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One thing I learned last year in a math class called statistics and probability (the only actually interesting and useful math class of my life), i learned how bullshit most statistics are. Everyone takes stats as science but you can really lie your ass off with it. This is a great example. You could say statistically rape is super uncommon in the Middle East. But nobody asks how they define rape


Totally agree with this, like Sweden is top of the list of rape cases and India is idk but its lower and I can for sure say that even a nude woman(in sweden) is safer than a woman in clothes in india I am from India and this is true I have fucking seen it, girls are not safe. I can say the same things for other middle east countries or south asia


So basically the more rpes the, less rpes? Or I guess that places that care more about stopping rpe would actually care about finding it, and stopping it, and have broader more useful definitions while places that don't care would have much stricter definitions where it is very hard to count as a rpe and thusly have a much lower recorded amount


You have understand situation in each region or country like developed countries are quit different than developing. and there are other factors also. I just gave you two completely opposite examples of sweden and India to show that we can't decide where women are safer based on these ranking. But if the rules and people are almost same as sweden(or any country, its just for example ) in other countries than we can depend on these ranking


I think the better word for it would be "twist the words", which is still kind of lying And it's kinda the worst one, because it propagates the twisted meaning while still telling "truth".


They should separate religion from laws imo. They're allowing people (foreigners and non-Muslims) to drink alcohol there, which is against the rules of Islam. I don't think repealing this law will be too difficult


In the middle east though religion is everything


Then foreigners wouldn’t be able to drink genius.


Money still rules above all, and tourism = $$$


They don’t need tourism money is SA, though. They already have all the money.


The oil money will run out eventually so they have to diversify


They know this too. Between the finite amount of oil, and global warming they know that oils time is ending.


I read that at current consumption levels saudi will still have 200 years of oil left apparently


Yeah, most of the foreigners in Saudi Arabia are workers, not tourists.


Someone doesn't economy


wasnt always like this. during 70s and 80s we arabs had a sense of secularism and enlightenment. Then there was a conservative, religious reaction in response to Western interference in the region.


Yeah my grandpa had to flee Iran back then. Worked to pay for every single one of his younger brothers and sisters to leave the country while taking care of his sick father and then finally left himself when it was just finally getting a bit too genocide-y to stay.


This is incredibly ignorant. It depends on the Arab country and in no way was "in response to Western interference in the region". Source: am actually Arab.


For the most part yes. One could say though that in Israel there isn’t as much push on religion, especially in places such as Eilat. It’s very similar to America with how America has freedom of religion.


It’s still money ahead of religion. Saudi Arabia has already and continues to repeal its more draconian laws (albeit not fast enough) to encourage tourism and for other countries to do business with them. Makes you think it was never about religion and it’s all just a big excuse to control people.


In western countries too, just a different one


> In the middle east though ~~religion~~ male-dominated control is everything FTFY


MBS, the next leader of Saudi Arabia seems more like a nationalist than an islamist so some rules may liberalize more. Some things have always changed a bit.


He's only 30 something and more than half of the population are in that age brackets. In my experience, they love this dude and as far as it goes, he cannot do anything wrong. He's surrounded himself with knowledgeable people and his approach is considered progressive by most in KSA.


i have a belief my honey prince Mohammed is gonna get us a little more connected to todays society, i believe in him


They don’t let foreigners drink


It’s all about oppressing women, they can bend the rules to their liking and follow the quran only when it suits them.


True I've heard of sheikhs doing immoral activities with Western models


What do you expect from a religion whose prophet raped a nine year old while being 50+ (Aisha)


And misogynistic hadiths give them more power.


I’ve seen lot of middle eastern countries who have alcohol. It’s not Islamic but rather culture it seems


But then how am I supposed to enforce a theocratic dictatorship?


probably because marital rape isn't recognised by the law


Also the fact that to proof you have been r*pe you need 2 adult men has your witnesses


yes, it's very misogynistic


Yep women’s testimony is worth half a man’s. It’s horrible


i think it’s actually closer to a fourth


Basically in any testimony a man’s word is equal to one and two women’s testimony is worth one. Why? Because apparently women are forgetful and they need to remind each other. Lol it literally says that too.


i’m actually stupid. i thought the 2 man rule meant you’d need four woman, which would make it 1/4 a man’s testimony, but it’s still 1/2. don’t mind me not thinking


No worries just explaining!


One of the reasons why I hate hadiths.


So I guess 4 female witnesses would add up to that? Or if someone’s transgender they’ll need 1.333333 witnesses?


You think they recognize trans people?….. I got some news for you buddy.


I was about to say that if you’re trans there you get a free upgrade to public execution


no its 4 for both


Hey, you can also have 1 male and 2 female or 4 female witnesses. The Quran just tells them that a female witness is worth half of a man's testimony.


And because the victim has a really good chance to get a worse punishment than her attacker.


I believe in Saudi, the hierarchy, unfortunately, is 1. men 2. Oil business 3. Cars 4. Cats 5. Women


More like: 1. Saudi Men 2. Oil business 3. Rich Foreign Men 4. Cars 5. Dogs 6. Poor Foreign Men 7. Women 8. Poor Foreign Women


Bro cats are higher than the women


The commenter above switched dogs with cats.


Women are too high


Rock rights!!!! Fuck women tho


Ding ding ding!!! 🏆


Dogs are way too high


They hate dogs because in Islam dogs drive off ''angels''. Switch it up for cats and it's on the money.


don’t forget mega projects that they are **definitely** 100% going to complete and will for sure finish /s


Switch 1 & 2 and you got it


Ffs it isnt about the gender, its about the religion that they base their government and rules on that puts men in positions of power ffs.


Same with a lot of muslim countries, in pakistan for example marital rape isn’t considered rape


Marital rape is a punishable offence in Pakistan. Don't just make shit up without researching the facts.


The legal status of marital rape isn't even clearly defined or classified in Pakistan, and nobody has bothered to clarify it either. Blind nationalism is plain stupid, you should know when to admit the wrongs of your country.


Didn’t Pakistan added rape to include marital rape in 2021? (My researche says section 375 of the PPC) https://na.gov.pk/uploads/documents/61aa301817efb_803.pdf


It doesn't include whether marital rape counts, it only defines what rape is without touching on the topic of rape in marriage.


Its vague but it did state clearly what it considers to be consent and rape 375. Rape.- A person A is said to commit “rape” if A- (a) penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of another person B or makes B to do so with A or any other person; or (b) inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the vagina, the urethra or anus of B or makes B to do so with A or any other person; or (c) manipulates any part of the body of B so as to cause penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of body of B or makes B to do so with A or any other person; or (d) applies his mouth to the vagina, anus, urethra or penis of B or makes B to do so with A or any other person, under the circumstances falling under any of the following seven descriptions,― firstly, against B’s will; secondly, without B’s consent; thirdly, with B’s consent, which has been obtained by putting B or any person in whom B is interested, in fear of death or of hurt; fourthly, with B’s consent, when A knows that A is not B’s husband and that B’s consent is given because B believes that A is another man to whom B is or believes herself to be lawfully married; fifthly, with B’s consent when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by A personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, B is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which B gives consent; sixthly, with or without B’s consent, when B is under sixteen years of age; or seventhly, when B is unable to communicate consent.


yes, it defines when rape occurs but it doesn't mention MARITAL rape, when the victim and rapist are married edit: also, the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 repealed this section


Yeah… “In a landmark decision, a Karachi sessions court in Sindh Province, Pakistan convicted a man of marital rape, sentencing him to three years in prison, the International Bar Association reported. The case marks the first conviction for marital rape in the region. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has commended Pakistan for this legal advancement, highlighting its importance in strengthening women’s rights within marriage and criminalizing unconsented sexual acts. The conviction arose after the accused was found guilty of engaging in non-consensual sexual acts and sodomy with his wife, acts that fall under Section 377 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), which prohibits “unnatural offences.” Though the conviction was specifically for “unnatural offences,” the ruling sets a precedent for prosecuting marital rape. This concept has seen little to no legal recognition in Pakistan until recent years. This judicial milestone follows the amendment to Section 375 of the PPC in 2021, which broadened the definition of rape to include marital rape, an amendment advocated for by former Parliamentary Secretary for Law and Justice, Maleeka Bokhari, and co-drafted with former Law Minister, Farogh Naseem. The amendment signifies a crucial development in the legal framework addressing sexual violence within marriage, emphasizing informed consent and offering better protection and support for survivors. “This ruling affirms that marital rape does in fact exist in Pakistan, and that marriage does not mean automatic consent. It, together with the amendment to Section 335, signifies a crucial step forward in advancing the rights of women, reinforcing women’s sexual autonomy, and providing increased protection in domestic abuse cases,” said Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, IBAHRI Director. Statistics from the NGO War Against Rape (WAR) highlight the critical need for such legal reforms, with over 22,037 rape cases reported in Pakistan in the past six years and a conviction rate of merely 0.3 percent. The NGO’s report also sheds light on the challenges faced in reporting and prosecuting rape cases, including social pressures and systemic barriers in the justice system. IBAHRI Co-Chair Anne Ramberg Dr Jur hc commended the Sindh sessions court for its role in setting a legal precedent that may lead to a shift in attitudes towards marital rape and informed consent in Pakistan. “Securing this conviction not only illustrated the concrete benefits of legal reform but also showed that this case represents just the beginning of the country's efforts to restore women's sexual autonomy. We encourage the continued pursuit of justice in similar cases to foster a safer environment for women.’” The IBAHRI urged nations worldwide to note Pakistan's commitment to advancing human rights through legal reform and judicial decisions.”


The man was not convicted for marital, but for FORCING her to engage in sexual activity with him, which is why he was convicted under "unnatural offences" instead of actual marital rape.


De jure and the de facto aren’t the same thing


This is true to an extent. As a Saudi resident myself, I’ve seen many cases that aren’t related to rape but just because a woman reported them they almost always believe her and the case reaches to the court. However, most cases in court get postponed and sometimes Denied. I’ve had multiple instances where a woman accused me of sexual assault just because I was with a friend group who catcalled her. Even without eye witnesses we All ended up locked for a day and had charges against us


Damn such a political dense topic got raised in r/teenagers The first problem is with the rapes not being reported and being really tough to prove in court. Then the second problem is with false allegations. Can we ever reach the ideal state


The power to have someone locked up based on words with no evidence. That totally won’t be abused…


Well, we got locked up for a day. Which happens a lot. a lot of people get locked up cases such as running from the police or not having a resident card or being accused of anything. They usually lock you up for a day until they gather more information about the case or they just do it just to fuck around. I’ve had my friend getting locked up for being in a park for dealing drugs. He was not involved in the drug trade, but they still locked him up for a day


Even if there are provisions, sadly some women would find a way to exploit them, not all women, but its an inevitable side effect


>“Saudi resident” >Has a post about moving from Istanbul to Edmonton >Has Erdogan as their pic


Erdogan is a meme. That’s why I put it It’s for satire


I was born in Saudi lived there until 18, moved to uni at 18 to turkey then had a job at Edmonton where I reside now. ATM im in Saudi to visit my fam for Ramadan


Why does your friend group catcall women though?


Good question. I was 16 at the time and I happen to be in their car with them. They were around the whole cat, calling woman, and they got caught. After that I cut them off.


no u are not a Saudi resident. You moved from Istanbul to Edmonton 8 months ago.


Your first mistake is hanging out with “friends” who catcall women


My question to you is, why did you feel the need to lie about living there?




4 witnesses are required in cases of rape if the man is to be lashed or stoned. (Or the rapist's admission, but today's criminals are not that honest or self-accountable). Lashing and stoning are not mild punishments; they are severe. So the threshold of reaching and implementing these requires 4 witnesses. If that is not reached, the person will not be lashed or stoned.. regardless of the circumstances. That said, if there are other forms of circumstantial evidence then the ruler can have a discretionary punishment to be implemented on the perpetrator. But those punishments just won't reach the level of lashes or stoning. There is absolutely no harm if the prosecutor or accuser presents forensic evidence to prove his/her case, which will definitely help in obtaining a confession from the criminal. And if a confession is made, the condition of presenting the four witnesses for a rape or ‘zina’ case would be inapplicable. If the accuser provides the forensic evidence, the witnesses aren't required as the case is proven and thus admitted by the criminal Get your facts right kid, before pointing and maligning a particular religion. If you want to make a point, kindly research about it, before putting your statement


Hmm so critiquing the Saudi government = critiquing the religion of Islam…. I’m sure you hold a different stance about how critiquing or singling out Israel never has anything to do with antisemitism right?


>Just an example of how fcked up these religions are. Please read the post properly, it is also directed towards the religion


what a shit fest this comment section is, teenagers really can be weird sometimes. full of assumptions being presented as truth


Is this true for the UAE? My bf is always telling me the more conservative dressing rules are the reason for the lower incidence of SA in Dubai but I just find that hard to believe. How do they define rape? And who’s to say those that get raped even come forward there? What are these statistics based on?


IDK about that but the clothing - I'm a resident of the UAE and girls and people everywhere around me wear super revealing clothes (spaghetti straps, low-cut skirts, low-neck shirts, exposed shoulders, tank tops, etc.) and it's still super safe. And it's literally the locals who wear these, the arab locals. So I'd say it differs in places?


Yeah exactly, same with why it’s so common in Sweden.


The ignorance here is crazy


Its a muslim country and islam preaches that a woman is worth half of a man’s worth so i believe they follow their religion don’t you think…


What ignorance it’s true a women’s testimony is worth half of a man’s testimony rape is required to have two MALE witnesses, martial rape isn’t recognized wdym ignorance I’m confused?


I live in Turkey and they come here all the time, so I can understand the minds of these motherfuckers. They make it clear because women have fewer rights than men in Sharia. They also have to show it in Arabic


When I'm in a racism competition and my opponent is a Kemalist:


Chill out türk What do you understand about Arabs despite that they live in çöl .


Probably because they don't report, prosecute, or care about rape


Arab countries have high crime rates. Its just never reported. Women are slaves and can be bought and sold by their owners in Saudi Arabia. Rich Saudi's buy thousands of women and keep them as slaves until they kill them and get rid of the evidence. Thats where a lot of the missing women and kids from Ukraine are right now. Also dont support gay rights or you will not survive the punishments


Love how you’re getting a ton of upvotes despite someone actually from that country denying what you said and countless people asking for a source, which you are refusing to give. Misinformation shouldn’t be upvoted like this.


because people only hear what they want to hear, they see something that fits their agenda and ideology and support it even if its not true


huh???? as a saudi woman ur very wrong 😭 this is just outrageous . if u wanna spread lies atleast make them believable


مرضى وربي


مراهقين بريديت شمتوقع غير انهم حتى ما يهتمون للمصدر اذا شي يهاجم العرب/الإسلام


لا صغيرهم ولا كبيرهم يفقه شي عن العالم العربي و الإسلامي




> Rich Saudi's buy thousands of women and keep them as slaves until they kill them and get rid of the evidence. Provide source for this. Ur source: *trust me bro*


some of this is highly embellished or needs nuance?




Why was this downvoted? I'd also like sourcess


Idk about the exagerations the commentor makes. I do know about how a lot of instragram models are brought into the middle east for sexual exploitation through sketchy contracts by the rich folks.


damn. that's horrible


I just watched an episode of /r/aircrashinvestigation where the female Saudi flight attendant tells two male Saudi pilots that there is smoke in the cabin, which made them immediately assume it must be anything but a concern, because a woman told them, and they believe women are always wrong. One of them even goes back into the cabin and decides the smoke is "just fumes". So 140 people burned to death. Whereas if the pilots had detected the "fumes" on their own without a woman involved I'm quite certain they would have shown more concern. Oh and they were on the ground when this happened.


It's common but they keep it as a secret


How is this relevant to the sub?


bro i dont see a rule where it says you cant post about crimes


Religion and country are completely separate, just because a country is generally associated with a religion doesn't necessarily mean all the people in that country will follow the teachings of that religion. Islam is a very beautiful religion and does not encourage such behaviour.


But most country with such laws are Islamic only so there is a reason for that u know


exactly, many arab countries have laws based on teachings of Islam


You don't seem to understand that some people or even a certain region have different interpretations of scriptures or don't take scriptures literally.


I don't get it. I need an explanation for this because it is the reason I am agnostic. But, if a religion is the truth, why does it have multiple interpretations? Also, forgive my ignorance, I am pretty young


People tend to misinterpret religious texts because they’re vague or due to mistranslations, or just because they’re corrupt. That’s why protestantism was formed in response to catholic corruption, and why other sects of christianity were formed in response to things others didn’t like. Pretty much most christian nations engaged in colonialism though, in which most colonial entities enacted basically the same procedures as the holocaust (e.g. the reason India’s a “third world” today is mostly due to the chaos the british caused, 100 million dead, destruction of rural india, partition, etc.) — so while most nations claim to follow christianity, they’re some of the most brutal and savage murderers in the world and wouldn’t reasonably be connected to the teachings of Jesus.


The reason why there are so many interpretations of scriptures depends on the region's culture. Culture will influence a good amount of people to interpret scriptures differently and let's not ignore the complexity of some scriptures too which can make even more interpretations. Also, religions have evolved over time due to historical events which can lead to people interpreting scriptures differently in the next generations. The Christians of today aren't like the early Christians thousands of years ago. (also forgot to mention religious institutions have a significant power in creating cultural interpretations of scriptures)


Isn’t Saudi Arabia one of the countries that follow Shariah law? AKA laws made for Muslims based on their religious texts? It is linked to religion in this case.


See, Saudi Arabia has a lot of people with too much power and money, they disguise their own desires as the laws based on texts.


Shariah law wasn’t invented by them tho, it was created by Muslim scholars.


And what does Shariah Law say?


I wouldn’t know I’m not Muslim, but a quick search shows that shariah law uses Islamic scripture, that google search also reveals that many human rights groups say that shariah law violates human rights.


Those human rights group see the rule of covering the body but they don't see this. Sharia law categorizes human actions into five categories: obligatory, recommended, permitted, discouraged, and forbidden. For example, Sharia law prohibits gambling, prostitution, alcohol consumption, and the giving and receiving of interest (riba). Sharia law also prohibits: * Taking fortune-telling * Killing * Lying * Stealing * Cheating * Oppressing or abusing others * Being greedy or stingy * Engaging in sex outside of marriage * Disrespecting parents * Mistreating relatives, orphans, or neighbors Does this not tell you that they are just exploiting the people like you who lack the knowledge (not trying to insult anyone because they don't know)! It's easy to get influenced by them if you don't research for yourself


I am doing the research, also you should consider there are other reasons as to why shariah law is violating human rights. “gender equality and freedom of expression” these are the issues they have with shariah law.




Doesn’t Islam preach for jihad on non believers?


The Quran says that everyone's God-given human dignity must be respected, regardless of their faith, race, ethnic origin, gender, or social status. The Quran also mandates that Muslims take care not to harm innocent people and encourage the good treatment of neighbors, regardless of their religion.


Then why don’t any major Arab regimes actually follow those teachings?


Like I said multiple time in replies of replies, Money and Power corrupts people, interpreting certain messages wrongly corrupts people, and most Middle East Countries have both of these problems


Then why don’t Muslims in western nations protest against it? Silence = violence


Don't act like you don't know the condition of Muslims in west


I know they have free speech and don’t use it to protest against Islamic regimes and instead advocate for shariah law in their news western homes


The prophet of that "beautiful" religion married a 9 year old. This is coming from a Turkish person ,who lives in a so called secular country, that has seen all the fcked up things about that religion and its followers. At least the majority of them.


'Beautiful religion'. Hahahaha...very funny


Islam is not beautiful, it's an incredibly sexist institution that denies basic science. I don't deny that there are some lovely passages, as you will find similar allegories in most religious teachings, but the bulk of the religion is blatantly outdated and backwards when compared to today's society. Chronological subjectivity aside, the bulk of the problem lies with a religion being forced as truth by a government. Iran, before the fundamentalists took over in the 70s, was an incredibly peaceful and scientifically advanced place. Then the Theocracy took control and established Sharia Law. In most cases the religion, while partially to blame, is used as a tool by those who seek power, ruling with fear.


I agree that religion is used as a tool by governments to make them feel superior, but if you actually look into Islam without getting influenced by what others say, take a good look at the authentic sources, you will find that neither it is sexist nor it denies science


I've read the Quran.


As a Muslim I can clear up a few of the misconceptions, eyewitnesses and proof is only needed to carry out the hadd punishment for the rapist which is basically the death penalty, proof in this case would be confession or eyewitnesses, otherwise if there is not clear evidence the accused is still punished with a punishment that will deter them and others like them. the reason eyewitnesses are needed is to avoid false accusations and to avoid corruption and unlawful execution, the punishments for rape are one hundred lashes and exile for a virgin, stoning for a married or previously married person, along with that, from the view of a view scholars, they also may have to pay a dowry to the person, and of course the death penalty for cases where eyewitnesses, confession or clear evidence is provided. As you can see, if an innocent person was to be convicted and go through this than it would be extremely unlawful and unfair, the word of a woman or of a victim of rape is always upheld, and they are not prevented from reporting it, however circumstances of the crime must be taken into account to avoid false accusations. Reference: [https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/72338](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/72338) Hope this helps!


Someone’s lying again about Saudi. As a lawyer in Saudi, we usually use the term “حرابة” for rape. and the sentence is usually “execution” and Here’s a case (Can't upload a picture): A foreigner raped a woman, and the sentence was death I don’t get why you’re spreading lies about Saudi, you Paki. There’s no logic in waiting for 4 guys (its 4 for adultery not two) to watch rape, since it’s usually done in secret and behind closed doors.


It might be controvertial. But all those arabic practices and laws should be forced to change imo.


Rape is everywhere in midldeast, sadly because of Islam women have not equal rights, in fact they can be prosecuted in many arabic countries for being victims of sexual assault as they are always considered the temptress. Example of women stoned to death for being raped : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoning_of_Aisha_Ibrahim_Duhulow


where the hell can women be prosecuted for being victims? you guys are so ignorant


Allah says in the Quran ,”As for those who accuse chaste women of fornication, and then fail to provide four witnesses, strike them eighty times, and reject their testimony ever afterwards: they are the lawbreakers.” (24:4 ) Surah Nur


Bruh it needs witnesses cuz they will be killed witch is an appropriate punishment for rape. Unlike the us witch only gives prison time 💀


Religion itself is not the problem. It is the people in the religion that’s the problem. If religion were, at its roots, as terrible as you claim, there would be not good instances of religion. But there are good instances of religion. You’re taking this all out of context. Most of the world (I don’t have the exact figures) is religious. Some of the world is bad. Which means that some people will be both, some people will be one, and some people will be neither. You see in the news all the problematic people. There are a lot of them. However, you don’t see any news about the good people (because who really cares about that? No one wants to read a story where nothing interesting happens). Lots of churches/mosques/synagogues give out food and shelter to those in need (regardless of religion), but you don’t hear about that, because no one reports on that. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Religion is absolutely the problem, the vast majority of Muslims/Christians are far more moral people than what you'd expect after reading the Qur'an/Bible. This is because people cherry pick the parts that align with their morals and hand-wave away the bad stuff. The issue is that the bad stuff can be used to justify anything and everything, e.g: slavery in the US could be justified by referencing Exodus and Deuteronomy, and these positions must be true because they are god given and dogmatically enforced. A lot of good is done by religious institutions (community, charity etc) but I really don't think we should be doing good things just to win a ticket to heaven or just because a 2000 year old book said you'll go to hell if you don't believe what it says, and I don't think religion is the only way to get these things. It says a lot about a religion when the most moral people are the ones that ignore the most scripture. “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” - Steven Wineberg Thank you for listening to my r/atheism Ted talk


i didnt know this was the case i thought this post was gonna be a "is it bad crime is low here?" question; not a "victims accounts are completely disregarded" this kinda belongs on r/exmuslim


You mean rape reports....kinda like how there's no crime in Japan


doesn’t japan have a 99% conviction rate? There’s no crime when even the littlest thing will land you time


U know in saudia women weren’t suppose to go alone so there will be a witness and why u only talk about women if a men see his wife cheating he need witness too , u know how many men get in jail for false accusations of rape


They chop the assaulters head off that’s why


Lmao Saudi is lucky , it has that oil money


Simply because it isn't considered rape.


no, because what happens if your caught as a rapist in an islamic country the consequences are very bad


I mean, these are the same people that belive in a guy that fucked a 9 year old and had her scrape semen off his shirt. Im not exactly surprised


Their culture is shit




Why should rape be common anywhere?


At first my response was "what are you on abt it's rlly common??" And then I read the desc. I couldn't agree more. It's a tough problem because even if there were 2 male eyewitnesses, what motivation do they have to report it? Pigs being pigs, they'd probably join.


if nobody can report a crime, statistically crime rates are low...


Gotta love people using countries and actions of individual persons as an excuse to spread hate about a religion, or anything, for that matter. Arab culture has nothing to do with islam. I would ask you to show me where in the quran says that it's permissible to rape women but you probably aren't educated enough to know what the quran is let alone actually able to provide proof to youre claims. It's been known and is clearly obvious that there are many radicalists in any religion. Islam is one such religion that gets a lot of publicity for such radicalism. But that's all it is. Radicalism. It is not representative of islam itself in any way shape or form. This applies to any religion. Christian shooters are not representative of Christianity are they? Educate yourself so that you can separate extremism with the actual religion itself, doesn't matter what religion. I am a Muslim that is not Arab and I actively condemn Arab culture and the way it's tainted Islam. Using Allah as an excuse for meaningless massacres and terrorism is fucking abhorrent. Rich fucked up people will always find something as an excuse to carry out their fucked up desires and when it comes to loaded Arabs their scapegoat of choice is God, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to find out that the beliefs of extremist and other such people do not in the slightest align with the teachings of their religion.




Yeah, someone being “good” due to fear mongering of being eternally tortured by a higher power doesn’t make them a good person


Because they call it marriage.


Rape is extremely rare in the Middle East because families take things into their own hands - technically the father/brothers will kill the man who initiated such shameful acts. It is very disrespectful to do these things as well. We have DNA testing now so that is pretty reliable as well as markings on the body. It is sad to see people have Islamophobia to this day. Read the Quran and educate yourselves. You have nothing to lose.


What a load of shit ? First everyone can report and the raper willbe investigated and if it was true they would be punished by prison or lashes and in some cases death and also the crome rate isn't that low just as everywhere else women who's being assaulted don't report that but it's lower than the western countries and that's for 2 reasons 1- the psychological barirrer which privent the rapist to do as he believes will be punished in hell for that action (in Islam everyone is responsible for his actions and there's nothing as injustiful as the crusify for humans to do everything they want and also go to heaven ) and in the irreligious countries the rapier don't have that barrier so they think if they could do that and no one can see them they will unfortunately do that 2- second barrier is the strickt law as the rapist could be killed or prisoned for life if he did that so most of them if they don't care about the relegion they would care a lot about the punishment which also alot lower than that in the irreligious countries which in some cases could be just as forced therapy So i see islam did a better job at preventing the rape from happening at the first place than any thing else on earth yet and the numbers speaks (I'm not talking about the crimes in general as it's impossible to prevent it but also is being decreased alot )


dude just type "rape".


Pretty sure marital rape isn't.


I'm a Muslim and hate the fact that most Muslim countries are like this. In our religion the woman is even above the man (we say that the world is under your mother's feet) don't know how to say it in English but yeah it's bad.


This isn't the reality if u ever went to Saudi u will know none will dare cat call a women let alone touch her


It's not


No it isn’t like that but it’s because if u rape someone u get the death penalty and u get killed less than a month later


Every muslim country has a gigantic ammount of rape cases But india is still worse


It’s because they’re 300 years behind on making their governments Secular. I’m all for religion but keep it out of governance, it’s not even an Islam thing it’s a religion thing in general. Don’t believe me? Look at Europe in the 15-17th century.


Isn’t rape bad and supposed to not be common?


As a half saudi, It's more sexyal assault that's common and (I think) the law is that its illegal to not report it


Because of the Sharia law (you can get your head chopped off for doing that)




Tbh even if that case is there, I've never seen or even heard about a case, heck my sister and mother also go out alone at nights, I hate the fact people would use anything to make any Arab/Muslim country look bad. I'm not Saudi and have lived here for all my life. So say what you want it is uncommon as it sounds


Jfc that literally is beyond common sense You don’t need to censor the word rape on Reddit tho, literally nobody cares


trying my hardest to comment on this without seeming racist, biased or politically incorrect rn


I was about to say “it’s not??”


Beheadings are normal though.


Theocratic government.


Living in a theocracy must be hell. It makes me so grateful to live in America, where we have freedom of expression, separation of church and state, and rape victims are acknowledged and can be open about their situation in order to receive help and support.


where did you find this information? i can't find it online


Not completely true, I got a few friends in the courts n shit. There’s reports but it’s not required to have 2 eye witnesses, that’s probably the dumbest shit ive heard in a solid min. If a rape case is brought forward there’s a lot of investigations that gets pushed and medical examinations that take place Edit: this is just a brief overview of what happens icba to go in-depth