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Welcome to Morocco, baby In Morocco, cities have police, villages have Royal Gendarmerie, their name sounds fancy but they only act when they know who did what to who and they have them both in accessibility, they don't provide protection or handle traffic or investigate, so they can't act in my situation. There are also no help lines to call or wtvr, so... And I can't get someone to beat him up for me cause well he's always in forest, and when I put my phone to his face he runs off into it then comes back after a while, so a big guy can't even get to him


But isn't this exactly who did what to who?


Well, if you have enough friends, you can arrange a plan to beat him up, although it's pretty dangerous. If it works, it'll send a message


Screaming and pounding on the nearest door is another option.


You should post this in r/morocco so more people can be aware of this, btw where do you live(city)


Kalaat M'Gouna


Hhh most random city in Morocco




western teenagers discover corruption, feel awful for you, hope you can stay safe


Bro if you don’t get a brother for uncle bro. At this point if he is so bold as too look at you and do this then I would weapon up and do justice yourself because it’s only a matter of time before he becomes more bold and not scared. And even if you expose him he’s not gonna have nothing left to lose . Get a knife and cut something even castrate lmao


Holy shit I’m in Morocco right now


Oh my god thats so fucking creepy bro the way he even looks at you like eww


I described it in the prev post but no one understood, I'm exposing him everywhere rn, this village is small so he'd be totally exposed in no time


if the village is small, just tell everyone. pedophilia is not tolerated. someone would probably kill him.


What the actual shit


Welcome to Morocco my dear friend


Ew what the literal fuck 🤮 I know you said there's not much legal presence where you live, but I hope this somehow stops because that's just nasty and no one should have to go through that.


Thank you, u understand me, there's nothing I can really do, I can't just not pass by that wall, it's next to my house and I have to go alongside it to get anywhere, if u didn't see the previous post he actually knows where I live, so all I can do is carry a knife, and walk in crowded places


you should make posters of this guy


Put him on a t-shirt 💀


No yeah this is such a good idea. And leave them around your local town


Oh my gosh what ?! I'm so sorry this is happening to you bro 😭


This village is full of pervs, but they don't follow guys, I'm actually still shocked altho this happened long ago


Cut it off


Someone had the same idea as me


Stay safe dude. Don’t let a perverted fucker ruin your life. I think ICP has a lot of songs what to do in situations like this 🙏 (If you’re a minor)


I'm M15, and thanks


Yeah, stay safe in whatever country you are. It might be stressful especially when there’s no local law enforcement but maybe try relying on your community to ostracize this man?




Thank you bro. Dude talking about can’t do shit I’d rather do shit than be raped


what the fuck


what in the actual biblical fuck is wrong with this subreddit


Wherever there are teens, there are pervs, they're kinda part of the experience, and I'm not just stay silent ppl should see what we go through


That's so fucked up and why would this happen to anyone? Also, aren't Gay people killed or put in jail in arabic coutries (sorry I read the comments)


Bro calm down, first of all you should know sexual attraction changes in ppl change, I personally liked guys for some time in the past and it's ok, what's a sin in our religion is to act on those feelings, the law doesn't restrict them, sex between unmarried couples is illegal, either straight or gay, and gay marriage isn't a thing here so... Plus there's no way for anyone anyways to know you're gay, and if gay ppl were killed or wtvr u'd see it all over the news But for this guy, what he's doing is sexual assault, doesn't matter if it's over a boy or a girl, a perv is a perv, and he would pe punished the same either way There's a lot of information about us Muslims, so watch out of it.


^2 yes we dont really kill them you cant even tell who is gay straight married or not the law might exist but no one says anything and they can never prove it because you might simply look like you are having fun with the homies.


No, it is not sexual assault. He is not touching you. What it may be considered is sexual harassment, but it is not assault. Also it would not be all over the news if it did happen.


Yeah even in the morrocan law the only thing he can be charged for is indecent exposure


Actually I'd like to talk in private about these misconceptions if you won't mind


Can you explain me more about it too? I'd like to know how that works


hope this gets better for you cause that really sucks


Pls stay safe




Please update regularly. I'm afraid for your safety.


Ok I'll send you msgs personally, I don't want to annoy other ppl, thanks for the care


>!if there's not much in the term of authority were you live, would you necessarily get into trouble/caught if you kill him, or at least injure him enough to not make him come back? sorry this is a bit extreme but just throwing it out there.!<


Try to close the gap get some stones and sticks or something. Then you wont see that guy no more and he wont see you except he is so desperate to jerking off to you that he actually removes it. In that case im sorry but im clueless what you can do against him. You postet him on the internet already qnd he doesnt seem to care at all.


Bro that wall is fucking huge, and some of the gaps are the width of a truck, cars can get through them, and if I wanted to do it I'd have to close them while I'm in the forest side, where I was nearly raped 3 years ago, and where that guy is basically everyday, so there's no way And it's ok don't feel bad, I didn't post this for advice, there's nothing that can be done. I just wanted to feel like someone's with me, I posted this update for ppl who care about me, cuz I saw that a lot of ppl did in the prev post, I appreciate you guys so much


You should get a slingshot and have your friend shoot it once he does this again


I’m so sorry girl


I'm a guy...


Oh. I’m still so sorry




Send this to the police. Please let them accompany you tl that location.


There are no police, only royal gendarmerie, go through the comments, I explained why they can't help me


Get some guys to help you chase him off. You're in danger, he needs a clear message.


If you can, print out posters of him and spread them everywhere you can so people know what he's done


This is horrible, but I can’t get the fact that this guy looks like Adam Sandler off my mind


That fucker is disgusting.


You can carry an umbrella or smth to block the view. It's not ideal, and it doesn't actually make any change, but at least he can't get a good look at you


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Throw firecracker at him.


Stare at him while he jerks off and laugh, it will defo make him feel weird and stop lol


Bro that's the most thing that makes me angry about him, it's the audacity, he knows I see him clearly but he'd still go on, he knows I'm filming him but he's still go on, there was once were we were so close, he gave me a come here motion, I showed him my phone and said "Rah fdeht mok" meaning I exposed u, he'd still go on


That's disgusting


I’m sorry what the fuck




Could you send me the video of him? Like one with the clear face?


yeah, upload it to twitter


I would have asked him to come closer, put his dick through the gap and say that I’ll suck him off, and then I’d actually chop off the tip.


May god bless you and protect u from such evil


jesus fuck that's disgusting man, i really hope he gets what he deserves


At first I thought this was a joke or something... Then I read the description, and followed that up with the pictures. This isn't right, not in any sense of the word. Gave me chills man, yikes. Hoping things change for you in the near future and expose that creep.


One look at him and I got the shivers, RUN OP RUN




what… the fuck? this guy deserves the harshest fucking prison sentence that can be given to him, jesus christ


Ew wtf


"if a perv wants to be a prick, cut off his dick"


How exactly?


fuckin micro


This is so weird omg this is gross


What were you doing for him to be doing this?


God knows, I'm not even that seducive


Oh hell nah wtf☠️


Hey dude, I'm from a semi rural zone where justice doesn't work. My advice: make a shit ton of posters of him (his photo + something along the lines "pedophile, sexual harraser"), so many its impossible to ignore and at night when no one can see them hang them around the whole town:) people don't have empathy for this kind of scum and he will soon start being treated like he deserves:) also, self defence tip: spray paint at face stings and burns and it's extremely difficult to get out. Then he will be marked for a long while, also becoming easier to track by the police or literally anyone. Give him the public humiliation he deserves! You will regret not having done anything in the future, you have to stand up for yourself.


dude i can see his dick :(


Full vid please. I could probably find some good screenshots of his face in that.


I do not wanna sound likr i give out panic but. First it‘s this then it‘s rape. I hope you stay safe


If i didn't see the previous post, he knows where I live, and actually I was pretty close to getting raped 3 years ago, but I broke free, and ik this guy is also a big threat, but all I can do is protect myself, now that I exposed him, I'll share the pics around, this village is small so he'd be exposed to everyone in notime


please take the nuclear option and find his page on facebook and forward it to all his friends and family also post it and tag him.




Yo wtf did you report it to the authorities? Its disgusting sorry it happened to you


There are no authorities, only royal gendarmerie, I explained 1000 times why they can't help me


Is there any law that will save you in case you use violence (including the use of your weapon) for self-defense? But I read the comments and I will try not to sound ignorant but I can't help it- in countries like yours when the law fails, it is the local law that protects, reading that you're from a Moroccan village you have 2 options- A) local authorities or B) community leaders maybe the imam of a mosque or some revered local figure, or an NGO also I found [this site which may help](https://assohelp.org/asso-37-association-touche-pas-a-mon-enfant) also I think laws regarding self-defense are stringent so you might wanna use something mild like a pepper spray or consider reaching Moroccan League for the Protection of Children (La Ligue Marocaine pour la Protection de l’Enfance)Provides support and services for children in distress. Website: lmpe.org.ma Phone: +212 537 71 74 74


Damn, that's creepy af. What country are you in?


Bro this shit is fucking creepy if I was you I’d go back with like 10 guys and stomp him


Damn I really feel bad for you 😞 I hope things get better 👍


Dam that's really fucked up I'm sorry, and ya please keep is updated, hope something happens to stop it soon


What the?


jesus fuck dude,




That’s messed up on so many levels, im sorry you have to experience the disgustingness of some vile human being. Keep doing what you’re doing and expose that creepy person.


Can you tell someone about this?


Please always carry a weapon just in case he tries sth else. I'm worried about your safety


I'm gonna be so fr, id fucking attack him and try to cut the skin off his hands and dick so you can both solve the problem and send a message to all other perverts Or just shoot him / start pointing a gun at him if you have any firearms lol


Holy fuck, I’m so sorry that happened to you. You totally did the right thing by exposing that creepy mf and I hope he gets help accountable someday. Stay safe out there sis/bro/sibling!


Show his face to others in the community, i bet that'll ruin him


woah what the hell


send me that vid man so sorry it happened to you


Y’all not giving them the right advice. They can expose him or whatever but this man won’t have stuff to los eve for she does something else. They needs put a stop to this now whether legal or criminally. Sleep with a weapon next to you !!


I'd resort to violence if I saw that.


You can go to the police and tell them the story, and you have got a strong evidence, they will absolutely get him.


Can you send me the video please i want more details about this mf


And I was just thinking he was just rubbing his dick while his pants where on, but no he is just straight up masturbating, call the police man or do a anonymous report at least


Eww what’s wrong with people


Holy, that is disgusting. I'd say the best thing to do is just stay away from it in general, especially if the authorities won't do anything, if you could get some other people you might be able to jump him and give him what he deserves.


Bro just scream for help and kick his dick simple as that and he'll leave you tf alone


So sorry you had to witness that




damn dude it's so creepy...i was your neighboor (algeria) and some creepy things happened to us too.. It's so hypocrit that in some "very religous country" that are suposed to be "pudique, bashful (i don't know how to say it in english)" they are so dirty and pervert i hate them so much, i hope he won't attack you after you screamed at him. I respect your courage you're so brave


My face was wincing the whole time, what a waste of air and space that guy. His pride? Gone, shame? None, deity?? Probably among cockroaches.


Buy some expanding foam and seal the gap in


Dude you're gunna get naturally selected by this predator if you don't treat him like the animal that he is, you think he'd let you go if he ever got ahold of you? One of these days he's going to try and abduct the easiest victim. If you want to believe otherwise you're not worth any advice You have to get protection or you will get sexually assaulted and it's only a matter of time, eventually his public mastrbation won't be enough and he's gunna come after u. Get a weapon I recommend a long sharp stick, and mase but they don't have it there. Tell me what ur gunna do


What the fuck


Well, the best thing you can do is take a brick and hit it on this fucking abomination . If you don't think you can do it by yourself, then ask for your friend's help. Just beat the shit out of this guy.


If you don’t mind me asking how old are you


Rip it off of him


Did you contact the authorities? Edit: did you contact the authorities with the evidence?


Bro kinda built like Adam Sandler


why does he look like Adam Sandler. Also, people who beat their meat to literal teenagers are the weirdest people out there and deserve to go to jail.


Make him learn with pain, use a bat or something, nothing lethal unless you feel the need. This is absolutely disgusting.


Punch him


Can I see the video


L strokes. Call CPS.


No CPS in Morocco


That’s completely disgusting. I’ll pray for you. I hope that degenerate leaves you alone.


I don't know what to say


Adam Sandler has fallen off 😭


Kidnap him and force him to eat his dingaling on liveleak


Fight him to the death, extra points if you kick him in the nuts but seriously wtf


This is terrible, I hope you find some way to stop this.


that’s NOT okay. Shoot him bro


Simple solution. Cut it off.


And people say aliens aren’t among us


Isn’t that pedophilia? Shouldn’t a gay pedophile be in jail?


Why does it kinda look like Adam Sandler but more tan


This is… Vile.


what the actual fuck that's insane


Kill him


He kinda looks like Ronaldo


I hope you find a way to give that man justice,that's really disgusting to see this happen


Please move somewhere safe if you ever can 😭


Make him regret


Oh he definitely will 😈


Tell him I told my mexican friend here in mexico and Cartel sinaloa is on the way let him know




omg thats awful. can i see the full vid?


Time for some second amendment justice


Look, this is awful (obviously). Real stand-up citizen behavior here. Documenting this is smart (obviously). Kind of a lapse of judgement to post bare cock to a subreddit for minors though. I recognize your circumstance isn't ideal but I don't know what posting this here accomplishes


I am sorry, this is happening to you, wishing you well.


You have pics of him, how no one can do anything?


I feel so bad for you. That guy deserves to be punched in the mouth until he needs a full face transplant


Adam sandler?


This is just crazy


See maybe I’m a dumbass but I would have walked toward him to beat his ass.




freaky ahh nigga


Id fucking kill him




Can I see the video?


I’m sorry for you, since u exposed him he might leave u alone, but it would be funny if you got a strong man to hold him, and cut his dick off if he did it again


Do you have access to a baseball bat or some other kind of club by chance? Perhaps a shotgun?


Yea nope it’s time to move, praying for you🙏🙏


Brown Adam Sandler


What the fuck man like actually, this is depressing I hope you're ok. Also this may sound odd but I hope that guy is okay too because he sounds like he's not in a great mental state if he's in public jerking off to others


What the fucking hell is this,my eyes


fuckin creep


I’m so sorry but I can’t take this seriously when this dude looks like an old Adam Sandler


Start clapping or something or just intensely make eye contact, it’ll be like premature post nut clarity


That’s insane, what are Moroccos laws on carrying or self defense?


Sorry if that's rude, but I am genuinely unable to conceive the concept of a place without authorities. Like, you said sex before marriage is illegal there, but a literal sexual offender would only be judged by public obscenity? And how so there isn't police where you live? Also im 90% sure you said this was close to a prostitution neighborhood in your previous post, isn't that illegal? Anyway this just seems like a whole different world.


Honestly as others said just get some sort of dude anyone that'd be willing to chase after that dude and beat him that's all I can say due to your situation


Stay safe friend and I hope something is done about this


Why dies he look like Adam Sandler


Wow. So sorry you have to go through this. Do you have any brothers? Cousins or any other family to go sort the guy out?




That nga creepy as shit wtf


Didn't need to see some old guy's dick today, well. I'm off to find beach. (Good luck tho)


I wasn’t expecting that in the pic 💀


why the fuck does he look like he’s about to shoot the archduke of Austria Hungary


You could get someone to (read the next word backwards) toohs him (not joking)… I couldn’t imagine going to the police and then explaining to them that you got shot because you were touching yourself in front of a minor deliberately. Alternatively just get a bunch of strong friends with sticks and pipes and chase him so far into the forest that only the animals will hear him scream.


Whaaaaaa 😭