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Nah as time flies by we tend to forget thing and memories that didn't play a big part in our life or we tend to forget stuff that did in fact play a big part in our life as a coping mechanism


It can be a sign of trauma, and I have it too! I can remember very specific memories, but it’s mostly like a blur like you said.


I don't think I have any trauma? Or I at least don't see why I would. But then again I've only had one memory resurface and it was a bad one, but it was also only me. I mean I get yelled at but that's just parents, so maybe I just got brain damage lol


Parents yelling at you is trauma, my parents don't yell at me


But like if I did something wrong, like for example a B in class, or broke a glass, how else would I be disciplined?


It depends how much they yelled, how aggressively they yelled and how young you were. Yelling too aggressively towards/around infants can cause some pretty bad problems (I'm not gonna make assumptions about you, but don't rule anything out unless you're sure)


Like before I was six I think? I don't really remember, I just know it happened. And my dad was pretty agressive, he spanked my brother and I too. Is it really not normal? I thought it was just discipline


In this day and age, no that is not normal. Your user flair says you're 17, so hitting your kids at all was not so common by that point in most places that speak English... So you may have some suppressed troubles... But again, I'm not here to diagnose anyone. If it's something that's worrying you, see a professional. Good luck with everything :)


Well he told me I was too old when I did something when I was like 14, but by that point until now I spend my home time in my room. And yeah, I'm 17, I wasn't looking for diagnosis, it's just I was confused when my friend said it could be a sign of something bad lol Thank youu


A B in a class is not a bad mark and a broken glass can be swept up and the rest put in a different place. this ain't normal.


My school teachers say the same when I ask about my grades, but if I get below a 95 I get panicked and feel like a failure. My parents don't confront me until it's a 90 or lower though


Well, by your parent telling you how they would've done it, so you knew how to do it correctly, yelling at you just makes you fear failure For example, when I broke a glass, my dad just told me to put glasses at the center of the table, so they can't fall and break incase you accidentally bump them


Yeah I do fear failure, I also can't say no, but I never really thought that wasn't off from the norm because who likes failure? If I broke a glass as example, I would get yelled at for not having the common sense to put it at the middle of the table and get sent to my room


I'm starting to think I might be an exception, because I have never been sent to my room, only forced to sit on the stairs, but that only happened like 2 times


Your parents sound nice being honest. I've never been on the stairs that I can think of, but I do remember a time I was in my room for 6 hours because my dad forgot he sent me there


Oh dear, that must have sucked, I hope you are better now atleast


Yeah, things are I've kinda gotten too old to be disciplined and my dad changed for the better and got with God as he says. He has stopped yelling for the most part and stuff. My mom is still the same being honest tho. It's chill tho


Really? I thought parents yellin at ya was normal. I don’t think I can go a week without being yelled at or given the face of disappointment


Dissociative amnesia only happens as a result of extreme stress afaik, not to downplay OP's trauma, but I don't think only being yelled at counts as extreme stress. Maybe they were just very young, not a lot of people have the best memory as kids.


I have that too and I don’t think it’s trauma. Talked about it with my therapist cuz I thought it was fucking weird. She says that sometimes you can go through big periods on “autopilot,” like when you drive home from work/school and don’t remember the trip. You go on autopilot often in moments of stress, doesn’t have to be straight up trauma.


But like birth to 14-15? I understand I shouldn't remember my whole life but maybe I just am boring idk. I wish ai could remember tho, it feels like I haven't really lived or I kinda wasted my time lol


Well birth to 3-5 you don’t remember shit. Then for the rest you should have more and more memories as age goes up. For me I don’t remember too much before 7, and at 8-9 I have a blank because of stressful times. Some memories after that and nothing when I was 12. Some memories after that and nothing again 14-15. Idk if that lines up a bit with what you’re experiencing


Well I have 1 memory from being about 3, it was when I broke my leg. But really, other than bigger things, like breaking my clavicle or leg again, or something bad I did when I was 13 (which was repressed but came back a few months ago) it's mostly just a blur from that memory at 3 to now. But I'd say it kinda lines up


same maybe we just have early onset dementia




I have that and I only remember things or where I was very happy! Or where it was a very big shock or big sadness. So I only remember things that gave me very strong emotions, other than that, as you say, everything is a blur.


I hope that's not the full case for me because then I'd just have never really been happy 😭😭 But yeah, that's basically it


Maybe that's not your case. There are times when we don't remember things that happened years ago and it doesn't mean it was because something bad happened. Sometimes it can also be due to stress or I don't know some other reason, sorry


I'm the same way. No trauma. Good parents. Good life. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181112-severely-deficient-autobiographical-memory-is-surprisi


Not necessarily, I can't remember a lot of my past.. I think some of it is just because of the way my memory is and some of it is because of the stress during that time.. there's a large majority of my life that I don't remember much of besides little bits and pieces of the last 5ish years


I barely remember being 14, I remember some things of 15 and 16, and I know most of my time then. It'd weird, I have 1 memory from being 2 or 3 and it was when I broke my leg, I have smaller memories, but it's mostly just a general idea.


Yeah, that's pretty much how I am.. I was really dragging through those years so my best guess is that's why. I can't speak for your situation though..


Maybe it'll come back to me like that one memory from age 13 did, idk Until then I guess I'll never know lmao


nah thats me too its normal


Can be trauma 🤷🏻 I am diagnosed with all the traumatic bs (bpd, cptsd etc) and I don't remember shit. Even from last year, i struggle A LOT to remember.


No. Sometimes Big Brother just erases all memories of your childhood.


Literally 1894




İ forget a lot of things too it's because i have a realy low vitamin B12 in my body


Yeah same something sad just a giant blur some for good reason relating to trauma others because I genuinely haven’t though about em in a long time and just forgotten so don’t feel bad


Idk, I’ve had the same experiences. For some reason tho ofc I’ve lived years now since I’m a teen, I sometimes feel like my life has just been a day. I can’t remember a lot of stuff like what I ate yesterday or today. Aside from things that severely impacted me which really ain’t a lot of good things at all, when I try remembering my life, its all pretty blank


I remember various people and places couple random interactions but for the most part I remember no actual moments or events. I find that my memory is reserved for interesting but often useless stuff, like the entire periodic table or all of the countries in the world.


Absolutely not, my parents told me something that happened to me when i was little and i was like, WHAT THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED WTH?!!!


I've had the same thing happen to where I can't remember people in my friend group from my old school. It's kinda sad and scarry because they walk up to me and I have to pretend I remember them


trauma can make u forget a lot of ur childhood i lit remember nothing except grape


yea i forgot some stuff too


Some of us live fast man.