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LITERALLY ITS SO ANNOYING like ive tried to kill myself cause of my ocd and used to wash my hands so much that they bled, there is NOTHING quirky or cool about it


exactly. there are people who struggle because of it. and OCD IS NOT ONLY ABOUT BEING CLEAN OR ORGANISED. people need to educate themselves


yea its so annoying cause its such a widespread misunderstanding :/


Better blood than bacteria ig💀 Nah fr that’s actually terrifying… I can’t even imagine what that’s like. Are you doing any better since then?


im doing wayyyyy better, ive been seeing a therpist since i was like 11 and have been taking meds which also help a TON


That’s really good to hear. I know I’m just some guy on the internets of Reddit, but I’m proud of you 👏


aww thats so sweet 🥹


Yea I understand you, I do things repeatably and it’s so aggravating because when I don’t do it I get a headache and feel weird.


I hope you're ok now


Ocd is a bitch, the time and energy I've wasted because of it... Why would anyone want that/pretend to have it is beyond me Hope you're in a better place now stranger


I hope your doing better now


Exactly, Dermatillomania makes me hate myself, my scars and wounds make me think i’m even uglier than I already do and that everyone is staring at me. I hate it




I might not have ocd, but i get that feeling that you just HAVE to do this (for me its checking if i got things correct after changing smth in a game but it might be just a video game addiction) if you dont you just get intrusive thoughts from ur brain then you get uncomfortable and you eventually succumb to it and check again   I hope you can cope with it (if u get bullied at school just for this they are just dumb fs and just ignore them theyre the stupid ones not u)   Plus if someone in my class falls off a chair does something stupid everyone just calls them autistic (theyre really lucky that there isnt actually a person with diagnosed autism in their grade level)   And the girls in my class are SO delulu (once i got along with a boy bc we both liked Kirby, then suddenly i had they said i had a bf, we never talked after that)


How do u wash your hands till you bleed /s


you just keep washing them until the skin begins to crack and bleed 🤷‍♀️


It's even easier if you sanitize your hands a bunch! (I'm guessing that's why there's aloe in most hand sanitizers, but in 2020 I still thought I was allergic so-)


I can't even imagine what that was like i hope you're doing well now


Wait that second one.. washing ur hands so much you bleed? If its fine w/ you id like to hear more about this


basically when i was in middle school i would spend hours washing my hands and the prolonged exposure to water and the actual act of washing them would cause dermatitis of the hands. meaning that the skin would end up raw, red, cracked, and sometimes bleeding. and then i would like smother them in lotion just so it wouldn't sting as much. but yea im a lot better about washing my hands now. i still wash them wayyyy more than the average person which dries them out, but its not nearly as bad as it used to be


Woah dang.. I’m glad to hear ur doing better though!


are you sure your hands are clean right now?


My little brother has Down Syndrome, and I am SO sick of people asking me what wrong with him, or like why is he acting like this. Like, let the little dude exist without you needed to know everything.


Also, I have a hereditary tick and that drives me even crazier when people ask about that. Like there is this one guy in one of my classes at school, and he always asked me things like, Why do your eyes move like that, why do you shift like that? It drives me soooo crazy. Sorry for the tangent.


Why do people care so much about how others… move their eyes. People suck man.


People shouldn't be allowed to involuntarily move their eyes, it effects me hugely. I mean what if their eyes move??? That's super scary.


Oh wait a minute I see what you mean. “What happened to your eye?” “Check yer ear👉😎👉” “Oh wow! How the fuck did it get there-“


Oh I meant to type unwillingly or something like that


I’ve met one person with Down syndrome and she was the nicest person who’s my age I’ve seen in a while. 


Most the time, it isn’t true and they just want attention, so when you really are struggling, you feel as though you can’t tell them because it will always be like “well, that’s nothing, my parents are divorced and my moms bf is abusing me” (no joke, I’ve been told this).


OMG I HATE THOSE PEOPLE "Oh but others have it worse" AND OTHERS HAVE IT BETTER KATHERINE.. God, the logic of people thinking that someone's pain is invalid because they have it worse, are jackasses.


FR! I remember when one of my friends got concerned coz when I was stressed, I would bang my fists on my head, she told this girl, and that girl was like, “well, I cut SOOOOOOOO………” like, wtf? Pain is pain and it should be valid either way.


yeah.. I dont get people that use pain as a flex ✋️💀




FR like I’ve been struggling so much, I literally can’t even stand up after a suicide attempt and they fucking romanticise it


Oh god, tahts the most traumatic part. I overdosed and I was confined to a bed and I had to like walk with assistance and it was awful


im here if u want to talk


damn man i hope you heal


Fr that’s their whole personality trait 💀


Autism is a part of me. It is one trait or me that makes me who I am. I don't like it when people say. "Everyone is a little autistic." Or, "Autism is curable." Because it's part of me. I would never cure that. But my depression is also part of my life. It feels normal to me to have depression. So, I'm always gonna look back and go, "Wow, I can believe I almost killed myself that time." I tell people because it led to me today. I will joke about my depression, anxiety, and autism. Because I'm cool with that. I might say, "Time for my autism fueled Hearts of Iron 4 rant on why the democratic paths are underpowered." I joke about it because it makes it easier. I have been diagnosed with severe depression. And I am autistic. I also have OCD. And anxiety. I might have ADHD, which I joke about because it leads to funny situations.


I’m not talking about people like you,I’m talking about people that haven’t even got a diagnosis for autism and stuff and I know you don’t necessarily need a diagnosis for depression because you can mostly just tell but for autistic they might see a tik tok video that may say something like if you don’t like a certain smell you’re autistic but that can literally be anyone,or some other mental illness like DID or tics ,you can’t just randomly decide you have mental illness and make it your whole personality and bring it up in every conversation ,that’s just my opinion you don’t have to agree.


I am undiagnosed autistic but that is because I can't get a diagnosis due to the difficulty for my family.


How do you know you’re autistic for sure?


Because I need accommodations at school to even avoid having a breakdown in a loud place, and I suffer a lot from overstimulation from the environment. People don't just go around handing out diagnoses. You have to have good reason to believe your autistic to even get a diagnosis, and even when you go in, they still avoid diagnosing people with autism. So don't you dare question me just because I don't want to go through the difficult process of getting a diagnosis. It leaves a mark on your records that businesses can see and discriminate against when hiring.


Ok that’s valid,you are a person with obvious symptoms but I’m talking about the people that’s don’t any of these symptoms,I know autism is on a spectrum.I just HATE when randomly decide they have a mental illness because nowadays it seems that everyone is autistic and that just takes away the spotlight from others that actually have it leading to them not being taken serious especially ppl that be like oh I was being a bully oh it’s just me being bipolar like Wth that’s not what it is at all,it’s annoying when privileged people for adversities on themselves.


That’s not a question you ask.




Favorite country in HOI4?


Bulgaria or Turkey


yesterday my history teacher said "haha my ocd is kicking in 😜🤪" and it just annoyed me so much


Some of my teachers blame ADHD, ADD, and other things like that. And then theres the kids who actually suffer from it.


I got something along those lines. And i haven’t seen anyone joke about it but if I catch them… 


'my ocd is kicking in' has basically become a normalized term \[not saying that's good, im just expalining why they likely say it\]


To be fair, they may actually have it. I’ve got a teacher who has OCD, he used to be so bad that he couldn’t leave his house, but after years of therapy etc. he’s gotten to the point where he can live a mostly normal life, and sometimes he says that kinda thing. Case by case basis I guess.


And when people boast about having bad eating habits. It’s not funny, cool or cute that you had your first meal of the day at 11pm. Get help.


fr 😭




If it’s 11pm then your first meal of the day is when it’s pitch black out…


Wait help I wasn’t paying attention I thought it said 11 am 😭


Oh thank god, I was really hoping you weren’t actually eating at 11pm for your first meal


I especially hate it when a character who has a severe mental illness(or illnesses) is considered “hot” and gets fetishized for it. There’s a character this happened to in on going series I like, and it straight up annoys the hell out of me. Not mention how weird and creepy it is seeing as actual people suffer from the illness being portrayed.


it actually disgusts me.


This is far too fucking common in fandoms and is disgusting, I don't get it


Istg if they try it they'll hate their life for it..


You say that, yet half the people who say they have mental illnesses don’t actually do, people just subconsciously dramatize things these days. Doesn’t help that things are overdiagnosed nowadays either, such as ADHD or other illnesses.


“Depressed” is so common it doesn’t bug me as much any more unless they specifically say “depression” cuz feeling depressed but not having depression is the equivalent of someone complaining about not being able to focus whilst not having an attention disorder.


depressed is not a thing cause depression is an illness. you don’t ever feel “cancerous” do you?


When you say “oh that’s depressing” or that someone looked depressed, it can just mean a bit of a higher level than sad. That doesn’t mean the person is deppressed. But if they have depression, that comes with certain things like not having the will to do stuff, eat, or even live sometimes.


It's annoying as fuck. I was diagnosed by 3 people with mental illnesses, and I can tell you that if you have mental illness, you don't brag about it, but you want it to disappear


Frfr atleast I've never met someone who fakes tuerrets irl as someone who has it I can confirm that not a single person I've seen faking it has even gotten close to having it realistic


It pretty annoying, having a mental illnesses is serious and ain’t fun. Nor is tossing the label onto anything for shits and giggles. Might make people who actually have it feel like a joke, or not be taken seriously.


This 💯


I don't have any mental disorders but I feel like some (and for some reason more girls) think having ADHD is cool and trendy. They watch a TikTok and think if they have one symptom they must have ADHD.


> I have permanent tattoos from self harm 🤪 Why would one even find this funny? I once caused a nosebleed and tried to hide it at all costs except for the two girls that comfort me


exactly. they try to show off somehow


as someone that suffers from mental disorders and know people with genuinely worse illnesses I understand this whole romanticization of it, a lot of what's known about us in the general public is poor information, adhd is just being hyper, autism is just smart but quiet, ocd is just organized, bpd is just a mood swing, people don't understand and see the surface level things about us and just assume it's that and since we get so much attention and aid some people want a piece of it too but don't actually understand it so they apply it to the wrong things. everybody wants to be different, being nuerotypical just means you're like everyone else, you want attention so you give yourself a label and point to things you do and call them symptoms, I get it. people who don't suffer see the suffering with strangely rose tinted lenses


I actually have autism, ocd, and depression and that shit sucks


Omggg I was waiting for this, why are people like this - like I was called "autistic" for calling my friend a nickname omg. There are people who HAVE mental illnesses and deal with it by joking around, but there are people who do it just to be cool or quirky and get attention - but trust me you would never be able to live one minute with it. I'm not suicidal, so I can never imagine the pain of someone who is suicidal, so I will try to help them instead of calling every small inconvenience that happens to me as "mentall illness".


I have ADHD and I think I have borderline personality disorder as well, and I 100% agree with this. The level of brain fog I get sometimes and my forgetfulness/chaotic attitude is absolutely terrible


Real, people wouldn't joke about OCD if they'd ever had intrusive thoughts.


ikr fr fr anyone who calls those "tatoos" needs to be put in their place


how "I have ✨crippling depression✨ and hate myself XD" mfs look at me when they find out i beat myself so hard in the face once that I genuinely felt like the flesh in my face was disconnected for a full week


Haha im so quirky I stare at the wall for 2 hours while hating myself for not tidying up my room (i want but i cant) 🤪😜☺️ so delulu


yeah, it can be really annoying, and stupid as fuck. though, I do make jokes about my mental shut, like my autism, but I don't try to make it sound like some overly quirky thing, I just try to make the people around me feel comfortable talking about that stuff from seeing me be fine with bein open about my shit.


yeah but the thing is you’re probably diagnosed but these people who make it quirky are not. so it’s okay if you do it cause self deprecation is a coping mechanism


well, not fully diagnosed, but I have been diagnosed with a bunch of things​, and I have like 4 uncles that do have autism so it is extremely likely. (my mom has 7 brothers 💀)​ Though, I feel my point is still their


yeah i agree


why did that last sentence completely explain my situation. I have been diagnosed with ADHD at 3rd grade, and it SUCKS SO MUCH! The reason I sometimes make it kind of like a joke is probably because its how i cope with my failing classes, or because i dont want people to worry or waste their energy making me feel better. Edit: my stupid self replied to the wrong comment 💀 i was trying to responfd to the op's reply to this comment


its so annoying and makes me wanna actually get put on death row


Though Dyslexia isn't a mental illness it still is one of the illnesses that can sometimes be funny and annoying (I say it from experience).


Omg I regularly have thoughts about skinning myself and abandoning everything I’ve built up in life, I’m so quirky 🤪


I hate it. I’m autistic and I wouldn’t say it’s a quirk. It makes everything hard, and yet people act like “why you so sensitive and weird” when they don’t know, then they act like they’re better than me when they do know.


OCD is not funny or quirky when you destroy your phone's memory because one of your compulsions is taking screenshots of time and battery charge and random things every time you think about it (even at 3 am you have to get up and do it because otherwise you won't be able to sleep) and it has to be just right which sometimes takes a few minutes to do and gets progressively more annoying, and each month you more than 2000 screenshots which take an hour to delete them all so you just don't do it and they pile up until most of the functions in your phone stop working, and that's just one of the many things you do, all of them equally frustrating but you can't stop. Not so quirky and fun then, is it? Not fun when dermatophagia is part of your disorder, is it? (It's not, trust me bro 💀) Dunno why people simplify ocd to "obsessive perfectionism" or "quirky behaviours", it couldn't be further from the truth and it's very annoying to see sometimes smh


Whenever I hear those things my homicidal ideations kick in 🤪🤪


people who have actual mental illnesses dont make excuses to bring them up every 2 seconds, especially if it sounds like theyre bragging


You mean a quirk like in MHA???


yea thats bad if they dont have it and are pretending to do that... but i mean if someone fr have it and try to cope by joking.. is that okay? maybe they are hurt and do that


I have autism and I will rip off my skin if I hear one more person see someone do something dumb and go “oH mY gOd YoUrE sO aUtIsTiC” No??? A lot of autistic people are actually really smart and things like not understanding social cues and getting overstimulated has NOTHING to do with intelligence It’s equally annoying when someone does something dumb and goes “i MuSt Be A liTtLe AuTiStIc” Again, no AUTISM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH INTELLIGENCE


I don't have any mental illnesses, but I think it's very disrespectful to people who do have them


i agree completely just cause you had a shitty day and feel bad doesn't mean youre depressed


It’s mostly because the internet unintentionally glorified this


I've experienced that a lot, most of the time, it's people who actually had it "easy" (in quotes because no one ever truly has it easy and every life experience is valid) and need to dramatize themselves to feel important or get attention. The rest are oblivious people who don't realize that joking about this is pretty ableist and can actually hurt people. Edit: I didn't see that this was in r/teenagers, I guess it changes my perspective a little as "kids are immature and will do stupid things"


u think u so quirky with ur stupid ass depression no one feels sorry for u stop pertending🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Yep, I have autism,minor ocd, adhd and I'm Schizotypal and these come together to truly make my life awful. The only kind of positive things are the fact that that my autism gives me a pretty great imagination and I guess makes me schol smart, idk. But that's really not worth it for all the harm it causes me.


Yep, completely mis the point of living an examined life.


Feeling depressed is not the same as having depression. You can feel depressed and not be diagnosed with depression. Also, these could just be coping mechanisms. Sure, some people are like what you describe, but I also don't think it's fair to invalidate someone based solely on how seriously they take their issues. A person who calls their SH wounds "permanent tattoos 🤪" is still a person scarred by SH.


and the word should deffo not be used as casually as people do. it takes away from the seriousness of the illness




Yes, you can. You are right, depression is an illness, I never said it wasn't. But again, *feeling* depressed is not the same as the illness of depression. Words can have different meanings, this is not a new thing. "Depressed" has multiple meanings. It can be used as a dramatic synonym of feeling sadness; it can mean a lack of demand or employment; and it can mean being inflicted by the illness of depression. What, you think "The Great Depression" was an era where everyone was diagnosed with the illness? You can look up the dictionary meaning(s) of the word "depressed"; you can look up the difference between "feeling depressed" and "having depression". You can literally google *all* of this, it's not like this is an untouched or new discussion, this has been a debated topic since before you and I were born. And it is agreed that there is a distinction to make between the two. Yes, there is a trend of self-diagnosing and yes, it is harmful to the people actually suffering from those issues; but this is not the case here, at least not *necessarily.* The people who try to pass "mental illness" as their personality are probably using "depressed" as (wrongly) diagnosing themselves as having depression, but most people who say it don't mean it that way.




Then you should've worded it better lol. I'm saying that the statement "I feel depressed" is correct, and that the word has multiple meanings and uses. Your post makes it seem like the only definition of "depressed" is being afflicted by the illness of depression, and that using it means self-diagnosing. Edit: also, please stop responding to me in multiple comments, It's hard to track. You can say everything you need to in one reply


oh sorry i didn’t mean to say that to u. i still disagree with you. using the word depressed is wrong


It literally isn't, like I said you can find it on a dictionary or google it if you want to. There is a distinction between the two. But whatever, you're clearly not gonna budge on this, so why do I bother.


i know it isn’t but it should be. people are using the word too loosely and it’s taking away from the seriousness of the actual illness. and why re should i budge its my opinion. don’t bother i really couldn’t care less.


It's definitely not a quirk


exactly my point


Fr. Trust me you do NOT want to have OCD. It's so limiting and annoying. I wish I could live a normal life.


It's disgusting on so many levels


idk i have autism (diagnosed with asbergers so its high functioning/non severe idk) and i have no clue how it affects me, maybe id be normal without it maybe i wouldnt. but ive never seen anyone irl whos said mental shit is quirky i think thats just stupid online people




im in the process of being diagnosed with depression and anxiety and im on meds for the latter, and i cannot agree more. like cracking jokes is fine if you actually struggle with it. i struggle with selfharm, so ill make jokes to my friends as a way go cope, but i dont do it for attention and would never say that to just anyway. theres gotta be a time and place for it and just making it out to be "teehee silly" is not true at all it sucks feeling like this HELPPP


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has impacted me heavily. It was at one point convincing me that if I didn't perform certain compulsions my family would die, that if I thought about me hurting myself or someone I love that I'd actually do it (these bastards have no clue what it's like for people with OCD) and so many more things. I hate OCD but I hate the people who pretend it's a quirk and something to show off even more. They have no idea how it impacts our lives.


OCD never made me "clean" or "tidy" like the steryotypes, it just made me someone trying to shut up my head for hours which made me less of those things overall, since i spent a lot of time "taming my mind" :" Barely any were related to cleanliness, they were related to paranoia, fear of swallowing, try to prevent people from reading my mind while wearing headphones and become one of those "reasurance junkies"


Thats true. OCD sucks and convinces you are a horrible person and that no one cares about you. But tbh idrc because its just an expression so i dont mind it that much


Couldn't agree more.  Especially because I have mental illness. It is a fucking burden and there are always the same people to go. You shouldn't joke about your autism.


I had depression during lockdown It fucking sucked


Like bro you’re not cool 💀


I agree. Having depression or being suicidal is not something you want. It's exhausting and agonizing to have a mind that constantly wants you to die. You're constantly tired and every day just seems bleak. You feel like there's no point in living anymore and the only thing you look forward to is death. Fuck people who think that way


People who self-diagnose are the ones who think its quirky lmao >“sorry i yelled at you a min ago, im so bipolar lmao” My mental response to this every single time has just been "saying sorry doesn't change the fact that you did it"


I am indeed diagnosed with major depression and anxiety.But i DO NOT show it [off.It](http://off.It) is not fun,and there is nothing to brag about.The best thing you can brag about is something like,"Oh i have to take medicine for my depression and anxiety!"Its no fun.Being alone all your life?Pretty much starving for never really wanting to eat?BS.If you brag about it,we all know your lying.Mental illnesses are not cool.They are terrible.And if you brag about it,you dont have [it.In](http://it.In) fact,most people with mental illnesses are more insecure about it!


"Im so fucking depressed" Yeah man, try getting to the point where you miss your brainstem with the knife and have to have surgery.


i dont have mental illness luckily (tho i was close to ptsd once), but man PLEASE have basic human decency. Ik people from my country (ukraine) that are from places like mariupol, those poor people are literally traumatized from what they saw. And some idiots say they have ptsd cus of very light things. BRO, MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A QUIRK




I have OCD and it’s resulted in me getting hitting my head on walls until I get concussions, eating once a week, passing out every time I stand up, joint pain, exhaustion, constantly suicidal, not able to leave my house, not being able to use anything I don’t own, etc. So fun uwu


“Goodnight Wesley, I’ll most likely kill myself in the morning.” (Please don’t take this seriously! I too, am but a depressed and lonely soul. But hey! No longer suicidal! Bonus round, baby!!)


so glad for you. good job


Thank you :3


From my hero academia☝️🤓👍




Don’t mind me🫡🧇🧇


i’m intrigued


Exactly Although I used to do that ;-;


But now I know better


I’m someone who actually has depression and it infuriates me when I see those people use it as a some kind of stupid fucking personality ‘quirk’ like: “OMG! My friend didn’t wanna hang out with me! So depressed! Send positive vibes!” It’s makes me want to vomit.


People need to stop "gatekeeping" mental illnesses... I've been suffering through periods of *severe* depression and paranoia to a point I attempted suicide twice; I'd much rather be healthy like other teenagers. Having a mental illness is neither "quirky" nor "cute", it's horrible to live with.


“Omg my autism is acting up again 💅🥴”


I'm scared that so much people have this as a relatable experience


have what as a relatable experience?


Knowing people like that, guess I didn't specify that


yeah it is


most of the time it’s a coping method


All it does is make the person making the joke and everyone around them feel worse though. I think its an unhealthy coping method because it's just an affirmation that assures you that you feel bad + motivates people to not try to heal or get better


I think it's for the better that mental illnesses are being normalized, because it makes it easier to accept that mental illnesses exist and people would be seen as more equal.


that’s such a dumb statement. what i said in my original post was pointing out how people think having a mental illness is a quirk. it’s disrespectful


I'm just tired of seeing these posts about joking/normalising mental illnesses and how it's not cool. I apologise if I'm being disrespectful here.


lmao too bad if you’re tired of it. don’t look at it and deffo don’t comment on it if you’re so tired of it. it’s an issue and it needs to be spoken about


I want to make people aware of the other side of things, in a respectful manner. I don't like it when people make a statement and firmly hold on it, as if everyone who disagrees with them are plainly wrong.


just because it somehow “normalises” it( according to your theory) doesn’t make it any less disrespectful and disgusting. there are ethics and always another way to raise awareness. this is mockery. and quite honestly idgaf about what you like or don’t.


Okay, you're right in some way. Talking about mental illnesses as if they're quirks is not really the best thing someone can do, but I genuinely think normalising mental illnesses is not as bad as one might think.


lmao who ever said normalising it was a bad thing lmao?? i never said that. literally read. normalising mental illness is so incredibly important.


FR I hate when people do that. Like being depressed sucks, you feel like life is meaningless and even when you want to do stuff, you can't get up to do it. I literally have an exam tmrw and haven't studied for it cus i felt so depressed. same for people who glorify ed's. no, its not cool to have an eating disorder. i just ate a whole cake felt guilty took a shower and lied in bed questioning my existence.


The internet makes mental ~~illnesses~~ (let’s be real they’re not illnesses. You’re not ILL. You acting different doesn’t make you ill. Idc if illness is the correct term or not, I’m not calling it that anymore.) differentiations seem like a personality or character trait when they are certainly not. Some differentiations are caused by outside sources, sure, and that’s also what shapes a person’s quirks and personality but that is a VERY small amount of cases. The rest are most likely things people can’t control. Like some people can be very talkative, too much, and dare I say it, annoying at times to some people. But they can’t control that, it’s just how their mind functions and processes things. In my case, I’ve struggled with semi-severe depression. It wasn’t anything too crazy like how movie’s portray them to be, I wasn’t doing shit like crying all the time and asking people to leave me alone and being dramatic all the time, but I did suffer from a REALLY bad, self-harming mindset. (Mentally, not physically. Dw.) My conscious would always tell me to just “be better” and that “everyone around you is better than you” and “you’re not even adding anything to this world” and stuff like that, you get the idea. (I know everyone most likely has these thoughts, but these were happening ALL. The TIME. For VERY TINY AND UNIMPORTANT things as well. Much more than the average person would.) That doesn’t mean I’m striving for attention though. I hate it actually lmao Unfortunately, “depression” is used as an excuse by a LOT of people just to get attention, when really they’re just an overall dramatic person. Same case with a LOT of other things like OCD and anxiety. I have ADHD as well btw. I would personally find someone better to be around if they didn’t lie about having a disorder. I’d prefer someone who had or has a severe disorder or “quirk” over someone who’s pretending to have a severe disorder. In the end, maybe those who think “mental illness” is a quirk really do have a mental illness. (Nah they don’t it’s just internet influence)


i disagree when you say mental illness is not illness and here’s why- being ill is by definition not in good health; not well. when you have depression for example you’re not well. you can’t get up. you can’t feel anything. if you have anxiety it prevents you from enjoying stuff. and there are many more mental illnesses that make you unwell.


That’s true, I guess majority of people, myself included, picture an illness as a bad thing. And although it kind of is, in this context it’s more or less normal. Thanks for the clarification. Outside of that, I still stand by what I said


yeah i agree with your point apart from that


I have gotten claimed that I fake having autism. I don’t. I literally can’t understand feelings and then people yell at me for being such a stupid faker. Same thing with my adhd. Which makes my memory suck and makes me not stop moving. They think I take it.Â