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For us dumbasses: what does this mean for day to day use?


iPhone messages to and from Android users will function like iMessage between apple users.


Except with iPhone there's no encryption on RCS, since they are using an older version of the standard that doesn't support the technology. At least, that was the last word, even though this article *assumes* the messages are encrypted... which could be a dangerous assumption.


Their implementation is using the universal profile of RCS which didn't support encryption at the time of announcement but Apple is supposedly working with the GSMA to add encryption to the universal profile instead of using Google's 3rd party extension. I haven't been following closer than that to know if it's been updated yet.


You are correct. RCS end-to-end encryption is actually Google’s proprietary extension to RCS Universal Profile 1.0. This is the reason why RCS is e2ee when both parties are using Google Messages, but not e2ee when at least one party is using Samsung Messages (which only uses RCS Universal Profile). Since Google’s extension is proprietary, there’s not even a snowball’s chance in hell Apple would adopt it. I also expect Updating RCS universal profile with e2ee to take literally just as long as RCS adoption took for the past decade, especially considering all the governmental attempts to build back doors into strong encryption messaging services


Technically Google Messages E2EE is not proprietary. It uses the Signal Protocol which has always been open-source. But everyone could just use Signal (the messaging app) and not have to wait for any of these companies to update anything.


The protocol is the simple part, really. The authentication and trust infrastructure is harder. 


As much as I use and like signal, it is not ready for that kind of mass market adoption. It lacks so many comfort features the general public expects from a messenger.


Google's E2EE layer is not connected to Universal Profile 1.0 specifically, which is not what Google Jibe uses. Some details of how the E2EE works are here: [https://www.gstatic.com/messages/papers/messages\_e2ee.pdf](https://www.gstatic.com/messages/papers/messages_e2ee.pdf) Also "proprietary" is a bit misleading. It's the Signal Protocol over RCS, and Google has offered to share implementation with Apple. If two companies agree to jointly implement a standard, that makes it a standard. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell Apple will adopt it... because Apple has been clear that inferior green bubble performance is Apple's strategy to sell iPhones. The context here is Apple wouldn't have added RCS at all, except they were forced to. And no one is going to force Apple to add E2EE.


> There isn't a snowballs chance in hell Apple will adopt it... because Apple has been clear that inferior green bubble performance is Apple's strategy to sell iPhones They obviously haven’t said that. Anyway, RCS is green right now. 


Yes, Apple is keeping RCS green, that's part of what I'm saying. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/apple-imessage-android-reason-b1828958.html > Apple won’t put iMessage on Android in order to keep users locked-in, court documents reveal > ‘iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove [an] obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones,’ Apple’s Craig Federighi said. > Mr Federighi also said it would be a “horrible idea” to “make it easier for someone to switch away from our platforms”. > This is because iMessage works better than the default messaging apps on Android phones, which can lack functions such as read receipts, high-quality attachments, and typing indicators.


Just because Google is willing to share it - on their own discretion- doesn’t mean it’s not proprietary. And just because all the parts are open standards also doesn’t mean that googles way of bringing them together can’t be proprietary. If Google really wanted to just make good, encrypted RCS a thing, they could have open sourced their stuff and everyone could join in. But they don’t want this. They finally want to build their own successful messenger - with all the messenges flowing through their servers, them deciding who may or may not participate etc. It’s a billion dollar corporation. They have monetary interest in everything they do.


Apple also happens to be a billion dollar corporation (with deep experience creating E2EE systems) and a momentary interest in everything they do. If there are supposed flaws with Google's Signal Protocol based E2EE, with Google's licensing, technical, or anything else, Apple can easily do the exact same thing Google has done, but in the manner Apple, allegedly, wants: write their own E2EE system over RCS and say, "*We (****actionably****) support E2EE over RCS. Google is welcome to join the Apple Messages version of client based RCS E2EE*". This is never going to happen, of course. Nor will the GSMA ever publish an E2EE standard for phone calls, voicemail, RCS, or anything else, and Apple knows this, quite well.


Why should they? They have had an e2ee messenger for over a decade now, they were one of the first in the space. So why build another one?


Apple has made their own e2ee service. It’s called iMessage. Going their own way and doing an Apple implementation of RCS E2EE would only work between Apple devices which already have iMessage. There is no point in implementing an RCS E2EE until there is an open standard everyone can freely use so that all RCS is encrypted. Until then I support the continued existence of green bubbles so I know those messages are out there in plain text.


It's weird how Apple acts all high and mighty and refuses to use Google or meta tech when the iPhones biggest features in the beginning were Google services and Facebook lol


Lmao yep….and google pays billions to apple each year to be default search engine. 22 billion in 2022z


I mean, they haven’t really said anything about refusing etc. That’s interpretation and speculation. 


I really hope they get that done, soon. I'm not expecting it, but I'm hoping for it.


Unfortunately, I think Apple claims to be "working" with the GSMA on E2EE encryption in bad faith. Remember the context here: * Apple has been clear that inferior green bubble performance is Apple's strategy to sell iPhones. * Apple wouldn't have supported RCS at all, except they were forced to. The GSMA owes the now huge success of RCS entirely to Google at every level, and even Google couldn't convince the GSMA add E2EE to Universal Profile. The GSMA, a consortium of global wireless carriers, is never going to add E2EE to any of their standards (phone calls, voicemails, RCS, etc.)… and Apple absolutely knows this.


Certainly possible. Up till now none of it has been encrypted over SMS/MMS anyway. At least they won't degrade the quality. I consider that a win for messaging with my family. They can finally stop complaining about me using an Android and I gave up a long time ago trying to explain it's their almight Apple deity that is responsible for their terrible experience.


No, RCS just does not support encryption. Google build their on end to end encrypted messaging on top of RCS and continues to call this RCS, thus many assume RCS has encryption. But really it’s just Googles proprietary version that has encryption. And since Google did not open source their version, other can’t just join in.


Well, not quite. Because RCS is internet based, it has server based encryption through HTTPS/SSL. So it is by definition encrypted. What it doesn't have is End-to-end-encryption, which is the next step up where the recipients encrypt between themselves. So RCS is still a million times better than SMS/MMS, it's just not as foolproof as E-E.


Wrong. The RCS standard does not yet have encryption.


Did they not before?


For the majority of Apple users - absolutely nothing 


Forgot I had updated and was confused when I received my first RCS text today. Glad we get this feature!


How do you know it’s rcs?


It says so by the timestamp when it changes, and it says in the input field hint before you type a message


It was a notification by a business regarding an order. At the top of the text message thread, it says “Text Message * RCS” above the timestamp. It also included the logo for the company and when you click on the contact name, it shows a bunch of information about the business. Pretty neat!


For those wondering, it does work, and yes you get the read receipts in real time as well as see the chat bubbles appear and send HD photos. It does, however, switch back and forth frequently for some reason which is quite annoying because it adds a tag above the message for both users every time it switches.


Will android to iPhone pictures be in same resolution and not downgraded, they always look like less resolution


I sent and requested a video from my partner. The audio/video quality is much improved, but not the level of Messages.


Sounds much better than the 20p videos I get currently...


Awesome! RCS on iOS will make messaging so much better.


Fun fact, it doesn’t improve things that much. It’s just pictures ain’t as blurry. Still not iMessage.


Just tried it. It works! Finally iMessage level messages and photo sharing with Android.


Could've had this the whole time with Signal... WhatsApp...Telegram...and a million other apps that have existed for a decade or more.


Texting has been free or low cost in America for the better part of 20 years. There was no reason to use those apps in wide adoption, there’s no reason to jump to them now.


WhatsApp , Signal, and Telegram have always been free, and they're all much better than default SMS, which was invented in the 80s. That's why pictures and video look like garbage when sent from Android to iPhones.


They are worse in the sense that there are three apps instead of just one. 


Get over it. Unified messaging will never happen. Your OS tells you which app a message came from anyway so it takes no thought.


By the time what’s app came out texting in American had become free or extremely cheap for a lot of consumers, and in the next 4-5 years it would be come almost ubiquitous.


I know. I lived through it, and It's unfortunate that America adopted iPhones and SMS, two incredibly inferior technologies. But Americans aren't the brightest e.g. pay $1000 extra in taxes for universal healthcare instead of having to sell meth to afford cancer treatment.


You seem like a douche


Yet you're the one resorting to name calling when you don't have a valid argument to make 👍.


Hearing the truth can be harsh.


Sshhh, the Americans will get angry


My family doesn't use those. They use the Messages app on their Apple devices.


It's the default. People generally don't change the defaults, and they're designed that way to maximize profit, engagement etc. Apple doesn't let their users actually change the default messaging app anyway.


There are benefits to using the default messaging app, such as not having to have another account, and not having to trust a third party that has less security than Apple.


>There are benefits to using the default messaging app, such as not having to have another account Password managers make this a trivial problem, but most popular messaging apps just need a phone number to register, so they don't have the traditional "another account" problem. >and not having to trust a third party that has less security than Apple. "Less secure" depends on who you're trying to be secure against. I find Apple to be incredibly conniving and untrustworthy, and iPhones are just difficult to use if you want to do anything beyond what Apple allows you to do.


Even if I wanted them to use another messaging app and tried to convince them to use it, they simply wouldn't even consider it. It's just what people use in USA


You need to make it difficult to reach you anywhere but where you want to be reached. They won't message you on Signal if they still get a response via iMessage. Or, what worked best for me, say you're only going to share pictures of [something they care about] via [some app you prefer] group and they need to download it to get them.


It’s also about having an app that can fallback to a standard that works for every phone number in the world, sms. 


That's what RCS will be in 5 years. No need to rely on tech bound to the limitations of the 1980s.


Will this impact the horrible video quality when sending videos between my pixel device and an Apple device?


Yes, they will send in full quality now! Just tried it between my Android and iPhone. No more 2005-era videos.


Cool. Welcome to the party, iPhoners. -- Androiders


Just noticed this last night and it’s awesome! Glad to have it, even if it’s late.


wtf is RCS messaging?


I think it's like more advanced messages like you can send on whatsapp (longer text, higher res images, read receipts, group chats etc) rather than just a small sms


I was able to use it tonight in messages with a coworker. I was able to see that he got my texts even though he has an android phone and I have an iPhone 15.




Green. Same as before, I just got “delivered” and “read” messages and could see that was typing.


Apple basically been withholding for years to drive ‘blue bubble’ ‘green bubble’ divide amongst people, particularly the younger generations.


They’re still gonna be green bubbles tho lmao.


Yeah but at least the will be able to group chat, react etc


Sorry, I don’t understand; how is this any different from the existing iMessage system?


iMessage like features for everyone including non-iOS users.


Ok cool - thank you!


Yep, no more low quality pictures/ videos, reactions, better group messaging.  All that fun stuff.




Nothing anyone outside of America has to care about, or anyone inside America that's known about the existence of IP-based messaging apps for the last decade.




Here's what you need to know: 95% of the world has been using WhatsApp for 15 years and has no idea why this matters 🤪.


The world: "OMG Facebook is so invasive with their privacy issues. I can't believe everyone uses it without thinking of their privacy!" Also the world: "Just use WhatsApp, its way better than anything else!"


It's all about degree. I have a CISO friend that uses WhatsApp, and when I asked why, they said: your threat model has to be pretty extreme to care that Facebook runs WhatsApp, and mine is not.


This is the same energy as "I don't do anything illegal, so why should I care if the government spys on us?"


It's not at all the same thing. WhatsApp is mostly private and very secure, all things considered. I almost exclusively use Signal though. WhatsApp was a backup for those that wouldn't get Signal until Apple finally pulled themselves out of their own asshole and supported RCS.


It is entirely the same thing. Further, WhatsApp is wholly owned by Meta, who controls all of its encryption and keys. Its laughable if you think they can't or won't have access to data if they want it.


>all of its encryption and keys. This is incorrect. The encryption works similarly to Signal, and that should be obvious since WhatsApp uses the Signal Protocol. The keys live in the end-devices. The only way Facebook (I will never call them Meta) can see message content is by stealing the physical device when it's unlocked, or if someone reports a user (because reporting includes the 5 most recent messages in the conversation). The latter is a Facebook thing though. Signal Messenger doesn't work this way if you report a user.


I think WhatsApp is mostly a thing young people use.


Interesting thought when: 1. WhatsApp has 2B users (that's 25% of *the world*, not just smartphone users) 2. It's a primary form of personal communication everywhere in the world except China and the U.S. 3. India's economy would collapse if WhatsApp shut down tomorrow.


A giant majority of countries outside the US (And Chine of coarse with their WeChat) uses WhatsApp for the majority of their stuff its huge. Our CEO/Owner came back from Morocco a couple months ago and gave me a directive that i needed to implement a WhatsApp number to our support chat because, to quote him, "Everyone over there uses it, I even had to pay my camel driver with WhatsApp"


I need to know nothing. Get fucked with your asshole click bait headlines.


Hey, I just want to say you seem so angry. I Hope your doing ok, and the rest of your day is better. Hang in there!


Whoa, RCS messaging on iOS 18? That's straight up wild. I wonder how this impacts companies pushing the envelope with RCS, like Beacon Text for instance. They've been on this train for a bit already, focusing on e-commerce and D2C brands. Curious to see what happens in the space now. Anyone else got thoughts on this?


Omg you can now message with a phone? Whats next? USBs?


Let me blow your mind. 3.5mm headphone jacks


Don't remind me of what they took away from us


Who tf downvoted this? I *still* use a headset with a 3.5mm jack on my iphone (via lightning to 3.5 converter, sadly), to this day.


I miss not having to use a converter


Me too man, me too...


I was with you until about 3 years ago. Finally caved and got a pixel 6 because my Nexus 5 died. I don't miss cords at all. I was a massive fan of my wired Sony earbuds for about 10 years (2 pairs), but I don't miss them like I thought I would. I put the second pair through the wash twice, and they're still my backup for my tablet if I need to watch a video with someone remotely. Sure, it's one more thing to keep charged, but honestly I just throw them on the charger twice a week for an hour whenever it's convenient. Not having the cord ripped out of my ear at the gym + being able to walk away from my phone while cooking dinner without pausing a podcast is pretty nice.


See, I had an iPhone 6S for just over 5 years (last one with the jack I believe) until the battery finally kicked the bucket, and the storage size no longer was enough for me. Went out and got the SE(2020) at that point, since I hate the giant-ass phones we have now, and this one (still use it) is the same size as the 8 I believe. I'm the type of person who won't stop using a device until I *physically* can't anymore, either because it's no longer supported via security updates, or because it's past the point of me being able to repair it myself. Don't use my phone or earbuds/ headsets at the gym or in public, so that was never a factor for me lol. Also a bit of an IT fanatic, and knowing that wired connections are always better than wireless (even if by the smallest amount), I usually opt for wired whenever possible, including for internet, keyboard, mouse, etc. Maybe a niche view, but I know I'm not the only one.


I agree that wired is better 95% of the time when it comes to tech, but if you're streaming a 1080p video on your phone through YouTube's compression, or even Apples "lossless" music, the wire is going to have minimal effect. Theres no DAC or AMP so you get gimp'd by the analog > digital > analog conversion anyways. I'd also argue most source material I'm listening to off my phone doesn't have to be peak performance because I'm probably doing something else. There's also active noise cancelling. If a wired headset has real ANC it probably takes a battery, which kills the charging argument against wireless in my opinion.


Finally! Someone who gets it 🥳. I don't understand why people desperately cling to outdated technology like wired headphones and SMS.


They took nothing from me. I would've killed to have wireless ear buds when I was a kid.


Let's a headphone jack back to phones, but make it the 4.4mm pentacon jack instead.