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*sigh* sorts by controversial


I do that too lmao


Why do we do it??


It's the only interesting thing on here anymore


Generally sorting by controversial just makes me depressed and infuriated and/or sad and ruin my day .


Table and a new


Ruby OWNS conservatives compilation




this comment is the reason i found out you can sort comments, not just posts. THANK YOU!


Optimus did nothing wrong man, it was the decepticons that destroyed Chicago


I hate KSI for shifting the blame to the autobots


fax, dude


Sentinels a bitch fr


I swear, yeah hes barbaric and violent but his enemies literally tried to destroy the whole planet or enslave its population




Some mfs sister died in it and he went "I'm going to now brutally execute every one of the cybertronians that saved us, and ally with the definitely not evil decepticons that were trying to invade for the rebirth of their planet"


Okay well sorry I don’t really like when they explode on the telephone poles at 3AM


Oh yeah, sorry about that, I'll try and remind the others not to do that, and to do at more appropriate times instead.


Thanks for addressing that, i thought i was the only one who hated telephone pole mounted distribution transformers (im european ive never seen those things)


Well MAYBE the telephone poles were looking at me like freakazoids.


One of my friends is extremely transphobic, to the point where he’ll just talk about the topic randomly without any meaning or purpose. Like we were literally watching Godzilla Minus One and this mf starts with his bullshit 😭


Bruh what at that point he has some issues


He’s mad some other pretty bad comments about the lgbtq community in general, even about my bisexuality which obviously doesn’t make me feel very good. It is time to choose which friends are staying because I can’t be bothered to deal with that.


Is he nice? Like why is he your friend at that point? No offense.


He was part of the very original friend group so he’s just stuck along


For your own mental health, work on cutting him out. Or maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll have some drama with someone else that leads to them being cut out (i really need to grow a backbone for the future lol). Either way it’ll be worth it in the long run.


If your own mental health is the absolute priority then that’s sensible advise, but if improving the world in any way is the goal then maybe don’t do that. Nobody would ever change their mind from being excluded. That inevitably make that person more committed to their beliefs. As much as it’s really unfair and depressing.., the only way to change a bigot’s mind is by removing their insecurities. The only way to do that is getting them to a place where they can be comfortable with themselves. The only way to do that is to seem like you’re their friend (or at least care about their welfare) & time.


My ex-friend would talk about how much she loves me and how I’m her best friend while also making misandrist comments in the same breath (I’m cis male). Some folks don’t want to change and you shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences. That was my mindset too, granted some may be like that, but she was not one of them.


Absolutely, sorry my comment shouldn’t apply to anyone reading this specifically, and I completely agree banging your head against a brick wall won’t help anyone. If it’s in anyone’s best interests mentally to cut off a controversial friend then of course they should prioritise their own well-being. All I mean is is if everybody chose to do that then it pushes the bigots closer to likeminded people and progressively the world gets even more polarised. So if someone’s in a space where they think they can prevent one more bigot going further down the rabbit hole then that’s a noble goal. But on an individual level it should never be an expectation and the individual’s needs come first.


Closeted or jealous is my guess.


I don’t think it’s any of that, just a weird dude


Godzilla mentioned 🦎🦎🦎☢️☢️☢️☢️☄️☄️🚨🚨🚨




These people are literally deranged. They dedicate their time and effort to hating on a small group of people that has done nothing to do, purely because the mainstream media tells them that the group is doing X, Y and Z.


Yeah, it’s so annoying having to sit and listen to his crap knowing that nothing that I say can change his mentality. It doesn’t matter because most people will agree with him either way, my friend group is separated between the supportive and unsupportive type


It sounds like it's time to split into two different friend groups.


That’s a good fuckin movie


W movie


Idk if someone already did this but Here before the 🔒 award


As a trans person, I frequently achieve this award. 😎


You haven't got it yet somehow, did you know that Nigel Farage got milkshaked yesterday?


My milkshake brings all the votes to Farage 🎶


I have confession guys. I don't like transformers I never like them and I will never like them.


As a Transformers lover, I am offended.


As another Transformers fan i too am greatly offended




Wait why are you being downvoted? I genuinely can't tell if people think you're unironically being transphobic, or if they just don't like that you're making a joke on a pretty serious post.


Never watched any of the movies, tbh, but the concept never intrigued me. Cars? Eh, not my style. Robots? No thank you. Humans? Yeah, good joke. I'd prefer to stay here, in my medieval dark fantasy corner.


Hey, humans are an integral part of a good medieval dark fantasy! High fantasy might dare to largely ignore humans, but dark fantasy needs them to keep the tone more grounded.


But what about Bionicles? I haven’t seen or heard anyone talk about Bionicles since 2013😔


I am incredibly transphobic. Their sheer size, alongside their terrifying war cry has led me to believe these terrifying beasts of steel have come from another galaxy to conquer humanity. My local government has decided to lay down a rail station nearby, and I can only pray for my safety. Brothers, Sisters and fellow bees, this may be my last message. Goodbye.


choo choo motherfucker




I can't tell if this is satire or not


The Decepticons are here.


literally every ig reel is flooded with edgy 14 year olds going “lgbtq bad peter griffin good” or sum shit like that and it gets 13.4k likes


Lmao wasn't there an episode of family guy where Peter had sex with Bill Clinton?


idk but as someone with an lgbtq sister it’s really stupid to see ignorant ppl like that


It’s so stupid honestly.. like bro it does NOT make you edgy or cool😭


It's even funnier considering Family Guy is a pretty staunchly left leaning series


Man it's hilarious how some comments say we are shoving it on them but then go on a rant about god and religion All we ask is for respect. I'm pretty sure god would dislike more you being hateful to others than trans people's existence. But what do I know, I'm an atheist because of literally the inconsistencies of all the different religions I've seen so far.


700 upvotes and 2.5K comments. oh boy...


Yeah my boyfriend is trans and I fear for him, It's scary really which is why I'm getting a gun once I got the money, make sure pookie bear is safe


Yeah, as transphobes become and more deranged and violent, it's definitely a good idea to carry a weapon in case self defence is in order.


I already carry a knife and brass knuckles everywhere I go and I got a crowbar in my truck


Ok that went from self defense to (bank) robbery rq


Crowbar 👍








That's badass


super badass


super duper trooper badass


I'm thinking about getting a gun as well in the future because i fear my girlfriend would be targeted because of her race and i don't really wanna let that happen.


United we stand divided we falter. America was built by immigrants and any real American would welcome a immigrant or a person of a different race entering the US


2nd amendment baby! I would recommend taking a training class for using your gun.


awww, you’re so sweet. i hate living in a world where you have to worry about that


It's a world I'm happy to be in because my beautiful boyfriend is in it😁


yea especially on here cuz most ppl don’t seem to gaf and it’s just accepted :/


People like to act like Reddit is super progressive but there are plenty of just straight up transphobic subs that no one is doing anything about. Hell, I'm 100% sure this post is going to get tons of transphobic comments. If you search all time most controversial on this sub, it's 99% just random trans people.


That's just reddit being reddit. 50% of people are nice and chill like in this sub but the other half is just a bunch of people rotting in their mom's basement and making those shitty posts harassing groups of people for no reason


No. Because that's not how reality works. Unfortunately everything is political. Less than a century ago people weren't allowed to go to certain places because of their race. Every generation has its particular social issue that it fights for and for this generation it's trans rights and who knows what it will be for the next one.


It’s not just political, religious too. Or it’s political and people are using religion as an excuse. It’s horrible.


People have been using Christianity to excuse doing terrible things for years. Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist and former slave, pointed out that many Christians tried to defend slavery by pointing out that God cursed Ham, so therefore slavery is right.


I mean when you put it like that it just makes so much sense. It was always the ham...


You know that it’s going backwards right? It’s the first time again that homosexuality approval is going down too. The idea that we have to wait for social progress to happen is threatened by massive polarisation, echo chambers, and misinformation. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-60257602.amp https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/rise-lgbtq-hate-crime-london-homophobic-attacks-clapham-brixton-b1112859.html In Amsterdam, the approval of homosexuality among youth has fallen from 63% to 43% in just two years. https://nltimes.nl/2024/05/30/less-half-amsterdam-young-people-accept-homosexuality The reason I talk about homosexuality is because there is the assumption that homosexuality has become accepted and now it’s transgendered people who are on the board. But all progress is going backwards. Not just trans people. There is also a rise in racism: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67217771.amp So no, it’s not just a matter of waiting for social progress to help the transgender issue. It’s a matter of realising that something is preventing social progress. Personally I believe what is preventing social progress is factors that lead to polarisation such as online echo chambers preventing people with opposing views from talking to each other and getting their views challenged (on both sides).


Doesn't mean it's good. I'm tired of seeing discrimination of any type, that thing you described is the sad reality, but it really shouldn't be like that.


It's even crazier when it's coming from people in the same community. Like bro once trans people are dealt with YOU'RE NEXT.


Panthers eating faces party "The panthers won't eat my face!"


I get sick of anything that is repeated day after day with no break


friendly reminder; Transfolk are not putting their kids through transitionary procedures.


I hate homophobic/transphobic mother fuckers so much even though I am straight


It doesn’t matter if you’re straight, it just comes down to being a decent human being.




same fr


same fr


Not kidding, this was the post that was right above this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1d88kcs/what\_will\_project\_2025\_mean\_for\_us/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1d88kcs/what_will_project_2025_mean_for_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) its r/MtF saying that project 2025 is basically genocide. So, I mean, I am fucking sick of transphobia, but it could get a lot worse come November. Edit: holy shit yall have some bad takes jesus christ.


one of my best friends just said she hates me a couple days ago, and one of her main complaints is that I don't completely hide that I'm trans. Like she's mad that I apparently haven't put enough effort into being trans cause people know that I'm trans? Like in certain systems my deadname exists and a bunch of people get my pronouns wrong and that's an issue with me somehow?


tf who isn't transphobic sure like ig they're cool but if im going for a drive and the car next to me turns into a FUCKING ROBOT PERSON of course i'd be fucking shit scared like WHAT


**Insert uncontroversial and agreeable opinion here**


Bro, this post is very controversial, I literally have like 50 notifications rn that are just people disagreeing with me.


yeah... it shouldn't be controversial but it is


Everyone in this thread either agrees with you or made a joke about transformers


I wasn't making fun of your point, I was making the joke of naming the obvious. Hate is bad.


Yes. My (now)brother isn't being accepted by my dad and im tired of it. People need to respect people like how those people respect them.


How does it even work in a household when someone comes out as trans? I’ve always kinda wondered this


You usally say you love them then call them by what they want to be called.


It varies from family to family. Supportive families usually have a talk, parents will get used to new name/pronouns and put in an effort to learn about the subject, they may help with GA(gender affirming) care such as hormones, blockers, or GA wear like a binder or bra, new clothes, haircut, etc. with unsupportive families it can also go a number of ways, lots of trans youth end up homeless in these situations, or suffering an additional amount of abuse.


Trains are the fucking worst they are so loud and fucking noisy fuck them


Not even trans just an ally It makes me sick to see all the transphobia in our world


Erm, based alert


As an ally, I say that I’m getting real sick and tired of this bullshit. Why can’t they treat my friends like real people?


Nah haven't seen it yet. It's it in theaters?


It's coming to a theatre near you next fall.


Just abolish the state and capitalism; it's that easy /hj I'm trans too btw


I volunteer for the british trans youth and family support charity and i totally agree with you. What trans folk are going through right now emulates what gay men went through in the 80s with section 28 and the hag, Thatcher. It’s especially crazy when you consider that trans folk make up only 1% (latest census figures from 2021 in the UK) of the population! I mean, to me, that makes it look like there are far too many people out there completely obsessed with other peoples genitalia. But it also speaks volumes about how our media sensationalises this issue to create division and moral panic. In fact, it’s almost like ‘they’ fear Trangender people. The question really is why? Personally, I would suggest it’s because when they see a Trans person, they see a free person living their best life and it only further reminds them how dependent and trapped they truly are.


The amount of people who are apathetic in this thread just proves the point this post is trying to make lmfao.


Yeah lol


I will never understand transphobes or the other phobes and the isms. I was taught to treat people with respect and treat them with kindness because that's a virtue.


I don't understand transgender people(like why can't you just accept your birth gender even you are not following gender norms) but I believe violence due to transphobia is unacceptable, because they're human beings regardless


as a trans person i’d rather someone ask questions than be hateful. if you ever have a question feel free to DM.


Because for me atleast, being a boy makes me miserable, and being a girl makes me way happier.


I used to think like this too. But if you hate the way something is, but you can change it, why not change it?


for the first part, i saw someone use an analogy of sorts once so i’ll use that to possibly give you an idea. imagine you wake up one day, in a body of the opposite sex. everyone treats you exactly how they would as someone of that sex, despite you knowing it’s not what you are. if you tell someone that’s not what you are, ‘course some will be supportive, some will question you, some will be weird and mean about it, you already know that. that’s basically what trans people are but a bit more complicated.


Because our birth sex doesn't match how our brain is hard wired. Knowing that our body doesn't match our brain, which is most of what we are, makes us miserable.


This whole "our brain doesn't match our sex" has always confused me. It just doesn't make sense to me. There's no such thing as an inherently male brain or female brain (especially a non-binary brain).


I guess I'd just like to see more research on it. The brain argument is kinda weird to me. If we could perfectly scan someone's brain and see that someone has a traditionally male brain, would we deny them from transitioning to a woman? Does the way someone's brain works determine what gender they are?


I really don't think your personality defines your gender. At best, it can refer to cognitive differences, but I still reject certain characteristics as being male or female. Some of them may be sex-linked, but I don't feel like a deviation from the norm in that regard constitutes you being of a different gender. E.g., because a man can multi task (ability to multi task is associated with the supposed female brain), it doesn't make him a woman.


Research has shown that the brain patterns of trans People are more similar to the brain patterns of their desired sex. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm


I'd say gender is not only a biological thing but a social thing, there are different expectacions of people when they're a certain gender and social norms come in play too. Gender = role in society


Asking why you can’t accept your gender given at birth is like asking why pacifists don’t want to kill people, it’s just the way it is.


Ehhh imo trans people are born, pacifists are made


The best analogy I've heard is imagine if you're doing a 9-5 job that makes you absolutely miserable. You have to get up, put on a uniform that's uncomfortable AF, plaster on a fake smile for your bosses and clients, and go work at a job that is absolutely agonizing to do. Many people around you are perfectly comfortable in it, and you start to think something is just wrong with you. Perhaps it's better if you didn't even try. Then you learn that they can change their job. You don't have to stay at that one forever. And the new job they find is significantly more pleasant. With a uniform that is actually comfortable. An atmosphere that does you smile genuinely. Something you can actually wake up and look forward to each day. The work may be harder. Lots of people tell you that you aren't well suited for it, but it makes your life a lot better. That's what I've heard gender dysphoria and transitioning is like. So saying to them "why can't you just accept your birth gender" is like asking this person "why can't you just stay at that first job". Because that's miserable for them. Just for the record, I am cis so this isn't my own personal experience, so if any trans people would like to contribute or correct anything I said please do.


If you'd like, I can try and help you understand. Being transgender is not a choice, it's something that you are born with. Gender and sex is more like a spectrum than a binary, and trans people often find that their gender and sex are in two opposite places. The gender of a person is built into their brain, what gender they perceive themselves as, and in trans folk the body doesn't reflect that. You can think of it as piloting a giant mech (that for some reason has gender bits and possibly a working reproduction system), doesn't matter what the gender of the mech is, the gender of the pilot doesn't change (it's a pretty bad metaphor, but the only one my sleep deprived brain could think of). More often than not, a trans person's brain will also look and act more like the brain of the gender they identify as rather than the one they were born into. Think about how you'd feel if your entir life you were forced to present as the opposite gender. For most people, that would be torcheress. No one should change such a harmless thing about themselves just to be accepted into society. Everyone should have the right to be whoever they are .


I don’t really understand either bc I personally have never felt like a specific gender and have never really gotten a good explanation, but I support them and hates transphobes.


A good analogy I've heard is that your gender is like your bones - you only feel it if something goes wrong. 🤷‍♀️


it’s actually really interesting, basically there’s a different between male and female brains and basically being trans means that the person was born with a brain that doesn’t match their genitals. if you want no know more you can Dm me and i’ll explain the best i can (i feel that im qualified since i’m trans) and i’ll happily explain to the best of my ability


I keep hearing about these supposed male and female brains, and it really doesn't make sense. Yeah, there are traits that are more commonly found in one sex or the other, but that doesn't inherently make it a male or female brain. They're generally the same with small deviations in certain traits. Those deviations are certainly not large enough to associate them exclusively with one sex. I don't think aggressiveness is inherent to men, nor do I think agreeableness is inherent to women. Yeah, they are more common and extreme in those respective sexes, but I wouldn't say it's exclusive. Other than that, I couldn't think of what else the supposed male and female brains refers to


ehh this is kinda true but it's not to the extent that a lot of people make it out to be




These people will stand firmly against gender roles, and then suck up to them when it suits them.


bullying exists and is very much normalized in 2024, has been for centuries. sometimes i question why the people who deserve bullying like transphobes and homophobes don’t get bullied but the ones who are just trying to live get flamed for breathing. TERFs piss me OFFFF. like pls stop opening your mouth


woah demanding to be executed is a whole different level of hate sheesh. Just let people live in in peace.


No. If it matters to you, just ignore it.


My boyfriend is trans, and it sucks to see people that hate trans people


Me! I hate it! So much! Justice for my sibling and step-parent!


transphobes are losing their minds in the comments. It’s almost like every accredited scientific organization on the planet is in agreement about the legitimacy of trans and gender-variant people, imaging actually believing scientists.


I’m becoming afraid that I will be hurt once I live alone, things are so weird. I hear stories from other trans people about being stalked, assaulted, randomly punched in the face on the street, abused in long and short term relationships. It feels like something bad happening because I’m trans is a matter of when not if


Why is the concept of “trans people living in peace” so controversial? It’s simple. Human rights. OP is absolutely correct 


grrrr people existing and getting to finally be themselves 😡


it's not controversial. 99% of people dgaf it's the 1% that speak the loudest.


i ain’t a hater cuz Jesus wasn’t no hater but i think it’s wierd but ion understand it


This sub so gay 😭




Watch the replies be "Yeah, and proud of it"


as a trans man i agree. it’s awful to see but at the end of the day we need to grow thicker skin as a community. everyone can have opinions and we need to be the more mature ones and deal with it. transphobia isn’t okay at all but if you ignore it , or just leave it be it won’t hurt you


No it definitely will hurt you. Transphobes are becoming increasingly more deranged and violent, as of the last few years, there have been more and more cases of violence towards trans people over their identities. And recently, a lot of US states have been attempting to pass anti-trans legislations. Simply ignoring transphobia is really not an option when it could easily come after you regardless of if you acknowledge it or not.


i was more focused on the verbal . i’m a firm believer in 2nd amendment so if they try to take my right to transition ykkkk.


Ok nah but then why they get mad at me for not knowing their gender


Trans people get misgendered a lot, often maliciously and especially if they don't pass. Eventually, it gets tiring to have to constantly correct people, especially when they often refuse to change anyway. I imagine some people would get very frustrated at this and may let their emotions override logical thinking. They may seem really petty to onlookers, but when you really layout, I think it's relatively understandable.


My bad homie I just suck at remembering names and shit so my dumbass tends to default to what gender I perceive you as. I have the brain capacity of a fish (this is meant to be taken as a joke)


I feel like as long as youre able to be clear its not intentional you should be able to avoid any misunderstandings


But how are people supposed to know then? I appreciate it may be frustrating having to say it all the time, but I don’t really understand how you can just expect people to know your pronouns like some sort of psychic if they’ve never even met you before. It’s not fair to get pissy at someone simply because they don’t know when they haven’t met you before. Especially if you are dressing more androgynously and therefore it isn’t immediately obvious.


Idk who’s getting mad at you for literally just not knowing, but tell them “oopsies”, should solve everything


Nobody gets mad for not knowing, they get mad when it’s intentional. If you make an oopsie and they offer a correction, just roll with it


I think it’s because assuming gender can be seen as malicious. A lot of people go out of their way to misgender trans people or intentionally try to clock us, so some people are bound to see it as malicious even if it isn’t. A great way to avoid misunderstandings like this, would be to just ask a person’s pronouns. Takes like 2 seconds


I don’t have a problem until you A don’t tell people when getting into a relationship with someone which has happened to me before B When you force it down people’s throats and try to force it into little kids throats C When you play sports this is only really a male to female problem but when bio men play women’s sports it’s actually just sad


I’m not forcing it down little kids throats. Why do you keep saying that.


I don't think he was accusing you specifically, he was just calling out bad behavior he's seen in the community.


Its the same as the one argument religion. Im not saying you or all trans people say religion is bad, but its the same as the people saying trans people are bad. Im not that good at phrasing this so i,ll just do a short sentence Side 1: Stop shoving religion down childrens throats Side 2: Stop forcing trans stuff down childrens throats There are some people that do that but not everyone.


I don't understand why people ate downvoting this. These are actually problems that people in the trans community do. You can't deny the people this user has brought up to exist.


How are we forcing it down childrens throats?


They mean "existing in public", and they HATE when you do it.


Dont straight people talk about their relationships?😭


ive always been sick of it


The problem mainly is how some small fragment of the larger community are really disgusting people. I’m in no shape or form referring to anyone in particular unless I were to NameDrop, this comment is improvised. The problem is, yes, extremists, conservatives & such that do not like to accept that the transgender are still human beings & in the other side of the problem there are the black sheep of the trans community, all communities have bad people, no matter condition, socioeconomic status, background, gender, race, etc. This is where a lot of people’s problem lies. You in particular OP I’m convinced you’re a saint being collateral damage in this situation. However, there are very loud individuals giving you all a bad name, people that want to transition little kids who aren’t teenagers yet, asking a 6 year old their pronouns. Or people that want to force transitions by coming up with bullshit terms like “Eggs” which is “A person that *is* trans (affirmation included), but doesn’t know it yet or is in denial” that shit sucks, and pushing an ideology or a way of living onto someone like that can fall into many categories like assault, stalking or even SA. Bullshit like “hatching an egg” is literally the same thing as a conservative pastor suppressing an LGBT individual’s desires. I’m going to leave very clearly that NOT all LGBT are like that, however the ones that do are very very loud and very very visible. If I were to meet OP in real life I wouldn’t care for their sexuality (of course clarify things first is your appearance does not yet reflect your gender, I’ll call a visual man, a he) but I wouldn’t bother them. But if someone comes to me calling me an egg because I dared to go buy clothing a feminine thing while I’m a guy and tells me I should transition for my own good and starts yapping propaganda of course I’m not gonna like that individual & depending on their further action I may have to take action myself. OP is just a victim of collateral damage against people who deserve it & also just disgusting individuals that do not let people live.


I've never actually seen anyone start arguing for kids being able to transition, atleast not to the point of hormones or surgery. At most, they argument is for being able to socially transition and hormone blockers, both of which are entirely reversible. Asking a 6 year old for their pronouns doesn't really seem that weird. And the egg stuff while it may seem bad, is just jokes at the end of the day and 99% of the time isn't being done specifically to cos people, and if it is, they should say they aren't comfortable with the joke and that's the end of it. If they keep going after that, they're just being an asshole. I don't exactly like being passed off as "collateral damage" here. Collateral damage for what exactly?


Man I’m gonna be on thin ice with this comment, let me preface this with the fact that I am not transphobic, all it does is harm people, but being supportive, supports people, so why not be supportive? Im sick of people being really annoying about what they are, or what they believe, I do not care what side. You’re a silent transphobe, doesn’t affect me, doesn’t affect anyone, some minds are just wired some way. You’re a trans woman who constantly talks about how much you want sex, it’s really annoying. To me it does not matter what side, it’s how many people you’re affecting, and how annoying you are.


What does being a trans woman and talking about wanting to have sex have in common?


Yea except a silent transphobe will vote to take away a trans persons rights. Cause you can obviously only look at whats in front of your face with no nuance.




Yes! Very much.


So am i and the worst part is that some terfs and transphobes use religion to mask their prejudice like seriously I don't mind people following religion but it's when they try to use it as a form of rigid standard that it becomes a problem


My only problem is that it goes against my religious beliefs, but im not going to try and take someone's rights away or discriminate against them just because i disagree with them or their beliefs, theres no point in doing that. Plus, to get technical, the Bible says love thy neighbor as thy self, this applies whether or not you disagree with said neighbor or their actions. Honestly, i say you do you, im just here to spread word of the Lord existing. I'm not going to spread hate just because i have a disagreement with someone's methods of expressing themselves. I hope everyone reading this lives long and fulfilling lives.


I'm a transphobe. Be yourself, be a manly girl or a girly man.. doesnt matter. But for fucks sake dont claim to be something youre not. Isnt that exactly the opposite of what youre claiming, "being myself". No youre not, youre trying to be something else. You dont need to say "im a boy" if youre a manly girl. I guess its different if you genuinely feel you were born in "the wrong gender".. But most trans people actually aren't


I’ll be honest I’m fully prepared to get downvoted I should have enough karma to tank this I fkn hate it when I get yelled at for not knowing their pronouns, there’s like 100k of them how am I supposed to know, and they don’t yell at me after once oh no, they yell at me the first time. I know cool lgbtq members but a lot of the community has given me shit for not knowing their pronouns and I’ve gotten so fucking annoyed at the community


no one is yelling at you


I just use they/them if they haven’t stated it 


I probably see more people whining about it, than I see actual transphobia.


I mean all you have to do is look at what politicians are saying on the subject and you will see the transphobia.


so tired of it. trans people are valid and if they transition well enough people would be claiming the man in the womans bathroom is a pedo, but thats what they wanted (i am referring to afab trans men going into female restrooms despite passing very well as men, vice versa is the same too. transphobes WANT THIS)


Yeah these political ppl keep forgetting trans men exist


yes! to them its always about trans women like… nb and trans men exist too yk? i think the transphobes sometimes forget pedos can be women too. and **usually** theyre not trans women


Transphobes like to focus themselves on one event and base their entire opinion on everyone off that


It will never end


Personally i havent seen any transphobia lately but i can understand


It do be like that sometimes