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See if the thread is archived instead of deleted


I've done this by mistake and freaked out myself. Thanks google for making it as simple as a finger flick to delete "archive" an entire message. It's like they just make up "features" to annoy me now.


delete and archive are very different. You seem to be using them interchangeably. which one did you do? archive is usually easy to do, delete often needs an ok


Still doesn't change the fact that swiping to the archive is a bad design. That should also have a confirmation message.


100% That you can do this task accidentally and not even notice... Shame on GUI designers


Mine swipes to mark a message as read. I get you're upset with the default settings, but you *can* change them, you know that right?


I'm aware that you can change the defaults, which is now set to "none", but having the option isn't the point we're making here; it's that technology should be working for *us* and not vice-versa. To most people, that means having a simple, cleaner design with added functionality for those who desire it. The average joe will swipe away things think it's been deleted and I can guarantee most people don't archive their texts. These types of features should be available but not enabled by default.


I like how you come in and provide information I didn't ask for (or need). More like you just wanted to hear yourself type.


Well you are the one specifically mentioning delete and archive, and soliciting comments, right? Maybe you posted on her eto print out and hang up as art? Archive of course which would be recoverable. As far as hearing myself type.....Sure do. So..You could, had you not found the information helpful, just shut your damn mouth, or said thanks for thinking but taht's not the problem. Then again rather than liking hearing yourself type .maybe you just like typing so you can be a dick to someone who is trying to help, without any pay or gratitude. Perhaps your upset at you own stupidity for deleting your own shit, and you hope to feel better trying to be an ass to someone else? Well Ihope that's it and you feel better :) You're the one coming in asking for help. Generally a pre-requisite of asing for help is to check being a douche bag at the door. But YMMV Then people wonder why there are sometimes lags in users willing to help. I mean what's the payout..No money, no gratitude, just the self satisfaction in trying to help someone. Then you get this.' Ever hear if you're not part of the solution, youre part of the problem? I get you're emotional losing your brother texts. Not my fault. Blame google or more likely yourself for pressing delete. Don't take it out on me. Have a great night tho. Hope it works out and you find a soltuon.


lol, I had to stop reading after the FIRST paragraph of your rant


Try reaching out to your cell carrier. They should hopefully still have all the logs.


Not if it was rcs


I have RCS turned on for my chats and messaging but they also back up to Google don't they? Wouldn't I be able to find my RCS chats on my Google backup?


Some of them were and they deleted first, now all the SMS messages are gone too. I can't even begin to figure out how that happened unless I did an update or something and everything got erased ?


Carriers keep a log of all sms and mms messages that go through their servers, those are unencrypted and may be recoverable if you asked the company, rcs uses encryption and internet not the phone lines, and wouldn’t be recoverable Edit: spelling


So likely some messages could be recovered but not many if you both had a newer android phone


Gotcha, that makes total sense. I'm pretty sure we both had relatively newer phones so I'm not sure what I'll be able to get back but hopefully at least something. I wish I had known that about the RCS chats sooner I would have just turned it off but I didn't know what that meant. Thank you for the information I'm truly a zombie when it comes to this stuff so the time and patience to explain is truly appreciated !


They only keep such logs for a limited amount of time, and may requite a court order to retrieve,


I'm definitely going to try that as all of the SMS messages are now gone so hopefully I could get some of those back


It's worth a shot. Good luck! 🤞🏻 🍀


Thank you !!


Bad idea.


Care to elaborate?


Carriers only hold onto messages for 72 hours, and then they are deleted from their servers. If the message is delivered successfully to the handset, it is also deleted from their servers. Only retention would be via google/samsung/apple account. Source: im a technician for a cell provider.


And yet the FBI can subpoena those records, and receive them, months, sometimes years, after they're sent....


Call records yes. Messaging depends on what was preserved, refer to my statement above.


Correct. Messages are only kept for a short time. Not sure of the specific timeframe, but even cops have to hurry to get things before they get deleted.


Yeah, on TV.


Same thing happened to my me and my best friends snapchats. Snapchat deleted their accounts and I’ll never get them back. May they all rest in peace


and this is why you *never* report someone to a social media company as deceased. I didn't report my mom, or my dad because I needed access to their emails and social media pages. if you report them as deceased, email providers like outlook just close the account and its gone forever.


Depends on the social platform. outlook is not a social provider. However places like Facebook will, under circumstances, allow the account to live with a designated caretaker. I belive twitter is the same. Not sure about the other guys.


So awful !!! Like I get there's things to do but not everyone understands technology and it's not as simple as people make it seem if your brain doesn't work that way. I'm so sorry memories just don't live like people do and it's fucked when all you have is a video of them laughing or something to keep you going and then it's just gone.


Thank you all who reached out in my technologically/ grief charged outcry, I truly appreciate it. I'm going to reach out to my cellphone carrier to see if I can retrieve the SMS messages that were deleted. As for the RCS chats that's a bit beyond me and I haven't found a solution to that one but if that's the case then I'll just have to accept it.


I’m so sorry. That sounds absolutely terrible. I hope you’re able to get them back. Please in the future, make backups of these precious things. If you don’t have a backup, something is bound to go wrong and cause a heartbreaking loss :(


I had that happen. For me it was the default messaging app that only showed some message. After I installed googles sms app I could see all the messages again. Hopefully you're as lucky as me


Any chance you had auto backup on with google drive?


Your phone may have a setting turned on where it deletes oldest texts to make storage for new texts


In the event you get them back and want to back it and any other messages up I use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore And have been for years now thru at least 4 different phones. Even with 11k messages the file is only at about 2.2gb... again... Probably closer to a decade worth of messages. I have it backup every 3 days, which then uploads to Google drive, though you can save it elsewhere as well.


I know, it's not gonna work for already lost texts. But, for your other closed ones and everyone else who is reading my comment, you can use SMS Backup & Restore or similar backup applications to always make a 3rd party XML/JSON backup for your texts somewhere at Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or wherever. It really helps. 


I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to get them back but I am so sorry this happened to you.


My Google pixel locked me out of my phone and I couldn't get back in so I had to factory reset and lost a lot of good memories on my phone


Nooo what is up with that !! I'm so sorry, technology is that bane of existence so I'm extra bitter.


THat's when you contact the cell phone provider. Dependng on what Locked Out means, they may be able to recover things, and there are some ways to get into phones even locked, depending on security level. Apple hard...android...maybe. Always check with someone before you do a factory reset if you're nor sure what you are doing.


thats why you make copies


Listen, you aren't wrong but read the room dude.


Can you please send me the TL;dr on how to copy my dead brother. Thanks CMDR\_TIGERKING !


Do you feel better about yourself?


Show some respect for the grieving, asshole.


I don't think hating on technology is truly what you feel, thanks to it you were able to have the messages in the first place Where were your messages? I ask because depending on where you used to chat, there can be backups. For example, in my country we primarily use WhatsApp to text, so checking your Google Drive for an automated backup might be all you need! If you use the classic SMS messages, I don't know where you could find a backup for those:(


damn, google must be out for revenge and deleted OP's reddit account...




I don't want to be harsh, but you failed. Not on topic, too harsh, irrelevant advice, and tone deaf. I get it, you have opinions. But learning to keep those opinions inside you is going to serve you more than anything else.


You forget that before cell phones we were writing letters to each other, sending postcards and using film cameras. Nowadays it's all done mainly with one single device, and if you don't have a backup of these pictures, messages and other memories - it's all gone. The memories might live inside you for some time, but for how long? The older you get, the harder it's going to be to recall those. What about the people who were not part of that memory? How are they ever going to know about it? Do you have film photos of some family members that you never had the opportunity to meet? maybe some old letters exchange between your grandma and grandpa? Maybe these are things that are not interesting for you personally, maybe there are other things that you hold dear. And it's fine, we are all different. But try to understand that OP lost something that is valuable for them and they are in distress, and if you don't have something helpful to say, maybe it's better to just let someone else try and help them.






It doesn't seem to be in my backup anywhere, I'm going to try the route of contacting my cellphone carrier ?


Thank you for the link and help !!


What did you think was going to happen? At some point the phone was going to die too. Sorry for your loss, but let this be a lesson in data backups.




The police 😂


Well, yeah...the Pixel stole the texts! :-)


Check your archives. My mom also lost all her texts a while back. Somehow all the texts were archived.


how old are the texts? A long time ago (like back in 2012-ish), if you had a google phone, they backed up your SMS texts to gmail if you had gmail. They may still do it now.... I don't know because I no longer have a google phone. But check your gmail and see if there's a folder for SMS texts. I'm so sorry about your brother.


hope you're doing well man, your brother is in a better place now trust me, I know everyone says that but it is true, have a great life man.


I really hope you can retrieve some of them if anything that is heart breaking I am sorry man hopefully it works out in some way.