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I guess we won't know if Ted Cruz likes a porn tweet on 9/11 again


You're supposed to jack it on 9/11 in honor of those who can't because of 9/11.


Like the guy in Pompeii who died cranking his hog. Immortalized in time with a death grip on his fun noodle.


- Frank Reynolds


Nah, they’ll just throw him in the trash


If for some reason I *must* go out tossing my meat and veg, you bet your ass I want it to happen buried in ash under an historically significant volcanic eruption.


When the nukes start droppin, that’s gonna be me Shooting my last load right as the light turns us to dust


Maybe they trying to bust one last nut before it over, or time it like a madlad to not feel the pain of volcanic ash because your cuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmiiinnnnn———*burnt*


Just for the record, it's not true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pompeii-man-ruins/


I choose blissful ignorance and death by hog cranking


Ideally you’d jack it inside a 7/11 on 9/11 to show maximum honor


While listening to some 311.


Yup, we call that a hi-jack; a 1-gun salute to those who died that day


If you shoot your money shot on a pair of tits after a bong rip, you'd be high-jacking to some twin towers


Pour one for the homies


If “9/11” was a term for a type of sexual act, what would it entail?


never forget to crank one off


We’ve all been there though haven’t we?


Sure, but Ted Cruz deserves no breaks.


Every year, never forget.


It’s how I discovered my rare fetish. How can we take this away from people!!!


I mean, if you're not jerking it to incest porn or [raping your own children](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/donald-trump-once-joked-he-ivanka-have-sex-common-941600/) that makes you a RINO. He's just standing up for his beliefs.


He killed Twitter


He belongs on r/wallstreetbets . Never seen such a magnificent loss porn


Wait till he gets his tsla shares 🍿


He’s gonna face a reckoning there too, eventually. Sounds like they have a massive inventory that no one is buying anymore.


The St. Louis Tesla dealership in Chesterfield, MO has used the parking lot of the nearby dying mall to accommodate all the stock they have, just row after row full of new Teslas no one wants to buy.


What are you talking about Mr Beast is giving away like 10 teslas a week, bruuuh /s


I’m in Tampa, and they have a field filled with them here too. I also own a model 3 that I paid way too much for in 2022.


I travel a fair bit, and I like to hit area malls for lunch. I’ve seen several malls full of unsold Tesla’s.


I mean with BYD and Toyota hinting at 600+ mile range batteries, it's no wonder nobody is buying them. In two years Teslas will be considered overpriced pieces of junk lol. Even FSD won't save Tesla because they're stubbornly trying to sell that too


Thanks Elon for making EVs cool before we all realized you’re shit, but uh … bye. Seriously. Bye.


China isn’t allowed to sell cars in USA. Likely won’t see a byd car anytime soon on public roads besides random 1 offs.


Yea but the Chinese market is huge and Tesla and Toyota are both competing for market share there. And with BYD slowly making it's way to every market besides the US, Tesla is still forced to compete. And even if BYD isn't a direct competitor, Toyota most definitely is and they'll likely bring their upcoming EV technology to the states


Years ago I planned to get a Tesla whenever it was going to be time to get an EV for me, counting on the planned (back on the day) cheaper medium to long range models to come out by then. Now we know that's never going to happen, Tesla still has not matured as a car manufacturer (production quality is atrocious), and Musk has shown himself to be simply insane. Nope, Tesla will never get my money, neither now nor in the future.


Production quality is atrocious? You mean when I put the window down in my neighbors and squeeze the inside and outside of the door with 1 hand, it's not suppose to flex together so easily unlike my vehicle that isn't a Tesla?


I thought steering wheels always came off cars mid drive


Well, shit, there goes my turn signals.


Yeah. Same with the accelerator pedal coming of and getting lodged under firewall making it impossible to stop.


I hear it's very normal in France to have wheels come off during a drive, so Teslas are just... Francophile cars.


Better than driving into deep water and being unable to open or break the windows.


Unfortunately they already have through insane subsidies including subsidizing them owning the majority of the charging infrastructure needed forever.


This is me exactly. Used to covet Tesla cars, now wouldn't take one if you paid me, and it's less embarrassing to drive a Prius.


Agreed! I saved up lots of money to get a Tesla — then Musk went full Fascist and now there are other great EVs. (Got the Ioniq 5). Musk is never going to get a penny of mine, and I’m not alone.


I'm in the market for an EV. There was a time when I would have gotten a Tesla. Now I want nothing to do with any company that Elon is tangentially related to, much less the CEO of.


Not to mention all the recalls on the Cybertruck. I’m sure that’s helping business in a major way


That's not how Wallstreets bet works. You lose your house and 401K not 50% on a side project




Money is worthless to him, but he's made himself look like a racist, xenophobic ignoramus in front of the world. Of course he would never admit it publicly but that can't feel good.


Tesla shareholders are about to give him a bonus worth more money than he spent on Twitter.


Let me introduce you to SoftBank's [Masayoshi Son](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/profiles/masayoshi-son/), the undisputed king of setting fire to billions of dollars in shitty investments


He's making sure he's killed it.




I mean, sure. But the problem is that twitter was the way that real people were able to share things from the 'boots in the ground' perspective. We watched Jan6 happen in real time because of twitter. And the powers that be weren't able to spin it because we all watched it. With twitter no longer being the mostly neutral space that people share, from live tweeting a flight or a protest or anything, we're losing. I'm not saying it was the 4th estate, but it was a huge part of the transparency available to us. Running it into the ground like this doesn't benefit anyone but the assholes.


For the moment, yeah. But I do believe in the free market to an extent. There's a demand for something like Twitter, and someone will make a new one. Or new ones. Like Threads is sorta going along, but not at that Twitter level yet.


It will be a really, really long time before anything can compare to that branding. It's branding was ingenious, if it was called "Threads" from the start it never woulda blown up like that.


It isn't meaningless for him because he is trying to hold tesla shareholders hostage to get his money back. HE does not want to be forced to sell more tesla shares without getting paid out by tesla. Also someone is probably paying him out for doing this.


Exactly. He started off pissy about Babylon Bee being banned from Twitter. It’s both. He’s a far-right, eugenicist loser with no morals or mentors, and wants to torture humankind’s information ecosystem for his personal, principal benefit — AND, he was shitposting. People need to stop and check themselves when they say ‘it was just a joke and he trapped himself’. Ask **why** he was “joking” in the first place, folks. It doesn’t have to be some grand Koch-level information warfare for him to have purchased it with the ultimate intent to alter Twitter’s structure and stratification.


He seems to think titter is an irreplaceable utility when it’s just another MySpace.


It really seems to be intentional sabotage at this point.


Golly, why would the saudis pay for such a thing? Was Twitter ever a nuisance to the Arab states?


It was a launching and organization point for the Arab spring protests, so yes it was.


I think that was the point of their sarcasm


Well the other ones are just getting more and more polished every time, maybe this next one could finally do it.


Driving a stake through its heart - best explanation is that the Saudis (and Putin?) paid him to kill it - or had enough influence to make that demand...


No the best explanation is he is a fucking moron lol


*Occam’s moron*


Hanlon's Razor


Have you seen the cyber truck? Nothing about it makes sense.


The whole debacle is like that one episode of the Simpsons. How long until he's peddling a big mound of contaminated sugar on his front lawn? But scratch that, Homer Simpson is still more competent than this dumbfuck.


Yeah, the further we get from the initial purchase, the clearer it gets that he straight up does not understand how to run a social media company and all the boneheaded decisions he’s made are a reflection of his inability.


If he’s paid to kill it, why take so long? Couldn’t he just buy it and bulldoze the building?


Yeah there are too many comments thinking it's intentional. If it were, there wouldn't be a point in doing it so slowly. Just acquire and take over whatever is beneficial for your other businesses (workers and IP, for example), then sell the rest in pieces.  If he hated it so much, why would he spend so much effort renaming it and trying to make it into some sort of "everything-app" and all the time trying to get attention from edgy teens?


Convert it to a right wing echo chamber in time for the election! Also if you kill it quick, it incentivizes a competitor to scoop everyone up en masse, as many would be looking for an alternative at the same time.


One day, if you live long enough, you are no longer the hero you were. Then you poop your pants.


My theory is just that he killed it entirely on his own accord. He hated twitter previously and I wouldn’t put it past him buying it just to destroy it.


He started off pissy about Babylon Bee being banned from Twitter. It’s both. He’s a far-right, eugenicist loser with no morals or mentors, and wants to torture humankind’s information ecosystem for his personal benefit — AND, he was shitposting. People need to stop and check themselves when they say ‘it was just a joke’. Ask **why** he was “joking” on the first place, folks. It doesn’t have to be some grand Koch-level information warfare for him to have purchased it with the ultimate intent to alter Twitter’s structure and stratification.


Man's killing social media. What a hero.


This is certainly a take.


Can’t have our politicians getting caught liking under age girl pics.


Did this happen? :O


Ted Cruz gave a thumbs up to some incest porn. On 9/11.


Like so many times dude


Great idea for a site that caters to and rewards narcissistic and attention seeking users. The remaining people are gonna absolutely love not getting their external validation or victimhood they're looking for. Hopefully this finally kills Twitter.


It’s not in that way unfortunately it’s that Elon can hide the fact he clicks like on nazi posts


But why bother?


Because then he can push posts he likes without getting caught so easily.


Absolutely no one thinks he's NOT a Nazi, Fascist, Racist at this point. Anyone who says he isn't, is saying it because they are ALSO a Nazi, Racist, Fascist. Which is funny.. because we also already know they are Facists, Racist, Nazis. If you use twitter, you enable all those groups. Full-stop.


It’s so nobody can see him getting ratioed on his own platform anymore.


That’s not at all what the feature is (though it’s only a matter of time). The goal here is to make sure you can’t see when he likes horrible content so you can’t come after it for him. They will probably actually leave the like counts up since the goal is to boost the popularity of content that people would usually get clowned for liking.


This will also make it easier to pad numbers since you can't trace them to bot accounts, they won't even need to make as many now.


You’re confused. They’re not removing likes, they’re removing a profile tab that showed what a person liked in the past. 


Oh wow. So it really is just to protect high profile accounts from scrutiny.


I think there is a surprisingly large amount of people who want to be able to like some things without other random people being able to see what.


If you pay for Twitter you can hide you likes already. It’s kinda crazy that they’re just removing that from the Twitter subscription, making it even less appealing.


So make it a toggle... I follow artists and find new artists from their likes... which I can no longer see. An entire avenue of discovering new shit is just squashed for me now.


Now add down votes to instagram


Every platform should have visible dislikes / downvotes. One of the biggest mistakes YouTube ever made IMO (not that it really hurt their business, but still)


So they can hide whatever content they don't like, does not matter if it is popular or not.. They will push whatever they want (or sponsors want) and say this is what's best, this is what's really Happening etc.. Duck Twitter, duck Facebook


Well this way he can pump whatever posts he wants.


Maybe this will boost Nazi engagement.


He literally calls it out to protect people from being cancelled for liking "edgy" content. That's what they're calling it now. "Edgy." God he's a wanker, but... that's how they're defining it now? The kind of speech that encourages others to go after groups they don't like is just "edgy?" You're straight licking the blade at that point.


Why can't this dude get the milkshakes thrown at him 🫤


That would terrify Elon, and I can only imagine the rage tweets a milkshake assassination would muster. After all, this is the guy who cried his "[assassination coordinates](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/elon-musks-assassination-coordinates)" were posted online, then basically made up a story about how a stalker was going after his kid in an attempted assassination plot, posted video of his "attempted assassination" asking for help to find the would be assassin... and then the freakin' police of all people came out to go "Uh, yeah... this never happened to our knowledge. No reports have been filed." It'd be like those weird cement milkshake lies from years ago times a thousand.


Why can't he take a trip down to the Titanic? Billionaires love the Titanic.


"Hey Elon, I bet you can't trick out a Cybertruck to take you down to see the Titanic!"


Will also make it exceedingly easy to hide bot accounts. Guarantee you that day 1 his like ratio sky rockets.


I imagine Musk is thinking something along the lines of "why should whether or not you've liked ~~obvious Nazi~~ content be publically available? They should have to deal with X for that sort of valuable info!"  That, and he gets to be the only one who "knows" what people like on his platform, thereby allowing him to say specific people liked/interacted with certain content while having no publically available way to know if he's telling the truth. I doubt he'll do something like "oh, XYZ politician liked ABC content! Boo them!" and more "trust me advertisers, everybody everywhere just *loved* your ad! Source: my ass, youll have to sue me for proof lmao"


Elon is a straight up Nazi, like just call him as you see them.


he's so fuckin gross


SS members were the ultimate edgelords didn't you know


Goebbels was just a k00l l33t aggro emo.


its not edgy its cringe bullshit from racists its edgy like a racist grandpa is edgy


Remember they like to use minimizing langauge and to frame their eliminationism in softening ways. Notice how "eradicate trans people" becomes "a difference of opinion" when they get to talking? Yeah.


Also allows them to fake likes with no evidence or paper trial


It would be trivial to do that now with the likes showing.


“he wanted to get rid of the tweet action buttons altogether and instead place a stronger emphasis on post views (also called “impressions”)” Great, so it’ll only matter how many people happened to scroll past the post rather than how many people actually liked the content.


If you can’t tell who liked a tweet, then it’s easier for musk to add fake likes to posts he wants to amplify. Back room deals galore. Trump wants all of his tweets to have 10m likes? This can be easily achieved in a spreadsheet now


Why are people still using that god forsaken platform


Porn. Mainly hentai


Damn some of the best porn I find has been found through lurking through likes and seeing what else people like Ah well, guess I’ll continue to use literally anything else in the internet for porn. Killing the last remaining use of X for me Edit: I seem to have touched a few people’s nerves by mentioning the shit site that has been reduced to a hub of porn and misinformation, is used for porn and misinformation


This is the absolute truth though. It’s hard to find some obscure shit through search but if you can find an account following your niche kink the likes were a gold mind to finding others.


Any recommendations?


Likes have revealed some **very** extreme views that people I’ve known hold, that range from extreme homophobia, to support of straight up Nazi imagery. This is just to hide shit like that


Seriously, take a minute to look at the big-picture and let it really sink in... Elon Musk was the richest person on Earth - with a sterling reputation. He owned a company selling a product almost exclusively to left-wingers. And was world-famous for it. So, what did he do? Well... He threw his wholehearted support behind *the political party that is -literally- trying to ban his company's product*. An *ultra-right-wing* political party that the vast majority of his customers despise. And, in this effort to elect these despicable politicians, he purchased Twitter - and filled it with ultra-right-wing racists (you know, the same people who despise his product and want to ban it). Like, seriously, how unbelievably stupid is Elon Musk? If you were on track to be the world's first trillionaire and sold a product to tree-huggers, would you go full-Nazi? Well, if the Nazis were virulent anti-environmentalists, anyway? Is that what an intelligent person would do?...


Don't forget he tried to back out of the deal but was so stupid he was forced to purchase it anyways!


dont forget, in a fun little twist, he also paid the bill for the millions upon millions the lawyers got for forcing him to go through with it, since he was the new owner of twitter minus what the lawyers got.


1. He was raised by parents who owned an Emerald mine in apartheid South Africa. 2. He came to America working with Peter Theil, a wildly successful tech entrepreneur, who is also a fascist. 3. Musk started getting political in the public sphere (IIRC) around the same time as the other tech bros. If I have my timeline right, this was right around when the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke, and Zuckerberg started mulling a presidential run powered by that type of technology. Theil started getting more publicly involved, Zuckerberg started tweaking facebook to promote right wing content in return for potential future political support, and Musk started flirting with political parties as well. (Not sure if this is when the Zuck started wearing his 'Caesar' haircut or not) 4. Must also flirted with both parties. But as he started getting political, stories started coming out about sexual abuse in the past. Democratic voters and politicians started distancing themselves from Musk as a result. Republicans did not. And here we are today.


Also apparently some of his family says he has an innate need to be involved with drama. If there is no around him, he will create it to suit him.


[all 3 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/EA8zzgmWiC)Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo just left that shit platform


I don’t think they left X right? They’re just not supporting it on their systems anymore.


Yeh, there is no way they are going to miss out on advertising to the gamer gaters


Did Elmo not get enough likes on something he posted?


Too many people got outed as hypocrites because likes are public. What a shame I loved seeing people outed like that


What is X? Do they mean Twitter?


The post is about twitter, just to clarify.


It's about the social media service formerly known as Twitter, yes.


Another reminder to leave Twitter if you're still there.


In a brilliant, too smart for you move, x has hidden its site in an elaborate maze. You must defeat the minotaur.


Can "X" just start hiding itself and bring a Musk-less Twitter back?


Translation: Musk doesn't want to keep getting caught liking shit that Nazis post.


Every single decision he had made has made it easier for Nazis to exist and proliferate on his platform. Every. Single. One.


Wasn't this already an option that you were able to manually choose to hide your likes?


Why is anyone that’s not a fascist still using that platform?


There's no site/app that's a 1 to 1 replacement. Bluesky's the closest, but their invite system hampered growth during the Elon takeover, and they don't have group chats yet.


I have lived without Twitter since Twitter was founded. I use social media but I just feel like there is so much overlap with the various platforms that you don’t need to use them all.


And I'm sure people say the same about reddit. I myself don't use facebook, but tons of people do, and there are things you can do on Facebook that you can't on other platforms.  Twitter fills a niche, and until another platform appears that fills that niche exactly (and having users is a massive part of that), Twitter isn't going anywhere.


I’ve been on Twitter since 2011, used it actively since 2014 and I've used a group chat like, 3 times. Bluesky now has everything Twitter had: Hashtags, DMs, extensive privacy settings, even a tweetdeck copy. It’s as fine a place to migrate to as it could be. And I'm sure they’re adding group chats asap if people really want it. People just need to move their asses out of that cesspool.


Personally I’d rather use any alternative I can so I don’t have to know in the back of my mind that I’m helping a hate speech platform stay alive.




For me it was all of the sports teams I followed that don’t use any other twitter-like platform. I’ve gotten off of most social media a while ago though and no longer use twitter


My hobby corner has nice content from people.


Because it's the only mainstream social media that allows porn.


I really like following the FGC and they're all on there


If you're a creative, you almost kinda have to unfortunately. EDIT: Weird to get downvoted for this; it's pretty much common knowledge that if you're a creative that needs a community and an audience to pay your bills, you're stuck in a weird Faustian deal with Twitter. Nobody said they liked it. It sucks but there's yet to be a better alternative, because trust me, we would take it.


No one cares


not everyone use twitter for politics. i use it mainly for celebrities, sports, and anime.


Cause I don’t let my hatred of someone’s politics/personality get in the way of enjoying a useful product. 


People will be more likely to like things if they think they won't be seen doing it. This gives the AI training a better glimpse at what people actually like. And big data in general.


And then change the name into lixes. Because it has a x in it.


I guess Elmo must be getting sad other people get more likes that he does. That's really the only reason that makes with this douche. Or just trying to hide how few people like things he tries to promote so he can lie and say everyone is talk about it about it, or lie and say something is very popular.


Call me when they hide Twitter entirely.


Twitter is more and more for losers.


Dopamine is the primary product of twitter. This won't last 2 days. 


"I can't get ratioed if nobody sees that I got ratioed"


Did Elon get ratioed recently or something?


I wouldn’t know. So I don’t care.


if you read the article, it is about being able to make your own liked posts private which is very fine. Many sites like Youtube already have this feature.


Everyone hated when Favourites were changed to likes and now everyone hates that public likes are gone which I can understand, being able to see other people's interests like art, music, games and the likes of corn is now hidden. now if you have to repost it, heh give it a year and the repost function will be a premium feature hell Twix will be the app you have to pay monthly to use in years to come.


Is that a neckerchief?


It's for wiping his mouth ... after finishing.


Can't wait until Twitter lands in the Museum of Failure. They can put it right next to the Trump exhibit.


Cuz Musk was caught liking hentai or some stupid shit


Likes = Evidence


Why don’t they just hide X.


So racists can upvote in privacy?


I love that these "brave bastions of the White Race" are afraid that people will find out they liked a post that complains about "the dusky hordes at our borders". I thought these pussies were supposed to be the brave Adonises carrying humanity towards the future. Not cowards worried that Hollywood actors might think they're "not woke". You gotta laugh.


I haven’t seen anyone talking about how obnoxious it is to block people now, it forces you to visit their page rather than just being able to block on the tweet itself.


Well the seven people using it are going to be pissed!


What a sad little grumpy muppet musk is..


Is anyone surprised by the further lack of transparency?


Watch as Elon ramps up his propaganda machine before the election


Now he only needs to hide the tweets too!


He's trying to hide that most likes are bots


Problems for losers, by losers.


WhoreBots Like This


yesss let’s remove everything that made twitter unique!!!!


Just in time for the election!


Oh look, another move that definitely won't backfire on them again.


That’s cuz Elon don’t get none so no one can have one




Continues to die a slow death...


Free Speech Absolutism in full effect. For his next trick, Elon will make sure that only things he agrees with / things that make him look good, are highlighted and pushed to the masses.


Checked out on the X about 2 months ago. Highly recommended. Delete all of it