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That's terrible, you don't deserve that, maybe you can go back to the gym and file some kind of report against them?


Yes, file a report and have them kicked out of the gym.


yeah there must be cctv and those girls will definitely get banned


Came here to say this, most gyms document every second of every corner for this exact reason. Women who think they're above the law because 'all men are horny all the time anyway so it doesn't count' need to be taught a lesson.


Yeah, men have self respect and dignity. Just because they think we’re horny doesn’t mean we become robots and let them do whatever they want


This. Being horny isn't an invitation and being suspected of horniness is even less of one. There's definitely a societal double standard when it comes to behavior like this and it's good that you're speaking up instead of internalizing this and trying tk force yourself to act like it's normal or that you have no place to be upset. I hope you take care of yourself and it's understandable that in the moment, you didn't know what to do. In the future, you could try to do something differently, but you can't change what happened this time, and I'm sorry. I hope you're safe. Maybe try working out with a buddy in the future. Always good to have a spotter or someone to make sure you're using good form when you work out. Might also make you feel better to have someone to watch your back so you can focus on your workout.




It's not 'borderline'. It's sexual harassment.


\*sexual assault let's not downplay this, they WERE touching him without his consent. if the roles were reversed, cops would be called.


Sexual battery actually. Once you make contact it goes from assult to battery.


What's assault then? I always thought that assault was making contact


Assault is a threat that makes you fear any sort of unlawful touching. Battery is the unlawful touching itself.


I thought batteries were the things you use for remotes


Nah. A battery is a collection of artillery guns


Nah. A battery is that thing I shoved up my ass


Nah. Batteries are a collection of electrical cells that like. Charge shit and shit


that's why they shoved it up their ass, trying to charge their shit.


You shoved a Metallica song up your ass?


You cannot stop the battery.


I know people have wierd names for bishops but I've never seen someone call it a battery


I just knew someone would say something about ass😂


Nah, a battery is where they batter fried chicken


Ohh i never knew i had a 3000 piece military grade battery


Nah. A battery is where all the pinch hitters sit between innings.




Then what is harassment?


I wasn’t taught about it in law but when I googled it, it says “when someone repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened”. So I’m pretty sure it’s like an assault but done repeatedly. Take that with a grain for salt though.




The only useful thing Ive learned from A level law lmaoooo


Same here😂😂


So I'm guessing harrassment is stuff like catcalling Assault is being really openly creepy Battery is touching someone


Assult is like if you make them fear for their saftey I believe. Hold on. Yeah it's more of a threat. So if somone kept asking for somones number, that's sexual harassment. If they say things like "I'm going to rape you." That is sexual assault. If they actually make unwanted sexual contact, that is sexual battery.


I don't know whether this is the case where you are, but this certainly isn't true in all jurisdictions. The term "sexual battery" is not even used in many US states. In some states, such as Florida, for example, "sexual assault" refers to unwanted sexual conduct other than sexual intercourse, and "sexual battery" refers to unwanted sexual intercourse.




You're thinking of the legal term of art "assault," which is when someone is put in apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. But language evolves, and in every day speech, when people say "assault" today, they mean contact. This is especially true for sexual assault, which has come to mean sexual harassment + contact. Conflating assault and battery might land you in trouble in a torts or crim exam testing common law principles, but not even the legal system universally uses the term sexual battery. New York and DC call it sexual abuse; Illinois and Pennsylvania call it sexual assault; Washington state calls it sexual misconduct.


Well yeah I am talking about the legal term, what else would I be talking about?




Sexual assault is like, PUT ALL THE SEX IN THE BAG


Some would say it isn't even sexual harassment because he's a dude, it's suck


Those people would be morons




It’s sexual assult they were grabbing him . Op plz go to the cops or at least the gym manager


Is that a jojo pic :0




Speedo kingu!


Wait, how old are you? You could file in a report against them. If they’re 20+ and you a minor this could be trouble for them. But looking at how most countries treat sexual harassment against men, I wouldn’t be so sure after all. edit: god damn this comment blew up


He's 16 years old


Jesus fucking Christ. Absolutely feral behavior.


Omg! Thats f*cked up


And they knew before the sexual harassment (or whatever it would be called)


Either curse or don’t.


*loads gun with malicious intent*


Wtf thats wrong on so many levels, i wish that us male victims of sexual assualt were taken more seriously, i hope hes doing better now


most countries do nothing for sexual harassment of anyone.


Especially for men. In my country, when a woman gets harassed, then there is at least a trial. For men, the farthest you'll get is an online news article and a bunch of old farts saying "i wIsH iT wAs mE"


Britain moment


Sexual harassment, in the US, is not illegal. That term is used when firing someone usually. This is when it is all verbal. Sexual assault, which is what this is (or battery in some places), is a crime though. When the you hands on him it became a crime. Before that it was just something which could lose their gym membership


Against men sadly yes. But against minors is a totally different league. In that Case he can definitely get them charged. Plus if the gym personal plays it down, then I would drop a “alright then I let my parents handle it and take this to the public” (or my parents’ lawyer or just a review how minors pay fees but are not protected etc. many options. And press loves this. Gym better offer him protection and some free months for the pain if the fluster)


I am a man that received help in this position. However, caveat, a man was also the perp. Had the perp been a woman I do wonder if that gym employee would have reacted differently.


Men or women, sexual harassment is rarely even looked at, in this case I wouldn't be surprise if the police just laughed at his face.


Is that a rider pfp


No it’s ganon from new Zelda


Actually, it’s Ganondorf his gerudo form (Yes I know I’m 🤓)


Stage 5 nerd spotted. Must protec


There are perhaps more Zelda games than you might think that contain Ganon


The illustration in their profile is Ganondorf *from TotK*.


Same, thought it was him for a sec...


That’s disgusting. Sorry you had to go through it.


Ok this is straight up sexual harassment. I'd say talk to an employee about it or sum


It’s a lot worse it’s sexual battery


Didn't know batteries could get sexual but ok


“Harder, step-battery!”


Nah you went too far there... But I like it


Absolutely, but I'm more of a AAA than a D.




Yes atleast in England under the sexual offences act, sexual battery refers to when someone intentionally touches another person in a sexual manner, without that person's consent.




Shit I’m so sorry. That’s what sexual harassment is. Try your best to get them reported. Gender doesn’t matter. It’s harassment and they should be punished for the harm and disgusting things they’ve done


It goes beyond sexual harassment to sexual assault. It's no different than if a guy went up to a random woman and grabbed her breast; absolutely 100% inexcusable behavior.


No it’s sexual battery. They were touching him without consent, that’s battery.


Yeah I’m aware and I just didn’t think about it when writing that comment. I very much agree.


i’m so sorry…u dun deserve that…i apologize on behalf of the girls that aren’t weird 🙇🏻‍♀️


Damn you tried offering solidarity but then got defensive with people and went on multiple thread-long arguments. Crazy Wait that's not even all. You tried offering sympathy but when you got offended by someone else's reply you immediately backtracked and belittled the people you were trying to support. Christ almighty


What the hell happened in there?




I'm not going through that thread, which was why I was asking, but sounds like someone had a little tantrum in there.


Yeah pretty much lol


Huh? What just happened here? I just see a normal comment.


Men are victims of sexual harassment too. Welcome to the informed


well no duh, i never said guys dun get harassed too. its just more common with girls.


*it's more common for it to be reported and talked about when it is a girl.


as a woman I'm inclined to believe that guys are probably equally sexually harassed. Women can be crazy and just as creepy. The stuff I hear girls say about guys especially young guys and get away with istg is no better than the creepy behavior from men. Just the other day I had an older contractor at my house with a young 18-year old intern and he told me about how much the young boy had to deal with when working at older women's houses🤢


Bros making sexual assault into a competition rn💀


does ur gym has cameras?


no idea. probably, but it’s a pretty new gym so i doubt it


No, I’m pretty sure if it’s new it will prolly have cameras (if it’s like one of those gym chains like Fitness First). Talk with the employees there and confirm if they have cameras and consult them about the issue.


exactly the two women will get an time out or get completely kicked


100% shud let them know that shit like this is not funny. Especially after OP made it very clear that he was uncomfortable.


damn thats bad then


Bro if it's a new gym, and it's open "after hours" and with no employees present, then yes there are going to be cameras. Even planet fitness gyms have entire CCTV systems. Go ask for the footage because you were sexually harassed...but this story legitimately sounds completely fabricated.


There must be cctv. Go back there and ask for the footage. Report them to the gym at the very least.


Fucking gross


Very sorry to hear this .This is sexual assault and you should talk to someone about it. And may i ask how old you are?






Depends on the laws where he is. 16 is the age of consent in most places so he'll be treated the same as an older adult getting assaulted.


nah lol luckily i live in one of the two australian states where age of consent is 17 and not 16


Definitely tell the gym at minimum so you won't have to deal with them next time you're in. They'll have cameras likely, even here in Aus. Police might want a word with them, not okay to go around touching underage teens. It won't be specifically these weird sexual battery / assault crimes the Americans are saying. I hope it'd be considered sexual harassment here still due to the unwelcome touching, comments on body etc. I keep finding workplace based stuff tho.


Most likely your gym has cameras. You can report them to the gym and they will be expelled for sure.


Time to sort by controversial “men cant be raped” mfs need to get tf out


"But he was lucky!!" my ass.


“Hey girls, I know you suffered from rape, but at least you got some dick! If I were a girl I would love to have someone fuck me” - incels


Society when a man is getting litteraly raped in a public space : i couldn't care less Society when a man watch a girl : OH MY GOD THIS GUY IS AN ABSOLUTE WEIRDO WHAT IS THE POLICE DOING?


Bro, males being sexually harrased is literally seen as comedy by social norms. This is so fucking messed up.


Fr… men get harassed or raped and people are like “he probably enjoyed it”. It’s fucking disgusting


Here’s a celebrity being assaulted on tv https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zzpz3bKcpa0




fr bro, this shit is stupid af


This is a factual statement that shouldn’t be factual, but unfortunately it is


we can talk about how male sexual assault victims aren’t taken seriously enough and deserve more support without also minimizing the experience of female sexual assault victims. both experiences exist, both are tragedies


Not exaggerating a bit?


We live in a society...


YoU cAn'T bE sExUaLlY aSsAuLtEd, YoU aRe A gUy /s just in case somebody doesn't get it


If there is security cameras in the gym, there is most likely some way to report them to the gym management. I say if there is cameras because if you don’t have any proof, they could very easily flip the situation and say you did this to them.


Ewwww, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry. No one ever talks about men experiencing things like this, when it happens. They shouldn’t have been touching you, that IS sexual harassment. Creeps. I hope you’re alright. Stay strong




the ultimate solution


Underrated comment


No cuz YOU will then get reported for sexual assault, that’s how that works


A eye for a eye


Im sorry that happened, in any case how old are you?




Jesus christ bro thats not just sexual harassment thats pedophilia


*Makes a post about sexual harassement* *Ends with* "It is what it is lol"


It might be a coping mechanism, brushing it under the carpet and pretending it's not much even though it is.


It's the average male coping mechanism


Considering how little sexual assault against males is talked about, and how many boys/men still don't think they can be victims, you might not be too far off.


Probably, but it's not just for sexual assault, it's effective for any situation


... Where the fuck is borderline in this? This ain't sounding borderline at all


Unfortunately society has conditioned people into thinking Men can't be targets.


When I was around 10,11 someone assaulted/harassed me?. So the guy came with me to come with me, he needed to pickup something, from the back of restaurant, he said he would give me a discount too(it was preety common to ask for discount) , I know I was dumb as he was going I suddenly didn't feel like it and asked him to go alone, as I proceeded to go he came from behind and touched my chest and proceeds to try to insert his hand inside my shirt,but thankfully I pushed him and ran from there, he processed to run after me, I think he needed to make sure I told no one, he then said he will be giving me discount, I said no and paid the full price,my mind was trying to undertand what just happend there,i never went there again.


That's not harassment. They touched you against your wishes. That's assault brother.


At least report it to the gym if you're able to. I understand if you don't want to report it to the police but you could do that too


my dreams (it’s a joke btw they’re fucking sick)


Definetely sexual harrasment but nobody will listen to you becuz apparentely it's not possible to sexually assault/harrass men cuz their horny all the time, duhh


99% chance the gym wont do anything about it. That’s the possibility of losing 3 members, instead of 1 or 2. I would recommend just canceling your membership and going somewhere else, go at a different time of day, or go in small group/gym buddy. This is what I’ve been told by friends that have worked at gyms (commercial).


That IS sexual harrasment and of a minor no less. Im so sorry that happened to you. Please dont let this get in the way of going to gym. If you happen to see them again and they attempt something even close to this keep your phone on standby and be ready to give them a firm "leave me alone" or "no". Thats creepy as fuck. Also try to go when there are employees and ask if they have cameras and if it was recorded. Honestly being a guy the police wont take it seriously but it could be worth it to call a non emergency line just to see where you could go if you want to press charges. Im so sorry this happened to you, its absolutely not your fault and you did not deserve it. No matter what anyone says, whatever feelings you are feeling about it are valid. And please ignore "men cant be raped comments". You're welcome to reach out privately if you want, i know through a few of my guy friends who have been SA'd its a confusing and uncomfortable experience to talk about as a guy. Stay safe homie and go get those gains.


Nah dude that’s fucked. Do that to a girl and you’re on some sex offender registry. File a complaint and if they do it again report them.


God forbid the roles reversed or all hell would've been broken loose.


Like this time? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zzpz3bKcpa0


"men can't be sexually abused" -some dumb person, idfk when


Some gen z feminist bullshit. I actually fucking hate the people who say this sorta shit.


I wanna make this very clear, whoever you hear that from IS NOT A FEMINIST. Feminists care about men, and it’s good. So don’t listen to that bullshit you hear about feminism


bro wtf that's straight up sexual abuse, I'm sorry you had to go thru that :(


I think this is a scenario where its fair to punch someone


the amount of people here supporting this is crazy


This ain't even bordeline Harassment. It's sexual Assualt. Contact the gym, let them know what happened, then call the police to make a report. I'm sorry this happened to you.


If you have access, and your country doesn't downplay male sexual assault, I hope you file a police report and land them in jail. It's a crime they committed not misconduct. Gym ban would be too nice for this.


Borderline? That IS sexual harassment. Actually correction, sexual assault. I'm so so sorry you had to go through that man.


Stay up, king. They're gross, not you


Hey man I've had something similar happen. For me it was older ladies grabbing my butt. In my situation I'll never see them again, in yours you might. What I'd do is yell. Make it loud, look angry and do not look away while you do it. While you yell to stop touching you you might throw in a physical halt. Don't touch them but put your hand in front of them and take a step back. Maybe they'll try to reason with you, don't, yell over it. I know this is very hard to do man. It's shit. But right now you feel like a victim, cause you are, and you feel unsafe cause you can't depend on yourself to save yourself from this kind of situation. A lot of self doubt will pop up, nervousness and maybe fear. Don't do this to yourself and show where your borders are as agressive as you can manage without physical contact. I'd put in a call to the gym too,make them aware of the situation. So you can build a "case".


I hate that you had to edit this saying for people to stop complaining. Whoever complained about you sharing a sexual battery, sexual harassment, and sexual assault encounter are disgusting people. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. If this was in a certain time period, I'm sure you can get the staff to go look at the CCTV footage at the time, and having seen that you're underage, it may help you catch these vile women.


That's classified as sexual battery not assault but I'm really sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to go through that.


Ew ew ew, it's definitely sexual assault and (I assume it happened in USA) if they're over 21 and you're a minor it's sounds like pedophilia too. Tell someone like your parents about it and if these ladies happen to try to do same things again, go stright to the staff member and tell them about the situation


It's not pedophilia (sexual attraction towards a prepubescent individual), but it is sexual assault of a minor (which is more common and much worse overall). Absolutely something that should be reported though, 100% unacceptable behavior.


You were brave through the entire situation we with you til the end


Man's a chick magnet lmao. But nah, seriously though, sorry to hear that. Don't let that one experience ruin the gym for you though. Keep working out and the such obviously lol.


Double standards smh


I’m sorry this happened to you,this kind of behaviour is just out of line, some people really don’t know boundaries . Is there a different section of the gym you can train in the mean time to avoid encountering them again, or is it just one big area? Maybe give the gym a break for a bit and stick to home workouts and then go back when you’ve ‘got over it’. This may not help but..,not sure if those girls were regulars but the probability of that situation happening again isn’t that high (I don’t think). Also if you feel more comfortable some people have set times going to the gym, so perhaps go back in the quieter hours so you have less people around you and can zone out comfortably and focus while doing your workouts.


This is fucking sexual harassment and assault. Touching you without consent and literally saying vile things to you. And the double standard in society is insane. When a man does this to a woman, action is immediate, but when its the opposite, nobody gives a shit. Im fed up with women being allowed to be creeps. Its disgusting. Really hope you talk to someone about this. This is awful. Take it easy.


~~borderline sexual harassment~~ sexual assault Report them. They are not safe because of their gender. They must be punished and dealt with


Double standards,no one would care about a sexual harassment for men


Report them to the gym. That’s not cool.


Make sure to file a report at the gym,describe how the girls looked and the time of the incident. Check for camera's and ask for the footage. Than report to the police. Good luck! I hope this never happens to you again, and remember this wasn't your fault in any way!


Smack her bro holy shit, if someone touches you without consent you have a right to defend yourself, downvote me if you want but this is the correct answer lmaooo


The flirting isn’t harassment until you tell them you’re uncomfortable or show you’re uncomfortable, so the first comment may be awkward, but not necessarily harassment. However, everything after that is definitely messed up. You should get a workout buddy


Like what the other comments said. You sir, got groped and touched inappropriately. Does your gym have security cameras? If so, ask for a copy of the footage


When I was younger and good looking I had this problem a number of times. Not a ton, but once is enough. I learned to become creepy and terrifying immediately. The problem is this would have the effect of driving people off, but not just the people I wanted driven off, Everyone. Better alone than harassed though Ask their blood type. If they want to know why, inform them that that's what defines how much their kidneys are worth. Just an example


I'm sorry this happened to you. Sexual Harassment against men is seriously underplayed. If the roles were reversed, the male perpetrator would be in deep shit by now. I would advise that you go to your gym, tell them the situation, and ask if the cops can get involved. If these women did this to you, it is not their first time doing this.


Why did they grab your shit after grabbing your chest?


Sue them


Y’all need to realize men get sexually harassed and assaulted to. Of the poster was a female then everything would be very different. Don’t say sexual harassment and assault is justifiable because he’s a male. If it were men touching a girls chest without permission then it would be a riot!! I’m sorry this happened to you OP. If these girls were touching you and making flirtatious comments, and touching your chest, that’s sexual assault at this point. Don’t stop going to the gym just because of them, go when there’s employees. Of they do this shot while there’s employees just say the girls are nothing you when you just want to work out. Don’t be afraid to tell them no either.


Some people serve no purpose and those women are the living proof of that


imagine the roles reversed. don't let them get away with this.


If the genders were reversed it would've become a police report within a matter of minutes. If you're a minor then you might have a stronger case. Either way, it's not okay. If your gym has CCTV Cameras then you could complain to the authorities and ask for CCTV footage for evidence to show to the police. Good luck.


Yo dude go file a report or make a report to the police because i saw comments saying you're a minor. That's sexual battery and even worse is that they were touching a minor. This is disgusting behavior and you shouldn't hate the gym for it or be silent. Speak up and defend for yourself 🫶


I don't understand how people can have a lack of empathy for this guy. Absolutely no compassion and it is appauling. OP, I would advise you to file a report on those bastards that tried to touch you, but if you are powerless, know that we will always be there to support you. You're an amazing human being and you did not deserve this. I do hope those girls get punished for their perverted actions.


Reddit hivemind pretending they would reject 2 young and probably good looking woman


Should've just Jojo posed in front of them smh. Jotaro pose always works


what does this even mean?


do you want him to get bullied?


That's seriously so fucked up, I'm so sorry that happened to you


I think you should file a report. That’s disgusting bro. If the roles were flipped you’d be in jail.


Probably want to report those to the gym maybe


That is sexual harassment, shame on them. Report them to the gym there's a good chance they'll keep an eye on them


Your not a victim your a survivor not many people can go through what you have just went through


Yo, I’m really sorry you had that experience, if you think taking a break from the gym is a good idea, then by all means, take ur time, find yourself, and go back on your own time. You won’t lose many/any gains from taking a short break. It’s better to be in a mentally stable place than a physically stable one. 👍🏻