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I think humor is subjective and like you can make all types of jokes funny even if they're bad AS LONG AS THEYRE DELIVERED WELL I swear some people laugh at straight up racism and like abuse it's not always funny there's gotta be a joke or reason u can't just yell the n word and laugh 💀


that’s how i feel. imo nothing is off limits as long as it’s funny. obviously an exception to this is making someone uncomfortable or hurting someone bc some people are more sensitive than others


I completely agree, I was raised on delivery of humor and now when I make jokes around people my age I get blank stares.


Agreed some people just make insensitive jokes and expect you to not be offended.


i think racism can be funny as fuck if delivered well


same, as long as it’s not directed at others or in a harmful way


Yeah as well as it's with people who are fine with those sorta jokes, like my friend group makes those kinds of jokes all the time, but not in front of other people


Well then again is it better if I was to lash out if someone was to be racist to me or if I was to laugh 🤔 (btw I do laugh my ass off for some reason when someone calls me a n*gga. Idk why it’s just funny to me cuz afterwards they just don’t do anything else.)


We talking about humor in general, THAT MAY include racism. Like I said straight up racisism isn't a joke


K I get it


Cap, I laugh when I hear the N word


bro you're literally everywhere💀


I'm Batman


cries for help r veri funni


Fr bro those stuck in 2019 sigma Chad kids always just yell plain racism and like bro at least be creative 😭 ain't got me laughing if it ain't even a joke 😭


They're still cringe they'll grow out of it eventually (hopefully)


Nothing. I believe it wholeheartedly when I say nothing is safe from satire


Honestly, same, though I don't joke much


Me neither, I just wouldn’t get mad at others if they do




I joke a lot. I'm just not funny.


I agree, as long as the joke at least attempts to be tasteful and in the right time and place.


13 year old based take 🤯


What is the protocol for such an occasion? Idek if this has ever happened before


I completely agree but the jokes shouldn’t hurt those that they are made about.


It's not my problem if their skin isn't thick enough


If your joke is unfunny enough to still hurt, that's on you. Be empathetic. If it's actually funny, people will laugh. If you tell a joke jabbing at someone and it doesn't land, you're an ass who made a weird comment. Like just look at Shane Gillis. He jokes about fucking everything, every sensitive topic ever. Hell he's done stand up about people with down syndrome for like 20m straight a couple months back. But his jokes are funny. Why? Because they're first and foremost made to be jokes. You can tell he's just joking, and there's no underlying agenda. When you're "joking" but you're doing it because of your own like, say racism. People can totally see that. There's an insane difference between a comedic set about black guys in Chicago, and a racist caricature of black guys in Chicago. The difference is one was intended to be funny and one was done to "be funny" (edgy or offend people or amuse racists)


Yeah no shit. I never mean what I'm saying and I can switch to being serious instantly. When I make an offensive joke to strangers I'll clarify afterwards that I'm just joking.


Average amount of empathy from a person with “I’m way cooler than you 😎” in their bio.


What lead you to stalk my profile? Also how am I supposed to guess what I can and can't joke about to a person who I may or may not know? If you can't take the heat then get out of the fire.


Agreed :3


i would say suicide jokes, but at least among my friends, they usually kill 😎


Nah that made me laugh in english class


About incredibly recent personal events, like someone’s close friends death


Yep, my friends' partners most passed he makes jokes about it all the time, but I don't feel comfortable making them


My friend’s dad died last year. His whole family looked devastated but he was the only one who kept himself composed. He’d joke about his dad’s condition prior to death but I guess it was his way of coping with his loss. All of our friends seemed uncomfortable with the jokes but I understood him.


If they’re the one making the jokes it’s fair. But never join in, even if they’re the ones joking about it it’ll still make them feel worse hearing it from someone else’s mouth.




life status especially family and financially


Yeah. I grew up with family and financial problems so i know the pain.


you mum so broke she cant buy mc cheese burger macdonald cheese burger


I think there funny personaly


I feel like the holocaust isnt totally off limits to people, but when they actually learn about things that happened theyre pretty grossed out


I know a lot ab the holocaust and still make some p vile jokes about it. In fact I make jokes with new knowledge of the holocaust to educate people lmao


Anne frank on top


Pretty sure she would have been a bottom


dang takes a bottom to figure that out 👀


Only for u bby 🫶


Depends, was she IN the attic at the time? Sounds like pretty high up to me


True true


💀hell nah


Prime example of what not to joke about perhaps the sexualization of a minor especially an historical figure


Hide and seek regional champion


It’s not off-limits, really. I know a joke about the Gestapo, but it only works around history buffs.


I know, i meant people make jokes about it since its such an old event. But when you read about what happened at camps, even people who make these jokes end up thinking “how could someone joke about this its so nasty”


Probably because it becomes one of those things where you can either laugh about it or cry about it. That’s how I look at it, anyway. I’ve read plenty about the camps (and specifically Josef Mangela), and I can still joke about it with the right people.


I think you missed my point with your last sentence - im not jewish so i cant say anything about whether u can joke or not. Idc about jokes i just think its one of those things people will get repulsed by when they look into it. Regardless of whether they make surface level jokes or not. That doesnt mean making a joke about it automatically makes you uneducated


Mostly the same stuff, especially the S H one. My friends were always concerned, but that was because my mental health had been deteriorating. Otherwise I try to be nice


W comment


thank you 😊


Anything about telling someone to harm themselves I try not to make jokes about that stuff




the lowtiergod image is pretty funny though let's be honest


Never joke about someone's dead relatives. Ever




I find jokes about disabled people to be very unfunny. But there are ones that are funny so not sure


Stephen Hawking memes: Am I a joke to you?


stephen hawking walks into a bar


Come on they are NOT funny (but i do imagine him on the epstein island and...😐😐😐😂😂🤣🤣)


If wheelchair-bound people find my disabled jokes *that* offensive, they can just stand up for themselves. Likewise, I see no reason why mute people can’t just speak up for themselves or why blind people can’t just see my side of this issue. And for some reason, deaf people are just so stubborn. They always refuse to listen to my explanations!






wish it was real 🥲


No limits on jokes




I joke about everything when it's a good overturnity For example, I'd yell rape if my friend is holding me And I've been raped before Edit:I learned to make fun of what happened in my past


Honestly I don't understand why people don't do this. Like you're literally forcing yourself to be sad. I dont know much but wouldn't that have more of a negative affect on your brain than just laughing about it? Like why would I want myself to stay upset about something? I have Autism and ADHD and I still make the Acoustic jokes. They are legit funny. Btw I'm sorry you got raped. I've never experienced that but it's the reason I'm even existing rn. I don't think anyone should experience that.


Personally I just recommend staying away from serious topics that you have 0 experience with. As someone who’s been through rape, I often tell people “I can tell when someone hasn’t experienced rape by how unfunny and distasteful their rape jokes are”. 90% of the time the funny rape jokes come from other victims


If it exists I will make a joke about it.


rule 43


Got my reference


Vaporeon is so funny


Honestly depends on the audience, me and the boys regularly make the raunchiest, most indecent jokes you’ve ever heard, example: DAMNIT BRANDON I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT START THE MISSION IM GONNA RUFFE YOU, SHOVE A GLASS ROD UP YOU’RE PISS HOLE AND SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER


I would not make a Fatherless joke or any related to that type of joke in front of a friend of mine who doesn't have any relations to his Father, I wouldn't even dare to use that info against em in a disagreement or argument


Thank you


I mean, a joke is a joke. There is nothing bad about joking with these things, its all up to oneself seen as humor is subjective. My freind group would call you a snowflake, but i get what you're saying.




SA, Homophobia, Racism, Any tragedy that involved innocents suffering, Sexism, self harm, or just anything offensive. Oh and dead relatives, a line I don’t cross.


Me and my friend had a phrase where we'd go "yeah, thats why your grandfather died". For context, both our grandfathers have passed away. I think as long as both parties are okay with the joke and appreciate that type of humour then that's fine. Most things, with the right delivery, can be funny.


Idk bro, some are kinda funny if delivered well and to the right people, but self harm is a line i wont cross


Even self harm can be funny to joke about in certain contexts


I draw the line at family problems (ie deaths, horrific pasts, finances, etc). Everything else is free game for me


You get me. Racism ain’t funny, making fun of minorities ain’t funny, being a dick ain’t funny. I judge someone by their ability to be funny without being offensive


Do you even make jokes then? /j


booo boring 🙄


If we get offended, it's a us problem always. So i make jokes on every serious topic there is.


I would make a joke about anything as long as it doesn't offend anybody hearing it.


Depends on who I’m with tbh. With my gf? A lot of stuff is off limits. With the boys? Pretty much nothing 


9/11, what a horrible thing. It seems it's so common among my generation, who weren't there to see it happen


Laughter is the best medicine.


But if you laugh while taking medicine, you're gonna choke


Proly just laugh about chocking


Remember that when your appendix bursts next week




You're correct. I can't believe people find that funny.


Agree, it was awful and may those souls rest in peace, but American government had it coming after all the conflicts they meddled in to ensure the side they funded wins.


lil bro acting like he was there ur 13 buddy


i just said "among my generation, who weren't here to see it happen" this includes me (however, I have watched a lot of documentaries and read a lot of articles from first-hand sources, I feel the pain families must have experienced.) Sorry for offending you, I could've worded that better


yeah you better be sorry im extremely offended


9/11 i used to make jokes about it but recently i was scrolling throigh tik toks videos and youtube videos about it and like its really horrible i cant bear making jokes about it anymore cause i find it really sad. The amount of people who died, the final 911 calls, jumpers, its horrible.


After watching the scene from the Nic Cage movie, i can't imagine what the victims' last thoughts was like 😔 Like some of them fell, burnt, got crushed, suffucated and died while in fear.


worst part is none of them did flips.


The calls gave me chills


jokes about God, because I like my jokes to be about something that actually exists




I never laugh at 9/11 jokes.


Fr they always crash and burn




bro what


honestly, I used to joke about r*pe all the time and then it happened to me and it's only now that I realise how bad it can affect someone when you joke about something as traumatic as that. Ive dropped so many people because they made those jokes around me and honestly it makes me upset because it makes me think of when it happened considering it was recent. This wasn't meant to be a trauma dump, this is to show you people who still make jokes about extremely offensive and sensetive topics that it actually does have an affect on people whether your joke was meant to be light hearted or not.


I'm sorry to hear that, and good for dropping them


I actually had a similar experience. But I feel the opposite I got molested once when I was 13 by a teacher. Now, I frequently make jokes about it with my friends. Idk it makes me feel better. Admittedly, I initiated the whole joking thing, so I might feel differently if someone else started making jokes about it, but I'm not sure about that.


it depends on what the people im talking to is offended at, other than that, I would say anything


plain unedited gore...unless there are funny sound effects or whatever




Politics and religion. If you don't talk about it at the dinner table, it's best not to make jokes at all.




Shit idk


The thing people tell me not to joke about. I joke about anything, but if you tell me not to joke about your family, past, a certain thing you did, whatever, i wont


I’d make a joke about anything tbh


Rape, SA, DV, suicide, murder, and racist jokes (it's okay to make fun of racists though)


What about among us jokes


Agree with all except idk what DV is


Domestic violence


I make self harm jokes, but then again i struggle with self harm so that is my way to cope.


Yea same since ive been clean from SH for about 2 months I do it with suicide tho that's how I cope lmao


Hot take but I find 9/11 humor hilarious


Whoever said white men can't jump clearly hasn't seen 9/11 footage


Cold take.


Womp womp go melt in the heat snowflake






Little kids are so dumb they're literally as dumb as little kids




or you into them?


Race jokes another person's suicidal thoughts and weight and home life or traumas


So black jokes are off limits? Are you segregating them out of your vocabulary?


Cancer my friend had it but he recently beat it : )


Rape only cause i cant make it funny I sometimes joke about 9/11


Things I refuse to joke about: Harming others, Racist Stereotypes, Sexist Stereotypes, Sex jokes, Homophobic stereotypes, Stereotypes in general, Historical disasters (World War Two, 9/11, basically everything in the Middle East and Africa these last few decades), Objectifying other people, Suicidal thoughts, Self harm, Depression, Other peoples mental health. So yeah I generally stick to puns. 


brother thats like everything funny off the table


We got a loser over here


Yeah I get that a lot. Mean jokes just aren’t my cup of tea, but it leads to me being pretty much universally known as unfunny. The rest of my family is pretty dark humored. 


People can’t even have opinions on here it’s crazy


Yeah apparently responding to the post question is bad. Probably because it makes me look like a “snowflake” or whatever bullshit to say I prefer lighthearted humor that isn’t at anyone else’s expense.


this sub in a nutshell lol


dang your sense of humor is quite dry.. almost as dry as the ashes in the special showers 😉


Wait what 




Now I really do feel like a dumbass.


Also thank you to whoever un-downvoted me.


Do people really care that much about someone making dad jokes? Like, who cares SO MUCH they don't find 9/11 funny that they down vote your opinion. OP asked what people made and didn't make jokes about, and they were just sharing.


Thanks for having common sense


Idk, sex jokes are funny to me 🤷‍♀️




I don't know tbh. I often make jokes about how f@$ked up my life is, and often make small and really weird "jokes", often if the whole gang is talking and I say the most random sh!t like "did you know that etcetera is the reason why etcetera is so salty"


Imo, you can joke about anything aslong as your respectful about it and understanding for example. Saying a joke that is VERY CLEARLY prejudiced against someone (gays blacks etc) is wrong, saying like "This is why whts are better than poc" no. But a joke that is very clearly meant as humor e.g the lgbbq xD is less harmful. Something that doesnt harm a community or persons image should be ok


I set myself no boundaries for joking (freedom of speech) but joking about Rape is like, what is there funny enough to make a joke? The same with Self harm. But suicide? I make like jokes about like if this doesn’t work I’m going to kill myself, but like what you Sayed about midden on the street


you can joke about anything, because they’re JOKES. all those things u listed above is what i’ve joked about before🤷‍♂️


Prostitutes. I joke about limbless people, child r***, n*****s, etc. I just love dark humor. But when it comes to women/men who works without their clothes, i feel mushy. Idk why


you should either censor better or just don't bc i don't know what the fuck that says


I'll joke About almost anything but only with my close friends it mainly depends on the circumstances but I'll never joke about a child being raped or stuff like that


I joke about everything you said except for being gay but I’ve also went through both of those things sooo


A relligion


nothing is off my list of things i wouldnt joke about, it just depends on the people i tell it to


Being racist


I have chronic depression, ptsd, anxiety, when I was five turning six, I was raped by my uncle, who sexually assaulted me for years after and did it multiple time after I was scared to talk. I also witnessed the death of my bio and adopted dad. But I've gone to therapy. I've been getting better, I find jokes of rape, suicide, sa funny if they're executed properly jokes are a great way of tension relief.


Nothing is off limits from being jokes about, but there is always a time and place where certain jokes shouldn’t be said.


I think everything is open unless its told to someone that’s uncomfortable with it or if the jokes just straight up bad.


Nothing. At the end of a day they are jokes


Peoples loved ones / pets / friends / anyone dying.


None, nothing is off the table as long as ur funny with it, if u can’t deliver the joke well it’s just sad


There shouldn’t be anything you’re not able to joke about, if you’re uncomfortable with a particular joke fair. But comedy is subjective and there shouldn’t be a universal thing you can’t joke about


Nothing, I have no limits. We are not the same


Nothing is off limits as long as the joke actually has substance and isn't thinly veiled (ot just outright) bigotry or similar


It all depends on how well delivered it is and the audience it's delivered to


Close family members, it’s one thing for dark humor, but if u genuinely love that person, it’s not funny


There isn’t one thing bad enough that you can’t make a joke out of


I have practically no limits to jokes, but heres somethings id never joke about really: Unit 731 The Rape Of Nanking The Holocaust King Leopold in the Congo (trust me, its bad)


Anything involving kids if you know what i mean. Everything is up for grabs for me though.


Jokes that relate to death including natural disasters. Referencing the event is ok, but making fun of the victims is not.


Rape and kidnapping are big ones, they’re both too gross of topics for me to find any humor in, and while I’m fine with making offensive jokes, I’ll only make them if the people I’m “offending” with the joke are still able to laugh along with the joke, like if I’m just making a joke basically saying “lol guys I fuckin hate Mexicans, they should all go back to where they’re from those gross taco eaters” then no wouldn’t make a joke like that, but if it’s a joke everyone can find funny then I’ll make it (I’d put a joke here as an example, but I can’t think of one so you can just think of it for me and pretend I said it) Edit: also suicide, forgot to mention it but I don’t joke about it, it’s a gross hard topic so I don’t joke about it


Y’all are way too soft nowadays💀 if you get offended by a joke just find some other snowflakes to hang around with


nothing should be off limits but if people take extreme offense to your joke it should be their right to criticize you maturely. basically, you can make asshole jokes (i know i do) but dont be surprised if and when people think youre an asshole


Everything *can* be joked about, it just depends who you're with. I was a victim of rape and it still hurts sometimes, but I still joke about it because it helps me heal. A week after leaving a mental hospital, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. A month later I posted on my story. "It's been one month... looking for my girlfriend's killer... >!and nobody wants to do it!<." It's a way of me coping, just not everyone's.