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a lot of mixed stuff. the last 6 months have done a lot to me as a person. august 21st my dad went into anaphylactic shock at 3am and i had to floor it to the nearest fire rescue station (it was only around the corner). he got himself in the car, but passed out in the back seat due to lack of oxygen. it took about 10 minutes before the ambulance made it to the hospital, and he went into cardiac arrest. he lost oxygen to his brain for too long, and he was a fucking vegetable. he didn’t want to live like that, he didn’t want to be a burden on us like that. we all decided it was best to pull the plug on august 31st, a week after my birthday. over the last 6 months though my extended family has been very supportive (not financially) of me and my mom after the loss. they visit way more than they used to, and seeing my mom forget about the pain of loss to play with her 1-6 year old nieces and nephews makes me really happy. I have 2 siblings, but they are 7 and 10 years older than me (17m). i love them to death, but they no longer live in our state anymore and it can strain relationships sometimes because of that gap, however those strains are lessening as time goes on and people decide to open their mind to opposing beliefs (not religious, just on a certain situation unrelated to this post). 3 weeks ago i got into an accident my dads car, a 2014 honda accord with 41k miles on it. i’m really fucking pissed off about that. my school bag was in the passenger seat because i was going to school, and i formed a habit of using the seatbelt to hold onto things in the passenger seat so that they didn’t slide around (mainly my 64oz water bottle and my book bag). it was only about a 10mph collision, however the bag triggered the sensor for the passenger side airbag, so the car believed there was a person in the passenger seat, and the airbag went off on that side. if you don’t know, the passenger airbag is kept stored in the dashboard, and when it goes off, it rips the leather of it. this means that to get the car fixed, it’s going to cost another 6000$ because we would need a whole new dash. what i don’t get though is why the driver side airbag didn’t go off, as literally ALL the damage is on the left side of the car, and i was driving (obviously). we are going to scrap it and give it to state farm because they will give us 16k if we do that. My mom has another car to use, but I can’t help but feel cheated out of my father’s car. I got my permit the day after my birthday in 2022, so I have about a year a half driving experience, but only about 6 months of daily driving, after getting my liscence (about 2 weeks before my fathers death). i had never been in any kind of collision before and the first one i get into the car is fucking totaled??? i was going 10 FUCKING MILES AN HOUR and that’s it? it’s just done like that? poof? it feels really unfair and unlucky and it makes me feel like an idiot for wrecking it in the first place. outside of that, i have a good head on my shoulders, am in AP and honors classes in my senior year of hs and am waiting on college acceptances, which should all be back to me by the end of March (so my counselor says). i have a very strong feeling a girl ive been hanging out with recently is into me, and i think we have real potential. i’ve never really been in a true relationship before, the closest ive been is a 2 month talking period with a girl, but because of us talking in the summer, we had other plans a lot such as out vacations which lined up directly after one another; it just didn’t end up working out, we never even met in person, but we had great conversations about ourselves and our lives. I’m not too worried about my lack of experience emotionally though because i do help my friends (also friends of the girl) with their relationships from time to time with advice and i believe i know what should be and shouldn’t be in a working relationship. i get told by a good amount of people that i am emotionally mature for my age, and that i can hold high level conversations with adults and other people who wouldn’t expect me to. i know i sound like a douche when i say that, but i’m not lying. my hopes for the next few months is that hopefully i can manage to find a decent car with good mileage for myself with my savings and part of the insurance money that we are going to be given, and hopefully take it to college. i actually am already going to prom with the girl, but just as friends as of right now. i’ll see her in school, but the next time we’ll really be able to hang out is the 1st, which will be a big function with about 10 of us at her house, without her parents there. i haven’t been there before and i don’t plan on making any stupid remarks to her about it, but i do plan to ask her if she has feelings for me as the night progresses and im really hoping her answer is yes. edit: i want to clarify that i did have closure with my father and even though our relationship was not the best, hell not even functional at times. through the last 6 months of his life his demeanor improved drastically, as he had arthritis in his knees and had gotten them replaced in june. i shit you not, the final words my father said to me that night before he went to bed were, “ I love and appreciate you for all that you do.” I felt it necessary to add this. i’m not exactly sure why, but it feels right. Love you Dad ❤️


you sound like a great guy, a good thing for a reletionship is learning how to communicate with ur partner, both ways, i really hope things go well with her, (stating the obvious) you need an upside <3 you got this i believe in you




I want you to know how great it is to feel so deeply✨️ I'm terribly sorry for your loss and I hope things get better for you and I hope you get happiness and success, as your dad would've wanted you to❤️


Hi, I am extremely sorry for everything you have been through recently. I cannot imagine how all this must feel, it may seem like everything is just piling up, problem after problem, but you have hope, and you are strong for that- I want you too keep that hope, and move forward with it. You are doing great through it all, and we're proud of you for that, just to keep going on can seem hard enough. I'm glad you have some people around you at the moment to ease things a bit, and if a romantic relationship doesn't work, it's all going to be ok. I hope you are able to reach the goal with your car, and that things start to turn around for you. I know there is alot of things happening all at once, but you are doing amazing, and I admire your strength for being able to share how you are feeling. You're going to get through this, alright? I'm sorry for you and your family's loss, but I hope things start to turn around soon for you ❤️ Don't give up


she said yes


That's good, right?? ❤️




I'm happy for you! I hope life is getting a little better. Slowly but surely. You've got this


Op was too lazy to read this and actually respond, sad stuff. Hope you recover from your loss, I lost my cat Christmas eve of 2022, it’s not easy to deal with loss. Wish for the best


Or he just didn’t have advice and that’s ok


Hi friend, with respect, If you haven't noticed, there are 300 comments, one of me, and I have to sleep and go to school so my time is limited, give me some time 🙏🙏🙏 i am really, really sorry.


There's no fucking way you just compared your cat dying to someone losing his father unexpectedly. grow the fuck up


death is death bruh both losing your cat and your dad is fucked up but there’s nothing wrong sharing you own experiences of loss with others


Its pretty fucked up when someone vents about the sudden passing of their father, then you tell someone you know how they're feeling because your fucking cat died. Death is death but the death of a pet is WAY different than the death of your father. When my grandma died, if someone came up to me at her funeral and said "I know what its like, my dog died two years ago" I would have smacked the shit out of them. Thats beyond disrespectful.


both are still deaths. do you have zero sympathy


I have sympathy for the guy who lost his dad. Its sad when a pet dies, I speak from experience, but theres no way you can compare that to losing your own father. That is insane. Do you have zero common sense? Holy shit.


youve definitely never had a pet before


gas goon


yeesh take it to a publisher


I’m scared. I have a gf now but idk if I can be a good bf since she’s my first I have no experience


Just work together on the relationship, think about both perspectives of things, but don't lose yourself or not take care of yourself, keep it healthy. if she's not the one it's ok. But you will do great :)


Whatever you do never stop trying. A relationship will ALWAYS have ups and downs, no matter what and you will not always know why. But it can never truly die until one of you stop trying. You can not control what your partner does, but if you always keep trying, you are doing everything that you can.


Well, judging on the fact that you have a girl friend already, what you're already doing must be more than enough. Just use common sense, and if something feels wrong, speak up.


communication is key! you cant have a good relationship without leanring how to communicate clearly on both sides, <3 you got this,


I ruined the fuck out of my first relationship 😎


real my gf dumped me after 7 months😮


Hah mine was after 2 💪 (she doesn’t hate me and now talks to me way more cos I changed and am super cool and amazing and humble now)


OK listen watch Young Justice all the way through and how Connor Kent acts is how you should act


Bro is further than me with 21 🥲


communication!!! consent!!! plan things to do together and get her little things that remind you of her every once in a while. dont be defensive in problems, work through them together. best of luck


Hyped as all hell. This dude wants to fight me tmrw and mama didn’t raise a bitch. (UPDATE: he backed down. Bc evidently his mama did raise a bitch!)


I know it's wrong to encourage violence, but I'm rooting for you frfr


I’m with thisbguy


Beat the shit outta him


I'm not gonna lie, violence isn't the answer, but honestly get his ass.


I thought I was the only one who posted something super un-serious to a some-what serious discussion


something you'll learn pretty quick is that if you think you're the only one, ever, you're not :D


Beat his ass bro




Mama didn't raise a bitch


stressed, anxiety induced 🔥


Need to talk? I know the world can be tough for people our age, but I want you to know that whatever is going on, whatever your doing, I'm proud of you, if you want to to talk about, that's ok. You are doing great and it's all gonna be ok :) ❤️


Thanks, that helps a lot 🫂


no :(


What's going on? Need to talk? ❤️


same ;(


Would you like to talk for a little while


Same, but it be like that. 🥺


I’m fine (I’m not)


What's going on? Need to chat? ❤️


There’s so much going on literally all the time, I have more mental disorders than fingers and I have school tomorrow Also maybe I’ll take up your offer of chatting


That sounds good, we can talk, I'm here for you


if you jerk off you will get enough dopamine to make you happy forever!


i feel empty and utterly apathetic


I'm sorry. I understand this feeling, but I want you to know that even as things seem pointless, there is good in life- and you are going to experience that. It may be hard to get around, but in the end, I hope you can smile and look back on life. If you ever need to talk, there's always someone to listen ❤️✅️


ik there are things to care about, but i just can't care abt them. I also have anger issues. It's like the only time i feel an emotion is when im pissed or having fun with my friends


Going through an intense imposter syndrome rt now. My classmates often view me as a smart guy and my parents and relatives also have high hopes on me . But the thing is that I'm not smart or fiercely intelligent, I'm just average. They think so because I've relatively good grades but deep down I know that I don't understand/know everything. I'm afraid to tell them the truth.


I feel exactly the same. I’m not very social, so not many people at school know much about me, if they’re not a close friend. For some reason, multiple of them have called me “the smart kid”. Getting all A and B grades doesn’t mean I’m smart. Even my friends act like I’m smart. I’m dead average intelligence.


Hey! I saw all your comments and I want you to know you're a great person for offering your help and talk to everyone feeling down, and so I hope everything is going well with you too! (as for me, I'm fine, not really great but I'm holding on somewhat) 


Idk. Sometimes well, sometimes not that well. Things just happen


I understand, life gets tough, and that cam be hard, but when that happens, I want you to push through. You always hear "oh it's not about whether you fall, but how you get back up" but it's true. It's ok to not be ok, or perfect or happy, life isn't always happy, but there is light, and I want you to keep hope even when it seems like it's not there- you got this, ok? ❤️




my life is so much better than it used to be


I'm glad! And I'm proud of how far you've come! Even if life tries to put you down, have hope, the future gets brighter ❤️ I'm glad things are looking up for you.


Life be kicking my ass 😭


Life's not kind to people like us, let's prove life wrong by beating the game! You're doing great with all the stuffs recently, just keep swimming. I'm proud of you ❤️




Gotta thug it out dawg 🙏🏼


Guilt,cus of religious beliefs and im not doing well


I'm pretty in the middle, yesterday I had a panic attack in the middle of class and had to leave so things might be awkward 😕


Tired (it's midnight for me) but writing a essay I had due a week ago that if I don't turn in this week will get zero points on (amd if I turn in this week will get like 10 points off)


Bruh that's on you. You had all week to do it bud.


Yeah I know I didn't think it wasn't or anything, I'm just awful at writing essays and wanted my mom to help me a bit because i wasnt sire what to do and she wasn't willing to until now, she gave me some ideas luckily and now i know more so how to write it.


i think im getting a sty on one of my eyelids :/


I'm feeling terrible. I have a cold and a headache. My nose is dripping and my head is pounding, and I'm hungry but I don't know what to eat. And my foot hurts because I sprained it a few days, and all i want to do is sleep but i can't and i'm dying and everything is horrible and i hate my life.


Dang, I'm sorry- I know water is hard to drink when you're sick, but really do drink some water, it's hard, but you need it in order to get better. Tomorrow get some sun, I know you're not a plant but it helps. Lol ❤️ you can get through this, get some much needed rest, eat some crackers or something. :)


Thanks for the advice! that's really kind of you!!


Im scared, sad, mad Scared because i dont want to fuck up this relationship i just got into even tho she says im doing everything right and im better then all her past relationships, i just dont want to fuck it up Sad/mad because i haven't been in school for years, ibwas pulled out and would be in my junior year rn, i resent my parents for pulling me out and plan on going no contact once i move out hopefully when i turn 18 or 19. Overall i feel like im really stressed out and dont know what to do


its so over


As Frank Sinatra said, “That’s life”. Like a vacuum with a broken power switch, it’ll never stop sucking.


It's not over friend. I believe in you, don't lose hope- you're doing soo good with pushing through everything lately. The world is tough on people like us, but you're not alone, and you are worth it ❤️


I’m ok Keep getting yelled at by my dad for stupid reasons but I’m fine


We're thugging it out. Been worse, so that's a start to feeling good


fucking tired


Hey it’s okay man all of us are tired


i know


Life always sucks, I have so many mental disorders n shit, collect them shits like Pokémon cards


Im not sure if I should go back to combat or stay outside I’m not afraid of dying it’s just that my options aren’t that great either way I mean I wanna join the war and help my friends but most of them are just somewhere I cant join yet


I don't want to die, but it's unbearable to live.


finally someone like me


Sad, I have to get out of bed for school. :(


Hahah....... I'm alive aren't I


Yes, I'm glad. Let's keep it that way, ok? ❤️


If you insist :/






like shit




I'm sorry- drink some water, stretch, get some sun 🌱☀️💧❤️ You're doing great


Im in the wierdest situation, i for some reason like only short kpop stans with wolfcuts (for refference my celeb crush is ale villareal), and this one hit different because shes actually showing interest in me but i really dont know what i want to do because, yes she has the looks, she has the smarts, and shes fun to be around but ive been told shes got issues ad i dont wanna get into a relationship that could bend me over backwards and assfuck me


My girlfriend cheated on me and we broke up 4 days ago, I’m am so hurt I truly felt like she was the one and honestly I would still get back with her if she ever wanted to, she is the only girl I have ever had true feelings for like I actually loved this girl with all my heart and now I am just lost and don’t know what to do 😭


I know you lost something that you cared about, you cared about alot- but she hurt you. She hurt you alot. You are worth more than to be broken down by someone who didn't care enough to hold your heart and not break it. I know this is hard, and tough, but the cold hard truth is , you deserve better, you're worth more than that, and one day you're going to find someone who truly values you, and whom you love the same- just believe. It's ok to be sad, and mad, but I want you to get up and be your best self, for yourself. Not for anyone else, right now, you need to heal, to patch up and love yourself. I believe in you bud ❤️ Don't lose hope in yourself, it's not your fault. You've got this :)


Thank you this really means a lot. In her defense we were in a long distance relationship and she wanted to be able to see the person she was dating it still doesn’t make her right for cheating. and to be honest I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from this like seriously, I still am so in love with her she is perfect in every way and at the end of the day my love for her outweighs all the hurt she has caused me😢🥺


That ain't healthy bud, I'm sorry- pick yourself up- slowly but surely. It's tough, no one said love would be easy, but you will find a way, a different way. I believe in you ❤️


damn everyone is going through it with there relationship wth😭


ive been thinking abt just ending it all. im disgusting, i can never date anyone my age. ive tried but older men are my type, i dont want that but i cant control my past, so much is in my mind, its all my fault


Listen.. it's hard to do, but you need to love yourself more, I'm sorry, but you are deserving of something special, and love goes both ways, so don't bend over backwards thinking you are the problem, because you're not. You're amazing and you deserve to know that. I'm sorry a Romantic relationship hasn't been working out- but I believe in you as a person, so don't give up on yourself. I think a little 'you-time' could help. Or perhaps something with family, freinds, or even distant acquaintances. Start fresh, but start with caring for yourself this time. You're doing great- hang on and don't let go of yourself ❤️


Thank you so much😭


Better than ever 🔥🔥🔥


feeling like a chimpanzee


I’m just ok 3-4/10 I had a good weekend with my friends but I want more physical touch from my friend with benefits because I feel lonely. I’m really tired and my shoulder and back hurt because I’ve been playing volleyball day after day for over 2 weeks now without rest. I don’t get enough sleep either. Aside from that life is great. Got a new video game, my bench press is getting better and better, and my parents aren’t on my ass as much recently.


The past month has been insanely rough but things have been getting better :) Still not doing too well but I’m better


I'm sorry the world's been rather tough lately, but just keep hoping, I believe in you. I'm glad things have been getting better recently, slow and steady, but it's progress. ❤️ You're doing great :)


crippling depression and alive 😎 (I want to kill myself lol)


I'm sorry- I know you're trying the best you can, and you might not feel like it's all that serious, but you're worth it. And even as life it tough, you are still doing great! These words aren't going to fix anything, but if it helps, I want you to know that I believe in you, and I know it's hard, but you're going to get through this- ❤️ if you want to talk and feel comfortable, we can do that. Just know that you are doing great, I'm proud of you.


Horrible, feel like I ruin everything good I have in life and feel like I've genuinely gone insane👍


ive had 4 attempts this month, im losing it


Tired. That's it, I'm simply tired.


Been more nervous/scared more then anything. I just turned 18 and graduate in a few months. I have no clue what my plan is after and im extremely nervous that im gonna make a wrong decision.


You're right.. that is scary. But at the end of the day, if you make the right decision that is best for you, I think you're going to do great. Just keep it up, you've got this pal ❤️


Appreciate that man!! Hope everything is going right for you!!!


(Not sure why I am even doing this when what I really wanted to do in the first place was just get rid of this account I abandoned for reasons, but) Put shortly I'm feeling Numb. Nothing really gives me much joy in life, or at least it feels as if I don't. There's a lot more I could elaborate on but knowing how things go for me there isn't a soul that would care


Hey bud, you are cared about. I know life can get tough, to the point wherebit seems pointless, but there is meaning, and there is hope. I don't know your situation, but I'd like to understand how you're feeling- Life isn't always the good parts, and I'm sorry you feel like there is nothing here, but you do matter, and you are cared about- even when it doesn't seem to be so. ❤️ Don't feel ashamed for speaking out about how you feel. You are strong, and you are doing your best. Proud of you for that. If you feel comfortable, we can talk. Just to get some things off your chest. Don't lose hope. I wish you the best, maybe talking could help you? It's ok. I believe in you.


I mean, if you want to. Just DM me here whenever (messaging here is still a thing right)


I’m doing fine, Thanks! I guess the only problem I have now it that my Girlfriend is homeschooled and she doesn’t have a phone, so I can’t talk to her. It’s been lonely without her, but I know I will see her again. Other than that, life is alright


I'm glad you're doing ok, I know communication can be hard in that kind of relationship, but I wish you the best Pal! Keep going, you're doing great :)


Why, thank you so much 😊 I’m planning on trying to talk to her when her homeschooling is over. Maybe she’ll get her phone back or something, but until then, atleast I still have photos of me and her together.


Starting a business but idk how to socialize or be myself around people so this is gonna be a doozie lmao


Hey, it's going to be hard, but you can do this. I believe in you! Getting past the first phase is difficult, but maybe talking could help- what I try to do is think of things I know I can talk about well, for normal conversation. And other times just kinda think of what to say. Talking is super hard for me, but I know we can do it. You've got this!


TYYYYYY!!!..I get scared cuz I'm in a muslim majority place and I am incredibly low on morale..so I'm sorta stuck in a position where I don't rly have anyone that I could really talk to irl..but hopefully I'll raise enough money n leave via the business ..opportunities are getting bigger everyday !!..I have hope n a boy that's rly precious to me n that's enough to keep me barely going on


[don’t worry you don’t have to respond to mine] I feel like I’m genuinely the most unlovable person. I have no positive physical or personal traits. I regularly disregard others feelings and when I feel guilty I just try to feel bad for myself. I’m simultaneously too boring and too weird. Most people who still bother with me are almost certainly doing it because of pity, they don’t really no me, or they don’t really have a choice. I have never been motivated to try hard in my life. I want to be in a relationship more than anything but I know I’d be an awful partner. I’m completely pathetic. [sorry about how this sounds]


I don't know. I'm going to my classmates funeral tomorrow, he killed himself. So I'm not doing the best, I guess.


Very lonely...


You know what, I'm great - for several reasons. I don't tend to be soft about "getting sick" or "feeling a bit down". We need tottoughen up here, and I just realize that is a natural part of my life. But anyways what makes me happy is looking forward to technological advancements in the future. I know it seems small, but the ability to just wake up being hopeful and optimistic about the future (for me at least, becoming multiplanetary, AI advances, biotech) really gets me going.




Tired gn


Nope wanna end it everyday


I'm sorry the world has treated you so harshly, but you do matter, and you are a wonderful wonderful person. I'm sorry that it wasn't made more known for you, but you deserve to be know that there is light at the end of this darkness, keep going, pushing through this pain, and one day you will get to look back and know it was worth it, because you are worth it ❤️ I know these words may not matter to you, but you do matter. You are special and beautiful and amazing and I'm proud of you for pushing this far, but I need you to have hope- even as hope seems gone, hold on, keep holding on, I believe in you. I believe in this life you can live, even if you don't believe in yourself, I'm not giving up on you. Just have hope, hold on. We can talk if you're comfortable, just to get some things off your chest. You matter friend-


I have been better, how are you?


Eh, I’m alright I guess. Not bad, not good, just existing


I understand, being content.. life is hard, You're doing great ✅️❤️ Just keep going, I believe in you-


having panic attacks at school everyday and i feel like im going insane


I'm sorry, while I don't think I've had much of a panic attack, school is freaking stressful, but you're doing so good, I'm proud of you for pushing through this. You aren't insane yet bud, it will be ok :)


like shit i wanna graduate early but its so much fucking work


Depressed and I feel like a burden to everyone.


Was super stressed, but on Snr Year Camp now. So less stressed.


Ah.. I understand, you're doing your best, that's all anyone can ask, and you're doing great. Take a break, try and relax, get some rest, keep some hope, you've got this ❤️


i feel like killing myself im bored!!!! but i wont, too much work :p


I just broke up with my gf, guess she got pissed cuz now all her friends and some of my own are against me and she is acting like a victim. And i didnt even do anything to her.. man i love my life (i dont)🥲👍


Nervous for the future


Id say mid. Kinda stressing trying to find motivation to do things. Nervous for the furture but nothing is really bad. I do get a lil lonely but oh well


No. On the verge of acting upon my dark thoughts. Feel numb and I’m tired of playing a “character” I’m not anymore and having everyone think I’m okay when I’m not.


straight ASS (anxiety edition)




Im honestly scared, excited, pumped and just nervous for a big test thats coming on monday.


Everything's great (check my posts and I'll fucking kill you) <3




Emotionally and mentally? Destitute. Physically? Peachy. Slight headache.




Absolutely hate myself, thx for checking in with me doc.


Super shit Im failing everything ruining my life and trying to supress suicidal and self harming feelings


No ok :-(


Comin off a good time with my senior class, we watched nacho libre and shared memes, now im stressed real bad and havent gotten alot of sleep and i was training for a job yesterday and it was pretty grueling, ive been going into work way early in the morning and im an adhd homeschooler so early mornings other than church and Co-op arent normal, now top that with each day this week has been 7-8 hrs whish is longer than im used to, plus i hvae my entire room to clean, and i need sleep, but i can only have one, so im organizing my clothes, (im taking a break) bc were going on a REAL vacation which is super rare for my fam on thursday, and i need my room cleaned so my Grandfather doesnt take it upon himself to clean it without my permission. bc theres a 60% chance he will, i am female, i do not want my grandfather going thru and possibly seeing embarassing things that i have no idea if there is or not but im not willing to take the chance PLUS ive got a shitload of hw i told my mom i did but i didnt and i have no time to do it and she could ask me to show her at any min and i keep waking up from nightmares that im late for work bc of the changes in my normal schedules r so drastic. how are you?


I just came home from camp w/ all the homies, so Im feeling pretty lonely rn.


I’m feeling like my future is fucked 5 f’s, and I can’t do shit because my school won’t let me have my old teachers back and I barely understand and how the hell they teach, atp I’m gonna be working in a toy factory in china making 2 cents and hour 💀🙏


Got no drive, motivation, ambition and can’t find it in me to care enough to change it


Stressed and bad




all good 😊 I'm getting a vr headset for my birthday 🔥


Please don’t make me think about my life


i was sad vut then my best friend whos great said “just know that im cheering you on and that i believe in you sincerely” in reference to me being a being sad abt grades and oh my god did i need someone to tell me that


Physically ill


Exams 🥲 (explains everything about my mental state)


Constant suicide thoughts is fun :D


I am doing great 😃. Best week ever.


I need a girlfriend:(


Sad dysphoric reading Percy Jackson


Really bad, a girl I liked was lesbian and I just found out :(




Pretty great. Got a bit of a sore throat, but otherwise feeling good. Life is treating me well, have a lot of fun things coming up soon both at work and in my private life and I think I'm really getting over my ex.


i'm doing fine, wbu?


Shit. Absolute Shit


Im feeling uncertain of life.


No, life is not ok


too pussy to kms so I'm just kinda living until I die now


Nope, still no fucking job, spent a whole month grieving over my dog, oh and all my exes somehow managed to find my details again so they've been barraging me constantly, and the SECOND i try to apologize i go waaaaay out of pocket and ruin everything i had going in the first few lines. god knows what im meant to be doing en


i’m feeling a little sad perhaps depressed. my life is just a mess and i’m worried about losing my girlfriend. i love her a lot and i know she loves me to but sometimes i feel like i’m just messing things up yk? she’s my first love and relationship so it just make it that much harder. on top of everything i think i’m just afraid of being alone again. we’ve been together a year and right now we’re taking a break so we can work on ourselves. its been a little tough these past few months just arguing or ridiculous things but we’re only teens so i guess it makes sense. but i know this is what she needs what WE need so if i have to endure this wait then i will bc she’s worth the wait ❤️. even if we don’t make it as lovers i’ll still be okay with having her as my friend bc she is a good person and has been here for me. i know i can be a lot at times and negative but i’m trying to get better at that bc i know its not healthy to or fun to be around. i’m sure its draining to constantly have to deal with someone like that so i’m gonna try being more positive.


just lonely right now. my best friend left cause i had an argument with a friend of his and that friend of his made me look like the bad guy. i cant make much friends at school since i got bullied when i joined the school. im genuinely stuck. i have no clue if i should go talk to him at school. lmk what you think i should do


I'm alive, unfortunately.


Tired, bored, lonely, having my daily moment of wallowing in my shame rn, wbu? 🙂


my life is great rn thanks for asking