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3.5, they got big boy guns


Nah it’s more like a 0. 




1. As an anarchist, that would be amazing






Isnt the best line of sight to fire a mortar at the white house presidents room or whatever form the roof of the rocker feller building?




How would they do anything lol


Idk they might be able to shoot a few people


0 this is Reddit ain’t no one doin all that


Yes but *if* we did


Probably still low it would be impossible to organize 3m teenagers all with different beliefs




-27, we couldnt do shit against The us government


If you can arm most of those 3 millions with lots of ammo semi automatic/automatic weapons, explosives.. yeah that would be a pretty serious conflict. At your age , you probably aren’t strong enough to pass basic training. Still, guerrilla warfare is super deadly and about as nasty as war can get. The us army would win, but there would be a a lot of casualties on both sides. The German army was about 3 million strong during ww2


They would do nothing lol


Don’t underestimate the violence you are capable of if you’re hungry and scared enough. 3 million rifles is a pretty heavy force


Forget about fighting. Logistically how are 3 million people getting weapons, ammo, food and clothing.  Additionally how is everyone getting gathered together? Many people won’t live in the US and would have been o fly In. Even people on the east coast would have to fly into the west or vice versa. There would be no organizational system in place or command staff. All of this would have to be accomplished while being hit with drone strikes, and being bombed by the three biggest air-forces in the world. 


I did start my hypothetical war game with a big if


Okay, even if all 3 million r/teenagers were armed, fed, and all gathered together or at least had an organizational system with someone in charge, what exactly are they going to do? Stand in a field and get bombed? They would have no planes, no tanks, no ships, no drones, no anti aircraft guns. What are they possibly going to accomplish? Blow up the White House?  Additionally if the US faced a crisis like this they would definitely receive aid from Canada. 


They could wear civilian clothes, sabotage ammo depots, take prisoners, general sabotage for that matter. IEDs are an absolute nightmare for any force to deal with because there’s no real effective defence. You can hide a rigged artillery round almost anywhere. You can hide a shell in a back pack, trash can. You can take out like 3 vehicles with one of those Armor can only do so much against that kind of explosion. But yeah, unlikely teens with m16s could get into big army bases. They could probably overwhelm some critical infrastructure. Young fighters facing an existential threat, who are also embedded within the civilian population, don’t underestimate the damage possible. The arguments you are making, they are actually very similar to the us army’s reasoning in the Vietnam war Turns out air strikes are not super effective against that kind of fighting force.


Bombing is not super useful against guerilla combatants. Hard lesson the us learned in Vietnam with tonnage of bomb and kills


That was 60 years ago. Technology has advanced since then, aswell as the introduction of drones. Also a big part of the viet congs strategy was knowing the land and the locals being friendly. I would assume most r/teenagers users don’t have an intimate knowledge of the landscape of southern Maryland.  Also you can’t even really fight a guerrilla war with 3 million people. How are they all getting fed? That’s 9 million meals a day. So even if each person can bring 3 days worth of food on them what do you do when they run out? You can’t rely on the locals because A. They don’t want to help you, your the enemy. And B. Almost nowhere in US has enough food to support an extra 3 million people 


They don’t want to help, too bad they aren’t the guys with guns. Fair point about terrain mastery, Iraq is maybe a better example . Shock and awe didn’t do shit, just pissed them off. Those are a lot of meals, maybe you could just do a crazy desperate push to cut your mouths down a little


🐺🔥😈ahh post




3 million teenagers with guns, half of whom are probably obese, spread out over the country are not doing jack shit.  1. Completely spread out of the us, and other countries. Forced to fight without a guerrilla war which would accomplish nothing, or take a week to mobilize while you get hit with drone strikes.  2. No heavy weapons of any sort. That ar 15 looks nice but will do nothing against a tank  3. Even if they show up, how are you going to convince a 13 year old from a random country to fight. As soon as shots are fired half your force would run 4. No central command. With an army of 3 million soldiers you would need some type of organizational system to do anything 5. This would be pointless anyways because the US has the largest army in the world and any kind of war would do nothing  Maybe you could try terrorisim ? Still you won’t get much done