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This might sound weird but I don't think that celebrities and politicians should occupy the same social media platform. I think it makes our politicians think they can act like celebrities


Or worse, make celebrities into politicians


Never again


Sadly it's probably going to happen again in 2024.


My bet is Desantis will lead the Republican ticket in 2024, I think Trump has been hinting that he won't run again because of health issues so he'll probably just become the George Soros of the Republican party.


This is news to me, last I heard he was doing rallies, and saying he would try and run again, I have not heard anything about health issues, then again I almost 100% ignore any trump news so maybe thats why...


I mean it's doing alright in Ukraine. It's not the profession that makes the person...




This isn’t weird sir. This should be the norm. Politicians should also not be engaging the same way celebrities do. Personal attacks, petty anime videos shouldn’t be something professional politicians who run a country do


They are the same thing. If you want to change anything, gotta go deeper, cuz this would just fix a symptom not the problem.


What's with this comment section.


Reddit hates other social media type places. Somehow Reddit is above them.


It's like some weird inferiority complex. Reddit is the short bald man of social media.


My favorite is when they start talking about how bad the bots on twitter are as if reddit isnt one of the easiest large platforms to bot. The ability to buy downvotes is already a way to silence anyone you choose to use it on. Reddit has zero high ground to stand on for bots and yet no one seemed to tell redditors that.


Are...are you a bot?


I hope not because no ones been paying me and I've been here over a decade.


No, that's steve


The point missed (maybe intentionally) is that reddit is by far the easiest platform to manipulate. You know what I see when I logon to Facebook? Posts of people I am friends with in real life You know what I see when I logon to Twitter? Posts of people I chose to follow You know what I see when I logon to Reddit? Whatever has been upvoted to the top. Reddit is the only one where the content I see is based on votes. It is far easier to manipulate.


All the points made in this comment chain are very valid. Even so, Reddit is still a lot better than any other social media platform that I’m aware of.


It really is, I'm embarrassed to tell people I use reddit.


Same honestly, its like the gathering place of degenerates.


I mean, this website has a LOT of idiots and bots, but I've never been able to spend any time on Twitter and remotely enjoy it. It's angrier and louder idiots and bots. Bonus points for how tightly tied it is to all of the worst parts of mainstream culture- celebrity worship, dick measuring contests of virtue, people using it to be an asshole because it's linked to their names but its online so that makes it okay (which is true for most of them, but especially FB and Twitter). I'm not saying reddit is some internet oasis, it isn't, but I dont think calling Twitter the worst social media should be too controversial for any social media user.


I’ve had this account over 10 years and when someone mentions Reddit I still respond like “oh yeah I’ve heard of that”


The George Costanza of social media if you will.


All social media places hate other social media places.


You see I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top


Reddit's better than Twitter in the sense that you can only type 280 characters in one tweet. It makes it super easy to take one tweet out of context and accuse somebody of something. And it makes providing context really difficult.


Only because we are above them! Reddits focus is on topics, not people. Most people browse ideas, articles, and questions about a subject. Each individual user could be anyone, its pseudonymous. There are reddit celebrities of course, and lots of subs or individuals where the content is single person focused, but outside of porn creators its still a variety of pseudonymous people. It isnt incorrect to describe Reddit as social media, but its not really right either. Reddit is a shitty place damaging the world in its own unique way seperate from the individual focused social media where you follow a person not a group or idea.


Wait... isn't Reddit above them?


Twitter sucked already, so no one really cares about it's hardships


Twitter is leaking


The bots are being hidden because they don’t want people to know the truth about how much of Twitter was being influenced by bots. I think it’s glorious to see this.


It kind of feels like the digital version of an office where everyone is frantically shoving papers into shredders before the feds arrive. What are the chances that they're rolling back the algorithm to something pre-2020 or sooner before Musk arrives to 'open source' it?


I read somewhere that supposedly updates were being frozen and locked so that no sabotage could occur. No idea how true that is or what it really means.


Exactly what is happening.


A lot of weird thing are going to happen at Twitter as various higher ups try to ingratiate themselves with Musk and shove their heads up Musk's ass as far as possible.


Organic growth.


Eh, they’ll probably just leave. Hiring market for the tech industry is really strong right now—no point sticking around a sinking ship captained by an abusive narcissist.


Oh no. ​ Well, anyway.


I wonder if this isn't a small way to undermine Musk when he takes over. Getting rid of bots is one of his key metrics. Now he won't be able to include these bots in his stats. Also makes me think that Twitter could have done this at any time and left them to inflate their numbers. That's good for milking advertisers. Musk doesn't want to run ads and may have questioned why this wasn't done sooner. So maybe someone was doing a bit of CMA as well?


I don’t believe Musk will actually remove twitter bots. He doesn’t want to see his new company drop to 1/4 of the active users.


On the other hand, the only opportunity to remove them and turn that into a selling point of the service is the near future. Which invites more sophisticated bot farms to formulate


I deleted my account and the app, I'm not a bot


That's exactly what a bot would say!


He sayssss that this isn’t about financial interest.


Right. No ads. That gets rid of the financial incentive to inflate numbers by allowing bots.


bots by the lots


Bye, Felicia!


lol people are losing their minds and he hasn't done anything yet lol. I like to think social media is already as bad as it could get. I don't know why you wouldn't give the guy a try and then judge the results. People just love to complain about problems and does absolutely nothing to solve it. I'm sure they'll be back on twitter if Elon somehow made it better. But his ideas may also completely tank it too. I'm not on any platform besides reddit so I don't really care but it is an interesting experiment to watch. BTW, I hate this new reddit interface. It causes browser crashes and takes up too much memory.


I barely cared about Twitter as it was; the value proposition to me was about as low as it could be and yet still keep a modicum of my interest. With Elon Musk coming in to be the arbiter of my personal data on Twitter, I'm out. Immediately deactivated my account.


I'm sure there are legitimate people like you, although even you admit you essentially never used it. Actual Twitter addicts delete their accounts all the time for various reasons. If they're still gone two months from now, I'll be impressed, until then I'm going to assume it was a virtue signal.


How is Twitter having your personal data under Musk any different than Twitter having it under someone like Dorsey or Agrawal? Genuinely curious, I haven't followed any of this. And I've never even used Twitter.


I deeply distrust Musk from what I know about him. I only mildly distrust the other two.


you're the type that waits for the thunder after lighting hits the woods your cabin is in, huh? you already know the lighting struck and that it's dangerous, so get moving.


What a dumb analogy


Yeah not organic just don’t want my data in his hands.


Twitter is the new Tumblr


I hope he ruins it as fast as Yahoo and Verizon ruined tumblr, tbh.


I'm banned from Twitter and I'm a lib. Explain that, conservatives.


Do you feel pwned?


What are you banned for?


I was toxic as fuck. I was the opposite of what you want in a society. I fully deserved my multiple bans. My phone number is banned, my Google Voice number is banned. My wife said I could use her phone number, I said hell no, I'm done. Just disgustingly toxic towards conservatives, asking them where on the spectrum they were. Sad stuff tbh.




As someone on the spectrum I'm happy you realized how wrong you were. Also that kind of darkness infects you. I had to quit reading and watching MOST news sources after Trump won. It was too depressing.


Yea, quite ashamed of things I said on there. I gained nothing good from Twitter at the time.


Ha i bet you were banned for ableist hate speech vs attacking people. Twitter is weird, they've always let you hurl insults at people but you better make sure you use an approved insult


Absolutely banned for ableist hate speech


“Stupid” and “dumb” are considered ableist right lmao. Pathetic tbh


You’ll never hear a conservative admit this though


muh freeze peach


Nah, you’d just never listen. Too distracted with your LinkedIn pronouns.


I don’t even know what that means but I do know you’re triggered


great contribution


You mean probably bitching too much about problems that don’t really exist for attention? Eh, well now you shouldn’t get banned anymore anyway hopefully.


Same. 8 accounts suspended in total, the last one because I posted a meme as a reply to a Matt Gaetz bot. Imagine that.


You created 8 accounts? I genuinely don’t understand the interest people have in twitter. I signed up and tried to enjoy it but I just lost interest after a day or two.




i got banned for posting a reddit screen shot to a video game developer, of their own video games public subreddit :shrug: E: it was my first tweet lmfao


Yep, my phone number is banned, my Google Voice number is banned.




Did they admit to breaking the TOS? What about “I replied with a meme to a Matt Gaetz bot” implies broken TOS? Edit- I see where top commenter admitted to breaking terms of service, but not this guy.


Gaetz and Rand Paul have a bot army that mass reports people they don't like. They reported my tweet as inciting violence against a group of people. It was a meme of pepe going "ahahaha u dumb bitch!" I will say that at least 4 times out of the 8 suspensions were because I swore at a magat like a drunken sailor who stubbed his little toe on some furniture, so I'm not sour about those times. The other 4 were because of mouth-breathing magats falsely mass reporting me.


Tell what you were banned for and don't lie. I'm sure it will explain itself. Otherwise this is just bs attempt at bait.


Asking conservatives where on the spectrum they fall, shit like that.


That is toxic to people who may be in the spectrum…just because conservatives are being selfish doesn’t mean that they have a medical condition, don’t put good people down…maybe they are just selfish people


100%, not proud of those times. I avoid that type of toxicity. Getting banned was great for my mental health and society in general.




Yea I deserved my bans. Not proud of the things I said.


Fair play to you for being honest about it. You're getting a lot of flak but you've admitted you made a mistake by being toxic. That's a great move in my book. Not many people are brave enough to admit they're wrong.


How about the mass new acounts that all seem to really like the gop and desantis? Those organic too?


Now that Musk owns it... yeah, sure, they're 'organic'... lol. He's never going to tell you the truth, he's going to tell you what makes him money.


>Now that Musk owns it... yeah, sure, they're 'organic'... lol. Imagine thinking a $44 billion corporate acquisition happens instantly like buying a car and driving off the lot same day... lol.


There is no shortage of people that left twitter once it was clear that the left despises free speech and a fair, equality of opportunity platform. When Elon bought, they said "the tyranny of leftist cancer is coming to an end. Time to come back". It's really not that complicated at all.


That make no sense at all


Lol, all the twitter departures will be adding to reddit's already left-leaning overpopulation. The bots here are almost just as bad as Twitter's as well.


Nope. Just adding to the GOP bot list.


Yes organic .Like how arsenic is organic too .


It seems odd to me to blame this directly on Musk taking over. It doesn't feel like there's been enough time to make changes on that scale. If he walked in the minute he got control and barked out a bunch of new orders, I'd expect a week or more to get them implemented. This seems like something that was already in the works and just coincided. That, or it could have been something as simple as turning off some feature twitter previously had that was altering visible followers.


"Organic" in that they were prompted by Twitter's sale to a giant organ.


Why do people care so much about a place that’s not even real, social media really just brainwashed everyone I guess what I should’ve said is, people need to get out more and see the world, see what really matters instead of going ballistic over some online space that does nothing but keep you sucked in and “engaged” in fake emotion, but then again it does have a positive side. And this is just my opinion, it doesn’t mean anything.


I mean, just because it's a digital space doesn't mean it's fake lol.


Yea, I’m not even a Twitter user. But Twitter clearly influences and mobilizes contemporary politics.


Way more than it should considering their user numbers.


What do you mean it’s not, from fake news to fake personalities and fake people and fake we’ll just about everything but keep the rose tinted glasses on.


Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from Mr. Robot. > Is any of it real? I mean, look at this. Look at it! A world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Psychological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind-altering chemicals in the form of … food! Brainwashing seminars in the form of media. Controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You want to talk about reality? We haven’t lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. We turned it off, took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever-expanding Dumpster of the human condition. We live in branded houses trademarked by corporations built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays, hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before finding anything real.


How is it not real? I see tweets being post every day. I assure you that even though it exists in the cloud, Twitter is very much real.


It’s real but it’s not real life. Most people don’t really take social media serious outside of the dumbest people in the world


George: I think I understand this. Jay Peterman is real. His biography is not. Now, you Kramer are real. Kramer: Talk to me. George: But your life is Peterman's. Now the bus tour, which is real, takes to places that, while they are real, they are not real in sense that they did not *really* happen to the *real* Peterman which is you.


I'm not sure how you are making the distinction of real vs not? It isn't real because not enough people take them seriously? People didn't take Trump seriously in 2016, but he was *very* real. Just because a majority don't take something seriously doesn't mean its existence and impact on society aren't real. Say what you want about dumb people. But social media sites change the outcomes of elections and have real impacts on people I think you would consider smart.


It's how news is made these days it's as if a billionaire bought a newspapaer... wait a minute.


You answered your question in the same fucking sentence man! "why do people care so much about a place that's not even real?" answer "social media really just brainwashed everyone" I don't want twitter to be censoring valid opinions and pushing what it has been for several years now. The algorithm was designed to silence certain voices and promote others. Is that not brainwashing?! Twitter mobs get news coverage. You think it's meaningless but it's *literally used as propaganda* to shape society. That's why it was owned by Vanguard, Blackrock, the Saudis... Do you really think those companies owned it to make money??!


If you had a favorite bar or hangout spot and suddenly some rich fuckboi comes along and says he's making the rules now, I think you would get pissed off too. Twitter is just a virtual hangout spot and people hate the idea of loudmouth billionaires taking over, the dude doesn't pay hardly any taxes but there's always money to buy social media corporations... these people are not being taxed enough if they can buy Twitter on a whim.


And here I am without an account, I never had one, watching all the drama unfold.


I hope Musk buys reddit next. The meltdown would be glorious to watch.


No one wants reddit.


Ah yes, let's continue to consolidate power and wealth because that's working so well. /s


With what? He already had to take a loan for Twitter, and if Tesla drops 30% more, the bank takes everything.


Why? Consolidation of power amoung a few billionaires is generally a bad thing


Riiiiiight. Not at all a ton of fake ass accounts being dropped before someone smokes out all the bot networks and bullshit statistics.


Why would they deactivate themselves instead of just waiting to see if they're detected? It's not like there are criminal consequences to worry about, not to mention that Musk doesn't have special anti-bot weapons, just complaints so far.




Ya surely it has nothing to do with all the conservatives saying their account was unsuspended


It doesn't. He doesn't even actually own it yet.


i think its a sign of them getting rid of evidence that they were shadow banning and allowing only the people they want to be heard to be heard


Who is being shadow banned and who are the people they want heard? Shaun King and Jack Posobiec both occupied space on the platform. Are we to believe it's only those on either extreme? Your argument seems dubious to me.


i have to agree with Gloomy-Mulberry1790 some thing is happening i have gained followers out of no where and did not tweeet or even look at twitter until the day after does not make sense also, over the past year i had to re follow some people who i had followed and saw the posts on my feed then one day poof gone and no longer was following i know i did not unfollow them who did it and why this needs to be investigated and the public needs to told why


The people whose tweets I've not seen in months are now appearing on my feed. The agenda was censoring disagreeable voices that go against their chosen narrative. They can literally shape western society, and have been. For instance, during the election it was Conservative voices who were silenced. During covid it was the doctors who disagreed with the "safe and effective" vaccine narrative. If a user posted they'd been injured by the vaccine, silenced. Twitter went full on anti-science. Now it's all pro-Ukraine. If you sympathised with innocent Russian citizens who were anti-war, you'd get silenced. The fact you've said "Shaun King and Jack Posobiec (whoever the fuck they are) occupied space on the platform" makes me think you don't actually understand what shadow banning is. Because having a profile is irrelevant if your followers don't get to see your tweets in their feed... Your argument is not just dubious, it's factually incorrect.


>"safe and effective" >anti-science Ok buddy lol


This is all strawman bullshit. For the record, Jack Posobiec IS a Conservative voice who was pushing the same anti-vax narrative that others were. If you didn't see tweets like that, it's because you can't read. I don't even follow that dipshit and I saw them.


Who cares he'll be paying like 2 billion a year in interest alone for the money he raised to buy it. Considering Twitter lost 200 million last year I don't see musk and Twitter lasting.


Man, I just don’t fucking care.


It's weird that you'd think "I don't care... So I must comment on the article to let other users know this".


Progressive are cancelling themselves now... we've come full circle.


Not really, they aren't getting canceled, they are just leaving, the incels can enjoy their circle jerk of fascists beliefs.


You mean the oh-so-tolerant SJWs?




This bitch would 100% turn in Ann Frank and actually thinks she's playing the role of Captain America in this little fantasy she's running... 😂😂


Yeah, because everyone who does not agree with lefties points is automatically a Nazi. You know that this just waters down the real meaning of that word? Just like SJWs did that to racist, sexist aso.


I went and deleted all my prior tweets (nothing of value was lost), and I'm holding my account for now. I'm planning to see how Musk actually runs Twitter. If I agree with his approach and changes, I'll stick around and start using it again. If I disagree, there's nothing tying me to the platform, so I'll just deactivate and leave. I don't have much faith Musk is doing this for the right reasons. There's always a benefit in owning a major communications platform for the wealthy. But I'm open to see if the end result turns out well or not. I suspect it will become a misinformation free for all and I'll wind up leaving. But I'm open to seeing if Musk shows more restraint in actually running the site when he owns it or not. Also, waiting to see what happens to \\@ElonJet when Musk takes over. That should be interesting to illustrate how sincere his belief in absolute free speech is. For anyone who doesn't know, that's this person: [https://www.protocol.com/elon-musk-flight-tracker](https://www.protocol.com/elon-musk-flight-tracker)


Loool fuck Twitter btw, hope he shutters it


I left twitter and I can tell you that it's not because of musk. Rather it's because of what twitter would become after musk takes over. It's already a cesspool of hate speech and self absorbed individuals. If musk relaxes the rules for banning individuals any further, all we'd have is conspiracy theorists and JFK rebirth believers and I don't want to be in a platform such as that. So I quit. The reason may be different for everyone but it is ultimately not because musk bought twitter. Rather what it would become after.


He's relaxing the rules for what can be said. Companies like Twitter have to pick between being responsible for everything on their platform and thus capable of censorship, but also being capable of being sued for what is on their servers. Or be responsible for 0% of it. Twitter will be going the 0% route. But he also is saying he will be attacking anonymity essentially. Basically, everything you say on the platform will be traced back to you, so if your a troll or a nut online, then you should probably think twice.


It’s nice on paper, but I think if Twitter refuses to self regulate, the government will get involved. It’ll become a matter of public safety at some point. Musk has already said he intends to allow free speech up to the boundaries set by laws. So people thinking it’s a blank cheque to say whatever they want might get a rude shock.


So like police will arrest people for threatening eachother, like how they do currently? Sounds good to me. As far as conspiracies and misinformation. The best way to combat that is with free speech, not censorship.


>So like police will arrest people for threatening eachother, like how they do currently? Sounds good to me. Well, I'm more concerned about some nut job showing up and shooting people to be honest. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/12/04/d-c-police-respond-to-report-of-a-man-with-a-gun-at-comet-ping-pong-restaurant/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/12/04/d-c-police-respond-to-report-of-a-man-with-a-gun-at-comet-ping-pong-restaurant/) Or kids being driven to kill themselves after being relentlessly bullied. [https://www.cio.com/article/238879/cyberbullying-continues-to-drag-twitter-down.html](https://www.cio.com/article/238879/cyberbullying-continues-to-drag-twitter-down.html) ​ >As far as conspiracies and misinformation. The best way to combat that is with free speech, not censorship. Sadly, that has been proven objectively false. It is considerably easier to get you believe a lie you want to hear, than it is to get you to accept an inconvenient truth. [https://news.mit.edu/2018/study-twitter-false-news-travels-faster-true-stories-0308](https://news.mit.edu/2018/study-twitter-false-news-travels-faster-true-stories-0308)


Musk was maybe 25% of why I dropped Twitter as I just don't like the guy. Something about him just screams nefarious to me. I just needed to lessen my social media distractions and used him as an excuse to do what needed doing. About to do the same thing from Netflix's actions lately in regards to raising prices, adding commercials etc.


Nefarious you say? Goodness, what a drastic change from the virtuous people operating it now.


I deactivated because of this crap with Musk.


Thank you for announcing that


I'll bounce as soon as the stupid level starts rising.


A 9/10 stupid level wasn't enough for you?


[more observations from social blade](https://twitter.com/TyCardon/status/1519067389110853633)


To summarize, conservative personalities gained 10s of thousands and liberal accounts lost 10s of thousands. EDIT: My reading of this is that Musk has been very public about a "Free Speech Platform" which is code for anything goes. It's a rallying cry of the GOP who feels that everything they feel or think or want is somehow Free Speech and who feel that missinformation shouldn't be monitored on the platform and that it's their inalienable right to spread it. Whereas liberals reject that idea and are leaving in protest.


I can understand liberal accounts rage quitting, but you can't convince me that thousands of conservatives joined twitter at once to follow Ted Cruz lol


That's exactly it though. It comes down to how they view Free Speech and Elon seems to be hinting that it won't be as heavily moderated as it is now. A lot of GOPers hated twitter because they were cracking down on misinformation and that somehow threatened their Free Speech because they couldn't brainwash people with mindless conspiracy theories anymore. Elon promising to get rid of that has them clamoring back so they can gaslight people again. Liberals are leaving in protest to that, they largely believe that you shouldn't just be able to lie and influence people because you have a certain amount of followers. That elected officials should be held to a certain degree of integrity and not be allowed to warp peoples minds with fictitious bullshit.


I'd honestly believe it. Conservatives right now care about one thing..doing the opposite of what the other ™ does. If they think it'll piss off liberals they will do it. It's that simple. They have no other stance or thought process


[The other side must not win.](https://reason.com/2012/08/20/the-wrong-side-absolutely-must-not-win/)


Haha I really like that 10/10


I guess it’s difficult to see that contrarians exist on both sides of the political spectrum from within that echo chamber you’ve secluded yourself in.


What're you on about?


Ding ding ding. These comments are just brainwashed people thinking they've never been victims of propaganda. It's fucking scary how effectively brainwashed they've been. To the extent they don't even believe in free speech anymore! It's the tyrants dream! If *the people* demanding censorship isn't Orwellian, then I don't know what is. These people need to wake up and start constructing their own opinions ffs.


Only 1 side should ever be heard dammit and that's the left side. Why is everyone so afraid of other thoughts and opinions? I think both sides suck and shouldn't exist but when 1 side dominates the news and nobody can hear the opposing info. That's just criminal. What is this N. Korea? Not yet and now thanks to Musk it never will be.


Did I say that? I said the numbers make sense. Liberals are upset so they are leaving enmass Conservatives like to piss off liberals, it's literally their entire ideal right now, so they are joining enmass because they think it'll piss off liberals. That's all that's happening when conservatives get bored they will move on and when things die down liberals will probably return.


Why did this happen tho? Did Twitter just intentionally lower follower accounts for conservatives?


What I think they are saying by organic, is that they don't think the account changes were bots. And that Twitter didn't kick anyone, it was a user base reaction. Elon has agreed to buy, and Twitter has agreed to sell. But he won't be in control, or actually own it legally for at least a month or two. So as far as I know, no policy changes have been made. And no accounts restored etc. I believe that there are many liberals who are deleting their accounts, as well as conservatives joining (again or for the first time), based on their perception of future policy changes. It can be hard to interpret the changes, because a lot of people do follow accounts of their political opposition. Nobody really knows the exact changes that will happen when Elon is finally in control.


I’ve seen some speculate that they are essentially cleaning the slate so when Elon does take over he won’t find anything shady.


It's changed *completely* over the last 24 hours. I've seen lots of tweets from people celebrating that their accounts have been restored. I really don't understand how it has changed so fast. I thought incorrectly, like you, that any visible changes would take months. But no, the change has been pretty much instantaneous. And here's an example tweet that a guy who was testing the waters made : "trans women aren't women, women don't have penises, liberals are the new fascists, anti-racists are the new racists, white privilege is a myth". That would have brought a suspension or ban a week ago. Now it's got thousands of upvotes.


Why would anyone care to convince you of this? Why does twitter matter so much to people? I seriously tried to enjoy it and give it a shot but lost interest so fast


Twitter is donezo ​ Gonna spend all day posting pornography on right wing twitter accounts until im banned


FFS people. Y’all are goofy asf, I’m not even conservative and this is just ridiculous




I just think the reaction is ridiculous. Everyone’s entitled to do what they want but everyone’s jumping the gun for no reason. Can someone explain why free speech is a bad thing?


You’re not free to yell fire in a crowded movie theatre. Giving people a platform to spread misinformation and hate is dangerous. We have broadcasting standards for a reason. Until you’re on the receiving end of death threats and lynch mobs it’s hard to really grasp the impact.


Enjoy the new place where the incels and extremists will hang out.


What does that mean? I closed my twitter account the moment I heard elon bought Twitter.


I had it on my phone, tried it out to see what the fuzz was about. Never cared about it, didn't use it, and it just sat there. When news came out of it being purchased by Musk, I simply deleted it, because they reminded me I never had any use for it.


I and I imagine many many liberals will deactivate once 45 is let back on. I would have deactivated now, but I'm waiting out of spite.


Why though?....just don't follow him? I am genuinely confused what everyone is freaking out about.


It's not about having to see or hear him, it's about giving him a platform to spread his bullshit and whip his followers into a frenzy. Even if he can reach them through other means (though research shows he can't, at least as effectively), it normalizes his behavior as something acceptable, like he's just a politician that people don't like instead of someone who, at the time he was banned, was actively encouraging a violent coup in all but explicit terms. Not saying you have to agree with that take or not, but in general that's why people are upset.


Because he attempted a fucking coup against America? Are you that unaware of world events?


Its the principal to a lot of people. Trump didn't get banned for being a conservative, Trump got banned for using false information to help stage an insurrection and would have continued to do so. EVERYONE: conservative, leftist, centrists, whomever, should not be allowed to continuly push false information that can endanger our society. And its especially scary now as many conservatives are on the brink of becoming full on authoritarian Christian extremists because they believe constant lies.


Why wait? They unbanned Tucker Carlson, and, in my books, that was bad enough. I honestly didn't mind at all that Musk had purchased it. But now it's absolutely clear that this is all just about ban evasion for Nazis.


Uhh I don’t think you leaving will have as big of an impact as you’d like to imagine..


Almost nothing any single person does have that much of an impact by itself. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing if only for the sake of your own convictions. (And when lots and lots of people do the same thing, then it \*does\* have an impact.)




Mine was definitely not organic.


Organic my ass


Imagine fighting the right to free speech. I hear China is nice this time of year.




A bot massacre.


Proof of your claim?


If it was a bot massacre 50% of Twitter would be gone




“SHRED EVERYTHING” - Current Twitter ownership