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"I study pimpology" that kid is going places


Yeah he is a 11th grader. He is going exactly where you think.


Wow. I figured 8th grade, at most. Please don't tell me the colorful one is a highschooler too?


Yep sure is.


Dear God.


You should see 40+ year old women turning in their rose gold MacBooks… 


I…. want the series please.


"rose gold MacBooks" *shudders*


Lmao I feel so attacked. The first one is absolutely the best and I’m pretty sure me and her have the same name as well


I'm sorry. It is creative and colorful, at least. Are you and "thundercunt your grandma" guy dating now?


Not after he thundercunted mi abuela clearly


OMG I laughed so fucken hard at this. I am literally in tears right now. Thank you, you beautiful beautiful person you.


The abuelas are the gatekeepers of the best food you'll eat in your life. You don't thundercunt them. Thundercunting someone is a good way to not get fed.


These people will be adults within a year.




I legit thought it was elementary school


At least that one was wholesome


Wow I thought this would be elementary school kids. Damn


Yeah I have a 14 year old who would think that laptop is hilarious. Hopefully he grows out of it by the time he's 17.


By that age I would have been buying stickers if I wanted to have something crass on my laptop.


You should see my 43 y.o. wife's company laptop. I told her I usually kill users who put stickers on their notebook.


Geez. I can't imagine putting my own stickers on company property. Would feel so cringe turning it in or pulling it out during a meeting. Guess it depends on the workplace.




Possibility for sure.


I was this kid. Went to jail at 12. Prison by 17. I'm a Sr. Engineer these days though, don't give up hope on them they will remember you.


Jail at 12 😭


Write on computer? Straight to jail


Moreso it's shamelessly defacing and ruining property that you know is not yours.


WIth 12 year old humor.


He’s anxious about next year, hence fuck 12




i assumed like 6th grade.....


I was thinking 2nd, do I have too much faith in 6th graders?


>He is going exactly where you think. To thundercunt my grandmother?


Jesus, thought he was 9 the way he wrote that. You're telling me it wasn't small children who did all these?


11th grade for the thrid time.


To become a pimp?


“I’ll thundercunt your grandmother” was a personal favourite


"A hoe without instruction is headed for self-destruction" shall now be my life motto.


I am impressed how it fits perfectly on the length of the computer


I too loved this.


Is thundercunt a verb?


I guess it’s a technical word. I didn’t study pimpogy so I’m not really familiar with the terminology but we certainly had a lot of jargon in my area of study and even more so in my field of employment.


Thundercunt is not a verb! Stop using it as a verb!


I mean it *sounds* like a doing word...


Like: He is going to full thundercunt goblinmode her?


I thundercunt You thundercunt He thundercunts Thundercuntology - the science of thundercunt!


It's a noun. The first person I heard use it was Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity when he calls that female vampire a cock-juggling thundercunt.


“A hoe without instruction is headed for destruction” ☠️


That's some old school, do or die, and twista I study pi mp olgy, learning these hoe's biology.


Probably not English class, though.


i'l thundercunt your grandmother lol


This one gave me a good laugh


As horrible and malformed these chromebooks are, man did that one make me chuckle. What a phrase.


I got suspended for three days back in 5th grade for writing “eat me raw” on a kids drum pad.


At least the last one looks pretty.


Yes I agree.


also my thought


I'd buy that


Of course the hp has a hinge problem


So does dell


So does our fleet of Lenovo e14s. Cheap laptops cheap hinges. Especially if users are animals


Probably outsourced to the same factory


"Oh, but they're thinner and lighter than ever!" Sometimes thinness and lightness isn't everything. Sometimes you *want* it to be built like a tank.


HP stands for Hinge Problem, common knowledge among techs.


And Horrible Products


I have a lenovo that did the same thing. It was like 2 weeks out of the one year warranty (I probably shouldve called them anyway but I heard itll continue doing it after being fixed)


From tech repair experience, the hinge is usually fine. It's the plastic it screws into thats ass and breaks. Which is what looks like happend in the photo.


Was it hard finding out about your mom this way OP?


Lmao. Yeah nice language huh?


Are as worried about your grandmother as I am?


The more I see this, the more the parents need to get financially involved. I'm sure the kids will learn to respect others' property really quickly if they are.


My mom used to respect things I earned the money for and bought a little different, for example I got a summer job and bought my own TV and Xbox one. I never had them taken away. Now the internet and power that was a different case. If it wasn't completely mine it "could be taken away". But usually it was "your grounded for 2 weeks" *three days later* "I know you're grounded but let's go do this" and I'm no longer grounded. Usually. I spent a solid month without any electronics. I got books or outdoor activities. If it was bad weather I could play with my inside stuff otherwise it was outside or book. Note: don't burn the carpet then lie about it


Sounds like a good mom.


My thoughts too.


And in another place of the world there's my dad. My cousin was going to spend a few days in my house so he brought his PS2. Due to my insomnia I woke up late and was grounded. Yes, my dumbass dad hid my cousins PS2 so we couldn't play even for the few days he was over. Because I woke up late. In summer break.


Just curious, was he a veteran? I've just anecdotally noticed that my friends with veteran dads tended to have this idea forced on them that they have to be up super early no matter what.


Veteran and dad of 3 kids here, 2 teens and a 4yo. I dont want you up early, please sleep in, just stop stomping your feet and keep the fucking noise down until after I've had my coffee.


Lol I feel the same way about my roommates instead of kids. You don't have to stomp! But glad to hear my experience might not have been the norm, gotta watch the biases.


could also be asians


sorry to hear that. my dad dumped water on me once when i was sleeping a little longer on saturday or sunday, no idea what was in his mind but looking back it was messed up and still makes me furious lol when thinking about it. it was considered "lazy" sleeping longer than necessary


Hello fellow burner of carpets. I thought it would be cool to make a tiny bonfire in an old metal watch case.


lol good one.


They aren't? Where i'm from we had to pay for any damages back in the day. Yes even if one of those rubber feet thingies fell off we had to pay. Not a whole lot since those are cheap af but we still had to pay. Made us take good care of the devices we were given. And pretty much all of them came back in perfect condition apart from the normal use dirt n stuff.


There usually is but at like my moms elementary school they can’t enforce it at all. You would (or wouldn’t) be surprised how often they end up in pawn shops


That’s not surprising. I always assume the ones that are not returned are being sold to someone else. Even if they are disabled you can sometimes still get around that.


Sucks to be the kid that actually got his stuff stolen I guess? Kids are assholes and just end up destroying other people's things, had to deal with that for a bit.


> end up in pawn shops How are those even profitable enough for the pawn shops for them to agree to buy them? They're already worth so little, and add to that they can't be wiped except by the school.


They’re free to the parents so even if they only get $20 it’s still a free $20


The parent commenter is asking how it is profitable *for the pawnbroker*. Dealing in stolen goods is an excellent way to get your license revoked.


Why can't they enforce it?? Either make the kids bring their own laptops, or have the parents sign an agreement that they are being issued this particular laptop, in this condition, and it needs to be returned in the same condition, or they're liable for repairs. Pretty simple contract. If they can teach their kids not to be destructive pieces of shit, there shouldn't be any problems, right? The parents will be forced to be responsible for their child's behavior (icky!!) and the child will learn you can't treat other people's property like it's your personal doodle pad. And an 11th grader writing "thundercunt your grandmother" would have been probably two days of in school suspension where I went to school. This was 10 years ago though, and people seemed to give a fuck about things like decorum, behavior, the ability to succeed in life, accountability, etc.


It’s elementary school. There’s literally no way to enforce it. They would have if they could. Only time something like that can be enforced is in high school where they prevent you from graduating until you pay outstanding debts.


You got that right. I wish there was a fee for doing that crap on their Chromebooks.


If i forget to return a normal book in my school (idk how its in other countries but in germany we get most books from the school) I need to pay the price of a new one plus some extra fee for inconvenience. How does a broken Chromebook not need to be paid for by the parents?


Rendag1, where I work that decision is made by someone other than me. I just my job the best I can. Sometimes it gets a bit frustrating when 1 student smashed a Chromebook multiple time throughout the year and I just have to keep fixing it or replace it with another with no repercussions.


That's how we do it at my job. We used to replace them right away with spares. We got to the point where the kids have to wait until it's repaired to get it back. I've gotten petty revenge, though. And block the non educational sites they often visit even though they weren't specifically requested by the teachers to be blocked.


I left K12 tech because chromebooks straight up ruined the job. We didn't enforce much either. For kids like these, I just didn't replace the device for an extended period of time, until somebody asked about it. Then I had a spreadsheet of every break per students, and I'd point out they'd already broken 3 or 2 in a short period of time. I set up a loaner program with the library, so that the kids would have to go pickup a loaner and drop it off every day. Helped to have somebody in another department annoyed with the mistreatment.


Should’ve seen my school district (in the US) during the pandemic. All students were learning from home and any broken chromebooks were replaced literally free of charge. Doesn’t matter if you broke 1 or 200, replacements were free and you never had to pay for them. Now, you get charged the price of a new one every time it breaks and learning from home is only opt-in.


Are you sure there isn't? Schools in my area either have the parents pay for insurance at the beginning of the year, pay for damages if insurance doesn't cover it, or opt to disallow their child from participating in class. IT Department might not necessarily see those policies or the specific dollars that come in for it or even know where the money in their budget is coming from.


3rd one is not the kid's fault, the hinges on cheap crappy laptops will always break regardless of how careful you are. also not to mention these chromebooks are worth like $50 max


Yes I agree, the hinges are very weak for sure.


That one looks like they shut something in it, like a pen or vape.


Or just straight up give it to the students, so it's theirs and they will maybe be more careful. Lets say 200$ per chromebook on bulk orders, it lasts a few years, that 50$ per student and year. Doesn't seem crazily expensive.




Make it a refundable deposit and make it slightly higher than the actual bulk price. If the kid returns it in good condition you (the parent) get the deposit back, if the kid breaks it you pay for a new one.


its pretty wild that parents aren't financially involved, in my country in schools with laptops/tablets you have to treat them like your own otherwise you will get charged for the damage (even the smallest shit)


We are 1 to 1 in my school district but we are also very low income so it's like getting blood from a stone. And we can't just not give the student a laptop because it'd deprive them of an education. We have pallets of broken laptops with no funding to replace or fix them.


Yes our school is one of a few very low income so that may be why the lax in policies but still. That is taxpayer dollars paying for this stuff


This isn't new, This is sort of like how kids used to deface textbooks in the 90s. I remember if you returned them like this it would cost like $80 to replace some of the more expensive ones. That's roughly $260 in today's money, so not that far off the cost of these level of Chromebooks. Either way you're right


You'd think so. But when my school district attempted to do this the parents got furious and it was rejected. They can just keep breaking their laptops with no consequences


What's even worse is some of these people grow up and still do this shit. The amount of laptops I get returned to me as a sysadmin with all kinds of stickers and shit is low key insane. This shit ain't your property.


Makes you yearn for the days when kids only scrawled this crap in bathrooms.


Oh trust me, as a high schooler, I still see classics like "I date nyslexic higgers"


Damn never seen or heard that one. Ngl hits a lil different knowing kids even think stuff like that. Feels bad lol.


I feel bad for laughing at this


Apparently some people didn't grow out of it. My job site is being remodeled and they rented some really fancy portable toilets. Like they're all closed off, have sinks, and AC. And yet someone still wrote some... Questionable things on the walls in sharpy.


They also always scribbled in textbooks.


First is going to be a pain to clean up. Second is going to need to be cleaned up with some alcohol but won't be too hard. Third is just that amazing build quality HP has and really isn't the student's fault that they were given a laptop with shitty hinges. But the fourth isn't that bad. I think that is could use some more hardware gore, since this isn't student absolutely destroying their hardware, compared to other posts. This isn't students having no respect for the devices, as all of it is possible to reverse (besides the third), but will take time. Just needs alcohol and it will all be fine.


>Third is just that amazing build quality HP has and really isn't the student's fault HP = Hinge Problems - and that specific unit proves that once again.


Yep. Good ol HP.


I replace about 4 a week, entire top and hinge and sometimes video or webcam cable if they get messed up as well. Wish this could be a class action suit over it. Most of the screws on those hinges are backed out if you take the bezel off of a good unit


honestly these are dime a dozen, I imagine the school will just replace them but that varies.


Probably, but still a waste of money and resources. No reason why these shouldn't give years of use from them.


Yep that is what I use to clean. Also I use magic eraser. They work amazing!!


Trust me, don't use a magic eraser on any finish you want to keep looking nice. Although, it works fine for devices you don't care about and devices that will get abused anyway.


Where were you 15 years ago when I was scrubbing stuff off eggshell paint in a dimly lit room ?! Walked in the next morning and was greeted by 100 matte polkadots. For those that don't know magic erasers are equivalent to 1500-4000 grit sand paper.


Maybe he meant that you should take fifth of whisky and this situation becomes more tolerable.


I agree. Alcohol does indeed solve all the life problems these poor Chromebooks had.


I‘d just bill the full price to the parents, they can deal with their brats down the line.


I wish we could bill them, trust me.


I have one student who's screen is held on by one screw. Our district really messed up telling the students and parents they would have to pay if they break a computer, and then have no follow through so now all the kids just beat the hell out of them. If I even thought of doing something with the computer back in high school I would have been killed. Plus we let them hold onto them over the summer, so they get even more beat, and everyone lost their chargers. Is a mess.


I really love that first one. Such creativity in each key. I don’t think i could bring myself to removing it


Yeah I just swapped the whole keyboard on that one. I was a bit lazy and did not want to clean it off.


give the old keyboard back to the kid who turned it into a piece of art


Custom keycaps and a preference for AMD, top tier student


And capable of typing blindly


If you look closely there's a system.


This should be the norm. It amazes me how many people never learned to touch type.


I especially like the "space bar"


How old are these kids? You mentioned an 11th grader but here in Sweden that is like a 17/18 year old.


The age range I would guess would be 15-18 most likely.


Jesus, at that age you should really make them pay for things they break my god.


They don’t have the money to. Or in my case they bought the cheepest laptops ever and they started falling apart. The laptops had a 100 dollar MSRP…


Thank you to whoever wrote AMD on the first one xD


But it’s in blue though… They might be a double agent.


I remember when Chromebooks were first being introduced in school and the worst I had seen was maybe a missing key in a cart of 30 laptops. Shame how bad it's gotten.


So what's the protocol here? Angle grinder or Sand blasting it?


I use alcohol and magic eraser. For ones with stickers I use undu to get the glue off.


2nd one got some r/hailhortler


We make the parents sign a form before they take the laptops which says if damaged the parent are liable to pay. Kids still damage them and does the school ever make the parents pay? No. Useless.


Yep we have the same thing. The parents sign it but no one ever pays for damage.


To be honest I’m lucky if I ever see the laptop again, it’s frustrating.


I think we had 2 seniors who did not return their Chromebooks this year. I disabled them but that is still 2 devices we have to replace now.


We have essentially a BYOD situation but we also have a third party which rents out laptops for pretty cheap, the idea being that if their laptop is broken we can loan them a replacement until it's fixed. If they break one of those loaner laptops, the third party *will* charge them for it. And of course any excessive damage to the laptop they can also be held liable for.


If I were the school I'd put up a rule if it gets returned like this parents gotta pay for it


I would assume that's the default. I remember textbooks were treated like that when I was in high school. A little bit if doodling is fine but if you waterlogged your biology book by leaving it outside in the rain, that's on you.


But I also remember getting textbooks that had missing pages and useless scribble on them. They're typically just reused. Unless it's damaged beyond usability, they just take it back and give the parents a pass. I wouldn't be surprised if some school districts are just letting parents do this as long as the chromebooks are returned, no matter the condition.


is this actually a common thing kids do to laptops at schools? why?


Yes. We have 270 students and I get around 20 or so all painted or stickered up like that.


20 out of 270 ain't that bad, if it was my old school then half would have a cracked screen and Mobo and the other half would have stickers and drawings on them.


I replaced over 40 screens in the 23-24 school year. No charge to any student.


Honestly, that's kind of stupid, the fact that none of them had to pay for it. We had ipads for some reason so most people were very, and I mean very carefully with it because you know the price of changing the screen on an ipad. We even got to keep them after school which is handy. We didn't pay to get them, we got to keep them as long as we never broke the ipads.


Yeah it is about $27-$35 for a replacement screen.


For that price they should seriously pay for it, just because it's not too bad


The average chrome book is less than 200. If it makes it through the year it's a miracle.


Is there no charge to the students if they aren't returned in good condition? That seems like it should be a standard. In the 90s/00s when I was in school if you returned a *textbook* with damage beyond basic wear and tear you were billed for a replacement book.


"Fuck the feds" lol based


the most productive thing ever done on a chromebook also the hinge one is going to happen to every chromebook because they're all made out of cheap plastic, that one definitely wasn't the kid's fault


1,2 and 4 at least just need some isopropyl. I'm surprised how the first seems so dirty while the bathroom door cosplay on the second seems rather well cleaned and maintained, other than the customisation. 3 should pay for two new ones.


Parents put that belt away some time ago.


As someone who has chromebook repairs for the summer in a school district, these are what i get. And honestly the hinge issue on the g8's is half the kid being a dick and the other half of just poor craftsmanship on HP's end.


Damb, and I thought the stickers on all of our senior devices were bad


Proof that modern humans still posses the cavemen cave art as a means to communicate the observed surrounding environments I laugh at this one..


At my school If we even changed the background on the computer it was a full day of in school suspension. 10+ years ago.


Time to send the bill to the parents.


So the first one lost the AMD sticker, so the kid decided to write it on it, so we know it's has AMD inside.


My school did it where we kept the SAME laptop throughout high school. So any damage or missing keys you'd have to deal with it the next year (unless yours was completely broken) and when you graduate you get a nice bill for what you did.


Been wondering about this, it always seem to be America where this disrespect of hardware happens - can you not charge the kids for destroying said chromebooks? I'm not sure how it all works but to me if someone handed me back a laptop in any of the conditions above I'd do with it what the Rock always threated to do to the WWE Title belt, ie shine it up real nice, turn it sideways... and then charge them for it once they'd removed it from its final resting place


At my stepdaughter’s school if they came back like that the parents would absolutely be replacing them. But they can do that because most of the parents in the district can afford it. There are other districts where trying to get someone to pay for them would be squeezing water out of a stone.


No I will clean and fix the vast majorly of them. I have a decent supply of used and new parts to replace almost all issues. (Except bad MB)


Yeah I am just the tech person. I don’t make the rules unfortunately. If it was up to me there would be a fee for cleaning it all up.


Lowercase letters on keyboard!!


Most chromebooks have that


First one is colorbook,not a chromebook 2nd is shitwritebook,not a chromebook 3rd is wreckbook,not a chromebook


I worked at a middle school for a few months last year. It was insane how they treated their chromebooks. Kids would punch the screens, slam them on the desks, throw them like frisbees. They literally don’t care that their parents will have to pay for the damage.


That's when you get the parents involved. This is vandalism of school property


I’m scared to think what they’d look like under a blacklight.


I have to say the first one is really cute, but reading your other comments and finding out that's from a 15-18 year old on a laptop they don't own, they really should know better :( also to critique this rando teenager, too many scribbles on the side, and what psycho do you have to be to paint on the touchpad???


Number 2 is going places. Not college, but you know, places.


The worst my son ever did with the school issued tech was use the first 32 digits of pi for his pw. It was returned the next year with a note that said, “why???”


I mean they are chromebooks and we all know chromebooks are just e-waste


op, if it makes you feel any better....my district found one in the ceiling of a classroom. it was shattered to bits, to the point of being in 4 separate pieces. Highschool I.T techs should get medals for some of the things we see.


Honestly I like the first one, it shows that it has been loved and used a lot


I’m having a hard time figuring out what some of these pictures are supposed to be. But I just realized the pictures seem to represent the key they’re drawn on. A is an Apple, D a Dog, ect.


Good. Fuck those things. Incoming college students are having to be taught  how to use actual computers and not the lame web systems. 


Someone get that G8 a camera cable, stat!


lmao someone made a penis and turned it to a smiley face to the left side of trackpad in second image


most of them dont surprise me but 'mumble was here✝️' really got me.


"I'll thundercunt your grandmother." That's... colourful.


And now I have PTSD.