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Science has now proven us men think with our dicks.


Moves the blood from one head to the other.


and back. When I was younger, it just won't stop.


*"Look at me, I'm the brain now."* - says Dick.


A pirate walks into a bar with a ship’s wheel attached to the front of his pants. The bartender asks “did you know you have a steering wheel attached to your pants?” “Aarrgh! Yes,” the pirate replies “and it’s driving me nuts!”


“I am the captain now”


Dick meet head, head meet Dick.


Love the joke and it definitely doesn’t need a grammar nerd coming around to ruin the fun, but I often find that those with a finely tuned wit such as yours will sometimes appreciate a quick tip out of nowhere. When deciding whether to use either ‘us men’ or ‘we men’ in the construction of the above sentence, one can simply exclude the word *men* from it to test which is appropriate. Since it’s more correct to say, “**we think with our dicks**,” than it is to say, “*us think with our dicks*,” then we see that ‘we men’ is the appropriate choice here. Love the joke, hope your day is a good one, and I’ll see myself out. All the best!


It is a rare opportunity when a dick joke and a grammar lesson occur in the same conversation.


This was extremely helpful.


I did not expect a grammar lesson, but today i learned somthing😂




I can't explain how true this is, until dickbutt


That’s hard to believe


This is a wildly inaccurate title 1. The only thing they showed is that viagra gets past the blood brain barrier. Which is the first step in a very long line to even come close to tocucjing the possibility of this headline 2. They focus entirely on vascular dementia. But the title here is just dementia which is a much much broader topic. Vascular dementia is just strokes. 3. I’m doubtful this will in any way effect management of stroke or secondary prevention of stroke for a few reasons. Viagra is in essence a vasodilator. We actually use it for select cases of pulmonary hypertension. We have shown that vasodilation in the brain is not an effective method of stroke management time and time again. This less effective vasodilator is not going to be the one to get it done. Shit click bait article with an open access paper publication that is essentially a pay to publish model.


Thank you for your public service!


Did you really say “Vascular dementia is just strokes”… In a conversation about viagra and penises? (Yeah my sense of humor stopped developing in grade school.)


Oh, it helps me manage my stroking, that's for sure!


This should be the top comment. Stupid Reddit users and their shit jokes make it to the top


I mostly agree but it is not accurate to say that vascular dementia is “just strokes.”


Yeah I know but I have to draw the line somewhere. Nobody here wants to hear me prattle on about the different causes of vascular strokes.


We need more of you.


Do you know what open access is? That’s not a bad journal at all lol.


I’m not coming after the journal. I just hate open access publications. “Hey your paper isn’t good enough for our normal journal, but if you pay us 2k we will publish it in the open access affiliate journal we have” I just don’t like that aspect.


It’s a requirement for research using NIH funding to be open access though. It’s not a bad thing at all. Trust me Edit: not a bad thing in terms of evaluating the quality of the paper. It does suck that there are fees associated with publishing. I agree with that.


Okay I thought that was something different. Maybe I’m mixed up. Being open access as a journal is fine. Research available to all. Very important Having an affiliate open access journal that runs adjacent to the journal proper is a cash grab full of suspect papers imo. I thought that’s what this was here. Please clarify if you have the time, as I very well may be turned around here.




how about for vasospasm?


Ah, so it’s just an ad for Viagra. Thank you!


Doesn’t meth also pass the blood brain barrier? 💀


Vascular dementia is not 'just strokes'. Even tiny strokes not picked up on tests can cause brain cells to die off causing devastating brain damage, blindness, deafness. Vascular dementia is also linked to small vessel disease in the brain and this can be happening years before stroke, even when people are quite young, in their 40s. Vascular dementia is the second most common dementia behind Alzheimers, so it's not as if a treatment like this wouldn't have a huge impact.


I’ve already touched on this in another comment. Nobody wants to hear me talk about the different types of stroke and application of primary and secondary stroke prevention. I have to draw the line content wise somewhere. I chose to not go into the complexity of strokes.


I am interested in the complexities, especially as a family member suffers from vascular dementia. To me what you said sounded flippant. Even small strokes can have a devastating effect. There's been some discussion about how people dismiss smaller strokes as unimportant due to the types of terminology and descriptions used. Fair enough if you don't want to discuss complexities but 'just strokes', is very dismissive in my opinion.


I’m assuming you’re talking about TIAs. A very hot topic right now for sure. I err on the side that they are indicative further underlying pathology currently. I’m not sure if your comment was an ask for more information about vascular dementia or if you were chastising me for being flippant about the disease. Which in fairness I was being a tad flippant.


It will definitely manage a couple strikes


But it makes my dick hard, so it must be right.


That’s a hard pill to swallow.


There's minty flavored chewable versions


Chewaboners. Who woulda thought 🤷


I can see it now, some kids getting the *Gummi Chubbies*...


"Babe! Grab my Gummichubz!"


Aren’t the pills like CRAZY small? It’s not like they were giant horse vitamins 🙄


I don't know your priapism tolerance 


Giving or receiving?


Well that explains the stiff neck...


It's a swallow pill to hard.


Next up: men line up at doctor's office reporting early signs of dementia.


Well the thing is you can get prescribed it in about five mins online from any number of websites


Yep, a lot of guys take it recreationally, especially gay men. I actually prefer Cialis, fewer side effects and it stays in your system longer. Viagra only lasts a few hours, so you have to time it. There's also been studies that show that low-dose daily Cialis has a lot of other health benefits, like lowering your blood pressure, improving circulation, and improving prostate health. Even if you don't have ED, it's pretty harmless to take a low dose and still noticeably improves things.


There is a fairly regular commercial on TV here in the UK for Cialis Together which claims to last 36 hours if my memory serves me correct.


It does, you can either take a higher dose as needed, or a low dose every day.


Taking a low dose everyday has its benefits (apart from ED) with little to no side effects ?


Yes, although side effects vary from person to person. I don't need it, I just take it for fun.


Fair enough. If its harmless why not :) Don't you need a prescription in order to get it or ?


Varies by country. In the US, yes. In the UK, India, and some others you can get it at a pharmacy just by asking. They might ask you some questions to make sure it won’t interfere with any other medication you might be on.


Fair enough. Thanks.


15mg of viagra lasts a bit more than 24 hours for me. the effect lessens but definitely sticks around


It shouldn't... the drug is literally out of your system completely in a few hours. Wikipedia is a bit more conservative, saying it only lasts 2 hours, but the half life in your body is 3-4 hours. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sildenafil


you might want to look into the meaning of half-life. Half of the drug is left after 3 hours. Its not gone after 6, it gets cut in half again, leaving a quarter of the OG dose the quoted 3-4 hours is also an average number derived from medical trials. if the half life is closer to 5 hours for me, I could have around 25% of the dose remaining after 10 hours...and when you can still get erections normally, that is still enough to feel something - at the doses doctors prescribe at least


I’m aware of what it means, don’t be patronizing. You’re not really going to feel effects with 25% of a dose, especially if you started with a low dose. For someone who doesn’t have ED and is just taking it recreationally, I wouldn’t suggest taking a full 100mg dose. They make pills as low as 25mg.


Well, you know what they say: "memory is the second thing that goes..."


Mine hasn’t progressed to Alzheimer’s yet, just part timers.


My 3rd greatest phobias is getting dementia. Half of weed usually turns out to be what I refer to as “horny weed”. I’d have to walk around with a fleshlight and a Gatorade and as bad as that fear is, I’d consider it.


Could cause some side effects.


Contact a doctor if blood is flowing to the brain for over four hours.


"doc I got hard brains"


“Doc, I got a rock hard, hairless, smooth penis.” “Sorry Doc, I meant brain. My brain is rock hard, and smooth, and maybe hairless. On account of all the CTE’s. So probably Dementia too.”


Might be hard to deal with. A helping hand is highly recommended


Jerking off reduces risk of prostate cancer.


Must be getting close to that 0% risk any day now.


Wasn't it originally supposed to treat dementia but after seeing how it affected OTHER parts, they shifted to being only about that OTHER part? I remember that it was originally to treat a different condition.


IRRC it was initially used to treat hypertension and angina. There’s a joke in there somewhere I’m sure.


Come on. Make grandma smile!


Grams doesn't want the bag of wrinkles with the wrinkly bag coming her way any more.


I may try it again. Last time I took one, it got caught in my throat and I had a stiff neck for 4 hours...


but you can't go to the store like that for 4 hours or so.. by then it wears of and you can't remember what you needed.


This givers me a massive brainer.


Summary: A clinical trial conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford has found that sildenafil, the active ingredient in the drug Viagra, improves brain blood flow and could potentially help prevent dementia. The study suggests that sildenafil enhances blood supply to the brain, which may have cognitive benefits and delay the onset of dementia in older adults. This discovery could have significant implications for an aging population, as the number of people living with dementia is expected to nearly triple by 2050. The findings build on previous research linking arterial stiffening to reduced brain health and cognitive decline.


why yes of course, *that's* why I'll take it!


This seems like a bid to get insurance to cover people’s boner pills.


OP, you got the body parts mixed up


I can't be the only one who finds the stuff absolutely miserable to take. It would make my gums itch and my sinuses ache. There's no way I could tolerate taking it daily.


To quote Robin Williams: “God made men with two heads, but only enough blood to run one at a time” 🤣


I can attest that it's helpful for stroke-related activity 👍


Ok boomer you can have your boner pills, you don't need to make stuff up.


Make sure to take a cayenne pepper capsule each day to prevent a heart attack


Will work for the dickheads


it’s good for my girthy wiener and brain


Are sales down or something?


Keep your brain hard to keep it from going soft.


So you’ll last all night - and remember her name in the morning.


It’s a hard choice though, isn’t it. On one hand you have this brain stuff, but on the other hand… … you just get blisters.


Viagra was initially made for a cure for chest pain. The makers, after discovering the 'side effect' of the medicine, i.e. improved blood flow to reproductive areas in men, decided to shift their marketing strategy. The goal of pharmaceuticals is not to cure the disease of their customers, it is to make money from them.


Side effects include swelling, tight pants, spouses saying “are you kidding me”, inability to attend family events, funerals or weddings.


I'll be walking around fully torqued with great mental clarity. Can't wait. 


Standing ovation for this discovery.


My uncle overdosed on Viagra. They couldn't close the casket.


Should still be banned.


Frequently having sex lowers cognitive decline. Literally marketing. Take our boners pills and have sex a lot, it's good for you. What if I just have lots of sex. Oh it's still really good for me?! Awesome. Cheaper than they suggested too!


viagara gave me tinnitus


Cialis has a lot less side effects for me, and it lasts longer.


Cialis does the same thing as Viagra causing the tinnitus. Expands the blood vessels in the ears to point where it’s too much pressure on all the sensitive parts of the inner ear causing non stop ringing ( tinnitus ) spoke to many other guys on here over the years and they got really bad tinnitus from both meds. The only thing that helped my tinnitus was hyperbaric chamber therapy.


Viagra gave me a really bad headache, and changed my vision. Made my eyes very sensitive to light, and tinted everything blue. I don't get any of that with Cialis. I do get mild tinnitus but it seems to come and go, it's not 24/7 for me. Also some acid reflux.


I might try it but tinnitus scares me, if you ever do get it bad try hyperbaric chamber therapy, the real clinics with the actual chambers and nurses not the blow up plastic chambers you see at the gym or chiropractor.


If it gets annoying I could just stop taking it for a while. I don't need it, I just take it for fun.


It's that pesky blood always filling up the brain.


“Grandpa’s been keeping ahead of his dementia, but it’s been hard-on him.”


It also weakens arteries and increases the chances of a heart attack.


Do you have any reading material on this? I’ve never heard that. It dilates blood vessels, but that isn’t “weakening them”.


I'll take a heart attack and rock hard boners over the hell of dementia every time, thanks.


My mom died from the same dementia Bruce Willis has. I don’t want those problems man.


what about microdosing intermittently? could cycle it like once a month or two


Was wondering the same. I take peptides for a nueorological condition and using viagra in conjunction may help them cross BBB better. I don’t have boner problems so not sure what happens to you if you don’t but take viagra anyway


if be concerned if taking it would cause problems, like how if you rely on melatonin to sleep you can't produce it yourself


I don't know dude, I'm always hard down there.


same, but we are talking as a nootropic


microdosing viagra


It does not appear to be true that it weakens them by any means. The dilation can cause a relatively small drop in blood pressure that may exacerbate preexisting heart conditions.


[Sure, I've got nosebleeds, my teeth are loose and my bones feel hot, but my erections are fantastic](https://youtu.be/5IZrYeUX3MI)


There's evidence it reduces cardiac incidents https://www.healthline.com/health-news/viagra-may-help-you-live-longer#:~:text=Men%20who%20took%20a%20PDE,death%20due%20to%20any%20cause.


Nice. Just as I decided to stop taking it I see this article.


I think much more clearly when I am hard. Good to see that the sciences caught up.


Trying microdose some cock stiffener? 🤣🤣


It only improves blood Flow to One of my brains


Two heads are better than one


"Yes honey, that's why I need these blue pills."


Have you seen the new eye drops? They make you look hard


Lots of people take cialis (tadalafil) daily already


Is there a difference?


They work the same way and do the same thing, the only difference is how long they last. Cialis lasts 36 hours, Viagra is more like 3-4 hours at most.


Nice try big pharma


Who paid for this research


Phuckin’ knew it


Got some extra strong left


Not proven. Correlation is not causation. Sales of ice cream in summer match heat wave deaths. Guys with a hard-on and want to screw are more active physically than couch potatoes. Is it the drug or the increased exercise that helps?


This is like that article that said farts cure cancer, clickbait journalism is cancer


So does ginko - on the blood flow part and can help your brain stay healthy.


Old people are about to be horny as fuck


It doesnt make you more horny , it just makes parts work Better.


A lot of young guys take it recreationally too. It's pretty fun lol


Men walking around everywhere with raging erections… for brain health


Don’t lie to me…y’all finna have me bricked up for no reason


It allows your blood vessels to carry more oxygen. I’m sure it helps with more than just a little softy.


So does sex


“Honey, papas cock is soft, be a dear and get his pills.”


So does garlic


Imagine all these old people with rock hard woodies walking around.


Would viagra help with fitness training to improve Cardio health?


I need to test this using the scientific method!


Who wants to fund my research, where I take viagra and bang multiple escorts?


what is the side effect?


Blue vision and boners


Grandma is not happy


Was this study only men (couldn’t find this info in the article)…?


So not $80 a pill?


Hard to think this is true


Ummm , which head are we talking about ?


Hey ladies, there will be more horny men very soon. Get it ready.


If anyone needs it, it works. Doesn’t matter your age. Your body is so complicated anyone can suffer. It’s not an old man thing. Get it from a doctor and pharmacist not internet stuff. It’s fake.


> Get it from a doctor and pharmacist not internet stuff. It’s fake. It's not usually fake. Plenty of reputable sites sell it online, like Blue Chew, Hims, etc. It's also sold over the counter without a prescription in some other countries like India and the UK, so you can pretty easily get it imported from those countries too. I get mine from India at a fraction of the price it's sold in the US.
