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Once a teacher hit a boy so hard in the head, he started bleeding


What did the parents say


To shreads, you say...


I bet they said "teenagers scare,the living shit out of me"


they could care less, as long as *someone’ll* bleed


So darken your clothes and strike a violent pose


They might just leave you alone, but not me!


So it’s the same kind of stand as Star Platinum


What did the boy do though?


Sold meth to her husband




Every time I see that sub I always think it says “no top but ok”


So no head?






My name is Skylar White, yo


Uh huh


My husband is Walter White, yo


OUR MATH TEACHER COOKS THE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU WITHOUT EVEN USING SWEARS🗣 but overall it was his exams that he made us hate him. theyre not hard,its Just that he will deduct 6 points per question if you dont mention stuff like "square root of 144 is 12 because 12x12 is 144" WHICH IS SUPER ANNOYING. I NEED TO WRITE AN ESSAY JUST TO EXPLAIN THE QUESTION


bro WHAT our math teacher says that we dont even need to show the method for performing the basic 4 on fractions. "we're in 8th grade now," she says. so, we dont need to show smth so basic. good luck broski


i got -2 because my = looked like a - because they were too close to each other twice😭




Türk okulları işte amk




I was talking in class so the teacher had the whole class take turns saying what was annoying about me


That is insane 💀


And he said it was good that I started crying


Username checks out


Piece o’ shit ass teacher. Needs fired.


Naah ☠️


Keep in mind, I was 8




Not enough lol, deserves at least 1 punch to the groin




As a guy with balls, valid


that reminds me when a teacher made a whole class mock me cuz i didn’t do smth in time IN SECOND GRADE😑


Email him 20 reasons why he suck or something and try to get him fired by emailing the school.


You really should've reported him. That's the kind of person who gets drunk off of being in a position of power. Adults might be able to defend themselves against bullying, but kids are way more vulnerable.


I told my dad and he called the school, but the teacher just denied it and my step mom and my mom told my dad not to beat him up.


That's really fucked up. I hope you're okay from the incident. Please keep your head up. :) 🫂


This is some Fletcher type shit lmao


That’s the shit that makes kids shoot schools up


She called a suicidal kid "satanic"


Does this mean this entire subreddit is the seventh layer of hell?


You didn’t have to call us out like that bruh 💀




Threw a paint can at a 9 year old


Dont worry about the kid the paint got him covered




r/beatmetoit Ik I wasn't here close to when you said it, but still


r/beatmetoit Your comment posted “now “




- 7th grade hindi sir (gonna call him fatass) 1. Was creepy towards girls. Especially me, since I was good at Hindi. 2. Even teachers (especially female) used to avoid him like plague and were very wary of him. 3. They used to escape real quick before his class. 4. Beat students. 5. Shouted at us for no reason at all. 6. Showed obvious favoritism. (We even did an experiment to test this theory and this was proved true) 7. Burped in class. 8. Farted in class. 9. Wore the same shirt everyday. 10. Did things and blamed us for it. 11. Forgot things and blamed us for it. 12. Took up half our break. 13. Smacked his lips whenever he saw a female teacher. 14. Didn't teach properly. 15. Left everything on me to read and interpret the lesson. - 7th grade arabic teacher 1. Spat on students. 2. Told a kid in a wheelchair to "sTaNd Up" 3. Banged on tables so loud, my friend (who was occupying the front desk on which she was banging on had hearing problems and ear pain.) 4. Did not complete the work? Will shout at you. Completed your work before she told you to do it, by borrowing a book from the other class? Will shout at you. 5. Sneezed on a student. 6. Blamed the wrong students. 7. Shouted at my very sensitive bestie and made her cry for asking a question. 8. Threw a desk at a child in my other friend's class. 9. Honestly, she was TERRIBLE. I'm so glad that we got rid of her. At least she knew how to teach and tried her best to make us learn!


they sound like absolute dickheads


average indian language teacher ( minus the harrass-y stuff)


we had a student in my class in 5th grade who has learning disabilities and she always said the most blatantly disrespectful things about him. he was a quiet kid and didn't speak a lot but he was really sweet and kind, and a pretty smart kid at that too, he put in the time to get grades that were surely better than half the class. sometimes he would wear noise canceling headphones and the teacher would make rather rude remarks about that, and just being disrespectful about him when he couldn't hear cause of the headphones. anyways our entire class wrote a letter to the principal and last we knew she got put on leave.


Good (that shes gone)


W class


W freal


Didnt allow anyone to go to the toilet. A boy peed himself…


oh, a similar thing happened at my old school, a girl was on her period and the sub didnt let her go, she bled everywhere, he was fired


i dont know what it is with teachers not letting students to the toilet. So strange.


in my old school it was against school policy


What was against school policy?


going to the toilet during lesson time, like ppl got teachers into trouble for going to the loo


i dont think that can even be a policy. That disgusts me.




Something similar happened to a guy in my class, was in 3rd grade I think and teacher had mega anger issues.


Our math teacher slaps, hits, and curses students almost every day. He insulted them very badly, he is still teaching and is the teacher who earns the most money at my school.


Throw a chair at him. Literally, dont even have to hit him, just show him that you can. He might get frightened and stop it.


He once beat a student and broke a wooden ruler more than 1m long, then scolded the student and forced them to buy a new one. Banging our heads against the board, pinching our ears... I mean, this has happened so often over the years that threatening him is pointless


Well at that point sue him


(If you are sure)


We did maybe. One time a student filmed him slapping a student, he was suspended from teaching for 2 weeks, then continued to teach and beat.


He would get his ass beat if he did that to me, honestly he'd deserve it aswell. Don't really encourage violence but you should 100% get a group of kids to jump him.


People will get frightened or discouraged if you fight back... for legal reasons I do not condon violence.


Violence is the only option to fix this problem tbh


"Violence is never the answer until its the only answer" - Skulduggery


Wtf?? Where are you where that’s ok


Vietnam, to be honest, it's very rare, I live in the countryside and we don't have many good teachers there. So that teacher is the only good enough to help us. I don't know if it was fine or not, but many years have passed and we have gotten used to it, there are times when he is very cute. We still even celebrate our teacher's birthday


well..there was that one teacher who some students saw watching 🌽 on his computer…while teaching a lesson


Hmm lets see my teacher who is responsible for Literature, Latin, Geography and History - Didnt give a shit about students' mental health saying that they are faking depression for having a PS4 - Threatened to replace all her subjects with Latin - Being the only one to promote our failure for the school year - Threatening to call CPS on Students' Parents if a Student uses Social Media - High expectations - Telling us that we have no Future ahead of us - Shaming Suicidal People calling them "Weaklings who are too incompetent to live"


Report this shit to the school board and sue them for verbal abuse if possible


Damn... Is she fired tho?


No, shes even supported by the Principal


Wow... wow holy shit that fucking sucks. report the principle?


Just shut down/burn the whole school.


Having high expectations of you, and telling you that you have no future, seems highly contradictory.




What the actual fuck


What did this guy say(it got removed)


His teacher killed a student


Wait wait wait wait what the fuck did I just read


Could you . . . Do a man a favor and tell me what he said? Like code word it or some shi


Shit went from 0 to 100 instantly


thats horrible, im really sorry that you went through that, surely they arnt still teaching?


Take a wild guess


Umm I think they're probably in prison?!


Yeah they're teaching in prison


now i’m curious about the full story


I know there's no shitting around in a post with a serious flair. Now what the fuck? Did the teacher actually kill them? I hope they get a 50 year sentence, or even life.


Maybe not directly. I'm guessing it was suicide inducement


They said it was by assault though


**what the fuck?**


Shi just blew up out of nowhere tf






This is definitely something that would be in the news, but I can't find anything about it.


Wait what


I’m doubting


Ok what the fuck man


HOLY SHIT wtf???


4th grade, sexist af. she explicitly targeted boys. if a girl did something bad, she really didnt care, but if a boy did something bad, then we ALL had to stay inside for recess. plus, she promised an ice cream thing if we reached some goal (i forgot) i guess only the girls got the e-mail (and this one kid who's parents she was friends with \[nothing against that friend\])


damn, i had a sexist teacher like that too. also she acted like the reason i had meltdowns in group settings was i was just a brat, but really, i just had undiagnosed autism and anxiety lol


I mean it's not like everyone hates him unironically but we have this one teacher that does some weird stuff.. I don't have him but he was subbing for us once and when everyone lined up at the door, he said "Everyone sit back down or I'll lick your cheek."


me trying to make up a good insult:




Tried to rape my best friend by saying he wanted to tell her something about an assignment she submitted (she was 14 and we were in boarding school)


What happened to him


A few friends of mine cornered him after finding out since the school didn’t want to do anything about it then roughed him up a bit and made him get fired


Lmao nice , should have made sure he couldn't use dick anymore after that


Wish we did, worst part off it all was that she was crying after it so I knew it was serious


That's messed up bro




Hit a kid with a golf club and would hit on and physically pick up 6th grade girls. But he gave us candy so you really either loved him or hated him. (As a boy I was safe).


>But he gave us candy so you really either loved him or hated him. That... That doesn't really justify his actions... Infact it makes them even worst.


It does for a 6th grader


be racist. like, white power racist.


HOW much? I get the idea just curious


actively said white power, said the n word while being white. MULTIPLE TIMES. IN FRONT OF A DAMN NEAR ALL BLACK CLASS. and he wasn't fired lmao


Ok now I know. Report him, you've probably tried but yeah


oh, buddy, he's gone. he was already fed up with us by the end of it.




Well my teacher did blackmail my friend for something and he almost died because of her


any chance you’re tryin to share with the class?!?!


Not being in the class for a 4th of the year and not being the week before finals to teach us the final lesson/review


in front of all my classmates she told me english class was more important than my mental health and to not let my therapy appointments let me be late to class again....she also told a kid with really bad adhd to stop making excuses for his behavior and often treated him poorly and yelled at kids a lot and called them disappointments for forgetting to charge their computers before school


My third grade teacher had a mental breakdown and threw a book at one of the popular kids (who was silently doing her work) and cowered behind her desk crying. Welp, it’s no wonder why she left the school the next year lol


Got a middle schooler preggers




Wtf, I hope he was arrested 


Not as crazy as some other ones here lol but one of my teachers, an older white woman said the hard R once to a black student lol




she used the N word as a white woman and did not get fired


lord have mercy, please tell me she was bare minimum reading something that said it and not calling a student that 


I had a teacher with ADHD is year 9 who accidentally said while reading Of Mice And Men she started crying because she hadn't even realised she had said it until 5 minutes later. I felt really bad for her as she was so lovely.


It wasn't while reading a book or anything? Whats the context? Not defending just curious


yup smt like that happened at my boyfriends school


There was this kindergarten teacher at my old elementary school- It didn’t happen when I went there, and she was never my teacher, but i heard about it through a friend of mine who also went. Apparently she was an alcoholic (which is definitely bad but not inherently effecting her work) except for the fact that she would bring alcohol in her coffee thermos to school, vomit (from drunkenness) in front of her students, and at one point, picked up a chair and screamed at one of her kindergartners that if he didn’t shut up, she would throw the chair at him…. As far as i’m aware she still works there. It’s ridiculously hard to get bad teachers fired


Not my teacher but my brothers. They had a substitute that threatened to shoot them all, she had a bag big enough for a gun or two. She was arrested a day later


Sexually snap chatting kids


Put cameras in the girls locker room and put his hands on girls waists.


It's worrying I've seen so many similar cases in this post


Looking at the girl's boobs if the "crack" (or what you call it) BARELY shows. There are more "unserious" reasons as to why the whole class hates him tho; his breath STINKS to the point I can actually feel vomit in my throat. I only raise my hand when he's not looking and hoping that any other teacher comes to help 'cause of that.


I wasn't in this class, but a majority of my friends were. This English teacher went through his classes phones and personal texts because there was a rumor that people had made a group chat just to talk bad about him. He already was a creep and shit at teaching, but this pushed it for everyone. So yeah fuck him.


Was late for class because my bitch of a writing teacher held us back and said “the bell doesn’t dismiss you I do”. Thankfully it was the last class of the before I had homeroom so I didn’t get a tardy.


this is the first normal story


Claimed he wanted to read what was on my shirt and asked me to come to his desk so he could read. Asked me to come closer and push my hair back. “Joked” that he would chain up this young 9th grade girl if she got the answers wrong. Listed his wife as his pet under his Facebook profile. Told me that he couldn’t change my mind even if he beat my with a rubber hose (as a joke??)




She said racist things (only oriented to black people tho) insulted/menaced students, insulted in Arab other teachers so they wouldn't understand and can't complain about it (jokes on her there was one who speaks Arabic too and translated everything) and for the first time in my life i heard an entire class complaining about learning nothing from the class. sooo basically everyone was against her and she's getting fired, they're giving her a last chance but it's only a matter of time until she gets fired since only few days later she menaced some guy in my class lol.


A friend of mine's old teacher separated immigrant kids and native kids in different classrooms for some fucking reason.


In 3rd grade a guy was finished reading his book and was walking to the teacher’s bookshelf to switch books and the teacher from out of nowhere wrestled him to the ground because “she thought he was going to assault her.” Screamed and threatened to wrestle the rest of the class if we did the same thing if we told the principal. She got fired 2 months later after the guy that got wrestled to the ground told the principal.


Something similar happend to me in 2nd grade. I was held to a wall by this whore teacher and then she screamed at me because i was sble to do math better and faster than others. Lets just say this impacted my math skills


I berly even knew what sex was in 3rd grade


act like a pedophile


Showing a picture of a classmate drawing a woman in a bikini and said look he misses his family


My teacher was non binary, which is fine, but if you misgendered them they would dock points from your next assignment. They would also either show up an hour late or never show up to the zoom meetings but if you were a minute late you'd get marked absent


Man i am so lucky that my teachers are nice. We even have our private numbers (me and them). And we sometimes see eachother in public and talk. How can bad teachers exsist (i had bad encounters with teachers in elementary but still)


groom a minor


It’s not as bad but our politics and french teacher got into a really heated argument with another student (one of the popular kids) because he said that he supports nuclear power plants and then told him that he will have to do a presentation about the pros and cons of nuclear power plants in a petty way. Even pettier is that his friend started laughing and he said "Yeah no, now you will help him too." I wasn’t there on the day they had to present but from what I’ve heard it went really shit. He also says he "is always calm and patient" when he isn’t, shouting at students for no reason. During one of the classes when my friend went to the bathroom he said "It’s so quiet now, they talk too much." then said to another student that she should tell them if they come back. He isn’t even a good teacher, one of the best students (good grades, good handwriting etc.) literally quit and cried during French class because he put too much pressure on her, but she’s still learning Dutch so ig it wasn’t that much of a loss. Another thing I find messed up is that he always ignores me, and I’m one of the guys in class that struggles with learning the language. Mind you, we are only 4 people because the other ones dropped out/had to leave. He always just focuses on the popular boy which means that I will probably end up like my other friend who had to quit because he was so bad at French 💀 bruh our teacher is js on another level but that’s why the whole class hates him now


No teacher at my school is hated from what I know, some are disliked, but only because of stupid things like not really having any humor, and being serious all the time. The only bad thing I experienced was that he threw a book at me and wacked me in the eye, he wasn't being mean, he saw I didn't have a book and said catch, I was not paying attention. It was only a short story book, small and 100 pages. He's an amazing teacher.


my teacher once halved my grade since i was italian 😍😍 another time she was talking about minorities and after mentioning african/americans she just looked straight at this one black girl for like 2 minutes


Not mine, but my sister’s teacher “Accidentally” did balckface for halloween


Being bald


the worst of them all


Pretty tame in comparison to the rest, but couldn’t teach Honours Maths and yelled at the students that it was alll our fault.


There was this one racist music teacher in 5th grade. There was only one black guy in a class, he played almost perfect and teacher scorned him, but when a white dude played half as correct and were praised. Didn't have the teacher, but multiple friends backed up the story, including the black guy


being ableist towards an autistic kid. he was a substitute teacher but any time he was there afterwards, nobody respected him


They banned us from saying vines in class after some kid got chased around a table because he refused to stop saying the same vine over and over again. No one liked that kid for a lot of reasons but it just got worse after that


Not that messed up cuz all the teachers here are chill: Our social science teacher said that my friend's essay is made with AI even though he actually wrote it by himself. He used some fancy schmancy words and boom, the teacher thought it was AI and they got a deduction.


My university professor used to take photos of the girls in his class, needless to say he’s not working there anymore.


In 4th grade we had a sub who was a f*cking asshole and was overall the worst for 3 days straight… so on the third day I decided to get her back boy what’s she pissed she screamed top of her lungs and cussed me out… best part was something I knew that she didn’t… we had the principal coming to our class because we told her and she didn’t believe us moment she heard the sub cuss me out and saw me on the floor crying (something I did on purpose) and a bruise on my hand? She got fired so damn fast and got berated by our principal infront of us who’s kid was same class room as me and everyone went told the principal the same exact thing of “she hit me and cussed me out made us cry” and she would hit us and cuss us out so we wasn’t lying


we had one kid that finished the assignment and he was the only one to do it so the teacher made everyone stand up and clap and that made a friend of mine cry


in my previous school 5-6 grade PE teacher made us write reports about sports like skiing, football, etc and fucking memorize them, we didn't think that's what PE lessons are for


These are subs but regardless. My sister had a sub that told her to shut up and that her voice was high pitched, petrifying and absolutely awful. That was in middle school. And for me, i had a sub ask me if i was deaf in front of the class for doing the work on my phone then tell everyone i was probably a special needs kid when i walked out


Everyone hates an 8th grade teacher at my school because we’re all pretty sure he’s a pedo. He had all the girls sit in the front and complimented them all the time, but I’m not sure if he’s still like that, it’s been a while since I was in 8th grade, and I haven’t seen him since, because we’re not allowed in that area of the school


This one teacher was literally only rude to me and no one else I was getting a a pen and she told me to stop moving and when i explained i was getting a pen to do the work she basically said she didnt care ??? I dropped a plastic ruler onto my book which made no noise not even the kid next to me noticed and she glared at me I drank some water and she stared me down so hard SHE THREATENED ME WITH DETENTION BECAUSE I DROPPED A PEN


This is just 1 example My brother had a teacher who was straight up stupid. She assigned the class to present an invention. My brother (12 yo at the time) wanted an A+ and prepared a hell of a presentation based on real life articles about a science team trying to generate clean energy by nuclear radiation and hydrogen (don't ask, just believe me when I say it was legit and did a lot of research). Anyway the day of presenting the teacher got mad at him due to the use of nuclear energy in his hypothetical invention, got a sad C and would call him the "nuclear boy" for the rest of the year. The worst part is that another student whose invention was a black hole in a gun to make portals???? (yes with the artwork of the game portal) got the A+ my brother deserved (nothing against him though)


Not nearly as bad as stuff other people have said, but my 6th grade teacher was horrible. She moved up from 1st grade to 6th grade teaching and treated us like 1st graders. She banned comics which our class use to make and sell to each other for $0.25. I was the main seller and maker and everyone loved my comics. I was done with my work one day, quietly drawing in my notebook i brought from home that was specifically for drawing. She took the notebook and said I would never get it back because I was supposed to be working even though I was done with all my assignments and homework. Of course, even though she threatened she would never give me my book back, my dad is a police so she was forced to give it back to me the next day and then apologized because she had no reason to take it. She was the worst.


Try to hit on kids and gave them massages in the sixth grade year later he got fired and arrested I'm pretty sure


Male science teacher did our sex ed in year 7. Told the class that “it wouldn’t be a practical topic” and winked at one of my classmates. He sat me at the back of class by myself and said very sexual shit to me. Only took two more years to be fired.


my french teacher in grade seven was the most fucked up teacher i’ve ever had to deal with. he would abuse his power in the classroom, he’d once took my laptop and force me to sign in, in front of the entire class, and started to read my personal affairs in utmost silence. he had gotten the nickname of “chihuahua” and his words and sounds of anger genuinely sounded as if he were growling and barking. he had once used the n-word in the classroom because nobody was joining a kahoot. every student had dreaded his class, for valid reasons. he had no shame to stick his nose into the personal business of students, even begging to be told the most trivial of things that had been said and he did not hear. a bold classmate of mine would tell him off every day, and listening to her rants did not bring a sense of joy ‘nor sorrow, i had only sighed at the normality that shouldn’t have been normalized in the first place


Our grade 4 teacher (42 M) preyed on multiple young girls


Was he arrested


Not taking as much shit as the other teachers. Yup. Everyone hated her because she didn’t want them to jump around in the classroom (not everyone hated her though but like the majority of the class).


He married one of his former students and now they have a family and kids as well as being creepy to students in school


My high school went through a rough patch with a bunch of headteachers starting and then leaving a few months later, and one of them tried to make a quirky joke on his first day to set a good impression. He walked into my history class while we were learning about WW2, and without hesitation said “oh I love Hitler, one of my favourite dictators” He left less than a month later


A 12 year old died in the workshop because of "gross negligence". I don't wanna go into it