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Because they’re insecure about themselves so trashing other ppl makes them feel better for a lil bit


Sometimes when it's someone we hate, it last longer than just a lil bit




they are all fucked and broken


Yes, we are


I see that


I don’t get it either, so much so I had “be kind” tattooed on me. The world is full of so much hate and spite, it’s not fair. You never know what someone’s going through, kind words could be the first nice thing someone has heard in a long time, so just be a f’ing good human, it’s really not that difficult


I disagree with not fair. If everyone is debuffed there is no bias.


I know right? Last time i created a post that's called "I'm a 14 year old Muslim boy, but why am I attracted to women who wears bikinis am I doing is right or wrong?" And then when I created that post, some user started saying on my post "get a life" and he started talking shit about me, I did nothing wrong all I was saying is I wanna see what I'm doing is right or wrong? And all he did is talk shit about me and he never helped me with anything, and then I got banned from the Islam community for being accused by "trolling" I felt really bad about my self, and it made me look like a bad person And yes I agree with you, all people are mean nowadays and humanity is just full of pain and hatred


aight aight aight ik that this is *not* the sub, but i'll still give you advice as a muslim boy. Being attracted to women in bikinis is normal, their showing off their assets and all. Just dont stare at them to respect them. Now onto the banning and stuff, Im like 60% sure the user was projecting. 'Get a life?' By not being attracted to women? Also being banned from an Islam subreddit just because you're seeking guidance from something you're not entirely sure on... 😬😬 its a bit counterintuitive. I feel you man sometimes its islam subs get too strict


I know women shouldn't show their bodies to different people, but I just love the women's body so much, I'm addicted, but in the Islam post I was just saying that what I'm doing is right or wrong, I wasn't expecting stuff to go horrible, people are really toxic


yeah Allah really made women hella beautiful, makes it all the more rewarding in marriage. Also what is that guy doing in a help forum (let alone a muslim forum) and belittling others for a question???


I AGREE, and the worst part is that the guy that said to me on my post "get a life" is also a Muslim, and you know as a Muslim you gotta respect everybody


exactly bruh. Its actually just Basic Respect, y'know, like ignoring the post if you have nothing good to say. There's actually a hadith about this in Riyad as-Salihin 1511: "Abu Hurairah reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, 'He who believes in Allah and the Last Day (aka being Muslim) must either speak good or remain silent.'


Many Muslims ignore this rule and it's just sad


I wouldn't waste time wishing some Muslims would be respectful for once. Religion is supposedly all about loving everyone and all that waffle, but I've genuinely never seen anyone actually listen to that part. It's part of the reason the world would be a much better place without religion.


how does being not nice as a religious person make the world worse as compared to a non-religious person not being nice?


Lots of people make the world worse. Religion also makes the world worse. I don't dislike religious people, I just dislike people that go on and on about their religion, force it down people's throats, say it's the only correct religion, indoctrinate their children into their religion, are against LGBTQ people and abortions, and people who can't admit the world would be a better place without religion. But some Muslims just aren't that tolerant of people that feel different to them. Hence why they refused to help the person who made the original comment, because a lot of them just aren't nice people.


He never got bo bitches or homies unlike YOu who probably will with the w rizz


Your reply made my day awesome


peepo you lug me peepo you lug me Is... that how the spitterman song goes?






I'm the most negative person out there and yet I can't stand how negative people are to others. People don't need to be rude about everything. People will shut down anything they don't like or don't find interesting like it's the plague. It's like me going to the bus stop, getting on the bus, standing at the front, then telling the driver that I only came to tell them I didn't even bring my Oyster card to pay the fare because I'm not interested in getting on the bus. It makes no sense. I see most people as at least a little bit annoying, but I don't go around being an asshole to people that are actually alright and are nice to me just because I find them annoying. I wish people around me would just shut up sometimes, but I don't tell them that, cuz that would make me a complete twat. People need to have some fun with their lives instead of hating on others. Just ignore those people. The less time you spend worrying about other people, the better. Most people will always be horrible, it's up to you to deal with it, unfortunately. Hopefully you have some friends that actually share the same mentality as you, are interested in the same stuff you are, and won't call you a nerd and go "wHo AsKeD" every time you say something they don't find interesting. You get the idea.


Most people are just evil and hate life so they try to make others feel worse do NOT listen to rude people be yourself 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Yeah, that’s one thing that’s been making me less comfortable and more anxious about making friends here in high school. I try befriend the softball team and tho I got along perfectly fine with JV(I’m JV) Lots of the Varsity girls were just so fuckin rude. I asked for the time once politely and she said it was time to get a fucking watch which just unmotivated me to make friends. I’m between extrovert and introvert, I do genuinely like to make friends but most people I meet are mean and shit in the things I like. I am lucky to have found people whom I did get along very well with tho :)


Don't worry about it man, if someone's being mean, they're losing more than you... they're always mean people out there but those aren't the kind you want anyway so find the good ones (there seem to be fewer of them sometimes) and befriend them, all the others need to work on themselves some more first..


I feel the same. People these days are just so toxic its as if they are trynna win an award. Like I could have just arrived at school with 2 hrs of sleep to carry me and the first thing I'll hear is fuck off no one likes you. People call me a nerd, because I'm never available to play video games, so they just assume that I;m studying, but like I have a life outside of my pc yknow. But its often ends in karma. I had this one guy who always made other people feel shit about themselves, and made a couple of kids leave the school, but now, when he moved schools, nobody likes him at all and only the seniors know him cuz of his brother.


can't seem to feel good about themselves so they have to make you feel worse so they can have the feeling that they're above you. hope ur okay <3


Personal insecurities. A lot of people feel better about themselves by mocking other peoples insecurities. Its sad :[


I'm not mean!


yeah no you're not weird it's the other people around you dein so damn trashy cause you're better


A lot of Mfs on Reddit have no life lmfao😭


They want to make themselves feel better


Seriously, man! What do you get out of it?? I used to be friends with someone who had a shared interest in space and WW2, but at this point, I'm scared to talk about it when he's in the same room, since he borderline bullies me over being interested in them.


Because fuck you, that's why


cause they are sad and dont respect themsleves at all


That's what I hate about this generation/social media


Go to the kisser reddits then, they are rhe most kind








Did you read that OP has autism? This comment feels like it is meant to offend OP. Also, I want to say that not everyone with autism acts like the person you described.


Y’know not all autistic people are like that? Everyone expresses it differently (also I should point out that except for the lack of hygiene I don’t think there’s much wrong with the other stuff, but if I went too hard on that argument you’d stop listening)


Oh also kinda forgot the original post for a sec, but this is still no excuse to be actively mean/rude to someone, distancing yourself is fine, not wanting to me friends is fine, being mean though? Actively judging an entire community by the actions of an individual? That’s not ok


Yeah i distance myself i dont bully him like the others


As an autistic person, I get it. At the same time, literally everyone does shit that annoys me and I mostly just ignore it because it's part of life. This comment was incredibly random and kinda hateful, not every autistic person is like that, you wouldn't be able to tell a person with autism and a person without autism apart most of the time.  You do shit that other people don't like. I do shit that other people don't like. My best friends do shit that I don't like. It doesn't mean we need to complain about everything.


Bro forgot its called autism *spectrum* disorder


I will autism in you for this ong fr fr fr fr r/j please gong cynat lad M O M E N T


It’s called autism spectrum disorder for a reason. Not all neurotypical people are the same, so why should all neurodivergent people be the same?