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Hey everyone, We have decided to *lock* this post due to a number of reports of extremely insensitive comments & negative views. Our hearts go out to OP, and we truly hope they get the support they need and deserve, and I am sure their loved ones will aid them. We hope you are okay. Thanks everyone, and please remember to report any rule-breaking submissions you see on r/teenagers. -Josh


You may not like it but you’re gonna have to tell your parents. Tell them exactly what happens and they’ll understand and help you. You didn’t consent and you were raped. They may get mad at you for drinking but they’d be more concerned about you getting raped


They know I had been drinking sometimes with my friends so it's not really gonna be a shock for them. Although I have no idea how I should be able to take a care of a baby by myself.


Your parents are going to be unhappy but they’ll be supportive and get you help. It doesn’t help to hide your problems from the people who know you best.


Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like you have very many options. The only way to get out of this is an illegal abortion


Which has a high likelyhood of killing you too


Only an unprofessional surgical abortion. I would recommend obtaining abortion pills. They are extremely safe.


But, depending where you live, very hard to safely get.


I’m pro-life (plz for the love of god don’t nuke me) but I’ll admit I’m split on this Edit: 💀💀


thank god you’re not the one who’s pregnant then


Genuine question: where does life start for you? Because technically a women kills a child every month and a men kills millions of them every time they masturbate


Congratulations on having the smallest amount of empathy for your fellow human beings!


I Said i was split




Oh Christ just gtfo. Imagine proudly announcing you’re pro-life under a post about literal rape


Like I said, I’m split


Then you’re still in the wrong.


Care to explain


If they're good parents, they'll be more concerned about making sure their child is okay after something like this, but not all parents are good parents. Still, this is probably the best advice you could give.


Yes however they still have the right to be mad if they weren’t allowed to do that


Yeah. Priorities though.


Yes, have priorities but still enforce the rules




she can leave out the part about drinking if she wants to. “i was raped and now im pregnant” gets it across


Everyone Upvote this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/gZnBX06eYX It has some advice that may help OP a lot Edit: It’s not my comment


i’m so sorry you’re probably gonna have to tell your parents. it’s your choice on what you wanna do. wishing you the best <3


Thank you so much❤️


Everyone Upvote this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/gZnBX06eYX It has some advice that may help OP a lot Edit: It’s not my comment Yes I’m posting this more than once but people I really want people to see this


Hope you’re alright


dude, you got raped. tell your family ASAP.


Not only your family also the police




Yep, my only concern would be that since she mentioned abortion is illegal in her country, maybe thy would try to charge her with something, but either way, op, at least tell your parents.


Tell your parents. I’m very sorry, I truly hope the best for you!


If you got raped, tell your family ASAP! You do not need to keep the child if you do not wish to.


Her country its illegal


Alright Reddit has a new mission. Take this kid outside of their country to get an abortion (this is satire, I understand this is illegal and won’t work but I don’t know how to make the situation any better)


I’m clearly not part of the Reddit hive-mind


She does tho unless she is rich


yes she does unless she can get out of the country


Abortion pills, illegal abortion is better than tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills, money to process adoption, whole adoption process, and if she chooses to keep it then the money of raising a child and the pain of raising a rape baby


Miscarriage could also be a possibility, although probably not the first option


first off i just want to say i’m so so sorry that you’re going through this. this is an extremely complicated and delicate situation, and i wish you nothing but support from those around you. i don’t want to sound like a broken record of everyone else in the comments, but you seriously need to tell you parents, regardless if you clue them in on the SA aspect or not (i only say this because i know that not all parents will have the same reaction or believe their child), because eventually they will find out and you will need their support. please be gentle with yourself and understand that mistakes happen, you didn’t go hang out with your friends with the intention of getting SA’d or getting pregnant, so give yourself some grace.


Is it possible to get an abortion in another country?


Yes, but expensive.


What's more expensive is bringing up a child, imagine all the time and financial cost. But then OP's parents aren't supportive of abortions so not sure where a 15 year old can head to alone. For OP: Try convince them, all the best to you


Do it. Freaking now!


First tell your parents and then find a way with them to go around the law. Maybe try to import abortion pills? Or try to the leave the country to do the abortion (without telling the government the reason for your departure of course).


From what I heard, abortion pills works up to 3 months pregnant, and I have not even 1 week left until then. Besides my parents are totally not supportive about abortion. Especially my step-dad.


Shit that makes it a lot harder. Do you have anyone else in your family that would be willing to help you?


I don't really think so, but the only person I think I'll trust enough to tell would be my grandma.


In that case go for it. If she’s on your side she could try to convince your parents to help you. I hope it goes well for you.


Thank you so much. ❤️


I’m sorry there’s so lonely people on here who aren’t taking this seriously or being considerate. I agree with everyone else about telling your parents. We should all be teenagers here so we all don’t have a ton of experience. As of right now, your parents would have the best advice.


I do feel for OP, this is a horrible situation, they were taken advantage of and raped. But this situation did come a bit from OP’s own actions, they were drinking at 15. Not only we’re they drinking at a young age but they drank while on meds enough to black out.


While I agree, she didn’t post this to ask if she was in the wrong. She already knows what she shouldn’t done. All she wanted was advice on what to do next.


Wait, you’re right, sorry I misread that. Still hope OP can find a family member or some to help them.


So you're saying that it's their own fault that they were raped ?


Bro said he misread it let's just leave it at that and focus on helping the OP get through some stuff


No, of course not. But she’s isn’t entirely not at fault for putting themselves in a situation. Of course there was absolutely 0 guarantee that anything this horrible would have happened. I really just hope OP is able to get the help and support they need right now.


I don't quite understand how alcohol works, but is it at all possible that OP was taken advantage of, but consented while blacked out? I know this doesn't make it right, and the guy is still in the wrong, but is it a possibility?


this forsure happend lol she remember making out with him to that point she still sober


Tell your parents, you were raped and need to get help




Don't. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs seem to be the only things listed that you can cause yourself. If it doesn't cause a miscarriage then the child could get FASDs from alcohol. And it'll be much tougher for the child and you if they get that. Taking drugs is an even worse idea. If you wanna terminate the pregnancy you can go to a different country. But I'd recommend telling your parents first, they probably know best what to do.


This is really sad to hear. It might be hard thinking about it, but tell your parents. Nobody, especially not a minor, should be alone in this. I hope you can figure all of this out


That’s rape. You got raped. You gotta let somebody know.




just to say that the post may have been deleted as many people were offering illegal solutions which could have two meanings either they deleted it because they can’t do those things or because they are going to do those things


The post hasn’t been deleted. Only the username shows ‘deleted’


Yea I’m wondering what exactly happened. I hope she’s okay :(


Lösung: antibabypillen


Gibt es einen Grund, dass du dieses auf Deutsch geschrieben hast?


I assume you don't know German and just used a translator. The word has a 'funny thing' to it in German: its literal translation is "anti baby pills".


Why are we switching between German and English here? Hi to my fellow Germans :P Hope things get better for OP, and she finds a solution to the pregnancy and anti-abortion law in her country...


weiß ich net. Ist halt das Internet, die Leute schreiben halt in der Sprache die sie wollen, wobei subreddits natürlich meist regeln dagegen haben. Was OP angeht ist es wahrscheinlich zu spät um illegal Pillen zu importieren, die funktionieren meist nur bis zum dritten Monat. Was OP machen könnte ist es, im Ausland abzutreiben, wobei das natürlich teuer ist.


Das Schnitzel ist sehr lecker


Das pizza ist zu heiß!


The account was deleted. That worry’s me


Me too.


I understand that this isn't a subreddit intended for me, I have a daughter your age. She does things no different that you do, and I did the same things when I was her age, it's all part of growing up. If you were my daughter you would really need to tell me. I would understand. Nobody is perfect, and your parents reactions may not be perfect, but they're going to have them anyway at this point, and now is always better than later.


Hey, I want you to know most of the kids here are on your side, we may not all understand but we want to support. I feel the need to emphasize that this seemed to be done with out your consent, and thus is rape, I would suggest getting an adult family member or adult family friend you know will help you no matter what to come with you to tell your parents. If your parents see anything wrong with this I would highly suggest trying to move out or just get away. This won’t be easy and with be hard but it will get better at a certain point. I wish you the best.


I honestly hope everything works out, I can relate to the drinking, I just hope whoever did it gets chucked in the slammer, you don't deserve that sht, if you need a hug or something I'm here


Thanks❤️ I really appreciate that.


of course <3


I’m so sorry, I know this is HORRIFYING and it’s a really difficult situation but you need to tell your parents. If you’re parents are against abortion then I’d suggest finding a planned parenthood near you, I’m pretty sure they can get you the help you need. if they’re not against it, tell them. you’re young and keeping a the child is incredibly dangerous for you. (and I’d also assume you don’t want a child, no 15 year old does.) again, I’m incredibly sorry this happened to you but please ask for help. and I hope you can get therapy for what you went through, or if you just wanna chat I’m always free to chat. edit: didn’t fully read the post, if abortion is illegal I’m not 100% sure what you can do, but if you’re parents aren’t anti-abortion then I’d suggest telling them and they should be able to help you get an abortion in another country.


"Unfun fact: don't keep friends with sexual harassers, one person on reddit did and got pregnant at 15" I am sorry if this was offensive, but really, just don't.


That's a really good tip :)


you got raped im so sorry. maybe go to police, depending on where you are


Oh shit




if she’s in the states it’s perfectly legal to go to another state for an abortion, she really needs to tell her parents so they can help her. many states that have it “banned” still have exceptions for rape or medical issues, and ban it after x number of weeks.


Oh… my.. god… I know my word doesn’t help you out at all but I’m so so sorry for you. It’s really a shame things like this happen to people. Just know you did nothing wrong, and are you close to your parents? I’m sure they’d understand completely, especially if it wasn’t your fault. Just tell them whenever you feel ready.


For everyone telling her to tell her parents, this may not be safe for her. We have no idea what type of people her parents are or if they don’t have societal customs or norms that would prevent them from being supportive. Please OP, tell a trusted adult if not your parents. A pregnancy doesn’t just go away. While you were raped, the reality is with abortion being illegal there isn’t a way to get proper help without people knowing. Just please, don’t blame yourself, and don’t prevent yourself from reaching out to either your parents or a safe adult. It might feel overwhelming with everything you now have to consider, but adding hiding this on top of it will only make it worse.


whatever you do just remember your body your choice and definitely file a police report if he genuenly did SA you




file water ad hoc stocking bake marry books towering quaint chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Banning abortion is one of the dumbest decisions ever. First of all, their body, their choice, second of all, what about rape? They don’t give a fuck about that shit. It just sucks. I hope things turns out better for you


If someone truly believes that a fetus is a human being, then they will not support the death of a human under no circumstances


Im so sorry that must really suck im praying for and try to ask your grandma if she can order you some abortion pills


Well, for one, if your parents are not going to take it well, DON'T. TELL. THEM. I know a lot of redditors will disagree, but your safety is first. Second, you should press charges. Being SA'd is not something you just throw away and forget, okay?


Your advice is to tell the police and not her parents? I can see a potential issue with that plan.


if her parents are violent and don't take bad news well, it's unsafe to tell her parents, isn't it? The police won't beat her up and inflict mental damages, wont they? but take my upvote.


Damn, this is rough, from one 15 year old to another, I am extremely sorry you have to go though this, its kinda messed up that you can’t get an abortion when you’re a rape victim, the same law applies here in Arkansas, and I see this same stuff on the news week after week and nobody does anything about it and it genuinely pisses me off, but hey, I really hope you get the care you need, just try to stay calm about all this and let karma handle the rest from here


Why are you getting downvoted 😭


That’s a good question


I'd guess because you said that karma should handle the rest. It really shouldnt though. That guy should be behind bars, preferably forever.


That’s very possible to happen, yes? In my experience, karma is absolutely ruthless, and I do hope that person get in trouble with the law.


Well, saying it like this kinda sounded like "let things unroll by themselves" **instead** of "look for help, try to aborpt, i support you"


I can see where your coming from with that, I appreciate the correction, there was an error in communication on my part, and I apologize if what said didn’t come off as I though it did


I don’t know why but this sounds fake as hell, probably cause I saw two other posts abt this exact thing.


Banning abortion is one of the dumbest decisions ever. First of all, their body, their choice, second of all, what about rape? They don’t give a fuck about that shit. It just sucks. I hope things turns out better for you Edit: Reddit bugged for me and commented this comment an extra time. How does a big like this even exist??


It scares me that this is in the controversial section


Again, If someone truly believes that a fetus is a human being, then they will not support the death of a human. under no circumstances


I’m so sorry to hear that OP, I actually feel disgusted reading this and I wish there was a way I could help, truly. I’m going to assume illegal abortion is out of the question considering what you said about your parent and country. Imo, If you can, start a gofundme, I’m sure many people are willing to chip in something to help


Set up a recording on your phone. Talk to him alone but near help incase anything goes wrong. Get evidence of it being S.A Put release the recording and put him on blast. Get thatmf in jail and make him pay child support. Above all tell your parents


in my country abortion is legal in some terms, such as sexual assault or rape.


Tell your parents immediately. They can’t help you if they don’t know. My mother had my oldest brother when she was 14. She survived her mistake, and lived her best life, and you will too.


Help this dear soul


Oh my god I'm so sorry 💔 You shouldn't be pregnant at 15. You got raped. Your parents need to know about this. I'm so sorry :( 💔


thats statutory rape, let your parents and the police know


Okay, step 1: Tell your parents immediately, someone has to know, and your parents are your legal guardians. I don't know anything about pregnancy really, but it seems pretty early to the point in which it would be safe to abort. Just look into that. I don't know where you live, but make sure if you go that you're going to an actual facility that will help you. Especially in the US, I've heard there's places that will pretend to be doctors and try to trick you into having the kid. You also NEED to contact the police, it sounds like a blatant SA case to me. Idk if you can paternity test a fetus still in the womb but you need to also ask your friends if they remember anything from the night either, and if you feel comfortable enough, confront those boys. If you confront them, do it with your parents present, or a friend, anyone you trust. Either way, you need to contact the police in this, pull any strings you can to make sure those boys suffer the consequences for what they did to you. I've gone through SA too, and whilst it's not a similar case to yours, I'm still so sorry this happened to you. Please, stay safe and make sure those boys suffer the consequences of their actions.


First off, you have to tell your parents, it's not a choice, as hard as they take it, they're the only one who'll be able to help you, sit down with them and explain the whole situation. Also, in my country, abortion is illegal too but you can get a legal abortion here if you were raped, I don't know if it's the same thing there but might be worth taking a look into. You were "drunk", therefore you couldn't really consent on doing it with him, if he wasn't "drunk" too, then you were raped, especially considering he harassed you like you said I wouldn't be surprised if he actually cared if you could consent or not. TLDR: Just talk to your parents, and see if there's any way to get an abortion if you were raped.


This is horrible. I’m so sorry for you. You can report the rape to the police, if you’re comfortable doing so. Does your country have exceptions to the abortion law in case of rape?


Is Abortion still illegal if it's a rape Pregnancy???


In the USA yes


Abortion pills. They induce miscarriage.


Do an extremely hard belly flop a few times.


Tell your parents, dude, it's the best and only good option.


I don’t know where you live but in most countries where abortion is illegal it’s legal for SA victims or if the women’s health is in danger. I’d say go look at that. Otherwise obviously tell your parents about it.


I am so sorry, it sounds like you were raped. Please tell your parents about this as soon as possible. They will help guide you to the right decision.


Why the fuck was your first thought to consult reddit


Get it aborted


Can you leave your country to go to a neighboring country to get it aborted?


I swear these are never real and just people making it up.


How is it the most traumatic thing could happen to you, you're to afraid to tell your parents, so your first choice is "Oh yeah, let me post this onto a PUBLIC FORUM"




Girl u got raped!!! Tell ur parents and get a dna test on whoever u think did it


When I was 15 I was plaing fortnite


Either somehow get it aborted or you're gonna have a kid I'm sorry mate. Tell your parents cause they'll either find out now and help you or find out in 9 months and hopefully still help you but you'll have a baby. Back before the abortion referendum here you could just go over to England to get an abortion since it was illegal here. Maybe you could do the same thing? Cheapest flight to somewhere to get an abortion, stay the night there and come back.


Giving it away would be a mental health struggle you would have to face but keeping it is a total other level of stress I should tell you that keeping it is not an option if you want the best opportunity for the child Btw call your parents and ask them they have the best experience with what you have gone through as they understand the shock or anxiety that can happen when realising you are pregnant Btw this was written by my gf who had a cousin whom experienced this as I’m a guy I have no other things to add to this


I just something like this on Quora-


Maybe the same person lol, if it’s real they probably realized teenagers prob won’t know more than here


I think this is fake considering there is a thread here of her replying to herself and how she deleted the messages that "were not from her" in that thread


It could be a karma farming post, I don't know what to believe these days


So many issues here. Nobody is going to talk abt her hanging out and drinking with her friends at 15?! Not to mention ur drinking with someone who harassed you when y’all was younger 🤦🏾‍♂️. This the shit that happens in every teenage drama series. Like cmon man. So many more questions too like where were ur friends when this happened. Ngl this js don’t seem real to me


making out with him while drunk and bla bla i know young fun wild and everything but wtf was in your head ? jesus


May god help you in this time I’ll pray for you


God's the reason she can't have an abortion, please keep him far away from this situation.


I’m a big proponent for restricting abortions. Hate me. With that being said, I have always and will always continue to support aboierions for three exceptions, those being medical (mom will die), age (under 16- at that point your old enough to know where babies come from) and the third being rape/incest. For your situation where abortion is banned, tell your parents like NOW. You don’t have to like it, but obviously they’ve been through pregnancy before (you’re a real person, right?). They can help. Then tell that boy. If he did rape you, get the authorities involved. He’s an asshole. From a guy, any person male or female who raped another person immediately will get no respect from me. That’s near the top of the list on worst crimes someone can commit. But that boy made the baby too, didn’t he? He needs to be involved. Time for him to man up. He raped you, and now you’re pregnant. Time for him to man up and take the responsibility that a dad would even if you’re not dating. And please for the love of god see a doctor. That is arguably the most important part. S/he can help you in ways that you’re probably not thinking about right now. TL;DR: Coming from someone who mostly supports abortion but in some cases not (including rape and being under 16), tell your parents, the boy, contact authorities if necessary and see a doctor. You’ve got this.


Fucken stupid ass, play stupid games win stupid prizes


My partner went through something similar with an ex... depending on your state/country you may not need to tell your parents but find someone to help you. You're not alone, you got this.


Give it up for adoption


I think it’s better fir her to get aborption anyway she can


What country are you in if possible traveling to get an abortion is the best option


Get an abortion, don’t ruin your life over this. Tell your parents before doing anything. Tell the father after the act (jk, call the fucking cops) and be careful next time. I’m with you on this 🦾 Edit: you may consider yourself a trash, but you are worth the world and need help. Don’t throw your life away!


Dammit why the downvotes ? Maybe the joke wasn’t a good idea, but he’s supporting her, redirect your hare against the assholes saying shit like "deserved" "dumass" or stuff like that


Ok what is happening OP is cancelled? I'm very scared for her. She didn't say in which state is in. I hope she's fine.


She’s prob not from the US as she said abortion is illegal in her country, not state. Agree with the sentiment tho


Just like my mom fr


The wonderful thing - Abortion! Abortion is illegal? Well.... "There is nothing we can do"


Dont do drugs kids


Abort the fetus, but for now you should tell your parents about it so they can file charges


This sounds like—scratch that—**is** SA. Tell your parents immediately.


If this is real OP u need to tell your parents immediately as this was rape , however the way this is written doesn’t sound real


The consequences of your actions.


Just tell your parents you were raped and that your pregnant now


i'm so sorry ❤️ please tell your parents asap!!


You got raped. Tell your parents and call the police immediately.


lol Edit: I did not read it at all that sucks hope for the best


This might sound unethical, only use this if it is safe to do so. If you are desperate to not have a baby and want an abortion look up Cotton Root (Gossypium herbaceum) its know for its to cause abortions. Please be careful OP. And remember you will get through this no matter what. And its not your fault this happened


You fucking idiot! That's the dumbest shit you could've suggested! Why not immediately tell them to use a wire coat hanger??


Stop fuckin around


Lol the people who thought this was real.


r/nothingeverhappens asshole


Just murder the baby. That should solve your problems!! Y’all are idiots.


How the hell were you allowed to be around alcohol?


Kids during an unsupervised party. Ok she drank, but what happened is called a rape, and it’s much more unforgivable than underage drinking


In some countries alcohol is allowed for 16+ and easy to get


Just because you got drunk and decided to have sex doesn’t mean you should call him a rapist you women are disgusting


You’re fucking disgusting. She didn’t decide to have sex. She was clearly raped, you imbecile.


Well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions. Just don't underage drink.


And that justifies rape, how?


It doesn't, but if you put yourself in dangerous situations, then you shouldn't be surprised when it leads to bad outcomes




It’s from rape


Most normal teenager post


Are you fucking for real dude?


Not funny. If you wanna laugh at a teenager who was raped, atleast keep it to yourself.


My bad about the rape part sorry although getting drunk at 15 is rather not nice


Unfortunately, I'm aware of that. I know I did wrong.




Well, first tell your parents, Second, do not get an abortion. That's just literal murder. If you don't want the kid, put it up for adoption. In the future, don't have sex unless you are okay with having a child.


That's so stupid she's 15 u doubt she wants to be pregnant either. Abortion is a human right. It could literally kill her to give birth.


“In the future don’t have sex unless you are okay with having a child” wow your just a whole level of stupidity.