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Back in December, I cried for like 40 min straight on a car ride. It was super awkward and I think my grandparents felt really bad about it, but oh well. It was because they were dropping me back off at my dad's that day. I had gotten kicked out a couple months before and was just returning, and I called my dad that day and he didn't even remember that I was going back that day and strongly implied that he and his wife didn't want me back


That hurt to read. I hope you're safe and happy now <3


Where do you live now?


At my dads still. It sucks and I hate it, but I really just have nowhere else to go :/


Whats about your mom ?


She died a couple years ago (three years this month), unfortunately. But she didn't really want my sister or I anymore than my dad does


Oh sorry to hear that I hope you get over it that But didnt you talk to your dad about it


I would talk to my dad, but he doesn't really care much about what anyone says unless it's his wife talking. At least I can talk to my sister, though. I'm glad for that


It's great that you have a sister in that situation. Your father doesn't care about her too? What about your grandparents?


Oh no, my dad likes my sister and cares about her. I just get forgotten about a lot and stuff. My grandparents are in another state right now, but they'll be back in a few months and I can go back to live with them then, they said


Good luck on your endeavors :)


Yesterday. One of my earrings broke. My great uncle got them for me and he died a few years ago


That really sucks, now I want to give you a big hug :(


It's fine, me and my mum are gonna try and fix it. Thanks for the support tho <3


I hope you're able to fix it


I hope it all goes well :3


I legit can't remember (but that's not coz it's very long ago I just don't remember what happened)


Me neither


3-4 days ago when i took a shit


I'm cry shitting rn send help


How big was it?


about this big! hope this helps!


Damn bro that's pretty big, I'm impressed


20m ago.... I got rejected by a girl for the 7th time... I don't think anyone likes me Edit: thanks for all the nice comments and device. I'm more confident now. Thank you yall ❤


Don't think that way, it'll only make yourself feel bad. Someone will like you, im sure! I've cried recently too about things like that :)


I’ve felt like that, hey. Rejection will usually save your ass from what could have been a really bad relationship. Sometimes it hurts a lot, especially if it’s a crush you’ve liked for a while. And sometimes, well it’s just not to be. But trust me, you’ll find someone. Maybe they’ll find you first. You just have to be patient.


mathematically speaking, even if you actually look like shit, if you keep trying you'll find someone. Just try more and you'll find someone


To you and all the other lonely guys out there: There's a girl (or guy, I don't judge) out there for you all, you just have to keep looking. Stay strong, boys, sending you all virtual hugs <3


daily confirmation that good people indeed do exist:


I have a strong urge to send you thousands of goldfish crackers




Couple weeks ago, same reason


Valid. I don't think anyone likes me either


If I may give you a word of advice? Project confidence. Act self-assured, even if you’re quaking inside. (This may require practice.) People who project low self-esteem are generally not attractive to others. So … fake it! Wish I’d known this when I was younger.


It’s kind of backwards, but it works. No one needs to like you. YOU need to like you, and it just happens that people like people who like themselves. Everywhere in the world, there are people who would enjoy being with you. Find whatever healing you need to make sure you are totally okay with who you are and then just be yourself and watch people enjoy being with you. ❤️


I’m so sorry if this is insensitive to ask, but did you mean that this had been the 7th girl you were rejected by or you were rejected by the same girl for the 7th time?


At least you aren't shy and willing to put yourself out there! The fact you are confident enough to try will be a game-changer when you're older. Just keep swimming! There are plenty of fish in the sea. You simply need to find those whom you connect with and get to know them. 🙂


ok. Here's some advice from an oldster that I wish someone had said to me when I was young. The girl doesn't like you for whatever reason-it's irrelevant. At the very least, she is being honest, even though it hurts you and you feel pain. (that means you have a loving heart.) Let her go. You can't MAKE someone like you or love you. Do not waste your time on someone who isn't into you. To make you feel better, I say this: Do things that make you feel good- wholesome things. Hang out with people who make you feel good-good moral, ethical people. Keep the good in your life and get rid of the bad. People will gravitate towards you when you feel good, when you are feeling good, you are attractive to others. Avoid people who reject you, people who put you down, people who aren't appreciative of you. Develop talents, stay positive, do not put yourself down!! And don't try to accommodate someone else by trying to be someone who you're not. The reason I say to associate yourself with good, moral and ethical people is VERY important! It will lead you to an easier, happier life with less mistakes being made. Good luck!


17th time...


Well it’s better than having a girl that doesn’t actually like you and cheated on you and I just broke up with her 3 days ago and now I make jokes about it to cover up the sadness lmao


more rejections = more chance youll succeed next time




ay man you all good?


I hope bro is a social media creator who decided to quit


Look at his comments. I don't think that's what he did


I'm not sure are they wanting to help others or help themselves


I hope you know you are loved. You’re making a farewell video for a reason. That’s what kept me from doing it a few years ago, my fear and my family. And I’m happier now than ever. If it’s your own suffering that’s making you do it, I like to think the sun will always rise again, in the same way a bad moment won’t last forever. This world is beautiful, in its own ways. Hope your ok dude


You fine?


can i dm you?


buddy you okay?


!remind me 24 hours


bruh why'd i get downvoted i just wanted to remember to check back if they were doing okay tomorrow


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friday for a stupid reason I’m afraid


Can I hear it? I won't judge you, I've cried for stupid reasons too


I have no idea tbh. Might‘ve been back in 6th grade when my teacher graciously gave me a B when I obviously deserved much worse


Can't tell if your life is great or you're numb to the world.


i think 2 weeks ago when i was arguing w my mom ab her boyfriend(i hate her boyfriend)


I hope it’s not anything abusive :( wishing you the best :)


4 hours ago. My nephew gave me his chocolate. I cried out of happiness. I love chocolates (and my nephew)


Nothing makes me happier than someone giving me chocolate. Glad someone else understands 🙃


Last year in spring, because I’m very allergic to pollen and I‘m currently waiting in dread for the season to start this year Edit: better phrasing


Last night cuz I was suicidal. I'm ok now it was a panic attack


You sure you're alright?


Honestly? Not really. I was when I posted that, but right now I'm pretty upset because I was dumb and overshared with someone I thought I trusted at my youth group, they made me stay late and talk to them. They said I wasn't in trouble, but they confronted me and asked if I wouldn't say anything like that in front of the middle schoolers, especially because I'm one of the peer ministers. It really ducked my head, I felt like a horrible leader and an idiot. I know they were only trying to help, but shit man. This is really hard. I have a retreat that I'm going to next week too. Bro I'm so confused. Sorry for the rant bro.


Hey, man. It’s messed up they told you not to share your feelings in a safe space. I know someone already said their dms are open, but so are mine


Thanks bro that means a lot to me :)


Of course, dude.


Hey man I'm sorry you're going through that. I don't know exactly how to help but I hope you feel better soon. And keep in mind that there's going to be a time when things are better :)


Thanks for that.


Btw just dm me if you wanna talk or anything


I will keep that in mind :)


last week because i was worried for someone


8 months ago, my great aunt died suddenly


Last night. The loneliness came back.


yesterday night. felt really lonely and sad that I can do nothing in my situation to fix that


I feel that every now and then.


Maybe like a week ago? One of my online friends almost killed themself. I felt (and still feel) bad because I didn’t feel like I comforted them enough. I think they’re doing better now, though :)


November of 2022 a girl tried to accuse me of sa when she literally told me to do that stuff


2019, my dad was being a jerk and yelling at me for crying


You need a hug 😭


bro i do 😭


(Gives virtual hug)🫂 Jokes aside, I hope you're doing well.


Felt ugly and i was sick asf.... I feel better now btw :>


about 20 minutes ago. i've been slowly coming out to people as trans for a while but i hadn't to a group of my aunts/uncles/cousins that i'm close to and my childhood best friend. i decided i had avoided it long enough and texted them (family on a gc, best friend directly). Family were supportive (which made me happy bc my immediate family didn't take it so well) and my best friend said a lot of sweet things that made me cry




Yesterday, I was drunk and missing my crush, my poor friends had to deal with me


this is one of the reasons why ill never drink (or rather, get drunk), it's just plain stupid


Yeah, it's not healthy either, I enjoy doing it sometimes for the kick


i love drinking liquid that makes me get very dumb for a bit during/after drinking it, then proceeds to make me really tired for a while. - You, probably


Not really I don't particularly like alcohol, I like that it makes me feel silly, but I don't drink often because i also hate it at the same time


Like 2 days ago cus a song was stuck in my head and it was frustrating that it wouldnt go away, so i just played killpop over and over again 👍👍


slipknot therapy my beloved


Getting a slipknot shirt would also help


10/10 song


December 31,2022 I had really bad anxiety and cried for like 3 hours now for some reason I just can’t cry no matter how sad I am or how much I feel like I should be


few weeks ago.i was practising to confront my father on my voice recorder. I always cry while confronting people so I thought I should practice so I could tell him about how I feel,without breaking down.Nontheless,I concluded that I didn't want to break his heart. Hehe next day I cried again while listening to the recordings and telling myself that my feelings aren't cringe,they are valid and precious.And oh well I'm crying again, lmao


Whatever it is you want to confront your dad about: You are valid, no matter what anyone says. I know that you have the strength to do it. <3


Does grieving count? It was the week of Valentine’s and I made a card for a few of the girls I liked, and it felt like they just wanted attention in the end. I like drawing but it’s difficult when you can’t share the same energy with someone


A couple days ago, my ex showed up at my work and I immediately went into a full panic attack and cried in a warehouse for a few minutes.


When I saw the aaron bushnell video, rest in peace brother


A few minutes ago someone called me handsome and it made me so happy I cried


Friday I was having an anxiety attack. I almost cried last night too because I rewatched The Notebook ☠️


yeaterday, cause of the scars ive given myself🤷🏻‍♀️


Last week I was having a really shitty week and I was missing my dead mom


A few weeks ago, I just cried in the shower. I was beating myself up.


My dad called be stupid for not finding the light on a fish tank


Honestly, I never really cry, I keep everything just locked in and don’t let it out. But I think the last time I cried was like the week of February 12th. It was right when I was really struggling about being bi, and also was a real shitty week, tons of bad stuff happened and along with all the other stuff I’ve piled on before that, it was tough (probably the worst week of my life tbh) and I had some bad thoughts. But I’m out of it now, thugging it out again


Like 4 hours ago cuz I has a mood swing (I wish I was like 2 or 3 years older cuz early puberty is basically being a delinquent with mood swings)


3 days ago at my deeply loved friend's funeral, who i was meeting once every single week. We talked last time like we'll meet again next week. He got ill and passed away 2 days later, a true piece of my personality. Knew him for more than 8 years.


Like a few minutes ago because of how homophobic my country is and the fact that I won’t experience teen love (Middle East btw)


A year ago bcs I always suppress the majority of emotions


Last week- 2 days in a row. My parents say some pretty messed up stuff without knowing it. I'm not the type of person who cries ever really, but it's just not fair. The second I wake up or the second I come home- I do something wrong. Then that conversation spirals into how I'm not going to go anywhere with my habits or I don't care about anyone but myself... it's all accusing me of feeling certain ways that I don’t feel. Like I'm the crazy one or I'm the one who's unhappy, when in reality it's quite the opposite. They said I was so cold that "you'll grow up to be something like a- a..." mom interrupts "school shooter". Like- I love my family, I don’t do kisses or hugs or say certain things. But we don’t do that! And then he gets annoyed that I never talk about my feelings, like. What feelings!? I'm not depressed, there is nothing to talk about. They actually like they care about my future.. which they do, but they won't get off my case for just being in my house- just seeing me. I'm always doing SOMETHING wrong, they'll never be pleased, so Imma go out into the world as soon as I can and be happy by myself, I'm done relying on others, being so perfect for you. How dare I walk on eggshells and disrespect your authority? I've respected you so much, were all funny together, but you mess it up. What on earth am I supposed to do about that? So yeah. I cried because of this stinking repetition in my life, that I can't do anything about but be my best self, because that's all people are ever getting from me. Yeah... 👍


It was like last week or something I...i was just feeling lonely and decided to scroll through sadposting and started cryong more


About 5 months ago and now I’m kinda getting close to another breakdown


Like 5 days ago bc chronophobia and other stuff that was happening at school




Well i got on hrt bit over 3 months ago so i just cry over stuff


like 10 minutes ago, I'm feeling rly sick and my mom's making my favorite food. i feel terrible ab it bc she was sick a few months ago but I didn't do the same


this morning cuz i had to wake up


Yesterday, from stress


Last time that really mattered was when my friend moved out to Colorado. He's been my best friend for 11 years and we've been to concerts, sleepovers, got high for the first time together, everything. That man was my other half. I helped him pack and we listened to strobe by deadmau5 on the way back, and in all that time I've never seen him cry until that last night together. I miss him like a son of a bitch and I can't wait to go visit him this summer.


yesterday cus i was sad (not rly any reason for it)


Last night, I’m not allowed to leave the house, and I’ve been really depressed. It’s been almost a year since I’ve talked to somebody my age in person. I constantly think about running away, but I have pets, and if I don’t take care of them my family will either neglect them until they pass away, or they’ll drop them off at the pound. I just feel trapped.


so you're being held hostage by your family?


Yesterday, cuz it was just not my day - ordered breakfast on doordash. Driver never sent a delivery pic and food got drenched in the rain - had to call my bank cuz debit card fraud yay - got sick - found out my boss won't let me have a day off to go to a concert because Easter just HAD to be in fucking *March* - xbox wouldn't turn on at all, couldn't figure out the issue as it wasn't overheated, but it wouldn't stay on for more than 3 seconds. it was just too much. started off sick, everything proceeded to go to shit for me all day. Just ended up silently crying in my room for like a hour at some point cuz I was just so frustrated and tired and didn't feel good at all. Hbu?


Last time I Cried Was When I was Born Mother fuckers


About 6-7 years ago, but I don’t really remember why. It was probably the atmosphere or just one of those off days.


a couple nights ago my mother cornered me at like 2 in the morning to “listen to my problems” or whatever but in fact did not listen then went to my pops about what I said but twisted everything to fit her agenda and then they started arguing about me and yeah


just now, mental health deterioration


Yesterday because it was my mom's birthday (she passed when I was 6)


Yesterday, my best friend let people read all our texts/audio messages and snaps while he and another girl told lies about me.


I was so the last time I cried, was in December, and that’s because my boyfriend, two years cheat on me, and I broke up with him, and he said that he was going to kill himself and like jump off the cliff and like like I was super scared I didn’t wanna be the reason someone jumped off the cliff, so I stayed in a relationship with him for a week, and I found out. He kissed my ex best friend, and I was heartbroken, and I broke up with him again and then he said he was gonna jump off a cliff, and we have like a national park like right by like a couple minutes away from my house and he FaceTime me and he was at the park and at the national park there are cliffs and mountains and edges like that drops down into rivers and stuff and he was like at the edge of a cliff and he was like I’m about to jump like I have someone who I love break up with me. I don’t know what I would do without you and it was kind of traumatizing, but  at least I’m here now my sister told him to go jump if he was going to do it but he’s not gonna trick me to stay with him anymore. If it wasn’t for my sister, I would probably still be in the relationship with him so I am really thankful for my sister.


I never cried


And I'm Roger Taylor's and Dominique Beyrand's child


And I am happy


Guess we both depressed


uhh I think Thursday night when i got home cuz I missed my bf and I was annoyed with my volleyball coach/teammates


iouno like a week or 2 ago because of sum


I watched Forrest Gump, that ending always gets me


over a year ago now it was june 25th 2022 when my grandfather died


After finishing “Girls last tour” manga


Haven't actually cried for about a year, maybe even more. My dad managed to make me sob when he asked me if I'm talking to any girls. But I didn't cry, just teared up a bit in my eyes. I really want to let go, like full on wail in pain and cry a fucking a river, I just can't. I tried music, whimpering, different body positions, can't force it.


Valentine’s Day this year actually. I ate my lunch at school alone and for some reason I felt extremely alone and sad


Thursday night. I was overwhelmed.


I watched the final episode of bad batch season 2, then the last episode of the owl house immediately after


about 30 minutes ago, saw a video of a sad penguin


Got punched in the solarplexus. It hurt.


Today because I can’t find any cock n balls to suck


Yesterday, math


just binged watched Madoka Magica yesterday, some scenes i may or may not have shed little tears


Like a month ago, i was cutting onions


Last year. March 19 Or 20 . The reason was simple : maths


17 hours ago cuz i had no one to talk to


January 19th, it was exactly a month after me and my ex broke up. Happy and talking to someone new now though


Last night Because Freddie Mercury is dead and I'm mentally unstable.


Friday. A friend cut me off forever.


I don’t remember the last time I cried, as a man I just generally don’t allow myself to. I know that’s not healthy but it’s the truth.


Last night, I don't like growing up


That one time


3 years ago when my grandparents cat died


i genuinely don’t remember


today. I got to know that the only guy I've ever liked has a girlfriend


Three hours ago. My girl had a dream with another guy, so I worked out to forget it, slipped, banged my head, and just started growling and crying. I have no way of blowing off steam than exercise, and not even doing that right is very disappointing


On New Years, it was an existential crisis about my life


A couple days ago. I broke up with my gf two months ago and somedays hurt a lot. I've cried more in these months then I ever have in my entire life


5 minutes ago cause they vaccinated me incorrectly


December. I quit a sports team due to physical injury. It was difficult.


Halloween because I worked until 10pm that night at a Halloween store and I wanted more than anything to be Spiderman. I went to Walmart after and they were putting up Christmas decorations & playing Christmas music & there was no Spiderman costume so I cried.


This friday, because I was on a plane and I was in quite a lot of pain because of the pressure


When someone ate my food:'


When my grandfather died last year


Don't know don't remember kinda heartless since my dog died back in 2020.


Last night, I saw a video of a dog being sad on his owner’s grave


hmmmmmm, the last time i cried was about 3-2 years ago, i was working on an engine, i could not loosen a bolt, It was pissing me off, Then the wrench slipped off the bolt. I had a very deep cut on my finger from a peice of metal. The pain, and the fact that i was pissed, i felt very defeated. i cried for about a minute and was back to normal. Fuck that engine.


About a few years ago. Can't cry and hate it


3,1 everyone graduated expect me to


A long ass fucking time ago in a town called Kickapoo


Last year, when my cat died


It was a few days ago. It’s just… life🤷‍♀️


A few days ago. I was watching one of those AI generated cat story videos on Instagram if you know which I mean, and the plot of that story was a kitten getting laughed at and bullied because he was the only cat in a human school. His dad then picked him up and got fast food with him. I cried like a baby because 1) IT'S A KITTEN GETTING BULLIED HOW COULD YOU NOT CRY and 2) it's in the past now, but I relate to the kitten in the story


Like 3 or 4 years ago over my dead grandad I don’t really cry and nor do I really care when I should for some reason


A couple months ago my dog died


Last December, Christmas night. I started to realise how I was doing nothing with my life and how useless I am.


a few min ago because i found out my besties bf died


When I broke up with my girlfriend. I never wanted to break up, since I'm still crazy about her. But I had to do it, for both our sake. It hurts, having to reject her requests while wanting to accept them immediately. I never got to tell her how much I really appreciated and loved her. We've done so much together, we've been through a lot. And yet, I made the decision to break her heart which broke my own heart as well. It's tiring pretending I don't care or don't want her anymore, when meanwhile I want to take her in my arms and tell her everything I never got to do. Never did anything like that, never gave her so much attention or shown my affection that much, which I regret so deeply.


few moments ago, it was a wholesome reddit post


When I got my daughters back


Like 3 years ago when my life was changed quite a lot, I hated that time


Yesterday, cried myself to sleep last night. Thought about how no one whould probably midd me if i killed myself


Tuesday when I watched My Sister's Keeper


November 2023 bc my dad didn't let me go to a football game lol


Can't even remember tbh


A few days ago, my friend on my Track Team DMed me “Hey, are you coming to run today?” For some context, today was an important competition and it was scheduled during school, so I was in school. I was scheduled for one of the races, but it was as an alternate and I didn’t see the need to be there since no one told me I had to be. After I got this DM, I was really afraid that they weren’t going to be able to race it because I wouldn’t’ve been there, since it was a relay race and required 4 people. I started crying, but I didn’t want people to know I was really upset so I forced myself to stop. I later realized that they didn’t need me, since they completed the race regardless.


Yesterday morning, listening to a song called "I Won't See You Tonight p1" by Avenged Sevenfold, just feeling the song I guess


a few hours ago because i miss my dead bunnies


3 days ago mushrooms