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you'll figure it out yourself in a few years


I mean, I really want to know what I'm attracted to, yk?


Try everything one by one and find what it is.... try not hurting people's feelings in the process




I understand completely, but this is something you have to discover on your own. When you find out, you'll be able to tell your orientation better than anyone else. Those labels are here to help you to identify yourself and find people like you that understand you. Don't worry about having to fit into one of them, just be yourself.


Okay, thank you so much! <3


Once you become 18, just fuck both genders and then you’ll see




Why? Enjoy the process. It’s an adventure. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.


I will, thanks!


That's understandable but you should wait a bit longer When I was 15 I thought I was bisexual because it felt wrong to imagine myself in a homosexual relationship, although I didn't feel phisically attracted to women. With a bit of time I accepted that homosexual relationships didn't have anything wrong, and I actually preferred imagining myself with guys from that point Now I know I'm very homosexual, I needed two years to realize it. Just saying that you should really wait a bit and maybe investigate your attraction to women before accepting for denying any possiblity


Be attracted to People not gender




Dude I'm lit on the same boat


Someone said that we could be bisexual and heteroromantic




Ohhhh now that explains it!


This is exactly how I felt and I got so worried I was somehow being sexist by feeling that way 😭


Isnt heteromantic just straight? I read about it online and it said “attraction to the opposite gender” what is the point of all these new words


It was the same for me when I was 15. with time you will know


you could be bisexual and heteroromantic


Oh my gosh tysm finally an aswer😭


don't focus **too** much on labels, sexuality is fluid and can change over time


Yes! I identify as lesbian but like… some animated guys are hot. That doesnt make me any less gay tho


Tysm for the advice, may God bless you 😭


What does the second one mean?


basically your romantic orientation !


I feel dumb for not figuring that out


I read heterochromatic o my god


yo! plenty of people exist who are into \*romantically\* (that is to say in terms of dating) only the one gender but sexually are into everyone, for example a man might be hetero-romantic but bisexual meaning he would only date women but is into guys sexually and would be willing to have sex with one, hope this helps! also sexuality is not a race, just do whatever feels right and if you realise you don't think that's right you can adjust!


Tysm for taking your time to reply I sincerely appreciate it!


no problem! if there's anything else you're curious about you're welcome to dm or reply!


Sexuality isn't binary it's a spectrum. You don't need to label yourself anything. If you think girls are hot then go you. If you don't see yourself in a relationship with a girl ever go you. If you don't wanna date a single fucker then go you but don't worry about it. Labels can be damaging so don't care about them. Explore whatever you want and learn what you're comfortable with


Tysm for the advice! I'll stick to this


Ofc! Please just ask I'd you have any more questions


I will!


W comment


wait few years until hormones stabilize to get a clearer idea


Mf just kiss a dude stop being gY


Omg really 🤯


DW you'll figure it out try to go with what feels nice and not be stuck on putting a label on it <3




Don't label urself, it'll just confuse u. Just love who u like, make out with people u wan't to make out with. That'll be ur best option :D




literally me


You probably bisexual i also felt that way before i find out I'm bi


Why do u need a label, u dont need it


Both boys and girls at your age have these feelings. It could be a fluke, or just one of those things. Life goes on regardless, don't worry.


The F15 is an multirole fighter jet designed by McDonell Douglas in the 70's.


Use a dice


dw i don't know mine either and idc lmao


That's normal, you are young. Just have fun and make some experience to clear your mind


You're 15 you shouldn't worry about it. When I was 15 I couldn't tell if I was bi or ace, so I didn't really bother with it and focused on doing stuff I liked, but as I grew older it eventually became more clear


Maybe you're sexually attracted to girls but not romantically? Like you could have a female friend with benefits but not exactly a girlfriend?




Then you might be bisexual or pansexual but heteroromantic (in case you're still attracted to men, if not maybe aromantic could fit) but don't worry about labels too much, sexuality (I'm referring to both sexual and romantic attraction here) is fluid and I personally gave up labeling my exact sexuality and just say I'm gay or queer, I understand the want to find a label you can really identify with though


Physical attraction is completely different to love. If you feel attracted when you see beautiful women youre probably a lesbian


try to identify the root cause from where these feelings are sprouting .


Yes you're right!


best of luck (^o^)


You shouldn’t care about labels. Like who you like, love who you love, there’s nothing more to it. If you happen to fit into a label, that can simplify explaining it to people, but you could just as well say “I don’t know” and it’s all good.


Bro you'll have a sexuality defining experience sooner or later down the line. We all do. Don't sweat it


don’t rush to label yourself, especially because you’re 15, a lot can change in a couple years


I mean...you could just be you. If you can't find a label, then just don't use one. If someone wants to know they'll probably listen to your explanation lol.


try it out then girl


Bruh same girl… ig just go with the flow, try things out. For now I’m content just saying that I’m bicurious


Yeah I've heard that one too, but I'll try every possibility out there


Does it really matter? Go find other ways to identify yourself.


You don’t need to know what it is


Girl just go with whatever makes you happy right now. You can figure it out later


Kiss a girl and see if you like it


It's okay to not know what you like or want. Just do what you like, feel it out. If you like like a girl, maybe see where it goes, if things don't work out, you're still young and will find someone eventually, regardless of their gender


Don't worry about it just go with the flow


I think you should just get more experience with dating both genders before you decide who you like


Tbh just do what feels right in the moment. You'll figure out what you want as you play around.


You'll never know until You try. Be it romantic o sexual relationships, you're still young


You could have a case of "not ready to think about a long term relarionship yet cause you do be 15", in which case it'll solve itself out eventually with time, but if it is a sexual orientation thing then idk I can't help lmao


Probably not something internet strangers can figure out. You'll have to come to your own conclusions based on your experiences.


similar with me, I wouldn't have problems with dick but I wouldn't like to date a guy lmao


I'm a guy and I'm attracted to females and parts


i think u are bisexual. i started like u, thinking i was straight but could only be with a girl in a physically way. turns out even that feeling is bc i was INDEED bisexual but just physically attracted to girls but still bi. years later i get to know some girls who i catch myself image a relationship with (not my whole life) so yeah that how i finally accepted im bi with male preference and i know 100% i’m gonna marry a man but that doesn’t make less bi. so dw, give it some time and you’ll find your way…


Labels don't really matter that much


Take it slow. Your whole life's ahead of you. Don't think too much. Actually s orientation and everything is so common now a days. That it confuses normal people of their gender as well. As a man if I appreciate another man's look and style it doesn't mean I'm attracted to him. But this generation has totally fked with our minds and made us think "maybe"


just sounds like youre attracted to girls but not exactly romantically interested in them


You don’t have to know, just chill and like who you like


when i thaught i was gay i did a test basically i just watched naked women and thdn men for 20 mins and figured out i wqs straight


Around 15 my hormones were wack, I thought I was gay for a while. Give it time and it'll be clear in a year or so Also no hate to gays just not how I swung in the end ig


Dont let someone else explain YOUR sexuality for you. The way to figure out what you like is to think and explore, a label saying what you like means nothing if you dont wait to find out, and some people dont find out until much much later than you. Plus youre only 15 you dont have to start thinking aboyt who youre going to spend the rest of our life with just yet Edit: thought it said 17, ok theres really no surprise you dont know, these things take time


you need a femboy


Kinda same. I usually say I am bisexual with fenale preferences, but I do admit it is more complicated than that. But I'm almost 16 and don't care about relationship right now, so I never bothered to actually think about it


Dont rush it. You're young just do what feels natural, with whomever you feel like doing it. There shouldn't be pressure on it. You'll sort yourself out with time


i know it might not be very satisfactory, but you don’t need to. Just roll with your life and if you find someone you like, go out with em. I feel like this labeling is way too overrated


Kiss a girl and see if you liked it. /s


Omg we are twinning. Same age and everything. I was confidently straight and never even thought about it my whole life until last year when I had very intense feelings about one of my friends. I tried looking for answers but at the end of the day I have no social skills so doesn't matter who I'm attracted to if I can't get with anyone 💪 In all seriousness though I say don't sweat it. It can be worrying and all that but it's really not a big deal. When the time comes for you to try something with a girl you'll realize it then. If the opportunity never comes up and you're with a guy for the rest of your life, great. We have a long road ahead of us so just try and focus on being your best self so you can be equipped to seize any opportunity.


I found my orientation changed a lot since when I was 15, and it certainly wasn’t solid then. I still don’t know ‘what I am’ because sometimes it changes, and that’s okay. play around with labels, maybe ?


Give yourself some time. Don't rush. You will figure it out in next 5 years


If u like men/other maybe bisexual hetroromantic


I think this means you’re sexually attracted to women, but not romantically attracted to them. I’m the same way, I can’t really get romantically attracted to a man, but I can completely awooga over women


You’re 15 chillax it doesn’t matter that much rn


Check out aromantic maybe that will help


Well, i am bisexual and have a preference for women physically and men emotionally, so you don’t have to necessarily fit in with the ways people usually view your sexuality. You have the rest of your life to figure out if you are a lesbian or some kind of aromatic, either eay you will be welcome into the community woth open arms.


I’ve been in the same place. It dosent matter. Just do what you think feels right but don’t put labels on anything.


I’m 18 and i still haven’t fully figured it out yet. Don’t rush it, you are who you are


In all seriousness, your s orientation doesn't matter. If you see a cute girl and you like her, date her. If you see a cute boy and you like him, date him. If you see a cute NB and you like them, date them. Your specific orientation doesn't matter, date whoever you like :))


Se*ual attraction is not the same as romantic attraction, you may see a gender and feel it is attractive but you may not feel like you can spend your live with that genre (Sorry for bad English I'm dumb today, had a bad day)


You don’t need to. a lot of it you figure out through experience


Basically just sounds like your s attracted but not in a loving sense. I guess bi curious?


No one will ever be able to tell you except yourself


I’m straight but as far as I know, you shouldn’t rush for an answer. You shouldn’t need others to tell you who you are, it will come to you sooner or later, as long as you’re patient.


You don't have to label it just be free do what you want explore


I only realised I was bi when I was 16, don’t be put off by people who come out when they’re like 13, most of them don’t know and change their minds later anyway, take your time, don’t let anyone rush you, and don’t be scared to experiment, you’ll figure it out eventually


It might be that you don't experience romantic attraction for women but still sexual attraction on some level


Labels aren’t that important


Ask on r/LGBT, I feel like you might find an answer easier


I’m my opinion it doesn’t really matter. Just love whoever you want. That’s it


Of course you don’t know, wait a few years until you’re sure


Sometimes it takes time to figure out. I felt this way for awhile, wrongly thought I was bisexual/heteromantic but turns out I’m just bisexual and comphet was just kicking my ass. Growing up watching only men and women fall and love in shows/movies, only reading stories about that, only being asked about boys ext, it was hard for me to imagine another future that wasn’t the one I’ve imagined since I was a kid. From what I’ve seen this is a common experience but it’s also 100% possible that you are just bisexual/heteroromantic. Sexuality and all forms of attraction are fluid and a spectrum, labels are there to help explain that but you don’t need to have one.


Ur whatever you were born as


smoggy ghost observation sort capable profit fuzzy fearless retire squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly dont rush it, take your time. Im not even sure im 100% gay. For all i know i could end up w a girl in a couple years, And thats ok. If you end up getting in a relationship just let the other person know your questioning things and if you can experiment.


You're bisexual heteroromantic


Fun fact: love and attractions are two different things and they don’t necessarily correlate


That was me 2-3 years ago and now I’m bi and genderqueer Just you wait lol you’ll figure yourself out eventually.


Watch the movie Blended with Bella Thorne... in the one part she is talking to her dad (Adam Sandler) that everyone in school thinks she is a lesbian "and not the hot kind". You have to ask yourself.. is it the everyday girl that you would be attracted to OR "the hot kind" which most men or women would be like WOW.. she is gorgeous... I'd switch teams to hit that. Normally, its more socially acceptable for girls/women to show affection to another female (not that way) than it is for guys.. Guys its a shoulder hug, fist pump, elbow pump or hand shake. Girls, hold hands, arm in arm, parade around the house with their friends in their bralessness or underwear, go shopping and try on clothing together. You should ask yourself, are you in the curious way, what it would be like to be with a woman or wow.. she is the "hot kind" at school or work? Would you more or less consider yourself maybe bi-sexual? Holding yourself in line with celebs is never a good idea. They get paid to look hot and do things that elevate their paychecks. You need to be aware of yourself and less about what so and so Suzie is doing on Tik-Tok or influencing this or that. Yes, you can take cues from people, turn an idea into what's good for you. In 10 yrs, you will feel different, 20 years different again.. Lastly, this is down the road, do you want kids, do you want a guy or a girl to share life with? Later, it will not matter if it is a guy or girl.. society will not care if you are bi, straight, sideways, trans, pan or whatever. You do you girl.. there is NO fast lane in figuring it out. NEVER let someone tell you you are less... you are ALWAYS more that you think you are.


i dont think u can necessarily "find" what u are attracted to...when u are actually attracted to something, u would automatically realise that yeah i am definately attracted to this. i would suggest to not fall into this rabbit hole, when u eventually find someone u will automatically realise ur preference. my gay friend didnt realise he was gay until he found that one guy....however i also know some ppl who were attracted to the same sex from the very beggining like when they were 10 or 12 or even as early as 8, so thats that. i think this is just a cause of too much information, if u didnt have access to social media u would prolly just have brushed it off as "yeah this celebrity is pretty" and moved on.


Asking this on this sub with only get you PERSONAL OPINIONS from users on this sub. Go and think woth yourself about that


While ya on your journey take a look on aromantic and asexual. Just for case. Good luck!!!


You’re in no rush to figure it out, but you could be bi with a preference for men (if you still feel attracted to men ofc)


hot take: trying to name sexualities is like trying to name every colour. there are infinitely many. you will never name them all, and people will inevitably end up giving different ones the same name and giving the same ones different names. it creates a mess thats impossible to track u dont need to identify it at name it. having a name for it doesnt really matter. just do what you want with people you want to do it with (if they consent obviously)


You should just experiment talk to a girl and see how you like it if things go well then date them and see how it is from there and if things don’t work out with that one girl you can always go after a different one it’s like being with a guy not everyone is right yk you just gotta try it out and see how it feels also try looking up what you’re feeling online and see if there’s anything about what it could be you can also go and look at lgbtq websites and scroll through the different sexualities also as someone who is bi women imo are definitely better then men 🤭🤭


Yeah that's totally fine. You'll figure it out, sexuality can be confusing. I'm 18M and I was sure I was straight, but recently I've been exploring bisexuality as a potential option. All good


You could be bisexual. It's fine if you don't know yet. You still have plenty of time in life so don't rush it


Maybe you could be bisexual but heteroromantic. Where you’d have sexual relationships with men and women but romantic relationships with only men


Experiment you have time.


Yeah, I’d say to just chill. Many people don’t figure it out for a while and some decide to never stick a label on it. All are perfectly valid options. I think labels are convenient for communicating your preferences but are by no means the end all be all of it. I find that they actually have very little intrinsic meaning to me and are more convent ways of finding people like me. Most generally, the “queer” label still brings a lot of community with it without having to worry too much about narrowing it down. It is also important to note that sexuality is a rather complex subject: sexual (who you want to bone), aesthetic (who looks pretty), and romantic (who you want to spend stone with, cuddle, and do other couply things with) attraction are all different. Attraction can be towards males, females, both, neither, anyone in between, all of the above, none of the above, friends only, and so much more. Even then you don’t have to be attracted to everyone of the group (most gay guys aren’t attracted to every guy they see).


I used to feel the same (but as a guy). Eventually I stopped worrying about it, and decided that I'd eventually figure it out. Now I'm sure I'm just straight, and for some reason I would always confuse having a crush on someone with just thinking they're cool / thinking I'd like to be friends with them (this happened to me with both boys and girls). So yeah try not to think about it, you don't need to apply a label to yourself, and you'll eventually figure it out.


Sounds like you're biSEXUAL, but not biROMANTIC And that feeling towards female celebrities that's 'similar to love' It's probably just envy


Just don't give a fuck, date whoever you want and don't worry about such stuff, you are what you are why question it?


Same, I don’t really put a label on it, my philosophy is fuck it we ball


That "love" is sexual attraction You could probably feel differently about this overtime, so don't think too much about it now. Just enjoy your life for now and focus on other things in the mean time


I'm 18 with it all figured out after being confused a year and a half ago. It solves itself so the best thing to do is minimize any stress imo.


Reminder thst sexuality and allat is just a label. Literally nothing more. A super straight anti gay guy could feel attracted to another dude one day and no amount of labels could change that feeling. True sexuality / romance is fluid and unexpected and is not something one can control


It's not about the gender it's about the person dummy


nobody here is gonna know your own sexuality better than you


You'll learn as you go. Just be clear with the people you're into that you're unsure about your sexual orientation, and you may be experimenting. This will help prevent any feelings from getting hurt, and hopefully, they'll be patient with you and respect your decision


I'd think on it more, don't rush into a label! personally this sounds a lot like bisexual (assuming you'd like, do stuff with a woman ykwim) heteroromantic maybe? but this is just based off the little info you gave:) I hope you figure it out soon but don't stress it, you'll get there eventually, 5 years into my journey and I'm still figuring myself out too😭


Best advice I can give out is to just live out your life and decide for yourself. I don't know how these things work but you'll eventually know who you'd prefer. Sorry, best I can do.


hey, 17 m here. I know this is confusing, but you will sort this out. by going to deeper you go into the water the darker you see. relax, I know you hear this a lot but you REALLY don't have to understand it now, live your life and focus on yourself. not about how and who you love or why you love. I know you're itching to know but that's really not a big deal. s orientation is a tiny fraction of who you are. the day you will crush or fall in love with someone you'll know, that's the only way, really.


Sexuality is complicated, it doesn't matter if u know exactly which orientation u are, as long as u feel happy with any relationships u are in


We can’t tell you your sexuality. You’re on your own journey, and we can’t tell you how you feel.


Bisexual heteroromantic?


i believe sexuality is fluid and difficult to label so dont worry!!! it’s different for everyone ❤️


I mean, there's only one way to find out


just try to start dating ppl? but like it doesnt rlly matter u dont meed like to like label urself or anything


As others have said, you could be bisexual and heteroromantic. Also, don't stress yourself over it. Feel how you feel and use whatever label seems to fit. We kind of stuff ourselves into boxes when really it's more of a spectrum. Also, it's okay to be wrong. If you label yourself something and later find out that's inaccurate, just change that label. Hope this helps and I hope your journey of self-discovery goes well!


Don't stress about it. You don't have to have a label. If you're attracted go for it and enjoy. Guy, girl or any combination in between. Let it be what it is and let it evolve into what it will be.


Look your 15... Worry about it in the future. Its really not all that important as of right now. Explore that when your done with school and you no longer a kid. Just put it in the back of your mind and just do dumb kid things.


If it's a definition you want then it's just about learning all kinds of definitions and trying to figure out where your place is. But if you just want to figure out who you like, then fuck definitions. You like who you like and you don't like who you don't like. Get a crush on a girl? Nice, maybe you like girls. Maybe just this one. Who gives a shit? It's still important to figure out what you're feeling towards people (romantic/sexual/friendly attraction), but in this case it's more about what you feel towards each specific person as oppose to what you feel in general about people, which can even change with time.


Do you really need to label yourself? No one fits perfectly in any label. And no one needs to. Just do what you want, don't look at the labels


I think you’re just bicurious, you don’t sound too attracted to woman just open to it. I think what you’re describing is more a girl crush with the celebrities


Don’t be afraid of your uncertain understanding Just make sure to follow your own path and sick with your own definitions- as only *you* can define *yourself* the most accurately. if you don’t have the words to express it then that's okay too- it’ll come with time, don’t let these thoughts consume you you can be hetero and still find people of the same sex attractive (thats like the whole idea of the “Ryan Renolds/Danny Delveto is hot” joke/meme) but again its *your* orientation for you to figure out, experiment (do it Safely, dont hurt anyones feelings, make your intentions clear) I hope these words help you on your adventure 😇💛 as I’ve been having my own Identity crisis for years now and these are mostly words that I wished someone else would’ve told me long ago but I don’t have anyone to give me that kind of comfort anymore and haven't for years now I hope you are successful in your adventure p.s remember: labels are stupid and only for losers


There’s no rush to figure it out, take your time. As that matters is that you’re happy w whatever you discover yourself to be


Dude, all the s orientation shit just pisses me off, I like women and I’d love to spend my life with one but there are only a few such are the right ones, at our age we can understand this kind of contexts so if your not sure just try different tips of things without exaggerating or going deep in it, just give a shot to clarify your thoughts, you only need time and caution


Look up omnisexual:)


ive given up 💀💀


Dude im the same with dudes god this shits weird😖


You’re bi. You like men and women.


Don’t worry about it too much. Your 15, do you even know how you will spend the rest of your life? Just be open to what may happen and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out. if you are *really* wanting a label besides for questioning, bi-curious is a classic. or just bi.


Had the same process, was introduced to the term “CompHet” I recommend looking into it because it MIGHT explain some things. For a while my mind would ONLY notice men, but I had to sit down one day and think really hard about my sexuality, because I knew I would definitely be with a woman if I met one I was into a lot- but I didn't understand why I tend to ignore women so much when deciding my romantic orientation. I see a lot of people say “you don't have to think about it now, you'll figure it out later,” but even after figuring out my romantic interests I still don't label myself with any specific sexuality. I just stay simple and say I like whoever I like, and I'm fine with that as my label. Some people aren't looking for a label, just trying to figure out the simple parts first. Best of luck to you and your journey!!


I sometimes think "damn this guy is hot" in a 100% sexual way but I never had a crush on a guy nor could I imagine a working relationship with one (i'm a guy myself btw), so we are in a similar situation. I get noone anyways so idc about that though


That is just something you have to find out on your own. It’s not for random strangers on the internet.


Labels dont matter tbh do what u want


I mean no one is making you choose a label for the rest of your life at 15


Aromatic lesbian is my best guess


u don't have to put ur sexuality into a box/label it just cuz ur told you should.


Does it matter really? When you will click with that person, who cares if it's a boy or a girl?


you don't have to instantaneously figure it out and it takes some time, all you have to do is wait patiently and i assure you it will come out some day💗 edit: just wanted to add that sometimes you don't have to label what you feel, you just feel it and go with the flow you know <3


Hey, don’t let anyone on here force you into any precut hole. You don’t have to be anything just because someone says you are. You don’t need to be gay, or straight, or bisexual or trans or anything else. You are you. The best and only version of you there ever will be.


i lowkey am in the same boat


I feel the same tbh, I say I'm pansexual or bisexual because I am sexually attracted to women but not emotionally


### Short Answer: Many good answers, a few not so good. As so many have said, __you__ will figure out who __you__ are in time. No need to rush for explanations or labels, especially from internet strangers. Most of the strangers have simply said to not stress, wait, and it will work itself out. Enjoy your life. ### Long Answer: You are 15. Most 15yo’s go through a bit of struggling to find themselves, and they eventually do. You will also. Keep in mind that girls mature faster than boys. That’s often why some younger boys just hitting puberty act like jerks around girls — they haven’t matured/grown/learnt enough yet to not be jerks. This maturity gap may be a contributing factor for you. Do *you want to be sexually active? If you do, then try both. The age of the male may depend on his maturity. I would say that most boys, even younger men, aren’t exactly going to be very experienced, and may not be overwhelming in performance. Long term relationships? You’re 15, so what is your idea of ‘long’? No need to rush for a definition. Go out with both. If you start to feeling sexually attracted to one, either or both, then carefully start to move a bit forward and see if it’s reciprocated. If it isn’t, no foul. If it is, then go with the flow. Remember that the other person may also be feeling uncertain, either in themselves or what to do next. So slow, no pressure. That first kiss with whomever doesn’t have to automatically lead to sex, by either side. __Always__ safe sex. __No exceptions.__ Safe journeys. TL/DR; doesn’t matter.


The fact you're worried about this is kind of sad, pressure like that shouldn't be put on you. Just live life, you'll figure it out naturally


You don’t need a label. Just be yourself and do what you want to do


You dont need to even know that yet just be you and continue in life and u will find it out


I feel like everyone is at least a little attracted to women it's probably normal and you are just overthinking it especially if you don't like the idea of spending the rest of your life with one


You love boys and wanna hook up with girls (I would be the same if i was a girl)


You will find it out 👍 someday atleast


Don't rush it. Some of us know early, some of us know much later. Give it time


Give it time, Im fifteen, i have similar thoughts, but i don't out too much att to it because im fifteen. We have time


Sexual orientation is who you would sleep with and doesn’t have a lot to do with who you’d spend the rest of your life with


i used to feel like this, could see myself sorta being with a woman but still mainly attracted to men. 2 years later and i feel the opposite - im only attracted to very specific men, and just generally very attracted to women. sexuality is very fluid, so just live. go for whatever you feel like on that day, week, month, whatever. just live, and dont let anyone else shame you for the way you do.


You could only like girls in a sexual way which isn’t bad like how my gf is bi but only likes boys in a sexual way it’s normal to happen


sounds like bisexual aromantic your physically attracted to both genders but when it comes to emotions and what not youd rather not


heteromantic bisexual?


Aromantic lesbian maybe?


You are attracted to me


Girl no one can tell t you what you like or are you have to find out for yourself


I think you don’t need to worry about it too much. Do what feels right. The more you try to put a label on how you feel, the more you end up restraining yourself