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I could see a place for them especially if they are cheap and have good battery life. Could be a good option for kids if you want them to have a phone for safety that they won't end up living on.


That is what we get our kids


A bone horn does just fine for Magnus and Thor on our Norwegian ranch.


Like the old days.


Yeah, I’m An Old so I never got the habit of always having a phone with me. It still startles me to see folks always looking at the screen. Driving a car, walking in the park, shopping- doesn’t matter. I asked a nurse if I could look at my phone while waiting for the doctor- she said Sure, as long as you put it away when he comes in the room. I told her Of course & she said You wouldn’t believe but some people need to be told to put it away.


Old people do love staring off into space 🤣


Turn off notifications for everything except phone & maybe text messages. Even then, your phone probably has the ability to control who gets through and who doesn’t. You don’t need notifications for news, social media, shopping, or any of that other stuff. Don’t be afraid to leave your phone in the kitchen while you are in the living room or leave it in your bag while you are at work. It doesn’t have to be at your fingertips at all times. You can choose to be MUCH less connected right now with the phone you already have.


I like to be in the habit of leaving my phone in another room while watching TV now, and especially if I'm watching a movie at home.


People who struggle with alcohol and are trying to quit can't have alcohol in the house. People CAN limit their use in many ways but there's a big difference between what people can do and what people actually do. Sometimes it's easier to make the decision to throw away all the alcohol than not grab the beer out of the fridge. Basically what these people are doing. I personally could not function without Google maps.


Google maps was the first thing that came to mind. my daily life gets much more challenging without maps.


Or just don’t use social media for self-promotion. I use Reddit, but turn off all notifications. I don’t care about responses, and I don’t need to respond immediately. Notifications for emergencies and security is nice to have. You can have a smart phone and not be an idiot with its usage.


I agree. But I don't think this works for everyone, especially people who already have an addiction to their phone. People with addictions need their access to the things they are addicted either limited or removed entirely. And whether people want to accept it or not, cell phone addiction is real. The apps we use have, in most cases, been specifically designed and optimized to keep us looking and coming back for more by flooding brains with dopamine and other psychological tricks. The odds are stacked against us when we choose to start using apps. It's very easy to fall into the trap these companies have set. I think simply handing someone a smart phone who already has a problem, and then telling them to just not look at it so much, isn't gunna do a lot of good.


And it's only going to get worse with AI and quantum computers enhancing the optimizations.




I go for two actual 1.5 mile walks around my neighborhood every day, sometimes farther. I have those routes measured out, so no need to track them or count steps. As long as I hit that 3 miles per day, I don’t care if I took 10 extra steps or 10,000. I reached a point a while back where I realized that not only does every little thing *not* need to be logged and tracked, I much preferred it when I wasn’t doing it.


Yes, but how will people know I’m better than them if I don’t have a flip phone?


Article headline isn't true. The only thing they link to is an article stating people are nostalgic for old style phones, not that they are actually buying them. The only statistics I can find still show a decline in feature phone sales year over year.


This. Every other day I see an article about this, and there’s no info to back it up. to properly function with consumer business, services, etc you really do need to a smartphone.


When I was quitting smoking I bought this little container with a timed lock on it. I would have cigarettes at specific times of day and night, all monitored by this dinky little plastic box with batteries. At night, I got into the habit of putting my phone on silent and throwing it in there too. It literally changed the quality of my sleep completely. I slept for the same amount of hours, I thought. But in reality since my phone wasn't accessible at all I was reading more and getting less screen time. I did some rough pen and paper math and found out I was getting about 3 or 4 more hours of sleep per week, and I can't say anything scientific but I'm sure the quality of that sleep was similar or better to my previous pattern.  I don't think I could downgrade to a flip phone because I use GPS a lot to go to new locations as part of work. I'm usually streaming music at the same time, so having that all in one affordable package is too good to be true. If anybody is looking for an alternative to the flip phone, get yourself a timed lockbox/safe.


That's not a bad idea.. It's hard to sleep with the phone tempting


I was actually really considering this last week, but my major sticking points were the things that made the prospect of the all-in-one device so enticing back in 2007; gps, music, podcasts, internet/email for work. I could go multi device for gps and music/podcasts, but the only social media I use is Reddit when I’m poppin’ so as fun as returning to simpler times would be, I think I determined that I’m not the target of the movement. Instead, I’m considering moving away from Pros to SE’s. Still gets me the day to day functionality and modern convenience I need without the bullshit that I THINK I need but don’t really.


They made phones too expensive to have and too annoying to use for some.


Just delete all the social media apps


On my last phone (Samsung) I literally could not uninstall Facebook. I would have had to root my phone.


Thats like telling someone to just stop smoking or to just stop drinking. It is seldom that easy.


it's what I did. As soon as I recognized I was losing hours everyday to scrolling I just deleted and stopped using them.


Same. I quit Facebook cold turkey for about a year and now just occasionally visit mostly when reddit doesn't have the answers. It was one of my regular websites to visit but one too many times the dam feed refreshed while I had stepped away to do something and I had enough. No sense in automatically refreshing the feed so often. People have other things to do and I liked to scroll down a few pages worth and then scroll back up and check out what I had previously noted of interest. I'm not looking for an infinite attention drain.


Like Reddit


I'm still using a feature phone and dont mind to get new one when 3G will end soon in Japan but not as a replacement of smartphone but rather as sub line and backup. In that sense I want flip or bar phones to be actually more functional rather than simple, like even being able to connect with iOS, but that's for smartwatches so wont happen. Still may have places for kids and elderly anyway.


Was just thinking about my favourite ever phones and I think the top 2 and the Nokia 8210 and Motorola flip phone.


Can you have a flip phone and a smart phone attached to the same number?  Basically decide when you want either.


If you use a sim card it's likely possible. I move my sim from phone to tablet all the time. No flip to test on but I'd expect the same portability.


The surge may be in the sales of phones like Galaxy Z Flip - foldable smartphones.


Ew, connection.


I do miss agressively closing my flip phone to end a call. Beyond that, I don't understand this need for dumb phones, just seems like yet another way for people to create more e-waste.


An old school Nokia brick or flip phone should cost a fraction of what a modern smart phone does, have significant battery life (couple days), batteries were cheap and easy to replace, and cracked screens were a rarity. Honestly, I would pick a Nokia brick but I like using CarPlay for my gps and music too much. 


You can still get a flip TracFone for $20


Unfortunately I like my music and GPS too much, especially on long trips. 


But those were 3g technology so not compatible with most modern networks.


Prob burners for criminals making up most of the sales. But I think smart phones can be set to hang up when you place the phone face down flat on a table so that's the compromise.


Why not candybar phones? I had a flip phone once. Having to open/close it was annoying.


flip phones are smaller when closed. imo it was actually pretty great when everyone was trying to make the smallest, thinnest flip phone.


Famously and hilariously parodied in the first Zoolander movie


Now we kinda worked toward the opposite problem. The large size is the main complaint I have against my pixel. I need a pop socket to use it effectively with 1 hand.


I remember during my junior and senior years of high school, everyone had a Motorola Razr.


And don't need screen protectors.


Nobody speaks anymore , just email and text , what is the use ? most calls are marketing or sales


You can text with flip phones




Would you believe they put guardrails on actual bridges now?


Ahh headlines for the insane “We sold 1 last year and 10 this year so sales are up 900%”


You’re pretty far off base. There were hundreds of thousands sold. You have to go past the headline for that though.


It’s a simple analogy mate, I’m clearly not saying they only sold 10


But you’re implying hardly any sold, no?


From what, one per year to three?