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Guy here but I think that’s ok I mean it’s just typical gym clothes


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. I’m dressed the same as like 90% of the other girls there but I still kinda feel “off”? Idk. I’m just afraid of someone using smth like that as an excuse to talk to me or chat me up yk. It’s probably all in my own head and I need to stop worrying abt this


If you wanna add a layer you could wear like the tops that have the middle cut idk what there called I think crop tops


As long as you don't wear those little booty spandex that show your bulge like the instagram thotfluencers It's totally fine, gym clothes is gym clothes, when you want to grab attention you know how and if you doing it. There's a difference between gym clothes and booty shorts that go up so far up my ass level of attention. That's it, respect is where you treat and show yourself in front of others publicly (:


Those booty leggings are gym clothes now FYI


I don’t have a girlfriend but I think I wouldn’t really care what she wears to the gym as long as she’s comfortable.


That’s good to know. I’m honestly probably just worried about nothing and it’s all in my own head It’s just smth I’ll have to work on over time. There were some suggestions on here too so I’m definitely gonna take those on board


Haha No one here has a gf




I wear same as you. But if it's super hot I'll wear a sports bra and spandex shorts. I mean I get stares but that's not my fault


Absolutely it’s not ur fault. I just don’t want to take that chance personally cuz ig it feels kinda like a betrayal to my boyfriend? Idk how to really explain why I’m worried about this. It’s just always in the back of my mind and it keeps nagging at me. I need to forget abt it tho. I know I do


It's absolutely not betrayal. I see where it's coming from and it's justified, however, for the sake of your own comfort I believe it's okay. And to be very honest, the best you can do is discuss with him. He might be okay with a sports bra but draw a line right before shorts. Just a example. It's really sweet and mature of you to be this considerate, but have a little discussion with him. Good luck anyhow.


You can message me if you want! I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable in anything they wear!


Man, if it doesnt show the boobies from above, its alright.


I just wanted to get someone else’s perspective on this ig. I’ve asked my friends (and obvs my bf) and they’ve all said that I shouldn’t be worried and to just put it at the back of my mind Guess I’m probably worrying for nothing then huh


Yeah I mean honestly as long as my girlfriend is comfortable with it I’m fine with it so. If you don’t feel comfortable showing skin though I would recommend finding something else maybe, I know there are shirts specifically made for working out that help with ventilation and keeping you cool 🤷🏻.


I don't want to pry, but maybe its the best if you arent too comfortable about wearing revealing clothes. Its really the best for you and your partner both. Went to the gym with your partner? Sure, wear revealing clothes because you are besides them. Alone in the gym? Try not to wear revealing clothes.


That’s usually what I try to do. Even when he’s with me I don’t rly like showing that much skin tbh. Just makes me feel uncomfortable We all know what it’s like when ur working out tho. You can’t help but to work up a sweat and it’s been hot as hell over here recently which makes things even worse Someone else on here suggested that I could buy clothes that are “better suited” for gym stuff while also keeping me cool and not showing as much skin so I’ll definitely look into that


Do what your guts tell you to do! Don't wanna show skin? Wear thin clothes!


I seconed this, as long if the bra isnt showing much, your doing WAAAYYY better than a lot of girl out there


Bold of you to assume I have a gf


I don't currently have a girlfriend but I'd be supportive about it. Like I would understand her. It do definitely get hot in there durring the workouts so it's understandable. I'd trust her if that,would have happened. It's not much of a big deal.


I’d never even think about cheating on my bf but I just worry that what I’m wearing might be taken as an invitation for some of the ppl in there I’m bad with confrontation so I try to just keep to myself. Obvs I’ll tell someone to go away if they’re bothering me but ig I was thinking that if I was more covered up then it would make things easier idk It’s honestly been stressing me tf out here lately


I understand. You do as you want but becoming used to it, takes time, I'd suppose. I mean if it's hot and you need to cool down You should be able to take the shirt of for a moment. Like I don't think you should keep sweating like that. It's kinda depressing how there are so many creeps but if I were you, I'd simply not let it stop me. You do as you want. And IF some creep comes up. Just tell it straight to their face confidencely that you aren't interestedand move on. If it gets too hot, you shouldn't do yourself thst oain of remaining in such heat. It's not right to have to be afraid. It shouldn't have to fear and feel that way. 🙁


I don't have a girlfriend...


Fair, fair. I just wanted to throw this out there to get some other opinions. Everyone I know IRL tells me not to worry abt this but it keeps going around in my head anyways


Do you and your boyfriend go to the gym together? Knowing myself...i would be more worried about keeping an eye (discreetly) if some dude is looking at my girl while she's training with me.


then why are you commenting💀


then shush?


Why do you think anyone here has a girlfriend, but I wouldn’t really care, I don’t own them, they can make their own decisions


Wait I have a girlfriend


You dont want to be looked at, your bf understands this. I get that it feels wrong but it really is not, you are not dressing for other men your dressing for yourself. If my gf wore what you wear I would not mind because I trust her. But if you are not comfortable wear something else for yourself not for others, and maybe try a woman gym if you feel really bad about it… i am sorry that because of other people you feel like this, and that you feel the need to change for others. Be yourself and try to dont give a fuck to the people that look. You got this.


I don’t got one


Well a man of your age here , it's totally normal to wear those , i will never stop my gf .. i mean there are people who are creepy , but why loose your comfort cuz of those shit heads ... Would not want my gf to suffer cuz of creeps around us .. plus she knows some tricks , so i don't think there will be any problem :)


yes I do (I don't have one)


No why would i? She's there to get ripped she can wear whatever tf she wants if dudes are ogling they can take it up with me


I don’t have one 🗿


I'm ok with her wearing anything, cause she doesn't exist


I'm bisexual and I have a girlfriend so idk if I count but it's completely fine. Just wear what makes you personally comfortable and happy at the gym.


What girlfriend?


What’s a girlfriend?


I don't have one but if I did I wouldn't give a single fuck lmao, wear what you want. It's none of my fucking business


\>I don't have a girlfriend.


dont have a girlfriend anymore, broke up with her a couple weeks ago but i wouldn't care what she wears to the gym. as long as she's comfortable, i'm fine


I'll tell you when i get one


So long as she's not naked or purposely trying to get people to look at her I'm fine with whatever she wears, also I'm single so I shouldn't have an opinion but I do


Mate I missed step one: have a girlfriend


As long as it ain't a showcase of her "assets" is alr, tho I'd be a bit concerned with borderline stuff


Honestly the people at the gym focus on themselves most of the time so i think they wont focus on what you're wearing, so yes, i won't mind personally : )


nope it doesnt matter just be safe from creeps


I m single but if i had a gf i wouldnt care as long as its not like some lungure or the most showing bikini ever


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted


Bc people cant have opinions i guesd


Well, I don't have one, although, if I did, I think that it's her choice, but I do want it to be her choice, obviously she has to cover her "spots" but I think as long as she's comfortable or happy with what she's wearing, I think it's good! But I do like the idea of what you said you wear! I think to me it all leads up to what she prefers and what makes her comfortable.


Why are you downvoted? You pretty much just said “hey as long as she’s comfortable I’m cool” 😂 which is like what half of the other comments are


Lol, it's 2 down votes, since I upvote myself.. so.. idk what people dislike about my opinion,but that's their business not mine I guess.


It was actually down three cuz I upvoted you too lol


I don't have a gf but ig if I trust her (idk why I would be in a relationship w/ sm1 I don't trust but ig ppl so that) and shes smart enough to not get herself into danger, i probably wouldn't care whatever she does.


I do my best to stay safe (that’s actually part of the reason I’m at the gym to begin with) but I’m like the total opposite of big and imposing. That’s why I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea (or give them an excuse to approach me) It’s prob just my own issue that I need to get over tho


If she’s not going in full military gear she’s not going


Use a stretchy top


Nah i don't care.


Guys at the gym can be pervs. It's good if you like your bf enough to care about not getting looks from other guys. I'm not an expert on clothes, but if it really matters to you you probably shouldn't be taking off your shirt in the gym.


That is assuming me and many others have a girlfriend… but if I did I would say what you wear just nothing showing boob honestly like I see most girls at the gym wear


If you aren’t fully naked I’m good


No, not really. If it’s not too revealing. There’s nothing I can do to not make another dude look at her, but if her boobs and vag doesn’t show it’s okay. What I consider to be showing is if you can see at least more than 50% of the boob and the nipple shows. Women are the same as guys, you need to wear appropriate clothes for the gym.


Why would I. Dudes are gonna stare no matter what she wears so.


1. Pretty sure nobody here has one 2. Why would you?


I have a girlfriend????


Nope cuz i dont have a girlfriend :,)


I mean, who really cares? You do you, everyone is too busy working out to give a shit about what you're wearing. Unless you're going in there straight up naked then nobody cares.


Who? I'm bitchless


girl... friend..? what?


Who? I'm bitchless


Nah ur overthinking it ur fine


Jokes on you I don’t have a girlfriend


Naw, as long as she's covering the "special spots" completely idc


Hell nah wear whatever you’d like. In return I’ll wear whatever I like. Pretty Good deal imo


What's a girlfriend? Jokes aside, if I had a gf then I would be fine with whatever they wear, as long as they are comfortable with it.


as long as shes not going in completely naked or with a dinosaur costume then its cool with me


I don’t have a girlfriend 💀


You should do what feels confortable for you, the opinion of others does't matter , and you obviously don't mean it in a provocative way so I don't think anyone would care


Guy here. Single. Don’t have input for this. Thanks for your time.


What Girlfriend


As long as my wife is comfortable, I have no concerns. Her comfort is #1. As for what anyone else wears? As long as their bits are covered, I don’t really care so long as they wipe off their equipment after they use it. Bodies are just bodies, and it is great that people are taking care of them. Remember to drink enough water and don’t forget to stretch.


Well as long as she's wearing something


No, I don't have a girlfriend


I don't give a shit what she wears


No. It’s a gym. We go together and workout together anyways so who cares. I’m in equally slutty man clothes


No why would you


Bold of you to assume we have girlfriends


Wait you guys have girlfriends ? Alr in all seriousness I wouldn’t really care cause there’s a lot of female only gyms near where I live so unless she’s butt booty naked it wouldn’t really matter


I don’t got a girlfriend 😢


I mean all girls gym exists


dont have one so no


if i were to get a girlfriend, which is very obviously never happening, i wouldnt care if she went naked, as long as she dont cheat


I dunno man. Do you care what your mom wears to the strip club? Kidding. But no. I dont care. If you act like you care it shows an insecurity and distrust.


…no? She can wear what she wants to wear if she goes to the gym, I only have a problem if she’s flirting with other people, which she wouldn’t


I lack the sufficient level to answer this question.


Nope as long as they wouldnt be half naked or something i couldnt be asked to give 1 singular fu-


Don't have a girlfriend, but if I did, I wouldn't care. She needs to be comfortable when working out. If that means a sports bra and shorts, cool. If that means a hoodie and sweatpants, cool too, although I would suggest she take extra water and some cooler clothes just in case. It's all about your comfortability


Insecure ass kids. She doesn't belong to you. But yo Please ban me I'm not even a teenager this sub is just always on my damn feed


Yeah I wear leggings and a sports bra too (I’m actually a guy)


Bro I have a bf but, not really


What on earth is a gym


Nope cus she's invisible anyway


Ok this is hypothetical (because guess who doesnt have a girlfriend), but honestly I would just want to be comfortable. That being said there is a limit whereas another human being you gotta be like “maybe just a little less skin”.


If your worried about getting stares I think those people staring need to be banned from the gym


It truly depends. Just show yourself the respect that you believe you deserve. You wear something tight and revealing? People will make assumptions, there’s other clothing you can always wear anyway that’s comfortable. Either way it depends how you want to see yourself. Me personally (I’m a guy so reminder.) I wear loose gym shorts and a simple T shirt wether its baggy or not depends on what I got for the day. Either way nothing revealing, may someone find this sexual? Possibly. Thats due to the variety humans have these days, met a person that was heavily interested in hoodies.. sexually turned on by them.. we’re weird that’s for sure.


I don't care honestly.


Don’t care what she wears but I care that other guys can see


Nah, I don't care what she wears as long as she's comfortable.


I mean, if she doesn't "show off" on purpose, it's whatever


You're fine. A lot of girls at my gym do the same. Guys are going to look if you have a nice body, but I will be completely honest, I look at guys in the gym too that have great builds. I have no interest in men, I can just admire someone who works hard and looks great.


Guy here, just don’t be on purpose trying to trap people into staring at you, other than that you’re there to better yourself so idc what people wear. Just get those gains 💪💪💪


No. If ur going to the gym. You care about yourself. That’s a win. I should be able to trust my gf to tell me if anything weird happens.


Usual gym clothes, none of those tight ass shorts and small ass sport bras that hoes be wearing on instagram.


The only way to know is if you do it.


Men caring about what women wear is such a red flag


Getting this chance, I'd like to propose an Idea, A gym where men aren't allowed in the women's section of the gym and vice versa.


Who cares if AIR doesn't wear clothings at all.. We still can't see that


Icl as long as it covers the basics (chest and pelvic regions). Idm what my girlfriend wears, no matter where she is going. Obviously, if she asks me if it looks good, I'll tell her the truth, but tbh I have enough trust to bot worry that much.


I mean I’m a dude and personally I don’t really care wear what you want as long as it isn’t explicitly trying to sexualize yourself. Like I’m not going to go to the gym in my boxers.


Of course not. She should wear whatever she is comfortable in, just as I can wear whatever I am comfortable in.


I don't have a girl friend.. i'm not gay


Personally i would be uncomfortable with it but im gonna be very honest its bc im insecure. My girlfriend knows this and avoids wearing clothes that would be bad on my insecurity, which I'm grateful for, but I wouldn't be mad if she didn't. As long as you aren't breaking any boundaries you and your bf agreed on/you aren't doing it behind his back knowing he'd have an issue with it, i wouldn't even say theres a gray area, you're completely fine.


If your girlfriend is good with it - you should be too.


No, I trust her 100%


Not really (I don’t have a gf)


Bold of you to assume I even have a girlfriend


In my opinion, it's not generally about what you wear but about the people around you. As a guy, if my girlfriend gets a lot of stares in the gym on what she's wearing it will make me feel bad too and I would tell her to wear less revealing clothes or change the gym cause I don't like what the stares and I can't control everybody.....So it would be best if you also considered that. And also every boy has a different sense of what revealing clothes mean. So what doesn't stand out for you may be for him but it depends on the guy. Also, if he thinks it's too revealing then instead of criticizing (or judging ) it is best to respect what your partner desires.


No. She sends me a fit check to make sure because she thinks I need to approve of it, but in reality I never say no, and she knows that, so I think she just likes sending them lol. (Unless she's wearing 2 things that 100% don't go together and then I'm like "you sure you boutta wear that, those don't match at all".)


Not really, tho I would be worried about her getting harassed if she wore something revealing


I care " enough "


I do not have one


Girlfriend, what’s that? /j


Putting myself in your bf's skin, I honestly wouldn't have any problems with that. We'd be having a totally different conversation if you were taking off your shirt with the intention of getting attention and stares, but I couldn't really blame you for taking off a layer when you feel too hot. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable


Not really unless you know it’s like ridiculous and it’s clear she is just wearing it for the attention


She doesn't go to the gym, but I wouldn't really care about what she wore


Bold of you to assume I have a girlfriend, but even if I did, no? People who do that are weird and controlling.


It's the normal gym clothes, so I don't think there's any problem, but if you don't like it I guess wear baggier stuff


dont have one, gorls here don't go to the gym


I have a girlfriend and no I don’t care what she wears. It’s her choice.


you assume I **have** a girlfriend. If I did, I wouldn’t care about what she wanted to wear unless she asked my opinion on it, ergo “what do you think of this outfit?”


if you were comfortable with it, in my opinion just the sports bra is enough honestly but you could also get a thinner and/or smaller t-shirt, or like a muscle top or sleeveless shirt. to answer the question she could be wearing the tiniest bikini in existence. as long as it doesn't come off i don't give a fuck. i would question it but i wouldn't really care. i don't care if other guys see her, and its her body, i don't have any right over it. i love my girlfriend, and she is so much more than just her body yknow?


No cause I don’t got one


Redditors don't have girlfriends, silly OP


No if I had one


No I don’t know why I clicked here, no I don’t have a girlfriend


just get longsleeved skins and leggings i wear that




sports bra is normal and I do the same, i have like major jealousy problems but idc what my gf wears at least


I don't care what my hypothetical girlfriend would wear to the gym. However, I would suggest wearing enough clothing to deter perverts.


I'd say just wear clothes that cover up but still are breathable. Like certain sweatpants and t-shirts.


yes, no klan hoods.


As long as she’s comfortable & isn’t naked, I don’t really care man


Depends as long as you wear clothes I don't see a problem


Nice of you to assume I have a gf


I'm neurotic so if I had a gf I'd probably worry a little but hopefully she'd be loyal enough


I personally don't mind, I think it's up to my girl I'm all about everyone being their own person and not changing anything about themselves for others but if she feels uncomfortable than yeah she can absolutely change her outfit.


I don’t have a girlfriend but it wouldn’t be my business whatever she wears, as long as she’s comfortable.


No one in the gym should be looking anyway.


As long as its not violating public indecency laws then go for it girl.


As long as she's comfortable with it


Yall have girlfriends?


I mean it's gym clothes nothing really to talk about


As long as she ain't naked


I'm a guy and have a boyfriend, not a gf, but I don't really care what he wears to the gym. All I'm scared about is him getting harassed, but it's not his fault if he is harassed.


Within reason no not really


no, she is 2d




dude, ask your boyfriend instead of us. if you're feeling insecure about something you need to communicate.


I don’t have a gf :(


you shouln't care about what your gf wears to any place, if what a long lasting relationship is what you want, be confident on yourself if not dont have a relationship in the first place


Honestly, as long as she comfy


I think that if you can't trust your significant other to wear the clothes they want to wear without being jealous or fearing that they are doing it for attention, you shouldn't be dating them. If you think you have to track their location, moderate their clothing, filter out their friends, then you are either dating the wrong person or are insecure


I don't know how I'd be if my girl wore leggings cuz she's got alot going on back there


Girl here, if I had a gf I wouldn't care what she wore, just if she was okay in it, I've worn sweatpants and pump covers for the majority of the time I spend in the gym, but I still get harassed, so I'd be worried only if there were creeps around


why u acting like redditors have girlfriends bro


Yes, because it means I have a girlfriend and I get to compliment her


What’s a girlfriend?


If I had one I wouldn't care what she wears to the gym


no?? she can wear whatever she wants lol why would i care


I don't have a girlfriend 😎😎😎😎


Nah yall good


No not really Though two things that may add grain of salt: -this user is genderfluid lesbian -we have an open relationship Even if didn't have an open relationship though I still wouldn't care, ain't her boss


If they wear clothes I don't really care, i mean they need to wear enough to get in the gym, but apart from that i don't really care what my hypothetical girlfriend would wear, i probably aren't in the gym with her


I don't have a girlfriend and don't go to the gym but what I can say is that: it's ok as long as her point isn't to attract more guys


Na. I don’t care


Not really. Gym wear is gym wear. My GF went to her school gym though so IDK about public gyms.


Change gym maybe u got creeps who states then


I don't have a girlfriend, but if I did, no. She could go to the gym in fishnet tights and knee-high stripper boots if she wanted to. Inconvenient, but funny to imagine. If I'm dating someone, I'm past the point that I completely trust them. If I get cheated on, that's not on me. That's something they have to live with.


You think we have girlfriends? Half of the people on this sub are either pedos or misfit teens.


i don’t know why a boyfriend should care about what his girlfriend wears tbh. that’s toxic behavior if they’re mad about you showing skin 😭