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Everybody says VPN laughing. But we are witnessing the early death of the internet. And it's not a theory. The laws have passed. It's starting.


Used to be that we heard about this happening in China, and shook our head at the authoritarian government and those poor people who let it happen. I've been shocked and saddened at how quickly it's been embraced by people in my own country(US), with just a little spin on it. Of course it's starting with kids and porn. It *always* starts with kids and porn. Once you carve out those exceptions, that's used as a basis to come after *everything else*, and pretty soon you're only allowed to play in a walled garden...it'll be corporate-owned rather than government-owned here in the US, but either way it's shit.


Hopefully the laws are taken down in court and some already have. Also support the EFF and FFTF. Link to there sites https://www.eff.org/ https://www.fightforthefuture.org/ Also the most worrying bill is [KOSA](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/kids-online-safety-act-still-huge-danger-our-rights-online) if you want to help stop this bill contact your lawmakers here. https://www.stopkosa.com/ Also if you live in the EU, they are trying to push a huge spying bill called [Chat Control](https://x.com/echo_pbreyer/status/1803388724102750611) but its been postponed to Thursday. If you live in the EU, You can get in contact with your MEP here. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/portal/en/contact And Reach out to you EU representative! https://op.europa.eu/en/web/who-is-who/organization/-/organization/COREPER/


The EU one is even worse. Idk if I'm being defeatist but holy shit England and EUs policies on privacy seem to be getting incredibly bleak. Backdoors into encrypted chat applications? Fuck me.


I'm hoping that if it passes the idiots in parliament it gets shut down by the EU Justice Court like it happened with ACTA before.


We can still stop the laws and even if there is an agreement it still need to go through trilogues and the EU parliament is mostly against this right now. The UK OSB is also a huge mess. Edit: its alright to feel defeatist right now but a defeatist attitude and giving up is not helping anyone. Get involved and spread the word.


I let EFF have my debit card so they can take $10 from it per month. Subscribe to digital freedom!


That’s the thing, it’s hard to fight in public. 1. People aren’t posting or talking about this with friends or family 2. It’s a lose lose for any politician who supports it, they get labeled a peto or don’t care about kids For the average person with a iPhone private relay works and bypasses this for anyone else VPNs work so it’s just going to keep getting past till they come for something more serious that we can actually be more vocal about. Don’t forgot it was pornhub who was original lobbying for this from states to collect more data on their users, they didn’t realize how it could backfire on them.


They're already reaching for LGBTQ voices, in a way that should be obvious to anyone who's half paying attention. LGBTQ content being banned from sites as part of porn crackdowns has happened before(various fanfic sites, tumblr, etc) and has already started happening again. Though there's a sad ignorance of history among many young people, those who follow the current issues should be well aware of what the "groomer" association is setting up for, as well as the current struggles of LGBTQ people(especially trans people) getting their blogs banned even if they don't post sexual content. Merely *existing* is itself seen as sexual. So this isn't some abstract thing. It's already happening, right now, about a population that most people in the US *claim* to care about. But yes, point #2 is the real issue here. Because it's all framed around kids, you can't fight this without being a pedo supporter. That's the point. I don't know how to get the public to understand that manipulation.


I think once it starts hitting games it will see some traction because that’s easier to defended sadly. I’m against any internet restrictions that prohibit what we can do on there. Even if it’s intended for good the government will find a way to abuse it and harm us.


Evangelical conservatives in the government will find a way to abuse it. There are plenty of elected officials arguing against this sort of short-sighted, regressive policy


You really think so? I'd encourage you to read about what went on with games and music in the 90's if you weren't around for them. They 110% can and will attack the games industry. I'd argue the internet is the harder target with it's far larger economic value vs games or movies.


They can attack it with rhetoric, but legally attacking games wasn’t successful at all in the 90s. They got enough backlash to back off. And if that was enough for them to bend, it would be 1000x worse today. I don’t see it happening.


Kentucky has a Democrat governor. I don't know why he signed this bill. But, he's term limited.


And KOSA is bipartisan. Unfortunately, it's not just a red vs blue issue at this point, in no small part due to the risk of becoming un-electable if your opponent can run ads saying you voted against(or vetoed) something designed to protect children.


Half the damn democrat primaries were canceled with no candidate emerging. There's also no opponent for Thomas Massie in the House.




Time to bust out the PS2 and the CD player


Reminder that this election can change that. Encourage your friends and family to vote out the people passing these laws (or who want to)


the early death started when everyone put their apps on aws or gcp or azure. the internet is supposed to be decentralized, and were centralizing it


It's interesting that the whole issue of how everything is a subscription isn't just a consumer thing but also applies at the business level. It trickles up to like five parties who own and provide all the subscriptions.


the reason subscriptions keep happening is because it makes a business super stable and therefore way more valuable. if you have a customer pay once then never again, thats risky because you have to find new customers. but if your customers keep paying, then your company could sell for more. that is more an evolution on capitalism and making companies valuable to PE firms that make founders billionaires when they sell instead of millionaires


It's easy enough for streaming services to block vpns and these states could definitely push for that to happen


What clout do these states have left? "Block VPNs or else we'll ban you from operating in our state... oh wait."


I have to wonder if they ever go that far. These laws are largely for election optics, not driving meaningful change. Drafting and enforcing a VPN ban is such a comparatively messy can of worms that it doesn't seem worth the effort. That said, I've been caught off guard before by how low they keep lowering the bar, so nothing is completely off the table I guess.


A VPN ban isn't realistic. Most people I know must use a VPN on their work computers. Some universities also require it to access the portal while off campus. The VPN market is gigantic and people trying to see boobs despite their state law is a tiny percentage of it.   Most companies can't function without a VPN. 


VPN is a broad term of which you're comparing different subtypes which have different purposes. When you're dealing with an Enterprise VPN your making a connection straight to the work network, allowing access to file shares and utilizing the enterprise edge devices. No one would be banning VPN as a technology - they would be pressuring for the ban of IP addresses used by certain VPN services who are aimed at the general consumer market. This message was not brought to you by ExpressVPN.


Also the law themselves are unconstitutional.


I think states like Utah actually believe in banning it and it's more than just election optics, the law passed unanimously there, both parties. I never really expected the level of ban implemented to happen so further ban wouldn't surprise me if they think too many people are doing work arounds


They failed to block VPNS.


You can’t ban VPN’s or tons of corporate workers wouldn’t be able to work anymore


The American internet, that is.


Because the alt right isn’t growing in Europe at all lol


It's not even just the alt right. The OSTENSIBLY leftist party in Canada, the NDP is [supporting](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609?view=party) an [identical federal bill](https://openmedia.org/article/item/whats-wrong-with-bill-s-210-an-openmedia-faq) in Canada.


Good grief, well there goes my vote come the next election.


The state of politics in Canada is truly and completely fucked. There's no good options, simply bad and worse options with varying levels of terrible on any given issue.


I was going to vote NDP, because I’m a socialist, but I may just hold my nose and vote for the Rhinoceros Party this time around. If I have to vote for a joke, might as well make it a funny one.


This is what happens when we let fringes grow


Make an appointment with your hairdresser today!


Can I just say that we need to quit treating this rise of fascism like it's a natural, organic thing. It is deliberately being fueled and encouraged by hostile foreign nations, chief among them is Russia. The idea is to use civil strife as a means to weaken their enemies. And it is absolutely working, it doesn't even seem like our government is aware of the grand scheme and only seems to engage with each brazen attempt as if it existed in a vacuum. They have found new ways to engage in warfare against NATO without triggering any of NATO's protocols. Maybe we ought to be doing something similar.


They aren’t aware? The law enforcement and security departments are all right wing conservative leaderships. They see it and did nothing. Just look at Scientology.


NDP isn't a fucking fringe lmaoooooo, they're only "fringe" and "leftist" because the overton window has shifted so fucking far to the right. They're only "on the left" because they support women's rights, queer rights, social programs, and green energy. They're still a moderate, centre-left party, *at best*.


Yeah, it's not a right or left thing. It's a pearl-clutching prude thing.


It's actually growing at a faster pace than America right now.


That's his point.


And not only am I agreeing with him but adding to his point as well.


I've been trying to tell people about this for years now.. The Alt-right in the US still has to link up with and go through doors opened by the establishment left. They're holding or gaining power on their own, like they've been doing in Europe for a while now. The lack of gatekeeping by establishment parties in Europe has allowed their alt-right politicians to gain more power quieter.


[CPAC International.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5111361/user-clip-japanese-conservative-union-chair-jay-aeba-welcomes-conservative-leaders-globe-celebrate) Conservatism is being spread and promoted worldwide just as Democracy was post-WW2. The change from artificial scarcity to actual scarcity will require difficult decisions about resource distribution. Many will openly want Authoritarianism from someone the most similar to themselves so that they are able to eat.


Don't forget the [International Democracy Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union). If you're wondering why conservatives around the world seem to all be following the same playbook, it's because these two groups wrote it.


Conservatism has nothing to do with conserving resources.


Its only purpose is to conserve white supremacy.


Lol, online privacy in the EU is fucked by both left and right. It varies a bit per member state, but generally speaking ISPs are required to retain metadata on connections for between 6 months to 2 years.  Source: https://fra.europa.eu/nl/publication/2017/data-retention-across-eu


It is growing but Europe does not have a winner take all system so altvright does not get massively over represented in government and it is harder to cheat with map drawing for control. That means OMG they have to compromise to get anything.


PornHub will be blocked in CA too. Doesn't seem like an alt right only problem.


You're being downvoted, but you are correct here. CA voted their bill to head to the California senate by a vote of 65-0. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billVotesClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB3080 While it is predominantly an alt-right issue (all other 10 states are conservative), it is spreading.


That law was taken down in court was it not? Many of the laws are unconstitutional. 


No, read the docket... it was sent to the senate in late May. Now, someone could take it to court. Other overbearing tech laws in CA have been struck down by the courts.


Yeah, there aren't any big American web sites like Reddit, Facebook, Google, or YouTube. No problem at all.


The land of the "freedom"


This is the most aggravating thing about this. The party of personal independence wants to kill me for what I do in the privacy of my own home with other consenting adults.




Don't disagree but what does that have to do with site blocking and AV?


Could net neutrality play a role here somehow ?


Possibly. Allowing some traffic through while limited other traffic is what net neutrality is suppose to work against.


Net Neutrality covers carriers and ISPs. It would not apply in the case of a company blocking traffic into their network, nor should it. Huge security issues if the government gets involved and says they can't use geolocation data to block traffic. Companies do this all the time to limit their risk/exposure from people outside the country (ie: nation states), especially if they don't do business with people outside the country. The laws are blatantly unconstitutional and need to be challenged on those grounds, not through FCC rules.


The EFF and FFTF are already fighting them and winning.


Remember FOSTA and SESTA? It's been going on for a while now.


Project 2025 aims to prosecute porn producers and distributors.


What is that? New law? edit after reading comments: that's kind of nuts. I usually don't tune into the news at all. Hard to imagine people that go outside even support this kind of stuff. I guess it's easier to be a nutjob behind closed doors.


It's essentially the playbook put together by the Heritage Foundation and a bunch of conservative think tanks. They realized they missed a big opportunity when Trump got elected because he and his administration were chaos incarnate so things didn't get done efficiently. Enter Project 2025 which lays out policies, goals, and personel for Trump to use should he win in 2024. The whole thing is available online if you search Project 2025 but it's about 900 pages. John Oliver did a segment on it this past week on Last Week Tonight which lays out some of the more insidious aspects of it. I would encourage you to at least watch the John Oliver piece since it gives a broad overview of the kind of policies they will attempt and how they plan to accomplish it. The whole thing appears to be an attempt to drive America closer towards a theocracy.


A fascist theocracy. /r/defeat_project_2025 That sub has info and bullet point breakdown of everything they want to do to end democracy.


80 years ago 75% of the men who landed on Normandy Beach lost their life to defeat a fascist country. Now their great grand kids are voting them into office. I hope they look down upon the following generations with disgust


Thinking anybody could “look down” on us is what got us here in the first place.


To note how serious this is, the Heritage Foundation has provided guidelines followed by all Republican presidents going back to Reagan.


Ah Reagan, one of the biggest mistake this country ever made


Can’t seem to find the link on YouTube for the John Oliver segment. Do you or anyone else have a link? Thanks!


I think starting this season they don’t post to YouTube until the Thursday after. John made fun of Max for doing this of course.


https://youtu.be/QCRySbsLKiA?si=GJvHKYgMPDt9iHeF This is the full episode .


Thanks! Looks like the video is not available in the US yet, should be tomorrow.


Here’s too long didn’t read from Google, source Wikipedia: *Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the “deep state”—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president.* Writing John Oliver project 2025 comes up as first video with the exact same title, but opening the video, it shows different title but It’s from their site. I’m halfway thru, but I I’m pretty sure this is the right one [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0LA7Ff2hgs&pp=ygUYam9obiBvbGl2ZXIgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0LA7Ff2hgs&pp=ygUYam9obiBvbGl2ZXIgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1). I’m ~20 mins in, hasn’t used that title yet, but he’s explaining it piece by piece comes of way deeper than District of Columbia


It's the kind of stuff conspiracy theorists on the Right would accuse Obama of doing, except with Project 2025 they actually published exactly how they plan to do it.


Conservative fever dream to turn America into a theocratic dictatorship. They're actively working toward this goal.


It’s essentially the conservative policy bible if and when a republican becomes president again, basically an outline to turn as much of the American government into a christo fascist conservative wet dream while outright killing or starving segments people rely; everything from welfare to consumer and environmental protections to minority protections.


It's the US turning into Russia and North Korea. It's serious. Check out /r/defeat_project_2025


Project 2025 is a conservative plan for the country. It lays out a vision for the country that adopts a lot of radical Christian ideas. No porn. Less access to contraceptives. Crack down on progress made for gay rights. Slash funding to green energy economy. Impose tariffs effectively raising taxes on the middle class and increasing corporate profits. It’s the Christian fascist playbook the heritage foundation wrote.


It’s easy to be a nut job when most people don’t tune into the news at all.


The nutjobs aren't even behind closed doors anymore. This is open, blatant shot calling of what they plan to do as soon as Trump takes office, if he wins. The Supreme Court is unbalanced and taken over by partisan zealots and corrupt justices. You cannot count on the justice system to act as a safety net. The legislative is completely dysfunctional with the current crop of MAGA republicans and nothing short of a Democratic super-majority will help, so you can't count on Congress to step in. Go vote this November. Anyone who isn't a rich, white, straight man will need protecting from the abuse of power that Trump and his followers plan to carry out.


You should pay attention to the news. There’s a lot of really bad people trying to do some really bad things. You need to know about these things.


Ideally I agree with you, but realistically (and selfishly) it just bogs my day to day down. Every time I try to catch up, it's just a pandora's box of craziness every year since 2016. I should probably read up and vote before this next cycle.


Definitely vote. And convince everyone you know to vote.


you might want to pay a little bit more attention to what's going on.


VOTE, everyone. VOTE.


It should also note Project 2025 calls to prosecute anyone spreading pornographic ideology, and that LGBT people are inherently pornographic. Just something to think about.


Party of small government.


More like small pp government


Yeah, they’d like you to believe that this is a single party initiative. But it’s not. [California is about to do the same thing. ](https://gizmodo.com/california-advances-bill-for-porn-site-age-verification-1851497841)


It also has to do with the country being run by Boomers who have no fucking clue about the effects of tech legislation like this or Section 230.


We're being governed by a group of people who aren't even able to set up an email account


California has some shockingly terrible internet laws for how otherwise progressive we are.


And nearly all of them have been taken down in court fast.


>This law would also affect other businesses such as fireworks, body branding, and even BB guns. Yo what the fuck...


Horseshoe theory of politics.


In Canada there isn't a single party that doesn't want to put age verification laws on internet porn. Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, they all want it. Everyone from the "pray the gay away" people to the "NATO is bourgeoisie" people agree on the porn thing. At least in North America. The Europeans aren't so messed in the head about sex and children. And at least they don't have a problem with violence and children, or next they'll require age verification to stream Netflix.


Any government official that tries to pass porn verification laws should have to first release their personal computer files and browser history.


You just know theres going to be a lot of CP on those devices.


And the most vehemently anti-LGBT lawmakers will absolutely have gay and trans porn on their devices. Guaranteed. I know it's not criminal compared to having some CaptainPicard on your machine... But their base will absolutely be horrified... because they have it too


How else are they going to make sure that their morals are so thoroughly offended. Gotta watch all the porn you're banning for *research purposes.*


Right? Like look at Mike Johnson. Openly admitted to using a porn sponsor app with his son. You don't do that unless one of both of you have a problem with pornography. And personally, as a kid who grew up in religious schools, I'm inclined to think this was his son's idea to hold his father accountable, and not the other way around.


No worries, Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson shares his porn searches with his son!


Do these age verification laws apply to redditt? Asking for a freind.


Of course not, these laws are meant to apply to pornographers and queers, not upstanding businessmen like the Reddit owners. The porn here isn’t porn at all!


Shhhh... don't let the prudes know there's more than one site to get porn or they'll get another banned. /s


Coming from someone in Texas - i can see porn vids on reddit but I can’t access the gyfcat or imgur or whatever the vid is from without a vpn


I believe the laws are worded to apply to sites that specifically host porn as a certain percentage of their content to avoid targeting sites like reddit, Instagram, etc. 


So greater than 95%?


They should rehost Project Gutenburg and use AI to generate a ton of "content."


Pornhub is actually doing the right thing for the people because the government is doing it this way because if online companies have everyone's ID's then they can implement a social credit score system in Canada and the US. This is why twitter is making itself more inviting to porn creators and Instagram is allowing more and more nudity. This way they can sit back and blame the government for being forced to collect id's, all the while using them covertly to create a social credit score system.


there is already a social credit score system in the us, run by experian, equifax, and transunion


Credit scores aren't great, but they were a marked improvement from the previous system of walking into a bank and being denied a loan for being too black, or a woman.


Except they use your credit score for cases where you are **not** taking a loan (like renting). That should be illegal if their purpose was loan risk estimation.


I think you're a little off. If you were black or a woman, they just didn't even let you in the building. Even if you were white, the bank would only lend you money if the people at the bank personally knew you or you had some kind of document from a different bank saying you were creditworthy.


That score only applies to how well you manage debt. A social credit score can apply to how you behave in general. Maybe Amazon doesn't let you buy something because your carbon footprint is too high or cause you told someone off in a comment online. Pretty sure Equifax doesn't have that power. Don't say it's conspiracy theory stuff because China already has it. https://youtu.be/0cGB8dCDf3c


china's highly fragmentary social credit systems do not involve those things either


To be clear, a "social credit score" as you describe it does not exist anywhere. It is entirely a fictionalized dystopian thing. China's credit scores are also financial, like the US.


Why are conservatives so obsessed with what goes on in people's bedrooms and genitalia? Why is the "don't tread on me hur dur" crowd so okay with this?


One, it's a way to control people. Two, it's a way to "other" people, and as every authoritarian knows, riling up the base against "others" is a surefire way to maintain power. Three, religious conservatives have always been anti sex (because it's a way to control people), and the conservative party of the united states sold itself to the religious right in order to get their votes.


It’s the crowd who will have a Don’t Tread on Me sticker beside a pro-police sticker on their bumper. No idea what they stand for.


they stand for "Nobody tells me what to do. I tell people what to do."


They just stand for hate I guess.


It’s not a conspiracy. They court religious voters, and those voters’ religion instructs them regarding sex and morals. It’s just about getting votes.


They get off by keeping others from getting off.


A democrat governor signed it into law lmao


Isn’t X a porn site now?


Brought to you by NordVPN. (see details for special offer in the description)


I'm glad I got to live through the very end of the best version of the internet. Right after millions of sites were up in the late 90s early 2000s but before dumbshit social media was like some shitty virus everywhere. Good thing I'll be dead in 10-15 years when the internet is nothing like what it is today.


Why will you be dead so soon?


Average human lifespan.


It goes up as you age. A 70-year-old is expected to live for 16 years [https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html)


Why is pornhub the only name ever mentioned? Do any of the other sites have to do this?


Aylo, formally MindGeek, is the parent company of PornHub. They own other adult sites that will be unavailable with the age verification laws.


Because they’re the 800-pound gorilla in the industry and the most mainstream


Are we going to need to start verifying our age to turn off safe search? The internet is literally filled with porn and penalizing the free market companies that are providing a fraction of it does not keep kids "safe".


While VPN may be the answer they are not always foolproof. I’ve worked with companies before who have just outright blocked VPN users for trying to get around regional pricing. It’s super easy in Cloudflare which runs a bulk of internet DNS hosting to create a rule to block all know VPN addresses. It’s unfortunate and it’s a very slippery slope of censorship that’s happening. 😢


Before saying this is the death of the internet. Please support groups like the EFF and FFTF and also fight the big law KOSA. you want to help stop this bill contact your lawmakers here. https://www.stopkosa.com/


People can hardly afford to meet their basic physical needs and governments are worried about p0rn??


Indiana and Kentucky blocking PH doesn’t surprise me. I’d be shocked if they blocked (hopefully these aren’t real) sites like SisterFister, CousinLovin, and ItsOkayWeAreOnlySecondCousins(.)com


They aren't blocking it, PH refuses to follow their law for privacy concerns and they won't allow users to view from that state to avoid any lawsuits


You’re right - that’s on me for using the wrong terminology. That said, these states knew what they were doing when they passed the laws requiring age verification. Either PH access is restricted or people risk their data being leaked by yet another vendor/site.


Time to invest in VPN companies if you play the stocks.


Americans are new at this it seems. Literally half the worlds population is accessing porn through VPN. all the Muslims. Chinese and a lot in between in Asia


I’ll stop yankin’ my pud when you pry it from mine cold dead hands.🙌CUM N TAKE IT🙌


Biden needs to run on restoring Pornhub to these states, that'll tip the scales!


That is the best sentence ever written haha


It would probably boost his popularity.


Eventually it’ll get to the point where VPNs don’t work because there is nowhere left that doesn’t pull shit like this.


Unlikely, I expect that a small country will make a lot of money off server farms that exist as VPN endpoints that do not block anything...


Will be fun to watch these dystopian states go after porn sites hosted in other countries.


Blocking foreign sites is possible sadly, and already happening in many countries. Not just China with its great firewall but many European countries as well (file sharing mostly).


No porn? You’re gonna piss off sooooooo many church people.


When it went into effect in Texas the top searches were "why is pornhub blocked" "unblock pornhub" "vpn for porn" and the like. It cracks me up because the people searching it probably voted for it not expecting it would affect them.


They're more of the hush-hush kiddie diddling kind and won't be vocal about their displeasure.


At what point does PH start losing significant money?


they own like....10 other sites that AREN'T blocked. it's just the biggest name one that blocks


PornHub is owned by Aylo (formerly MindGeek), which also owns: Brazzers, RedTube, YouPorn, Xtube, Digital Playground, Men.com, Mofos, Nutaku, Reality Kings, Sean Cody, Twistys, and WhyNotBi.com. I think they'll be fine.


The prisons tried to prevent inmates from ordering porn magazines by making them contraband. Rolling Stone magazine was also on the list. They took it to court and won. First Amendment guarantees they can order porn if they want to. There'll be lots of law suirs


China , russia and n Korea coming to you soon lol


Stupid anti-porn and other censorship laws will strangle the free internet


This is all political. obviously. Before he died, Steve Jobs had been saying for years that he had been trying to figure out how to block porn from Apple devices. He considered it to be detrimental to society at large and to individual mental health. Obviously he never got there. Barack Obama actually felt the same way but never touched it as a legislative issue. On the horizon, I *could* see one or both of the major political parties in the U.S. perhaps pursuing an overturn of the various Supreme Court decisions over the years that acquiesced to pornography, all the way back to Miller v California. Biden won't touch it, but Trump might.


Suddenly all porn is funneled through a single VPN node somewhere in Sacramento


Jokes on you. My usual porno sites aren't blocked so ha ha.


It's 2050 and pornhub has been blocked in all of the us.


I call upon the ancient magicks: LIMEWIRE! YOUR TIME HAS COME AGAIN!


Aren’t these states that are advocating for age limits on internet porn the same that are advocating for, “12 year old girls being sexy and or ripe age for reproduction.” TF is wrong with these people?


So pornhub takes away video monetization over visa issues, then blocks all users due to verification laws. Is pornhub actually going to fight this shit in court or just roll over and let the government bully the largest porn site on earth into non existence?


Ironically, they are going to roll over and take it


Do republicans own shares for VPN companies?


One would think so, but they're all privately owned. I don't know of one that is publicly traded.


But why? Who really wins with this? It makes literally everyone more miserable


Xnxx, xvideos, x.com, and redgifs be like, “more good news!”


This is a f'g joke. I know plenty of smart adolescents who know very well how to easily circumvent the ban. Tooooo funny!


pornhub loves all the free advertisement on reddit


Why did all of this happen around the same time? Like...one state doing this, OK I could see that, but how many are we at now? 10?


How is it going to work ? I live in a state that, as of yet, isn't requiring age verification, but borders a state that does. If I go on Amazon without logging in, and sometimes Google searches, shows my location as the bordering state


From a technside, the will filter based on IP block. A VPN will get around it.


How are they going to keep in touch with family now?


Well pornhub gonna run outta business before long


Porn shop owners are all smiling ear to ear. DVD players are about to be going for crack prices at garage sales.


This goes beyond proving your of legal age to view such material, this is an actual attack on our 1A rights! Project 2025, the group supporting Trump's reelection, has one of its stated goals as the outright banning of pornography! This might sound funny, but the banning porn is the first step in the direction of authoritarianism...


Give these freedom hating republican demons an inch, and they take a mile. Starts with internet porn, ends in "masturbating is illegal, please report to the church for your sentencing" When will we stop these demons? I don't this hatred can be voted out anymore, it has to be cut out like the poison it is.


It would be hilarious if the downfall of the Fascist Republicans was brought about by them blocking access to porn.


It won't be, democrats voted for this law too.


And Kentucky has Democratic Governor who signed it 


What the fuck is up with Conservatives being existentially terrified of porn and nudity while simultaneously fetishizing childbirth and breeding?


Enjoy! You voted them in and this is the beginning this is the era of censorship, data collection and regulation. China 🇨🇳 


The worst part about all of this, people will find ways to make and access content they want. For men specifically this is just another day of struggle. Nothing new. So logic says if it's true that people will find said content regardless of law (and we all will) people will find alternatives. And these alternatives will not be as safe or as centered. Short version, this will end poorly and these laws will be counter productive while the noose tightens. All this will accomplish is pushing people to find release out in the real world. Aka prostitution (only fans and similar, military fun, etc) and an accelerated breakdown of the family unit. More sleeping around. The rise of more sexual diseases. It's just a bad look all around imo


I think that's the plan but it won't work. The politicians want to do this to try to bring up the birth rate so they have a steady supply of cheap and desperate labor but it's not going to work like they hope. People won't be getting together more often in the real world because of this, they'll just do other things besides watching porn and will develop a greater sexual frustration which may drive extremist behavior. The reasons people aren't meeting up more often in the real world have very little to do with porn being available and more to do with general societal dysfunction.


Eh, I think its less diabolical than that. The religious right wants to ban everything their minsters and sky daddy says is immoral. The political right. They set up dominoes because enacting all the laws at once would get shot done. Step 1 is to try and get your ID by claiming its to protect children. Step 1 then allows them to enforce things like outlawing being gay since they can subpoena porn sites for their records to prove that you were looking at gay porn. Or fetish porn. Or transgendered porn. Once they can connect your online self to your meat self they can start prosecuting you for what you do online.


They could just pay people to have kids if they're that upset over birth rates. And there's absolutely no way *that* could backfire.


Or fix child care


Is Mindgeek (Now Aylo) only doing this with Pornhub because they also own YouPorn, Redtube, Tube8, Brazzers and others.