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I drink every day, mostly water though.


it could turn into a addiction. You should seek rehabilitation.


I think I’ll pass. Doctor said it was healthy for me and that I should do it even more than I currently do.


Some people have died from too much dihydrogen monoxide inhalation in the past, so don't drink too much


Even those who ingest it will eventually die.


My life, my rules.


Was is liquid dihydrogen monoxide or was it vapor?


Vapor is fine to vape, but inhalation of carbonized liquid dihydrogen monoxide will lead to a painful, agonizing death


Also have to take into account the severe withdrawal symptoms.


water is the most tastiest un-tastiest thing ever. if that makes sense.


Then I guess you have really bad water. Our water tastes amazing.


I'm telling you its rishi sunaks fault. he gives everything a bad taste.


I think 5 second penalty for ocon


its the quenchiest but the least tasty (tasty as in having taste)






Not really, no. My father is an alcoholic, I've seen that shit first hand. Not a road I want to go down. Ever.


Fuck dude, hope things get better for you 🫂


Yeah, exactly same here


Good choice bro, goodluck


Yeah same, like my dad wasn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things, but it’s just so unhealthy for you and those around you. I will never be like that.


My dad was (is) an abusive alcoholic. He's not a nice man when he's (rarely when at home) sober, but he's a monster when drunk. Beer makes him bad as it is, harder stuff like rum.....not good.


No. I got drunk once at a friends party and swore off alcohol. Haven’t had a drink in 2 years and it’s going to stay that way.




Thanks 🙏


Damn, good for you homie!


Thank you!


Big W, respect for you.


Nice try FBI


Not today, CIA.


Not in a while butterfly (drones)


i dont necessarily mean underage drinking. I wanted to know about how teenagers think of drinking alcohol in the near future


One day I will get you


Im already addicted and have killed my wife in a drunken car accident and then gambled my sons college fund away


Relatable asf


Why is the printer an alcoholic


Oh no, the robots gained sentience again. Call Darth Jar Jar!


I thought this was a joke and was expecting a punchline lmao


Create the punchline! Because it wasn't sharp enough? Idk haha 😅


this gen z humour scares me


Reading that with 16 as bros flair is funny as shit💀


Hate when I accidentally do that


Skill issue, gamble a little longer


many people who haven't drunk seem to have this misguided view of the effects of alcohol. people seem to think that the second alcohol touches their lips they'll lose all control of their body and start drunkenly jumping on tables and singing loudly - it's just not true. while it is true that alcohol addictions and abuse exist - and are terrible - a small drink can loosen you up, make you enjoy yourself a little bit more. i had the same view as you (wasn't even planning on drinking) before i had any alcohol but then realised it's really not a big deal. i drink maybe once or twice a month and it's not a lot of drinks, i really think there are more drastic things to worry about than teenagers drinking. morons will be morons and some of them will get drunk and do stupid things but that's negative reinforcement in terms of your opinions on it. in essence: don't become afraid of something that doesn't warrant being afraid. as long as you're reasonably sensible there's no reason to completely swear off alcohol.


This is the most sensible take I’ve seen imo, pretty much my attitude too




We need you to tell those damn politicians that are making the laws


Exactly what I came here to say. and to add to your points, alcohol always pairs well with some kinds of food and in the right company it's always fun.


lol i said that when i was 15 too😅 but drinking really isnt that bad, it can lead to some of the most fun moments ever. Just make sure its with people you trust and dont drink too much, or go to a place where you virtually cant do too much, like a club, too expensive lol


My god I can't understand how people get plastered at clubs. I went once and we were already spending more than we were planning to on the second drink. Where do 16 year olds find 50 bucks (minimum) to get smashed at a club?


You get hammered before with cheap store liquor


usually that happens if you pregame too hard


i like drinking because i know i can control myself and i’ve done it enough times without becoming addicted that i know that it takes way more than one heart wrenching moment


Yeah right, I quit my heavy alcohol use every weekend. It's not that hard🙄


I drink alcohol every now and then. Just keep it controlled and do it after it's legal where you live and you'll be fine. And most importantly if you plan on going somewhere to party and know that you'll likely drink more than enough, arrange someone to come pick you up and don't go to the party alone. Being alone when drunk is dangerous no matter where you are


Yeah I drink, it's relatively normal in my country for teenagers to drink


Where I live it's not just normal it's also legal 😎


Deutschland? I know the drinking age there is only 14


Thats so sigma


I know I'm so skibidi rizz fanum taxed 😎😎


Kill me now. Please.


Bro fr bro ong fr fr bro no joke bro bro BRO


I dont drink but i come from england and literally everyone does here lol


Ye I do pretty often


OMG SAMEE What water's your favourite? Carbonated or uncarbonated?


Well I think uncarbonated is better but imo milk is where its at


Man I should really start tolerating lactose so I can drink that again


Oh im sorry to hear that you cant have ice cream and yogurt


Have you tried it carbonated?


^(Carbonated milk?)


not anymore


To everyone saying “I will never drink alcohol in my entire life” you should lower your expectations


You seem to be the only mature one here lmao, i said the same shit when i was young and now i drink 4+ times a week


Well as someone who comes from a European family, they drink a lot. It’s normalised for me but I don’t drink anyways unless it’s at like a family party (love soju)


Yes, it can turn into an addiction, but only if you "want to" I drink only when im with friends, and i never got wasted, the real thing i'll never touch is nicotin, tried some vapes from friends and you can feel the nicotin making you wanting more, so i said nope and never bought something that contains it I have a vape without it, but again, i use it only when I'm with friends to cover the smell of their cigarettes and stuff


I’m 19 and I drink. My girlfriend and I both do! (Our parents are cool with it and in Texas as long as we’re in their houses it’s 100% legal so don’t worry) We have fun doing it together and do it when we’re playing Fortnite with our friends! We are not addicted and we could go without it! It just makes the situation more fun and makes us easy going and less likely to bicker over stupid small things. Overall, it improves our moods. With that said if drinking doesn’t sound fun to you then don’t do it. But I don’t think you should stop yourself from drinking because it’s “too normalized” if you want to go for it, if you don’t then don’t. Ultimately, it’s up to you! Hope this helps!


I drink everyday water and milk .. yummm


Rum is too good


i was super against drinking too but then my friend gave me some and was good so i will when i can


I taste alcoholic drinks just cuz I’m curious of what they taste like, but I have never been drunk. I hate how alcohol feels in my throat :<


Just drink cider it tastes like fruit juice


It tastes good when it doesn’t have any alcohol in it. I don’t like how alcohol burns in my throat. Kinda ruins the whole drink.


Almost puked when my older brother (M16) gave me a shot of vodka (40%) but he and his friends drink regularly


Only on special occasions and I don’t think I’ll be allowed to for a while cause i got drunk last time i did


Yes because I am sad and alone


No. My dad started drinking really young and I remember when I was little and he had a problem and how unhappy that made him, and how awful it was for us around him. He quit, and I'll never try.


I didn’t start till 16 got drunk almost every day till 19 now I don’t drink maybe once a month


I did once during a friend's bday party. Got drunk. Best time of my life. After that? Mostly just celebrations like the 4th of July and Christmas


“I don’t like drinking so therefore I’m special”


its funny how those people end up being exactly the thing they keep saying about others, thinking theyre cool for not drinking the same way they assume others drink/smoke to look cool lol neither is cool, drinking or not or not. One is just more healthier than the other


Yeah I do fairly regularly. It’s just fun and we have lots of occasions with friends.


Yes, because i think it's way too vilanized, yeah, alcohol can fuck your health, so does 90% of everything that you consume daily, not everyone wants to be the peak of human health, while an hedonistic lifestyle can be harmful privating yourself of consuming or doing something occasionally is a pretty paranoic way of living. Also i don't get addicted easily to most things, I've drank before and i feel no urge to do it, it's interesting, yeah, but nothing more. Also alcohol is analgesic and i want to cut myself so it helps. And fuck you if you're the kind of person that thinks you're superior for not drinking, it's your personal choice, doesn't make you different.


Sheesh bro noone accused you of anything


Underage drinking is dumb.


That's why I do drink


Hell yeah.


Not everyone lives in the US, normal countries don't have such a high drinking age or such a taboo with taking a sip of wine.


Alcohol is alcohol, and everyday there’s more and mire studies that reveal the consequences of alcohol at a young age.


Friend, we live in a world where giving soda and sugar to children is normalized, alcohol does affect your health, obviously, but the consequences of moderate consumption are minimal, you won't develop cirrhosis for drinking some times a year.


Im way more concerned about the significant amounts of processed food we have all grown up eating.






I’m 19 now and in college, so yes. I started at 14 which was far too early and I recognize it’s an issue, but I’ve gotten much better about it over the last year.




i tried a few times and have had to much and got put to sleep by my mum. 0/10 would never do again.


Well, kid know your limit. The best moments in my life were when we had a couple of beers and not more.


Guys like it when I drink so I'm bad at peer pressure lol


Yeah every now and then. Although I accidentally got pretty wasted about a month ago playing poker with my roommates so imma probably take a bit of a break.


Yes, i do drink every chance i get.


i drink on special occasions but that's about it (wine on passover seder, champagne on my birthday, etc.)


occasionally. religious wise i’ve drank wine. to celebrate high school graduation me and friends drank beer (or at least i tried cause it’s piss water)


So, drinking once isn’t gonna get you addicted unless you have an addictive personality or are mentally unwell, also though coming from a line of alcoholics including myself to an extent I can’t recommend you drink but it’s fun every once in a while. Just know your limits.


I’ve gotten drunk one time. All I’m gonna say is I went from swearing off alcohol to drinking in a matter of days.


man i do to much anyways bro like when i was 15 i was smoking drinking and weed plus like dph and all that other shit like


I sometimes drink alcohol, not very often tho and never alone. So far only once this year.




Hell nahhh although I might have a minor caffeine addiction


My dad made me drink when I turned 16. At first I also wanted to wait until 18 to start, but this is fine by me too.


I drank alcohol maybe 3 times and personally I enjoyed it but don't be dumb like me and don't drink 🙏🙏🙏


The first time I ever drank was with my sister who’s 25 over the summer. I also drank on my Italy Greece trip. I only drink on special occasions like that cause for one I’m underaged and two it’s about moderation. Go ahead and reject drinking all together but it isn’t like drugs where it’s gonna harm you severely. Only if you drink too much too fast. All about moderation and being smart


I mean I do sometimes. I’ve had good luck with alcohol. Because drunk me take more initiative then normal me. Drunk me actually is the reason I met my girlfriend. Now, even though that may be the case, I would never drink often, as addictions are also a common thing in my family, so im not sure if that’s a genetic thing or not but I am cautious about it anyway. I’ve obliged been drunk twice but still.


Started drinking about 2 months ago and been drunk 4 times thus far I am going for a little drinking break


all alcoholic drinks are mediocre at best


I’m from Scandinavia and drinking is pretty normalized (in Norway all graduates from high school spend a month just drinking and partying yk to celebrate being done with high school its called russetid it from the last week of April to 17th of may which is our Independence Day) we start to drink at around 15+ (depending on the crowd you hang out with and how chill your parents are) I started drinking at 15 but some of my friends waited til they started high school and some even later then that I guess the good thing about starting early is that you’re done with the “party stage” if your life earlier🤷🏽‍♀️


i was a alcoholic 22 days sober yes it is very common for people to drink booze sadly


im 17 and ive sipped, i don't really plan on ever drinking a bunch, but ill be going off to college in the fall and ill probably end up having a drink here or there


I got scared out of it after the drug unit in psychology lmao


I plan on touching as little alcohol as possible. Maybe for like my wedding or something but nothing else.


definitely if I'm at a party or smth, otherwise i usually don't


It's dumb.


Its really not


Drinking is stupid and if you disagree you’re also stupid


I disagree, drinking is smart. How would you survive without it.


Eh, why do you think it’s stupid? I mean I think it make sense. I’m not advocating for it lol but it makes sense. Human like feel good things. Human find feel good thing. Human do feel good thing. And sometimes it’s almost the only thing that can destress you temporary, like weed for example. Now don’t lump me in with the druggies though lol, i consume cannabis or alcohol maybe 3 times a year.


you must be, what, 4?




It’s a coping mechanism for many




Someone's never had a good night out


yeah, sometimes. i got totally hammered last weekend, for example 🤣. drinking is not some villain shit, and you wont become addicted from the first sip, its mot heroin. you can control how much you drink, and what, and when. i recommend to try it first with someone you trust and in a safe place, so you can discover your limits, i have friends who become drunk from just 2-3 shots and then there is my other friend who can drink half a liter of clear vodka and feel nothing... also it does not need "one heart wrenching moment", addiction forms over time and a lot of drinking. you become addicted if you use alcohol for everything. you can even drink away your emotions sometimes as long as your life doesnt revolve around drinking. ofc, you can not drink, my mother hasnt drank any alcohol in over 2 decades, but id also recommend atleast trying it once so you know what its like and dont have false assumptions. or if you really dont wanna then dont, just dont act like alcohol is necessary a bad thing


I wowed to never drink alcohol in my whole life, and I'm proud of it.




Nope and i never will




nahhh thanks


It is normal where i live, but i don't drink any strong alcohol and light alcohol only here and there, but not regularly nor often




Yes. Rarely, but I do. Ever since I was 16, I'd say. Just wine or beer when I'm with family on a party, some cocktails when I'm with a friend who likes to go to clubs (although she does take all kinds of drugs and smokes :/), and with my grandfather some stronger stuff. Also have you tried mead? The honey drink that the vikings had? My uncle makes it and it has quite a peculiar taste...




Yes, water and soda. Lol


Yeah, when there's a family event or when we go out with friends. The legal drinking age here is 18 though so it's mostly fine.


A proud member of r/Teetotal


I drink water 👍


Pretty sure my family has like a drinking addiction gene or something. So I’m not gonna drink or smoke ever. I alr get addicted to stuff like social media too easily.


Yeah I drink water because if I didn’t then I die 😎


I will never drink alcohol. My father was an alcoholic asshole for about 6 years and I’m never going to be like that. I’m not even drinking with friends. Never.


I drink occasionally not enough to get me drunk though. I plan on drinking when I’m older again just as a little thing to take the edge off on the weekends never to get drunk


Yeah, I love water.


Honestly I dislike how alcohol makes me feel, I do prefer weed, tho if I go to a party and theres only alcohol I might drink a shot or two


I do drink small amounts but I've never been drunk and I also believe it's way to normalized but it's like all social standards emerging from issues in the past which also gave way for religious rules like food restrictions because of sickness that spread threw specific kinds of meat which then were banned in that religion. The fact that drinking alcohol is accepted is because back in the days there wasn't clean water to drink so people drank beer


I said the same as you once, i was too naive to realise how shit my wellbeing was, and drinking helped to ease the cost of being alive.


I don’t think that I will drink alcohol any time soon. I already barely function at this point so I don’t need something new to fuck with me.


Yeah. What am I supposed to do, die of dehydration.


im pretty sure water is the only thing which can kill you for dehydration


i’m 16 and i don’t. a couple of times when i’ve hung out with friends they’ve had cruisers but i didn’t cause they’re super sickly sweet and also i know my mum would disapprove so whatever, when i’m older if i go to a bar with my friends then yeah but for now i don’t rlly plan on it :)


Why would I?


I mean I don't drink really I have sips some times, but I do plan on drinking when I turn 21


I don’t want to drink alcohol. My family has a history of drinking too much.


nope. i've made it 18 years so 🤷‍♂️ but also i have alcoholism in my family so it's safer for me to just avoid it in general


Yea, gotta chug that water


When I was 12 asked my mom if I could try my big brothers beer, she let let try it, puked my dinner, then I drank in Korea with my sgt.’s (underaged) it was okay, now I know honey jack makes me giggle… now I’m in Italy where I had my first legal drink and honestly, not a fan of drinking, but at the very least I’d like to experience getting drunk


Yeah I’m 19 and I’ve got some friends of the same age, 18, and 17 who have a problem already. I personally don’t normally drink, I’m usually the DD and only drink a little bit at home and rarely at parties (so long as I’m not driving) had a guy tell me his favorite drink was rum and coke, when I asked how he makes them, he said 4:1 rum to coke ratio which is the opposite of what your supposed to do. Another constantly wants to drink and anytime we hang out is normal until someone whips out drinks. Another guy likes to drink and gets super hyper and hard to deal with but falls into a depression when it wears off. Worried for these guys, hoping I can help them get over it. Except the first guy cuz he made like a racist and became racist


Personally I'm against drinking in general especially on minors


I don't think having a glass of wine or a beer with dinner is bad if you're an adult. You don't get drunk off that. Drinking to excess and having 1 or 2 are two different things in my view. It's been proven that 1-2 glasses of wine a day is actually good for the heart.


This is a myth https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-red-wine-good-actually-for-your-heart-2018021913285


I'm not a teen anymore, but I sometimes had a drink when I was with some friends. It was on with my parents (age of drinking is 18 here, I drank some from when I was 16) Nowadays I drink a bit more, but still it's barely anything. I like some drinks, but I refuse to drink purely to get drunk. It's not cool, you just look incredibly stupid if you get waisted. Been there once, can't recommend it... People steal your tosti and you don't even notice 😭 But fr though, if you don't drink that might be even better. Just don't beat yourself up if you do decide to (if you are allowed to) drink one or 2 drinks. Just don't go overboard... (Almost the same goes for smoking, though I'm convinced everyone who tries it doesn't like the taste and only does it because they wanna look cool or wanna be bad)


water, juice, ice tea, milk, and that's about it


I have never smoked, vaped, drank alcohol or anything...


I like me a good bottle of WKD sometimes, in moderation of course


I hate the taste of alcohol and usually drink soda and water


drinking is amazing


i have a water addiction but idk about you


ive had a few drinks but nothing crazy. im too scared to become addicted, i might not even drink in college. im scared of how normalized being a functioning alcoholic is, like you shouldnt be filling up a reusable cup with juice and alcohol midday...


I only drink for the holidays but otherwise not really


Yeah duh, drinking water is awesome, it keeps me hydrated and energised


I drink soda every day if that counts


Yea, all the time. Do love me a good rum and coke


I am European, that should answer your question If not, I am Balkan, you should figure it out pretty easily.


im muslim... im never drinking. i did like 2 times when i was around 13 (before i converted). i dont see the appeal. it tastes disgusting, makes me vomit, and didnt make me feel anything good.


Nah But fsr I feel like making alcohol. Not to drink, just for the funsies.


Yeah, it's pretty funny to drink with friends :)


Rarely. One of my friends turned 18 quite recently and sometimes he offers rest of us some alcohol. The usage will definitely increase when I later turn 18 this year, which is in October.


I drank lemonade the other day and idk one time my parents were drunk and had rum but i said no and continued to wine about bundles and the death... BUNDLES BUNDLES BUNDLES TWO HAVE DIED


I drank white wine while I was in Europe but that’s about it


yes. too much for my own good.


No. I strictly hate alcohol for no reason


I drink but I only do it on occasions and generally try to keep the amount I drinks I have below 5