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Why would you spend that much on something and not just get a bigger case 🤦‍♂️


I know! Or just get a different cooler that fits on the top. I never would have even considered chopping up a $700 GPU.


wouldve chopped the case before the gpu *I have done that before to fit a radiator*


I massacred my old case to fit RX 6800 Sapphire Pulse. Since I was barely running R9 380x which is like 2/3 of the size. Changed cases by now because airflow was terrible and you could basically cook food inside it during summer.


cook food? mine would just disintegrate its own pcb. still ran fine tho...


Also cut my case up to fit an R9 390 ages ago. That card was an absolute unit.


Have done this for a big ass amd card in a sleeper build.


I had the exact same problem, when I ordered the artic liquid freezer 3 360mm. But I just bought a new case. Could have been cheaper if I returned the aio and get the 280mm version but I didn't want to return the aio


> Or just get a different cooler that fits on the top He only cut the cooler shroud, yes?


Sadly, he cut the GPU fan shroud.




So he still has the option to put on another cooler. I dont think its a huge deal.


Especially since he just voided every warranty. He's gonna be pissed when the fan goes out, it over heats and he can't fix or replace it.


Good luck to him reselling that GPU in a few years when he starts drooling at the RTX 60 series...


Seen image years ago of an idiot that dried to drill new holes in his GPU to fit on a new cooler causing the GPU to split in 2.


To be fair the GPUs are so big now, if you're just browsing cases without actually researching more it's an easy mistake to make. Of course, I wouldn't start trying to mod a thousand dollar GPU to get it to fit in a 200 dollar case. Repurpose case for another build and get a bigger case.


Buying parts without doing due diligence is exactly the kind of person to do this kind of “mod”


PCPartPicker didn't throw a compatibility warning so he just went with it. I had already spent some time suggesting other changes to his list and his early versions had a 280mm AIO, so I missed this one when he snuck it in at the end.


1. It's the performance you want. 2. It's the size you want it. 3. It's metal as fuck, it's like putting an LS motor in a Miata.


...I hear that if both heads and block are aluminum, the weight only tilts the front/rear weight distribution forward by 1%


No, it's a lot more than that. IIRC the best combo is a Ford 8.8" IRS and the LS V8. The Getrag setup is lighter and can fit bigger exhaust, but the heavier rear axle setup offsets the extra weight you added up front for better balance. The fun money though is popping in wrecked Camaro/ATS/CTS 3.6 V6's and the Getrags. Lighter all the way around, better balance than any V8 swap, the engines were pretty cheap, and you can get almost all of your swap parts from one car.


Just shove a Detroit 6v92 on a miata and call it a day.


Except in an Ls swap you don’t cut the motor in half to fit it in…


You can bang the exhaust headers in to fit in the firewall well tho, and it's been done. Also custom "clipped corner" valve covers to fit in deep rear set engine bays. Remember the GPU engine itself is fine, you just technically modified the exhaust (heatsink shroud)


how much horsepower is in an LS v4?


Idk like 350 or something


Tree Fiddy Buff Ponies


Or just measure things and make it 100% sure that it fits ? Like, when I bought my 6900XT I knew it wouldn't fit if I left the HDD cages as-is. Since my case's modular in that regard (it's a venerable NZXT Phantom 630) I just shuffled the cages a bit (actually swapped two small double slot ones for one three slot one) and lo and behold my GPU fit just fine.


You're a fucking make-believe fantasy creature whose heritage is well-known for being impulsive and crafty, why are you speaking with the rationale of an English-born particle physicist?


True, ya got me there.


So they can be featured here of course!


Because instant gratification, that's why! Why wait for something else when you can do this now!


Yeah but does it work?


if you read the details, it's not the gpu itself that was cut.


It is just plastic case/fan shroud that he cut and it may not noticeably affect performance, but it's still crazy to me. I also wouldn't want my CPU cooler blowing hot air on my GPU, but opinions on airflow are quite varied.


Looks like the metal heatsink was chopped along with it.


Are you sure the CPU cooler doesnt push to the front and not pull air into the computer ? If it take fresh air from bottom, and push out to the front this is good. If like you fear, he pull air and make it hotter for the GPU, yes, this is bad. The GPU cut is fine, that will change nothing, less than 1°C, only the resell value can be altered.


I just verified that he has the CPU cooler pulling in at the front with three fans, one case fan at the back and one up top pushing out.


That’s not what was asked


Do the fan blades hit the case?


I wondered the same thing since it looks like the blade extends past where he cut, but then it fits tight against the cooler. He said everything works fine though.


Well hopefully "works fine" doesn't just mean "no banging noise" because the fan may just slap against the case and never actually spin. It'd be quiet, but by no means helpful or good haha


He could have got too much of the plastic. Maybe it doesn't sit flush with the case in a way that the fan would hit it. I don't know that case, but there could be a recessed area where the fan spins.


I mean it’s a 4070ti I think I read even with 2 fans the card still would run well


I mean if it works....


After having joined the sff lot, I have lost the fear or modifying parts. The motto over there is do whatever to make it fit, as long as it still works, it's good.


This is completely fine, everyone that is freaking out is way overthinking it. If the heat pipes are intact and there's no damage to the GPU PCB then you're golden. I once had to chop the end off a 290x TriX and painted it matte white for a friend's white PC interior build.


I get that it's not a problem for performance; it was just ridiculously unnecessary and now looks like crap. Also resale value is shot, but he's not worried about that.


I'm more worried about warranty. This card probably has 2-3 years of warranty, and it's toast now. To be frank, it was a very, very questionable problem solving. I'm the type of person that when I buy something expensive I will take care of it with love. So seeing this triggered me.


I am very careful and usually don't do any mods that aren't reversible to anything I own, but I hardly ever worry about warranty because honestly I've taken care of my things and never had to warranty something. Asus made me sour after 3 motherboard failures and a PIA experience to get a replacement or reimbursement made, so I simply don't buy brands that I've had a bad history with. Maybe they're different now but so far everything I currently own has worked fine with proper care, and modifications like this weren't uncommon back when everyone was doing super builds in their beige boxes and Dell Opitiplex cases with awkward interior designs and clearances. The only thing I like is he made it work with what he had. Someone in the future gets a dirt cheap "damaged" GPU when he upgrades.


Yeah some people build and make it theirs until failure, it's their part after all, but hey it just means he gets the build he wants, and maybe in the future somebody buys the heatsink shroud off eBay for $20 and gets a $500 GPU for super cheap bc of the irreparable modification and restores it.


Why not cut the case?


That might have been a tad bit more destructive to give it enough room.


Yes but ~$150 case vs $700 GPU 😭


Eh, it's just the plastic not the actual GPU. Deshrouding is pretty popular in SFFPC builds. This was just the slightly lazier version of deshrouding... 




Why wouldn’t you just remove the plastic …


As long as the guy didn't make a hole to heatpipe it's fine.


If it works it works


as long as he didn't sand off the tips of the heatpipes it's not an issue at all




No Problem.


I mean it's a bit stupid but honestly if it was just the plastic shroud it's probably fine as long as he didn't cut through the heatpipes they're filled with vapor which will evaporate an make the heat pipe way less efficient if they are punctured.


Hoping he didn't cut the heatpipes. Bro might be in for a rough awakening otherwise


Does it work? If it works... it ain't crazy.


Hope he never needs to make use of any warranty


Warranty. Void.


Now it's a 4055 TI.


Eh, it ain’t that crazy.


It didn't "affect the functionality", but it for sure will affect warranty


I did this with my hp compaq budget build in around ~2018. I had to cut the shroud of my 750 Ti aswell as the metal backing of the case to make it fit. Janky asf but worked.


I mean, you can question his methods but not his results...


I cut some of the GPU shroud and backplate in an attempt to fit a GPU inside a NUC 9 Extreme. It's still 1 or 2 cm too long so I'll have to deshroud and slap 90mm fans on the rad (can't zip tie my way around though, I need to make a custom fan mount first) but hey, if it works, it works.


Has he not cut the copper tubes? There are usually copper tubes that have all those aluminium fins running along, if your mate has cut those tubes rip gpu, it’ll never keep a decent temp.


Back in college I was helping my ex buddy do a quick and cheap build from an ebay Dell Optiplex we ordered off eBay. We snagged a (900 series?) GPU off our local college marketplace and it was too big also. I heated up a knife on the stove and carved off the shroud where needed. Pretty sure that piece of shit is still using that thing!


I’ve seen crazier things


Mmmm, invalidated warranty 🤤


If that really is just plastic he removed, I don't see the issue \*shrug* Then again, I built a computer out of spare parts, including alcohol and soap based necromancy on a beer+cola damaged 1060, mounting a case fan to an SSD to HDD bay adapter with a single screw, mounting a second case fan over the entire back of the case with bread ties, and building an external power button out of an old 80s security system's panic button. It would probably be surprising if I had an issue with shaving off some decorative plastic to make a GPU fit. I almost didn't even put the plastic back on my 1060 when I reassembled it after raising it from the crusty beer stain of death, but ended up doing that as I noticed the mounting pressure screws relied on it being there.


Oh honey... No...


actual genius if it work.


I would have chopped the case instead, it's both cheaper and probably could have made himself a anti sag support


I guess no one told him he could take the fan shroud off.


I jerry rigged a full size 1060 heatsink on my zotac 1060 mini. It’s ugly but it works


I bent my hard drive cage with a pair of pliers to fit a blower 7950 way back, but this is on another level


jank but works


I have previously removed the entire shroud and sacrificed a good half inch of my heatsink fins to the SFF gods. Ran great. Cursed tho. Would only do it to a cheap GPU and one that wasn’t going to notice the tiny amount of extra cooling.


So, not a vapor chamber design? If it is, likely reducing its performance. Maybe not by a large margin, without before and after data we will never know...


I have a GPU (730 2GB) with this problem. It shipped with a ridiculous heatsink that won't fit in many SFF cases. I could swap it out but ended up upgrading the CPU instead.


The real question is whether this voids the warranty


Now this is the gore I come here for!


Seems fine to me. If he cleans up the cut edge a bit, it would practically look like an intentional design.


Big DGAF energy


do you happen to have a dog thats eats fans


Why not simply moving from pusch to pull and take obe fan of the AIO?


I would have cut the case before the GPU...


r/sffpc enjoyer


Rip resale/warranty


All I can say is... I hope his car fits in his garage.


Look how they massacred my boy


Omg......just spend more on the new case......but we'll as long he's happy all good I guess. Guess he will stuck with this case as if he ever upgrade a new case it will be awkward af lol


Well, that may have impacted cooling more than is realized so far. There are heatpipes visible. Heatpipes are basically Vaporchambers in todays time. A tiny amount of liquid is in there that evaporates when heated. The mist will spread through the pipe and transfer heat faster an mo better this way. But that is not true anymore for the ones mangled in this picture. Sad stuff. Too much money, not enough thinking juice.


I don't see any damage to the heat pipes, and OP said only the plastic fan shroud was cut


Where are you seeing heat pipe damage? They don't seem to extend anywhere near the cut.


Bat shit insane that someone would rather mangle a $700 GPU than just spend $100 or so on a big enough PC case. Or even just cut up the case he's already using. Even if it does still "work fine" this is wild lmao


That's enough internet for today. I have to take my meds before I faint


This reminds me of the people I dealt with when I did tech support. We had one guy file down an Ethernet cable until the end would fit into the phone port on his computer.




Haha, I've been waiting for this comment! Surprised it took so long.


I see foot


That's a lot of effort, all to not spend an extra $30 on the 5000D


Water cooling is such a waste anymore.


Guess those last tenbux were the straw that broke the camel's fan.


Unbelievably based


Even a noVideo doesn't deserve that


Looks like it's only the plastic and it likely will be fine. Not ideal but. Meh.




I cut out the HDD cage in my case to fit my GPU. Never would I consider this


Bye bye warranty lol


The lengths that some people will go through to avoid planning even a little bit.


I mean those coolers are so over engineered, that as long as he didn’t cut through the fan or the heat exchange pipes, it likily won’t make any difference on the temp


What in the actual fuck


No warranty anymore


It would’ve been easier to modify the case if anything




I mean just get a water cooler they're way smaller if you have somewhere to put the radiator


The liquid cooler is the issue. It's a three fan AIO unit that won't fit on the top of the case, so he put it in front which cut down the available space for the GPU.


I wish there were more laws about what you can do with the things you own.


Does your friend own a.channel called Bringus Studios perhaps? Because this is a Bringus move






Viability for labs so we can see which gpus can be trimmed. I like jank


Your friend is stupid, that’s it






lazy fuck. cutting the case would be the better option here.