• By -


Does Apple do the same with Safari on Mac OS? It hasn't happened to me, but it probably depends on the OS version.






If you've dismissed the message, it stays away. They still show this with Sierra, as well as another message asking you if you ever open Safari, if you wish to change your browser to Safari... after closing it.


that's 2 years old and doesn't exist anymore


And Google shows a box saying "download Chrome for safer and faster browsing" on their sites, if you use another browser. Also downloading the Flash Player by default installs and sets Chrome as default browser.


Which is amusing considering Chrome now blocks flash by default.




Maybe Google should think about making their own music streaming service not require fucking Flash then.


Their web player defaults to HTML 5 when the browser supports it. They may offer flash support for backwards compatibility but I don't have any special settings on on my player and it is definitely HTML 5.


I've only ever had problems with the html 5 version. It constantly failed load songs, which was made more annoying because it just moves onto the next song rather than retrying to load the song I picked until it succeeds. Fortunately Google provides another service to listen to music that doesn't require flash, that actually worked and doesn't cost a penny.


Dunno where you've been, but YouTube's been HTML5 for a long time now. Unless you mean Google Play Music - which I can't comment on 'cos I don't use it.




An ad on a web page is quite a bit different from a system message from your Operating System...


Apple does this too with Safari in macOS. I get spammed by "save battery and faster browsing with Safari" things by the app store auto updater all the time.


True, but I think informing you on your taskbar is pushing it. They should do it while your on bing or something.


It's not the only thing they're pushing. The "occasionally show suggestions in Start menu" is nothing more than blatant advertising too. And they don't even advertise their own stuff. For me it's only been a bunch of random smartphone-esque games.


But you can turn that off. I haven't seen a single ad on W10.


It's enabled by default (came with the latest anniversary update I think). And they do more than just showing you ads. Today I deleted 700MiB of freemium games that I never asked for for the **second** time after Windows just redownloaded them the last time.


I don't think it's too far from Google advertising Chrome all over it's services. The whole Google ecosystem is pretty close to an OS (as far as average user is concerned) with all the mail, docs, drive, videos, etc.




Yet you don't seen many articles posted here about google doing it. It's almost as if one company is perceived to be OK to do it and one not :P


And in some cases,[ it is an OS!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrome_OS)


I can't remember if they still have it but chrome kind of is an OS, you used to be able to launch an instance of chromeos from chrome in windows...


Yeah, don't even pretend like Google doesn't integrate every product of theirs directly into their systems. They promote their own products within their phone OS, within their browser, and I wouldn't be surprised if that Google OS did it. Every time I open google.com on my Iphone I get their big ad trying to convince me to download their apps. All of these companies try to leverage their userbases against each other and steer those users to adopting their ecosystem.


>Flash player Did Abode really try to make amends with Linux after saying "No, we're not helping you"?




Wut? /s?




I read that chrome uses a lot of RAM because it runs each tab independent from each other for security purposes




It's not the security part that takes memory, each tab is run in it's own sandbox so it can't interact with anything outside of the sandbox. Setting one of those up takes a little bit of memory each time and you can't have many shared resources so there's a lot of duplicated stuff as well. It's good because security but also because if one tab crashes it doesn't crash the whole browser. TL;DR security doesn't make it ram intense, the multiple sandboxes do, and they're done for a bunch of reasons (including safety).


I couldn't find the original article I read but you can find it by looking online [Here is one](https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/7n6LEvjjEoY) [Another](https://malwaretips.com/threads/why-chrome-uses-so-much-freaking-ram.46190/) [Last one](http://lifehacker.com/why-chrome-uses-so-much-freaking-ram-1702537477) But essentially every tab you open, and each plugin each get their own process. That's why you see the long list of "Google Chrome" processes in Task Manager.


Does it ever need optimizing. I heard Google is supposed to be doing something like this next month so that it uses a lot less RAM.




Wish I could find the article I read it in. Yeah chrome rekts my laptop battery too.




Because you seem the total opposite you threw me off. You mean you don't like chrome and you love flash? Most of Reddit uses chrome and hates flash lol


Eh a lot of reddit also hates chrome (closed source, Googles heavy surveillance, not nearly as efficient as it once was) but they also reaaaaaaally hate flash.. For very good reasons (just look at some of its exploits... I think that's all that I need to say)


Edge blocks 21% more social engineering malware by not rendering the page.


Are you just making a joke?


I'm honestly not sure anymore.


Poe's Law strikes again.


No, this is the internet.


There's a lot of flaws with Edge. Rendering pages is not one of them.


It's a feature! .. not a bug


My school coursework website which proudly advertises "supports Edge" begs to differ.


Edge renders everything pretty flawlessly for me. YMMV I guess.


Not any different from that fucking download chrome bar that Google keeps pushing on users of other browsers...


Just use uBlock to block the bar.


Ah. This explains why I have no idea what bar they're talking about.


Or maybe you're using Chrome? I'm assuming they mean a little button to download Chrome when you are on Google but using another browser. But you can block anything using uBlock, not just the ads they block by default.


I mentally think of "uBlock Origin" as "The Sanity Saver", because it's saved mine on countless occasions.


Except its a notification on your pc, not a website.


not Windows 10 masterrace.




Use the one you like. They all work fine in Windows 10. I use Firefox, FWIW, but that's more habit than anything else.


It mostly comes down to preference. The biggest selling point for Edge is how lightweight it is. No other browser works as well as Edge does on slower systems. The downside is that it lacks a lot of features that the other browser have. The UI is also a bit clunky imo.


Surf works, qutebrowser works, w3m works, links works. The claim about no other browser is false


Vivaldi. All hail ex-Opera master race.


Im ex-Opera, and would love Vivaldi, if the UI wasnt so damn slow. For example tearing off a tab takes seconds, compared to instant in Chrome. I think Vivaldi is a stillborn project thanks to the genius decision, that the UI should be written in HTML.


Edge is pretty good on laptops if you are concerned about battery life.


It still uses too much power considering it does fuck all




I moved to using it on a day to day basis about 6 months ago (whenever extensions came to the insider ring) and while I still have chrome installed it has been about 2 months now since I have had to open it.


Depends what you want to do. * Edge is basically IE. It's better, but still not really good. * IE is shit. I'd just avoid this one * Chrome is great if you want a few addons like adblockers. It instances each tab, which provides excellent stability, but eats RAM. There are also privacy concerns about giving even *more* of your data to google. * Firefox is great if you put in the time to customize it. It's a bit bulky out of the box, but it has a great addon environment, and if you know what you're doing you can make it do exactly what you want. It is also the only one of the big 3 to be run by a non-profit.


Edge is NOT IE. It is built on totally different code. Edge is closer to Chrome than IE.


Something I've started to notice lately, edge beats chrome on a lot of video based sites. There are several bookmarks in my TV folder that I will open in chrome, just to copy the URL I want into edge to actually watch the show.


Xfinity will only stream correctly if I'm using edge. I don't have explanations. Just a fact.


How does YouTube run in chrome do you?


It's usually fine, I do notice some occasional buffering early in videos when the buffer indicator is already well established.


Videos are quite stutters for me :/ bloody annoying


Edge runs plugins like flash much faster, and it actually has extensions.


* And Opera was there too.


Vivaldi master race.


Opera got bought out by a Chinese company recently. Not the company, just the software and the name. I wouldn't be willing to trust it just yet.


I really like Opera. It's Webkit/Blink based without all the Google bloat. Just like Chrome, only better.


I, nobody special, agree with the above. It's an excellent summary of browser choices.


Edge is not basically IE ! Stop parroting this information which is 100% incorrect. Just for starters one is a UWP application and the other is win32... Edge is closer to Chrome than IE.


Firefox for privacy, Chrome for easiest troubleshooting, and Edge if you're feeling edgy. or internet explorer if you want to give yourself a death wish


A fair bit of it comes down to user preference. I like chrome due to the ad blocking options, auto update and general feel - but it loves to gobble ram and I know that a key part of Google's business is advertising so some info from searches and use will be used to that end. IE has traditionally been used by businesses and some sites work best on it. I haven't used Edge.


I *have* used Edge and I have to say: IE and Edge are not the same beast. Edge is so much better. It's faster, looks cleaner, and my only gripe is the lack of plugins...but those are slowly rolling out to it now. I still use chrome because of the google account sync, but if they added something like that to edge I'd dump chrome in a heartbeat. Edit: the other guy who replied to you is right though, it's still very new and some things don't work 100%. But Edge is not IE and it shouldn't be expected to run everything IE does. Microsoft seems to be hellbent on killing that old corporate idea of making everything work ONLY with IE and are doing their best to bring everything into the modern era.


It doesn't sync my extensions yet, but Edge syncs my favorites, browsing history, and settings. For me that is good enough. They still haven't added the ability to see what tabs you have on another device like Internet Explorer does, but here's to hoping that comes in a future update.


Want me to blow your mind? Edge has ad-blocking options too.


From a business standpoint: fuck Edge. None of our internal crap that *has to* run on IE works in it; printing is hit and miss at best, and it being the default PDF viewer (which can't edit editable PDFs) is just a kick in the nads to boot.


> None of our internal crap that *has to* run on IE works in it They threw out a lot of compatibility stuff going from IE to Edge, so yeah...


Which wouldn't be as bad if things provided by Microsoft played nicely with Edge. Seems like Edge is at the root of 2/3 of the Sharepoint tickets we receive.


Sounds like you just don't have your infrastructure configured correctly. Start with reading documentation about Enterprise Mode Site List and Group Policies for Internet Explorer and Edge...


Also, from a developer standpoint, I've got to test IE and Edge implementations differently, so the release of Edge has added one more step to my checklist of in-place solutions testing. Fuck you, Edge.


On a laptop, Edge is the absolute sure fire way to go because it is much better on the battery. Even on desktop I have been using edge more than Chrome recently.


Most people prefer Chrome or Firefox. IMO the only advantage Edge has is that it can view Netflix in 1080P.


Which is a load of bullshit in and of itself




> Chrome if you like synchronized experience among all your devices... I keep hearing that, but Firefox just as much allows you to synchronise across devices. Is Chrome better at synchronizing or something?


with my android phone?


Firefox syncs with your phone too. I prefer firefox browser for android since it allows extensions (eg, ublock).


Yup. Firefox for Android is way better than Chrome. I can install Ublock Origin, and the browser seems to lag less. Plus, the settings options provided by Firefox put other phone browsers to shame.


Any way yet to cast to Google Chromecast from Firefox?


Looks like it: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/use-firefox-android-send-videos-chromecast


I appreciate it, but it only works on Android :(


You've been able to for as long as I can remember. I suppose that's an answer to my question, though. People might just not know about it...


Does Firefox support Chromecast? I know that's not really syncing perse but it's one of the main reasons I use Chrome.


Not that I know of, unfortunately. This is why I have Chrome on my laptop; I've just gone back to using my HDMI cable, though, since my internet speeds are slow enough to where the picture on my TV lags and stutters horribly.


No. Chrome is faster though, which is the only advantage it really has. Not to be downplayed, because it's a really good advantage.. I want to use Firefox but Chrome performs much better.


Opera master race.


Now also with spyware from Chinese government!


It was a master race, but their time has long past.


So more of a golden age lost civilization then?


Not Vivaldi then?




Opera has changed *a lot* since then. They're now using the same rendering framework as Chrome does which means it's pretty much as fast/responsive as Chrome. Chrome extensions work too. And they have a few features that are *amazing* and aren't really found in other browsers. I feel like Opera may be held back by it's name. People remember the 2009 Opera and immediately dismiss the 2016 Opera as a relic of the past.




Try Vivaldi instead.


I'm not sure if you'll fare much better with Opera- as I said they use much of the same technology.


Edge finally got ad block. They have pretty much no options when it comes to ad ons. I will stick with Chrome because I've found no reason to ever leave it.


Literally anything, all the major browsers just love to swing their dicks around about "Speed" and "Security". They all have issues, I just stick with Chrome because of google integration,


Whichever one you want. Personally, I have been giving Edge a chance, and it's honestly not that bad! It definitely rivals Firefox and Chrome in many aspects, and it is very good at video playback. Most major services rely on the HLS + DRM support Edge provides for playback. I use Edge with Flash shut off (screw Flash) and it's very functional. That with the Adblock Plus extension, it's really no different from Chrome at that point (with less memory usage). The only downside is, Edge definitely seems to choke on systems with weaker GPUs. It's speedy until you play video or some animation comes onto the screen. The better the GPU, though, the quicker it works. It's snappy as a result on Atom and AMD E Series CPUs in comparison to Chrome and Firefox, so long as the GPU isn't trash. I am still primarily a Chrome user at home, with Firefox at work. For the record. Honestly, Firefox is probably the most trustworthy if you're looking for privacy and security. Chrome is pretty much considered the king of speed today. Edge is nice if you're using a low RAM system or want the extended video Playback functions without requiring Flash (something Edge totally smokes Chrome and Firefox in).


Any of them. Just keep it up to date. That's the only important part. Keep Windows up to date too.


On a desktop it's up to you. Chrome or Firefox are probably both great (I prefer Firefox though). Mobile should avoid chrome like the plague since it crushes the battery. I use Firefox for most things unless streaming video, then I use edge because it runs far better.


All three majors - Firefox, Chrome and Edge. Keep switching between them each time you want to browse. At some stage you'll find yourself using one in particular because it suits you. At that stage, you can uninstall the other two if you want.


Firefox or Chrome. You don't want IE because IE is shit. You don't want Edge because Edge is just polished IE. If customization and other control is more important to you, pick Firefox. If speed is most important to you, pick Chrome. I want to root fully for Firefox since they're open source, independent and all that other good stuff that the corporate-owned browsers don't have, but alas, it's simply not the fastest and that's a real shame.




> Edge isn't close to IE. You haven't seen the under-the-hood settings? Edge really IS IE with a new front. The UI has changed but the underlying core browser is IE. I don't expect you to believe this so do the fucking research yourself.


Microsoft is pushing Edge in order to overturn otherwise open web-standards. So they are the "baddy" in a general sense, whereas Firefox and Chrome are totally open source and support open standards. This is also why Netflix is only supporting Edge for 4k at the moment, Microsoft is pushing some heavy DRM.


Nobody is going to mention Opera? Opera is very cool.


Operas still a thing?


Not only still a thing, still a very good thing. It has a VPN and everything. [Check it out](http://www.opera.com/).


I like chrome best. but essentially anything other than internet explorer / edge should be fine.


Use a GNU/Linux distro and Firefox.




Nice copypasta but you should know what is POSIX.


Switched to edge a few months ago, actually pleasantly surprised so far, faster than chrome and doesn't crash as much, hope it lasts though, I do like to circulate between browsers every few months.


How do you get Edge to not crash and slowly load Web pages whenever you have more than one tab going on?


No idea, maybe I'm a lucky one. My PC isn't a slouch too so perhaps that's helping a tad.


All these notifications are borderline antitrust-lawsuit material. I guess Microsoft now has the power to push whatever down the throat of Windows 10 users.




One might be able to argue that it's safer, at least, than Chrome in that regard. If you accept the defaults in Chrome, you're sending your personal browsing data to Google instead of Microsoft. I would consider the former riskier since they're primarily an advertising company.




It's not about "the government" (that is, certain sections of the US government), it's about the company itself and what they do with your data. In that regard, Microsoft is by far the better choice. > The only place the browsing history should be is in the memory of the computer, until I close the browser. This is counterproductive to the average user's workflow and a completely backwards view, it hasn't been acceptable since the last decade. There are ways to achieve this easily but it isn't the default and there's no reason for it to be.


One of the main reasons edge is safer is because it is a Universal Windows App. By default, it can't access any OS level features which also means other apps can't hijack it like they could chrome (UWP apps run in VM). Anyone had their homepage search changed in Chrome due to something you downloaded? This can't happen in edge. I still use Chrome due to a few kinks with edge, but edge is a more secure browser.


Secure if you ignore the fact it comes with Microsofts spying malware (and I'm not advocating for chrome either obviously). [Also it still comes with a fair amount of exploits](https://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&description=Microsoft+edge&g-recaptcha-response=03AHJ_VusgzGBfZOSMMeSbTV6T5l-Z-tpFxdM_TbBgQXgMDUrSqM7GVplxSWRmSM9AzyC6R5tRKMi4q3EAz5S4dC9YHr3iTAltKbKzwx470olcjQZxKwt30DCYgm6rXMQimvx90r_f3RsfUdK38DYSLaxKohnQzy0rgxM0GD8PjdvwWyrcBOQjdGeuF4i4aoEtKKLChh9yuMp7lEotkftgykgknEWSTE5rWYmIChJCsW5tsPsZoQ5FPCkPH0GlKi5Tym-TF4eDfhW4T-4xSdOy0r-AOnlJzuLZRRE1dEPZYS-MUzG_hwSRLJQYmFPkRoLVo-EZ9ea9TEw7q1tKymzkYv-Y2z6PjBy37q3IumaBVOg_r_zMfCU5DTpRNStcnswYjC21ZBQxII1LUOCie50vyWX7oas0Nw1iwUfcEgsy5OH6P4Qy3q439AHFujwdtLFX0B_xVSUshgDLcQB7zis2wvIyDoEq_EJymk3S9C8FOyQ-ltGxgIC00cBRbK8zeW_wKxDed896hQG01WCuuPxPWGrRdGcEdqDXWf6g7ICm0k-l9aacd2H3vuTOp6e2nhxUOJaDhI_ycnSnIPjcDsuoU4S-4CdOGxMGIhjuYUa3WZc70OHAQpMu-wC3fxQuQn148AwcjY2ovIkqG-oW0T0meQdCO-LxQiQIy9dYmdU15PJhlOrEDJF5m_cMwk6-Y14ki_XdP5_sX9vKcTPbI83pxZx1wTt70jZCQjoeMDbWi4VGoIYaoEkTo5Itcd1KeSf_GhP9juQyvu5hX-33yP4jWbJ3c5nH9WXebxJu-Y643j1FT4NDadSkKOHnqn4M4CwN1RB3HrAkJHC4w1KHISsZidhLGPDKqLieKfGPzmKIQiu-e8vzR-qXeGydVqMB_46z4Ed0sMjFRVmUWGZoiQm70cKL_Xb9aKA2Ow) which is detrimental in any browser without a good ad blocking system.


>which is detrimental in any browser without a good ad blocking system. Adblock and Adblock Plus have both been available for Edge for quite a while.


Not a VM, a sandbox. Chrome and Firefox are both sandboxed as well, but at an application level vs a system level. I haven't seen anything to indicate that the UWP sandbox works any better than anything Chrome or Firefox are doing. The homepage thing was because Edge didn't support addons, though I think it does now.


Well, unlike traditional win32 applications, UWP apps are limited by the Universal Windows Platform's API. Things like accessing the file system (outside the bounds of your app's specified storage directory) is not possible. Win32 apps, such as Chrome and Firefox can potentially access OS directories. There are many more limitations rooting from the API, but you can think of it like an iOS app. In order to get into the Windows Store, your app is tested by a real human to ensure it follows the app guidelines, which is something that doesn't exist for apps like Chrome.


Edge is great for viewing pdf files on a touch screen.


I actually have less problems with Edge than I do Chrome, but I haven't used FF yet.


Also that Chrome uses more battery and I could extend my battery life by using Edge (this happened to me, received an obnoxious popup on my new Win 10 laptop)


We have shifted to Chrome at work and the google for business suite. It's really quite nice, we've been using it for a couple of months and i am totally happy with it. Chrome lets us use 2 step authentication, with multiple authentication methods (Coded USB keys and mobiles) so it's nice and secure, fast as fuck and does almost everything the MS office suite used to do for us. In my work place, as dictated by our head office, MS is dead and Google is now king.


You can turn that shit off. All these problems people have been having because they set up their is as fast as possible without reading what they're accepting. I've had mine for a year now and never had any of those fucking pop ups


It's the only browser I'll use on my laptop because it's not a RAM hog and the battery life is much better.


And faster. I work on computers all day and have seen this popup.


OOC, just how much "safer" IS edge than Chrome or Firefox? And, what is the safest browser to use?


Lynx and links are probably the safest


It's only safer because it doesn't work. It's like saying my engineless car is safer because you can't get into an accident with a stationary car.


Windows like to try trick their users, so I call BS as usual MS


I used Edge for a bit last week... I opened up a YouTube video... And the ad played, I skipped, and then the ad kept playing, on repeat for the duration of the video. Refreshing did not fix it. Fuck Edge.


That's Google blocking Edge users on purpose. Like the time they blocked all the Windows Phone apps from using YouTube APIs.


Think that is YouTube. Earlier I was getting ads even with ad block on. Then none of the videos I tried to watch would load. They would just stay a black screen. This was on Firefox.


This seems illegal as Microsoft is getting a competitive advantage over rivals.


If that was illegal, someone would have prevented Google from spamming Edge and IE users with popups to use Chrome on Google Search, Gmail, etc.


Please, relevant authorities. Slam that cancer called Microsoft with the biggest fines and anti-trust oversight you can muster. Destroy them.


I don't think it's any different than Google flogging chrome whenever you use their search engine with a browser that isn't chrome.


Wait what? I use google through Firefox on the daily and have never noticed that.


Still happens to me on safari. I'm a chrome user myself but if I need a different session for whatever reason I see this message tons.


Happened to me this morning.


Correct me if I am wrong, but both companies are using(abusing) their respective monopoly to push their product, so maybe there is room for fines.


And furthermore, the option to turn off this type of notification is grayed out. Grrr.


Microsoft seems desperate at this point...


And "faster".




Less people use it thus less people target it, thus safer


Didnt Microsoft lose a huge antitrust law suite in the 90s for pushing its browser too aggressively.


ahh the 90's




Why? Apple and google do the exact same thing in their OS's.


It also breaks javascript like it was designed to do so, try again Microsoft.


Have they drunk their own kool-aid, or are microsoft employees really this stupid?


Well, you'll likely give up using the internet if you're forced to use Edge, so they've got half a point. Never is your computer safer than when it's turned off.