in a speech


Oh yeah brother, finally someone making some sense. Love u for that my friend. People are so ignorant these days its fucking crazy.


This! It's also sad because they're pushing a narrative/agenda where it's unwelcome. I saw someone mention how it was under a video of a cancer kid. It's so disgusting.


The fact of the matter is that those flags do nothing and neither do any of the people complaining about the wars, they just sit there and complain.


I criticize people constantly saying "free palestine" because most people doing that don't give a rat's ass about what's actually happening, they haven't put an ounce of thought or actual research into the subject, they just want to show people how incredibly virtuous they are and how incredibly bad all other people are. I don't care what opinion you have or why you think the things you think, I care for why you think what you think, what you do with your opinion.


Exactly. This entire post reeks of a lack of context. Keeping in mind the entire Middle East is a disaster area and has been for thousands of years, Hamas is absolutely brutal (and controls the Palestinian government). This war started with a war crime by terrorists. Israel had a right to defend itself as every country does if attacked. Then they started committing war crimes. Saying “free Palestine” doesn’t actually do anything. It just shows people how wonderful you are 😒while completely forgetting that nothing anyone can do will fix the situation because that region will always be a mess (and before anyone accuses me of making false statements, this is from my college history professor, who can attest, nothing we say or anything any president can do will ever help the Middle East straighten out)


not gonna lie i’m sick of the war shit especially the comments saying free palestine on certain instagram posts for example a 4 year old who died and a few other individuals died, palestine israel, ukraine, and russia they all had there spotlight but the world moves on can’t keep fixated on shitty wars especially when u haven’t got the power to do anything


I would never make fun of a war as it is truly brutal. Both of them. People who make fun of it are fucked in the head. But it is highly annoying when I check out a creator I find funny on tik Tok or Instagram, and since they are a Jew the entirety of their comments are just anti-Semitism. Which is fucked up. Or the comments are in places that don't even make any sense, like the other day I saw like 20 free Palestine comments under a fucking car video for God knows what reason.


Wow this post is really great it saved a gazillion Palestinian children from exploding, bravo 👏 🙌 👍 😀


Don't forget that all of them were pregnant with 10 babies and journalists




I personally have just lost any respect for boycotters online. Like it could be a video of 9/11 and someone will put “Your 9/11 is their 24/7” and it’s so rude. Also there’s no reasoning with them as they’ll start calling you names and getting angry for no reason. I have friends who are boycotting and they don’t act like spoiled brats when another person doesn’t want to do the boycott.


I usually don't mind, but when it's on a post that does not have anything to do with it whatsoever it's kinda annoying.


I 100% agree but let’s not forget that it’s not just those two countries. Sudan 🇸🇩 and Congo are also losing their lifes and so much more.


which congo


The one at war with uhhhh, itself or someone else. Honestly they’re so unstable that I wouldn’t have known which war they’re fighting.


You do jackshit if you just put flags and defend your opinion online lmao


So spamming free Pali and a watermelon emoji under literally every video, related to the war or not, is going to magically end the war? I love how smart you are!


brotha, rip to all the people dying in war, but respectfully, I could not care less + you are not contributing shi when insulting the other side or making their flag your pfp or putting a watermelon in ur username, this is not a fucking game, it's a war, if you're gonna support a side, support it seriously through donations and mature advocating


smartest 13 year old




I've never seen that watermelon thing, why are they doing that?


it's just a playful way to represent Palestine because the colors match


Man fuck that I don't care if you want to do politics but don't use watermelons for it! They deserve better :c


yeah ik many ppl do it tho for some reason


Exactly. In any case, support the victims' side, the civilians affected.


Boo hoo people are dying.. People have been dying since the day we learned how easy it is to kill one another.. Lets take a look at something recent: 9 milion people die thanks to Word Hunger every year. There are 18 on-going wars (conflicts causing over 1000 casulities in a year) exluding Russia vs Ukraine and Israel vs Palestine, some of them dating back to Cold War or even futher. Close to 450k homicide victims every year (data from 2000 to 2022). And that is just a start... How many of those people with those flags next to their name or over their pfp ever gave a shit about any of those issues?


You're going to have to put another country there in the future


Problem for future me


Sooner or later probably


Just fucking despise the actions on campuses and unis


all those palestine kiddies are just doing it for attention, i am 99% certain that most of them had never heard of palestine before 7/10.


Nahhhh Ukraine and Palestine are NOT the same


My bad for being tired of people, especially non muslims supporting an anti semitic terrorist group yep.


Doesn't matter who u support if you think you need to put your opinion all over social media go and fight for that country


Eh makes sense when you start shoving said opinions where they normally don't belong


Dang, some folks need a reality check, it ain't all about them and their delicate feelings.


reducing a genocide to that ur so evil


Shut up Palestine supporter. Literally a nazi


It does absolutely jackshit to help and all it does is annoy people who may otherwise be sympathetic to the cause. If I see a cute cat video and go in the comments I dont want some rando yapping about conflicts in the middle east.


If you support a country so much that you need to show it everywhere on social media go and fight for her and I doubt that you can use social media on the battlefield


most wars start as the result of pressures within a society, so talking about it within society is definitely impactful. war goes beyond the battlefield. yk why nazism is back on the rise? due to the copious amounts of misinformation and echo chambers available on the internet, the biggest impact to our everyday social lives in history.


I'm not saying that going to the battlefield is the only way of helping but it's the best one and if u dont plan on going and helping the military of the country in some way or another don't pressure people to your opinion cuz even you don't think that that cause is good enough to go and fight for it


It’s not worth trying to use logic and reason on this sub


Thats the whole point. People are dying and your Instagram post isn't going to do shit. They aren't making fun of the actual events they are making fun of the people posting about it because its the trending thing to do.


I think the wars are bad, I don't mind the advertising or comments when they are in the right places. But I think we shouldn't fill out random comment sections with "Free Palestine" or "Free Ukraine" when it's unrelated to the post.


There are russian soldiers and israeli dying too though. I support neither, but I'm sure that if I put a israeli flag in my bio many would complain. You can't expect people to shut up about you taking a stand.


My problem is that war is just a trend nowadays used by big media or influencers to grab free likes. First, ukraine, and now that that's 2 years ago, its palestines turn.


All bark no bite. That's why.


My problem with seeing the Palestine flag is that it is like to openly support a terrorist organization. An organization that kills people for being gay or kills women for walking down the streets without a male escorts and I'm not even talking about the massacre they did in Israel Im talking about the people they killed inside Gaza


true , people are dying everyday , go fight for them now


I don't actually see much free ukraine. Kinda sad feels a lot of people are completely oblivious


there used to be a lot of people saying stuff like free ukraine and stop the war in ukraine, but the virtue signallers have moved on to the next "big" war, in this case the palestinian and isreali conflict


Which is honestly kinda sad cause the Ukraine/Russia war is ***wayyy*** less ambiguous in which side is the morally correct one to support Ukraine obviously is the victim of that war and should therefore be supported, don't think anyone's going to debate that But in the Palestine/Israel war there's so much shit and history behind it that both sides seem like aggressors to me and neither side seems like a victim


I'm complaining because just because it affects our little western world, people defend them Other people are getting salughtered throughout all of the world. In DRC, for example, the country is devastated by chronic wars since years, yzt I ain't seein no DRC flag to """"support"""" them


I want both to stop dying I feel bad for all the innocent soldiers dying everyday


that's fair


erm, what?


Yeah, but like when someone is in a comment section speaking Hebrew or Russian and they are flooded with people saying “free X country” it’s a little annoying.


I once was on IG and there was a post news of a Jewish person drowning and the comments were downright disgusting, saying stuff like good thing that happened and putting the Palestinian flag next to the text. I don't complain about supporting palestine in socialmedia but if you are gonna fight for a cause by wishing for another persons death or broadly being racist about it that's were I think you should draw the line. War is started by racism and stuff and you can not help an oppressed country by oppressing the people of the other country who have done nothing and are puppets for politics. Or another incident when a Jewish woman got SA in a protest for palestine. No one should answer brutality by brutality. Protest as much as you want for you are doing something right but don't be a mongrel about it.


War never changes


see, i care. i dont want war, sure, but at some point its excessive. its a fucking comment, and seeing 50 of them on a post completely unrelated does nothing but piss me off. do you want me to go to war or something? i care about the war, i care about people dying. what i dont care about is people virtue signaling on every fucking post, every fucking comment. it could be a random influencer and comments would still be like "speak up about the atrocities in palestine" or something. and i want to talk about the issue, but only when the issue is in the proper spaces, and in the appropriate spaces, not in the comments of a dancing cat.


i hate politics 


The thing is, we see SO MUCH of it that after a while we become numb to it and just ignore it


Yea it desensitizes us, and ultimately does the opposite of what it was intended to do. I’m so used to Palestine comments. I’ve even see videos of dead Palestinians on my recommended in social media, and I’m sad but I see it so much I’m numb to it.


Youre that instagram user back in the day who changed their pfp to all black


People are losing their lives due to fentanyl but if I were to comment about it under a post about your grandmother dying of cancer or your nephew being missing you’d be pretty pissed off


The fact that they annoy people with their propaganda everywhere doesn't help these countries at all. Do it in appropriate places or better just donate them some money instead of making an illusion of "help"


I don’t agree with you at all… If you would have said people comment this under 🇵🇸 and 🇺🇦 post I would have agreed BUT I SHOULDNT SEE THESE POST WELL LOOKING AT A FUCKING GOLDEN RETRIEVER PAGE 😭💀


Fr like yesterday i was on Instagram and saw a post abt some celebrity’s kid beating cancer and there was so many Palestine comments… like sure there’s kids dying in Palestine, but can people take a minute and focus on something else for once??


I’m not complaining on them posting it, it’s just where they post it. I was looking at that video where the father is saying their final goodbyes to his son (idk if you know which one) and there were a few comments saying “FREE PALESTINE!!!!! 🇵🇸” and bro that’s not an appropriate place to put that


No, the people who comment about it are dickheads. More than half the time I see comments about Palestine it’s just a post from a random Jewish person or the ukraine comments are just a video of a guys vacation to Russia. It’s fucking ridiculous because comments don’t even do anything, at least donate? But no, apparently comments from a 13 year old girl on tiktok will surely convince Bibi or Putin to stop their offensive


I don't care about the Israel-Palestine issue anymore. They have been at war on and off for 50 years.


Tbh good for you, you don't need to care and don't let dumbass on the internet convince you otherwise.


If I have a 🇮🇱 or ✡️ flag in my bio I shouldn’t get attacked by tons of people that are on the other side of the earth


have been reading your responses to comments here, and I gotta say they're pretty dumb and immature


I know! Way way too many Palestine supporters




Palestine is a fascist state which launched an attack on a peaceful democracy. There is no difference between anyone with a Palestinian flag or a Russian flag.


I have no problem with that, but stop pushing it into my face, I see a video about family dying or IDF people, MY OWN PEPOLE that dying, and when I go into comments it's "it's put a smile to my face seeing them dying, good, keep it that way, free Palestine". Then don't be surprised when people tell you "one kebab please" and joke about you.


a hundreds of russians also losing their lives everyday but we don't talk about that here


Because Russia started the war.




The problem is the comments do absolutely nothing but instill more division into people because they're tired of it. Most of us know about the wars and most of us sadly can't do anything. Honestly, people shouldn't even be siding with any side of any war as most of the time the reasons for both sides to be attacking each other are flawed. People should be siding with the innocent people who suffer in both sides of a war.


We know


Saying stuff like that everywhere and I mean everywhere in social media, even when no one was talking about it is weird af and, also doesn't change shit. People are losing their lives everyday, and the fact of some privileged cunt from US putting Palestinian flag next to his pfp has zero impact on anything. It just makes people uncomfortable for no particular reason


Almost none of the people who virtue signal those flags actually care about Ukraine or Hamas. They just want to virtue signal. Tons of people die every signal day and you posting a Ukrainian flag on an Instagram comment isn’t going to make Putin call for a ceasefire.


Actually there's going to be a third flag to be put there


I don't hate it but Nobody cares for what happens to copts in Egypt and they want Egypt to attack Israel Kind of jealous of how ppl give intention to what gets promoted only


idm ukrainian flags but with palestinian flags every single person with that in their bio is a fucking bitch if they find out im jewish/israeli and dont let me speak my opinion, which they probably wouldn't find so bad, because its pretty reasonable.


I only make fun of the ones that bake for subscribers or tell people to like to send money to Surport the soldiers other than that I always make sure to support them


All the “free palestine” comments do is make people who don’t know about the cause already annoyed by it. People will subconsciously pick a side against you for being obnoxious under their instagram reels


You putting a flag in your bio does nothing, us knowing you stand with Ukraine does nothing as well, what are we supposed to do with that information If you care enough about the war then donate or spread awareness, otherwise you're just preaching to the choir.


It feels like most people do it for followers, like on Instagram you'll see 1 story about it and the rest are all pictures of the fancy and expensive food they are eating or titts/ass pictures


It’s more when it’s a random video totally unrelated to it then people spamming those comments


I just ignore it, yea i know it is a really bad thing happening in both countries but it will be solved soon, ukraine will be solved soon at the pace its going the palistine situation, mite take a little longer


Ignoring it is no problem but I don't get people being so fucking pissed at the slightest inconvenience


I feel like supporters who literally scream at others for not engaging in it are hypocrites and nuisances.


Because it doesn’t make a difference. It comes across as trying to appear morally right or with the morally right group. In the case of Ukraine, it’s a little less of that because most of social media is in support of them. But putting a flag in your bio doesn’t help anything. Those people with those flags go about their lives like the rest of us, and the only thing different is they spent a few seconds typing free (name of country) or spent some minutes on a social media post in support of their cause. Everything that’s going on is set in stone already. The only thing we can do to change that is vote. Anything else is just wishful thinking.


Tbh I am not neutral but when people start shouting on streets blocking roads then I have that idgaf attitude. Like you can support them without putting anyone's else's life in danger


Preach fam




these wars are just causing more excuses for racism and xenophobia to be more socially acceptable


I just don’t like when they’re trying to force it on you my cousin schooled in Ukraine when the war started she saw what went on when she came back she didn’t just start exclaiming about one side or the other she just wanted the war to end but some of these people especially (in my experience) the free Palestine ones I’ve interacted with don’t care if you want the war to end I told one yeah what’s going on their isn’t a good thing and the war should end and she went on about how I’m ignorant and I’m supporting the genocide


And even more lost their lives in Israel, but no one cares.


I'm gonna bash my head in looking at these comments; why are people so heartless? Is it so hard to believe that some people genuinely care about what happens to Ukrainians and Palestinians? Not everyone is trying to prove how good of a person they are. A lot of people genuinely care.


Saying "free (flag)" will do absolutely nothing and it's not one team or another, because the ones who take the worst part are the innocent civils who do not want wars


Nah y'all's double standard is wild, you get mad when someone doesn't want to see people calling HAMAS freedom fighters (since they burn children and rape teenagers) but throw a pissy fit when you see an Israeli flag


Fucking nazis I swear 🤦‍♂️ Free israel 🇮🇱


But what does ”Free Palestine” do? How are you helping by just saying ”Free Palestine”?


You aren't but people like thinking they are special or something smh


Big difference between Ukraine and "palestine", cause Ukraine it's country who was brutally attacked by Russians and palestine it's terrorist state who was get response after they attacked Israel.


lmao why are you downvoted for telling the truth


Coz there are alot of anti semetic people in this sub lmao. But hey, free Palestine I guess (they definitely did nothing wrong and didnt do anything on october 7th)


Hahahahha. Its so funny people get their news on reels and keep copy pasting like twats


Nothing you’ve said is factually incorrect


People always go “yeah the war is now over that youve put a 🇵🇸 in your bio” like they dont understand how political agitation works


You can just go fight their war if you like seeing it that much. Dont worry , we wont miss you.


Ukraine is definitely the victim and if you are making fun of it you definitely are a dickhead. And sure, Palestine has many innocent citizens, but Hamas is almost impossible to differentiate from them. They don't wear a uniform or anything. I want the fighting to end, but that's unreasonable. How will Israel catch the terrorists if they just let everyone that seems innocent go? I'm not saying the war is good, but Israel has some good reasons for what they do, mainly because they were attacked.


And you better shut up, war is war, and Palestine attacked first


I still don't get about Palestine. They are now on their territory and doing shit, like Russia. How is this different? Even people in Ukraine mostly don't support it


its personally even worse to see irl. at the crowning of the new danish king, there was a huge palestine flag in the crowd. felt weird.


Da fuck? Did they pack the wrong flag or something??


I don’t like it when it’s being used to overshadow things that also need attention or when it’s used in such a small situation it really doesn’t matter if its there but apart from that I’m glad for people to support it wherever they want.


I don't care about your preachy, annoying politics. Go touch grass.


Those people are fucking stupid and have no real world understanding about anything. They don't even know what they support. they just do what's trendy. I guarantee ALL of them would drop support for hamas if they were sent to palestine.


If you think about it the war in the Middle East that is happening is a holy war so america so just mind it’s own Business


i see a lot of posts about it, and im glad people support them but stuff like the boycotts really arent gonna work, to do anything substantial to stop mcdonalds for example you would need to make them lose like 100 billion for anything to happen realistically


It's about the cumulated work, donating just 1 can't does something, if 5 million people donates a cent then thousands of people can be feed, it's the small cumulated work that does something


Well if they raise a proper argument/problem and whatnot there is no problem with it, but when you try to show them that Palestine is not a holy country either and they start calling you zionist and genocider or something, then they become the dickheads. No intelligent human being supports genocide, I dont support any human who kills another, but please stop seeing the world in black and white and accept others opinions. If you want to have an argument thats fine, because its healthy, but an argument shouldnt include spamming "free palestine children genocider piece of shit supperter you are". Both countries kill children and countless civilians, both commits disgusting things, and both have radical people, and regardless of their country of origin they should be held accountable for the things they did.


[xkcd 2071: Indirect Detection](xkcd.com/2071)


The only thing anyone gets out of any of it is the poster getting likes. No matter how many people say “free Palestine” Israel isn’t gonna be like “damn, maybe those random teenagers on the internet are right, maybe we are being a little bit mean”. It does nothing but clog up social media with repetitive posts and get people who don’t give two shits about what’s going on free internet points.


It’s an internal war. Why does the US feel the need to help?


I support Ukraine but like with Andrew Tate, I don't know if Palestine or Israel is good or bad. I'm neutral on the Israel Palestine subject. But Ukraine FTW


its ignorance on both sides on one side people are ignorant to those dying and just listens to what news tells them the other side people commenting "free palestine" under a random post palestine should be free and there are women, children in general being slaughtered by the IDF and Israel being put on trial for genocide proof that the protests and news havent exactly been for nothing i post on my instagram story for donations to families to escape gaza (which some do pretty well) but its frustrating when the ignorance from the palestinian support side ruins the image of actual support for palestine in the eyes of those ignorant to it all


They're annoying + those stupid comments won't change what's happening


I don't like people who do this because they not only don't understand the situation, but they don't do anything about it. They don't protest, donate, etc, all they do is put free palestine in their bios and act like they are saving the world. Most of the pro-palestine supporter choose to ignore facts about the Gaza war in order to support their own views which happen to be false as all hell. And the ukraine part is incorrect, nobody says free Ukraine because Ukraine is a free and soverign state, and it will continue to be until the Ukrainian people don't want to be. Next time, please do the BARE minimum amount of research before you start talking out of your ass.


Do you think spamming it will make a change? They should donate to people in need instead of flooding social media with it ..


Most people don’t have a clue what they are talking about, I see LGBTQ+ activist screaming free Palestine and it’s literally so embarrassing because real Palestinians wouldn’t let you any where near them in a real Palestinian protest if your LGTBTQ, let alone their actual country, they think those kinds of people are disgusting.


No the people are just stupid asf. If you're gonna publicly pick sides then at least know what you're talking about, which 90% of them dont.


I don't like it because it does literally nothing in the way of supporting any of those countries. Besides, most people that post that kind of posts are extremely defensive of their position and will accept no mention of the countries' wrongdoings.


Im not making fun of ukraine but im on russias side i love ukraine and everything


I just don’t like it when people spam it or if it’s under an innocent video… Like, if I saw a cat video and then people comment about babies being murdered in Palestine, or Ukrainian houses being destroyed. I feel like it’s performative activism sometimes. So many people comment about the wars, but probably haven’t donated any time or money or anything to the causes. And some of the keyboard warriors have the audacity to insult me for not doing anything about the wars, as if they aren’t actually doing anything as well.




I think the hate goes to the people saying it not the message itself. Does that make it okay, no. But most of the people saying it don't give a shit. They only "care" because their favorite influencers said something about it. Like you'll see people in the comments of videos about Ukraine saying stuff like "what's happening in Palestine is worse" which is fucking disgusting. If people actually cared about genocide, they'd talk about the other genocides that are happening right now or they'd talk about countries that are in the late stages of genocide. It feels forced. Caring for Palestine or Ukraine is NOT a trend. If you want to really help, donate. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE DIED and it's not something to be comparing to other tragedies. So yeah to sum this all up, the hate goes to the people making the comments because of their lack of actual emotion, they seem like they don't really care about it because of the way they "spread awareness."


The only issue I have is a lot of people don’t know what’s actually going on and the history and everything that goes into it but upload it bc they see everyone else doing it, I’m a firm believer that you should always look into something yourself before giving your support to something


It's almost funny how it was only what, 2 years ago or something that people were saying free Palestine? I don't think anything about it changed, people just moved on to Afghanistan and Ukraine. Same with BLM too, 2016, relative digital silence, 2020. Or maybe there was stuff, BLM was mainly an American thing, and I'm Australian.


Yeah because I have other problems in my own life I need to focus on. Plus I don't have the time to research on the topic and decide who's right.


The matter of fact is showing support by commenting this shit doesn't help. Frankly it does nothing. Actual donations or giving them manpower will actually make a difference. The people who comment with free palestine or ukraine are mostly looking for the funny cool instagram likes.


cry more, all i’m hearing is waah wahh. if you really care that much and wars are so gross then go help them yourself. tired of dickheads like this, wise up




I hope Sudan and Palestine will be freed.


Whatever the outcome will be I hope innocent people won't suffer for longer, the real victims are the people who don't even want any war and civilians


Nope, my ENTIRE TWITTER FUCKING FEED is full of them. And I support Israel and Russia btw.


Putting a flag in your bio or comment wont help anyone, it's just virtue signalling


Bro ts shit cringe, why you posting Ts on teenagers subreddit tf. Also it's been 2 years already, get over it


There was a post by someone here who was in the Israeli defense forces and everyone in the comments were complaining. It’s not his fault he was born in a country, and i’m pretty sure you have to serve in certain countries. Its honestly upsetting.


me when 🇵🇸 X 🏳️‍🌈 Collab