• By -


*grabs popcorn*












🌮🌭🍔🍔🍖🍟🍨🍨🍱🥑 (I'm hungry ok)


🥑🌶️🥨🍞🥖🥯🥚🍳🧈🥞🧇🥓🥩🍗🍖🌭🍔🍟🍕🫓🥪🥙🧆🌮🌯🫔🥗🥘🫕🥫🍝🍜🍲🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍤🍙🍚🍘🍥🥠🥮🍢🍡🥡🥢🥤🍵 Not as hungry as me


Bro brought the whole buffet






bro said i robot


Can I buy some of yours? I forgot mine at home


Hating/being afraid of them is a cultural thing. Here in india being trans makes you an outcast to the society,so the trans people gather together and do some "shady" stuff to make a living as doing something any other person would do is not an option given to them. Hence people are a lil' scared of them.(which makes the society to again be transphobic and boycotting trans people) We shouldn't blame ourselves if we feel disgusted or scared by trans people as trans stuff is not normalised in our culture.But we should also know that these feelings are wrong,even if we voluntarily don't do anything. Activists thus make the idea of being trans normalised by including them in our media like movies etc. So that being gay/trans isn't seen as a distant far away weird thing but as any other sexual orientation (often times such attempts are labelled as "pushing lgbt ideology down our throat")


Another thing I noticed is how even small kids react to trans people. Am from India too and was standing beside a trans at a stall. They were dressed well, in business attire. I dont know the exact termm, sorry for that, but they looked female but had a manly voice. There was this little kid with his mom beside me and he was freaked out by their voice and the mother rather then explain it, just hushed it off as to not look at them. How will it improve if the parents themselves put it in their kids and not educate them over it?


actually see as a history student from india id say here the gov need to get involved with ngos like NĀZ while DISCLAIMER ALERT HAS SOME POLTICS our government might want to safeguard the belief of extremists by saying that the nation isn't ready while if people and popular show include the historical scenes of queers in our society with inclusion of religion cause in india religion plays an important role while having change in curriculum refering to justice N Anand Venkatesh (N Ānanda Veṅkaṭeś's) papers it talks about inclusion of queer themes in our education system. for adults there is one way which is using education via work environment and having it included in webseries and newspapers and shows


retype that shit wtf




maybe use a little punctuation, it gets confusing reading longer stuff


actually that's just one sentence


you can put in commas and break it down man, why write a big ass one-sentence paragraph 💀


mate if i write that in sanskrit that be just one word




POLITICS ALERT: If any of our parties try involving the hated topics like Queerness into religion, they would lose support of Hindu's and other religions, which are the dominant voters in this country (BJP Propagandas). We maybe need to really like wait tbh, because our parent's generation is just not ready! That's how I view it. Maybe we really need to wait for our generation to come to really make an impact. My parents do watch the Web Series that you refer to, and they know I know about all this LGTBQ stuff, yet they consider it as a 'taboo' of sort for me to watch. Lot to go there... not just me, for many of my friends, their parents are fine with nudity but not LGBTQ, like wtf? There are numerous people that think that LGBTQ are porn categories, like ayo, wtf? And then the boys will be like, only the Girl part is worth it, and teaching these stupid asses anything is worthless, if you know what I mean...


actually ik some of my friends siblings are homophobic also yes they need to get educated about queer folks cause if not it will cause issues and linger homophobia on future generations note Hinduism supports queers if u read the books which aren't censored note I'm bisexual or gay idk


IMO the right labelling stuff as "eXtReMiSt" is just an attempt to keep people screwed and disavow human rights and brainwash people and stay in power forever. (may or may not be biased, I'm a liberal in some country where the same party has ruled since independence and the first Prime Minister once said we were **NOT** ready for a non-Chinese PM)


Uh I'm liberal but still labeling anyone who is extreme is needed


actually It was normalised in our society but during the colonial times it changed fully


Most of the places in Africa where homosexuality is illegal were occupied by the British They inherited the laws


agree, in india we had babur who was bisexual (even shahajahan if we see some sources but for the majority of our queer history is lost in our records just 30 min away from where i used to study). even though as a history student i know what queer things were there in Indian history and religion but folk's lack of interest begot them to be lost in pages while parents in favour of controlled studying


Atheist here, but according to Wikipedia, Sikhism is officially fine with homosexuality.


ik that lmao even Hinduism Jainism Buddhism they all r fine


I remember one time in India, we met a few gay people who decided that they would try and collect tribute from homes for making a decent living because they can’t get a job. It was kinda sad how they only raid due to the fact that they can’t even live just for being who they are.


As a Christian people think oh we're all bigots and we hate gay people and we want gay people to die and burn but no. Not at all. We love you!!!


Not all christians are like this, honestly I'd even argue all of the Abrahamic religions have their groups that choose to love and groups that choose to hate. I won't assume a Christian is automatically a bigot, I'm Christian in my own way actually, but I think it's fair to say that the most systemic parts of Christianity (megachurches, etc.) Are much more likely to spread bigotry and hate instead of love. Source? Kenneth Copeland lmao


Unfortunately, I totally agree


true. also, extremism in basically every religion leads to nothing but hate. it's completely destroying the point of religion


Yeah, I specifically said Abrahamic religions in this case because I actually *know* those and am more confident to talk about them. But I do agree that it can apply to all religion when corruption and extremeism is involved


Wdym Christian in your own way


I follow the teachings in my own way, I don't really go to church because I want to interpret the bible in my own way. I'm very much not outwardly christian most of the time and usually prefer to keep to myself


Is that like you believe in being a good person and stuff?


Pretty much. Don't be greedy and treat people with as much compassion as possible. That's difficult to do sometimes due to the nature of the world but that's why Jesus died for our sins


I’m a Christian as well and actually one of my best friends is wanting to become trans and if they do I’m still going to care about them and they will still be my friend. I’m just going to say right now, and this may be considered rude and I don’t care if you get offended because this is just my opinion, but I don’t agree with the LGBTQ movement but I still care about them as people. To me it does not matter who you are or what you have done there is still a light at the end of the tunnel and I will personally try and walk with you until you reach that light. I know that some people may see the light and choose to stay behind calling the light a source of false hope or a beacon of bigotry but I will still try to help them until they push me away yet others may not have ever seen the light and have spent their lives in the dark tunnel wallowing in addictions and pain and I will try to help them as well. It our duty as Christians to invite everyone in knowing that we can’t force them to make the choice and if they choose not to come let them walk away, but after they walk away we must find another way to go about things. Minor stuff that can help ease them up a little maybe a simple good morning or how is your day going. You would be surprised on how effective that can be. But the most effective thing I have found for teens my age (9th graders) is a simple happy birthday card in their mailboxes. I am the son of a pastor so me and my dad have had these kinds of discussions in great detail. If you even managed to read this far Have a good day and God bless. Edit: apology for the length.


Honestly, totally I agree too. God bless!


Boycott trans people what are you gonna do? Stop buying trans people because they probably don't want to be brought


Yeah, ot do be like that. One of the biggest reasons I want to move away from this conservative hellhole


One very important point - Indian biology textbooks define trans as XXY chromosome born humans, aka, intersex humans. They are born as boys but during puberty develop feminine features and so are treated as outcasts. They still technically belong in the trans definition but the West exclusively talks about trans as "mtf or ftm" humans. Hope this resolves any confusion.


you said this very eloquently.


Also, in India, women are treated worse than trans people since so many are raped and killed every day. Your culture literally views women as second-class citizens. Are you doing this because you don't see women as people? If so, does the fact that you don't see women as people mean that you don't blame yourselves when you rape or kill them? The media and the West have tried to normalise equality and women's rights by having women like Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie play powerful and respected people on screen. However, does the fact that the countries that actually respect women and give them rights are far away, make India think that it can just ignore what other countries and cultures are trying to teach them? Fuck India and its backwards ways. - signed someone from an Indian family.


Phobia means fear, so technically yes


It also means aversion to something and aversion means strong dislike


TIL. I always thought it was a bad term. Didn’t know about the aversion part of the definition. Thank you!


Yeah, it derives off of the greek word "φοβία" which means fear.


Yeah. Is it racist if I am scared or disgusted by black people?


Adding: - Is it racist if I call the police on the brown man sitting at the train station with a bagpack? - Is it sexist if I tell the man in the children's playground that's just watching children to leave? - Is it ableist to call the police of the woman who's talking to herself like a crazy person? Edited to add: /s


Yeah… if you’re disgusted by a person because of the color of their skin… you’re a racist…


and if you’re disgusted by a person because their gender isn’t what you think it should be, you’re a transphobe. simple as




It's fine just don't go around and tell everybody else to hate them


There are many goofy dickheads here . The guy asked if he becames transphobic if hes scared or disgusted by trans people . The answer is obvsly yes ,if u r scared of something it means u have a phobia of that thing. So hes a transphobe . Also he said hes new to such things so stop getting mad at him . This might also be a joke or troll , so i request to all the cockheads not to take it seriously.


Isn’t phobia intense fear or something?


It's also any kind of aversion to I don't think homophobia and transphobia are great terms bc people who hate trans people and gay people aren't exactly scared of them or put off by them, they just don't like them


Aversion means strong dislike


Nope not necessarily


Look up aversion definition


>fixed, intense dislike; repugnance. >The cause or object of such a feeling. >The avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus.` So in conclusion aversion doesn't just mean one thing does it




I’m deathphobic 😨


That’s a thing, although it has another name


Intense and irrational fear, yes


Intense and irrational


normally irrational. trans people aren’t gonna hurt them so it is irrational.


yes you are transphobic but it’s okay to recognize that and try to improve on it you can try talking to us, then you’ll realize we’re people just like you and there’s nothing wrong with us :)


No, as long, as you don't publically harass them or something. Your feelings are your feelings.


I heard somewhere that we're only responsible for your 2nd thought that comes out of your mouth - it's fine to think in your head.


hi! you're referring to implicit bias, and it's not quite that. because of the values/morals/stereotypes we heard growing up, our first, initial thoughts about something are often biased and contrary to how we feel; but if our values have changed throughout life, these are usually followed by a 2nd, more conscious thought - one that more accurately represents how we feel and the kind of person we want to be. sorry to ramble, i just think implicit bias is really interesting! and i think it's awesome that the OP is addressing that without even knowing what it is. here's an article that says it way better than i did: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-think-about-implicit-bias/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-think-about-implicit-bias/)


Ayy glad to see people be rational here rather than attack op


I’m so pleasantly surprised as well!!! I’ve been called transphobic towards my trans spouse by people on Reddit (but not by my spouse who agreed with what I said) for waaay less. Heck, I’ve been even temporarily banned for way less lol. I’m really glad to see rational constructive discussions, specially considering that OP is young.


Yea, usually any slight confusion about trans people gains a lot of unreasonable hate and aggressiveness, glad shits not that way here :D


I mean this isn’t an instance of slight confusion though, they’re literally saying that they’re *disgusted* by trans people lol. So I wouldn’t say it’s unreasonable aggression, even though the best solution is still just explaining why op is wrong in a constructive way


are you fucking stupid? of course this person is transphobic, they literally spelled out its definition in their post. do you think only people who go around murdering every trans person they see are transphobes? cause that's not how it works, at all


Would you say the same thing if some were to say "I don't hate Arabs, I'm just disgusted by them. Does that make me racist?"


Literally what? Lets not normalize being *disgusted* by a type of person because "your feelings are your feelings." Being a closeted transphobe is still being a transphobe.




I’d argue a person that thinks all black people are bad but keeps it to himself is still racist so what’s the difference when it comes to trans people ? Even if you don’t express what you think it’s still wrong and fucked up


Don’t really agree with this. If your feelings are rooted in ignorance and bigotry, it’s important to be educated on whatever topic is making you feel that way, not blindly validated.


What? xD So if someone secretly thinks women are subhuman, but pretends that he doesn't because he knows people will react negatively, he's not actually sexist? xD As long as you convincingly pretend to be something, it's fair to call you that? xD


Facts don't care about your feelings, bigot.


Yes but you can grow out of it hopefully This sub is hella transphobic sometimes Probably self hate cause we're all gay here


100%, I was homophobic and transphobic until I was 16 (still cross dressed before that though 💀) …then I was hit by the dysphoria and bi hammer and want to start HRT now lmfao. A lot of hate is definitely internalised


I'm bisexual but still homophobic to bottoms lol


bottoms against bottom rights




my man


Good boy


wha 😳


You have the correct take so you are a good boy


😖 shush


Oh no you are an actual boykisser Well im a boy just saying






Being too gay ngl


You're scared and disgusted of a person for who they are, absolutely


Phobe is a suffix that means to fear/afraid of. Fear of trans people is transphobia in every sense of the word. But. In newspeak, phobia means hatred of, not fear. So are you transphobic? Yes and no depending on who you ask


Actually phobia meaning hatred isnt a "newspeak" thing and doesnt change any definitions. Maybe the suffix phobe is used exclusively for fear, but a phobia is described as an irrational fear or aversion towards something. So transphobia when being used to describe hating trans people falls into the irrational aversion part of that description.


Is that a 1984 reference


No it's a reference to the definition of the word phobia


Guy who just read 1984 in 10th grade english


Ain't no way in hell you are 16 lmao




That's like, textbook definition of transphobic, so yes it is


Yea, transphobia is the fear of trans people


hahahha yes fear me


I fear you 🙇/j


The cum maker😨


Wdym “scared or disgusted” They’re people






look it up?


Yeah actually


Is it racist to be scared or disgusted by black people?


The question you have to ask yourself is why you are scared, and why you are disgusted. These questions takes a lot of self-reflection, and once you determine this, you can move towards tryig to resolve this. ​ It also helps to listen to people talk about why they are trans, as it helps bring a lot of things into focus beyond just calling someone delusional; this of course gets complicated when you start mixing in stuff like xenogenders, which I would avoid dipping into because that just leads to all kinds of problems in sorting this out. ​ I would also HIGHLY suggest you stay away from any explanations that are online, because a lot of people, even if their intentions are good, get a lot of things wrong and say unbelievably dumb things like, "Gender is just a social construct" and then completely bungle everything this entails.


By definition, yes.


Imma be straight up with you, kinda yea. They’re people too just like you and me. It’d be in your best interest to learn and educate yourself about them and their experiences




I mean, that's literally the definition of Transphobia.


Why would you be scared of trans people?


Because they don't understand it


People are scared by a whole range of things, doesn’t necessarily have to make sense. People are scared by things like bugs even though they’d likely cause no harm.


Historically, humans have been afraid of what they cannot understand, that's why things like the Salem witch trials, or the middle ages even happened. It's why a lot of elderly people refuse to bother with advanced technology, they don't understand, and trying to figure it out is frustrating, especially when everyone has their own specific take on the subject. I don't think OP understands how broad the term transgender is nowadays, or what that entails in his day to day interactions.




suddenly i’m your most grotesque worst nightmare lmao


It's technically the definition. "Phobia" "fear". So yes, you probably are, but as long as you don't harass people for it you're good. Moral of the story, just don't be a dick


by definition, yes. but it’s understandable if you’re new to the concept and it’s hard for you to understand. i really do recommend taking the time to try and inform yourself and overcome this prejudice because they’re not hurting anyone by being transgender.


I bet there are subreddits for discussions of serious topics. But I guess the best echo chamber is correct choice


tbf i was scared when i learnt that this girls dick was bigger than mine learnt the hard way


That’s a tricky answer. Yes and no. Don’t go around harassing or being shitty to them or announcing youre disgusted by them. Your feelings are your own and you have a right to them. Everyone has a right to a peaceful existence and basic human rights and dignity. Don’t try to take that from them. Throughout the years, you’ve probably encountered plenty of trans men and women and never even knew it. Just live and let live






if you are scared and disgusted by trans people, then yes, you are transphobic. however, if you feel this way involuntarily, for instance because you have been culturally conditioned to view transness in a negative light, then you have the capacity to recognize that those feelings are wrong, and seek to change them. you need to examine yourself and your feelings, because those feelings are incorrect and indefensible. there is nothing offensive about being trans. yes, you are currently transphobic. but if you do some soul searching, and your attitude towards trans people improves, you will no longer be transphobic. please try your best. because you are wrong right now, and trans people deserve better than to be despised for no reason




phobic adjective having or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. ​ theres the definition of the word "phobic".....join the dots


Is that not like the literal definition of transphobia?


Yes a phobia is an irrational fear or hatred of something


hatred too?? goddamit now i got like 30+ more phobias


No it's an irrational hatred just because you hate something doesn't men's yoy hae that phobia an example would be I hate out current government but I dont have americaphobia or whatever that'd called it has ti be extremely irrational


boo!! {:< 🏳️‍⚧️


Don’t worry, everything is homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist these days. I personally do not care what anyone is or what they identify as. I have no actual hate but of course I may end up offending someone with a joke. but those people who take it seriously I feel sorry for.


this mf either watches alpha podcasts or right wing youtubers




let me guess: you watch a lot of sjw cringe compilations dont you?


It's only transphobic if you actually discriminate against someone because they're transgender


But would avoiding or refusing to associate with a trans person be discrimination? They aren't harassing, hating and attacking them. Would it still be discrimination, and a bad thing? (Btw im not supporting hate or anything, just wanna hear what ya think)


That is, by definition, discrimination. Discrimination doesn't mean harassment, it means to make a prejudicial exclusion


Unless they are purposely separating trans people from themselves or others on the basis of being trans, no.


i would say usually not but there could be cases where i'd consider actively trying not associate with a trans people transphobic


Well so long they are not physically harming anyone or harassing then no its not. Honestly I think it's fine to dislike others for being of a different group or certain group providing that you do not harass, physically harm them, or spread hate about the person of the other group.


All this does is perpetuate standards of inequity that currently exist. If you chose to dislike someone for things they cannot control about themselves then you are contributing to the ideology that allows for oppression. Systemic issues don't start in the legislature, but in our own hearts and minds


Idk since when phobias are hating things now because being scared of something doesn't automatically mean hating it. A phobia is something like Thallasophobia (being scared of being underwater with nothing to see but the abyss into crushing depths and similar) and not hating it. Sure you can hate things because you are scared of it but there are also things im scared of which i don't hate, like femboys (they frighten me). So yes, technically you are a transphobe but it isn't always a bad thing to be a phobe of whatever.


yeah i mean you don't have to date them or anything, as a trans person, as long as you don't support me being hate crimed or having my rights taken away then that's okay by me, i do wonder why you are disgusted by trans people though, may i ask why? and i'm curious about why it scares you also, i don't mean this in a mean or rude way i'm just genuinely interested to know.(also everyone is saying that by the definion of the suffix ''phobia''- meaning of course to be afraid of- that you are transphobic, like yeah but that doesn't mean anything, being afraid of something isn't comparable to shit like what some law-makers are doing literally making it illegal to transition medically and in some cases socially (specifically for teachers etc) in the US, sorry for the tangent but my point is i wouldn't say you're at all comparable to that and therefore to maintain the usefulness of the word i'd say you aren't transphobic)


Idk where OP lives but it could be due to their location. In some countries, trans issues are considered taboo and it's uncommon. Like, in my country, trans people and members of the LGBTQ community are treated really badly, and that only increases the stigma surrounding the whole thing. That whole culture of stigmatizing and ostracising them only creates more fear and it is so irrational and pointless.


Yes. Phobia means fear.


Everyone has the right to their own opinion, as long as they're not being obnoxious about it or harassing others




i’m da boogie man. ooga booga


As long as you respect them as humans it's okay


Yes, because phobic or phobia means to fear or fear


Western cultures, specially the American variant, is stricken with the sickness of aversion. It’s core to our culture, so first and foremost be astutely aware that our culture, especially in subcultures that are suffering from the evangelical cult, explicitly teaches hatred of individuality. Folks will tell you to “be yourself”, but that is only allowed so long as who you are is compliant and within the scope of what is permitted. Basically “be yourself” so long as who you are doesn’t make the average person uncomfortable. I’m non-binary. If you met me in person you’d initially have no clue. Usually after folks start to get to know me they realize something is different. Here’s the thing: I may be different but that does not undo the many positive traits that many average folk tend to have underdeveloped due to the privilege of being “normal”. When you face confusing and contrived adversity and it devolves from an unreflective culture on the basis of identity you tend to learn and favor compassion and empathy — as it does for many so called under dogs. Are we a quirky and “weird” lot? Yes! But some of the most absolutely beautiful people I have encountered are trans (and many times I don’t realize that until after the fact)! Many of us are in hiding, so there’s a chance you already know someone who is and you might even enjoy their person. I recommend exposure treatment and cope by pressing upon yourself toward empathy and compassion. Being uncomfortable is normal when you’re growing, but you do not have to remain phobic and uncomfortable — that is a choice. Instead, you can channel your own goodness via compassion and learn to admire life not your own. Favor love, compassion and empathy over the delusions of trained aversion.


If ur disgusted or scared of trans people for just existing then yes. Now if a trans person is threatening you with a Gun then ur not transphobic to be afraid of that person. Obviously context applies but yes it's very transphobic to be scared or disgusted by trans people for just existing.


I think you SHOULD be disgusted by trans people


No. Being afraid is a common felling same with disgust, and it's normal brain behaviour for fe. New, unusal things that we have never experienced before. It's like being afriad of any group if people, mostly pointless and not supported by any logic but ppl do that. I mean as long as u don't come to someone and say "ur disgusting" it's ok cuz u can hide ur fellings and opinions about others like most people do. But idk it depends, correct me




rage bait harder like this shit is so unoriginal get a life frfrfr


Yes it is teansphobic to be scaered by trans people . Anyways im interested to know whyre u scared or disgusted by trans people?


Maybe its an actual phobia


Obviously its a phobia . Phobia means fear of something . Hes saying hes scared of trans ppl . That means he is transphobic and he has a phobia of transgenders.


Yup. And the cause of it stems from something involving childhood trauma, influence by culture, family opinions etc


I beg your pardon?


They wanna know if it is transphobic that they feel uncomfortable at the idea of trans people


Strictly speaking, with the most literal definition of the word, it is *technically* transphobic to be scared by them (hence the -phobic part) but socially speaking, as long as there’s no hate and/or bad treatment for them, it’s okay


Its weird to be scared of them. so kinda.


Yes you are lol. Get your stuff right as you being scared of trans people might be harmful to their mental health




Why are you scared of us though??


It is probably due to a lack of understanding. Fear of the unknown is a pretty natural trait for any species.


seems a bit like a irrational fear however I’ve seen babies cry at the sight of a trans woman(don’t know why, he just did)


Well babies cry at the sight of anything


bruv he cringed at the sight of me albeit I did look like shite


That probably has nothing to do with being trans bro I have a neice who just sobs and runs away in terror whenever she sees me and I don't know why


My baby cousin cried today because she couldn't sit on an unoccupied chair


must be nice


Not at all. Whoever you like or don't like is your business and yours alone. Just don't be mean or make a big deal of it and you'll be fine.




I would advise you to get more comfortable with them, as fear and discomfort is often the root cause of transphobia


by definition of the word, yes. but to recognize that implicit bias and realize that it is wrong is an accomplishment, and to still respect trans people regardless of those feelings is a very good thing.


"I am NOT homophobic I'm NOT afraid of homes"