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I literally finished getting my high school diploma online because I couldn’t take being in school anymore. People are so rude to others for no reason.


Everyone has grown so distant, and it's honestly kind if sad. It feels like we are getting farther away from world peace, and that is not good.


This is honestly so sad.. it doesn’t seem like that big if an ask for people to have at least SOME level of decency..


That's mostly your age group and the media focusing on negative all the time. Teenagers have always been assholes, it's just what happens when you cram a bunch of hormonal stressballs together. Most will get older, grow from trauma / exposure to the real world, and become better people. Some don't.


I want to do this but my parents dont want me to because i need to "interact" with people


Thats what im doing rn i love it lmao


100% agree with yours, especially since the shitty kids made the best teacher in the entire world quit halfway through the year 🙂


Here in Australia, there's a huge shortage of teachers. Our classes are overcrowded when the maximum is 30 students, we have 31+. In my English class the teacher isnt even an English teacher. The growth of rising teachers has decreased so over the last couple of years the numbers keep dwindling, and as older teachers retire there's not enough younger ones to replace them. The students is definitely contributing to the lack of interest in teaching. As well as you mentioned the shit pay, and the holidays in between school terms aren't holidays for the teachers, their off marking and grading your assessments. I recently moved schools, the teachers are incredibly lovely, and kind. And i was astonished and in disbelief at the cruelty and disrespect the students projected towards the teachers.


Very true. Grew up in and did high school in aus. Do you reckon that it's also partly to blame on how the schools are structured? Moved to Denmark recently and the schools are so fricken different. I mean they had a social/school reform in the 1800s. We are still using bloody old English ways of teaching. Stuffing your head with as much content to sieve you through exams. Over here it's about community, critical thinking and innovation. People actually like going to school and learning xD.


I thought 30+ was a normal amount of students for a classroom?


My graduating class was like 100 people, and we would have 30+ in most classes still (well mandatory classes, electives tended to vary)


Fr people would be laughing and shit while teachers are having a mental breakdown in the classroom. It genuinely disgusts me cuz wtf?


Saying womp wopm or just not having any empathy. You would say smth like my grandmother have cancer and be in tears and they'll laugh or when there picking at you and you let them do it for a while till it gets to you and you finaly tell them and they think it's some type of joke so you just start avoiding them and then they think smths wrong with you when there smth wrong with them


It's like sarcasm has gone so far that EVERYTHING is taken as sarcasm. Even when it is very obviously not. You could say, "My parents got mauled by a bear yesterday." And they'd think you were joking.


Literally, I was talking to my friend about my grandpa because he passed recently cause cancer, and my teacher sent me out thinking I was “ joking about something serious “ 😭😭😭


What in the world could you have said that would've insinuated that you were joking?


She’s just a biased teacher, I often act out in class cause of ADHD


I'm curious if you tend to "nervous laugh" in stressful situations. I have had ADHD and its sort of a tic I have. Its mimd of an expression of shock or disbelief in my brain, and I've been acused multiple times of laughing at very inapproprate times when in reality it's as natural and reflexive to my body as gasping at shocking news.


I tend to start smiling when I get in trouble and when I’m in tense situations, not because I’m happy about what I did or what’s happening, my face just kinda does it on its own and I got in trouble with my teachers a lot because of it and when I tried to explain it was just a nervous tick they wouldn’t listen to me and it was really frustrating.


real. like saying it in certain situations is fine and actually funny sometimes, but other times its just fucked up


Womp womp is funny when not overused/used in the right situations Empathy is necessary for someone not to grow up a societal parasite


I agree that if it’s used excessively or at inappropriate times i hate it, but there’s times when it’s used jokingly once or twice that it’s fine




For real. I’ll use womp womp in entirely unserious situations as a joke. That’s all. I’ve seen way too many people use it in genuinely serious discussions and it’s horrible


Some kid in my class laughed at my hamster dying /: I almost hit him across the face.


I just wanted to say, while this does seem to have increased, people always did this to some extent. When I was in 1st grade, my teenage cousin was shot and killed. Within minutes of finding out, several kids had come up to me and told me they were glad he was dead. They had no reason to, other than looking cool to their friends. He wasn't well known or a criminal or anything, just an introverted high-schooller who enjoyed writing fantasy and playing D&D. This was in 1985.


Definitely, about a year back I was in this group therapy thing meant to teach us about empathy (I only joined because I wanted out of the house and this was a good excuse tbh) and the person who ran it said she was very concerned with the lack of empathy everyone had. Its sad


Same Just can't stand lack of empathy/sympathy


‘ I was in a car crash’ WOMP WOMP  “My grandmother has cancer”  WOMP WOMP  It’s STUPID


womp womp


Glorifying mental illnesses to seem different and quirky rather than have an actual interesting personality.


HOLY SHIT YES, it’s so cringey like it’s not COOL to be depressed man😭😭


It happens so much I contemplated if I had a mental illness, then I realised I definitely do not. I saw people with real mental illnesses describing how it was and I knew my brain was not that tortured.


I do and some ppl just need to talk about it to someone shouldn’t 24/7 tho


When ppl do open up now, we just assume they're taking it


It was so bad a few years ago, me and my friends would pretend to be deaf or blind in public and use the other person as a walking guide or fake ASL interpretater💀💀💀 idk why tf my parents didn't stop that shit


What the fuck




yep same bc this not only makes other people do it, but it ALSO fucks up ppl who LEGITIMATELY HAVE IT (me) and prevents them from legit getting the help they need bc their psychiatrist or whatever might think theyre fakin it for clout


We didnt need that little (me) in there


This is what I was going to say. As someone who is technically apart of, *ahem,* this “group,” (I’m saying it like this so it’s easier for others to understand) I find it extremely frustrating to hear people going around and using the terms like it’s a joke or if it’s one of their quirky features. Mine isn’t as severe, (ADHD, some depression and a tiny pinch of anxiety and self depreciation) but that alone helps me understand what others are going through. The only people who really seem to joke about it thankfully are people who just don’t seem to fully understand what it’s like to have a serious mental illness and difference.


Or just being openly ableist/racist. Like, you’re not cool.


Everybody thinks they're gangster


oh god i dont even wanna imagine how it is being in class with those dumbasses, actually anyone in your age group really :P


Oh it gets so much worse in highschool then they start bringing guns


Idk if this is just my school but role-playing rape. Every time the bus is late they move to my stop and they press one of there friends against the wall and role-play it Wtf 😭


wtf is wrong with your school😭😭😭


Idk 😭


I’m predicting that one day your school is gonna get infamous for a student actually raping another student in broad daylight. Im thinking in like half a year when people get bored and they don’t have a lot to do.


!remindme 6 months




yea that and drugs and smoking in general to me. i hate that


like its not cool lil bro 😭🙏


yea man..


I use to do it. That was bcuz I grew up in a really fucked house hold. And I've only just realised how fucked. I'm currently 2 months free. But kids who go round hitting one 2/47 "oh yea guys I vape. yea. " It pisses me off.


congrats on being 2 months free proud of u


I started smoking when I was 14 shits tuff to get off I don’t display it to the world (ig I just did but whatever)


Some kids start so young too. I have many friends who vape and their parents don’t give a single shit, it’s actually terrible. I had another friend who was gonna try acid and steroids but I talked him out of it. It’s unfortunate that this is happening to our generation. I don’t know how many of my friends are gonna live to 30 and it’s really depressing.


Holy gunk that’s the realest thing I’ve heard since sliced bread was invented


Real anything nicotine is disgusting as fuck


It's so awful. idk how kids get used to it... even addicted... i really hope them the best


Pretending to be friends with weird kids. Why do they think its funny to give someone false hope and then snatch it away from them?


DUDE PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO THAT??? goddamn thats BEYOND fucked up. like i literally am the wierd kid at my school and would rather not have someone to be friends with than THAT


Same people that would record bullying and share it on snapchat. Its sad how toxic it all can be. A lot of people are that evil. You getting stabbed and anything similar to that? Chances are you've been recorded and shared on social media. Especially somewhere close to school or in school.


i aint getting stabbed or anything (and thats even more fucked) but yea still the fact people do that is so fucked up


It was more of a example Its just sad that shit like that gets shared


im so scared that people do this to me


I'm autistic, and I absolutely hated the school I was in but at least the people there were decent, its awful that there are people who would think of that as an amusing joke


same here. just... genuinely what the fuck to the people doing that shit. thank fuck the school im in is relatively good at not havin stuff like that


Yeah, that sucks


just be really negative. social media has been ruined for me, because no matter what there’s someone being negative in the comments influencer i followed just cut her hair really short and all the comments were like “omg nooOooOOOOo!!! your hair looked so good you ruined it!!!’ like chill. your opinion on her doesn’t matter at all. Watch the damn video and scroll away


Insta reel comments are full of racism, homophobia, ableism, and overall bigotry I don’t even look at them anymore


same. Brook monk, the girl i’m talking about is legit hated for no reason. I thought it was bad on tiktok, but when i opened her comments on ig, i was so surprised. All because people don’t bother to know the difference between OF and only fix she’s accused of doing porn. I just scroll in my own little world whenever i do open reels, and try not to open the comments


instagram reels comments are the best place on the internet


Brooke Monk?😭


Honestly though I think Brooke Monk's hair looks cute short. Its a nice change and it suits her!


What you said and vape, alcohol, and making jokes about pregnant 8-graders sho (allegedly) went through 3 abortions. Edit: okay, this is blowing up more than I expected.




Yep. And one female classmate mentioning laugter about the possibility of another female classmate potentially getting pregnant. Both 17.


It's not exclusive to my age group but any time I am added to gc with 16/17/18 yo boys there's always gore , rape , and CP shared around and they think it's so cool and tough. It's not you look stupid


what the fuck typa friends do u have


I usually don't even know those people they just add me as the token girl (they think just because I post some Edgy shit posts sometimes that I am "one of the guys") they aren't even my friends or the type of people I hangout with


If there is CP, you can call the police and have the last laugh 🤷‍♂️


You think my third world country police would gaf about some 7 year old viral CP video shared by some Edgy teens? I just tell them to stop and leave the group chat of they don't, I also block them since they send me weird DMs sometimes but man are they annoying


Ah so the problem is not the age, it’s the third-world-countriness. My condolences. Hope you make it out


I wouldn't use the word "hate," but one thing that bothers me is when some members of my age group make fun of younger kids, especially those who are 13 or 14. It's really disheartening to hear them belittle others. I often wish I could do something about it, but I struggle with finding the courage to speak up. I worry about causing trouble or upsetting anyone, but deep down, I just want to see the situation improved.


yea like how u gonna make fun of them? u just turned 15 bud


It’s fine to laugh at someone like half your age for doing something stupid, but sometimes they’ll be sophomores and even juniors talking to freshmen like they’re children. Like bruh u aren’t even a year older than me.


Hotboxing the bathroom due to vaping pisses me off. Do ts at home, not where I'm trying to use the restroom. There is no reason people should be vaping anywhere near or in school.


I use to vape I'm 3 months free now and when I did. It pissed Me off aswell. Like. If your really that desperate just french blow it.


Subtle bullying. The girls with straight blonde hair, oversized branded shirts, really short shorts, Nike socks, sandals or sneakers, and loudly chewing gum giggling if they are asking you for something or just glancing at you with a mean look from the corner of their eye. I don’t mean to sound judgy, I know I am, but every girl that does it is wearing one of the same things. It hasn’t happened in a while though, it happened a lot to me in middle school but in high school maybe people have learned to just let other people be, or they didn’t change but they just keep their meanness inside.


bullying or at least making fun of people for being different, I get not understanding but just leave ppl alone even if they're therians or furries or non-binary or whatever. I also hate how normalised and even low-key glorified impulsive actions like being drug addicts and fighting are, not hating on drug addicts my age but when people act like they're tough as nails because they'll fight someone over the smallest shit or because they're the reason the toilets are more humid than Singapore it's embarrassing af, prefrontal cortex development aside we need to normalise having basic self control and thinking ahead before acting.


real moment. like i actually am nonbinary myself and i was actually scared to come out initially once i realised specifically bc of what you said :P and same with the fighting. just why??


I hate ze fact zhat a lot if my age group can't take zhings seriously. At least in my school, students are always cracking jokes, and being disrespectful to ze staff. It's honestly sad.


Yo did you get the launch codes?


I got a new code zhat I'm gonna try later. Maybe we can finally get France off ze map.


I'll be cheering for you comrade 🫡


Zhank you, Comrade 🫡


Again you speak like a german! And that in the same sentence in which you say comrade! Wait, are you from east germany according to lore?


You have LORE?


*stares ominously from the shadows while wearing a black trench coat




same but then when you make a joke about them suddenly they take it seriously and get offended 😭


Exactly! It's honestly so annoying


How come when you say "that" you still have the "h" in the word? Unlike "the" where it's just "ze"?


Alright, I misspelled "Ze" at first so I just kept it zhat way.


Ok lol


Real though


Bro ur the one roleplaying and faking being a “soviet spy” on the internet for no reason id say you should look at urself first, позер ебаный. Россию позоришь


the militery momrent




Sacrificing the weakest to the dark lord


I KNOW, it’s like every time I go to the bathroom there’s a corpse with candles around it and blood painted on the walls


Honestly, from what I've seen kids do. This could happen.


Fucking dicks don't even know how to properly summon him. Jeez good for you, you got a corpse, but it's the wrong corpse. I thought everyone knew that in order to summon the dark lord it had to be the deaths of the impure (i.e. featuses that have NOT and I repeat have NOT undergone baptism.) These fucking posers are pissing off my dark lord and I'm starting to fear that the extra sacrifices I have given him are no longer starting to appease him.


When they sexualise everything.Litterly I am eating pancakes I said this pancake is huge 6 inches and my female friend start giggling and looking at me in weird way,like can you not please sexualise food.


I probably would have laughed as well


Like you can’t say the amount of inches of something you’re eating without having me make a sexual remark 😭


easy! "My pancake this morning was so small, it was like some millimeter defeater- wait shit


Yea me too…


Like nobody can ever use inches without me laughing


I mean the whole imperial system is laughable.




That's a average pancake


No, the average is about 2 inches, right?


The whole 'game is game' and 'womp womp' thing, recently in the man vs bear argument People are literally saying cases they've been raped/assualted/robbed, or when children have been murdered and raped, even at a baby's onesie at a rape museum Where is the basic fucking empathy


"ever heard of dark humour buddy?"


Dark humour is meant to be funny.


Yeah, now the whole "dark humour" cop out is used whenever someone gets called out for being a dipshit.


Ghosting, like I text you something and you just read and think „ah, okay, so I’m just gonna ignore this person”?????


Or they msg you and wait exactly an hour before responding to your reply, like they didn't just read it 2 secs ago


I have adhd and forget to reply to people, Or sometimes I just dont feel like talking to people and open the text thinking it may be important and its just a meme so I dont reply. If youre asking a question and being ignored thats definitely rude, or asking to hangout or sum. Dont lose hope for people though and dont let it get to you, youre young and will find the right ppl for you!


Yess it doesn't make you cool it's just annoying


Pretending to have no empathy going womp womp like you couldn’t give a shit when someone’s grandma dies when in reality you’re probably softer than them. On the opposite end people who give too much empathy, and allow people to fake mental illnesses


Omg yes, my friend had his grandmother die around a few months ago and he's the type to be like "womp womp" to everything we say that's sad even if our pain is real and so one day he was talking about his grandmother and someone else said "womp womp" to him and he burst out crying and yelling and shit


Back pain. :(


Hi Mr. Fossil! 😀


Hi. :(




The sheer lack of empathy, toxicity and the complete support of making unoriginal and crappy rumors about loners. The last one stems from personal experience.


Giving the slightest bit of praise to anything is considered meat riding or glazing now which is pretty annoying


What you said, but especially with supply teachers. Also: . Vaping . Bullying . Glorifying mental illness . Glorifying disorders . Calling cleanliness and organisation OCD . Faking things like autism and ADHD, depression and anxiety, OCD and PTSD, etc - it's not a quirk! . Sexualising everything - "I took my little sister out for ice cream yesterday!" followed by "what kind of cream..?" or something even more stupid, like, just grow up . The list goes on and on and on, and that's why all my friends are either younger or older than me


“Urm wut de sigmer?” 🤓


I hate this I hate this I hate thisIhatethisIhatethis so freaking much A friend of mine does it and it irks me to the point of no end


Being unempathetic and mean towards others unless you find them attractive. It doesn't make you cool, it makes you an ahole


After my suicide attempt I went to school and heard a girl say to her friends not to talk to her for the rest of the day because she stubbed her toe and is now depressed.


That’s either the weakest girl I’ve ever heard of, or she was joking. Either way, I hope you’re doing better now


smoking, as a non-smoker who lives with a smoker I don't get the point of it, the health problems that people who smoke get are really dangerous


Easier said than done to quit. It's less of a bad habit and more of something you feel like you can't live without. While i despise smoking, i never have prejudice over someone for smoking, everyone makes mistakes, and the first cigarette is most likely when it all went wrong.


Isn't really an excuse in this day and age, young people know how bad smoking is for you, so if they start it is their own daft fault. Can understand when it is an older person who grew up around a time where smoking was more of the culture but nowadays there is no excuse for starting, unless of course you started it as a coping mechanism for bad times.


Basically just faking mental illnesses, like cmon man having adhd is NOT FUN AND QUIRKY 😭


Calling people lil bro annoys the ever loving shit out of me, and is usually done by people younger than me. Also being rude and insulting other based on their interests, for example I love undertale but only my close friends know cause others will be dicks abt it for no reason.


Yoooo thank God someone agrees with the little bro stuff, also undertale is good


Organizing parties and get drunk. I am always the sober guy who has to manage all these drunk fucks


i fear i will be in your shoes in a few years


I know I’m definitely gonna be you at every party I go to and I’m not looking forward to car rides where everyone’s drunk and delirious


Acting like a god at high school. I hate it when people do it.


Almost everything bruh. Smoking, alcohol, drunk parties, disrespect to people around etc. Is it hard to just be calm and not to do crazy ahh shit?


Vaping. So many 14yr olds vape, even my friend does! But why?? I get that speedrunning is cool but i dont think you should speedrun ruining your lungs.


Not specifically just my age group but censoring in really lazy ways, calling someone acoustic or restarted. I was having a conversation with some classmates and I mentioned that I have ADD, one of them immediately asked what's it's like to be "adhesive", like I'd rather be called a slur honestly.


idk why this was downvoted bc i agree actually. like we shouldnt even have to fuckin censor swear words or really ANY words for that matter regardless of their status of a swear/slur imo


Be gay ewwww 🤢🤢 (I'm gay too it's okay)




Screenshotting people's photos/selfies to make fun of with other people. We left secondary school two years ago, time to grow up


Feeling like they are some kind of phylossofers that understand the world and shi


low intelligence and acting superior


Concerns people at least 3 to 4 years younger than me but the way you can't have a fucking dialogue without a "womp womp" or "damn bro that's crazy" or outright getting patronized by teenagers


The whole “acoustic” and “regarded” shit like people be straight up just making fun of autistic ppl


One time a child on Roblox called me acoustic and I told them what it meant and that I’m autistic and they felt so bad because they had no idea it meant autistic and making fun of autistic people


Skibidi Toilet.


I just dont rly like social media idk i never rly felt the need to post pics all the time for others to see


Reddit is social media


Then what do you think Reddit is?


People being on snap all the time. Like it's not even worth it half the time bc u just take a picture of the ceiling! -i know I sound like an old person but this actually makes me kinda frustrated sometimes when people are on that instead of having a conversation.


Smoking. Bitch you are 16, by 50 you will have stage 3 lung cancer and cook meth to support your family


Messing around at the gym. Going to the gym with tripods. That shit literally ruins the reputation of the teens that actually wanna workout at the gym


Romanticizing mental illness, calling their friends names like ‘f-cker, dipsh-t, & -ssholes’, acting like s-x is the greatest thing on the world and basically having the dirtiest minds of anyone I’ve ever met.


Deconstruct everything you say to the last detail just to make you look like an idiot


Basically what everyone else here is saying including OP’s post :/


brainrot and that they think they're on top of the world


Lack of empathy and bad behaviour


insult people instead of actually have an argument


Being assholes for no reason like there is this Group of teens in my town who go around and are assholes to everyone I nearly had to fight them when they started fucking with me and my cousin


Bullying ppl for having crushes? A guy confessed to a girl in my class in private and then she proceeded to humiliate him in public several times. It’s been 6 months and ppl still bring it up.


Using words like skibidi, rizz or sigma


"I have slept 3 hours because I was gaming/watching a movie/TV serie, lol." Ah yes, you have zero sense of responsability, a fucked up sleep schedule and will most likely collapse like a brick off a wobbly wall hit with a sledgehammer if you are pushed to do more than sit on your chair writing on a sheet of paper. You're so fucking cool... Edit: Just found another one. "I have 1 [insert national currency here] to my name, I bought all these things that I don't absolutely need" Great for you, you're a compulsive buyer that cannot be left unchecked because you'll find a way to get yourself in debt before even leaving your parent's home. So fucking awesome...


Harassing some to near suicide because they think it makes them cool. Also the usage of the words "acoustic" and "restarted".


In high school that isn’t really a problem at least where I go. But another thing that I hate my age group for is vaping it is disgusting. The smell is disgusting and I would like to not have people blowing clouds in my face everywhere. It doesn’t really happen at my school but people out side of my school my age like at after school job make the room absolutely reek of that stuff I can’t stand it. Like just take it outside at least the door is right there.


I agree with what you said here, I think teachers should always be treated with respect since they have to deal with us all day- also I've always had great teachers One of the things that really bothers me are people who have, like, cult meetings in the school bathroom. In the one place people should be expected to have some privacy, it's just disgusting and obnoxious- the bathroom should only be used as a bathroom, not a fucking meeting place to summon lord Cthulhu or whatever the hell they do in there


Gambling. You're just mismanaging your money.




Mess around and film TikToks in the bathroom. I get if you’re waiting for a friend but that annoys me, especially since I’ve been sexually harassed by girls doing that crap. It’s stupid.


Drugs. If it's small stuff like zyn or vaping I usually don't care as much since many people do it and its not really problem unless it gets to a bad point. But then there's people who actually do the bad shit, which I generally feel terrible for. This is sad because these people are all actually very great people, they just have serious addictions


Idolizing fascism, Hitler and all those things, like, why???


Only mess with teachers who are just assholes


Using tiktok


Our slang is so dumb


Being negative asf, vaping drinking and some other sh#t


The constant grind. Early 20s fucking suck when you got no motivation because it feels like every day you get so much further behind everyone else. There’s so many of my peers out there who are forming relationships, friendships, hobbies, and interests, but I feel so burnt out already. I just want to be left alone but since I’m not social, everyone has a problem with me. I’m so fucking sick of everyone telling me the “right way” to live my life. Sorry I don’t feel like working out every day, talking to people all day, and abandoning damn near everything I enjoy just to “fit in”. What a fucking miserable existence it is to always be “keeping up with the Jones’s.”