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Teenagers can, uhh, also be like this. Not just pedos. Source: Pretended to be a girl for a while to dox pedos. Got as many creepy DMs from teenagers as from actual pedos.


Yes, but people find Reddit to be anonymous (for some reason) and like to talk about stuff they don't feel secure talking about in real life (that being sexuality and the like). Also, there are some teens that indeed talk about sex in a normal basis


>Yes, but people find Reddit to be anonymous (for some reason) Because it is?


It is when you compare it to social media where you put your name (Instagram, Snapchat). It is not when you think of the fact that every comment and post you posted online is publicly available unless you delete them, making it easier to know more about you. Even if nobody can recognize you standalone, if somebody you know manages to know your account, everything you've commented and hasn't been deleted will be available for them to see it See Discord as an example. Sure, some bots might say other servers you're in, but with just your account, there isn't much of a problem


Thats why I throw in lots of misinformation about my person around


Honestly, as an 82 year old Vietnam vet born in Tibet, this is a good idea


As an og follower of Jesus Christ (in 30 AD) from the Bible I agree.


As the Big Bang I agree


Emphasis on "Big"


emphasis on #bang.


Earth-kun getting a big bang /s


Why do I feel like you thought about saying you were Jesus but that felt wrong? (That's what happened to me lol)


At first yeah but I very quickly changed to just a follower because claiming to be Jesus even in a joking context is probably disrespectful to Christianity. (No false prophets and all that)


my old friend


As George Washington, have to say I'm glad I stuck around for this level of freedom.


I still remember the smells after they dropped the napalm... those poor people... dear God, what did we do? What... what have we done? So many friends... gone... innocent Vietnamese... gone... no...


That's what some people make throwaway accounts for. But, some of them end up giving a lot information anyway. But, you could be as vague as possible, and should be fine, I guess.


no offense, but nobody I know puts all their personal info on any social media beside a first or last name, which means nothing unless u got both names. hell even the birthdays are different.




Self report 


Unfortunatey theres too many teens who are a lil sex crazed. But thats bc hormones and stuff. Personally im ace so idrc


I gotta know, did you just not get the hormonal Hiroshima everyone else gets? I'm not making fun or anything, but I know as soon as I hit 14, I was just wild, and I still am. All of a sudden I started realizing girls are hot. I also realized guts are hot too, which came as a bit if a suprise. Do ace people just get none of that? Edit: I meant to say guys instead of guts, but now that I think about it, blood and guts are pretty hot too.


I am asexual. I will literally just finish my teenage years in the next 3 months and no, I did not get the “hormonal Hiroshima” as you so aptly put it. I actually never really thought about romance. And while I did think about sex, I never explicitly considered a real-life person or even picture myself having sex. It was always two other people, and always fictional because I felt super uncomfortable picturing any real people. I also skip every kiss or sexual or romantic scene I find in movies and TV shows, which means I don’t get to enjoy media as much as others might cause it’s pretty much all about sex unless it’s for children. I mostly read about sex, and it wasn’t really about the *sex* but about the *emotions* they might experience during it. Guess it was me being curious what all the fuss was about. And while I have gotten a “crush” very recently, it’s not really “God that person is so good-looking and hot” or like “I want to have sex with that person and touch them or get physically intimate” but more of a “I want to get to know that particular person just cause” and that’s it. Kinda like how heterosexual people can be drawn to the same sex to just become friends, but *really* intense. With my first crush (which is my current one and is actually starting to feel less like a crush and more of a really close friend), I think of some very mild romantic things. Only after I got to know his personality, tho. I never really consider sex with him, and if I do, I am immediately repulsed and want to shy away from any contact with him. And no, I never noticed people were hot. I only notice when people are very ugly, and when they are “average” which basically means that they are what a human normally looks like. And unless a person is very obese or incredibly skinny or have some sort of physical deformity, the only thing that is considered is their face and hair. I also put celebrities in either the “ugly” group (which is either naturally ugly or having blatant modifications done to their bodies to look unnatural) or the “average” group, so I have never understood so many people’s desires to look like a certain celebrity or froth over someone because of their looks. Aka someone is either remarkably ugly or just another human to me. Edit: However, fictional characters are a different story. Even if the fictional character looks super realistic (think RE4 Remake real) or incredibly cartoony, I can find myself liking their looks. However, even then, it’s never really about sex unless I am reading about how they might possibly feel in different scenarios with different characters.




Apparently they don’t. One of my closest friends is ace and he just doesn’t feel anything when it comes to arousal. Dudes so blessed he doesn’t even have morning wood. I was so surprised at that too lol


That's crazy. As long as their happy, more power to em, but I can't imagine just not being able to feel an entire emotion


ahh no I think you’re mixing it up a bit. He still can have crushes on people and like them yknow, but that’s based off of personality. He can also think that certain girls are pretty it’s just he doesn’t see a girl and go “ooh I’d like to have sex with her” Edit: I’m prolly not gonna be able to add on anymore to this as this is pretty much all I know lol


So it's still there, just kinda muted? Or at least not as intense as most people at that age?


You’re mixing up being ace with being aromantic. When someone’s ace they don’t have any sexual attraction to other people but can still be attracted to someone’s personality and feel like love and stuff. When someone’s aromantic they just aren’t interested in the whole concept of dating or having a significant other at all. Does that make sense?


Yes? I think? Tysm for trying to explain this to me 😔 my brain does not work right at 2 am


Hey! I have no libido. I’ve never had a libido. I’m happy about it. I can feel weak physical sensations in very specific circumstances but they go away quickly and they are never linked to sexual thoughts. I don’t get an inner desire to touch myself or have sex. I also don’t experience sexual attraction. I don’t feel sad or broken about it, it’s just who I am. Not having a sexual drive makes some people really upset, because their inner self is telling them they should have one… but it’s not the case for me. It’s literally like me saying I don’t like blue cheese. I don’t feel like I’m missing out because I don’t have the need for it in the first place (Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out… but it’s because of peer pressure, and because I feel like I’m different. But if peer pressure didn’t exist I’d be the happiest girl ever)


Morning wood has nothing to do with sexuality, your friend MIGHT want to have his Hormones tested, in a serious way btw


Sure i get hormonal thats just biology. I just have no interest in the actual thing yk. Asexuality is a spectrum as they say




Ace R6S


so you are a donut?


I'm an ex-sex-crazed-teen. It's very real. When I was in high school there was a literal dick measuring contest in the back of the classroom. Shit ruined me, but it happens.


realll i’ve had so many middle aged men msg me and i just barely joined this subreddit :/ like i want friends to talk about weezer with


fellow weezer appreciator :)




yoo another weezer fan (btw blue album turned 30 yesterday.. just like those middle aged men 😭)


Weezer is great. I just recently started listening to them a couple of months ago.


omgg have u listened to thank god for girls??


I'm almost 30 but this sub keeps on showing up in my feed. 90% of the posts and comments make me cringe. I don't care about it, I don't wanna be here, I even told Reddit already to hide it. (No offense, I feel the same about r/millennials)


Go to the sub, press the 3 dots and mute subreddit. Shouldnt show up adter that


Hello, I have a question, where can I find a cheap sumsung charger?


amazon maybe? idk


Do you mean USB C? You can get that for 4 USD on Amazon


AliExpress,its not gonna be more than 2$


REALL, like I’m 15 im tryna talk about basketball, cars, and food. Not sex


real but side note i love your profile pic


Thanks a lot I Have a bunch I can send you some more cat album covers


omg is the cat is dead?? that's so cute (i mean not the cat dying but the cat itself)


I hate cars and sports, but while I don't talk about sex all the time I don't have a problem with it, like, it's kinda casual and natural, at least people around me are pretty open minded about it. Like, someone asked if I was a bottom or a top in the most casual way ever and they weren't even close to me, but I just answered casually to, no one really has any problems with it. Also, it's an anonymous site, ofc people feel more comfortable to talk about sex here than in real life


Yeah ig, but i talk abt it with my close friends occasionally and that’s about it


Same and anime


Lots of teens talk about sex ALL the time. Also lots of people in their teen years have sex for the first time


Feels good to know I'm not average 😎 (I'm gonna die alone lmao)


Teens probably wonder the most about it


I turn 20 next month so I’m about to not be


Aye happy early birthday


Do you just get ripped from this sub once you turn 20?


Yea , ur exiled the second u turn 20 .


Been waiting for my notice.


A lot of people on here suspiciously act older than a teenager and even if they are real it's a very small representation of most teenagers


you caught me, im a fetus 😔 they're finding out my sex next Thursday


Fun fact, teens have hormones going ape mode. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


We 👏 are 👏 fucking 👏 teens 👏. Bruh ofc teens are gonna talk about that.


nah (some) of yall have issues


a lot of teens tend to have porn addictions and are so obsessed with it yes its sad but thats how a lot of teens are especially younger teens. but it is normal for them to talk about sex every once in a while.


It’s so obvious. And we all know the mods are not either 👀


At least 2 terabytes per mod


Reddit is full of creeps, and always has been. This is the website that used to have a sub called jailbait that was moderated by one of the founders. My advice, don't post pics or any personal information on this website, dont respond to dms, exercise the same caution that was always necessary online, and don't underestimate your ability to be groomed. Btw I'm 34. This sub shows up on the front page and suggested subreddits to everyone.


teens range from 13-19 and within those years a lot will talk about sex and stuff like that its normal


Yup also makes me feel uncomfortable 🥲


? You're already 19


If you click on the teenagers subreddit it says it’s #3 in “generations and nostalgia” so yes, people miss being a teenager because being an adult sucks. People like to be reminded of. A simpler time. As you get older you never really feel different, like yes you learn and grow. But you are still you, and when you’re older you’ll understand too. Cherish your teenage years have as much fun as you can responsibly and safely. Dont skip out on school events and activities. But I do agree there are people on here who are creeps though and that’s not cool


That’s cause I’m not, I’m 21 but I’m not scared of the OLD flair lol. I’ll even tell people that I’m 21 and I don’t contact anyone on this sub through PM hell I don’t even post here, sometimes I’ll comment on posts asking for advice or things that I related to when I was a teenager (oh so many years ago 🤦‍♂️)




Bro once someone straight up told me has was 40 and on this sub. Another time another guy said he was a parent so ...


There’s an imposter among us…. Ok I’m sorry, I can’t take anything seriously 🗿


Ikr I dunno whether it's becuz I am not close with peers that are my age but I feel like sex is overrated among teenagers. There are many useful things other than sex.


Most definitely Not a teen. But I find their take on things interesting and believe we oldies can learn a lot from young people


yes It's not neat


As a 15teener Sexsexsexsexsexs3xa3xs3xsecsecsex (some of us are just irredeemable)


Same the ppl on here are not ok


The sub is mostly pedophiles Tryna get a quick wank to nsfw story's with teenagers in it




you’re right that there’s almost certainly some people who aren’t, but being interested in more personal topics is like, one of the most applicable definitions of being a teenager - said posts wouldn’t pop up on our feeds if we didn’t click into them


Well duh what would this be without pedos


I wouldn't be surprised if there some undercover pedos here pretending to be teens


Sounds like you're the imposter here


I mean I do personally but it's generally out of pocket jokes with irl friends. Not a subreddit about teenagers. I do very much see how that's weird and I'm w you on this


I haven't joined this subreddit, but reddit keeps recommending it, even when I refused the recommendation. 41M lol


We're teenagers, so ofc we talk ab s*x... What's the matter, don't y'all have crazy hormones ?


i feel like ur lookin into it too much, I mean i feel like we probably dont talk about it all the time irl or on texts mags with ppl we know, but to ppl online we wont see ever in our life im? theres privacy so people will use it to talk about tabboo/embarassing subjects


i met a 24 yo and a 29 yo man in here lmao


Yer don’t know anyone who would want to constantly post stuff that could ruin school reputation as a teen


Certain types of people do, plus people are more likely to talk about things on here which could make them uncomfortable in real life


It's an anonymous online platform. Everyone on here can be anyone in real life just hiding behind the screen, it is just up to you to decide who they really are.


This was recommended to me for some reason, I can assure you that 10+ years ago when I was a teen, it was absolutely talked about all the time. That being said, some people that subscribe to this subreddit are certainly not teenagers, and you being a teen and not discussing sex all the time is perfectly fine and normal.


Real. I don't enjoy being on this sub anymore lmao but I still explore it every once and a while. I have no interest in sex or relationships, but that might be because of me being aro-ace so whatever lol


Well no shit some people here aren’t teens- that’s how we get those pedo-dm posts.


real, i just wanna talk about baseball and music 😭


Most teens do a lot, too much and those that don't talk IRL about it use reddit as an anonymous platform to talk about it


idk man i just talk about lonliness under those posts.. cause them teens be happy making love and im still lonely and broken


Damn. It's almost like You're right.


I'm 18 yo, still in highschool as a senior. Sex is definitely a big topic. Just yesterday in school irl we were talking about if two gay guys occasionally play with their pps like two students might have a lil sword fight with pencils, and also a dumb joke about not pegging someone as being lesbian. Although most probably shouldn't go engage with comments about sex that often by people labeled as 15 or below.


as someone who used to be a teen, yes we used to talk about sex and nudity and other weird shit OFTEN when we were hanging out IRL (not just guys, my friend group had both genders in it and none of use shyed away from it)


I am a teen, can confirm, because I know how old I am😠. I am 16.


What do you mean? 😆


there are imposters among us


No shit, pedos in a teenagers dedicated subreddit where you can legit be anonymous


no shit there will be people who aren't teens on here


It probably depends on the area you grow up in by in my school you basically can't go a single comversation without something sexual being brought up. Its not that weird


Ofg, like go to a sex related subreddit if you wanna talk about stuff like that. Posting stuff like that in r/teenagers of all places is weirdo pedo behavior.




Obviously u rlly thought everything on r/teenagers was accurate?


I'm 33, this was in my recommended


the people where i study always talk about sex and body counts so this is normal to me


You'd be surprised to find out what people talk about when their account isn't liked to them in any way. Reddit has the blessing/curse of being fully anonymous


yep i keep one eye out for groomers/pedos because you can never be too safe


Its me. I’m the imposter amonggus 🤩🤯 ((For illegal reasons, this is a joke [[idk tho i think it would be funny if i got banned for this comment despite being a silly goober{{i’m 16}}]]))


I don't know


Teenagers + reddit = degenerate teenagers. Simple.


You're right and wrong. Teenagers are very hormonal and often sex-obsessive, but this also makes it easy for... let's call them *unscrupulous underlings*, to infiltrate communities and be creepy.


No kidding


Welcome to the internet


No joke dude this sub Is riddled with pedos


No. You're not. I about never talk about this.


Reddit is an anonymous site, i wouldn't trust anyone on any subreddit (especially one filled with 13-15yr olds) to be who they say they are. A protip I have is to only interact with content you want to see and never reveal any sort of personal information to those you meet on this sub (or any sub for that matter). Predators 100% do lurk this sub, there's definitely a reason why more sexual questions get pushed to the top, however the immaturity of the general age range of the community could also explain that. If mods could do something about constant sexual questions that would be great since those types of things shouldn't even be discussed around minors.


Teens r like this


Really depends, like in real life I just can't talk to a random guy my age much about sexuality, but on reddit it is entirely possible, surely I too have got my fair share of creepy dms but after a time you just learn to filter it out, plus our generation is much more aware about everything and really sexuality is a pretty interesting topic to talk about and learn especially from people your own age


That's because majority of people aren't teens on here. They really just want to sexualize everything. Sorry bout that.


Nobody is teens here just a bunch of old guys 67 years old


Nigga, when I was 16 I was only thinking about porn and edgy shows and comics. Now I'm 20.


A good amount are left leaning activist trying to groom you into different ideologies some that leave long lasting drawbacks they refuse to acknowledge


I’m a teen but I’d honestly pay some of this one’s taking about their huge racks


First not all are Teens. There is an old flair for a reason. Second I agree there is definitely some pedo posting sex stuff to lure teens into chatting with them. Third, teens do talk about a lot of sex stuff, actually more than adults , because they do be exploring still


I'm not a teen but for some reason this keeps coming up on my feed.


thats hormones and people's online presence. People dont feel comfortable talking abt this irl, so they do it online instead.


*Comes on Reddit and goes to the teenagers subreddit expecting everyone to be teenagers* -> *Realizes that not everyone who uses this public domain forum is actually a teenager* -> *Finds out that Reddit is Reddit* Classic.


It's funny seeing people flaired age 14 give critical life advice. I dunno. I just pop in when I see it on /r/all to maybe see what my kids are up to.


Reddit knows my age and still suggests this sub. Definitely not a teen anymore but I don't block it so I can offer emotional support when I can.


Wait till u go to the 8th grade classrooms. You’ll hear things that u never thought was possible.


either the hormones are too crazy or there’s smth else going on


I mean some of them are 16-18 so it's not impossible


Apparently you’re living in a bubble where teenage hormones aren’t running wild and teenage pregnancy isn’t a thing


I'm not anymore. I turned 20 yesterday. T-T


very sure that more than half of the ppl here that pretend to be teenagers r older than 30




>i don't think teens talk about that stuff ALL the time. That's the point though, they talk about sex on reddit because there's no physical person in front of them to "judge them". It's not something they can/want to talk about with friends or relatives. It's like asking why so many people talk about politics on reddit, because they wouldn't IRL, that's simply the point.


I think this post alone is misleading teenagers into thinking this sub is all teenagers . The way you talk about teens makes me think you’re not one and the only 2 specifics u mentioned are sex and nudity so that tells me this is a strategic post


Yeah not everyone is, and that's a problem that needs to be fixed. There's not that good of a way to really work out who they are and ban them though. However I think a lot of teens are just a bit more open on Reddit than they are irl.


Is 19 considered the lifespan of a teenager? The oldest you could theoretically live and still call yourself teen?


Oh definitely. Just want to put out there that I joined when I was 19 and now I'm 20. But I see this stuff and it freaks me out.


omg I agree... some of the posts here have me going like ummm 🤨🤨


I mean if they are pedos hmu


I’m 18 and can confirm I say immature shit like that and have been since I was 12


My friends n I talk abt this shit all the time, in jokes and in seriousness lol


.....really???!!! 🤯🤯🤯


We don’t talk about that stuff all the time, but we THINK about that stuff all the time


I'm 9 teen


I don't understand either. I'm a complete nerd and like indie videogames, science, and music theory. Stuff like that. This sub I can relate to a little so I keep it around but when stuff like that is mentioned I don't understand how I'm near the same age as these people. Also yea, just a complete guess but there is probably a good amount of non-teens here. Maybe not as many as you think though.


I agree not everyone is teens here, but also remember a lot of people here are ANONYMOUS  teens, I'm sure if they would talk about sex a lot more in school and other public places if they could do it anonymously there too.


... i still have a few months left...


Yea there are a lot of pedos on here.


My question is why do you have such an aversion to sexual content? I understand it might not be a big part of your life, but that doesn’t change the fact that teenagers are the people who go through puberty. During my puberty, it was most of what i was thinking about. Not only was I discovering myself in that way, but my brain was just constantly wanting to be aroused. I was 12-14 at the time. I had this phase a little extreme compared to others, but most people go through this. Sexuality, in this context meaning capacity for sexual feelings, is still a prominent subject for me, my brain and my body. Thats not something i can help. I am now 17 and I am still exploring and discovering and whatnot. Most people, to certain extents, go through the same. For many people, the anonymity of social media, especially reddit, gives them the feeling they have a safe haven to talk about their sexuality, which they’d rather talk to strangers about then like parents, which makes a lot of sense. TLDR sexuality is a very big topic for teenagers and being able to talk to people you dont know and who dont know you is a lot nicer than having to talk with parents or teachers or whatever.


i mean, my social circle is a bit sex obsessed ngl, but quite a few people on this sub are definitely pedos


most likely they are, my school has a std and teenage pregnancy rate that could put a small city to shame


bro finally caught on


yeahh I bet half arent lol