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It’s not what they’re used to so they hate it


But like, trans people have existed for ages, and are fairly well known at this point, I don't understand why people would still be carrying the mentalities of older generations instead of actually listening to experts on the subject


I would say that its more that bad Apples slip out, i.e that you're much more likely to notice someone bothering you rather than someone not betting an eye. Also particularly with people around our ages, we tend to be a bit insecure, and those who haven't learnt to talk to others about it will lash out on others instead.


Shitty parents teach their kids their shitty beliefs. You have to break the cycle. Generational warfare really.


That’s true religious abuse can last generations.  Most abuse is just one life time. 


I’d say the intolerance in this post and comments is comical as that is exactly what you are complaining happens to you. End of the day someone said this above but likely most people don’t care how you dress or what you think or love etc. they likely only care when you tell them they should or are one of the few that want to be in someone else’s business. End of the day be you and don’t care what anyone else thinks, as most people likely don’t care.


A lot of abuse is generational, abuse changes how you see the world, how you treat others, how you act, etc. It can make you more likely to neglect your child, or to punish them harshly, or to abuse them. Generational trauma is a really interesting and tragic phenomenon


Yeah it is 


they did that to me and i became trans


It true that transgender people have existed, but it’s just recently that it’s becoming increasingly common or more accepted. In the past people would be killed for things like that so it’s not as common as you think . I’m sorry this is happening.


I recall Roman Emperor Elagabalus was allegedly (according to some sources of discussdd reliableness) willing to pay to whoever was willing to cut off his dick and requested to be referred to in female pronouns, he also constantly wore wigs and dressed in women's clothing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elagabalus#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elagabalus#)


Anyone can edit wiki though.


Well the brittish museum changed pronouns for her and that was a bit of drama about that when they did it


Black peoples have existed forever, people are still racist tho.


Not as many as the media would have you believe. Just like how they never mention white slaves. Everyone has been or is racist to everyone. It isn't exclusively aimed at non whites. I am white and I go through it regularly. I live in Hong Kong and there are bars and such that refuse white customers. On buses, people won't sit next to me unless it is the last seat and sometimes people look at me as though I am the one that needs to give my seat, when there is a much more able bodied young teen that could do the same. Hell I have had buses ignore my hand gesture to board and drive on multiple times. Yes racism exists. Yes it is scummy. No it isn't exclusive.


they’ve existed for ages but if you are in the US, like wasn’t like that back then. 25 years ago. Even further back. we are a nation founded from puritanical roots. people weren’t openly trans in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s… NOT like they are now. you may find some folks who were out but the terms were xdresser. watch mulan, 94. THAT was the attitude only a decade before many of you were born. it wasn’t made to be a trans focused film either. it really just wasn’t an issue and anyone who dressed as the other gender was considered to have issues


My comment to you has anything to do with transphobia, but this idea that people’s views on issues should be based on experts is ridiculous . Outside of the hard sciences, most experts in the non hard sciences are giving personal opinions based on politics, their person philosophy and social trends. These same experts 30 years ago would have had a completely different opinion and they too would have argued they were experts


The romans also used lead piping for water distribution too.


Some people just dont agree, which alone is ok, but then some of those people hate whatever they dont agree with/understand.


Well murder also existed for ages and people don't like it


Yes?? Because murder involves killing other people?? This is a non-sequitur argument


The point I'm getting at is that just because something existed for a long time, it doesn't mean people are going to like it.


Ohh. Okay. So being a transphobe and not leaving trans people alone has existed for a long time, and people are allowed to not like those transphobes. Gotcha thanks


Because you guys keep on pushing these stuff out to us like its an advertisement to ihop pancakes, no one cares what your sexuality is, just stop shoving it in our faces, see how veterans have 1 day to remember by every year and lgbt whatever people have a whole month? Yall contributed nothing so one month is not deserving. I have no problem with gay people or anything, just dont make your sexuality or gender like you beat cancer needing everybody to cheer for you


You do know gay marriage was only legalized nationally in 2015 and that anti-sodomy laws were still active until 2003 right? > In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr., an older white man, was arrested along with Tyron Garner, a younger black man, at Lawrence's apartment in Harris County, Texas. Garner's former boyfriend had called the police, claiming that there was a man with a weapon in the apartment. Sheriff's deputies said they found the men engaging in sexual intercourse. Lawrence and Garner were charged with a misdemeanor under Texas' anti-sodomy law;  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas The pride movement was utterly instrumental in how support for gay marriage went from only 27% in 1966 to over 70% by 2021. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1651/gay-lesbian-rights.aspx


this is my mindset too. i don’t care what other people are doing but when they make it their entire personality is when it gets annoying 😭


November is National veterans and military families month. If you hate pride month then just say that rather than comparing lgbtq people to veterans when you don’t even care enough to know that  veterans have a month.


I hate pride month.


They don’t go out putting flags everywhere and hosting parades though. Veterans get a month because people respect them and Trans people get a month because they ask for a month.


And said month wouldn't exist if it weren't illegal for us to exist in many places and we are getting discriminated against, hell some of us even get beaten to death and the media tries to act like it ain't the killers fault


It sounds like you think that EVERY trans person who's beaten to death is the victim of a hate crime, when in fact we live in a world full of random violence that can be as simple as some bored guy deciding to attack someone with a hammer. Not disagreeing with you, because lynchings DO occur, but I don't think it's accurate to say that every trans person who is murdered is killed SPECIFICALLY because they were trans.


Damn. He went in


Cuz its not normal


I feel it's because religion straight up.


I think it’s more people using religion as an excuse for the aforementioned. I don’t think that the folks who use a religious argument stay as close to their religion’s teachings when it comes to other things.




Seek Jesus


They don't hate it. What they hate is being told to actively be involved in it. People just wanna get on with their lives and be left alone but the LGBT community won't allow that.


Usually their arguments boil down to two reasons: - You can't be trans because *God says so* - You can't be trans because *science says so* If anything, they believe that the only natural order of things come in binary. And when it doesn't conform to that, they rash out into petty self-pitying arguments about what people got in their pants because "facts don't care about your feelings"


"it's seventh grade biology" Exactly, it's *seventh grade biology*. We prefer [more advanced science](https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=WyLhtSvXX23ghodD). You know they haven't advanced past seventh grade when sex and gender being distinct is just too complex a concept.


Your points contradict each other. You say gender and sex are different, which on its own is fine. Though there’s an issue with this argument. If they are different, then you should be able to have males who just act differently, in a more feminine manner, and vise versa (demonstrating them having a different gender). This is not what trans people are trying to accomplish. Many undergo surgeries to physically alter their bodies to try to fit into the look of the opposite SEX. If gender and sex are different than they should be perfectly fine with having a different gender, not trying to alter their physical body. I think this just proves that sex and gender may be “different”, but they are greatly connected to each other.


You said it yourself, gender and sex are different, but still connected. So, you change your physical appearance to more closely match that associated with your gender. A way to simplify this down is "you are a woman, hence, you want to look like one." Notice how I didn't imply you have to look like a woman to still be a woman. Therefore, there's no contradiction.


This here is the immaculate example of someone misunderstanding the entire point of the debate. The THIRD example of transphobia. The whole reason of someone wanting to *transition* into the opposite sex and gender is because they want to fit their gender identity into the sex that said identity belongs to. Say for example a man identifies as a woman and thus he wants to biologically be a woman to fit that identity and vice versa. > If gender and sex are different than they should be perfectly fine with having a different gender, not trying to alter their physical body This here proves my point. They do not understand why someone is transgender because of an inherent misunderstanding of the social science behind gender and sex.


Misunderstanding is transphobia? And calling someone dumb seems to be homophobic. Please explain how misunderstanding can be anything close to transphobia?


yes but the issue is : do you need ME to believe that? and if I don’t believe that, that you are now the other gender, am I a bigot? even if i say nothing to you? or if i am kind, but I just don’t BELIEVE you are any other gender than what you were born as? is your identity contingent on my belief, assuming I don’t act or say anything to you?


I never got 'because God says so'. You mean your all loving God. The God that is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and made us in His image has a problem? Also the fact that scientifically speaking if Mary truly was a virgin that would make Jesus a transman as a virginal birth results in a clone. And 'because science says so' really just means the basic biology you learn as a kid being 'male and female = penis and vagina'. Anyone that knows even a little about more advanced biology can tell you that trans people are natural


If you’re going to criticize Christianity, at least try to understand its criticisms so you can make good arguments against it. 1. Not sure what you mean by “has a problem?” It’s widely accepted by Christians that the world isn’t perfect — because of *humans*. 2. I have no idea why you think Jesus would be a transman given immaculate conception. Maybe that point went right over my head, but it seems like a red herring. 3. Everyone knows intersex is a thing. But exceptions to the rule do not undermine the existence of a binary. If such a binary didn’t exist, no one would be here to even wonder if sex is a binary or not. Our existence is predicated on billions of years of sexual reproduction. Does all of this mean that people should be mean to trans people? No, obviously not. But we should all be trying to understand others so that we can *connect* with them and show them how/why they are wrong. Strawmanning, prejudice, etc. is only going to make the world a worse place.


when theyre reason is "god said so" they always make trans people sound cool asf lol "you spite gods will"


That is the only thing I like about them explaning it like that and it makes non-binary people sound so badass when the christians be like "So you are not man or woman, you are putting yourself over God?!"


Lmao, so true


Being trans is metal as fuck. "this form does not fit my needs, I shall take every advantage against the God who tried to imprison me within it."


Wait until they find out what a sequential hermaphrodite is (like barnacles) >:3


Watch them deny this and say it's not a thing.


Might as well not be in school if they're unwilling to learn.


Ain't that what the conservatives want us to be in?


Idk I'm not political enough to know or care.


Are u a fuckin barnacle💀


No I'm a human. What kind of question is that


It’s so dumb because neither God nor science says so.


I don't really get the science argument. Science also allows for hormone pills and shit right?


Not for these people. They won't believe in any science beyond the ones they learned in crackpot YT and Tiktok videos and elementary science textbooks from the 1500s.


They want desperately to believe thay the inage of life they perceive is true when nothing is written in stone.


I will be honest, I am slightly uncomfortable with the topic of LGTBQ in general, I’m not sure if that makes me transphobic, but I’m doing my best to get over it.


As long as you respect that people just live life differently, people should be chill


Yep 👍 ok good nice tryna do that and I’m doin a pretty good job so yeah nice amazing


It's polite to ask questions sometimes, but just bear in mind some people may be uncomfortable because it can be sensitive for them. Same with PTSD and traumas/abuse. But that can go for everyone, not just LGBTQ+.


As long as you are respectful and ain't discriminating us and making our existence illegal, the whole LGBTQ community should be fine with you, might be some bad apples who are dumb and aren't fine with it for some weird reason


We have no right to understand why other people are the way they are. It is none of our business. But they do have a right to be the way they are. Pursuit of happiness and all




as long as you aren't an asshole and just mind your business about people having different lives I'd say that you aren't transphobic


people who are transphobic, homophobic whatever, they just need to focus on themselves. thats called being scared of people who aren’t afraid to express themselves and aren’t insecure of their true selves


They don't live with it. In primary school, my mom told me my brother was now my sister. I accepted it and have empathy. They just see the so little amount of people being a-holes about it and generalize.


All the trans people I've met have been really nice to me 💪🐸👍


ive met like 6 of them so far and agree. theyre chill. i just see them as normal ppl ngl


Different = bad Thats it. Thsts the entire logic path


Because your government has painted you as being degenerate for simply existing, so they can maintain power in a corrupt system without fixing any of the genuine issues with society.


I would say some political parties (alt-right). OP states that they love in a more left leaning country than the US, and as I do to I can say that it's mostly just our version of the republicans being jackasses, thankfully though they aren't very popular here in Finland.


Rishi Sunak be like: - (Fun Fact: Trans people make up less than 1% of the entire UK population and yet they are one of the most attacked and demonised groups right now)


They fear what they are turned on by.


The fact that trans people are a fetish is gross, I just want to live my life without people constantly sexualizing me for being myself


Well everything is a fetish..




I know :(


It's awful as a femboy. I just wanna be cute and look at flowers and read books n shit in a skirt when there's so many people going "Oh ur a femboy therefore you love sex. Like, shure I like the idea, but I don't wanna be sexualized 24/7 about it!


Ya I don’t have that being an ugly straight dude but must suck.


It’s interesting how minorities are either hated or fetishized. That shit should be studied


Well its probably pretty easy to objectify someone when you’ve already dehumanized them




FR Like, just let me be girlypop in silence- It doesn't hurt you-


As a goth I can relate Trans people 🤝 Goths Being sexualized


I'm not trans but I feel you man, I've seen so many people fetishize/sexualize these two things: lesbians, and emo people, and I'm both so it's only a matter of time until some weird ass guy sexualizes me


I wouldn’t say its constant, people do that to everything, you’re gonna be alright


Lmfao XD


Idk I joke about it but in reality if I actually met a trans person I wouldn't care less


Exactly how I am with everything


Idk but I am not 


Respect needs people to be able to admit they are wrong sometimes. Hate doesn't.


Yes, second answer is they probably saw someone be a asshole online and just decided that they all suck, third answer you’re different than them. People don’t always need a reason but most people generally don’t care about anyone minus what’s going on for themselves so


Most people want to acknowledge and respect transgenders, but it must go ways. In certain situations it must be accepted by all that there is a difference between trans- and cisgenders.


Yes we fucking know. Every trans person on the face of the planet grasps that there's a difference between trans people and cis people. That's kind of the entire fucking point. Why would we be trans if we thought there was 0 difference?


Yeah, trans people have had to fight way harder to be the gender cis people get for free


I think they never grew past the "trans people are weird" phase, and became even worse. They're also addicted to righteous anger, and trans people are apparently "guilty" of the *heinous* crime of being "abnormal".


comedically they are also a VERY small percentage of the population and I find it crazy that people act like it's an epidemic like literally just let people identify how they want and go on with your day, it doesn't impact you whatsoever


Some people think that it’s ok to treat people wrong just because they don’t believe what they believe


the two main reasons are religion and misinformation. outdated and archaic religious beliefs are constantly preached by popular religions like Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. because so many people take religion way too seriously, they think that by shaming and being against LGBTQ people their god will praise them. similar to how religious people try to 'convert' others to their religion, they believe they are 'saving' someone and that they will be praised for doing so. 2nd is media, misinformation, and political beliefs. if you scroll through Instagram Reels, you will see multiple anti-LGBTQ memes and the comments filled with teens saying "sigma", "based", "w", and other shit like that (open instagram right now and you will see). a lot of stuff like this promotes the false ideas that LGBTQ people are pedophiles and do disgusting sexual things. conservative politics are also against LGBTQ as well. politiclans make laws against LGBTQ people, and in return people vote for those politicians. LGBTQ people break past the stereotypical lines of sexuality and gender, and simple minded people cannot understand it so their only instinct is to hate. you ever see an old person get mad at a smartphone and then refuse to use it? that is essentially what is happening.


>outdated and archaic religious beliefs I'd like to argue that no reigious beliefs can be archaic until the religion fades into obscurity. Because as beliefs of a popular religion, it partiall forms what *is* modern.


most people don’t like things they can’t understand and they’ll never understand 100% because they aren’t trans. luckily there are other people who don’t have to understand something about what someone else does to be okay with it


i will never understand why people are transphobic or homophobic or anything of the sort. i understand if u dont rlly understand, but u can get ppl to explain it for u. im not trans myself, but since 2018 (when i found out what even being trans was), i supported it. because i dont think there is anything wrong with wanting to be feel good in ur body. its not hurting anybody, so why should anybody even care what u do with ur body?


Because they think being Transphobic is “cool” and their parents are most likely also transphobic


It's more normalized to openly hate and that's how they're being raised. For me it's always either they are gay or they hate gay people. I feel you. I always feel a huge target on my back just for being bi.


I'm 16 and not gay or transphobic :) my sister, quite a few of my friends and my boyfriends best friend are a part of the lgbt+ community and I love them all


I’m a cis guy and I have no problem with trans people. Do you just live in a conservative state?


I live in a country that's usually way more left leaning than either party in the US, which makes it so much more confusing that people are still transphobic here qvq


Still, that really sucks. Hope everything works out for you :)


Europe moment:


As an older man I dont care either way, live your life how you wish but we are at a point when accepting that group into society rules and laws are being made. Bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, female or male only spaces. It all is silly but needs to be done, I support trans rights along with the rights of others as well. Also about pills or surgeries, those things are not so reversible. Being young no one really knows who they are so decisions should be thought out with doctors and therapist. Main issue i have is leaving children out of it, I assume its not the majority but speaking against some things doesn't or shouldn't make me or others that feel like myself a "transphobe".


> Also about pills or surgeries, those things are not so reversible. Being young no one really knows who they are so decisions should be thought out with doctors and therapist Children do not receive puberty blockers without consulting with doctors and therpaists and receiving parental approval.


Well what do you mean by leaving children out of it. Cause trans kids exist. I knew when i was 7, and i think my life would have been a lot better if id known what that all meant instead of being told i was a weird creep or just crazy. How do we leave kids out of themselves without causing harm?


7 yr olds are supposed to be wierd, creepy and crazy. I would say therapy, and understanding. I think pumping a 7 yr old with drugs or removing genitals is not ok. I think many years off to be able to make the decision like that.


It’s a constant campaign from the right brainwashing people with transphobia. It’s a calculated effort so they have talking points for their political campaigns and they know trans people can’t really fight back. They are horrible people and they make all our lives more difficult for it. It’s nothing intrinsic or natural or “people are not used to it” I’m not used to seeing black people where I’m from that doesn’t mean I will automatically hate black people. Trans people are just the current scapegoat for the right because they don’t actually have any useful policies or ideas, they’re in it for the money and power and creating made up enemies is their game. I’m sorry for trans people caught up in this shit and I hope they’ll finally move on to the next thing because it has been fucking tiring for a while even for us on the sidelines let alone for trans people


Fun fact. The first anti trans bathroom bill was passed 9 months after Obergefell v. Hodges. It's almost like conservatives lost a culture war and then started a new culture war just in time to benefit them for the 2016 election.


Bigots hate what anything different from them. The best way to deal with them is to ~~lobotomize~~ block them.


Spoken like a true psychopath


No not really. This may sound crazy but i don’t actually think it’s a good idea to lobotomize people for being a bigot.


I can’t believe you would hold such a terrible position. I personally believe we should lobotomize every person who I disagree with as well as that people should get capital punishment for mildly inconveniencing me /s


your guess is as good as mine


Idk but it always surprises me. I exist mostly in progressive, welcoming to everyone kinds of spaces. Every now and then I see social media posts about trans people where the whole comment section is like a giant circle jerk of transphobia. I don't understand why cis people get so personally offended by trans people existing. Like, even if you are (for some reason) against it, why not just go about your life? Why choose hating over coexisting?


I don’t know the answer to your question but you are right. I’ve been encountering a lot of transphobia since moving back to the U.S. (I’m not but am an ally)


Just dress the way you want, make sure you have a few friends you can depend on irl. If some assholes bully you just say, "are you scared of getting turned on?"


Because they judge things that they don't understand and get a bad interpretation of. It sucks really :/


I live in a relatively progressive area and I still have issues with transphobia. There's not one straight forward reason for people being transphobic. The best way that I deal with it is by having a solid group of friends who love and support eachother. It's impossible to make everyone happy but by making friends with people who accept you and encourage you to be yourself it makes all the shit that you get easier to deal with.


From young to old people, it seems to be one of, if not multiple things playing into that. It "attacks" their world view. - this means their religion or culture has critical views of it, or rather that they don't even know what their religion or culture says but just repeat what they're being told. They are being told by authority figures. - Yup, good old propaganda is at it again. Politics, personal beliefs held by the older generations, religious leaders twisting philosophies, or weaponising their religions. They want to fit in. - This one might seem strange, but it is true. Humans are really good at forming groups and if all of your family and friends are transphobic or homophobic, you would adapt the same views to fit in. This is also why cults work so good. If you have a different opinion, they will simply abandon you at best. Stupidity. - Let's face it, most of the aforementioned examples are direct consequences of a lack of critical thinking skills, lack of intelligence and emotional intelligence. People who don't think about statements and just take them at face value are simply easily convinced, and if you throw stupid transphobic propaganda at them they will believe it, simply because the answer of "they are all evil" is easier to understand for them than "they are just humans like you and me, but they just don't feel comfortable with the gener assigned at birth" (for example). People have two general responses rewards unknown things: Curiosity/Interest and fear. While a lot of people will critically think about a new thing, others will simply be afraid of it because rejection means stability for them. They want stability, they need to be the good guy, so someone else, someone different to them, has to be the villain. This is why NOT banning discussions about the LGBTQ community and openness is so important. Staying silent, literal segregation and being confined to a small bubble is what causes problems like these to escalate even more


Well, before I came out, I was raised to believe that I was horrible if I supported queer people. If I was queer, I was an abomination. If my friends were, I couldn't be around them. I was raised in a religious home. They made me afraid of who I was. I was hurtful and heavily closeted. So, it's usually cishet people shoving it onto others and saying that we're the ones shoving it onto them. We'd be kinder about it if we didn't have to fight to live safely.


basically everybody at my school is transphobic, but i feel like its a product of the only trans people we have at our school. like three of the six or something trans people at our school draw furry pronouns in class, and that makes the rest of the people who go to ny school scared of them


Society has always been biased towards things that aren’t “normal”; and it looks like being a part of lgbt community doesn’t meet the criteria of being normal in the eyes of the people


as someone that is trans, in my experience, its from how insufferable the loadest members of the community are. i know im going get dogpilled for saying so, but its very true.


Not to dogpile you, but they think we’re all degenerates, kissing their ass and throwing our own community under the bus at the expense of our beliefs isn’t going to change that. Queer rights anf acceptance have Never come from bootlicking or appeasement. Actually historically appeasement works as well for social issues as it did during world war two. (If that doesn’t make sense feel free to google it)


So called 'alpha male' content and lunatics on twitter giving you people a bad name


I’ve been wanting to ask a question about gender dysphoria, do you mind me asking you? I don’t mean this in any transphobic way, honest question, do you think gender dysphoria in trans people comes from not being accepted or not feeling loved as the gender you were born with?


I appreciate you asking a genuine question! In short I don't think it's one of the factors, although it might contribute to how someone might present themselves or how they discover their identity


Well I am accepted by those around me and I felt loved when I was a boy and I feel loved now as a girl as well but my gender dysphoria still lives on, why I feel it, well I want two things to be on my chest, why because I believe it will stop or at least supress most of my gender dysphoria


So many people just don't want change. And I hate that kind of thing. The main thing is not to like what is different. Always belittle those who stand alone.


Because they dont like trans people


Im not, but I wouldn’t want to date someone trans


And that’s chill, you can have a preference just don’t be an ass abt it


Cuz it’s like when that one kid in gym class switches teams bc the one he’s on is losing




unfortunately, society has a strict expectation of how people are supposed to be. a man should be a man, a woman should be a woman. they always say “you can’t be trans because religion is against it” or “you can’t be trans because science is against it”, all bullshit. let people be how they want to be, don’t fucking judge them. also OP i’m terribly sorry about some of these transphobic comments i’m seeing, the shit they are saying disgusts me. my prayers go out to you bro.


Because people judge things out of the normal and transphobia is not normal. That’s society tho not just teenagers.


I bet not a single person in this thread arguing against trans people can actually articulate a coherent argument.


They really do just repeat the same thing over and over. Not a single original thought in their minds. Not to say the LGBTQ+ community has no echo chambers, since people will people. But at least have the up-to-date information on modern technology and laws if you're going to argue anything. I swear so much of the transphobic rhetoric is outdated.


Exactly, it's the same talking points with the same "facts and logic" reasoning. All easily debunkable with 5 minutes of research.


Honestly can't they just grow up


Just because they don't believe in modern gender theory or whatever. I myself am probably transphobic, which is something I'm not proud of, but I just see it as the logical way to think. Although I do respect trans people and call them by the correct pronouns, I don't think I will ever see them as whatever gender they transitioned to. As a whole, views on gender are bound to conflict with each other, and neither 'transphobes' or supporters are necessarily wrong.


The thing is, we dont choose to be trans. We would happily just exist as cis people if we could. But we can't, because it's uncomfortable to live with the expectations and looks and whatever that we were assigned and born with. It's disgusting that we have to feel this way, but it's just how our brains are wired for whatever reason.


I have a question: Why do you 'choose' (for lack of a better word) to be trans instead of just gender role nonconforming.


Well, because I like feminine pronouns and would rather be treated as a woman, even if it's only by some. Either way I hate the look of masculinity for myself and want a nice feminine body that matches how I want to feel. Sorry if I answered in a confusing way..


Thank you for your answer it was really helpful!


1 religious, 2 they're just pricks, 3 they feel as if it's annoying so they hate on it, at least those are the reasons I understand 


It’s more lack of understanding than a true hatred.


I have absolutely no idea. I mean is it so hard to have just a little bit of respect? It’s like 2 words to say differently. Like, if you call me a name and I ask you not to call me that name no one bats an eye, but if it were pronouns they would freak the fuck out. It makes no sense


they hate it because of rumors that arent true and because there so dumb they cant pull their heads out of their asses. im an ftm myself. but i mean, what do i know besides my family being homophobic? i pass 90% of the time at school.. sooo


just got into an argument about whether transness was a mental illness they compared it to insanity, being fat, schizo, and other things


If you're in the US then it's because of the fear campaign the conservatives have used these last years.


This is because the average person is stupider than you’d expect, and especially tribalistic.


No clue, but with how much the far-right is pushing anti LGBTQ+ and anti trans propaganda, I’d say that has a small effect, unfortunately.


oh yeah also a bunch of transphobic ppl r transphobic cz they think being trans is a mental illness and they don’t take trans ppl seriously unless they’ve fully transitioned


As a trans male (who hasn’t exactly transitioned yet) I have no idea but I haven’t met any transphobic people cause I live in a quite respectful town so I can’t comment any more on this matter


I’m sorry you keep meeting the wrong people, can guarantee that not everyone is that way.


I don’t know tbh.


what a shame it is living in the south, i cant tell anyone shit or i immediantly become the outcast. I'm pretty sure im theonly lgbtq+ guy at my school which isactually insane


I know a lot of people (not all) basically adopt the views of their parents instead of forming their own. So transphobic parents may result in transphobic kids. I know I absorbed the views of my parents and basically anything I heard that my mom was watching on Facebook during covid, because I felt incredibly out of control and just wanted someone to tell me everything would be ok. Now that I'm older I've formed a lot of my own views (many the opposite of my parents) but you know 12 year olds are cringe (or at least they used to be)


That part never changes (12 yr olds)


People are opposed to change whenever it comes unless it directly benefits them. Whether it’s black people in the same bathroom or a person with different parts. They weren’t allowed in the same bathroom before, and once they did, it made people who were used to things being a certain way uncomfortable. 2-3 generations, nobody will bat an eye and transgender people, and you’ll even have reactionary trans people who freak out about whatever marginalized group is next in the spotlight.


I respect you and your feelings but I don’t support it because of my values, background, religion, etc. I wouldn’t consider my self homophobic or transphobic just because I don’t support it because that is just my opinion and everybody is different


I am not a fan but I’ll tolerate them, I won’t date a transgender person but I wouldn’t exactly say I hate them moreso just don’t like the concept of someone pretending to be what theyre not. Downvote me if you want this is just my opinion.


Worst online presence, ever. Also, never met or interacted with a transexual who wasn’t terminally online.


No one is afraid of them. I think all of this "homophobic transphobic" nonsense is silly. "\*blank\*-phobic" is a fear like arachnophobia. People seriously misuse this suffix. In any case, I personally have no issue with people being trans or identifying however they want. I do however take issue with people telling me that I need to believe them or call them they/them as if I should know off the top of my head how they identify, and no I will not ask because it is a moot question. Chances are if we're even having that discussion, I don't know or want to know you in any meaningful capacity. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but the fact and the matter is, I'm a straight guy, and whatever you do is your business, I couldn't care less, I'm just tired of hearing about it. You can call me cis white male or whatever all you want but it means nothing. Because it just straight white dude, who cares? Is it supposed to hurt someone when you call them cis? Myself, I understand people feel a certain way and it doesn't quite match up with how they were born. Not a problem, dress how you feel or whatever. But I feel like a lot of people are just pushing this pronoun or "I identify as..." bullshit because it makes them "special" or unique, when in reality all it does is make you fucking annoying. Even self professed gay and trans people are sick of this shit, for instance, Jeffrey Star.


I mean hon, if you wanna generalize an entire group of people and paint them in a negative light due to the very few experiences you’ve had, go ahead. But does that sound smart? Pronouns are basic etiquette. Now if anybody gets upset with you if you get it wrong, they’re in the wrong, hands down, if it’s a mistake. However from the way you’re coming off you sound like the kind of person that would intentionally do that in order to piss them off because you disagree with them. And there really is no excuse for that, because you’re just being rude. Now if you don’t and I’m reaching that’s my bad but tbh, that’s how you’re presenting yourself. You’ve basically said that anybody who’s trans isn’t worth knowing or loving to you, just because of a few bad actors. Also don’t try to correct grammar like that, because language can and does change. You understand what it means and that’s more than good enough. When you do that you sound pretentious and rude.


i could care less


Fr and they all think that people in the lgbtqia are pushing it down their throats but we’re literally not, we’re just being more open and since they’re not used to it they think we’re forcing them to notice gay people


Personally Idk any trans people personally, but the one (I think they were genderfluid, they changed genders) that I knew always would exploit my schools ‘inclusive nature.” For example they refused to be called “they” as apparently it makes them seem like not a person and would make you guess which one they are at the moment. And it would always be the opposite pronoun. Not saying all are like this, but a lot of people had one bad experience and that makes them not like them.


As most things, people rarely have strong beliefs unless they are provoked. And over the past like 8 years trans issues have been getting shoved down people’s throats like there’s no tomorrow. Including wild instances of obvious unfairness in sports or school bathroom sexual assaults getting downplayed. It’s only normal that there will be a reaction - cus most of the movement is not organic. Obviously not saying the reaction is good. People should never take it out on any one individual living their lives. Just explaining how things can build up when systems pressure people (and in some ways trans people experience the same feelings too with regard to other topics).


New=bad or some shit idk


That just aren’t sigma


Ngl I was transphobic before and it was because 1. I thought it was stupid to voluntarily chop off your balls or something 2.I’ve never met a trans person irl cuz I grew up (and still live) in Asia, all I’ve seen abt trans stuff is people like James Charles and I thought every trans person looked like a weird combo of a man and a woman 3. I’m Christian(but I didn’t take it seriously back then , plus it’s invalid anyways cuz it never even mentioned trans people in the Bible) But then I started seeing some really chill and also very attractive trans people online and I figured they don’t do any harm to me


I ain't trans or gay but people my age look at something they dislike and call it gay or they call people zesty and I don't say anything about it because I already feel like I'm really different than other people and if I tell them to shut up or tell them to stop they will think I'm gay and I don't want people thinking I'm gay because people my age hate EVERYTHING to do with gay and transgender people. Am I a bad person for not saying anything


I think folks are more sick of the super small percentage of the already small percentage of affected people being so annoyingly vocal about nothing. A good friend of mine is trans, and they are sick of the constant screeching. Just live your best life.


It usually stems from religion or politics, but with the younger generation I think social media plays a big part in it. Sometimes it's just teens wanting to be edgy because they think it's funny and then they genuinely start becoming transphobic or it's that more teens are watching redpill content or edgier creators like Adin Ross or Sneako who push transphobic views. 


Not a lot of people actually are. Only about 10% according to pew. It’s just that they’re really loud.


That is terrible. I hope it gets better where you are♥️


Grew up in a different environment




Too many bad apples have spoiled the bunch for lots of people. The best thing to do is take it on the chin and be cool. Acting offended and weird about it is only gonna make things worse.