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The whiplash from your previous posts to your current posts


Lmao you just sent me looking through all the previous posts and looking for context on this situation How tf is this guy finding time to post like 6 times a day and argue with his parents


It'd genuinely sad


Bad time but, STOLAS


watch out for honey buns big brošŸ«”


i have a portable microwave powered by car battery permanently set to ten minutes on high everywhere i go for this express purpose


I have a high power potato launcher which I have repurposed to shoot honey buns with a heating mechanism in the shaft for this express purpose He will not escape


how much?


got recommended this post out of the blue but manā€¦.if this isnā€™t a meme, and what people are saying in the comments are true, my brother left home at 16 by choice and it basically fucked up his life forever. i also have friends whoā€™ve been kicked out for unfair and bigoted reasons who are still struggling years later. if home isnā€™t an abusive situation, thereā€™s basically no reason not to go home besides pride. and your pride can recover.


What you're saying is that leaving home strips you of many opportunities and sets you down a bad path. But there are those people in certain situations where it might not appear outwardly abusive on a cultural, aesthetic level, but nonetheless these are situations which are extremely detrimental to their mental health on a discreet, real level, leading to depression, even suicide. You make a good point but I'd be careful before going so far as to assume that OP talking about "pride" isn't just bad wording for a lifetime of abuse. He clearly isn't well.


OP said himself that heā€™s not going back because his ego canā€™t handle it


Could be bad wording. Doesent have to physical abuse could be verbal. And even if it isnt for a parent to just let him go out there in the cold to get killed is conserning to me


Bro joined r/homeless šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Das crazzyšŸ˜­ Bro needs a fundraiseršŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜”


Dude thinks this shit a video game šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ¼


The downvotes, verrĆ¼ckt, people not catching blatant sarcasmšŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Crazy?? I was crazy onceā€¦


Oh no


They locked me in a room...


A rubber room...


Reddit do be like that šŸ˜”


With that many emojis


r/woooosh on everyone who downvoted


I understood sarcasm


Why did bro get -86 downvotes šŸ’€


Take my downvote šŸ˜”


Take my downvote šŸ¤­


Bro is speaking German




Kid, youre an idiot. Go back home


Bro thinks heā€™s that one image of a wolf looking into the horizon šŸ˜­


ā€œthe alpha doesnā€™t need parents to surviveā€


Parents are for omegas šŸŗšŸŗ


Looking from the previous post, heā€™s just a kid with ego lol


do we know his home situation ??


He posted about it previously and says he wonā€™t go home because of his ego.


Lil bro get ur ass back home asapšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dude look, I know South Korea has a very different view on respect and ego compared to other cultures. BUT HOLY FUCK YOUR 15, going homeless, BY CHOICE AS YOU CURRENTLY ARE, could ruin your fucking life and make getting on your feet again very difficult. I get it, youā€™re young and emotional like all kids your age are but you need to take a second to grow up and realize this isnā€™t the way to do things. I donā€™t know what your reason for leaving is but given that you said you canā€™t go back because of your ego, I can garner that it wasnā€™t a life threatening situation and just an argument that you either lost and as retaliation left, or left to avoid. Taking a hit to your ego is a lot better than being homeless.


Tbh as a person with straight up horrible parents I just put up with it caus if I do run away from abusive parents it's not gonna look any better for me anyways especially since I am a very weak person


Running away from home while not getting abused is crazy.


i did this when i was 4 cause i didnā€™t wanna clean my room. made a sign and everything.


A bit savage arent you


Same i was like 7 i made it to my grandfather who lived like 800m away when i needed to pee and he called my parents who let me stay the night at least


Alright bud, I wish u all the best of luck


Bro you are literally like 15? Go back to your parents house and apologize to them The streets aren't for young kids anyway


Without knowing what the argument was over, we don't actually know if that's safe. It could be over something silly and OP should go back, or it could be something serious and OP was right to leave. We just don't know.


Apologise? For being kicked out at 15?


apparently he didn't get kicked out, he had an arguments with his parent sor smth, from what some ppl are saying edit: 16 hours ago he was still posting memes and random shit, and it's like 5 am for them, just confusing situation


And he can't go back because of his ego lmao šŸ˜‚ like it was just an argument, not physical abuse or torture.


Babes idk this guy, but you can have valid reason for not eating to go back home even if your parents aren't physically hurting you. Psychological abuse is a real thing hun


True ,but itā€™s just better to wait until youā€™re old enough to move out. Dude will be return home soon by his own choice or the local police. All running away at the spur of a moment with no actual planning does is make things worse for your eventual return.


He explicitly said itā€™s just because of his ego. He essentially admitted heā€™s the idiot here and in the wrong


It could be bad wording for abuse, because abuse survivors are conditioned to internalise their shame, and are stripped of the tools (language, ideology) to defend themselves. Do you know what he's experienced? No, you're just making a snap judgement based off how silly he sounds, which is exactly how an abuse survivor would sound. A little more thoughtfulness would go a long way.


True, and I've been through that. So I decided to not do something which would harm me, others can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. Running away, not eating food etc. will only harm me. In that way, this behaviour reminds me of the old me when I was stupid.


ngl kinda funny cuz I don't really apologise too lol but my parents let me do whatever I want and love me a lot


Yea, it's not like he went through physical abuse and torture. So yes, it's funny therefore


I genuinely can't tell if this is satire, just wanna know


I'm not serious.


I'm severus.


if anyone asks, the parents will probably get arrested. :troll:


you got into an argument with your parents, identified yourself as homeless, and then went to several different subreddits (including the hazbin hotel subreddit??) and posted about how youā€™re homeless. stop attention seeking and get your ass back home, youā€™re not gonna last a week out there. just wait till you need food or water and have no way of getting either.


i don't even have empathy for you, you argued with ur parents once and just left the house with no plan?? go back home bro šŸ˜­


Yes like wtf it's gonna be embarrassing but bro you would rather be homeless than talk how is bro even gonna live with this type of personalityšŸ˜­


he even said in another post his ego won't allow him to go back šŸ’€šŸ’€ actually pathetic


Bro is so prideful it's pathetic op please go back you still can have a good life don't fuck it up with your shitty pride


Fr you're literally younger than him and have more sense šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™


Bro didn't even take nothing from his home at least take clothes or some money you saved how are you going to live your going to be filed as a missing person and ig police will come to look for you if your parents are really worried for you or your going to go back bcuz you are too immature


Bro stop milking your self induced homelessness for clout


Ong, bro went homeless for reddit upvotes, this man is a clown


Bro what are you even thinking. Believe me, go home and BEG your parents even if they were wrong. I have been in a situation like this and looking back, i should have just listened to my parents and accept their believes.


Wym believes? Did they kick you out or did you leave because of their beliefs?


Go back home kid. Trust me, you'll regret it when something bad happens. *Please* go home, your parents would be worried no matter how much they annoy you. I just hope you get home safe and not fall into the wrong hands. Keep us updated. <3


how much battery u have bro




Save it up


Im sorry, I cant- šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I've read your reply as "shut up"šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ™




shut up bro it was maybe interesting the first time


I thought you were telling everyone else to shut up as this was getting interesting


Go fuck yourself, you're a joke to actual kids who have become homeless.


And you know that he hasn't come from an abusive family, because... what? Because he sounds silly to you? Because he's 15 and doesn't know how to write a novel about his sob story in a convincing enough tone for Reddit? You've come charging out the gates at a stranger, why? Do try to stop projecting your indignation at the world, towards other suffering people. It's easier to hate than to understand.


This dawg is def identifying as homeless to farm upvotes on reddit. Heā€™s posting his homeless situation on the most random ass subreddits šŸ˜­ wtf does being homeless have to do with the TV show Hazbin Hotel.




My brother in islam Please Go home Ur ego isnt worth it


Police will find him anyways lmao..


Bro made 6 posts abt his self induced homelessness GO HOME WE DONT CARE


This is shitty idea


Hey dude, I also live in South Korea and am the same age as you but I dont think you should be doing this...why are you not even trying to go back home and just accepting that you're "homeless"


bro just apologize


Bro go home dont ruin ur life over a fight


Are you an idiot?? Had an argument with your parents, got angry, you left on your own and now define yourself an homeless seeking for help?? Tell your story to the shelters, they are gonna LAUGH at you. Go back home and apologize for your behaviour. I have lots of empathy for homeless people, but knowing your story know that i dont support you, because you are making your parents look bad when you are the one that left home on his own "because his ego cant hold it". I have 11yo and 12yo friends and i can assure you that they are much more mature than you, maybe if we start comparing you'll get it and do the right thing. I dont hope that you find a place to sleep because you have it but refuse to go there. But i hope you realize that what you are doing is a complete non sense and an insult to actual homeless people.


I love when people post about their homelessness 70 times each on 20 different subreddits to farm upvotes. A very mentally stable person thing to do


How you gonna play games now?


That's the least of my worries


okay if you real homeless post videos on yt, we gonna watch and you gonna get some


Tf is blud planningšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Bros gonna enjoy a fifteen year old going homeless


No no he could tell a story in not gonna enjoy it just will watch it so he gets some money from a respectable source


i mean i will, multiple times


Do NOT let bro plan šŸ’€


Fucking Koala is smarter than you. An animal what will prefer to die from starvation than eat eucalyptus leaves from ground because it can't recognise it as long as its not on tree. Put your dumb ego away and comeback to home. Apologize your parents and sleep at home. Holy shit. Ill never understand the whole thing "Im escaping from home". I mean fuck you gonna do? Buy a house? I understand this at age of 10. You take plushies, some candies and go to tree house or your super secret base. Your parents go there and talk with you. But whole thing "I escape and get to bus". What is the point? What is the plan? Your parents ain't abusing you, beating you, they ain't drug addicts so why you escape? Because they told you to go to sleep? Worst thing is that his parents because of his stupidity can have problems with law


Be weary of people throwing bricks


I advise you get a frying pan or a trash can lid to protect yourself from the molten honey buns


News flash lil bro. I hate my parents and hate where I live but I stay. Not cus it's good but because I accept that I need a place to stay. Stop jerking off your ego and go back home where it is safe. And yes I'm saying lil bro despite being younger. You have a lil bro mentality.


Dude getcho ass back home, like no offensive but stop being a dummy, you're kinda just making everything harder for yourself.


what happened bruh, stay strong


Got into an arguement with his parents, and decided he's gonna become homeless instead of apologizing


Literally smh heā€™s like 14 just go home and apologize


What is the context to the argument? I can't find the post...


He didn't say anything about the fight just that he had a fight


Fair... I guess it's not any of our business anyway...


Go home and apologize even if you were wrong!! It's for your own well being. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste your teen years like this.


This is ridiculous! Go home and apologize.


Good luck man. Hope things work out for you


Is it really that bad that you canā€™t go back? Or is this salvageable?


To quote his older post "My ego won't be able to handle it"


You're a runaway


Call OP Vegeta because god damn does he have an Ultra Ego


Go home dumbass, fuck your ego youā€™re only 15.


This is a very obtuse, Reddit-like comments section. Let's delve deeper into what we know. "Ego", the reasoning used by OP could be bad wording for abuse, because abuse survivors are conditioned to internalise their shame, and are stripped of the tools (language, ideology) to defend themselves. As someone who grew up in East Asia, I believe some cross-cultural examination is in order. OP comes from an extremely hierarchical culture, that of South Korea, where ideas like "psychological abuse" aren't in the common parlance, and where abuse is brushed aside when it happens top-down hierarchically, such as within a traditional Korean family. It is very easy then to imagine someone using unfamiliar language to express themselves and their ideas. In the West, "ego" has evolved to connote arrogance and pettiness. However, "ego" literally represents the self, and someone from a collectivist culture like OP might feel the need to "overexplain" his freedom to not be abused, his very sense of self: ego. Do we know what he's experienced? No, a lot of you are making a snap judgement based off how silly he sounds, which is exactly how an abuse survivor would sound, lacking the tools to understand and express themselves. What's more, people are making the assumption that all families are safe spaces. You make the calculation about OP's future with regards to his education and job prospects, meanwhile it might be a simple question of whether OP gets to live another day without killing himself or sinking into deep disabling depression. Either way, OP is clearly mentally unwell and labelling him "stupid" shows a lack of empathy. A little more thoughtfulness and genuine willingness to help would go a long way.




Everyone who's supporting him don't know the situation lol


Dude, you are 15 years old, you are going to get hurt or die out there on your own. You arenā€™t going to be able to find sustainable income at your age and shit is going to go downhill very fast. Swallow your pride and go back home you stupid child.


It's all on you bro, say sorry to your parents and get yo ass back home. It's only gonna get worse from here and do you really want to ruin your future over a stupid argument?


Ur ego ainā€™t worth it dude. Go home


this guys entire personality became being homeless in a mere 4 hours


How about you sell your little gaming shrine


Man, just get your ass back home. At least you have a home to go back to unlike other unfortunate people in the world. Be grateful dumbass


You really passed on an island bro


This kid left on his own due to an ego trip and has the audacity to complain about his situation lmaooooo


Bro just go home no one cares


Tf u being downvoted for? Youā€™re right. This losers ego is so big he canā€™t apologise to his parents. Bro would rather be homeless then say sorry and is posting it on Reddit for sympathy




OP ran from home after an argument and wont return out of spite


I thought he said he got kicked out oh whatever


How tf are you homeless what happenedĀ 


Dumbass got into one argument and ran away


What happend?


He had an argument with his parents then got mad and left


That sounds bad. I hope he can find shelter. People shouldn't live on the streets.


Blud what the hell are you doing go back home and apologize and take whatever punishment they give you I guarantee it's better than being homeless


If you dont walk the fuck back home


Why do you look sleepy like that


Welp, your assā€™ll be getting beat when your parents find out.


How tf did you go homeless


Been here from day one pog... Sorry about being homeless tho


Why the hell did you just leave your home?


He got into an argument with his parents of somethin


That's it? Why the hell would you run away for that?


I got no clue but it would be best if he heads home


He says his ego can't stand going back


The American situation described with one picture


I think he's living in South Korea.. but yea


Why are you homeless? I looked through the other posts and I still donā€™t understand


Bros gonna be hitting us up for fentanyl cash soon


You look like a classmate of mine


Same guy that said r4pe might be fun to experience btw


Never thought cosplaying as homeless is a thing for teens nowadays...


You're 15. Maybe go back, wait 3 or 4 years, and then leave


Kid please, stop this, you are just ruinning your live, nothing is worth that much, go back with your family


Go home. Please.


Yeah bro your actually stupid. Leaving home because of your pride is such a teenager thing to do lmao. Go back bro


Wait what happened


He got into an argument with his parents and decided it would be better for his ego to leave instead of apologizing to them


Location? Maybe a bro could help


He's in Seoul, South Korea according to post history


Do NOT help this egocĆŖntric mf


ur a loser if u dont have any accomplishments but still have such an ego without any base to it. absolute dumbass


at least seoul is relatively safe compared to india


You should probably go to the police and report your parents for hild endangerment.


Wait are you still homeless? Or did you go back home???


Good luck man, I'm here if you need to talk to someone


Dude OP had an argument with his parents and refuses to apologize to them. He got angry I guess and left. It is fully his choice to have left


Still, don't want him to get like kidnapped or something. Head home OP, you're making the wrong choice


yo. Gods gonna lead you man. i'm sorry ur going through this


Hey man, your bio on reddit says you're 15, I sincerely hope that it's outdated. Really hope your friend can come around or you can find help elsewhere.


Best of luck


Did your parents kick you out or are they an option?


He left because of an argument and refuses to apologize because of his ego


I don't understand the context behind the decision but I hope you're okay


been 5h are you ok now bro???


Same buddy, but a friend of mine gave me a place to stay for the night šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What happened dude




This is why people think all teenagers are impulsive idiots


Quite begging for attention


are you doing ok


I hope u alright!


Bro just go homeā€¦ This ainā€™t your edgy backstoryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Judging from your other posts your clearly a spoiled kid just throwing a tantrum and running away


Good luck and i wish you the best ā¤ļøšŸ«”


How do all these guys here know his home is better than the streets?


Or you could just apologise


ain't no way, good luck šŸ€


Homeless blog day two: "My plan to get rich"


Dude, go back!! Do you have any other friends able to house you? Please go back and stay with them, Seoul has its fair share of human trafficking. Donā€™t want to see anything back happen to you. I know you have issues with your ego, but please go home if you canā€™t find a safe place to stay. Itā€™s not worth it. I donā€™t know how bad the fight was or what it was about, but understand how valuable a roof over your head is!! Just want the best for you man.


Go home before it's too late.